2020-2021 The Pillars - Annual Donor Publication

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PILLARS July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

Dear Blessed Trinity Community, Thank you all for your generosity, grace, and gratitude this past year. Although the 2020 - 2021 school year was another year of constant change and uncertainty, our Blessed Trinity community came out on top! No one knew what the new school year would bring, but we faced the challenges together and opened our doors with a commitment to provide the very best education for our students in a safe and healthy environment. When looking back over the past year, I am reminded of St. Paul’s words to the Philippians, chapter 4, verses 6-7: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Ultimately, we put our trust in the Lord, and we persevered to give our students the very best year possible. Through your faith, financial sacrifices, generosity, and trust in our leadership, we were able to adapt, persevere, and continue to create a Christ-centered, nurturing educational environment. The 2020 - 2021 school year marked a year of many firsts - our first outdoor all-school Mass, our amazingly talented student showcase at the Southern Stroll Auction Gala, our first prom held on BT’s campus under a beautiful tent, and our first outdoor senior class graduation—all of which were truly memorable! I am excited to see what the future holds for our students and our school community as we continue to grow. We, Blessed Trinity Catholic High School, are grateful to have you as a donor and partner in our mission. Please know that your generosity is making a positive and profound impact on our students both now and forever. We could not be more thankful for your partnership and generosity. I sincerely hope that we may count on your continued support for the 2021 - 2022 school year. May God continue to bless each and every one of you and your families! In Christ, Cathy Lancaster Principal

2021-2022 Events

Table of Contents

• October 31, 2021 Open House

Financial Report… 3 - 4

• November 9, 2021 Student Fundraiser Walkathon

• November 30, 2021 #iGiveCatholic

• April 30, 2022 Annual Auction Gala • May 2, 2022 Golf Tournament • May 14, 2022 Commencement

Pillar Spotlights… 5 - 12 Spiritual Formation

Christen Aquino ‘05

Alex Garrot ‘21

Academic Excellence

Huiet Joseph ‘16

Ron Miller ‘21

Artistic Sensibility

Jack Brinsmaid ‘15

Emma Ferrante ‘21

Athletic Achievement

Elizabeth Walker ‘05

Allie Kantor ‘21

Feature Articles… 13 - 15 Blessed Trinity by the Numbers... 16 Class of 2021 College Acceptances… 17 - 18 Thank You, Father Bob... 19 Donor Publication… 20 - 30 Scholarships & Endowments… 31 - 33 #iGiveCatholic... 34 - 35 GRACE Scholars Contributors… 36 Ways to Give… 37

Financials Revenue Total Tuition Revenue Tuition Assistance Fees Archdiocesan Financial Aid Subsidy Archdiocesan Construction Debt Subsidy Advancement Fine Arts Athletics PPP Loan Proceeds Facility Rental, Spirit Store, Interest & Other

$ 13,558,910 (1,223,536) 537,072 125,000 4,000,000 870,680 16,630 183,078 1,702,488 1,054,814

Total Revenue

$ 20,825,136


65.1% -5.9% 2.6% 0.6% 19.2% 4.2% 0.1% 0.9% 8.2% 5.1%



.1% 4.2%



.6% 2.6%

Expenses Salaries and Benefits Facilities Instructional Materials Student Services Athletics Professional Development/ Continuing Education Advancement and Fundraising Administrative Technology Construction Debt Reduction Depreciation

$ 10,062,659 1,242,039 145,076 655,744 256,337

53.3% 6.6% 0.8% 3.5% 1.4%

26,115 130,945 244,857 353,401 4,000,000 1,759,021

0.1% 0.7% 1.3% 1.9% 21.2% 9.3%

Total Expenses

$ 18,876,194

9.3% 21.2%

1.9% 1.3% .7% .1% 1.4% 3.5%


.8% 6.6%



Trinity Fund Restricted Donations Auction Scholarship Donations Commitment Cards Student Fundraiser

$ 491,948 15,960 264,728 38,830 2,958 56,257

Total Advancement

$ 870,680

56.5% 1.8% 30.4% 4.5% 0.3% 6.5%

Fine Arts 73,054 39.9% 34,264 18.7%

Membership Theater Rental

$ 16,630 100% ---

25,094 13.7% 50,666 27.7%

Total Fine Arts

$ 16,630

Membership Gate, Concessions, & Other Golf Tournament Ticket Sales


Total Athletics

$ 183,078

* The Advancement revenue numbers listed in this financial section do not exactly match the total listed in the Annual Report due to timing differences with the school’s fiscal year end close of June 30, 2021. Financial Reports included in the Annual Report are not the final audited reports.

Cost to Educate Tuition

$ 16,163 13,600


$ 2,563

dollars are per student


Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents


Funds on Deposit with CENGI


Accounts Receivable, Net


Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Foundation


Property and Equipment, Net




Total Assets


Liabilities Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses


Tuition & Fees, Received in Advance


Loan Payable


Total Liabilities


Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions


With Donor Restrictions


Total Net Assets


Total Liabilities & Net Assets


Christen Aquino ‘05 Spiritual Formation

“If my religion is just a class that I’m taking, I will graduate my religion after 12th grade. If religion is part of my life, it becomes something that I do until I die.” Christen Aquino, Class of 2005, lives the mission statement pillar of Spiritual Formation every day as the Director of New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. “We want every parish to be on mission and every parishioner to be a missionary disciple,” Aquino said. “We want to foster communion for the sake of the mission and the mission for the sake of communion.” Aquino credits Blessed Trinity as a central moment of her Catholic faith, specifically Father Tim Hepburn and her freshman seminar class. “It got me going to confession regularly,” she said. “He started XLT in the theater. I went to the first one and that was life changing because it helped me recognize that Jesus is present in the Eucharist.” After attending Elon University, Aquino moved back to Atlanta where she worked in youth ministry. She then attended the University of Dayton for graduate school. “I wrestled with the Lord about it for six months, and He made it abundantly clear in June of 2016 that that’s what I was supposed to do.” She continues to build on that central moment in her daily work in Cincinnati. “Our team is looking at some of the best practices in evangelization,” she said. One such method is pedagogy. “Is the classroom the best way to engage young people in the faith and learning, or should there be an emphasis on how we support the family to do that?” She asks. “Then we train and equip the adults that are working with young people.” Aquino hopes that this introspective will help create more encounters with the Lord that lead to the desire to be missionary disciples who radiate Christ. While she is not exclusively working with youth anymore, Aquino hopes that young people understand that “faith is a journey and that everyone’s journey is different.” She encourages them to “actively seek out the Lord. He is not too small for your questions, and He’s not afraid of your questions.”


Alex Garrot ‘21 Spiritual Formation

“There are mountains and valleys throughout life, so my deal is ‘praise God on the mountains, and praise God in the valleys just the same’ and that’s going to get you through the bumpy road. Use your faith to propel you up and down.” The Class of 2021 was responsible for, or part of, many firsts while at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School. Among those firsts was the Kairos Retreat Program. Alex Garrot was a founding member of Kairos. “It was really awesome,” he said. “Hopefully they can do two or three per year. The leadership team provides great practice for juniors and seniors above and beyond the regular retreatant.” Alex was appreciative of programs like Kairos and Ignite, but said having a chapel, daily Mass and access to a chaplain was instrumental in his faith formation. Garrot wasn’t always as active in his faith, though. Like many, he struggled to grasp things about the Mass. “The instruction and wisdom that I got, especially from Father Tran, has really enriched how I pray and how I go to Mass. I look forward to those things now because I understand it,” he said. Garrot ties his faith into all aspects of his life. He uses it to overcome obstacles and setbacks. Transforming lives in Christ is the cornerstone of the Blessed Trinity mission statement. It anchors the four pillars of Spiritual Formation, Academic Excellence, Artistic Sensibility and Athletic Achievement. Garrot said that Blessed Trinity does a great job of making that transformation available. “I’ve met a lot of people at BT who are on fire,” he said, “They attract a lot of attention in that way because they’re so happy and joyful, no matter what happens. I keep looking for those ‘on fire’ people.” Alex said two of his favorite classes were World Religions and Apologetics. “Apologetics gets you to think in a different way,” he said. “World Religions hit home with me because it gives you a better understanding of how the rest of the world is and how to really live a life of love. We’re all people; there’s no reason to alienate people because of their beliefs.” Garrot feels prepared to enter college with this understanding and world view. He is attending the University of Georgia. He plans to seek out the Catholic community in Athens. “I’m excited to get plugged in over there,” he said. “I’m not going to graduate from (my faith).”


Huiet Joseph ‘16 Academic Excellence

“The people at Blessed Trinity make it. It’s just four walls, but it’s the people inside that make it special.”

Six years ago, Huiett Joseph was graduating from Blessed Trinity and was ready to go to Morehouse College. Heading into his first semester at Morehouse, Joseph knew that his academic career was going to be successful. “I tried to pick a school that was like Blessed Trinity in that they would nurture me and point me in the direction that is best for me,” Joseph said. He graduated from Morehouse with a degree in Chemistry as the salutatorian of his class, the second highest GPA amongst his classmates. Joseph attributes his academic success to his time spent in Margaret Ward’s Chemistry class. “Compared to Mrs. Ward’s Chemistry class, (college) was about the same,” he said. “It was a grind from start to finish, but rewarding at the same time.” Joseph said his whole first year of Chemistry was a review of Ward’s high school class. “It was a cakewalk, comparatively. Mrs. Ward did a great job of pushing the boundaries of what we know.” He didn’t stop there, crediting the A/B block schedule students experience all four years at Blessed Trinity as a mimic of the college schedule. Since his graduation from Morehouse, Joseph has enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania to pursue a medical degree and become an orthopedic surgeon. “That goal developed while I was at Morehouse,” Joseph said. “They matched me up with an orthopedic surgeon, and I fell in love with what he did.” He spent the summer of 2021 shadowing orthopedic surgeons in the Atlanta area and worked on a research project with one of them. While he knows the importance of academics, Joseph emphasizes that his success would not have come were it not for his involvement in extracurricular activities while at Blessed Trinity. The former Titans football, wrestling and lacrosse player said, “If I focus solely on academics, my performance suffers. At BT, I played all sorts of sports and was on the robotics team. At Morehouse, I was in the Band.”


