Helping you to go further, faster.
REVOLUTION 2009-2010 INTERNSHIP Get ready for the best six months of your life!
Dear Potential Intern, We are so excited that you are interested in becoming an intern with Revolution Student Ministries. Scan through the pages of this information packet and send our staff an e-mail at if you’re interested in applying. You can also visit us online at to have an application mailed to you. We’re convinced that the internship experience will be a journey of friendship, family, leadership, spiritual growth, and personal development that you could not get anywhere else. We believe that if you’ll take this step of faith, this will be a period of your life that you’ll always look back to with joy. We promise that you’ll never be the same after this experience. We’re looking forward to meeting you! Equipping this Generation, Pastor Nathan Hurst
EXPERIENCES Revolution Student Ministries Every Wednesday night and each weekend over 250 students come together to worship and be challenged through the Word of God at Rev. Having each intern heavily involved within Rev allows each individual to take what they’ve learned and experienced in a class room setting and apply it in a relationally driven atmosphere. For more information about Revolution, check out our website at 19 North Another exciting part of being an intern is attending 19North which is our young adult ministry. Every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m., more than 170 18-30 year olds, married and single, gather for one purpose; to elevate God in the lives of the 20-somethings in this region. Interns will be required to attend these services; however, will not be required to serve there. We want 19North to be a place where you can come, relax, and not worry about the work of the ministry, and get fed the Word of God. For more information on 19North - check out Mission Trip At Revolution Student Ministries we are committed to sharing the love of God with the world. Our commitment has led us to Go Global. Through short term mission trips we will be encouraging students to leave the comforts of home and extend God’s love to others less fortunate. Each year we will go on a short-term trip. As a part of the internship experience, interns will be required to participate on one of these trips. In the past we’ve gone and will continue to go to places such as Peru, Los Angeles, and Costa Rica. Summer Camp Every year Revolution Student Ministries takes their students to a summer camp for a week. We believe camps are critical experiences for students’ spiritual growth. Interns will be required to go to camp with us to enjoy an amazing week of seeing God touch the lives of our teenagers. Special Intern Events Throughout the internship we’ll have special events planned just for interns. These events will always be very unique and will leave interns with some great memories of their time spent interning with us. We can’t tell you much more than that ~ we don’t want to ruin any surprises!
Personal Development Throughout the internship, interns will learn how to plan, how to set goals, how to manage time and tasks, and many other necessary skills for personal planning and leadership. Victory Bible Institute Every intern will be required to attend Victory Bible Institute. VBI plays a key role in the spiritual development of our interns. Students will be responsible for paying their tuition for each class. For more information concerning VBI, visit our website at Financial Peace University We want to give our interns a head start on being financially responsible. Because of this we require our students to go through Dave Ramsey’s program: Financial Peace University. The cost of this program is $100, but we are confident that the principles learned through this experience will set our interns up for financial success for the rest of their lives. For more about FPU, check out Dave’s website at One on Ones with the Revolution Staff Each week the students will have the opportunity to glean from the mentoring of Pastor Nathan and the Revolution staff through one-on-one meetings. Interns will be expected to come with questions that they want answers to concerning life, ministry, and leadership. Victory Family Church Staff Teachings Twice a month interns will have the opportunity to sit in on staff teachings taught by Victory’s senior and executive pastor. These teachings are always very relevant and give great insight into the behind the scenes of ministry and leadership. Access to the Staff Lending Library Victory’s staff has a lending library full of free resources including books, audio teachings, and video curriculum sets that will be available to interns.
FAQs How long is the internship, and when do I need to apply? We have two internships available - January through June or August through December of each year. Deadlines to Apply: For the January – June internship, must apply by
November 15th For the August – December internship, must apply
by July 1st Is it guaranteed that I’ll be accepted in the Revolution Internship? Every person that applies does not get accepted into the Revolution Internship. Though we don’t consider your past, we’re looking for individuals who are passionate, ready, and committed to reinventing their futures. Am I allowed to get a job outside the church over the course of the internship? Yes, in fact, we require you to work a part-time job along with the internship. Students will be required to pay their own bills (i.e., phone, gas, etc.) as well as their tuition for VBI, and pay or raise support for their mission trip expenses.
What does a typical week look like as an intern? Mondays – VBI 6 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Tuesdays - 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays – 2:00 p.m. - End of Revolution (Approximately 9 p.m.) Thursday – 9 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Fridays – OFF Saturdays – Church – 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 19 North 8:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Sundays – Revolution 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Additional Hours: All Revolution Interns will be required to attend every Revolution event unless told otherwise by a Revolution Staff Member. Am I able to come back for more than one six month internship? It is possible to come back for more than one internship; however, that will be up to the Revolution Staff. At the end of your internship you’ll go through an evaluation, and if you desire to come back again, a decision will be made at that time.
