19 minute read

Our COVID-19 Response Succeeding during the pandemic & thriving beyond

by: Wayne Outlaw, Outlaw Group Inc.

We all know the COVID-19 Marketing Strategies — Based on Future Revenue Projections Planned Utilization pandemic has had a tremendous impact on us Displayed by those who project an increase or decrease in revenue Increase* Decrease* both personally and in our busiDevelop or enhance your email program to reach more people 75% 40.74% nesses. Social distancing, wearing Improve your website attraction & capturing of leads 58.33% 51.85% masks and limiting contact has Engage more fully in social media 58.33% 66.67% made it feel as if there is a barrier Improve the quality & content of marketing emails to increase response 50% 42.59% between us and other people. This Enhance marketing materials with higher-quality content 41.67% 42.59% barrier has had a tremendous imEstablish targets for email touches by salespeople 33.33% 33.33% pact on the way we do business. Additional blog posts or white papers 25% 33.33%

While we initially thought it might be a couple of months or a Develop a way to identify & stay connected to those who visit the website 25% 31.48% short hiatus, it has evolved into Require a level of activity of salespeople on LinkedIn 25% 25.93% what feels like an endless series Increase advertisements in the local media 16.67% 9.26% of dramatic changes and unprecStart or increase online ads 16.67% 11.11% edented challenges to the way we Sponsorship of organizations or events 16.67% 9.26% do business. The shift to remote Provide a specific call to action on each page of the website 8.33% 9.26% work and embracing routine use Other 8.33% 14.81% of video technology has created a seismic shift in the way we inter* Percentage of survey respondents who are implementing (or plan to implement) each strategy, segmented by whether they project an increase or decrease in revenue in the next six to 12 months. act with others and do business. Those who see changes and focus only on short-term stratebe a result of many small events over a period of time. If an gies to cope with reduced revenue and restrictions to faceorganization has not been responsive to the evolutionary to-face contact are missing the real impact. changes that have been occurring, an event like the pan

Those who recognize the significant shifts or changes in demic can be catastrophic. Those organizations that have the way we do business and respond correctly will thrive not perceived a need for change and responded effectively and succeed. These changes make it imperative to develop will have an even greater demand to make the changes innovative sales and marketing processes, improved pricneeded to succeed today and thrive tomorrow. ing structures that recognize the true value and, very imIn 2003, we interviewed dealers and conducted a survey as portantly, more effective ways to ensure highly competent the basis for an article in Office Technology magazine entitled people are in every position. Those who focus only on ad“Early Adopter or Procrastinator? Which One Are You?” The dressing revenue decline through short-term strategies focus was on the slow adaptation and lack of change among like reducing expenses or adding short-term supplemental dealerships to sell connected systems. The article’s focus was products without making significant improvements and adon how many dealerships had not embraced integrating prodjustments will pay a heavy price in the long run. ucts into their customers’ networks and the need to be full partners in their information technology systems. It highlightChange ed the price of failing to change and adapt to the conditions in

Change does not have to be initiated by a major event the future. Many dealers had been very successful in the past such as 9/11 or the pandemic we are dealing with now. It can selling standalone units and were reluctant to move away


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from their “tried-and-true” approaches, unforgiving and cruel to those who are not even though indications pointed to the We must be open to insightful about customer needs and agneed to embrace change. Are there any change and commit to ile in reacting to them. While yesterday’s practices that you are comfortable with and reluctant to give up even though they may not be working as well as before? identifying, adapting and embracing innovative approaches may have been right then, those approaches may not yield success in today’s and tomorrow’s marketplaces.