Ron Miller ‘21 Academic Excellence

“I don’t think there will be anything more rigorous at the Naval Academy than Mrs. Ward’s AP Chemistry class at BT.” Ron Miller embodies Academic Excellence as the valedictorian of the Class of 2021. “Mr. Moses does this thing freshman year where he tries to guess who the valedictorian would be and he told me it wasn’t going to be me,” Miller said. “Then I had him for Comparative (Government) and I brought it up! I think him saying that made me want to prove him wrong.” Miller earned an appointment to the United States Naval Academy. “I think BT did its best to prepare me,” Miller said, “although I don’t think anything can prepare you perfectly for this.” He credits his time spent on the cross country and track teams as good preparation for the physical challenges that he will face in Annapolis, Maryland, and the block scheduling as good preparation for the academic schedule he will experience in college. Mrs. Ward’s AP Chemistry class, while rigorous, was Miller’s favorite class. “It’s a different community and you can’t explain it unless you’re in it,” Miller said. “You all have to deal with impossible tests, grades and problems. You skip lunch every other day. It built a different community that I wouldn’t give up for anything.” Ron also credits the dedication of Amy Muller, math teacher, with helping him achieve the title of valedictorian. He even chose Muller as his STAR Teacher, for which she was recognized at the annual awards assembly. “I had her from sophomore year to senior year,” Miller said, “I always came in and she was there for me willing to help in anyway possible. She is like a parent figure.” He was involved in multiple clubs while at Blessed Trinity and said he balanced school, sports and clubs one at a time. “You work with what you have and take the problems as they come,” Miller said. Ron has spent his entire academic career on the Roswell campus, attending preschool at St. Peter Chanel and attending Queen of Angels from kindergarten through eighth Grade. “Coming from that middle school, a lot of things changed, but a lot of things changed for the better.”


Jack Brinsmaid ‘15 Artistic Sensibility

“One of the most important things is finding your fit. It’s about finding professors that you gel with and finding a program and the people you belong with.”

Jack Brinsmaid embodies the Blessed Trinity Mission Statement pillar of Artistic Sensibility as a musical theatre actor in New York City. Brinsmaid got his start in musical theatre at a young age. “The musical theatre director in middle school told me I should audition when I reach sixth grade.” The transition from middle school theatre to high school theatre was seamless. “One of the main reasons I went to BT was because I went to their summer theatre camps with Allan Dodson,” Brinsmaid said. “It was one of my favorite experiences.” Jack starred in multiple plays and musicals while at Blessed Trinity, most notably the lead role of Pippin in Pippin. “One of my favorite productions we did was Noises Off, which is a British farce, and I had never thought of myself as a comedic actor,” he said. “It was so much fun with a bunch of high schoolers doing British accents.” He was pleasantly surprised with how his accent turned out, saying it was pretty good, but having since been professionally trained, he thinks otherwise. In addition to his education, Brinsmaid said he met many great people and made many connections with people who were “truly my best friends throughout high school.” His theatre career progressed beyond Blessed Trinity. “I applied to a lot of schools as a senior and got into six of them, including NYU.” Brinsmaid attended NYU because he believes choosing a university is about more than its reputation. Jack made the transition from acting to musical theatre in his junior year of college. He worked on a new musical about the mythological story of Medusa and the classic, Tuck Everlasting. “I enjoyed working on both of them,” he said, “but there’s something about working on a new work. There’s a lot of experimenting and you get to play with the character more.” The Class of 2015 graduate was featured in the Broadway Rising Stars show at Town Hall in 2019. “It was a lot of fun,” Brinsmaid said. He performed Corner of the Sky from Pippin. “I performed a song I had sung four years earlier, in high school, which was a cool full-circle event.”


Emma Ferrante ‘21 Artistic Sensibility

“I would stare up at the sky and be in awe of the vastness of creation. To be created, then to create, was a job that I didn’t take lightly. It’s a blessing to be able to express yourself when we are an expression of someone else.”

When you walk through the halls of Blessed Trinity, you are treated to the wonderful works of art produced by our students. Many pieces over the last four years were created by Emma Ferrante. Emma credits the Head of the Fine Arts Department, Sharon Mueller, as an inspiration to pursue art. “I had a special relationship with Mrs. Mueller,” Ferrante said. “She thought I was really stubborn, which I was, but she was trying hard to work with me so that I could reach my full potential. I don’t think I would be studying art in college if it wasn’t for her.” Emma is attending college at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and feels prepared to study art at the collegiate level. “My art teacher has not accepted everything I’ve painted as being good enough. It sounds harsh, but it wasn’t doubt, it was tough love.” Ferrante, under Mueller’s guidance, stepped out of her comfort zone to create portraits and landscapes. She felt an emotional connection to many of her works. “I did a portrait of my mom holding a picture I drew of her when I was four years old,” she said. She was also able to express her relationship with God through her art. “I made a piece on Jesus,” Ferrante said, “I was able to put that idea on canvas and show that to other people. It was humbling to see that other people could be moved by that too.” She describes the feeling of having her art on display as surreal. “It was weird seeing people looking at my art and my descriptions and complementing me. It felt very vulnerable to put all my thoughts, emotions and ideas in front of hundreds of people, but it ended up being cool to hear people want to take that class or try painting those too and explore their potential like I did.” Ferrante said she has always been connected to nature. That connection, along with her faith, provides her with constant inspiration. Emma’s definition and understanding of art grew during her time at Blessed Trinity. “I always thought painting was making pretty pictures with colors, but this year in AP art, everything needed a meaning and purpose behind it,” she said. Outside of school, Ferrante has experienced the professional world of art. “It was a gradual thing,” she said, “It was just the way I like to have fun. My parents helped me realize that my work was worth something more. It’s been a big blessing.” Ferrante sells pieces at art shows and online on sites like etsy.com (search for ArtByEmmaFerrante).


Elizabeth Walker ‘05 Athletic Achievement

“It’s saying yes to opportunities. I feel like that’s my mantra. We’re always faced with these choices and opportunities. It’s comfortable to take the less thrilling option.” Elizabeth Walker is not a traditional athlete. The Class of 2005 graduate embodies Athletic Achievement through an extreme sport: mountain biking. Walker has been an avid mountain biker since college. “I started working at a rock climbing gym. When you live in that area of western North Carolina, to enjoy that part of the country and that geography, you have to be outdoorsy,” she said. “I had some friends take me mountain biking for the first time on my 21st birthday, and I was terrified, and it was also a massive thrill.” She took that thrill and made it into a career. “It takes up every part of my life. I manage a team of professional athletes, both LIV Racing as well as Giant Offroad Team. Giant and LIV are sibling brands. I work with both teams and we take our athletes all over the world. I have an athlete in Tokyo right now that we’re super pumped about competing in the women’s Olympic cross country distance.” Liz manages three global teams with million dollar budgets every year. “These athletes are the best in the world, so they’re located everywhere. I have French, Swiss, Irish, American, South African and Australian athletes.” Walker takes care of all the travel needs of the athletes and can be on a call any hour of the day coordinating with her cyclists. “It’s a 5,000 piece puzzle that feels like a feat.” Walker has a diverse and complex team working under her at competitions. “I have athletes, mechanics, team physios and a performance coach. The way that we’ve set up our team, the physios double as the cooks.” Liz directs the day-to-day team operations at competitions. “At a competition, the Union Cycliste Internationale puts out the schedule for mountain bike racing.” This includes when tracks open for training and walkthrough, as well as posted race times. “There are age segments like U18, U23 and Elite. There’s this massive schedule that comes out, so it’s my job to make sure where everyone is supposed to show up and the time they’re supposed to be there and to liaise between the athletes and the mechanics.” Walker’s position takes her all over the world. “We have an office in Austria, which I’m at quite often. I’ve been to Germany, Czech Republic, France and Italy.” While the team competes mostly in Europe, they will be competing in Brazil, Australia and New Zealand in 2022. Outside of her cycling teams and responsibilities, Walker is adjunct faculty at Colorado Mountain College Leadville. “This summer, we have a partnership with the Air Force Academy cadets who are doing a character and leadership training. It’s a really humbling partnership that CMC has with the Academy.” Liz spent 12 days this summer leading a mountain bike skills training for 30 cadets to help them become good leaders and mountain bikers. During her time at Blessed Trinity, though, cycling wasn’t anywhere on her radar. “I played basketball and softball. Softball was my main sport. I threw shot put and discus. I was a very traditional athlete,” Walker said. “I played softball for 10 months out of the year, and that took up all my time. My brother would go mountain biking on Boy Scout trips, and I never understood it. I gave up bikes when I discovered boys and cars when I was 12.” It took nine more years for her to find her calling.


Allie Kantor ‘21 Athletic Achievement

“I’m very driven academically, and golf is a perfect mix of thinking, analyzing and coordination,” she said, “I was drawn to golf because I could think my way around the course. It is an intellectual outlet that wasn’t school.” The Blessed Trinity Catholic High School Class of 2021 was full of students who embody multiple aspects of the mission statement. Allie Kantor excelled on the golf course, as well as in the classroom. She said that, while golf is traditionally an individual sport, the team aspect stood out to her. “Learning how to be a team leader was really important for me, since I had never had to do that before.” Kantor continued, “My sophomore season was really special. We had a really good team in a competitive classification. We took third at area and fourth at state. Being part of a team like that was really special.” David Burnett coached Kantor for three of her four seasons at Blessed Trinity. “She is a natural leader and commands the respect of her teammates and competitors from other schools,” Burnett said. “She is very helpful to the younger girls, giving them pointers and commenting on their swing and game in general.” Kantor was diagnosed with scoliosis in seventh grade. She wore a back brace for 22 months. “My motivation for wearing it was to get back to the golf course,” she said. “It’s been a long journey, but it’s been great to have a team to cheer me on.” Kantor finished third, academically, among the Class of 2021. She will attend the University of Virginia and play golf for the Cavaliers. She feels that the academic rigors, specifically math and writing, at Blessed Trinity have prepared her for what she will experience at UVA. “I feel prepared. I don’t think there will be anything that I won’t be able to handle because of my preparation at BT,” she said. Kantor believes that the last two years of academic turbulence has also prepared her for life after high school. “Being virtual, I learned a lot about how I learn best: independently,” she said. “I learned how and when I work best. I was able to be super efficient with my homework.” “I think our class is more prepared for college, not that we’ll be taking online courses, but that we’ll be in class less and on our own more. We know how to manage that.”


2020-2021 Highlights Freshman Funfest This year, Blessed Trinity hosted its first ever Freshman Funfest: a day of friendly competition, games, and an opportunity to meet and interact with fellow classmates. Activities such as kickball, volleyball, tugof-war, cornhole, and even laser tag made for a perfect day of bonding for the Class of 2024! This event quickly became a student favorite and will be around for future classes.

Auction Gala Each year, the Blessed Trinity community gathers together for the largest fundraising event of the school year. This year’s event was unique, as it consisted of a Stroll Through the South. Guests were treated to incredible live entertainment provided by our talented fine arts department, plus a decadent dinner representing six states: Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee and Georgia. Trips, jewelry, and other incredible items were auctioned off. A wonderful time was had by all, and a generous amount was raised during the special appeal in support of the Trinity Fund!

Outdoor Mass Social distancing protocols made all-school Mass difficult. The Blessed Trinity Campus Ministry Department worked to convert Titans Stadium into a worship space so the entire school could celebrate Mass as a community. Students and faculty were able to maintain safe distance, while Father Paul Porter said the Mass from the 50-yard line.

Prom The goal this year was to create the possible when much seemed impossible! In an effort to uphold traditions and create lasting memories, the Junior & Senior Prom was held on campus, and the parking lot was transformed into an elegant party venue under a tent of twinkle lights. Our students arrived in formal wear, enjoyed a deliciously catered dinner, and spent the evening playing trivia and casino games. This unique prom experience was a first in BT history and set the bar high for years to come. The excitement of the students was buzzing through the halls weeks after the special night!