The‘Gap Year’ Should you have a ‘gap year’ For one, a gap year does not mean that a student is before college? Some students need a break after high school — and some colleges approve Princeton encourages it. Harvard’s a big fan. From Tufts to MIT, some of the most prestigious universities in the nation are urging students to consider something that would make most parents cringe: The idea of putting off college for a year in favor of some much-needed downtime. It’s called a “gap year.” And while it’s been a common and popular rite of passage in Australia and the U.K. for decades, the concept is now starting to gain significant steam here in America. Why? A growing number of high school seniors are balking at riding the academic conveyer belt from preschool all the way to university. They’re burnt out. Or not quite ready. Or they want to explore a few interests before deciding what to study in college. So instead of packing their bags in anticipation of freshman year, they’re volunteering in New Orleans or teaching in Thailand. They’re starting the great American novel, or interning to help figure out what they want to do with their lives. Understandably, that makes a lot of parents nervous. But before you drive your kid to college in an armored truck and deliver him to the dorm yourself, it’s important to understand the facts, including what a gap year is, and what it is not.
doomed to remain degreeless forever. While there are no formal studies on the number of students who never end up making their way to college post-gap, anecdotal evidence from admissions officers across the country says very few actually drop off the college radar. Taking a gap year can actually make kids more focused and ready for the rigors of academic life. In fact, Harvard, arguably the most competitive university in the country, believes so much in the gap year that they encourage every student they admit to consider a year off before matriculation. And Princeton has just announced a new program called the “bridge year” that will allow newly admitted students to spend a year performing public service abroad before beginning their freshman year. The reason behind higher education’s support of the gap year is clear: Better-prepared students mean higher completion rates. And it’s completion that matters. Parents should remember that getting a kid into college is only half the battle. According to the College Board, three out of five students who enter a public four-year college don’t manage to snag a degree within five years. And nearly 30 percent of all students who enter college don't return for their sophomore year. Considering the fact that this year’s average price at a four-year private
college is a whopping $23,712 per year, it’s a pretty expensive place to dabble. Sending a kid who’s not ready to college is like sending a kid who’s not feeling hungry to an allyou-can-eat buffet. That said, not all gap years are created equal. The Revolution Internship is a program designed for specifically for your personal and s p i r i t u a l g ro w t h . O n e o f t h e purposes of the program is to prepare you to be a success in life. Upon graduation of the internship we believe students will be adequately prepared for the next step of their lives. This article was taken from MSNBC’s article “Should your child have a ‘gap year’ before college?”
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THE REVOLUTION STAFF Pastor Nathan Hurst - Pastor Nathan’s vision is to be a strong, positive, spirit-filled, legacy building ministry which believes in the power of Christ to transform life, is prophetic and contemporary in nature, nationally and internationally influential, and so compassionate that people are drawn from all aspects of culture into a loving circle of hope, where answers are found and acceptance is given. My mission is to bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that empowers and equips them to become who they were created to be through an authentic life of faith. Holding a degree from Oral Roberts University in the area of Practical Christian Ministries has helped Pastor Nathan start his ministry journey. Through his experience ministering at Evangel World Prayer Center of Kentucky, Covenant Church of Destrehan Louisiana, and at his current position as Associate Pastor of Student ministries of Victory Family Church of Pennsylvania. He has gained the knowledge and insight to be better equipped for serving Gods people. For more information on Pastor Nathan check out his website at
Douglas “Bubba” Smith (Youth Assistant) - Bubba is absolutely passionate about helping teenagers reach their maximum potential through teaching them the Word of God. He interned at Revolution Student Ministries from 2003-2005 before coming on staff in 2007. A graduate from Robert Morris University with a B.A. degree in Business Administration as well as from Life Christian University with a B.A. degree in Theology. He is currently working on his Masters degree in Theology from Life Christian University while working for Revolution Student Ministries. For more information on Bubba check out his website at
Sean Moore (Worship Leader) -
Sean was born and raised in Oklahoma before moving to Pittsburgh in 2003. Sean came on staff at Victory originally as part of the maintenance department before transitioning to the youth in 2007. He is currently the worship leader at Revolution Student Ministries as well as a student at Robert Morris University where he is studying marketing. For more information on Sean check out his website at
Madeline Petrus (Administrative Assistant) -Madeline has been the youth admin for 3 years. She was a member of Victory for approximately 6 years prior to coming on staff. She has been homeschooling since 1989 and has run a homeschool cooperative for the past 18 years. She is very excited about and privileged to be a part of the work the Lord in doing at REV through the leadership of Pastor Nathan.
HOW TO APPLY Request and application online at or e-mail us at W
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REVOLUTION INTERNSHIP 21150 Route 19. Cranberry Twp., PA 16066