Space Conference 2012 Report

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Spaces Conference Report B i i ttogether Bringing th people l from f mental t l health h lth and d environmental i t l organisations - to learn more about how working outdoors in nature can support well being and recovery Thursday 24th May 2012 Redhall Walled Garden, Edinburgh

Background In 2009 Jan Cameron and staff from SAMH Redhall worked with FEVA to coordinate the first Spaces event (Sept 2009) and to deliver a 6-month awareness-raising training programme which helped environmental volunteer managers to recognise and understand the barriers to involving people with mental health problems. This programme was called Recovery through Discovery and was highly sought after by environmental volunteer managers from all over Scotland from as far as Portree and down to Dumfries. Having the opportunity to access the outdoors and be part of it through walking or working, with or without support, is now recognised, particularly throughout the environmental sector as been important to everyone in terms of easing anxiety, stress and a variety of mental health problems. The Recovery training programme led to an awareness that there was a yawning gap between supported mental health services and open environmental volunteering programmes and organisations. It also identified the fact that some people with mental health problems may need some support to access the outdoors. Building on the success of the 2009 event, Spaces 2012 was designed as a first step towards bridging that gap through facilitating introductions and connections between mental health support agencies and the environmental sector.

Spaces 2012 Introduction This inspirational event was a conference “with a difference” which involved learning about the impact outdoor spaces and contact with nature can have on our lives and mental health, through hearing stories, meeting new people and experiencing a range of hands-on environment-based activities in the awardwinning surroundings of Redhall Walled Garden (SAMH). Environmental activities offer an effective, proven resource for improving mental health and well being. Spaces 2012 provided a meeting place for mental health and environmental organisations to learn about each other’s practices and opportunities, including the challenges of inclusion. The event provided an opportunity for delegates to take part in a selection of outdoor activities which were run as taster sessions by key environmental organisations across Scotland so that delegates could get a feel for how such activities might help people that they work with. Spaces was designed as a springboard for future partnership activity and was funded by SNH and TCV Scotland. No charge was made to delegates.

Spaces Planning Team In March 2012, Bridget Finton from Scottish Natural Heritage and Mark Vrionides from Edinburgh and Lothian Greenspace Trust joined the planning team for Spaces which included: Julia Duncan, Heather Lewis and David Graham – TCV Scotland Jan Cameron, Steve Mayes and Catherine Lockerbie – Redhall Garden, SAMH Fiona Bisset, Senior Medical Officer/ Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Scottish Government

What was the aim of Spaces? To maximise opportunities for environmental activity to become a core component in the process of recovery for those suffering from mental ill health by making long lasting partnerships between environmental and mental health organisations.


Spaces Programme The programme included a morning Scene-Setting gathering and an Afternoon Plenary in the Event Marquee. Key speakers for these gatherings included: Russell Hampton, Director TCV Scotland, Charlie McMillan, Director of Operations, SAMH, Jan Cameron, Manager of Redhall, SAMH, Catherine Lockerbie, Redhall Trainee, Sheena Lowrie, NHS Lothian, Rab Erskine and the afternoon session was chaired by Charles Winstanley, Chair of NHS Lothian and Edinburgh Leisure. The talks and presentations were captured live on Twitter throughout the day and all tweets were “storified” by TCV Scotland for all to view after the event: The middle section of the day was divided into 3 one-hour sessions and delegates were encouraged to choose between Green Activities (held around the garden) and Soapbox talks. Activities included: • Wildflower meadow planting and Green Gym introduction– led by TCV Scotland • Creating herb planters – led by Trellis • Creating seed bombs – led by Redhall • Geocaching – led by Redhall • Guided walk on water of Leith – led by Historic Scotland • Environmental games - led by National Trust for Scotland • Environmental Art – led by John Muir Award • Fire making and fragile systems – Rab Erskine The Soap box talks included and were chaired by Steve Mayes, Operations Manager, SAMH: • ‘Woods for Health Experience’ George Potts, Senior Countryside Ranger, Dundee City Council • Personal experiences of recovery from Redhall trainees • Greenspace and mental health – emerging evidence, Professor Catherine Ward-Thompson • How to proactively engage with TCV Green Gyms, David Graham, Health Manager, TCV Scotland • Green prescribing, Dr Lesley Morrison • Branching Out - our experiences, Orchard Centre/Health in Mind service users and Phil Morris In the Event Marquee an interactive Market Place was created which included information stalls representing a range of environmental and mental health agencies.