While new technology and innovative new methods, even if The essential questions to ask today are: products create a need for change, that they are not considered “What do you need to do and how well do change is relatively slow to occur and “tried and true” ... you need to do it to ensure future success?” allows ample time for adaptation. The For this article, Outlaw Group interchanges required by a dramatic event viewed a number of top people in dealeror situation — such as 9/11 or the pandemic shutdown — ships, including presidents, chief sales officers (CSOs) and must occur quickly and can catch us off guard. They force chief marketing officers (CMOs). In cooperation with the us to change, even if it is reluctantly. COVID-19 has a unique Business Technology Association (BTA), we conducted an characteristic in that it has broken the mold of our typical online business technology sales and marketing flash poll. and comfortable way of doing business and forces us to emThe objective was to quantify what dealers were doing to brace new ways of working. While there are many changes cope with the current business situation and, even more we were forced to make and some we did not like, we can use importantly, how they are adapting to thrive in the future. them as an impetus to make our businesses more successful We received more than 100 completed surveys and analyzed in the future. By determining what will be most effective in them by a number of factors. The results were extraordithe future and embracing those things now, we can be posinarily eye-opening and we learned far more than can be intioned for much greater success in 2021 and beyond. cluded in this article. Those who participated in the survey Embracing Change published; it will be available to all BTA members.

While younger workers may be extremely comfortable with technology and remote communication, more tenured Survey Approach employees are being forced to embrace new communication The survey asked respondents to examine the following facmethods. As a result, in most parts of the country, there is tors: what they see impacting business over the next six to 12 currently greater acceptance of communication through months; the perceived level of customer and prospect recepelectronic means and less comfort with face-to-face sales tiveness or resistance; what innovative marketing approaches calls. Digital communication, especially involving video are being utilized; and the current level of salesforce compeand automated contact with customers and prospects, both tence or effectiveness. The responses were also segmented by saves time and produces results. While some may not be the respondents’ position and perception of revenue change. comfortable with or have the expertise needed for new ways Special focus was given to the CEO, COO, CFO and CSO reof working, they must be embraced. sponses. This approach allowed for not only an overall view

How do we define and then adopt better ways of getting, of the industry, but also a correlation of the strategies to the servicing and keeping customers now and in the future? We organization’s expectation of revenue momentum. must be open to change and commit to identifying, adapting will receive a more detailed white paper once this article is and embracing innovative new methods, even if they are not Sales Climate considered “tried and true” or make us feel uncomfortable. Overall, the results of the survey are very enlightening. In Many of the strategies and practices implemented during the terms of the sales revenue of the 70 top managers and CSOs, pandemic will end up being long-term strategies and the norm 49.2% of them expect revenue to decline, 14.7% expect to infor the future. How well we innovate, adapt and implement tocrease revenue and the balance expect revenue to remain day will determine our success both now and in the future. relatively the same. As to current customers’ and new prospects’ openness to enDefining Changes tertain new purchases, it appears relatively the same. For cur

Executives and top managers for dealerships and manufacrent customers, it is felt that 16.4% are much less likely, 62.3% turers must take a fresh, objective look at where they are and are less likely and only 6.6% are slightly more open to considerwhat they must do to avoid finding themselves in a shrinking ing a new purchase than before. As far as new prospects, 15% business with eroding gross margins and red bottom lines. Toare much less likely, 55% are less likely, 23.3% are the same and day’s economy and the COVID-19 business environment are 6.67% are more likely to consider new purchases than before.

Sales resistance appears to be almost The table on page 10 lists the responses the same for both current customers and ... Applying short-term of current or planned marketing stratenew prospects. If the resistance to makmeasures and expecting gies. They are displayed based on whether ing a new purchase decision is not higher with new prospects, a logical way to bolster declining revenue is to have a more businesses to go back to the way things the dealer projected an increase or a decrease in revenue. Which of the strategies listed are being used by your company? concerted effort to identify and sell new were is not the solution. Which should be added or increased? prospects. Increasing new business is Innovative ... strategies Integrated marketing and sales aptraditionally more difficult and requires must be employed. proach efforts pay dividends. According additional prospecting efforts. However, to interviews with marketing personnel at the current time, it could be difficult in dealerships, a number of programs can to significantly increase prospecting activity using tradibe used to leverage their efforts and marketing budgets. The tional approaches. Improved and increased marketing and most effective marketing programs for organizations that integrated sales efforts can be the most effective strategies. want to mount effective integrated campaigns are HubSpot, Strategies well with industry-specific CRMs. Survey responses indicate

