BTSeMag May 2013

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CONTENTS | BTSeMag | May 2013 |

AUTHORS Jennifer Synder 8 CATALYST - Sometimes who we really are lies buried just beneath the surface...

Melissa Jarvis 20 IN HIS OWN TIME - There is a traitor in the time travel organization the Lineage, and it’s up to new recruit...

Sandra Bunino 26 THE SUBMISSION OF A MAFIA PRINCESS - As the only child of notorious mob boss, Tony “The Chief”...

Lynn Hardy 28 PROPHECY OF THE FLAME - In a blinding flash of light, five strangers are yanked from this world and thrust into...


Alex Hughes 38 SHARP - The Mindspace Investigations series stars Adam, a recovering addict telepath who works with the police...

Nora Weston 46 THE TWELFTH PALADIN - Good against evil battles as angels, demons, and a temptress extraordinaire...

Jane Toombs 48 OUTLAWS - After Billy the Kid and Mark Holloran rescue that’s left of the Nesbitt familiy from an Apache attack...

S.W. O’Connell 54 THE PATRIOT SPY - When a Loyalist spy’s treachery sends the Continental Army into panic and near...

Gloria Harchar 58 THE COPPER TUNERS - Bran Monroe, the troubled Earl Kirkbride, believes he murdered his wife during one of...

Seraphina Donavan 68 DRAGON’S LAIR - As dragon shifters, Remy and Philippe had spent their lives searching for their perfect mate...

COLUMNS Chic Trends in Romance 10


Grab your dark sunglasses and cue the James Bond music because we’re talking spy romances this month...


The Scrying Eye 14 Oh, dear! Is it that time already? Another viewing for you, the curious soul? Well, come on in, grap a cup of tea...

Tech Savvy Writer 22 AN AUTHOR’S INSTALLATION GUIDE - As a self-published author, you are learning a ton of new skills...

Lynn’s Writing Tips 30 THE MANY STEPS OF A WRITING CAREER - While I’ve done many articles on the intricacies of writing...

Marketing & Promoting Tips 36 TIME TO PARTY - The contract is signed, the edits done, and your baby... your book.. has just ben issues a release...

Second Chance Cinema 52

Cambridge: June 1775 Seth Darby had never been this far from home. in fact, he never expected to be this far from home in his lifetime. Back home in Stonebridge, Captain Taggard had told the boys that they would be fighting the British to keep them from their farms and, of course, to kep the Indians away...

I love a good spy movie, James Bond especialy. But there are other good spy films out there besides the ubiquious...

The Lowdown with Laurie 56 AUTHORS, HOW DO YOUR SITES STACK UP WITH READERS? - I would have never dreamed of writing a...

Sex & The Single Woman 70 I’d spent the entire day dreading my dinner date with the girls. The anxiety of what had changed between me and Jack had been weighing on me to the point that it was all...

Blog Beat 85 Top Ten 18 Urban Fantasy & Paranormal Romances

Book Reviews 61

Women of Power 24 by Christy English

Beware!!! 34 by Anne K. Edwards

ELIZABETH I: WARRIOR QUEEN One of the ruling queens of England, Elizabeth I is considered by many to be the best monarch England has ever had...

Ever think about the people you come across on the Internet, the businesses and websites? What do they mean to you? Do you get a warm feeling every time you receive...

Barnes & Noble Update B&N informed me a few weeks ago that our launch date will not be in the next few months as we had hoped. This is no reflection on BTS. In fact, I signed a new contract with them just before this notice. They are involved in a huge expansion in their business, and I can’t say anymore than that because I signed a disclosure statement. But I do believe they are swamped based on their plans. I think readers and authors will be very excited once they see what Barnes & Noble will unveil for the future. We are disappointed, but have to be patient. In the meantime, there is a silver lining; our magazine should be better than ever by the time we go on B&N. While readers & authors tell us all the timethey love the look of the eMag, we want it to be so much more. The new Executive Designer will help us attain the professional look we’ve been working toward. Executive Designer Dawn Seewer is an old friend and I’m thrilled that she agreed to come onboard as our new Executive Designer. With over 12 years experience in Graphic Design she will bring the needed infusion of direction we wanted in order to attain the professional look we were after. Dawn is also Art Director at Everpress Media. We are planning to have the revamped look for the magazine by July. No worries - it will be the same magazine, but better. Website for eMag Everpress Media, under Dawn’s team, is creating a new website for us. It will be geared toward the authors in the magazine, those in the past and going forward. This will provide a new way for us to promote our authors and the BTSeMag.

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