Delegates Planning for Spaces 2012 started in October 2011 and event organisers attended a number of mental health conferences and contacted a wide range of mental health related organisations and networks in order to promote Spaces. An event postcard was circulated widely before Jan 2012. As a result of proactive marketing Spaces 2012 was fully booked 4 weeks ahead and by 24 May had a waiting list of 60. 112 delegates attended on the day - from 72 organisations, including GPs, psychologists, occupational therapists, health promotion workers, support workers, service users and commissioners of mental health services. See Appendix A for delegate and supporting organisations lists. Delegate profile: Mental Health Health Council Social Care Environmental Garden Therapy Education/Student/Research

49 17 5 16 11 6 6

Spaces “Nuggets”: Useful Resources, Contacts and Events Presentations (Charlie MacMillan, Rab Erskine, Catherine Ward Thompson, Sheena Lowrie and David Graham)– these can all be found at: Event photos can be found at: Twitter Story can be found: Catherine Lockerbie – Catherine referred in her moving presentation to a poem by Mary Oliver called A Summer’s Day and a book called Nature Cure by Richard Mabey. Useful Websites, reports and strategies: – mentioned by Dr Lesley Morrison - mentioned by Dr Lesley Morrison Audit of Exercise referral scheme activity in Scotland – full research report – NHS Health Scotland, 2010 Green prescription schemes: mapping and current practice – full research report – NHS Health Scotland, SNH, Stirling University. 2010 Towards a mentally flourishing Scotland – policy and action plan. Scottish Government 2009


NHS Lothian mental health strategy: Documents/SenseOfBelonging.pdf

Evaluation 44 delegates completed a questionnaire on the day and this was used to evaluate the impact of the day. Overall, everyone expressed how much they had enjoyed the Spaces event. Many people suggested that the event should be repeated owing to the fact that the word was out and the event had such a large waiting list. Some people suggested moving Spaces to other cities/areas in Scotland. See Appendix B for full evaluation feedback results, which include:

Some general delegate Feedback:

• Thank you! And thank you especially to Catherine Lockerbie whose presentation was incredibly moving and inspirational • Really impressed by all the current good work taking place – really inspiring. Thanks for such a productive day. • Dr Lesley Morrison was a superb speaker. Very interesting and a breath of fresh air! Lunch was excellent and the scones. Fantastic day all round! • Would like to see a similar event based in Glasgow so that the West of Scotland can have the same networking experience as I found most people who attended were from the east • I thoroughly enjoyed the day and the conference concept; a lot of learning for the NHS • Excellent well organised conference. Very much enjoyed my first time at Redhall, gained lots of relevant information and really enjoyed the herb planting • Many thanks. Surprised how few DEAs attended. Both DEAs and JCP managers would benefit from this info • Very well planned, informative conference. Thoroughly enjoyed it and great catering too! • I am in complete awe of the garden. It is so peaceful and alive. I have enjoyed today more than any other work event I have ever been to. • Now that’s what a conference should be like! • Thank you for a fantastic opportunity to meet so many resources and individuals who are passionate about mental health, well being and green spaces.

