this is why I consider myself awesome
5 magazines my inspiration! Smart may have the brains, 86 brochures but stupid has the balls. 12 campaigns Stupid, creates. - campaign, diesel 172 ads 1 book 11 logos and graphic profiles 5 photoshoots 1 social network for grandpa stupid creates
portfolio art director buckhร j Sanna Buckhรถj +44 (0) 7707 689004
I design, illustrate and simplify difficulties. current position Today I run an extensive website project together with my colleague. We are creating a site for Swedish people with an interest in London. The site is a total guide and a platform for member interaction, information, tips and London inspiration. Besides designing and structuring the website, I am building a team of editors, bloggers, writers and columnists. Our goal is to make this the natural and obvious place online for all Londonswedes and future Swedish tourists. The first parts of the site will be launched this spring, consisting of a forum and several blogs. I have worked full time with the project during the creation of the site.
freelance I have worked as freelancer since spring 2010. For a wide range of clients I have done various numbers of projects. My largest client is a famous exclusive Swedish food hall. I design and produce their costumer magazine and have also helped them create and implement a new graphic profile. I am now looking for a full time employment with the goal being part of a bigger concept. I want access to a world where my abilities are pushed to the limit every day and where I am given the opportunity to expand and explore new artistic horizons. Being part of a team, I want to create ingenious, cutting-edge and truly inspiring creative concepts and campaigns.
I design With a good eye for form and visual impression and excellent knowledge in how to use my creative tools, I have done several campaigns and design projects. Working in different advertising agencies has provided me with the opportunity to try and actualize my ideas. It has also increased my curiosity and determination to keep on developing in my profession. Most of my knowledge, skills and experience come from working with many different companies and projects. Prints: My greatest skills are in print. I design, illustrate and simplify difficulties. With great knowledge in material, colours, fonts, image editing and format, my clients can feel safe with me being their creative designer for all different kinds of print materials. Magazine design: Being involved in extensive magazine projects has made me skilled in the processes of visualising messages and making design elements tell a story. With a good eye for visual aspects, planning of photo shoots has been a big part of my job. I have also helped clients develop their graphic profile and done excellent typo. Many times I have had the responsibility of the overall style and concept.
Fashion Campaigns: I have worked with big campaign projects. My role has been to be innovative within the frames of a graphic profile. Together with a team of copy writers, stylists and photographers I have been planning and realizing several campaigns. My work has involved producing big screen ads, radio- and outdoor commercials along with more simple print jobs. My ideas and finished products have always been presented with a touch of personality and lots of creativity. Website design: As a website designer my role has been to customise the graphic profile, create an attractive user-friendly structure and implement advertising spaces along with interactive movement. Being involved in both small and greater web productions has made me curious and determined to learn more about digital media. Website project leader: Working as a project leader in a small team and engaging a lot of different persons has given me new knowledge within digital media. My designer skills have been a great asset in every aspect of style, structure and visual identity. The everyday engagement in this project has taught me the value of networking, marketing, public relations and the importance of social media.
cv professional experience, London UK, 11/2010 - Present Art Director and project leader. • Designing and structuring the website. • Idea and concept. • Social media. • Marketing, sales & PR. • Networking - meeting institutions, companies and goverment organisations. • Building a team of editors, writers, bloggers and columnists. • Image editing. HØJ, Stockholm Sweden, 04/2010 - Present Freelancing Art Director at BeOne Communication & PR. • Magazine project. • Logos and graphic profiles. • Planning of photo shoots. • Indoor and outdoor sign boards. • Illustrations. • Website design. • Sales presentations. • Big screen material.
Telge AB, Södertälje Sweden, 08/2008 - 06/2010 Art Director and graphic designer. • Magazine project. • Fashion & commercial campaigns. • Logos and graphic profiles. • Planning of photo shoots. • Indoor and outdoor sign boards. • Illustrations. • Website design. • Sales presentations. • Big screen material. Hotell Borgafjäll, Stockholm Sweden, 02/2009 - 07/2010 Art Director and graphic designer. • Graphic profiling. • Prints: Ads, posters and broshures. • Menus. • Packaging. • Photo editing. Meter Film, Stockholm Sweden, 04/2008 - 06/2010 Personal artist and chorus assistant, TV show. • Structure of schedule. • Personal assistance.