As a strategy to bridge the gap or mitigate the loss of revenue many dealers are using solutions such as Constant Contact caused by COVID-19, many dealers now offer innovative prodand Mailchimp, which may not have some of the more inteucts and services. Twenty-seven percent offer products such as grated aspects of marketing, such as tracking opening, speciftemperature kiosks; 46.3% concentrate on increasing remote ic webpage visits or even the time spent on a page. These more support to their customers tailored to the unique demands advanced functions can enable an automated email camof COVID-19; and 51.9% have created specific packages of paign to continue to develop prospects’ interest. Some dealers hardware, software and services tailored for remote workers. indicate they rely on Outlook to send individual emails or to COVID-19’s unique circumstances have created a short-term groups using the blind carbon copy feature. opportunity for these requirements; however, it likely will not fill the gap in the future due to the shift to remote work. Social Media

Simply applying short-term measures and expecting busiFor marketing or social media to pay dividends, it is esnesses to go back to the way things were is not the solution. sential to commit sufficient resources and remain consisInnovative and more effective strategies must be employed. tent over the long term. LinkedIn and Facebook are the only

To discover the right strategies for your company, carefully two mediums being used to a significant degree. LinkedIn is, examine your situation with a fresh look that is unencumby far, the leader in utilization. According to the responses, bered by perceptions of what worked in the past. For example, it is important to have a compelling company profile page; a “tried-and-true” traditional strategy to generate prospects is many indicated that theirs must be improved. Like your to do a high volume of face-to-face cold calls. It is easy to rely website, your company profile and the profiles of your emon what is comfortable because it worked years ago and/or ployees represent your company. Many dealers require sales was how the salesperson’s manager learned to do it. But it does activities on LinkedIn, such as creating posts, and sending not mean that it is the best way for the future. I recommend messages and requests for connections. Some set targets using the “blank slate” approach of looking objectively at the and track them weekly. For additional tips and practices for organization: How is it performing now, what is the current situsing LinkedIn to prospect, take a look at Kate Kingston’s uation and what is needed for the future? Once the strengths, webinar, “How to Prospect With Social Distancing,” availweaknesses, opportunities and threats are clearly defined, you able to BTA members at www.bta.org/BMBArchives. can decide the actions that must be taken to enable the comSalesforce, Drip, Wishpond and Marketo. Some integrate pany to fulfill its vision and accomplish its goals. The results Sales Competency from the survey can provide insight to help begin the journey. While prohibited from making in-person sales calls during the lockdown, many salespeople have invested significant time Marketing on webinars and online courses to build skills and knowledge.

It is clearly evident that COVID-19 has created dramatic new While skills and knowledge are important, what determines challenges in prospect generation. The survey looked at the sales results is an individual’s application of them. This is what best ways to use marketing to generate prospects now and goconstitutes an individual’s sales competency. An individual ing forward. We examined the marketing strategies that dealwho has a high level of competence in the behaviors needed for ers are using or planning to begin in the next six to 12 months. a sales position will be more successful and have higher sales

results than a salesperson who has a lower Getting an accurate perception of the level of competency or significant deficienThere has never been a overall competency of your salesforce is cies. Sales success today requires an even better time than now for only the beginning. Making a real imhigher level of sales competency. We developed 11 sample statements from the 65 indicators we use to measure sales managers to be actively engaged — provement in a salesperson’s effectiveness requires observation, evaluation of competence and agreement as the basis a salesperson’s competency in the 15 critinot by just selling with of a development plan that produces real, cal sales behaviors for sales success with salespeople, but by positive change. While team meetings our proprietary Business Technology Asfrequently observing ... and attending workshops will develop sessment of Individuals and Sales Teams. an individual’s knowledge and, possibly, Dealers rated their overall impression of a level of skill, true competence must be their salesforces’ effectiveness in these 11 critical areas. They developed by observing an individual performing his job rated how often (from 1 - Almost Never to 5 - Almost Always) and consistently coaching him. each statement described their sales forces. The following are There has never been a better time than now for sales their perceptions of strengths and weaknesses. managers to be actively engaged — not by just selling with Areas of Strength back and coaching. A salesforce’s competence, which transn Develops positive relationships with prospects, clients lates into increased results, is grown one person at a time. and others. An accurate evaluation of a salesperson’s competence, cren Skillfully asks probing questions to uncover problems ating the awareness of each competence level and a mutual and identify pain. agreement of the areas to focus improvement on with a pern Closes effectively by ensuring all concerns are satisfied. sonal action plan will pay tremendous dividends. n Defines the capabilities required and determines solusalespeople, but by frequently observing, providing feedtions needed. Sales Staffing n Consistently focuses on the next step of the sale. Of all the dealers responding, 31.4% plan to reduce, 31.5% plan to keep the same and 37.1% plan to increase their numAreas of Weakness ber of salespeople. For the dealers who see their revenue n Maintains complete, accurate information in the CRM declining, slightly more plan to reduce salespeople, with and uses it wisely. 34.4% planning to reduce and 31.2% planning to increase n Analyzes the responses and timing of prospects to take their number of salespeople. An interesting note is that of action to ensure success. the 37.1% of dealers who see their revenue increasing, none n Researches the prospect sufficiently to enable buildplan to reduce their number of salespeople and 50% plan to ing rapport. add salespeople. n Conducts sufficient activities to ensure the pipeline is As for replacing salespeople, 61.1% of the dealers said they sufficient to meet goals. will be making selective replacements of poor performers or n Positively initiates contact and engages prospects by past performers who cannot adapt to new strategies. Dealers phone, email and in person. who said their revenue would increase do not plan to make sig