Some comments sent by email: Thanks again for the invite yesterday. It was a lovely day and a great chance to meet some contacts to get some partnership work up and running in the near future. Thanks again & keep us in mind for anything like this in the future. - Eve McGregor, People Engagement & Events Officer,RSPB Scotland Just a quick note to say thank you very much for a very enjoyable event. The layout of the facilities in the gardens was great. The Redhall trainees, staff and TCV staff did a great job facilitating things. The whole event was very well organised and ran really well. Zeshan said that she thought it was ‘The best seminar that she had ever been to!’ - John O’Keefe SNH Operations Officer – Forth I thought the Spaces Day was excellent and gave a very powerful message about green treatment. Well done for all the huge amount of work that everyone put in - the garden was looking wonderful, and Catherine’s talk was so moving. - Dr Fiona Bisset, Senior Medical Officer/ Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Directorate for Chief Medical Officer and Public Health, Scottish Government ALISS posted very positive feedback on the Conference see link below:


Conference Summary The conference was very well attended by an impressive number of mental health organisations which showed great enthusiasm for connecting with environmental organisations and improving their practice in relation to supporting people with mental ill health. One of the key achievements of the day was that the environmental sector as a whole demonstrated its united intention to increase accessibility to green spaces for those with mental health problems by being present in large numbers and by providing a range of talks, activities, games and stalls. Those that represented the mental health sector, including Redhall trainees described how useful the day had been and expressed a keen interest in being part of future events and training that might increase green space accessibility for those with mental ill health.

Where do we go from here? What Spaces 2012 has amply demonstrated is that there are a plethora of opportunities for environmental and mental health organisations, both voluntary and statutory, to develop long lasting partnerships. To ensure opportunities continue to be explored and developed TCV Scotland will, with the support of the Spaces 2012 planning team where appropriate, focus on the following key areas in the coming months: • Continue to increase shared learning and innovation and provide education and support for mental health professionals – TCV Scotland is planning to hold a best practice event in the Autumn of 2012 along with a follow up Spaces event in 2013. • In order to address sustainability issues with current and future projects, develop new infrastructure models, such as “Natural Health Champions”, to facilitate stronger links between environmental and mental health organisations. • Continue to improve rates of referral into green care and exercise projects – such as TCV Green Gym – by promoting and incorporating opportunities through portals such as ALISS and NHS 24 The ongoing flow of innovative ideas from delegates continues to be encouraged by the Spaces 2012 planning team and we look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Thanks to everyone who helped make Spaces such a success! Julia Duncan Environmental Leader Development Officer and Learning Manager TCV Scotland June 2012


Appendix A - Non-Delegate Attendees Name


Rab Erskine Kim MacIntosh Jenny Vicki Ferguson Katy Firth Bob May Adrian Jan Cameron Alison Hunter Julie Wison David Graham Julia Duncan Heather Lewis Charles Winstanley Sheena Lowrie Catherine Lockerbie Charlie McMillan George Potts C W Thompson Trish Burnett Lesley Morrison Phil Morris NTS volunteer NTS volunteer Bridget Finton Zeshan Akter Mark Vrionides Peter Carthy Jane Mather Lesley Roome Lesley Roome +1 Eve McGregor Eve McGregor + 1 Eve McGregor + 2 Tom Binns Jenny Foulkes Jenny Foulkes+1 Jenny Foulkes+2 Graham Burns Julie Logie Heath Brown Faith Hillier Catrin Hughes Elspeth Lawson R. Hampton John Houston Aimee shaw Louise Kiman Belinda Burch Philip Reid Simon Haughton Heather Leslie Michael wech Fiona Short Robert Sless Eleanor Leslie Jackie Thomson Leah Allan Deirder MacDonald Maggie Garrand Donald Brickwell Dianna Althrop Libby MacMillan Jean Anderson Marina Russell Douglas Potts

JMT Trellis Trellis Historic Scotland NTS Redhall SAMH TCV TCV TCV TCV TCV NHS NHS Redhall SAMH Dundee Council Ed Uni Redhall GP College Orchard NTS NTS SNH SNH ELGT BEES Seasons LTCAS LTCAS RSPB RSPB RSPB Life Support Partnerships RBGE RBGE RBGE TCV TCV TCV TCV TCV TCV TCV Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall Redhall

