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Media law professor says talk is gray area under Open Door Law STEPHENS NEWS EDITOR | CHRISTOPHER news@bsudailynews.com

Ball State’s decision to meet in private with lawmakers to discuss concerns about teaching intelligent design is raising questions with some students and professors. Dom Caristi, a professor of

telecommunications, said Indiana’s Open Door Law dictates how accessible official government meetings must be, as well as those involving state employees. He said Thursday’s planned meeting between lawmakers and university officials falls into a gray area within this code. Indiana code 5-14-1.5, called the Open Door Law, states that the official action of public agencies be conducted and taken openly. This is to ensure that people are able to fully be in-

formed, according to the code. However, when meetings are not directly discussing official code or if they are about a personnel matter, meetings can be closed to the public. A meeting can similarly receive exemption if people involved are not representing their constituent groups, such as a district’s population or a university’s students. “If they don’t represent [constituents], then it should be equivalent to going out to coffee,” Caristi said. “The question is ... do a few legislators talking to a few university of-

ficials represent a governing body?” He said the case could be made that Thursday’s meeting should be open to the public, per the code. The meeting regards concerns from four legislators who sent a letter to the university March 10. The four requested Ball State make more information public about the handling of accusations that professor Eric Hedin taught intelligent design in an honors colloquium.

See LAW, page 3

COACHING TURNOVER New system brings simplicity, ease as different players step into roles

KEVIN KELLY, Defensive coordinator



or Ball State football players, breaking down new defensive coordinator Kevin Kelly’s personality is simple. The former Georgetown head coach is “mellow,” until he steps onto the field. That’s when a focused, “fiery” competitor takes over. For now, Kelly is focused on getting his defense to play fast, physical football. Senior defensive end Nick Miles said Kelly’s new defensive scheme will allow players to concentrate on making plays. “It’s still complex enough so that we can do what we need to do,” he said. “It’s just helping us remember things a little easier and certain things that help us not think as much and just play football.” See DEFENSE, page 6


Coordinator’s brings life to offense with energy, hopes to continue success

JOEY LYNCH, Offensive coordinator



ollowing a first down in Friday’s spring football practice, a single voice yelling, “Yeah!” broke the otherwise quiet atmosphere. It wasn’t a player’s voice, it was first-year offensive coordinator Joey Lynch. His exuberant personality is new to the offense, and players are responding well. Former offensive coordinator Rich Skrosky was older and more reserved on the field than Lynch. “I do get excited, so you’ll see me jumping around more than he did,” Lynch said. “I’m a little bit younger than him.” Lynch is just 30, compared to Skrosky at age 49. Skrosky, who was named head coach of Elon University in December, led a record-breaking Ball State offense last season. See OFFENSE, page 6

Johnson A to finish by spring 1st remodel since 1969 costs $30.4M, will see 591 beds, bigger rooms KAITLIN LANGE CHIEF REPORTER | kllange@bsu.edu Despite this winter’s cold temperatures, construction on Johnson A Complex is on schedule to finish by next spring. Shiel Sexton Company Inc., an Indianapolis contractor, is currently remodeling the Botsford and Swinford halls. The university contracted the company in May 2013. Students will move in for Fall 2015, and there will be 591 beds, said Jim Lowe, director


of engineering and construction. Lowe said the project cost Ball State $30,442,000, money that comes from a reserve account for residence hall renovations built up over time from students’ room and board fees. Overall, Lowe thinks students will like the new building. “It’s really going to be a nice facility,” Lowe said. “When it’s complete, I’m anxious to see the comments that will come out about the view on the north end of the wings. It’s beautiful.” Before it was renovated, Johnson A was too outdated, he said. Finished in 1969, he said the restrooms weren’t very private and there was no air conditioning. The complex also had no auto-


RENOVATION $30,442,000

Was spent to renovate Johnson A Complex 591 BEDS

Will be available in the building 1969

Was when the building was finished FALL 2015

Will be when students can move in matic sprinkler system. “When you get to that point in the life of a building, it’s really time to just start over,” Lowe said. “[It’s time to] build it back the way students now, and for 1. CLOUDY


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the next 40 years or so, desire.” In the new building, the complex has rooms that are slightly bigger because the university tore out an exterior wall. The bathrooms are semiprivate and located closer to dorm rooms. In the old building, the middle section only connected the two outside wings on one floor. The building will now allow for the two to connect on each floor. The building will have air conditioning and a sprinkler system, as well. Lowe also said there will be a lounge area outside of Johnson A for students to study and socialize.

See JOHNSON, page 5

Trick your roommates, friends with these hilarious, easy pranks THE PULSE OF BALL STATE




Receive news updates on your phone for free by following @bsudailynews on Twitter. 6. RAIN

Happy April Fools’ Day THE PULSE OF BALL STATE




FORECAST TUESDAY  Scattered showers High: 60 Low: 48 9. SCATTERED SHOWERS


Scattered showers will start and end today. A rainy pattern will take hold for the remainder of the week. - Michael Behrens, WCRD chief weather forecaster 10. DRIZZLE

VOL. 93, ISSUE 105









WEDNESDAY Rain showers High: 54 Low: 40 08 - RAIN SHOWERS

THURSDAY Thunderstorms High: 58 Low: 48

3. OFFICER SHOVES PASSERBY IN ARIZONA TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Tucson’s police chief said Monday that he’s concerned an officer shoved a woman during a melee that broke out after the University of Arizona basketball team lost in the NCAA tournament, but that it’s too soon to judge why it happened. The unidentified woman has filed a complaint, which is being investigated by internal affairs, Chief Roberto Villasenor said, adding “that kind of force being used” is worrisome.

