Final zonta international a4 nov 2014 newsletter

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District 11 – Area 4 Volume 1, Issue 1

November 2014

Message from Area 4 Director

Celebration for Newly Chartered Club in Orlando on November 8, 2014 Area 4 Director Brenda T. Anthony Greetings! As I begin my tenure as the Area 4 Director, I wish to reach out to you in the hope that we can communicate to share ideas and information about our individual club activities for the betterment and efficiency of getting the work of Zonta International accomplished. The newsletter will also allow us to plan networking activities and have a document that we can use to attract new members to our organization. I look forward to traveling around Area 4 and becoming familiar with the work that the various local clubs are doing. We have so much to learn from each other. In addition to posting your events and activities on your club website, please have the club communications unit submit information to me for the quarterly and end-of-year “summary of activities” continued on page 2




Director’s message / Welcome Orlando Club / Update on AE Fellows


UN committee news and activism information


Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events / Want Ad


ZI Centennial Anniversary Information


ZI Centennial Anniversary Information ZI District 11-Area 4

The Area 4 Zonta Club of Greater Orlando was chartered on July 31, 2014 and will celebrate its achievement at 12:00 noon on November 8, 2014 at the Maitland Presbyterian Church; 341 North Orlando Avenue; Maitland, Florida. By now, you should have sent your $30, designated your salmon or chicken selection and send your RSVP to Jill Bolander Cohen at 407-620-2674. Note: Clubs are invited to ‘revive’ the tradition of sending congratulations, and if feasible, including a monetary gift to help fund the new club’s account. Mail to: Jill Bolander Cohen (President) at 516 Bison Circle, Apopka FL, 32712

Update on Area 4 Amelia Earhart Fellows Two FAMU-FSU College of Engineering PhD candidates (Puja Upadhyay and Jin Yan) were each awarded $10,000 Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowships at the Zonta Club of Tallahassee (ZCT) May, 2014 end-of-year meeting. We recently learned they have received their checks, their research is going well and they are getting prepared to present at an Aerospace sciences meeting in Kissimmee, Florida in January. Their anticipated graduation date is December, 2016. Information about the ladies, their project and this prestigious award is posted on the District 11 website.

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newsletters. ( The “Save the Date” Calendar also indicates the due dates for club submissions for the Area 4 Calendar. I would love to showcase and share your activities and accomplishments with other Area 4 clubs. You’ve received this e-newsletter because you are in the District 11 direct email subscriptions database. If you learn that a club member did not receive the enewsletter, please have them send their email address; first name; last name; club name; and club area designation to me. I will compile the listing of Area 4 missing information and forward it to the district database contact.

Be Informed – Be Active! All the best,

Brenda U.N. Committee News Items and Suggestions for Activism 16 Days of Activism (November 25 to December 10) In planning events for the 16 Days of Activism (November 25 to December 10), keep in mind this year’s theme: Gender Based Violence. In the United States, we have had numerous news stories that make this a particularly relevant theme. Rutgers University has made a great 2- page brochure to help guide you in preparing local events.

( If you have other Zonta clubs nearby, consider partnering with them and/or partnering with other area women’s clubs. Getting media attention is often easier if the cause doesn’t look like a one-time, one-place occurrence. Working as a team in preparing written material, developing t-shirts or even having an area – wide event can be a great experience. What helps one woman helps all women and the entire community.

ZI District 11-Area 4

Visual Materials Select a Zonta says No! banner from or from http//, the EAA (Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit), and send them to TV and print media. Ask them to run the PSAs and post the widgets to run along the banner at the bottom of TV news programs and place the information in a box on a front page of print media. State and National Parks, recreation areas, highway rest areas, as well bus, train, boat, plane, and healthcare facilities such as physician and free clinics are also suggested places to post the hotline numbers. Create 3x5 laminated hotline cards to post in appropriate locations. Create PSA digital billboards and ask a billboard company to slot the design pro bono as a PSA in unrented slots. Hold an unveiling activity with community and victim service provider leaders. Hold community dialogues or survivor roundtables. Invite law enforcement, government agencies and victim service providers. Select a video from the links below, hold a screening /dialogue of Lavinia Masters advocating to end the backlog of rape kits, and post a video to your Club web site. Ask Lavinia to be a keynote speaker at a frontline event in your community.

Direct Communication Call a lunch editorial meeting with media news editors, to assess community awareness, needs and offer Zonta services such as commentaries, blogs, social media and an advisory panel. Form a speaker’s bureau and schedule presentations to County, City and Town government boards, Rotaries, Lions Clubs, Garden Clubs, Zonta beneficiary organizations , schools, colleges universities, state and local law enforcement, / 2

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Current postcard campaign: advocacy groups and faith-based organizations. Review your legislation / laws, with a lawyer, and identify the gaps and amendment needs. Many laws are outdated or incomplete. Speak with judges and prosecutors, and draft a Situation Brief. Meet with your State legislators and give them the Brief. Ask them to introduce the selected or highlighted amendments.

Zonta Advocacy Toolkits Zonta International asks us to surround our Advocacy around the Zonta says No! Campaign once again but with greater intensity. Each Club should participate in at least one activity during the November 25th to December 10th timeframe. View the Zonta International’s Zonta says No! web page and the Advocacy section of Zonta International’s web page for advocacy toolkits and news, resolution, letter templates, and a link to your Congressional legislators.