Activity activity provider/speaker activity provider/market activity provider activity provider activity provider/market activity provider activity provider activity provider activity provider activity provider activity provider/soapbox facilitator facilitator chair speaker speaker speaker soapbox soapbox soapbox soapbox soapbox/market marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace marketplace tech set up/support


Appendix A - Delegates Name


Job Title

Annmarie Galbraith Martin Tobin Cara Watts Gordon McKimmie Adele McLaughlin Graham Buchanan Dave Bingham Keith Walker David Pollock Eugene Adams Sally Thomson Peter Carthy Helen Blackburn KirstySutherland Jane Mather Carleton Blackwell Kevin Bruce Wendy Halliday Gordon Stronach Angela Farr Bob Murison Lindy saunders David Aulton James hall Hilary Vipond Elayne Gilmartin Joe Connelly David Ross Janice Vidler David Scott Norman Douglas Daru Mcaleece Beith Watson Maria Perkins x 9 Helen White Fergus McInnes Alan Crothers Chris Davies Deborah Wilson Scott Sutton Alan Crothers Marian Docherty James Allan Karen Dow Moira Hume Deirdre Butterly Soraya Bishop Joe Pamphilon Paul Laing Alan Russell Elaine Cochrane Chris Henderson Joanne Channing Pamela Smith Mary Hattie Louise McLellan Fiona Bisset Mike Brady Phil Morris David Thornton James Mitchell Moira Johnston John Scott Irene Paterson Graham Livingstone Sara Khorasani

SAMH SAMH Fife Council The Wise Group The Wise Group NHS Fife Wild Earth Highland Council Stirling mental Health Resource Centre NHS Fife Stirling Mental Health Resource Centre BEES Salvation Army Tenants & Residents in Pilton Seasons BEES SAMH (Dundee) NHS Health Scotland Environmental Explorations Royal Ed volunteering hub Health in Mind South Lanarkshire Council SAMH Engage project Sustrans Cyrenians Alcohol Referral Team East Renfrewshire Council SAMH (Kircaldy/Evergreen)) NHS Fife NHS Tayside LAMH World of Work BEES BEES Huntly Mental Health Ltd Stevenson College Abundance Edinburgh SAMH (Devon House) Thistle Foundation Thistle Foundation Thistle Foundation SAMH (Devon House) Newbattle College NHS Ayrshire & Arran NHS Ayrshire & Arran Psychiatric Rehab, Royal Ed Autism Ventures Gardener Health In Mind Department Work & Pensions Job Centre Plus NHS Forth Valley SVE SVE Gardening Leave Mental Welfare Commissison SAMH Club Net Motherwell Scottish Government South Lanarkshire Council Health in Mind Orchard services Health in Mind Orchard services Health in Mind Orchard services Health in Mind Orchard services Health in Mind Orchard services Dalkeith medical Practice Link Living Young Persons Service

team leader employability advisor social worker


head of org development service manager Head Guide Health Improvement Officer Student Nurse Senior Nurse therapist Student Nurse Director Centre Manager Horticulturist Project Co ordinator volunteer leader Acting Service Mngr Health Improvement Manager Managing Director Snr Development Worker Info Development Development Officer Volunteer Ranger NHS community gardens development officer social worker Ranger Senior Instructor OT Support Worker Horticulture Therapist Employment Support Worker Assistant Forest School Worker Assistant Forest School Worker Project worker & service users Senior Lecturer Support Worker Fitness Instructor Outdoor Initiatives Co ordinator Fitness Instructor Support Worker Principal Support worker Health promotion Officer O.T. Horticulture/food assistant Project Worker Disability Employment Advisor Disability Employment advisor Health Promotion Officer Open Door Volunteer Open Door Co ordinator Horticulture Therapist Nursing Officer Facilitation Worker Senior Medical officer Ranger Senior Project Worker