DETROIT (AP) — As the deaths are tallied from General Motors’ delayed recall of compact cars, one thing is becoming clear — of those killed, the majority were young. In a way, this isn’t surprising. Low-priced cars like the Chevrolet Cobalt and Saturn Ion were marketed to young, first-time buyers and parents shopping for their kids. Additionally, the faulty ignition switches behind the recall can shut off the engine while the car is in motion. When that happens, power-assisted steering and power brakes are lost, and the air bags won’t inflate in a crash. In such a situation, inexperienced drivers are more likely to panic and be overwhelmed by the extra effort needed to control the car, safety experts say. GM has linked 13 deaths to the problem. Others have a higher total, with the majority of victims under age 25. GM has known for at least a decade that the switches were defective. However, it didn’t start recalling 2.6 million until February.

The incident occurred after the game Saturday night as fans took to the streets and hurled beer bottles and firecrackers at officers, who responded with pepper spray to disperse the crowd. Police said 15 people were arrested, many of whom were university students. A bystander’s cellphone video shows an officer apparently shoving a woman passing by onto a bench. “There’s no question the young lady was shoved,” Villasenor said.


FRIDAY Rain showers High: 63 Low: 43 08 - RAIN SHOWERS

SATURDAY Mostly sunny High: 42 Low: 38 04 - MOSTLY SUNNY



DARRINGTON, Wash. (AP) — Estimated financial losses from the deadly Washington mudslide that has killed at least 24 people have reached $10 million, Gov. Jay Inslee said Monday in a letter asking the federal government for a major disaster declaration. In seeking additional federal help following one of the deadliest landslides in U.S. history, Inslee said about 30 families need assistance with housing and personal goods. The estimated losses

include nearly $7 million in structures and more than $3 million in their contents, Inslee’s letter said. The Snohomish County medical examiner’s office said Monday afternoon that it has received a total of 24 victims, 17 being positively identified. Previously, the official death toll was 21, with 15 victims identified. Authorities have said more than two dozen people remain missing following the March 22 slide northeast of Seattle.

2. DASH FOR HEALTH CARE PUTS SITE PAST LIMIT 5. OCEAN TRASH FRUSTRATES MH370 SEARCH WASHINGTON (AP) — In a flood of last-minute sign-ups, hundreds of thousands of Americans rushed to apply for health insurance Monday. But deadline day for President Barack Obama’s overhaul brought long, frustrating waits and a new onslaught of website ills. “This is like trying to find a parking spot at Wal-Mart on Dec. 23,” said Jason Stevenson while working with a Utah nonprofit group helping people enroll.

At times, more than 125,000 people were simultaneously using HealthCare. gov, straining it beyond its capacity. For long stretches Monday, applicants were shuttled to a virtual waiting room where they could leave an email address and be contacted later. Officials said the site had not crashed but was experiencing very heavy volume. The website, which was receiving 1.5 million visitors a day last week, had recorded about 1.6 million through 2 p.m.

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Sometimes, the object spotted in the water is a snarled fishing line, or a buoy, or something that might once have been the lid to an ice box. Not once — not yet at least — has it been a clue. Anticipation has repeatedly turned into frustration in the search for signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 as objects spotted from planes in a new search area west of Australia have turned out to be garbage.

It also points to wider problems in the world’s oceans. “It’s like a toilet bowl that swirls but doesn’t flush,” said Los Angeles captain Charles Moore, an environmental advocate credited with bringing attention to an ocean gyre between Hawaii and California known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which by some accounts is about the size of Texas. The world’s oceans have four more of these flotsam-collecting vortexes.


The Ball State Daily News (USPS-144360), the Ball State student newspaper, is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year and Monday and Thursday during summer sessions; zero days on breaks and holidays. The Daily News is supported in part by an allocation from the General Fund of the university and is available free to students at various points on campus. POSTAL BOX The Daily News offices are in AJ 278, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 473060481. Periodicals postage paid in Muncie, Ind. TO ADVERTISE Classified department 765-285-8247 Display department 765-285-8256 or 765-285-8246. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. TO SUBSCRIBE Call 765-285-8250 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Subscription rates: $75 for one year; $45 for one semester; $25 for summer subscription only. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Daily News, AJ 278, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. BACK ISSUES Stop by AJ 278 between noon and 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and afternoons Friday. All back issues are free and limited to two issues per person.


