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SG Lewis

SG Lewis


Undeniable energy and passion for what they do is all we could ever want from a band, right? As fans, we pay exorbitant amounts just to see our favorite groups perform live and, hopefully, experience something borderline euphoric while belting out the lyrics to each and every song played. For the New York City-based band MisterWives, going on tour and being able to connect with an audience is what makes it all worth it.


MisterWives, consisting of Mandy Lee, William Hehir, Mike Murphy, Etienne Bowler, and Marc Campbell, came to be in a unique way and we’re so glad they did.

“Our band came together serendipitously in New York almost a decade ago meeting each other at bars, restaurant gigs, and an infamous 80s-themed party when our bassist Will played an 80s-themed party thrown by our singer, Mandy,” the band said. “The two quickly became roommates and started busking and playing every corner and crevice of the city. As each band member came into the mix, we quickly bonded over our love of playing music together and MisterWives started to take shape. The magic that happens when we’re all playing together has only strengthened over the years and when we’re on stage all feels right in the world!”

MisterWives’ sound can undoubtedly fit into a number of different genres. At times, there is heavy pop influence, while at others, an indie sound dominates. Their range as a band is admirable and can be attributed to why they have seen much success. As fans, we love when our favorite artists dip into new areas and try something new. It’s what makes us continue coming back for more and MisterWives has understood that completely.

“Each member brings their own personal style and taste into the songwriting process and the live show,” MisterWives said. “[We] think one of the reasons our band has resonated with so many people is that

The band’s most well-known and streamed song “Reflections” garnered immense attention on the social media app Vine in the mid-2010s, as well as on TikTok in 2021. Having now accumulated over 132 million streams on Spotify, the song is widely recognizable and sure to puts any listener in a happy mood with its upbeat tone.

Back in 2013 and 2014, MisterWives joined American Authors and Twenty One Pilots on their respective tours.

“As a band, we have been incredibly lucky to have toured with a wide range of extremely talented groups. Every act brings such energy and skill to their shows, and we always view it as an opportunity to learn and build on our own set,” the band said. “We are very thankful to all the musicians who we’ve had the privilege of sharing the stage with.”

Every band or artist remembers the first time they had the feeling of making it big. For some, that comes in the form of meeting a fan for the first time. For others, they watch their songs rise to the top of the charts. For MisterWives, it was at a gig in New York.

“The first ‘holy shit’ moment we had together was when we played Mercury Lounge, which was a bucket list moment for us in New York. When we showed up for load-in, there was a line that wrapped around the block, and we assumed they were there for somebody else,” the band said. “Crazy enough, they were there to see MisterWives thanks to a blog post about some demos we had recorded in our closet. From then on, everything snowballed and continued to grow.”

2020 was a big year for MisterWives. Of course, an obvious pandemic sparked and put the world on hold, but there was still music to be shared. With an album ready to go that year, the group decided to push back the release date from February to July. In thinking about delaying it even further, they ultimately decided not to and said that they thought the album would be more important to people now considering what the world is going through.

The album, Superbloom, is a 19-song body of work that highlights the band’s talent and exemplifies all that they bring to the table. Kicking it off with “the end” and rounding it out with “SUPERBLOOM,” listening to this album feels like an experience that we all needed at the time.

An excellent form of escape, a wide array of beats and melodies, and a sound that captivates, this album encompasses everything that we search for in music and is sure to please, no matter the listener’s taste.

“Our band has been through so many difficult obstacles, changes and losses, and Superbloom narrates that journey. It proves that you can make it through adversity and grow through the other side.”

When asked about the group’s favorite song, they said that they are proud of every song on the record.

“The album tells a story from beginning to end and each song is an integral piece to that story and it wouldn’t feel complete otherwise.”

As we can imagine, a band being able to perform its songs live for the first time is an unforgettable experience that has the potential to set the tone for what lies ahead in the future. While looking back on their time in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, they said, “We were looking forward to playing all of the new songs, but the surprise favorites that resonated most like ‘Rock Bottom’ made us feel less alone in our experience, and was incredibly cathartic to scream ‘glad I saw this place, now I know I’m NEVER COMING BACK’ with the crowd each night.”

Taking place in November and December 2021, MisterWives recently embarked on its “Resilient Little Tour.” The 24-stop tour was a nationwide adventure starting from Atlanta and ending in New York. As this was the band’s first time being back on the road, performing in any kind of live setting, we were curious to know what that first show back was like.

“It was a lot of nerves and excitement and more nerves after not touring for so long,” the band said. “It felt like a different life that was going to be tricky to tap back into but thankfully it all clicked from the first note and felt better than it ever had before.”

On playing Superbloom live, they said that it surpassed all of their expectations.

“We’ve spent the last few years only holding onto streams and social media to know how the album has connected with people, but finally getting to experience it live together was unparalleled,” MisterWives said. “We also worked really hard on the production to make every moment of the set match the detail and energy of the album, and it was amazing to see it all come together.”

Citing that it was the group’s best tour yet, the band said that it was an experience that made them want to keep pushing forward and that they were very thankful for the fans that showed up to their shows and “screamed every word.”

“[It is] the most euphoric feeling possible and it’s strange to feel so in a moment while having an out-ofbody experience every time. Nothing makes you feel more alive than hearing everyone sing together.”

Getting an inside look as to what life on the road looks like is always fun and it really says a lot about a band with how they live during this unique time. For MisterWives, tour is like a “Groundhog Day that you want to keep reliving.”

“We wake up, get coffee, then head into the venue to set up the stage, flowers, production etc. Then in the afternoon, we do soundcheck, meet-and-greet, then break for dinner before we gear up, rip ginger shots, put our hands in, and rock and roll!” they said. “Then we sleep, shower and repeat. We missed absolutely everything [about touring] except the comfort of a clean bathroom…or any bathroom at all.”

As successful as MisterWives has been, we feel as though it is important for them to share some advice for young and aspiring musicians. Given their experience in the industry so far, whatever they might have to say would undoubtedly be useful to anyone reading this.

Believing in one’s self, no matter what happens, is something the band truly believes in, they said.

“Don’t ever listen to the doubters, and if you do, only use it as fuel to keep moving forward. Don’t give up on yourself and always stay true to who you are.”

It’s thrilling to see such a genuine and passionate band succeeding in the industry. We are confident that they will have a long road of success ahead of them and are eager to follow along on the rest of their journey. Whatever that may look like, MisterWives is bound to keep utilizing their talents to connect with others.

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