Fairtrade Fortnight 2013 25th February to 10th March Date
25/02/13 10/03/13
Photo Competition: Take a photo of any Fairtrade product available on campus and tweet it to us @Sustainable_BU or pin it on our Facebook wall (Bournemouth University Environment and Energy Team) Prize is a Fairtrade hamper.
facebook.com/ BUEnvironmentAndEnergyTeam @Sustainable_BU
25/02/13 10/03/13
Facebook Competition: ‘Like’ the Bournemouth Fairtrade Town Group page and post a pledge on their wall and you could win some Fairtrade goodies.
facebook.com/ BournemouthFairtradeTownGroup
Fair Trade Fair. Stalls by; Cadbury's, Oh So Scrummy, Lush, Co-operative & more, including testers and samples. Make a Pledge, learn more about Fairtrade. SportBU take a step challenge competition, prizes include a hamper from Clipper Tea.
Poole House Atrium 10am-3pm
SUBU Green Fairtrade Fun Fair, including; Fairtrade Quiz, guess the number of Fairtrade jelly beans, Fairtrade Lucky Dip, and pin the Fairtrade product on the map & SportBU Keepy-Uppy Competition, prize is the Fairtrade Football
Poole House Atrium 10am-2pm
SUBU Green Fairtrade Fun Fair, including; Fairtrade Quiz, guess the number of Fairtrade jelly beans, Fairtrade Lucky Dip, and pin the Fairtrade product on the map
BoHo Lounge 11am-2pm
Look out for Fairtrade products & promotions in the Students Union shops and the refectories on both campuses
For more information about Fairtrade on campus contact: fairtrade@bournemouth.ac.uk