GP Support Worker Student

Appendix A - Delegates (continued) Name


Job Title

Donald Campbell Donald Murray Julia Cook Brenda MacKay Wendy Bryan Johnny Wells Janet McSherry Bobby Jones Ewen Meldrum Anne-Marie Timmoney David Reid Abi Wingate Damian Shannon Mandy Gaze Ally Hurcikova James Appleby Christopher Mantle Ailie Vincent Tom Binns Rosemary Bowman Chris McEwan Jacqueline Hussar Abby Rintoul Barbara Malinen Linda Arthur Rebecca Hogarth Melanie Mitchell Carrie Gardner Louise Cremin Violet Dalton Lynne Terry Kevin Lafferty Fiona Sutherland Lynne Johnstone Heather Cameron Joyce Changes

Erskine Western Isles Health Board

Supported Transition Manager OT Technician Medical Herbalist Horticultural Therapist Horticultural Therapist Residential Project Worker OT assistant Student art therapist OT technical instructor Community Worker service user

Gardening Leave Gardening Leave Barnardos Orchard, Royal Ed QMU Royal Ed Stirling Council SAMH Devon House NHS Ayrshire/Arran In Care Survivors Lochend Com. Growing Project Link Living Edinburgh Community Food Stirling Mental Health Resource Centre Life Support Partnerships Children & Families Health In Mind Stirling Mental Health Resource Centre Robert Gordon University University of Edinburgh Wester Hailes Health Agency SAMH Meadows ward 2, Royal Ed Momentum Skills (Aberdeen) QMU NTS Outlook Project Forestry Commission Astley Ainsley Hospital Changes Community Health Project Wester Hailes Health Agency


Trauma Worker Community Garden Worker Development Worker Student Nurse Practitioner Home Link Teacher Peer Support Volunteer Mental Health Support Worker Student OT Student Counsellor Manager Business manager Group Worker Student Worker NTS Head of Volunteering Assistant Tutor Health & Rec Advisor Snr support Worker Physiotherapy OT Community Health worker Support Services Coordinator

SAMH 10 Sustrans 1 Caseview Centre 1 AppendixFEVA B - Bulletin Delegate4 Feedback Edinburgh uni 1 SpacesEquality Conference – 24 1May 2012 Bulletin EvaluationMilitary Form PRU 1 Clinic 1 No. of Delegates: 112 REH 2 People Epilepsyfrom WestEnvironmental Scotland 1 Organisations supporting and hosting Spaces: 66 Total present: Scotlink 178 1 Female delegates– 57 Male delegates: 55 No. of Evaluation forms returned – 44

Booking form feedback: What type of organisation are you from? Mental Health Health Council Social Care Environmental Garden Therapy Education/Student/Research

Where did you hear about Spaces?

49 17 5 16 11 6 6

Evaluation form

SMHFA 2 FCF and G 9 Autism Initiatives 1 Internal email 23 Mentor 2 At work 14 Network org 3 Branching Out 2 NHS Tayside 1 BTCV 1 FCFCG 1 Word of mouth 3 SAMH 10 Sustrans 1 Caseview Centre 1 FEVA Bulletin 4 Edinburgh uni 1 Equality Bulletin 1 Military PRU 1 Clinic 1 REH 2 Epilepsy West Scotland 1 Scotlink 1

feedback 1. In your current role do you currently provide or promote any green exercise or outdoor based activities? 34 said yes and 8 said No Mental Health 49 If yes – please list briefly: Health 17 5 Get Active. Street soccer. Branching out etc • Samh Connect Service –Council we promote Social Care 16 • NTS - Conservation volunteering, working holidays, working with communities and corporate Environmental 11 • Changes – Walking groups, branching out Therapy therapy 6 • Gardening LeaveGarden – horticultural to veterans Education/Student/Research 6 • Health in Mind – monthly programme of taking groups to green spaces • Abundance Edinburgh – picking fruit, foraging walks, fruit processing • Environmental Education • Huntly Mental Health – community growing allotment plot • NHS Lothian – strategy and specific initiatives eg. Branching out • Sustrans – walking and cycling • Thistle Foundation – Branching out, healthy walks and community garden • LTCAS – Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland – walking towards better health with Paths for All • OT and leader of community gardening group in Glasgow • Health promotion – Green Gym, current project “greening NHS Estate” to provide signed and graded walks and orchards