Senior Funfest After such a great bonding experience for the Class of 2024, we couldn’t let the Senior class graduate without their own unforgettable fun-filled experience. Blessed Trinity’s first ever Senior Funfest was held in late spring as another opportunity for the Class of 2021 to create memories. A great time was had by all, and a new tradition was established at Blessed Trinity!


Titan Teams Dominate Spring Sports GIRLS LACROSSE 2021 A-AAAAA STATE CHAMPIONS


Area Champions 4th Title in program history

Undefeated Area Champions 2nd Title in program history

Blessed Trinity defeated Starr’s Mill in the championship game. It was the third consecutive title-game matchup between the Titans and the Panthers. The Titans are 2-1 in those games.

The Titans defeated Pace Academy in the championship game. It is the second championship in four seasons for the boys.



1st title in program history

6th Title in program history

Team Members: Zach Bolden Reagan Rogers Zach Burke Ben Rothering Timmy Cole Colin Shank Alex Garrot JP Squeri Jordan McCants Adam Wade Ron Miller

Blessed Trinity Girls Soccer raised a state championship trophy with a 2-1 win over St. Pius X, closing their season at 15-1-1.


Fine Arts Documentary Finding Focus The 2020-2021 school year was filled with uncertainty. The members of the Fine Arts Department found themselves faced with the possibility of not being able to deliver performances. Rather than ask themselves, “why can’t we?” they asked themselves, ``how can we?” As a result of this conundrum the dynamic documentary, Finding Focus, was created. Blessed Trinity Dance Director, Joy Clift, said, “we decided the documentary would be a better option for all student performers so that our work could actually be seen and heard.” “It was definitely off-setting to do a documentary instead of a full blown performance. We had rehearsals and tech, weeks before performances during my freshman year. However, with the documentary, we were constantly filming and obtaining footage,” said McKenna Wallace, a junior in the dance program. Clift added, “none of us had actually done something of this magnitude in film before. It was a really amazing experience where we, as teachers, were literally learning on the fly. We had to become solid sound techs in order to record our students’ voices, and then figure out how to lay those soundtracks into the film and edit all of the clips to match the sound.” Finding Focus, with a total run time of 96 minutes, encompasses all that Blessed Trinity Fine Arts has to offer: dance, theater, chorus, band and visual arts. Needless to say, it presented a unique opportunity for the student artists to be both a performer and an audience member. “It was very weird to watch the documentary as part of the audience. When performing live you don’t necessarily have the opportunity to go back and watch yourself. You leave everything on the stage,” Wallace said. The Blessed Trinity community was able to watch Finding Focus on a large screen that was set up in the horseshoe. Wallace said, “I think the documentary was really special. However, I look forward to going back to performing live with my friends, as it is something that I’ve always loved.” Clift added, “it definitely opened our eyes to new methods of showcasing Fine Arts.”


Blessed Trinity By The Numbers

Class of 2021 University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama American University Anderson University Appalachian State University Arizona State University-Tempe The University of Arizona University of Arkansas Auburn University Augusta University Ave Maria University Baylor University Bellarmine University Belmont Abbey College Belmont University Berry College Boise State University Boston College Brandeis University Brenau University Bridgewater State University Bucknell University Butler University University of California, San Diego University of Central Florida Centre College College of Charleston Citadel Military College of South Carolina Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Coastal Georgia University of Colorado Boulder Colorado School of Mines Colorado State University-Fort Collins Columbus State University Dartmouth College University of Dayton University of Delaware Denison University University of Denver DePauw University Dominican College

Drexel University University of Dubuque East Tennessee State University Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott Emory University Fairfield University Flagler College-St Augustine Florida Institute of Technology Florida Southern College Florida State University University of Florida Fordham University Furman University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia College - Milledgeville Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Georgia Southern University Georgia Southwestern State University Georgia State University University of Georgia Grove City College University of Hawaii at Manoa High Point University Hillsdale College Indiana University-Bloomington University of Iowa Jacksonville State University James Madison University Kennesaw State University University of Kentucky Lafayette College Lehigh University Limestone College Louisiana State University Louisiana Tech University University of Louisville Loyola University Chicago Loyola University New Orleans University of Mary University of Maryland-College Park

Top Colleges and Universities 31






College Acceptance List University of Massachusetts-Amherst Mercer University Mercyhurst University Miami University-Oxford University of Miami Michigan State University University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Middle Tennessee State University Middlebury College Mississippi State University University of Mississippi Universidad de Navarra University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of New Hampshire-Main Campus North Carolina State University at Raleigh Northeastern University Norwich University University of Notre Dame University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus Oregon State University Oxford College of Emory University Pace University-New York Pennsylvania State University University of Pennsylvania Piedmont College University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus Purdue University-Main Campus Quincy University Reinhardt University University of Rhode Island Rhodes College University of Richmond Rollins College Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus Saint Mary’s College Samford University University of San Diego University of San Francisco Savannah College of Art and Design Seton Hall University Sewanee-The University of the South

Siena College University of South Carolina-Columbia University of South Florida: Tampa Campus Southeast Missouri State University University of Southern California Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Southern Methodist University University of Southern Mississippi St. Bonaventure University St. Lawrence University Stetson University Temple University The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Texas A&M University-College Station Texas Christian University Texas Tech University The University of Texas at Austin Ohio State University-Main Campus University of Tulsa United States Coast Guard Academy United States Merchant Marine Academy United States Naval Academy University of North Georgia University of Utah Vanderbilt University University of Vermont Villanova University Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University University of Virginia-Main Campus Wake Forest University Washington and Lee University University of West Georgia West Virginia University Western Carolina University William and Mary Winthrop University University of Wisconsin-Madison Wofford College Young Harris College

Attended by the Class of 2021 10






Thank you, Father Bob Father Robert Frederick graciously served the Blessed Trinity community for three years. As the Titan Chaplain, Father Bob celebrated early morning Masses four times a week, as well as monthly all-school Masses. He made himself available for countless confessions from our students and faculty. Father Bob held special prayer services and celebrated Masses for all of our Athletics & Fine Arts programs and blessed hundreds of sports jerseys and class rings. In addition, Father Bob initiated the beloved KAIROS Retreat for our students and spearheaded the first ever St. Joseph Altar at Blessed Trinity! We can certainly say he has made his mark as a Titan and left a legacy as a part of our community of faith. Even though he has graduated from our campus to serve the Kennesaw State University community, Blessed Trinity will always be home. Thank you for your leadership, dedication, service to our community, and for always being a guiding light to our students!


The Trinity Fund Donor Publication Providing Resources for Blessed Trinity’s Third Decade of Excellence

Archbishop Donoghue Legacy Society Founder’s Society ($50,000 - $99,999) Honoring those whose cumulative lifetime giving totals $100,000 or more.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Cote Mr. and Mrs. William D. Flatt Mr. and Mrs. Rick Franke Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Good Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hayford The Joseph Family Mr. Jim^ and Dr. Beth Judson^ Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kemper Mr. and Mrs. John R. Luckett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Morgan

William B. Orkin Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sherrill Ms. Dorothy D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strawn Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vice

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Luckett Jr.

Leadership Society ($25,000 - $49,999)

Domain Capital Advisors, LLC

Principal’s Society ($5,000 - $9,999)

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bataillon The Burkett Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Chesnutt

The Conrads Family Education Fund at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Della Bernarda

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Foley Johnson & Johnson Family ($10,000 - $24,999) of Companies Kimberly-Clark Foundation Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Juan Lopez The McGlynn Family & Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ristau Mrs. Valerie Eatz Ms. Susan Schafer Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thiebaut Michael and Desha LeDuc Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Turner Jamie and Elizabeth Riddle Ms. Karen C. Wibell Timothy and Jean Wright

President’s Society

Mr. and Mrs. William Werkheiser

Donors who have contributed each year for the last four years are italicized to highlight consistent giving ^Deceased


Shield Society ($2,500 - $4,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Banks Dr. and Mrs. William Benedict Michael and Kimberly Biggs Robert and Ana Bond Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buelow

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Holzgrefe Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hope Mr. Donald E. Huffner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Mary Burgiss InspireDesigns Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Burke Ivy Lane Boutique Mr. and Mrs. John Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs Tom and Kristi Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Jardina Catholic Foundation of North Pat and Heather Jones Georgia, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Cole Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kropp Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Cote Chris and Sara Lamon Couture Diamond - Ms. Jill Muir The Lankie Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Erbs Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lusk Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Findlay Mrs. Katherine Mann Mr. and Mrs. James Franchi Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Michaud Mr. and Mrs. James Frangis Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moody Freeze Sleeve Mr. Frank Moore General Electric Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Murphy Ms. Gayle G. Headrick Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Nearhood Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Hershberger Mr. and Mrs. Adam Noyes

Young Alumni Leadership Society Anonymous (2) Mr. Paul “CJ” Abrams ‘19 Miss Madison E. Brainard ‘14 Miss Taylor J. Brainard ‘14 Miss Kathleen E. O’Donnell ‘19 Miss Ryan K. O’Donnell ‘20 Mr. Nikulaus G. Pujals ‘17 Mr. Richard T. Turner, Jr. ‘11

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pacer Packaging Corporation of America Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Plyler Proof of the Pudding Dr. and Mrs. Eric Pryor Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Sebesta Dr. and Mrs. Brian Seng Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sewell Francis and Julie Shappard Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Sims Rick and Iris Squeri Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strakes Mr. and Mrs. Doug Turner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Uebelacker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Vick Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker Mr. and Mrs. Steven Z Walters Mr. Gene Whobrey The Whobrey Family Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wrobel

For the first 15 years after graduation, young alumni have the opportunity to join the Young Alumni Leadership Society by making incremental gifts at a leadership level. This program allows young alumni to gradually increase their giving during the first 15 years after graduating Blessed Trinity.