NEWS EDITOR Christopher Stephens ASST. NEWS EDITOR Ashley Dye

FEATURES EDITOR Bethannie Huffman 72HRS EDITOR Kourtney Cooper


ART DIRECTOR Amy Cavenaile GRAPHICS EDITOR Stephanie Redding

DESIGN EDITORS Daniel Brount Ellen Collier



24/7 Crossword



Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


By Michael Mepham

Level: MILD


ACROSS 1 Bart’s mom 6 Pooch in whodunits 10 Super-fast fliers, briefly 14 Multiple choice options 15 Tater 16 Poi base 17 City on Spain’s Southwestern coast 18 School semester 19 Some Neruda poems 20 Collegian’s specialty 23 Take home the trophy 24 ‘70s-’80s TV role for Robin Williams 25 Bawl out 28 Make illegal 29 “Love __ Madly”: Doors hit 30 Actor Wallach 31 “I __ sorry” 34 TV athletic award 37 Surgical beam 39 Retire 42 Practical joke

43 Prince William’s alma mater 44 Chooses, with “for” 45 Escape 46 Sound system part 48 Lid for a lad 50 Rio Grande city 52 City north of Pittsburgh 54 Tank or tee 57 Kitchen appliance 60 Turn over 62 Reagan secretary of state 63 Megastars 64 In excess of 65 Footwear insert 66 Former midsize Pontiac named for a native Mexican 67 Cancún cash 68 Tiff 69 Skeptical

DOWN 1 Colorful parrot 2 Counters with beads 3 Flying ‘50s film monster 4 Graph paper design 5 Itchy skin inflammation 6 Up and about 7 Bit of dust 8 Gang land 9 Look up to 10 Casual vodka order 11 Prepares for the cattle drive 12 Three, in Turin 13 Distress letters 21 “Water Lilies” painter Claude 22 Ranks below marquises 26 Fully attentive 27 Loses energy 28 Timely benefit 29 Source of a shot 31 Orchard tree 32 Work on a wall 33 Cattle drive concerns

35 Ladder lead-in 36 Greenhouse container 38 Physics particle 40 Decree in imperial Russia 41 Practical joke 47 Coffeehouse orders 49 Old reception aid 51 Last Olds made 52 Writer Jong 53 “Correctomundo!” 54 Govt. security 55 One with an unsettling look 56 Irritating 58 One may be on a woodpile 59 Wood-shaping tool 60 Badge bearer 61 One who succumbed to a serpent






Affordable Care Act targets young adults Web comedy show, low costs call on younger age group RACHEL PODNAR AND TORI LAY | news@bsudailynews.com HealthCare.gov had heavy traffic Monday in the final day for enrollment, with more than 125,000 people on the system at one time and roughly 7 million by the end of the day, The Associated Press reported. Nationally, 6 million people had signed up before the weekend, according to the AP, but the Obama administration has not said how many of those 6 million were previously uninsured. Millions are eligible for deadline extensions, whether because of missing information or website glitches. The government is accepting paper applications until Monday.

One provision of the law that directly affects college students is the part that enables people to stay on their parents’ coverage until age 26, said Larry Cistrelli, director of Risk Management at Ball State. According to the AP, 26 percent of those who selected plans during the first five months of enrollment were young adults between the ages of 18 and 34. That same age group makes up 40 percent of potential enrollees. Young adults are a targeted demographic because they are healthier than older people and having them pay into the system may help keep premiums down. President Barack Obama tried to appeal to young adults with his appearance on Zach Galifianakis’ webshow “Between Two Ferns.” Obama encouraged young adults to visit the health care exchange, stating they can find

coverage at a similar cost to a phone bill. Cistrelli said he has fielded some questions from students about the Affordable Care Act, but the university does not promote one insurance company above another. The Department of Finance, Risk Management, and Insurance sends out emails about health care to students, as well. “I’ve gotten a few calls [about the health insurance marketplace],” he said. “But unlike the navigators, our information is generally limited. [My office tells students] it’s out there, look at that as an option.” Ball State offers students a domestic health insurance plan through Collegiate Risk Management, but Cistrelli said less than 50 students are enrolled in the program. “There has been a gradual drop off [in enrollment of the program] as students were


The sign-up deadline for the Affordable Care Act was Monday, however the government will accept paper applications until next Monday.

savvy enough to look at other options and possibilities,” he said. “Students are consumers, if you do research you can find something less expensive or other options.” He said student health plans

N.M. police chief to unveil reforms following Sunday’s violent protest People rally against officers’ shootings, 23 fatal since 2010 | THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A day after a protest over Albuquerque police shootings devolved into violence, the city’s new police chief commended officers Monday for showing restraint and said he is about to unveil reforms that include changes to the embattled department’s recruiting process. Chief Gorden Eden spoke to reporters after more than 300 people took to the streets Sunday, calling for him and other city officials to resign. The protest turned violent that evening, when people began hunting down officers, throwing rocks and bottles and spitting on officers, he said. The chief said officials decided to disperse the crowd with tear gas after a man pulled out an AK-47, others blocked traffic by lying down on Interstate 25 and unruly crowds trapped people and officers in cars. Protesters also started attacking each other, impeded emergency crews and blocked the entrance to a hospital. There was only one minor injury, an officer who hurt his knee, Eden said. Four protesters were arrested during the