• Disability Employment Adviser – promote general outdoor activities and refer to Redhall • Occupational Therapy support staff – allotment, garden area with hospital setting • Wester Hailes Health Agency – Calders Canal site • Midlothian Children and families – outdoor enviro work at any opportunity linking in to Nurture group • SAMH Clubnet – we signpost people into appropriate opportunities and research opps in the communities • Social worker(MHO) – in assessment I recommend these options • Volunteer Centre – Royal Edinburgh Hospital, conservation volunteering, gardening in hospitals for in patients 2. Did you know about outdoors/conservation/community gardening opportunities in your local area before today? Yes 33 No - 5 A little - 4 3. Are you now (after Spaces 2012) more likely to promote / prescribe green activity/exercise? Yes 37 No - 0 4. What did you enjoy most about Spaces? 40/44 The venue - Redhall Walled Garden 37/44 Doing something different 30/44 Hearing someone else’s story 30/44 Meeting new people 22/44 Getting my hands dirty 21/44 The catering – Whitmuir organics Other: Refreshing Approach The workshops Sunshine Paddling in the river Overall ambience An arena to promote the benefits to health professionals The Redhall staff Wealth of info re benefits of outdoor activity Lots to drink The weather Gluten free food Fantastic network opportunity 5. What did you find most useful at Spaces? Redhall Walled Garden31 people found being at Redhall very useful 6 people said useful Outdoor Activities 26 people found the outdoor activities very useful 11 said useful Meeting new people / orgs 26 people said meeting new people/orgs was very useful 8 people said useful Soapbox talks, 19 people found the Soapbox talks very useful 13 people said useful 1 person said not useful Lunch 17 people found lunch and networking very useful 11 people said useful Plenary presentations 15 People said they found the plenary session very useful 14 people said useful 1 person said not useful


Marketplace info 14 people found the marketplace very useful 16 people said useful Final Presentations 14 people found the Final presentations very useful 8 people said useful 2 people said not useful 6. How many organisations/people did you meet? 17 delegates met between 1 and 5 people/orgs 11 delegates met between 6 and 10 people/orgs 11 delegates met between 11 and 15 people/orgs 3 delegates met more than 15 people/orgs 7. How many organisations would you like to make contact with after this event? 17 delegates would like to make contact with 3 organisations post Spaces 9 delegates would like to make contact with more than 5 organisations post Spaces 5 delegates would like to make contact with 2 organisations post Spaces 3 delegates would like to make contact with 1 organisation post Spaces 3 delegates would like to make contact with 4 organisations post Spaces 3 delegates would like to make contact with 5 organisations post Spaces 8. Are there any barriers to you running green activities/exercise within your area of work? 23 delegates listed finance as being a barrier 16 delegates listed time as being a barrier 5 delegates listed confidence as being a barrier 5 delegates listed line management restrictions 2 Listed a lack of partner organizations • Other barriers listed included: • Indentifying kindred spirits/partners • Resistance to using space differently • Targets • Possibly service commissioners • Statutory social work does not allow time for developing rescources 9. Is there anything that didn’t work for you at Spaces? • Rab Erkine’s plenary presentation. – would have been better if just talked about what he does. • Powerpoint presentations ! • No, the whole day was very useful • Toilets • Short of time • Too many activity choices – couldn’t decide on only two but that is a good thing and not a negative point • I thought the whole day was fantastic, inspiring and informative. It was extremely well organized and the staff were very approachable and enthusiastic • I think you thought about everything – even the written directions were great and very useful It couldn’t have been any better for me. Amazing that beautiful weather was also arranged. 10. How could it be improved? • It was an amazing day – no improvements needed • More soapboxes • Would be good to identify ways to promote greenspace-based services • Very well run • Nothing, excellent conference • More opportunities for speaking to people. Would have preferred only two sessions rather than three and more time to network • Event very well organized and a great example of partnership working • More time for activities • Little more space for doing workshops/asset mapping eg ALISS • Because the powerpoint presentations were in white tent couldn’t see the screen very well because of white glare • Consider inviting funders • The day went too quickly • Wonderful day – shame there are only 24 hours in a day • It was wonderful – thank you so much • Can’t think of anything – except a repeat day! • I really liked hearing about peoples’ personal stories and experiences – more of that? Give Rab more time. V interesting. 11. If you work in mental health – how likely is it that you will now actively ensure “green therapy” is applied? • I will actively try! • I will def be more committed to promoting green activities and exercise • Already very active but good to make new contacts