0-5 years since graduation $250+


6-10 years since graduation $500+

11-15 years since graduation $1,000+

Titan Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alderman AMB Group LLC Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Baiamonte Mr. and Mrs. Diego Ballesteros Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Bianco Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bohman Lawrence and Tracy Bracken Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. M. Todd Byars Becki A. Campolito Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Fernando J. Chavarria The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conkin Tommy and Paige Conner Matt and Katy Cowan Mr. and Mrs. David Dabbs Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Darr Mr. and Mrs. Jason Daumeyer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Devereaux Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doelling Brian and Lisa Dooling Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dupont Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eatz Mr. and Mrs. Hicham Elhassani Mr. and Mrs. Phil Feinber Mr. and Mrs. John Fleck Dr. and Mrs. James Freeman Mr. and Mrs. James French Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Frommer The Fuller Family Mr. Brian Ghannam Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gruver Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gullo Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hain Art and Lynn Hamfeldt The Hamrick Family Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heller Mr. and Mrs. Brody Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henry Ms. Sarah Hensley The Home Depot Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudkins Steven and Wendy Jensen Rich and Peggy Kernan Ms. Florence Lindo Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lohman Mr. and Mrs. David Luke Sarah and Jeff Mandell Mr. and Mrs. David Mariner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marnell Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews Mr. and Mrs. George T. McFarlin Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McManes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McSherry & Family Mr. and Mrs. Marc Miller Ms. Lisa A. Mirando Mr. and Mrs. Luiz Montoro

Mr. and Mrs. David Mowrey Jill Muir and Family Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray Brian and Krystal Norris Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Nowicki Once For All Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palazzo Mr. and Mrs. Lance Parker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patsy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pearce Dr. Jacqueline Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peters Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pickell Picture Perfect Photography, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pitser Rick and Karla Radtke Steve and Sarah Regitz The Rodriguez Family Mr. and Mrs. John Rothering Mr. Thomas Ryan Salesforce Mr. and Mrs. David Schmitt Mr. and Dr. Rodney Spring Mr. and Mrs. James Treible Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tulley Mr. Richard T. Turner Jr. ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Villacura Virtus Investment Partners Charitable Gift Fund VOYA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Waller John and Amanda Weir Bill and Andrea Werkheiser The Honorable and Mrs. Kareem West Ms. Eileen White Ms. Anita M. Woodside Mr. and Mrs. Scott Yates

Green & Gold Circle ($500 - $999)

Anonymous (4) Accent Decor Mr. and Mrs. Philip Agcaoili AmazonSmile Mr. Alfonso Arciniegas and Mrs. Liliana Guevara Mr. Jason Assad and Mrs. Stacie Warman-Assad Tim and Susan Baur Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Berrey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Bragg Boyd Miss Madison E. Brainard ‘14 Miss Taylor J. Brainard ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broderson Brian and Kathleen Brown Joseph Cabrera and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caiello Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carlton The Chernik Family Mr. and Mrs. Brad Chicoine


Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clemente Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clements H. Keith and Lauren Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Cotter Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeCamp Mr. and Mrs. Mike Denkman Mr. and Mrs. Luis Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DiLuzio ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dixon Kevin A. and Rochelle A. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William Drescher Mr. and Mrs. Brad Dropp Ms. Michelle M. Dudar The Dupuis Family Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dyches Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chad Epple Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fays Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Fleming The Garcia Family Jon and Cindy George Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenlee David and Leslie Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Jason Groesser Mr. and Mrs. William Haas Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hamacher Mr. Kevin Hamilton Mr. Michael Harrington Mr. and Mrs. William Helsley Mr. and Mrs. Juan Hernandez HPI Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hughes ICE - Intercontinental Exchange Matching Gifts Program Mr. Chipper Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Joy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Karavite Mr. and Mrs. David L. Keeling Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Keneally KeyBank Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Kommer Gail Holbrook and Mike Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lanthier Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lenich Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Leszynski Lexis Nexis Risk Mr. and Mrs. Damon Limberis The MacKenzie Family Mr. William Marks Marsh & McLennan Companies Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Terrence McCrossan Gary and Jolene McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Todd Michals Mr. and Mrs. Kurt F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchler Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Mondi Dr. and Mrs. Alberto Morejon Mr and Mrss. Anthony Muller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Napolitano Brandon and Ann Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Novak Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio Odivilas

Mr. Andre Padial and Mrs. Alicia LoCicero

Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Opitz Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Parker Mr. and Mrs. Todd Parodi Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Stewart O. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Podojil Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ponte Mr. and Mrs. John Prendergast Philip and Jancy Reavis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reither Mr. and Mrs. John A. Riordan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Rittenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rogers SAP Software Solutions Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sarno David and Lisa Sauls Mr. and Mrs. Ben (Kate Kelly ‘05) Saylor Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schooler Ms. Helenanne Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Seeterlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shank Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Showalter Andy and Stephanie Slavin The Smiles Family Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Smith Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith The Spak Family Mr. Donald Stepanek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Strawn Mr. and Mrs. John Stunda Mr. and Mrs. David Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Swift Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Szomjassy Mr. and Mrs. Widianto Tjokroamidjojo Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Tolcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Turner, Sr. Ryan and Kelly Voisey Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Weber David and Deborah Wertz Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wesemeyer Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weiss The Whalen Family Mr. and Dr. Eric Winter

Friends of Blessed Trinity ($1 - $499)

Anonymous (8) Mr. Paul “CJ” Abrams ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Mr. Matthew and Dr. Stephanie Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allegri Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allen Mr. and Mrs. David Allsteadt Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Ammons Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Anderson Mr. Jonathan M. Anderson ‘16 The Anderson Family Mr. and Mrs. James M. Andrejewski

Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Aranda Mike and Libbie Arnold Assurant Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Attaway Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bailey Ms. Angelica M. Baker ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Banks ‘07 Ms. Jana A. Barden ‘19 Jeannie and Richard Barden Ms. Noelle Barkes Dr. and Dr. Robert Barnes Miss Madeleine A. Barré ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Barré John and Jillian Bauersfeld Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell Ms. Kim Benson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bentley Mr. and Mrs. David Bergquist Mr. and Mrs. James (Allison Drake ‘07) Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Best Mr. and Mrs. Michael Betz Mr. Avery Biggs ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bilderback Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bilson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bilson Mr. and Dr. Alex Black Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bloomer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Boettinger Mr. Ian M. Bolger ‘17 Ms. Madeline J. Bolger ‘15 Mr. Timothy J. Bolger ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Bragg Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brodnax Brookfield Country Club Miss Katie Brown ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Brown ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brubacher The Bryant Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Burg Mr. and Mrs. David C. Burnett Mr. Carter Burton Michael and Betty Caddell Ms. Angela Calabro Mr. Moses Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Terry Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Calobrisi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Camerieri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron Ms. Allyson Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cantu Mr. Theodore J. Capaldi Mr. Jan-Michael Cart ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Carter II Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cerbone Dr. Sarah Cerniglia & Maj. Joseph B. Cerniglia Michael and Jennifer Cerone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Rick Chapes The Chastain Family Mr. and Mrs. Randall Chauvin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Check ‘13 Mr. Spencer J. Chesnutt ‘09


Chick-fil-A Roswell Corners Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Chrismon CITRIX Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Clark Ms. Amanda M. Clements ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Liana Kloss ‘07) Clements Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Jason Clift Mr. and Mrs. Andy Clonts The Clorox Company Foundation Dan and Dianne Cole Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cole Ms. Cathy Coleman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins Mr. Philip Colon and Ms. Ruth Hare Brian and Kelly Coltrane Mr. and Mrs. Michael Combs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Ed Constantino Mr. and Mrs. Jameson A. Contratto ‘07 Mark and Susan Conway Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cook Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Costanzo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coveny Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cowan Miss Madelyn K. Cowan ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crisafi ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crispo Ms. Elizabeth Cronin Torre and Colleen Crupie Mr. and Mrs. Cristian Cruz Miss Vivian J. Dabbs ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daley The Damas Family Ms. Lisa D’Amato and Luke Schreier ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Danciak Dr. and Mrs. Royden Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Darr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Davies Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas Davis Mr. Richard F. Davis III ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jose De Leon-Acosta Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deaderick Louis and Mary Delfino Mr. Robert J. Della Bernarda ‘21 Delta Dental Ms. Courtney M. Denis ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert DePietro Mr. Patrick L. Dever ‘07 Mrs. Barbara Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dickens Charles and Brenda DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Mark DiPrima Miss Alyson C. Ditty ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ditty Mr. and Mrs. Le Doan Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dolezar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dolfi

Donaldson Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Doorley Family Mr. and Mrs. Cornel M. Dore Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Dorner Mr. Cullen M. Doyle ‘19 Craig and Neeahtima Dowdy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Drudge Miss Kathleen A. Drudge ‘21 The Dudley Family Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Duke Mr. William F. Dyches ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eaton Mr. Julian Dexter Edge Miss Isabella Edwards ‘21 Ms. Andrea Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. Juan Elizarraras Gregory and Francine Ellis Tom and Ruthie Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John (Kristen Stultz) Ethridge ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Falberg FANNIE MAE Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Farr Mr. and Mrs. Christofer Fason Miss Mary Beth Fason ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher (Amy Banks ‘05) Fendrick Miss Emma E. Ferrante ‘21 The Ferrante Family FHL Bank Atlanta Mr. Anthony Fiore The Fisher Family Dr. and Dr. Gerald FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. James Flading Ms. Jacqueline Flanagan Rev. Dan Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ford III Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Foreste ‘06 Ms. Nina Fortney Tim and Cheri Foss Skip and Jen Fowler Ms. Madeleine K. Franchi ‘16 Rick and Monica Franke and Family Mr. Deldrick Franklin Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Franklin Mr. and Dr. Jason Fryman Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fujihira Miss Kelly S. Furey ‘21 The Gagne Family Miss Lauren E. Gamis ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gamis Mr. Alex Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Jason Garrett Mr. Alex C. Garrot ‘21 Dr. and Dr. Louis Crain Garrot Mr. and Mrs. William Garvis Mr. and Mrs. Nall Gearheard Mr. and Mrs. John Geis Mr. and Mrs. John Geis Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Gerard Thomas and Christine Glavine Mr. and Mrs. William S. Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Godbee Mr. and Mrs. Chuck O. Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Justin Goff

Mr. Brian William Goldblatt ‘21 The Gomez Family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gondek Miss Jenna M. Gonzalez ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodsell, Jr. The Goodson Family Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Graham Ms. Paige Granville Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan The Greene Family Mr. Peter M. Griffin ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Groesser Rick and Cindy Gruca Mr. and Mrs. Esteban Guaderrama Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gucer Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Guigou, Jr. Miss Gabby M. Guthrie ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hagemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hagley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Hainje Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halapin Mr. and Mrs. George Hall Mr. and Mrs. John Haly Mr. and Mrs. Elie Hanna Ms. April Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hart Mr. and Mrs. John Hart Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Harwell Dr. and Mrs. Chris Hawkins Miss Katherine E. Hawkins ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynie Mr. Carl Hazenberg and Mrs. Kathy Lasseigne Sean and Beata Henry Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higgins Dr. Allie and Mr. Scott Hill Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Kirsten Ryan ‘06) Hofheimer

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hogan Mr. Mark S. Hopkins and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Podgorny Mr. and Mrs. Dan Horgan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell Mr. W. Kenneth Howell Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. David Hudgins Mike and Nicole Hudson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hughes ‘04 Mr. Brendan D. Hunt ‘21 Mr. Ryan J. Hunt ‘19 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurley Tom, Polly, and Zada Hyatt Mr. David Hynes Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Inoa Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Ippolito J Hilburn Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson Jacobs Engineering


Miss Emma E. Jacobs ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey James Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan James Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Jasinski Mr. and Mrs. Jon Jaskwhich Mr. and Mrs. Javier Jimenez Mr. Rodrigo Jimenez and Mrs. Catalina Giraldo Mr. and Mrs. William Johns Ms. Angela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Chad D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Johnson ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Joswick Mr. Ameet M. Kallarackal ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Basil Karampelas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kaseta Mr. Matthew Kasten ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Katz Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keel The Kellner Family Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kenan Mr. and Dr. Jeffrey Keogh Ms. Verna G. Kimura Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kler Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kloss Mr. and Mrs. Don Knapp Mike and Dawn Knuckles Mr. and Mrs. Craig Korac Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kovich Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kramb Kroger Ms. Agnes M. Kumi ‘18 The Lahood Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lambert Ms. Cathy Lancaster Ken and Deanna Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lanier Mr. James K. Lanthier ‘11 The Lapps Family Mr. Alexander M. Leach ‘14 Mr. Benjamin M. Leach ‘21 Mr. Johnathan M. Leach ‘15 Chris and Gabby Leeds Mr. K.J. Lemoine ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Leno Mr. and Mrs. John A. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Jason Levine Ms. Amy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Mr. Matt Lister Mr. and Mrs. David Lively Mr. and Mrs. John Loehrer Mr. and Mrs. Peter London Ms. Courtney E. Loquasto Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Raul Lozano Mr. and Mrs. William Magnus Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahaney Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Majure Ms. Natasha Malloy Mr. and Mrs. James Manthey Rob and Anna Marchant Mr. Frank Maresca Mr. and Dr. Loren Matthews

Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Caroline Vaughn) Maust ‘06 Mr. William L. May II ‘06 Earl and Marilyn Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCants Mr. Finn P. McCarthy ‘21 Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. McCarthy Stuart and Cathy McConnell Pat and Robyn McDaniel Ms. Amy McDermott Mr. and Mrs. James McDonnell Mr. Alastair C. McFarland ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. McFarland Ms. Katherine V. McFarland ‘17 Mr. Samuel I. McFarland ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGargile Mr. and Mrs. James McGill Mr. Casey S. McGough ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGrath Mr. Kylan J. McIntosh ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Will McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Brian McSherry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McSherry and Family Mr. and Mrs. Roddy McWhorter Todd and Roberta Meadows Ms. Melissa Megehee Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michael Mr. and Mrs. Francis Milford Mr. and Mrs. Richard Milian Ms. Barbara Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Millsaps Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Mina The Miramontes Family Mr. Michael C. Mitchler ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mixon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mock Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moir Mr. and Mrs. David Montes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery Ms. Tiffany Moore Mr. and Mrs. Scott Morgan Morgan Stanley Ms. Tracy Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morzen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moses Ms. Michele Mosetti Ms. Gloria Mountain Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mueller Mr. Daniel M. Muir ‘21 Miss Ella A. Murray ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murray Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mutsch Mr. Stanley Kavuma and Mrs. Lillian Nagaddya Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nall Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Nelsen Miss Hannah G. Nelson ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nevle Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Jennifer DeMarco ‘07) New

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nicolosi Mr. and Mrs. Kris Nordlander Mr. and Mrs. Mark Notch Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nott NOVARTIS US Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Noxon Mr. Mateo N. Obando ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Obando Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell Ms. Kathleen E. O’Donnell ‘19 Ms. Ryan K. O’Donnell ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Neill Alessandro and Kimberly Orelli Mr. Joshua D. Oshinski Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and Olivia (Hughes) O’Sullivan ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pacholl Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Palazzo Mr. and Mrs. Sam Palmer Mike and Patti Palmich Mr. and Mrs. Mark Palmisano Mr. David Palughi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paquette Mr. and Mrs. Eric Parker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Patterson The Patton Family Ms. Christine Pearson Jon and Amy Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Bryant (Tricia McCue ‘04) Peters Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Petkash Mr. Michael Pham Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Phelps Ms. Cindy Piazza Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pickard Ms. Emily C. Piper ‘20 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Piper Dr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Piper Ms. Lauren E. Piper ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pittman Jason and Tiffany Podhorez Mr. and Dr. Chad Porter Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Post Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Charles M. Price Mr. Frankie Prologo ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Javier Pujals Mr. Nikulaus G. Pujals ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Quinnelly Ms. Lisa Scicchitano Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rakauskas Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. James Rankin Ms. Caroline Rault Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly Mr. Todd M. Reinkemeyer ‘06 Mr. Martin Reynoso Dr. and Mrs. Avelino Ribeiro Ms. Ellen F. Rick ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Darren Rish Ms. Annie C. Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins Mr. William Q. Robbins ‘24


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Chip Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogge Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth Mr. Tim Rountree Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (Susan Testerman ‘07) Rowell Dr. and Mrs. Michael Ruppenthal Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Russell Mr. and Mrs. John Saenz Ms. Jennifer Salvadori Mr. and Mrs. Juan Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sanchez Dr. and Mrs. Juan Santamaria Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarborough Mrs. Jen Schafer Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schendl Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Schoonover Mr. and Mrs. John Schweizer Mr. Trevor R. Schweizer ‘23 Ms. Angela Scott Mr. “TJ” Scott ‘21 Miss Brenna M. Sculac ‘21 Ms. Annemarie Scully Dr. and Mrs. Patrick (Maggie Banks ‘03) Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Sheahan Sheila and Stagg Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd Shinholster Mr. and Mrs. John Shipley The Shultz Family Miss Sarah K. Sims ‘21 Mr. and Ms. Peter Sloan Slopes BBQ Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith David and Cathy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Smith II Sam and Karla Snider Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snipes Dr. and Mrs. Tafari Solomon Dr. and Mrs. Tunde Sotunde Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Soza Mr. and Mrs. Randall Spak Mr. John Peter Squeri ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stankiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stegelman Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stoke Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Strong Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sugg Mr. Corey M. Swade ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Damien Sweet Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Swoish Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Taggart Shep and Kelli Tapasak Gary and Nancy Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Teran Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Testerman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Thibo Mr. and Dr. Bret Thomas Miss Hayes K. Thomas ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David Tillery Mr. and Mrs. Keith Titshaw Hal and Kelly Todd Mr. and Mrs. Scott Todd Miss Sophie Todd ‘21 Miss Nora A. Toland ‘21 The Toland Family Mr. and Mrs. Roger Torrico Mr. and Mrs. Cord Trammell Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tran Truist Mr. Christopher R. Turner ‘21 Mr. Matthew E. Turner ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Turner Ms. Rebecca G. Turner ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Turner III Mr. Luis E. Tuya The Twiner Family Miss Cate Uebelacker ‘21 United Way of Bay Area Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vail Steve and Beth Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Tony Valenty Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Buren Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. David Vandermosten Ms. Toni A. Vilardi

Ms. Catalina Villacura Mr. Matias A. Villacura ‘21 Miss Ava R. Vojnovic ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vojnovic Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Von Hagel Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wade The Jamie Wagner Family Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Waldrop Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John P. (Meg O’Shea) Ware ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Kathleen Peterson ‘07) Warner Mr. and Mrs. David Wathen Mr. and Mrs. Ian Watson Mrs. Cynthia Watts-Skinner Mr. Timothy J. Weidner The Wellington Family Ms. Hope F. Wellington ‘20 The Weltlich Family Mr. and Mrs. David Wertz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Whalen The Whisler Family Mr. and Mrs. David L. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. Casey Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whitworth Mr. Grant A. Wickremesekera ‘21

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Williams Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wilson David and Joanne Windley Mr. Thomas J. Windley ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wischner The Wolfe Family Mr. and Mrs. David H. Womick Mr. and Mrs. William Wood Mr. John D. Woodbury ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. David Wright Mrs. Shawn Wroblewski Miss Gabriella R. Yates ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yates, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Jason Young Mr. and Mrs. Stephano Zaccagnino Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zaccara Ms. Deborah Zagryn Mr. and Mrs. Salomon Zalzman Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmer Miss Caroline G. Zuhlke ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zuhlke

Gifts In Kind

In Memorial of...


I-Shred Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. McFarland Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. Pryor Mr. Donald Stepanek Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strakes

September Harkey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Muller

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Burg Michael P. Kernan ‘22 Timothy W. Kernan ‘24

Matching Gifts AMB Group LLC Assurant Foundation Anthem Benevity Citizens Bank CITRIX Systems, Inc. The Clorox Company Foundation The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program Delta Dental Domain Capital Advisors, LLC Donaldson Foundation Matching Gifts Program FANNIE MAE FHL Bank Atlanta General Electric Foundation The Home Depot Foundation HPI ICE Euronext Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Jacobs Engineering Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies KeyBank Foundation Kimberly-Clark Foundation Lexis Nexis Risk Marsh & McLennan Companies Matching Gift Program Morgan Stanley Network For Good NOVARTIS US Foundation Once For All Inc Salesforce SAP Software Solutions Truist Virtus Investment Partners Charitable Gift Fund VMWare VOYA Foundation YourCause LLC

Mary McCollough Mr. Thomas Ryan Sterling, Lucy, and Cheryl Price Mr. Charles M. Price Megan Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell

In Honor of... Ms. Lidia Belmar Mr. Matias A. Villacura ‘21 The Class of 2003 Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Seitz Carsten P. Dowdy ‘20 Craig and Neeahtima Dowdy The Class of 2021 Anonymous Miss Kathleen A. Drudge ‘21 Miss Emma E. Jacobs ‘21 Mr. Benjamin M. Leach ‘21 Miss Sophie Todd ‘21 Mr. Thomas J. Windley ‘21 Miss Caroline G. Zuhlke ‘21 Cullen Doyle ‘19 Declan Doyle ‘23 Maeve Doyle ‘23 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Doyle Miss Jenna M. Gonzalez ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gonzalez Kim Mitchler (Amazing Mom) Mr. David G. Mitchler Michael Muir Mr. Daniel M. Muir ‘21 Megan Ryan Mr. Thomas Ryan The Tolcher Family Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Tolcher Sophie Zalzman Mr. and Mrs. Salomon Zalzman


Mrs. Valerie Eatz Samantha G. Eatz ‘22 Mr. and Mrs. John Geis Julia A. Geis ‘24 Ms. Gayle G. Headrick Noah R. Jones ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Hodges Grant T. Hodges ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Lovett Christopher J. Lovett ‘24 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mayfield Eli E. Gearheard ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Turner, III Richard T. Turner, Jr. ‘11 Justin A. Turner ‘20 Christopher R. Turner ‘21 Matthew E. Turner ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Whitfield Jacob D. Nevle ‘21 Joseph M. Nevle ‘24 Ms. Anita M. Woodside Kathryn L. Baker ‘21 Loren M. Baker ‘23

Faculty & Staff

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School is proud to carry on the tradition of achieving 100% Faculty and Staff participation in the Trinity Fund. Mrs. Karen Allsteadt Mrs. Meredith Ammons Mrs. Beth Anderson Mr. Richard Barden Ms. Noelle Barkes Mrs. Jillian L. Bauersfeld Mrs. Elizabeth Behar-Powell Dr. Carlie A. Black Mrs. Allison R. Boes Mr. David C. Burnett Ms. Angela Calabro Mr. Theodore J. Capaldi Dr. Sarah Cerniglia Mrs. Monica Chambers Mrs. Moira Clark Mrs. Liana K. Clements ‘07 Ms. Amanda M. Clements ‘09 Mrs. Joy Clift Ms. Cathy Coleman Mr. Philip Colon Mr. Jameson A. Contratto ‘07 Ms. Susan Corbett-Conway Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. Michael Davidson Mrs. Jamie M. Davies Mr. Douglas Davis Mrs. Lori DeCamp Mrs. Leslie DePietro Mr. Patrick L. Dever ‘07 Mrs. Mari Diaz Mrs. Nancy-Jane DiPrima Mrs. An Kim Doan Mrs. Susan Dorner Mrs. Kathleen Ferrante Mrs. Ileana E. Franklin Fr. Robert Frederick Dr. James Freeman Mrs. Maureen Fujihira

