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Brownsville PARD Mission
The City of Brownsville went through a transformative process led by the City Manager, Noel Bernal in 2019 bringing an outline of Total Alignment the leadership team and a representative portion of the employees participated in ONI an Operational Needs Inventory that led to the creation of the content in the model pictured above. The process is ever continuing with the heart of Total Alignment being its people and our relationship with one another.
At the City of Brownsville we believe in participatory leadership, that leadership is expected to be demonstrated at all positions regardless of title, as can be illustrated by David Marquet, Navy Submarine Captain of the Santa Fe in video “Greatness” who created the environment for thinking by giving control and creating leaders, ensuring there was technical competence and organizational clarity and put the authority to make decisions at the hands of the people resulting in psychological ownership. The environment in the city supports participatory leadership in its function, philosophy, and form which influences our mission and vision, “we aspire to be the model of innovation, inclusion, and empowerment where bold people and ideas thrive.”
We actively encourage and acknowledge our behavioral values of Trust, Innovation, Communication, and Participation, these values in alignment with our aim naturally impact our strategy, structure, and systems implemented through a smart goal process that our product solution leadership strategy that results in quality product and service delivery, citizen value in services, responsiveness, and satisfaction as well as financial performance, being effective stewards of the public’s money.
One of the most critical steps in the master plan involved ensuring that outcomes of the plan directly supported the fundamental organizational purpose for an agency. Therefore, it was essential to review the Department’s mission statement to properly frame the 2015 Master Plan. Through stakeholder engagement and a focus group the mission statement for the Brownsville Parks and Recreation Department was revised through the master planning process to better reflect the current needs of the community.