• Very likely – have been thinking of developing things but am now very motivated • Extremely likely. Already activiely involved in green activities at home but not at work • Very likely • Have been using it in Branching out • Already do but can now move on and expand • I will encourage to mental health colleagues • Currently working on a project which involves working with people with mental health problems and this conference has showed the extent of possibilities • Very likely – more likely to get involved in community gardens • As much as I can – given waiting times and restrictions on referrals • Very • Very likely • We already do but I feel further inspired • Very likely • I will talk to my teamabout it and promote it amongst members • Most definitely, I will use and refer • I will continue to encourage clients and organizations • I will promote this where possible and continue to research available resources for individual service users 12. If you work in the environmental sector – how much better equipped do you now feel with regards to being able to involve people with mental ill health in your activities? • Having more knowledge of who’s working in the field is useful • It was useful to discover the organizations that are working in mental health • A little 13. 17 delegates requested information about Redhall 14. 30 delegates requested to join the TCV/FEVA Community Network and receive our monthly E Bulletin about future training and events 15. Any other comments you would like to say about today? • A very enjoyable event with a positive atmosphere. The event benefitted (compared to 2009) from the focus on mental health orgs as the target audience – this provided a clearer objective which was evident on the day • Thank you! And thank you especially to Catherine Lockerbie whose presentation was incredibly moving and inspirational • Brilliant day, brilliant activities, positive staff and volunteers. Extremely enthusiastic, positive, helpful and welcoming! • It’s been another fabulous event. Very powerful on many levels. • Another one ASAP please!! • Really impressed by all the current good work taking place – really inspiring. Thanks for such a productive day. • Lovely day thanks • Very informative and enjoyable • Very well organized, inspirational • Dr Lesley Morrison was a superb speaker. Very interesting and a breath of fresh air! Lunch was excellent and the scones. Fantastic day all round! • Very well organized – thank you for the wonderful lunch and water! • Great fun, informative and well organized – perfect! • WONDERFUL – thank you • Fantastic day, great venue, people and activities • Well organized, excellent day • Enjoyed it very much. Thank you for having me • It was brilliant – thank you for organising • Fantastic event, beautiful garden and people! Loved the day, would love to come back again – maybe for open day in June! • Would like to see a similar event based in Glasgow so that the West of Scotland can have the same networking experience as I found most people who attended were from the east • I thoroughly enjoyed the day and the conference concept; a lot of learning for the NHS • Thank you for an excellent day • Had a fantastic day in a beautiful venue. Would be interested in attending again. Felt well looked after. Thank you. • Excellent well organized conference. Very much enjoyed my first time at Redhall, gained lots of relevant information and really enjoyed the herb planting • Many thanks. Surprised how few DEAs attended. Both DEAs and JCP managers would benefit from this info • Very well planned, informative conference. Thoroughly enjoyed it and great catering too! • I have had a wonderful day thank you! • It was a wonderful day. Much for all the senses and much food for thought and further expansion • I am in complete awe of the garden. It is so peaceful and alive. I have enjoyed today more than any other work event I have ever been to. • An excellent day, lots learned, loads of info, contacts made • Superb, especially the Redhall user’s talk • Now that’s what a conference should be like! • Thank you for a fantastic opportunity to meet so many resources and individuals who are passionate about mental health, well being and green spaces.


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