Mr. Geoffrey M. Gerard Mr. Gus Godbee Mr. Chuck O. Goddard Mr. Ralph J. Gondek Mr. Jonathan Grattan Mrs. Banesa Guaderrama Mrs. Jodi Gucer Mr. Andrew Harlin Mrs. Sherry Hart Mr. Brandon Harwell Dr. Chris Hawkins Mr. Michael P. Henry Mr. W. Kenneth Howell Mrs. Karen Hurley Mr. John Jackson Mr. Chad D. Johnson Mr. Gregory A. Johnson ‘05 Mrs. Ilaria Bruce Johnson Mrs. Julie Jones Mr. Alan Keel Mr. Ken Kenan Ms. Cathy Lancaster Mr. Christopher Leeds Mrs. Rebecca Manthey Ms. Patricia M. McCarthy Mrs. Liz McFarland Mr. Tim McFarlin Mrs. Jolene McIntyre Mrs. Erin McKenna Ms. Melissa Megehee Mrs. Jennifer Michael Mr. Joseph K. Miller Mrs. Marci Miller Mrs. Kim Mitchler Mr. Ed Morzen Mr. Mark Moses Mrs. Sharon Mueller Mrs. Amy Muller


Mr. Brad Nelsen Mrs. Jennifer DeMarco New ‘07 Mr. Brian O’Connor Mrs. Jan O’Donnell Mr. Eric J. Opitz Mr. Joshua D. Oshinski Mr. Ryan O’Sullivan Mrs. Olivia O’Sullivan Mrs. Meredith Parker Mr. Robert Parker Mrs. Erin Petkash Mr. Michael Pham Dr. John D. Piper Mr. Jason Podhorez Mr. Charles M. Price Mrs. Jamie L. Reger Mr. Martin Reynoso Ms. Ellen F. Rick ‘12 Mr. Tim Rountree Mr. Thomas Ryan Ms. Lisa Scicchitano Ms. Susan M. Schafer Ms. Helenanne Seaman Mr. Sam Snider Mr. Mark J. Tolcher Mr. Richard T. Turner, Sr. Mrs. Susan Van Buren Ms. Toni A. Vilardi Mr. Ramon Villacura Mr. Jamie J. Wagner Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Ms. Cynthia Watts-Skinner Mr. Timothy J. Weidner Mr. Casey Whitlock Mrs. Kirby Whitworth Mrs. Susan Womick Mrs. Kim Yates Mrs. Luisa Zalzman

Alumni Class of 2003

Class of 2010

Class of 2019

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick (Maggie Banks) Seitz

Mr. Richard F. Davis III Ms. Katherine E. Hawkins

Mr. Paul “CJ” Abrams Ms. Jana A. Barden Mr. Cullen M. Doyle Mr. Ryan J. Hunt Ms. Kathleen E. O’Donnell

Class of 2004 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. DiLuzio Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Bryant (Tricia McCue) Peters

Class of 2011 Ms. Angelica M. Baker Mr. James K. Lanthier Mr. Richard T. Turner, Jr.

Class of 2005

Class of 2012

Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher (Amy Banks) Fendrick Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ben (Kate Kelly) Saylor Mr. and Mrs. John P. (Meg O’Shea) Ware

Ms. Ellen F. Rick

Class of 2006

Class of 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Foreste Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Kirsten Ryan) Hofheimer Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Caroline Vaughn) Maust Mr. William L. May II Mr. Todd M. Reinkemeyer

Miss Madison E. Brainard Miss Taylor J. Brainard Mr. Ameet M. Kallarackal Mr. Alexander M. Leach

Class of 2007 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Banks Mr. and Mrs. James (Ally Drake) Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Liana Kloss) Clements Mr. and Mrs. Jameson A. Contratto Ms. Courtney M. Denis Mr. Patrick L. Dever Mr. and Mrs. John (Kristen Stultz) Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Jennifer DeMarco) New Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (Susie Testerman) Rowell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Kathleen Peterson) Warner

Class of 2013 Mr. William J. Check

Class of 2015 Ms. Madeline J. Bolger Mr. Johnathan M. Leach Mr. Corey M. Swade

Class of 2016 Mr. Jonathan M. Anderson Ms. Madeleine K. Franchi Mr. K.J. Lemoine

Class of 2017

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (Olivia Hughes) O’Sullivan Mr. John D. Woodbury

Mr. Ian M. Bolger Mr. Timothy J. Bolger Mr. Alastair C. McFarland Ms. Katherine V. McFarland Mr. Samuel I. McFarland Ms. Lauren E. Piper Mr. Nikulaus G. Pujals

Class of 2009

Class of 2018

Mr. Jan-Michael Cart Mr. Spencer J. Chesnutt Ms. Amanda M. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Crisafi Mr. Matthew Kasten

Ms. Agnes M. Kumi Ms. Rebecca G. Turner

Class of 2008


Class of 2020 Ms. Ryan K. O’Donnell Ms. Emily C. Piper Ms. Hope F. Wellington

Class of 2021 Anonymous Miss Madeleine A. Barre Mr. Avery Biggs Miss Katie Brown Miss Vivian J. Dabbs Mr. Robert J. Della Bernarda Miss Alyson C. Ditty Miss Kathleen A. Drudge Mr. William F. Dyches Miss Isabella Edwards Miss Mary Beth Fason Miss Emma E. Ferrante Miss Kelly S. Furey Miss Lauren E. Gamis Mr. Alex C. Garrot Mr. Brian William Goldblatt Miss Jenna M. Gonzalez Mr. Peter M. Griffin Miss Gabby M. Guthrie Mr. Donnie Hall Miss Lauren Hall Mr. Brendan D. Hunt Miss Emma E. Jacobs Mr. Benjamin M. Leach Mr. Finn P. McCarthy Mr. Casey S. McGough Mr. Kylan J. McIntosh Mr. Michael C. Mitchler Mr. Daniel M. Muir Miss Ella A. Murray Miss Hannah G. Nelson Mr. Mateo N. Obando Mr. “TJ” Scott Miss Brenna M. Sculac Miss Sarah K. Sims Mr. John Peter Squeri Miss Hayes K. Thomas Miss Sophie Todd Miss Nora A. Toland Mr. Christopher R. Turner Mr. Matthew E. Turner Miss Cate Uebelacker Mr. Matias A. Villacura Miss Ava R. Vojnovic Mr. Grant A. Wickremesekera Mr. Thomas J. Windley Miss Gabriella R. Yates Miss Caroline G. Zuhlke

Scholarships & Endowments 1st Lieutenant Scott Joseph Fleming Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Kevin Mann Memorial Jessica Turner Endowed Scholarship Memorial Endowed Family and friends established this Scholarship

scholarship in memory of Kevin Mann, a teacher and coach at This scholarship was established by Blessed Trinity, who died of cancer in June 2006. This scholarship is the Fleming family and friends in awarded to a student who shows honor of 1st Lt. Scott Joseph academic achievement in social Fleming, a 2004 BT alumni, studies, participates in the school’s who was killed in Afghanistan athletic program and displays a during combat operations while devotion to his/her Catholic faith. providing security for the Afghan people during the Parliamentary Total Invested Funds: $83,378 elections on September 17, 2010. 2020-21 Recipient: Brigham Rogers The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior student who has demonstrated Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Clark academic success, leadership Mark and Susan Conway qualities and believes in Dr. and Mrs. Chris Hawkins community service. Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Narvaez Total Invested Funds: $49,683 Mr. Ameet M. Kallarackal ‘14 2020-21 Recipient: Reagan Hart Mrs. Katherine Mann Mr. Tim Rountree Mr. and Mrs. David Allsteadt Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cooper Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Fleming Devon McKniff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Memorial Endowed Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Narvaez Scholarships Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Hughes ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes Established by family and friends Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs in memory of Devon McKniff, a Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Caroline Vaughn) Blessed Trinity student who died Maust ‘06 in a car accident in December 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Valenti these scholarships are awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Wagner two students who share Devon’s love of the arts.

American Book Company Endowed Scholarship Endowed by Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pintozzi, this scholarship is awarded to a student from a minority background who has enriched the life of the school.

Total Invested Funds: $136,493 2020-21 Recipients: Natalia Acosta & William Deal Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Narvaez Mr. Ameet M. Kallarackal ‘14 Mrs. Margaret A. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Kathleen Peterson ‘07) Warner

Total Invested Funds: $26,419 2020-21 Recipient: Diane Pierre-Louis


Established by family and friends in 2001 after the tragic loss of Jessica, daughter of BT Athletic Director Ricky and his wife Lynn, this scholarship is awarded to a junior girl who embodies the qualities the Turners were developing in their daughter. This includes involvement in the spiritual life of the school, membership in extracurricular activities and success in academics. Total Invested Funds: $89,500 2020-21 Recipient: Sammy Rizzo Mr. and Dr. Alex Black Mr. and Mrs. David C. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Byars Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carlton Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mark DiPrima Ms. Michelle M. Dudar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fujihira Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grattan Mr. and Mrs. Esteban Guaderrama Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harlin Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Harwell Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Hernandez Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. James Manthey Mr. and Mrs. Eric (Caroline Vaughn) Maust ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Tim McFarlin Mr. and Mrs. Will McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Donald Novak Mr. and Mrs. Brendan O’Donnell Mr. Joshua D. Oshinski Mr. and Mrs. Mike Petkash Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rogers Mr. Thomas Ryan Ms. Lisa Scicchitano Ms. Helenanne Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Turner III Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Turner, Sr. Mr. Richard T. Turner, Jr. ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Villacura Mr. and Mrs. Casey Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. David H. Womick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yates, Sr.

Founder’s Endowed Scholarship Endowed by Founding Principal Frank Moore and friends. Mr. Moore led Blessed Trinity for its first 16 years, until his retirement in June 2016. From the school’s early days, its reputation grew quickly as a first tier academic institution with outstanding service, fine arts, and athletic programs. A musician and photographer, Mr. Moore had a particular love for the arts at Blessed Trinity. This scholarship is awarded to a sophomore student who is in the top quartile of the class and is involved in the fine arts program.

Jeff and Jeannie Stokes Louise B. Baker Family Endowed Memorial Endowed Scholarships Scholarship Endowed by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Stokes in 2006 to recognize two students who are known for kindness, consideration and bringing out the best in others.

