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Continued from Page14
For Heier, she said there is a bond built with customers at SunShine Cafe Muncie, with the employees aware of what the customer wants.
“We’re very family-oriented … We’re really into customer service …,” Heier said. “We always want to make sure [our] customers are taken care of.”

Customers are what makes a business, Buck said. At SunShine Cafe Muncie, it’s not just repeat customers. He said they have parents bring in their kids, who then bring in their own kids. Buck referred to it as “amazing.” from living his life.

“The stabbing and all the shootings are horrific and scary,” Avila said. “But I mean, it’s just life in general. You get to choose every single day [if you are] going to go out and live life or [if you are] going to just continue living in fear. You should still step forward no matter what, and have your friends to protect you, but also you protect them back.”
Contact Maya Kim with comments at mayabeth. kim@bsu.edu or on Twitter @MayaKim03.
At one point, a customer near the door joyfully came up to Buck and shook his hand, with Buck recognizing the person and engaging in the exchange with the same enthusiasm.

“We’ve been here so long that a lot of the employees know a lot of the customers … and we will call them by their name, and they will call me by my name,” Buck said. “… It’s just knowing people, like that personal connection, you just don’t get that at a regular restaurant.”
Contact Elissa Maudlin with comments at editor@bsudailynews.com or on Twitter @ejmaudlin. Contact Angelica Gonzalez Morales with comments at agonzalezmor@bsu.edu or on Twitter @angelicag_1107.