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In order to graduate from The Buckley School, a student must complete with a passing grade a minimum of 25 courses, including the following Upper School courses:
English: 4 required courses Mathematics: 1 course beyond Algebra II (4 courses recommended) Science: 3 courses (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are required) Social Science: 3 courses World Languages: through level III Arts: 2 courses (performing and/or visual)
Human Development and Intersections of Identity:
Required courses taken during 9th grade year) Physical Education: 8 trimesters to be completed by the end of senior year Service Learning: An approved project each year in high school
Please note: These are the minimum requirements for graduation; most students elect to take more courses. ARTS: Each student must complete a minimum of two yearlong courses in the visual arts and/or performing arts. Some beginning visual arts courses meet twice per rotation; advanced level courses, as well as performing arts, band, chorus, and orchestra, meet four times per rotation. We strongly suggest to parents and students that this requirement be fulfilled during grade 9 and grade 10. PE: All students are required to be enrolled in a physical education activity for 8 trimesters during their time in the Upper School. 9th GRADE PROGRAMMING: Students must also take the Human Development/ Intersections of Identity: Leadership, Diversity, and Equity course their 9th grade year. Descriptions can be found on page 12 under “Special Programs.”
The Buckley School generally requires that all courses
needed for graduation be taken at Buckley. Courses taken at other high schools, colleges, or online may not count towards Buckley graduation requirements unless they have been pre-approved by the Head of Upper School and the pertinent Department Chair before enrolling in the courses. Buckley’s transcript only lists courses taken at Buckley, and therefore, coursework taken at other institutions will not be factored into Buckley’s grade point average. In addition, students are required to complete their senior year at Buckley in order to receive a diploma from Buckley.