Basta, Nykvarn Sweden, 08/2007 - 05/2009 Art Director and graphic designer. • Graphic profiling. • Prints: Ads, posters and brochures. • Planning of photo shoots. Ateljé AD, Södertälje Sweden, 09/2007 - 08/2007 Apprentice and graphic designer. • Learning from professional Art Director. • Prints, illustration and administrative work. Basta, Nykvarn Sweden, 07/2005 - 09/2007 Administrator for EU project. • Administrative work. • Coordinating and designing project materials. • Contact person.
so you know who you will be dealing with Date of birth
language skills
April 15th, 1986, Sweden
Swedish - native English - fluent Norwegian - fluent Danish - fluent German - basic
professional experience Project leader Art Director & Graphic Designer Artworker Administrator
education Graphic Design and Communication, Stockholm, 2008 Beghs School of Communication In Design CS 3, Stockholm, 2007 Mac Courses Sociology, Stockholm, 2004 Stockholm University The Social Science Programme, Södertälje, 2001-2004 High School Advanced English, Södertälje, 2003-2004 High School in collaboration with Cambridge University English class, Södertälje, 1998-2001 Junior High School
it skills Adobe CS 4 programmes - Excellent MS Office - Good Wordpress - Intermediate
adress 1c Redesdale Street SW3 4BL Chelsea, London
telephone +44 (0) 7707 689004
online portfolio website is a website project I run together with a colleague. The site was a popular forum for 7 years, and we are now re-launching it as a total London guide and web magazine with basic information, blogs, forum, columns and a lot of edotorial materials. We have a team of editors, blogger and writers, giving their best tips and konwledge. We also collaborate with Swedish organisations, companies and govermental institutions to get proper and hight quality information on the website. In the project, I have the role as Art Director, web strategist and project leader. We are hoping to launch the first part of the site sometime during this spring.
Din familj i London
do not miss our blog:
Redaktörsbloggarna Illatemo leniam as ius accum voluptaspis magnist orumquam adipiti cus eum dolor sed qui apit, consed maximin cturibus sendelistium quid quodi officiatem earum endamet andae volore nis sumquat eos etur aut eritium endaessunt occum endamuste officip sandunt modi consequam iliqui.
amina larsson jobb
hanna söderlund mat
Nina studerar fashion och är Londonsvenskars egna moderedaktör.
Amina är tv-presentatör och Londonsvenskars egna jobbredaktör
Amina är tv-presentatör och är Londonsvenskars egna jobbredaktör
Josefina jobbar som PR-ansvarig på Escada - läs mer om hennes dagliga utmaningar. Intervju - Jobb ● 13.30 14 Mars 2011 ● Amina Larsson ● 4 kommentarer
Henim cus mincta quaeperio. Ant laborem et ex eume voluptat lande aliquo temquae ommosandis aut ut res di sitatioria ipic torepelique minctinctis il et minulli gendicietur, conseru ptaturempe volorup tatemqui dolut Nulpa con nectisqui cullori onsenda nihicim ilique ma volor magnatiis derrumet voluptatur accae sus, autecuptatas ex esci dest, aut rem abo. Et vellenim harum reprehendae. Ut que mo cusdae nonseri omnis volesti qua kommeNTERA • LÄS MER »
josefina boston kultur
camila catalina nöje
Amina är tv-presentatör och är Londonsvenskars egna jobbredaktör
Amina är tv-presentatör och är Londonsvenskars egna jobbredaktör
the first parts of the site will be launched in the beginning of march
Shoppa svenskt i Fullham Intervju - Jobb ● 13.30 14 Mars 2011 ● Amina Larsson ● 4 kommentarer
รถstermalms saluhall magazine
This is a magazine for a high quality swedish Food Hall in Stockholm. With many regular customers and a goal to make them feel chosend and special, we developed a loyal customer magazine exclusively for them. The idéa to make a magazine was brand new, and the Food Hall didn’t have a given graphic profile to follow. So, we aimed at a classic and traditional style, that also felt playful and innovative. As the Art Director, I set all the design and visual form from scratch. With such a responibility, I also handeled practically everything concerning the print and reproduction. A big part of my work was also editing of images and minor work closely with photographers during the photoshoots. I found a great challenge to bring in a graphic base to a brand that is well known ”by mouth”, but not in visual. The project with the magazine also led on to a new visual identity for the entire food hall.