What is of concern is the number of times a dealer rates his nificant replacements, while 9.1% of dealers who see their rev(or her) sales organization’s demonstration of a specific compeenue declining will replace significant numbers of salespeople. tency described in a statement as a 1 - Almost Never, 2 - Seldom Approximately 25% of the dealers said they will increase or 3 - Sometimes. Of the sampling of statements that described — while 5.6% said they will decrease — the number of sales competency in business technology sales roles, only 69.7% were managers. Of those who expect less revenue, 7.3% will inrated or evaluated at a level of 4 - Usually or 5 - Almost Always. crease sales managers while 6% will decrease. Of those who The dealers and CSOs rated their salespeople Sometimes, Selexpect more revenue, 33% said they will increase the number dom or Almost Never in 30.3% of the competencies. of sales managers, while none indicated they will decrease.

How do you see your organization and, more accurately, When reviewing planned changes in sales staffing, it is how would an individual salesperson and his manager rate the clear that those who expect better results are more aggresfrequency of displaying the critical sales behaviors required for sive in their efforts to hire salespeople, replace those who success? How often must a salesperson be demonstrating the are not or cannot perform in today’s environment, and add sales behaviors needed for success in the current environment? sales managers. Is that because of the trend of increasing revIs it Almost Always, or is Usually or Sometimes sufficient? enue or is it because of what they see they can do to cause

increased revenue? While reducing staff action to get ahead of the competition and members can lower personnel costs in the Now is an inflection point be positioned to seize opportunities when short term, the real cost is future success for all organizations ... conditions improve. n if market share is lost. Now is the time to ensure that those in every position have the capability to succeed. Let the pandemic be the catalyst to motivate Wayne Outlaw, certified speaking professional (CSP) and certified management consultant (CMC), is author the changes needed of “Smart Staffing: How to Hire, Reward Summary not just to survive, but and Keep Top Employees For Your Growing

Now is an inflection point for all orgato thrive in the future. Company.” His company, Outlaw Group, nizations. The pandemic has put stress provides companies with state-of-the-art on our business systems and our staffs. tools and systems to ensure they have the Change has been required to sustain our organizations. Let the talent needed for success. If you would like a tool to evaluate pandemic be the catalyst to motivate the changes needed not your sales and marketing readiness, email Outlaw with “Postjust to survive, but to thrive in the future. COVID Readiness Checklist” in the subject line. Outlaw Group

Companies that have clear views of their situations and are has also developed a best strategies checklist agile in responding to the needs that change has brought will to help your organization succeed during the be the ones that thrive in the future. Take a clear, objective look pandemic and thrive beyond. If you would like at your organization. Which of the strategies other dealers are a copy, email wayne@outlawgroup.com. employing should your company be embracing? What areas of He can also be reached on LinkedIn at weakness should you be shoring up? What strengths and oplinkedin.com/in/wayneoutlaw. portunities can you take advantage of? Now is the time to take Visit www.outlawgroup.com.

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