12-hour demonstration. Justin Elder, 24, followed the protest as a passenger in a car and held a sign that read, “APD: Dressed To Kill.” “That’s what this police force is about,” Elder said. Sunday’s protest and another last week were in response to the 37 shootings Albuquerque police have been involved in since 2010, 23 of them fatal, including the recent case of a homeless camper killed after he appeared to be surrendering. By comparison, police in the similarly sized cities of Denver and Oakland have been involved in fatal and non-fatal shootings, totaling 27 and 23, respectively. The U.S. Justice Department has been investigating the Albuquerque department for more than a year, looking into complaints of civil rights violations and allegations of excessive use of force. Eden, who has been on the job for a month, says he is working on reforming the department’s recruiting process. He says a “new recruiting philosophy” will be announced by early next week. An independent review of the department’s shootings nearly two years ago cited issues with officers being unable to de-escalate situations. It called for better screening to find candidates with problem-solving skills. Mayor Richard Berry said

N.M. PROTEST On Sunday, 300 people took to the streets of Albuquerque, N.M., calling for the police chief and other city officials to resign in response to 37 shootings since 2010, 23 of them fatal. The protest turned violent, causing police to use tear gas and block traffic. The one minor injury was a hurt knee of an officer. police have been working to find ways to quell run-ins with suspects and transparency has improved with the use of lapel cameras. A protester, Alexander Siderits, 23, said Sunday that he was participating because he was “fed up” with how police treat citizens. “It has reached a boiling point,” he said. “And people just can’t take it anymore.” Gov. Susana Martinez said Monday that she understands the public’s frustration but called on residents to remain calm while federal officials investigate. “Albuquerque is going through a tough time, and they’ll figure it out through the investigation,” the governor said. “We want confidence in the investigation, but I just don’t want to see anyone harmed.” Eden said the Sunday protest began peacefully near

police headquarters. But then crowd moved toward the University of New Mexico and became a “lawless” and “very angry mob.” He said protesters began hunting down officers who were staged remotely in case of emergency. “The crowd completely changed its mood, its tone,” Eden said. “It went from peaceful to a mob so mad that ... protesters said they were being harmed by other people in the group.” The protest was fueled by outrage over the March 16 shooting death of homeless camper James Boyd after a standoff. Ten days later, officers killed another man after they say he shot at them. On Friday, the FBI confirmed it had opened a criminal investigation into the Boyd shooting. The mayor’s office has received calls from outraged people, and Berry said city websites were subject to a “robust” cyberattack. A YouTube video emerged last week threatening retaliation for Boyd’s death. The video, which bore the logo of the computer hacking collective Anonymous, warned of a cyberattack on city websites and called for the protest. Albuquerque police said their site had been breached early Sunday afternoon, but it was back online by that evening.

LAW: SGA president hopes issues will be made public | CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Instead of releasing information, Ball State officials invited the legislators who authored the letter — Dennis Kruse, Senate Education Committee chair, Sen. Travis Holdman, Sen. Greg Walker and Rep. Jeffrey Thompson — to visit campus to discuss the matter in person. “My colleagues welcome this opportunity to meet with


Two students admitted to giving false information to The Daily News for an article published Thursday. The article, entitled “Making music and making amends,” featured an anecdote from Nick Abbott and Mary Kate Young, both senior musical theatre majors and performers in “The Music Man.” The two claimed to have been romantically involved prior to being leads in the musical. On Monday, however, Abbott and Young said they created the story as a joke for other members of the Department of Theatre and Dance. “I said Mary Kate and I had a two-year-long relationship, and that was not true. ... We didn’t mean to cause any trouble to The Daily News or the readers of The Daily News,” Abbott said. – STAFF REPORTS

you and discuss these important issues,” President Jo Ann Gora wrote in the letter to the legislators sent March 18. Three of the legislators have agreed to meet, said Joan Todd, a university spokesperson, though she wouldn’t release the names of the three. A representative for Kruse said it is too early to comment on a potential meeting or his feelings about making the meeting private.

Chloe Anagnos, Student Government Association president, said she understands the university’s decision to meet in private. However, she said she hopes the issues discussed will be made public after the meeting so students can know what actions the legislators and university officials took. “I am just curious to see what all goes on,” she said. “Hopefully, they will answer

some questions.” She also said the SGA executive board meets today and will most likely discuss what the board’s role in the meeting will be, if any. “Usually, anything the university is up to, we try to have our hands in,” she said. The SGA executive board could decide to post an online forum to more accurately judge student views on the controversy, she said.

like the one Ball State makes available were exempt from provisions of the Affordable Care Act, but some insurance companies are discontinuing such programs. As of now, Ball State will

still provide the program as a health care option for the next academic year, Cistrelli said. Other schools, like Indiana University, offer information to students through local volunteers that offer information about the Affordable Care Act. Pete Grogg, executive director of Indiana University Health Center, said the Affordable Care Act Volunteers of Monroe County supply health insurance information to the IU health center. “Usually, at the beginning of every semester, we have billing people talk to incoming students and international students,” Grogg said. “We have drop-in service and programs to figure out what insurance students can get.” Aimee Janssen-Robinson, Indiana State University associate director for wellness, said health care brochures are available in print and online at ISU.


