2 minute read
As a teacher, one of the most important messages I can give to my students is the meaning behind quality relationships. The bond we share as teacher and student is one built upon respect, love and compassion. We are there for one another in good times and in bad, and that bond will last forever... a lifetime!
Upon starting the second phase of my career in education here at Buckingham Friends, I was introduced to the Big Friend/Little Friend structure that has been part of Lower School and Upper School for years. This simple structure takes that same concept of relationships and allows our kids to experience it with one another.
Each year, 6th graders partner with kindergarten students; 7th graders with our first graders; and my students in 2nd grade are partnered with our graduating 8th grade class. Our students get together during assembly times and holidays, and to work on special projects. At my first meeting with our Big Friends, I was instantly hooked on the relevance of this program! My second graders simply cannot get enough of the time they spend with their Big Friend. My kids receive special lessons from their Big Friend on important topics leadership, perseverance, and friendship.
The Big Friends receive special lessons as well, especially around patience, understanding and empathy. And the students are not the only ones who benefit – I am able to get to know our 8th graders each year and they get to know me as a new member of the BFS teaching team. My relationship with 8th grade teachers – Stephanie and Kara – has grown into something extremely special, both personally and professionally. Big Friend/Little Friend is a WIN-WIN-WIN configuration for Lower School students, Upper School students and their teachers!!
This year, 2nd grade and 8th grade have decided to take on a special book project that requires collaboration, creativity and connection. Each Big Friend/Little Friend partnership will develop an original book to be published and housed in the BFS library. The project emphasizes instructional elements of our grades’ respective curriculums and offers all of the students involved opportunities to foster the important life skills at the heart of the program.
In these days of escalating technology use and declining face-to-face social interaction, a program such as Big Friend/Little Friend provides connections that build character and compassion in our BFS students. There are many things I love about BFS, but this connection among my students, our graduating students and their teachers is my all-time favorite!