Report on Melanders
Fashion Report
Picknick Report
Photoshoot Drinks
Ăśstermalms saluhall graphic profile In the making of the magazine to Ă–stermalms Saluhall, we created a new graphic profile. The current profile was not consistent and there was no direct control that kept up the communication. The new profile could directly be applied to other parts of the visual identity for the food hall. To develop a new logo and find a typeface that is consistent with the entire brand-esteem has been the greatest work in process. Now the work continues in various smaller projects. We now apply the profile to the elements visible to the target audience, and potential new customers.
kringlan magazine In the making of the magazine to Ă–stermalms Saluhall, we created a new graphic profile. The current profile was not consistent and there was no direct control that kept up the communication. The new profile could directly be applied to other parts of the visual identity for the food hall. To develop a new logo and find a typeface that is consistent with the entire brand-esteem has been the greatest work in process. Now the work continues in various smaller projects. We now apply the profile to the elements visible to the target audience, and potential new customers.
Wedding Report
Fashion Report on Jeans
Childrens Party Article
kringlan ads On a regular basis, Kringlan outed big campaigns. It would attract their target audience to come and shop for great feasts and new seasons. I was Art Director for four of those campaigns, spring, autumn and Christmas. In these projects we did all the work from the beginning and worked closely with stylists and photographers, in addition to the team we had at the agency. Kringlan have a strong and definite graphic profiling, which we followed closely. We worked a lot with comunicating the right messages and to bring out the feel and soul of the images.
Summer Fashion Ad
möt våren på kringlan Vad skriver vi här?
Hatt, MQ, 299:Väst, Carlings, 399:Skjorta, MQ, 399:Tröja, Esprit, 249:Halsband, Ur&Penn, 129:Shorts, Bikbok, 399:Sockar, Twilfit, 139:-
Äntligen är våren här! Och med den följer en hel del roliga och spännande saker. Blommor planteras, vårens kläder och skor plockas fram och putsas upp. Kringlans butiker har fyllts med inspiration som sätter guldkant på livet. Vill du läsa vårbilagan Livsstil, med vårtips och erbjudanden, så finns den att ladda hem på Välkommen!
Fall Fashion Ad
Spring Fashion Ad
First Page
superior challenge sales presentation Superior Challenge is a company operating in the extreme sport of MMA. Every year they organize a gala where the big names in the sport fight. As the number of visitors has increased steadily each year, they have now chosen to hold gala at Hovet in Stockholm. Faced with the great effort they needed help in overseeing the company’s values and communication outwards. I have developed a lot of material to Superior. This is a sales presentation. They use it as a material through which they sell the gala and its contents to the companies they see as potential sponsors and partners. The communication is different in different channels. To companies, we communicate the sport, community and training. See the difference in this sales presentation, compared to the website. There we show cool pictures of fighters, close combat, punches and kicks. What the fans want is action and the tough roughs. My role in this project is to find and convey a sense. To develop the graphic profile and keep together all media channels visual expression.
Become a Partner
Logotype, Lisa Lovbrand
Logotype, Creative Food
Logotype, Rickard Nordstrand
Logotype, Stay Fit With Nika
Logotype, Telacom
telacom complete communication solutions
Poster, Hotell Borgafj채ll
Cover, Panvision Magazine
Cover, Egoiste Magazine
Christmas Poster, Hotell Borgafj채ll
LISA INTERNATIONELL UNDERHÅLLNING MED JAZZ OCH POP/ROCK-INFLUENS • Två kritikerrosade album; Embraceable, Darling där bland annat Chris Botti, Paul Buchanan och David Foster medverkat • New Star Award, Adlib Magazine • 2:a på den internationella albumlistan, Japan • 1:a på Svenska Jazzlistan, NK • Huvudrollen i Hollywoodfilmerna: Lava Lounge, 7 Seconds,Attack Force med motspelare som t ex.Wesley Snipes och Steven Seagal
Nu är en av vår mest mediterade internationell artist i Sverige för att spela in ett nytt album. Där just nu ert bolag/varumärke har möjligheten att kunna få uppleva Lisa live och även se över möjligheten för ett längre samarbete i samband med lanseringen av Lisas nya album. FÖR MER INFORMATION KONTAKTA:
Martin Ohlsson på BeOne via Tel. 0705-627627 eller via E-mail
and lots more
L&B's l asson | buckh Ø j
LB's &
l asson|buckhØj
L&B's l asson |buckh Øj
Book Cover, Colours of Anatomy • Sales Sheet, Lisa Lovbrand • Invitation, Kringlan Asia Event • Logotype, Renée Voltaire Decoration Proposal, Archipelago Summerhouse • Ad, Say What • Ad, Philps Wake Up Light • Logotype, Lasson & Buckhöj
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