Monday marked the start of Self-Injury and Suicide ONLINE Awareness Week. The Alive Campaign, a Ball State For a schedule of student organization, is hosting a week of events to the events, go to raise awareness about suicide prevention. bit.ly/PckxQR The organization is the only chapter of the original Alive Campaign based in Waco, Texas. It formed after a group of individuals noticed a need for more organizations on campuses to spread awareness after a friend died by suicide, said member Carmen Diaz. The Ball State chapter formed in 2008 when four students shared the same concern. The campaign members today consider themselves as part of a life appreciation organization. We want to give people a reason to believe in life,” Brandon Puszkiewicz, executive director of the group, said. “So [we] spread awareness and we think we can make a difference. It’s not just a campus problem but also a national problem.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in 2010 with 38,364 deaths. – DOMINIQUE STEWART


Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity will no longer require new members to go through a pledging process. The change in policy, called the True Gentleman Experience, comes after a Bloomberg News article named Sigma Alpha Epsilon, which has more than 240 chapters and 14,000 collegiate members nationwide, the “deadliest U.S. fraternity.” Bloomberg wrote that at least 10 deaths nationally since 2006 were linked to hazing or drugs at Sigma Alpha Epsilon-related events. “We know that that’s not what Sigma Alpha Epsilon is about,” said Brandon Weghorst, national associate executive director of communications for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Now, when a person receives a bid, he has four days to complete all the requirements for membership or to change his mind. Upon completion, local chapters are required to accept him as a member without any initiation or face closure. “This change will adopt a method, practice and policy that treats all members equally and fairly and strives for a continuous development of our members throughout their lives,” the national Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter said in a statement March 7. Ball State prohibits hazing and defines it as “any action taken which produces bodily harm or danger, mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, fright or ridicule.” Weghorst said the change was partially made as a way to go back to the original membership process and as a way to celebrate the fraternity’s 150th anniversary. “There was no one particular reason for the change, but we hope this change will result in less hazing,” he said. Ball State’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter refused to comment on the policy change. – TYLER JURANOVICH






B B urban games league Ball State’s Urban Games League has proved there is more to the realm of sports than just courts and balls by expanding students’ views of sports through the addition of a few unusual ones. ugl games: “Humans vs. Zombies”


Breaking stereotypes of unconventional sports

agorhir,” or DAG, began when a couple of college students, all reading “The Lord of the Rings,” wanted to reenact the battle scenes written in the book. The game has transformed throughout the years to a group of friends coming together to fight each other with swords, axes and spears, all of which have been padded and approved by the Urban Games League committee. This is in contrast to capture the flag and “Humans vs. Zombies,” which are Nerf-heavy sports. “[Dagorhir] takes more on your personal skill than your ability to purchase a very nice gun,” said Eric Goff, who is a


moderator for the game. People are allowed to make and bring their own weapons, but they must be checked out and pain tested by game administrators. Steven Ridge, a sophomore business education major, explains that a pain test is when a game moderator covers the back of their neck and back and take a soft, medium and hard hit by the weapon. If at any point the moderator says “ouch,” the weapon cannot be used for the game. “The No. 1 rule in all DAG Manual of Arms is safety first, safety first, safety first, “ Ridge said. The Manual of Arms is a detailed guide of the sport’s rules



and regulations. Common materials used to make weapons include open cell foam, cloth, nylon, duct tape and athletic tape. People tend to confuse DAG with Live Action Role Play, or LARP. While the group wouldn’t turn away someone interested in having a persona, a majority of the players don’t role-play. “DAG ranges from stick jocks, which is kind of like people who are just there to fight around with the swords ... and some groups lean one way or the other,” Ridge said. “But the great part about DAG is it’s right in the middle and you pick where you want to go.”

The game also is a workout. “Most people think DAG can’t be all that intensive,” Goff said. “I’m not going to lie — it’s a full body workout because you’ve got your runs, you have to do sprints. And people look at the foam swords, and yeah, they only weigh about 2 or 3 pounds, but you have to block someone swinging at you. There’s a lot of force behind them when they’re swinging at you, especially if you’ve got a shield.” The group tries different modes to keep the game fresh and interesting. They meet to play at 4 p.m. every Wednesday at Frog Baby.

weapons e u l b

Capture the Flag “4 Square” “World War III” for more info visit: bsu.edu/hvz

in their words

People think we are way more intense than we are, like you have to be really devoted and give all your time to these games. No, it’s pretty casual. DUSTIN BALDWIN, Capture the Flag administrator

I wish [people] didn’t associate us with a nerd stigma. These games are enjoyable for everybody. ERIC GOFF,

These are hit weapons under 36 inches. They are usually swords or axes.

campus warriors



A student competes in a round of “Dagorhir” on March 5 in front of the Whitinger Business Building. The Urban Games League organizes the event, the same organization responsible for “Humans vs. Zombies” and capture the flag.

a sophomore history, criminal justice major

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Students compete in a round of Dagorhir on March 5 on University Green.

These are stab only weapons, such as a dagger or a spear.