Zonta D11 Advocacy Committee Betty Houbion, Chair Paulette Kevlin Kathy Williams

Sponsored by the Zonta Club of Tallahassee Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Time: 10:30 A.M. Place: FSU College of Law Rotunda & Green 425 W. Jefferson Street; Tallahassee, FL Legions of your friends and colleagues will unite at 10:30 A.M. December 2nd at the FSU College of Law Rotunda & Green to mark 16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women and to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Violence against Women Act. As a community leader, your voice is important! If you are a woman – or a father, brother, son, nephew, partner or spouse of a woman you care about, show your support and join us December 2nd!

Area 2 Amelia Earhart Fellow Presentation; January 25, 2015 On Saturday, January 24, 2015, Saturday: The Zonta Franklin Club will present Amelia Earhart Fellow Fanny Besem of Duke University with her Wings & Certificate. The program will take place at the Macon Co. Airport. Peggy Milton c/o Franklin Aviation 1241 Airport Rd, Franklin, NC 28734 Area 4 recognized at District 11 Dinner Zonta International Convention – June 2014

U.N. Commission on the Status of Women; March 9 – 20, 2015 You should begin planning for the annual U.N. Commission on the Status of Women event in New York City. This exciting and informative conference (

ZI District 11-Area 4

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runs from March 9--20, 2015. During this time, workshops and parallel events are held in 5 different locations around in the city. You do not have to register for the parallel events which are sponsored by countries, women’s groups, etc. from around the world. There is no charge for the parallel events. 2015 is the 20th anniversary of the Beijing conference and an evaluation of how far we’ve come and how far we have to go will be the focus of the conference.

Here’s the link for the entire Beijing20 movement and CSW in 2015 ( Nola Theiss

Vice Area 4 Director needed to promote the objects and programs of Zonta International Responsibilities of the Vice Area Director:

Assists the area director to perform the duties in the area. Assumes the responsibilities of the area director in her absence or inability to serve. A vice area director shall meet the same qualifications as the area director (shall have served at least one (1) year as club president; shall have served two (2) years in an elected club office and/or have been a district committee chairman). In the absence or inability of the area director, the vice area director shall perform the duties of the area director and shall be entitled to a vote on the district board or at a conference. Performs other duties as assigned by the district.(Membership and ZI Foundation) The district shall determine additional rights and responsibilities of the vice area director.

Plan to attend the District 11 Conference; October 9 – 11, 2015 From Friday, October 9 – Sunday, October 11, 2015, the District 11 Conference will be hosted by The Zonta Club of Greater Miami in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, at the Embassy Suites Hotel. After arriving Friday, October 9th, meetings will take place Saturday and half day Sunday. Nightly rates are $134 for a 2 double bed (or king) suite, all including hide-a-bed. The hotel is in a fantastic location: 2 miles from the Airport, close to downtown, nearby the beach, and surrounded by over 40 shops and restaurants within walking distance. Ernestine Davis, Conference Chair

Event Start 11/8/2014

Event End 11/8/2014

If you would like to be considered for the District 11 Leadership Team, contact Karen ( and Brenda ( ).

Save the Date Items Orlando Club Chartering Ceremony


Amelia Earhart Fellowship Applications Due


International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women



16 Days of Activism, Zonta Says No



Zonta Centennial Anniversary Information Due

4/11/2015 6/12/2015 10/9/2015

ZI District 11-Area 4


Area 4 Club News Due to Area 4 Director


Area 4 Meeting in Tampa, FL


Area 4 Club News Due to Area 4 Director


North America Inter-district Meeting in Minneapolis, MN


Area 4 Club News Due to Area 4 Director


District 11 Conference – Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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View the link to the ZI club Tools area additional with information about the Centennial Anniversary Information View the YouTube Seven minute video for district 9 on how to collect and store information

Dear District 11 Club Historians and Presidents, In 2019 Zonta International will be celebrating its 100th birthday! The ZI Centennial Committee has already been hard at work for more than two years to insure that our history is well captured. Each club has been asked to provide its own history and then each district will use these to compile its history and then these will be incorporated into the ZI history. We need EACH CLUB to provide a ONE PAGE history by the NOVEMBER 1 deadline. There are three documents on the website that will give you guidelines for doing this. Visit: EMAIL your club history to the district website at: and to the committee at when you have completed it. Any questions or concerns can also be sent to me there. The page for Club Histories on the District website is here: Donna West District Historian

ZI District 11-Area 4


Hello Brenda! Many thanks for your email.

The extended date for the District Historian to receive the club histories in brief is now 31 December 2014. The Centennial Anniversary Committee is hoping that, if your Historian Donna West has a sufficiently comprehensive update from Clubs in every area in District 11, she will submit it to Governor Karen Pati by January 11 in time for Karen's report to comply with the deadline given by the ZI Board.

This was the 10/31/2014 reply to me in reference to the November 1, 2014 due date for the club’s history information. Let’s do our part to make this revised due date.

Our Committee has requested receiving a report from Donna by 31 January 2015 at the latest, so that we can review overall activity in our Zonta Districts worldwide. May I suggest that if clubs in your Area are having difficulties with the project or process, they look at the CAC Tools on the ZI website, as there are examples which they may find helpful. We have not provided a template, as we thought examples were more beneficial. I hope that the information regarding the deadline, and availability of assistance via the website, will be what you need for your newsletter. Respectfully and with warmest regards, V PIPVal, CAC Chairman Val Sarah, AM, DSJ 1/6 Parker Street, Lake Wendouree Victoria, Australia 3350 Phone +61 3 5332 4824 email:

Let’s work in teams to learn more about our great organization, enhance our knowledge of how to record archival history and support our District Governor, Karen, with this important project. ---Brenda Anthony

ZI District 11-Area 4


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