1 minute read
By Mylien Lai
Turns out it’s not just humans that gamble, but squirrels do too! And compared to us, they have better results. According to the Kluane Red Squirrel Project, female squirrels that have large litter sizes consistently, even in years with a scarcity of food, usually have a higher fitness than squirrels with small litter sizes. And it might be better that way Even though they do suffer short-term losses, the squirrels easily recuperate once they successfully reproduce in a year with an abundance of food. On the other hand, squirrels with small litter sizes usually lose fitness and the chances at reproductive success.
And why do they do this? It might be because of their food! They may be eating certain parts of the spruce tree–one of the major food sources–that the food may be altering their physiology. Of course, with climate change, these cues are becoming less reliable As a result, it could lead to damaging effects to the forest ecosystem. For now, the squirrels’ penchant for gambling may get them success. But don’t try this at home!