Sponsored by the Baker Family and friends of this beloved mother and parent volunteer who passed away after a two-year battle with colon cancer in January 2018. Louise was most devoted to her Catholic Total Invested Funds: $33,565 faith and her vocation as a mother, 2020-21 Recipients: Dylan Stewart and for more than a decade, was a & Sarah Stewart faithful participant in Bible study, mother’s prayer group and serving as an adoration guardian and in the spiritual life of the Blessed Max Gruver Memorial overall Trinity community. In her honor, and to the legacy she left, this Scholarship scholarship is awarded to a student who is most devoted to practicing Sponsored by the family of Max their Catholic faith and prioritizes Gruver, in memory of their son. Total Invested Funds: $77,436 service to others before oneself. Max, a member of the Blessed 2020-21 Recipient: McKenna Wallace Trinity Class of 2017, died during Total Invested Funds: $41,588 his freshman year at Louisiana Dr. Susanna Craddock 2020-21 Recipient: State University. The scholarship Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Christina Maria Arias is awarded to a student who Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes shares Max’s love of sports and Ms. Angelica M. Baker ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs journalism. Mr. Vincent E. Baker, Jr. and Family Mr. Ameet M. Kallarackal ‘14 Dr. Susanna Craddock Mr. Frank Moore Total Invested Funds: $20,029 Ms. Lisa D’Amato Mr. Michael Pham 2020-21 Recipient: Clark Bilderback Ms. Michelle M. Dudar Mr. Todd M. Reinkemeyer ‘06 Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mr. and Mrs. John Butler Mrs. Olga Narvaez Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Byars Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes and Mrs. Michael Carlton Kimberly Clark Foundation Smith Family Endowed Mr. Ms. Cathy Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs Dr. Susanna Craddock Fund for Tuition Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nunn Ms. Elizabeth Cronin Mr. and Mrs. James W. Piper Assistance Mr. and Mrs. Robert DePietro Dr. and Mrs. John D. Piper Ms. Michelle M. Dudar Endowed in 2005 by Mrs. Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Gerard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Goodson Smith, grandmother of Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Griffin Smith ’06, the annual proceeds Elizabeth Huffner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gruver from this gift are added to the Mr. and Mrs. Baburhan Gucer amount of tuition assistance made Memorial Scholarship Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga available to qualified families. Narvaez This scholarship was endowed by Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hynes Total Invested Funds: $127,838 family and friends of Mrs. Huffner, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs a parent who was very active in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Katz the Blessed Trinity community. Mr. and Mrs. Will McKenna This scholarship is awarded to a Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulligan Picture Perfect Mr. and Mrs. Ryan (Olivia Hughes ‘08) student for excellence in academics and service, two qualities that she O’Sullivan Photography prized. Ms. Christine Pearson Scholarship Ms. Ellen F. Rick ‘12 Total Invested Funds: $137,458 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Sanchez Sponsored by David and Denise 2020-21 Recipient: Michael Bell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sugg Huntley, owners of Picture Perfect Mr. Carlos Hoyos and Mrs. Olga Photography, this award is given to Narvaez an outstanding sophomore scholar. Mr. Donald E. Huffner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jacobs 2020-21 Recipient: Irena Lively Mrs. Margaret A. Ward


Goizueta Foundation Endowed Scholarships

The Martin J. Kinzler Scholarship

9/11 Flag Memorial Scholarship

Through her foundation, Mrs. Olga Goizueta, wife of Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of Coca-Cola, has endowed this scholarship which awards two students of Hispanic heritage. The scholarship recipients must also contribute to the life of the school through scholarship, leadership, and dedication; qualities possessed by her late husband.

Sponsored by Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of La Salette Council #8376. The Knights of Columbus Scholarship is awarded to a student whose family is a member of St. Ann’s Parish, who has been successful academically, who is active in school activities and in the religious life of the school and parish.

Total Invested Funds: $219,195 2020-21 Recipients: Diana Soza & Mavrick Torrico

2020-21 Recipients: Joseph Lillis, Valeria Lucia Bazan & Nicholas Gabriel Ferrante

Sponsored by Dr. Robert and Cheryl O’Donnell, whose two daughters, Kathleen ‘19 and Ryan ‘20, created the annual Blessed Trinity 9/11 Flag Memorial. The Memorial honors the victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with nearly 3,000 American flags, placed in neat columns and rows in the horseshoe of the Blessed Trinity campus. Each year, one outstanding student will be selected in recognition of their patriotism, love of country and personal commitment to this project.

Robert White & UPS Endowed Scholarship

The St. Joseph Endowed Scholarship

Total Invested Funds: $3,500 2020-21 Recipient: Lauren Leszynski

This scholarship was endowed by an executive of UPS and is awarded to a young man who embodies both physical abilities and academic skills.

Endowed by the family of Joseph Camperlengo, a decorated Korean War veteran and grandfather of a Blessed Trinity alumnus. Joseph’s infectious personality exuded a confidence that “despite any difficulty, all will be well if we believe in each other.” Awarded to a male who is team oriented and demonstrates leadership, moral courage, and a tireless work ethic.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Squeri

Total Invested Funds: $32,043 2020-21 Recipient: Titus Nordlander

Total Invested Funds: $23,957 2020-21 Recipient: Sean Wylie

For donor recognition purposes, gift totals include legal credits, soft credits, gifts in kind and matching gifts. Despite our efforts to avoid errors, occassionally they occur in producing the Donor Publication. If your name has been accidentally omitted or reported incorrectly, please notify us and accept our sincere apologies.

Each year, Blessed Trinity participates in Giving Tuesday in support of Catholic education through #iGiveCatholic. This year, our goal was to add a new bus to our fleet in order to safely transport our students to various events. Our community raised $68,796 with 371 donors contributing in support of Blessed Trinity. Thank you for supporting Blessed Trinity during #iGiveCatholic.

Anonymous (8) Cathy Louise Abbott Jose and Julia Acosta Mr. and Dr. Matthew Adrian The Allen’s The Anderson Family Jon Anderson Mike & Libbie Arnold Jason Assad Brad and Jennifer Bailey Michael Banks ‘07 Jana Barden ‘19 Richard & Jeannie Barden Noelle J. Barkes Angela and Robert Barnes Ann and Paul Bataillon Mary and Ben Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell Dr. and Mrs. William Benedict Kim Benson Earne and Liz Bentley Jack Thomas Bentley Kathryn Bergquist James and Allison Bernstein ‘07 The Bilson Family The Bloomer Family Matthew and Jennifer Boettinger Peter & Susan Bohman Ian Bolger ‘17 Madeline Bolger ‘15 Timothy Bolger ‘17 Ken & Aileen Bolger Robert and Ana Bond Denise Boyd Amy and David Brown The Bryant Family Mike & Mary Burgiss The Burkett Family Carter and Amelia Burton Chrissy Butler Joe and Zoila Cabrera Elizabeth Caiello Terry Caldwell Anthony Calobrisi Leigh and Handly Cameron Christi Cantu Niki Capuano Jan-Michael Cart ‘09 Lynn Carter Guy & Sue Carter Kristi Cassell Michael and Kathleen Chambers Eileen Chastain

Bonnie and Randy Chauvin Fernando & Lillianna Chavarria Erin Chesnutt Jennifer Chicoine Robyn and Michael Clancy Moira Clark Trey and Liana Clements ‘07 Steve and Amy Clements Andy and Carrie Clonts The Cole Family Cathy Coleman Robert and Venita Coleman The Coltrane Family H. Keith and Lauren Cook Mary Margaret & Rob Cooper Michelle Cornell David Cotter Michael and Nancy Coveny Madelyn Cowan ‘23 Matt and Katy Cowan Doug & Megan Crabtree The Crispo Family Elizabeth Cronin John Crupie ‘05 Cristian Cruz Dabbs Family Daley Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Darr Jason Daumeyer Richard F. Davis III ‘10 Carter Deaderick Delfino Family Mr. and Mrs. Dean Della Bernarda Courtney Dennis ‘07 Barbara Diaz Mark and Nancy-Jane DiPrima Michael and Caroline Ditty Dan Doelling Jon & Inga Dolezar The Dolfi Family Brian and Lisa Dooling Matt Doorley Cornel & Susan Dore Susan Dorner Cullen M. Doyle ‘19 Kevin and Rochelle Doyle The Dropp Family Mr. and Mrs. Drudge Alexandra Dudley Brian and Tonia Duke Eaton Family Brian and Susannah Eatz Hicham and Elizabth Elhassani


Juan Carlos Elizarraras The Ellis Family Chad and Teresa Epple Falberg-Freeman Michelle Farr Edward Fays Amy Banks Fendrick ‘05 The Ferrante Family The Flading Family Lynn Flanagan Doug and Aimee Foley Nina Fortney The Fowler Family Madeleine Franchi ‘16 Fr. Bob Frederick Dr. James A. Freeman Creighton and Kelly Frommer The Fuller Family The Gagne Family Shannon and Jason Garrett Elizabeth Garrot Betsy Garvis Nall Gearheard Jack & Re’An Geis John and Mary Ann Geis Jon and Cindy George Brian Ghannam Justin & Elizabeth Goff The Gomez Family Raymond and June Gonzalez Steve and Ashley Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodsell Mike Graham and Darby Graham Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Griffin Jaime Groesser Rick Gruca The Gruver Family Gullo Family Jason and Michelle Guthrie Robert, Janet, Heather and Matthew Halapin Christine and George Hall John Haly Art and Lynn Hamfeldt John and Louise Hamrick Katherine Hawkins ‘10 Alexandra Haynie Krista Heller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henry Patricia Hernandez Brian and Karen Hershberger Doug and Leticia Hicks Scott and Allie Hill

The Hodges Family Phil and Helen Hodges Kirsten Ryan Hofheimer ‘06 The Hogan Family Kim Hope Mark and Beth Hopkins Julie Hubbard David & Jennie Hudgins Joseph Hudkins Michael and Nicole Hudson J. Patrick Hughes ‘04 Molly & Rich Hughes Ryan Hunt ‘19 Todd and Stacey Sean Hynes The Jaskwhich Family Catalina & Rodrigo Jimenez Javier & Catherine Jimenez The Karampelas Family The Kaseta Family Court Kasten ‘09 The Katz Family Jeff and Molly Keogh William and Kathy Kloss Josefina and Don Knapp Agnes Kumi ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lamon Kenneth Lancaster James Lantheir ‘11 Lisa Lask-Torrico Dr. and Mrs. Michael Leach The LeDuc Family Chris Leeds K.J. Lemoine ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lenich Beth Leno Brenda Leslie Matt & Christina Leszynski Meredith Limberis Alan Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. John Loehrer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lohman Peter and Maria London Courtney Loquasto David, Darian & Claire Luke Anthony and Kelly Lynch Mackenzie Family Mr. and Mrs. William Magnus Mike & Suzanne Mahaney Kristin Marnell Bill May ‘06 Earl and Marilyn Mayfield Steve McCaffrey Patti McCarthy Amy McDermott Jim and Mia McDonnell Sam McFarland ‘17 Alex McFarland ‘17 Kate McFarland ‘17 Tim McFarlin Lori McGarigle Gary and Jolene McIntyre Will and Erin McKenna McManes Family Kevin McSherry and Family Todd and Roberta Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Todd Michals Todd & Kim Milford Frank and Melondy Mina Lisa Mirando

