Bournemouth University Fairtrade Review 2012 BU was awarded ‘Fairtrade University’ status in 2006, and is one of only approximately 50 Fairtrade Universities and Colleges across the UK. To be awarded ‘Fairtrade University’ status BU had to achieve five goals, here is BU’s 2012 Review of each goal: 1)Approve an official Fairtrade Policy BU has published a Fairtrade Policy which is reviewed annually and is available on the Save Earth web-pages. 2)Set up an institutional steering group BU has had a Fairtrade Steering Group since 2005. The aim for 2013 is increased student representation and so far the group consists of representatives from; Residential, SU Commercial, SU Executives, Green Ambassadors, Catering, SportBU, BU Environment & Energy Team, Marketing & Comms, Procurement, Chaplaincy, Academics, the Chief Operating Officer and Internal Communications. 3)Commit to selling Fairtrade products in all University outlets As part of the Green Impact criteria SUBU are required to offer a FT option in the students shops for all categories where nonFT is offered. Coverage has increased from 50% to 85%. 4)Commit to using Fairtrade products at internal meetings and events Chartwells only serve FT tea, coffee, and sugar at BU meetings. Comment cards with FT messages are being designed for early 2013. 5)Commit to campaigning for increased consumption of Fairtrade on campus Ricky King, General Manager for Catering is the Fairtrade Ambassador for Chartwells and is committed to increasing consumption of FT on campus. Chris Shiel from BU is chairing the Bournemouth Fairtrade Town Steering Committee. In 2012 two guest lectures were given at BU on Fairtrade. Students from the School of Tourism are preparing an event for FT Fortnight 2013, where BU is the client, promoting FT to students and staff. Chartwells are actively supporting this event.
Fairtrade products available on campus: Bananas (when available) Biscuits Clothing Chocolate Coffee Dried fruit Flapjacks Sugar Sweets Take-away Coffee Tea Wine
Key Fairtrade Dates: 14th February: Valentines Day (buy FT flowers & chocolates) 25th February—10th March: Fairtrade Fortnight (events on campus) 31st March: Easter (buy FT Easter Eggs)
Go further in 2013! Going further really can mean doing something as simple as seeking out new Fairtrade products to support the millions of farmers and workers who urgently need a better deal.
For more information about Fairtrade on campus contact: