6 minute read

hollow out the center of each cupcake. Fill the holes you’ve made in each cupcake with gold sprinkles


Evan Weaver Reporter

J. Chris Hager sat down with a reporter of The Ball State Daily News to answer questions about his new role at Ball State. Hager, the newlynamed associate director of student life, fi lls the role vacated since Kari Murphy stepped down from her position as director of Greek Life.

In his role, Hager will provide leadership and oversight to the fraternity and sorority community. This includes the three governing councils, 31 chapters and more than 1,900 members.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about yourself when you were a student?

A. I was a transfer student here. I came here because of the arts, really the journalism program, primarily looking at public relations and advertising. When I got here, I joined my Greek letter organization, which was Sigma Nu. I was active in the chapter for a few years, and I graduated with my bachelor’s and then I took a job with my national fraternity as a leadership consultant.

I did that for about a year and a half, and then I came back to Ball State to get my master’s in the Student Affairs administration and higher education program. I was on [Student Government Association], Cardinal Communications and [Public Relations Student Society of America] when I was an undergrad here. I was very heavily involved in my Greek organization as well as being involved in the Interfraternity Council, and I did Greek Week and was on [the] Greek Week Committee. The one thing that did not get selected for that I’m still a little bitter about was that I was not on the Homecoming Steering Committee. That was the one thing I really wanted to be part of but didn’t get selected for, but I did a lot when I was undergrad.


Being involved on campus kind of led me to this career and this profession. When I went off to go work for my national fraternity, part of being a consultant is that you meet with campus-based professionals. When I was having conversations with those professionals on different campuses, I was asking them about their career and how they ended up where they’re at. A lot of times, I was told, ‘You need to get a master’s’ ... that led me into looking at higher education programs and applying to different institutions. Ball State offered me a really good assistantship and a really good package for their master’s program, and I couldn’t turn it down, so I came back here.

Q. How did you fi rst become involved in Greek Life?

A. I was always a very involved student in high school. When I went off to college … I just couldn’t fi nd a natural fi t for a [Greek] chapter, but I did join a coed honor fraternity there called Phi Sigma Pi.

They were [a national honor fraternity] but did a lot of similar things that a lot of the social Greek letter organizations do. We had bigs and littles. We had social, philanthropic and service events, as well as fundraisers. When I transferred [to Ball State], I actually tried to get that organization started [here], but I was kind of steered to look at one of our social Greek letter organizations. That led me to Sigma Nu, and I ended up joining.

Q. You had previous positions like this at IUPUI, Stetson (Florida) and Troy (Alabama). Did you always know you wanted to come back to Ball State? When did you have that realization you wanted to come back? A. A few years ago, the associate director position was available, and I looked into applying for it before. But, at the time, I just didn’t feel like I was ready to come back [to Ball State]. I always knew it had to be when the time was right.

When this position [opened], I felt like the time had fi nally become right for me to come back to this institution. Looking at the leadership … I’d be serving under was a big piece of it as well. I feel like the leadership here now is going in a great direction, and I’m excited to come in, and be part of that and help push us into the future.

Q. What do you hope to accomplish in your role here?

A. The best way that I look at this is breaking it down by looking at months and years to come. Right now, it’s about making new connections on campus ... and reconnecting with some of those people who are still here at the institution from when I was here … Another thing is making connections with our chapters and getting to know about what their goals and desires are and how they align with the direction that we are going in with [Greek Life]. I was just having this conversation earlier about looking at the percentage of affiliated students on this campus, and … that number decreased a little bit, so I really want to work on turning that around and getting that percentage of affiliate students up.

I also want to work on leadership development. They’re wanting someone to come in and fi gure out how we interact and engage with future leaders and how we get them trained to be the community member we want them to be. We have a lot of great leadership programs already offered in this offi ce … Our desire is to build upstanding citizens to go out and impact and create change.

Q. What are some of your hobbies and interests? A. I love traveling ... and so I’m a little bit of an adventure seeker. I love going to amusement parks and riding the newest, tallest, fastest roller coasters that are out there. I love music and fi nding different types of music … I have Shazam on my phone, so if I hear something, I’m like, ‘Oh yeah.’ I Shazam it, so I remember it and then download it. Music is a big thing for me. I do a little bit of woodworking and restoration. I’ve done some projects where I’ve restored some furniture pieces, which is a hobby of mine. My wife and I are very big antiquers, and we like to go on random weekend adventures to fl ea markets and antique shops always trying to hunt for a special piece that we know would be a cool piece to our collection in our home.

To see the full interview, visit the Ball State Daily News website.

Contact Evan Weaver with comments at erweaver@bsu.edu or on Twitter at @evanweaver7.

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