The Mixon Family The Mock Family Mr. and Mrs. William Moir Eric and Tricia Mondi Montes Family The Montgomery Family Luiz Montoro Tiffany Moore Mike and Laurie Morse The Mosetti Family Gloria Mountain Mr. and Mrs. David Mowrey Sharon Mueller Jill P. Muir Mike and Katie Mulligan Jennifer New ‘07 Brian & Krystal Norris Richard & Tami Nott The Novak Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Nowicki Jan O’Donnell Kathleen E. O’Donnell ‘19 Ryan K. O’Donnell ‘20 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Donnell Heather O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Neill Ruben Obando Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio Odivilas Kim & Alessandro Orelli Lynn and Rob Palazzo Nicole and Greg Palazzo Amy and Sam Palmer Mark & Marie Palmisano David Palughi Steve and Michelle Parsons Mark Patsy Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson Christine Pearson Maria Perry Raymond & Kelly Peters Jeff & Sheila Petersen Michal Pham Garrett and Crissy Phelps Walt and Sandra Pickell Jason and Tiffany Podhorez Jill Post Christy Prendergast Charles M. Price Rick and Karla Radtke Katie Rankin Caroline Rault Philip & Jancy Reavis Sarah and Steve Regitz Todd Reinkemeyer ‘06 The Ribeiro Family John & Angie Riordan Annie Rizzo Will and Maria Robbins Stephanie Robertson Maria Robinson Hector Rodriguez Jason and Ann Rogers Amy L. Rogers Cristina Rothering Susie (Testerman) Rowell ‘07 Genevieve Ruppenthal Jennifer Salvadori Kristine and Juan Sanchez Susan Schafer Schooler Family


Trevor Schweizer Helenanne Seaman Michael and Charlotte Sebesta Maggie Banks Seitz ‘03 Richard and Jennifer Shank Kevin & Christy Sheahan The Shinholster Family The Shipley Family Jeff and Lisa Showalter Stephanie Sims Peter Sloan & Patricia Marmion Mekhi Small-Best Pete & Chris Smith Ulioma Sotunde The Spak Family Paula Spak Hubert and Carina Stankiewicz Andrew Stephenson Dirk & Stacy Stewart Scott & Krissy Stoke Ryan and Cristy Strong Lorena S. Suarez Corey Swade ‘15 Taggart Family Helen and Widianto Tjokroamidjojo Paula and Scott Todd Mark and Kelly Tolcher Mr. and Mrs. Cord Trammell Jenna Treible Dana Tulley Becca Turner ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Turner Doug and Julie Turner Luis Tuya Michelle Twiner The Vails Annie and Tony Valenty Chris and Katie Van Zant Ramon Villacura Heidi Wade Kirk Waldrop Mark and Katy Walker Steven and Martha Wallace Elizabeth Wathen Ian and Laura Watson Larry & Melissa Weiss Hope Wellington ‘20 Scott & Jennifer Wellington The Weltlich Family Dave and Deborah Wertz The Whobrey Family Jamie & Jennifer Williams Rodney and Patricia Wilson David and Joanne Windley The Winter Family The Wolfe Family Bill & Peggy Wood John D. Woodbury ‘08 Shawn Wroblewski Kim and Mike Yates Scott & Kara Yates Liz & Jason Young Stefano and Sabrina Sophie Zalzman

Last year, Blessed Trinity received $309,063.51 and was able to provide financial aid to 40 qualifying students. These students will continue to receive financial aid through GRACE during their time at Blessed Trinity provided they continue to qualify. Because these funds came from GRACE, it allowed regularly budgeted financial aid dollars to go further in supporting the financial needs of the students coming from our Catholic feeder schools and other private schools. Below is a listing of the 2020-2021 GRACE Scholars contributors.

Anonymous (10) Mr. and Mrs. Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Arias Mr. and Mrs. Ascari Mrs. Badgett Mr. and Mrs. Baker Mr. and Ms. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Barden Mr. and Mrs. Barton Mr. and Ms. Bataillon Dr. and Mrs. Batteh Mr. and Mrs. Batteh Mr. and Mrs. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Berletchick Father Berny Ms. Boulay Mr. and Mrs. Boylston Mr. and Mrs. Braner Mr. and Mrs. Bujeker Mr. and Mrs. Bulthuis Mr. and Mrs. Burns Mr. Cabrera and Mrs. Alzuri-Cabrera Mr. and Mrs. Caddell Mr. and Dr. Callicutt Dr. Camacho Mr. and Mrs. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Clements Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Cote Mr. and Mrs. Cotter Mr. and Mrs. Crisanti Mr. and Ms. Criscolo Mr and Ms Dawson Ms. DeLeon Mr. and Ms. Dicks Deacon and Mrs. Dorner Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Dunn Mrs. Eatz Mr. and Mrs. Entz Mr. and Mrs. Eppert Mr. and Mrs. Erbs Mr. and Mrs. Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Fite Mr. and Mrs. Fought Dr. Franco and Dr. Ceballos-Franco Mr. and Mrs. Frangis Mr. and Mrs. Gandolfo Mr. and Mrs. Gasper Mr. and Mrs. Gebhardt Ms. Gibson

Mr. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Gucer Mr. and Ms. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Hamrick Deacon and Mrs. Hanna Dr. and Mrs. Hart Dr. and Mrs. Havlik Mr. and Mrs. Helsley Mr. and Mrs. Hentz Mr. and Mrs. Herrin Mr. and Mrs. Hershberger Mr. and Mrs. Hoekstra Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Hogan Mr. Hopkins and Mrs. Podgorny Mr. and Mrs. Horgan Mr. and Mrs. Hudkins Mr. and Mrs. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Hynes Mr. and Mrs. Irace Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser Mr. Kaseta and Mrs. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Kassis Mr. Kasten and Mrs. Bonner-Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Kile Mr. and Mrs. Kinney Mr. Skorcz and Mrs. Kirwan Mr. Kopp and Ms. Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Kriscovich Mr .and Mrs. Kyker Mr. and Mrs. Lankie Mr. and Mrs. Lenich Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Mandula Mrs. Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Mariner Mr. and Dr. Markwordt Tony and Shari Martin Mr. and Mrs. Massimine Drs. McAlvany Mr. and Mrs. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Michals Mr. and Mrs. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mondi Mr. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Morgan

Ms. Mraz Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Neuman Mrs. Norris Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien Dr. and Mrs. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. Pacer Mr. and Mrs. Pacer Mr. and Mrs. Paonessa Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Mr. Paula Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen Mr. and Mrs. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Piper Mr. Powderly Mr. and Mrs. Preece Mr. and Mrs. Quigley Mr. and Ms. Ragole Mr. and Mrs. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Reinkemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Rossello Mr. and Mrs. Ruane Ms. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Sebesta Mr. and Mrs. Seeterlin Mr. and Mrs. Shappard Mr. and Mrs. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Solar Dr. and Mrs. Sotunde Mr. and Mrs. Spak Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Stegemoeller Mr. and Mrs. Steiger Mr. and Mrs. Stephans Mr. and Ms. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Tench Mr. and Mrs. Tomko Mr. and Ms. Turko Mr. and Mrs. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Vicario Mr. and Mrs. Vick Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Weltlich Mr. and Mrs. Wise Mr. Tam and Ms. Yip Mr. and Mrs. Zachman

While GRACE participation addresses the school’s critical need for targeted financial aid funding, it should not be considered a donation. It is, rather, a redirection of tax monies already owed to the state. We continue to be grateful for our much needed contributions to the school’s Trinity Fund as they help us meet overall budgetary obligations.


Ways WaysTo To Give Give The TheTrinity TrinityFund Fund

YourYour gift to Trinity Fund, ourour annual fund, is is the single make each eachyear. year. giftThe to The Trinity Fund, annual fund, the singlemost mostimportant importantgift gift you you can can make Tuition revenues cover the the school’s basic operations. Additional funded through throughaa Tuition revenues cover school’s basic operations. Additionalbudget budgetitems itemscan can only only be be funded successful annual fund. WeWe areare hopeful forfor 100% current our students studentsaafull full successful annual fund. hopeful 100% currentfamily familyparticipation participationto to help help give give our Blessed Trinity education, highlighted in our four pillars. Blessed Trinity education, highlighted in our four pillars.

GRACE Scholars, Inc. An AnEndowment Endowment GRACE Scholars, Inc. is a state-approved Student is a state-approved Student Scholarship Organization (SSO) Scholarship Organization (SSO) established by the Archdiocese established by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The state allows of Atlanta. The state allows Georgia residents to redirect Georgia residents to redirect a portion of their state income a portion of their state income taxes to a private school of their taxes to a private school of their choice for use in providing choice for use in providing financial aid to qualifying financial aid to qualifying students. students.

was established partofof was established asaspart Blessed Trinity’s 2011 Capital Blessed Trinity’s 2011 Capital Campaign. Each year,10% 10%ofof Campaign. Each year, all donations are earmarked all donations are earmarked endowmentand andmay may forfor thethe endowment never be used for operational never be used for operational budget items. Proceedsfrom fromthe the budget items. Proceeds investment of endowment funds investment of endowment funds are earmarked for Campus are earmarked for Campus Ministry initiatives, faculty Ministry initiatives, faculty development, and financial aid. development, and financial aid.

Planned Giving Planned Giving

allows donors donors to allows to continue continue having an impact having an impact at at Blessed Blessed Trinity, beyond beyond their Trinity, their lifetime. lifetime.ItIt may allow you to make may allow you to makeaalarger larger gift that might not otherwise gift that might not otherwise be possible. possible. It It is be is easy easy to tomake make a Planned Gift. If you have a Planned Gift. If you have already named Blessed Trinity already named Blessed Trinity in your will or other estate in your will or other estate plans, please contact the Office plans, please contact the Office of Advancement. of Advancement.

Parent Organization

Give at No Cost to You! Give at No Cost to You!

Parent Organization Fundraising Fundraising

Ask us about Employer/Employee Ask us aboutGift Employer/Employee Matching Programs, or visit the Matching or companies. visit the website Gift for a Programs, list of current website for a list of current companies. Shop to support Blessed Trinity and sign any of our community rewards Shopuptowith support Blessed Trinity and sign shopping partners.rewards up with any of our community shopping partners.

Athletic Association Association BTAA Athletic exists to promote the growth BTAA exists to promote theand growth of all our athletic programs the of all our athleticofprograms and the involvement all BT families.

involvement of all BT families. Fine Arts Association BTFAAFine is a group of dedicated parents Arts Association and faculty withof a common to BTFAA is a group dedicatedgoal parents promote thewith FineaArts community. and faculty common goal to promote the Fine Arts community. Home & School BTH&S strives improve Hometo& Schoolthe overall quality of campus life and spiritual life. BTH&S strives to improve the overall quality of campus life and spiritual life.




Cathy Lancaster, Principal Father Robert Frederick, Chaplain Susan Dorner, Assistant Principal Michael Henry, Assistant Principal Ramon Villacura, Assistant Principal

Advisory Council Mike Sebesta - Chairman Erin Chesnutt Nicholas A. Diluzio ‘04 Fr. Dan Fleming Greg Heller John R. Luckett Jr.

Connect with us:

Please make a contribution to the Trinity Fund today by scanning the QR code above.

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School exists to provide a nurturing educational environment that transforms lives in Christ, integrating Spiritual Formation, Academic Excellence, Artistic Sensibility, and Athletic Achievement.

Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

11320 Woodstock Rd. Roswell, GA 30075

(678) 277-9083


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