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These are the same as blue weapons, only they are longer than 36 inches and are two-handed.

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Students fight one another after a round of “Dagorhir” on March 5 on University Green. The Ball State Urban Games League hosts the game weekly.

These are projectile weapons that players can throw such as javelins or bow and arrows.

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JOHNSON: Workers avoid winter with enclosed wings


| CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The new building will be environmentally friendly, holding a silver rating by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, a company that recognizes buildings that are green. Ball State aims to meet LEED silver certification or higher in new construction, the university’s website says. Other buildings on campus with LEED certification are the David Letterman Communication and Media Building, Park Hall, DeHority Complex, Studebaker Hall East and the District Energy Station North. For the purpose of following the project schedule, Lowe said the university thinks about Johnson A in three separate parts. Wings A and C will house students while hall B will connect the two and house public areas. In order to work during the cold weather, construction workers made a schedule to enclose both the A and C wings. Lowe said those wings have necessities in place like walls, drywalls, restrooms, plumbing and fire protection.


Construction on Johnson A Complex will be complete by spring. The renovated building will feature slightly larger rooms, 591 beds and semiprivate bathrooms. The two wings also will connect on each floor.

“They literally took the weather out of the equation,” he said. “The contractor has done a truly wonderful job maintaining the schedule.”

The middle section is being worked on more during the warmer months. Hargrave said there is currently no construction plan for

Johnson B Complex in place. However, Lowe said the university plans to remodel Johnson B Complex after students occupy Johnson A.

DN Classifieds AJ 276 Muncie, IN 47306 Phone: 765.285.8247 Fax: 765.285.8248

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A new film depicting the lives of discriminated people in India will show on campus tonight. The South Asia Center’s CapAsia program, the Departments of Sociology and History and Freshman Connections will host the screening of “Birth 1871: History, the State, and the Arts of Denotified Tribes of India” at 7 p.m. in Burkhardt Building Room 100. Dakxin Bajrange Chhara, a multimedia producer who creates educational films and theater, directed the film. “I wanted to document the formal and informal history of my community and of the denotified DOCUMENTARY tribals,” he said. WHAT According to the press re“Birth 1871,” lease, the film depicts the world free film showing of hereditary crime. Police and WHEN society have criminalized and 7 p.m. discriminated against these deWHERE notified groups, which includes Burkhardt Building entertainers, travelers, trades folk Room 100 and nomads. Professor Nihal Perera, director of the CapAsia program, said he met Chhara in 2009 during his sabbatical, where he taught urban planning at a university near Chharanagar, a town in India. In 2011, Perera said he worked with the director on a community project with 15 Ball State students to engage in urban development of the town as part of academic project. There have been screenings of the film in other parts of the country. Chhara said some Indian American audiences were shocked about the discrimination still occurring in India.

2713 Beckett. 4 bdrm, 2 ba. 2 car gar. $295/person + utils. Aug.-Aug. Lease. Quiet area, lots of parking Call 765-254-9992 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba. W/D hookup, lg living space. 524 Alameda. $675 + utils 765-730-3029

4 Lg bdrms, 2 baths. 824 W. Beechwood. Behind SAE. C/A, D/W, W/D. Call 286-1943 4, 5, or 6 bdrm. $300/ea. all utils includ. lrg. ba., W/D, off st prkg, 501 N. Alameda. (765) 744-8269. 5 Bdrm. 1.5 Ba. 1428 W. Gilbert. Close to village. W/D bsmt, Off-srt prkg. Call 286-1943 Great location, 1308 Abbott May to May lease, 3 bdrm 1 ba, 2 car garage, A/C. 765-254-9992

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Great location, 1312 Abbott, 5 Bedroom, 2 bath, C/A, $290/per + utilities, Aug-Aug lease. Call 765-254-9992

3 or 4 bdr C/A, C/H ,W/D + Utils. Ball Ave 4 blks from Bethel Aug 1st. 765-289-3971

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Nicest houses on campus. Many extras. Even a 6 bdrm. Also student parking available. Call 286-5216. Village area 4 bdrm house, newly remodeled 1413 W. University $1400 a month, Call Asset Management 281-9000

Visit us online Today’s birthday (4-1-14) ___ (c) 2007, Tribune Media Services Inc. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

This year sparkles with creativity. Happiness is the name of the game. Romance and partnership bloom after the lunar eclipse in Libra (4/15). Finances grow all year, especially blossoming after late spring. Launch a fruitful collaboration into the spotlight this autumn (after the Aries lunar and Scorpio solar eclipses, 10/8 and 10/23). Study what you love, and thrive.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 7. The next two days could get quite profitable, although it’s not a good time to expand or risk. Finish a job before going out. A disagreement at home could tangle things. An idea in theory doesn’t work in practice. Review plans and instructions.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today is a 7. You have more friends than you realized. Together, you share goals to realize a vision. A new trick won’t work. Don’t take financial risks. You’ll be more analytical for the next few days, with help from a technical friend. Let the group find the solution.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 6. Don’t let a windfall evaporate, or follow a hunch blindly. There could be a disagreement over style. Keep your eyes open, and research options. Review your reserves over the next two days. Consider the consequences before making a move. Put in some sweat equity.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 7. You’re getting stronger and more confident. Inspire, rather than demanding. Listen to a good coach. Today and tomorrow could get active, and fun. Don’t dig into savings. The competition’s fierce. Admit the truth to a critic. It’s not about winning... but playing the game.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 6. Take on new responsibilities today and tomorrow. Consider all possibilities. Choose reality over fantasy. It’s a miserable time to gamble. Stand outside the controversy as much as possible. Obligations interfere with fun. Remember your manners, and ask for assistance. Schedule, delegate and make it work.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is a 6. Lean on a gentle partner for the next few days. Keep a treasure hidden, even from friends. Accept an offer of assistance. Work on your assignments. Share results. Be gracious with someone inconsiderate. Consider all possibilities, before choosing your direction.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 7. Financial success fuels optimism. Nonetheless, slow down and contemplate. Let yourself get retrospective today and tomorrow. Things are getting stirred up at your place. Controversy arises. Keep confidences. Start with organizing closets and workspaces. Work interferes with playtime... take extra time off later.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 6. Your luck’s shifting for the better again. Play ball! Investigate possibilities to take new ground over the next two days. Postpone household projects until after your deadline. An expensive option may not be the best. Fantasy and fact clash. Put agreements in writing.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 7. Put your heads together. Start by learning the rules. Don’t advance... simply maintain position. Work goes smoothly today and tomorrow. Re-assure someone who’s flustered. A disappointment could disrupt the action. Profit from meticulous service. Your cool compassion gives another ease.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 6. A barrier diminishes. Use your connections to push forward. It’s not a good time to travel, though. Come up with creative and unusual ideas for style and beauty. Have fun without over-extending. You have less energy than expected. A quiet night at home refreshes. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7. Neatness counts double for the next couple of days. Take it slow, and review work before finalizing. Personal comfort must be considered. A repair at home or a family situation demands attention. Postpone an outing, and authorize improvements. Don’t expand too rapidly. Easy does it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 5. Get lost in your studies and work. Prepare your position. There’s a test or deadline ahead, taking precedence. Squirrel away nuts for winter anyway. A little bit here and there adds up. Exercise and nature clear your mind and restore your energy.



TODAY Follow the Ball State baseball team as it comes back home to Ball Diamond to face Indiana Tech at 3 p.m.

The Ball State softball team heads to South Bend to battle Notre Dame in a nonconference matchup at 4 p.m.

FRIDAY A trip west is in store for the Ball State men’s volleyball team when they take on Grand Canyon at 9 p.m.

Strong rebound after loss DEFENSE: Leadership necessary as youth takes over several important positions provides coach confidence | CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1



Grinding out wins has become a common occurrence for the Ball State baseball team. En route to a 18-9 start, the offense and defense have taken turns controlling play and bringing the team to victory. In the Cardinals’ first 28 games, there were 10 occasions where the offense pushed across six runs or more, and there were 13 outings where the team managed four runs or less. Before the season began, head coach Rich Maloney believed if his squad could average six runs a game they would find themselves with the opportunity to win their fair share of games. Maloney does not believe that high scoring affairs are the only way his team can earn victories. “The guys are a team,” Maloney said. “They have rebounded from some times where we had some tough challenges. ... It says a lot about their character.” The Cardinals character was once again put to the test last weekend in the first match up against the Bulls. Ball State squandered seven run leads on two separate occasions and eventually fell 13-14 to its conference rival. The loss was the first for Ball State in conference play, and left Maloney wondering how his team would respond

Miles said he is enjoying the team’s new mindset on the field. It’s a little less mental, and a little more physical. But not that much has changed since the team hired Kelly to replace former defensive coordinator Jay Bateman. Since the winter, when Kelly was studying film of the team, he knew he was bound for a comfortable coaching situation. He knew the team’s current personnel and style of play wasn’t broken. “Philosophically, we’re still on the same page as we were with Coach Bateman. He did a great job with these guys,” Kelly said. “The thing I was most impressed with when I got here was the culture. Guys do what they’re supposed to and have the right attitudes.”

the defense expects a smooth transition. The excitement Kelly brings to the field could be as much a factor as anything. It brings an added motivation for players. Miles said Kelly often yells things like “tough football.” “We like that though,” Jones said. “That gets us fired up and motivated to play harder.” That’s all Kelly wants to accomplish in the early stages of his Ball State coaching tenure — getting guys to fly around the field and make plays. After all, players aren’t the only people who want a win. “I’m just a competitor,” Kelly said. “When I get out on the field, I want guys to do good on defense; it’s an emotional side of the ball. You have to play with intensity. If the leader’s not intense, I don’t think the group is going to follow suit.”

could also come to me.” Lynch, a former Ball State quarterback, now gets four new quarterbacks to mentor in his young coaching career. The four quarterbacks, Kyle Kamman, Ozzie Mann, Jack Milas and David Morrison, have a combined 10 pass attempts between them. “We’re all starting over,” Lynch said. “You come in, and a kid has been starting for two or three years, you might change verbiage or techniques or something, you don’t want to screw him up.” Lynch said he doesn’t want to change a lot with the team. He’s been in the same offensive system for three seasons now. “I wouldn’t say a lot has been different,” Edwards said of the switch. “We’re using the same concepts and the same schemes. It’s just a different style of coaching.”

With a four-person question mark at quarterback this season, Edwards looks to be the focal point of the offense. He rushed for 1,110 yards and 14 touchdowns last season. Edwards also broke the Ball State record for most rushing touchdowns in a career with 39. He is within 700 yards of the career yardage record of 4,002. Lynch doesn’t see the core concepts of the offense changing, despite the major changes to the makeup of the team. Ball State’s starting quarterback, tight end and three of the top four wide receivers all left after the season ended. “I like how we communicate and how we talk as an offense,” Lynch said. “Your personnel might be a little different, so you might look a little different. ... Whether you’re a passing team or a running team, that’s all dependant on personnel.”

OFFENSE: Prior experience aids transition



Right-handed pitcher Scott Baker throws a pitch in the game against Morehead State last season. The baseball team will play their next game of the season against Indiana Tech on Friday at 3 p.m.

in the next match up. Ball State’s ace Scott Baker quickly put any thoughts of doubt to rest, as the senior commanded his pitches and allowed Buffalo to score only two runs on four hits while pitching the full nine innings. “[Baker] gave us a big lift when we had to have it,” Ma-

loney said. “We lost a very difficult [game one], and it was hard on all of us. ... Baker’s sterling performance really set the ship right. That’s what a leader needs to do, and that’s what a former MAC pitcher of the year needs to do and he answered the bell when we had to have it.”


For fans following the men’s volleyball team, it seems like the perfect time to be nervous. Ball State lost in comeback fashion to Loyola and Lewis last week, after blowing 2-0 leads in each. The Cardinals dropped to 0-4 against those teams for the season, team’s they’ll likely have to face in the postseason. But this is no time to hit the panic button — not when looking deeper inside the box score. Lost in the disbelief that Ball State squandered two potential wins against top Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association teams, it’s easy to forget Ball State was actually winning those matches 2-0. It isn’t a matter of Ball State losing because of a talent differential. Teams can’t take a 2-0 lead on dangerous squads like Loyola and Lewis unless

Kelly believes the players he inherited will be able to make the jump to next season without missing a beat, even though they’ll be missing five starters. Miles is the defensive line’s sole returning starter. The team also loses a starting linebacker and cornerback from last season. Senior safety Brian Jones said though things are still shaky at this point in spring practice, he’s excited to lead the young group. “I’m one of the older guys and I’ve played a bunch,” he said. “I kind of put it on my shoulders to help those guys, because at the end of the day, we’re going to need them when it’s game time.” Between Jones’ leadership, Kelly’s simplified defense, and some of that fiery personality,

the talent is there. Through the first two sets against Lewis, Ball State was hitting .362. Matt Leske and Matt Sutherland had a combined 27 attacks and were both hitting above .400. The team had a staggering 16.5 blocks. Lewis made adjustments, mainly pulling Greg Petty and funneling the offense through Geoff Powell. The adjustments made by Ball State were largely unsuccessful, as they failed to slow down the Lewis offense. Ball State even led the fifth set 12-10 and had Lewis on the ropes before Powell stole momentum and the match. The Cardinals were just three points away from winning. Against Loyola, Ball State dropped the fourth set by three and the fifth set by just two. Those aren’t blowouts.

They’re nail biters in which the outcome could be changed by one adjustment, or a couple of lucky bounces. It wasn’t as if Ball State head coach Joel Walton wasn’t trying to make adjustments. Walton continuously rotated Larry Wrather and Sutherland in and out depending on the situation, citing Wrather’s serving ability. The loss puts Lewis in second place in the MIVA and means if Ball State finishes third, the team would have to go on the road in the MIVA semifinal, assuming Loyola, Lewis and Ball State all advance. The two losses make the road to a conference championship harder, but not impossible. Ball State proved it has the ability to travel to Loyola and put the Ramblers on the brink of defeat. Now it just has to take the final step and finish off opponents. Ball State will likely get a chance to redeem itself against those teams in the MIVA Tournament. The team isn’t panicking, and fans shouldn’t either.

Ball State led the Mid-American Conference in average passing yardage per game with 324 yards. It was second in the MAC with 38.5 points per game. Lynch was officially named offensive coordinator in January, before the team played in the GoDaddy Bowl. Prior to being named offensive coordinator, Lynch was the tight ends’ coach for Ball State, so he is familiar with the offense. Junior running back Jahwan Edwards is accustomed with Lynch, too. Edwards looks forward to potentially catching more from the backfield next season, an idea he had only jokingly presented to Lynch. “I used to say, ‘What’s up coach? Let me play some tight end.’” Edwards said. “If I needed anything I could call him. He

April 1 at 7 p.m. | AJ 175


Apocalyptic Preparedness Why do we love movies and TV shows about the “zombie apocalypse?”

What does society’s interest in zombie outbreaks reveal about our culture? Acclaimed media and technology scholar Eric King Watts examines these issues and more.

Eric King Watts



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