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Noted here are examples of typical schedules for each of the seven grade levels.
English 6: Language Arts Creative Writing: “The Empathy & Uplift Project” World Language: Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture Social Science: World Cultures and Geography Mathematics:, Math 6, Math 6 Honors, or Pre-Algebra 6 Honors Science: Topics in Science Arts Rotation: Art 2D, Art 3D, Middle School Band, Chorus, Orchestra 6, Theater 6, Experience Music,
Digital Essentials, Introduction to Web Development, Dance, Hip-Hop, Journalism, Scriptwriting, Podcasting,
Video Production, or Robotics
English: Introduction to Literature World Language: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Social Science: Global Studies Mathematics: Pre-Algebra Principles, Pre-Algebra, Honors Pre-Algebra, or Algebra I Honors Science: Life Science Arts Rotation: Life Skills, Art 2D, Art 3D, Video Production, Robotics, Podcasting, Middle School Band,
MS Chorus, Orchestra 7–8, Theatre I, Experience Music, Digital Essentials, Introduction to Web Development,
Dance, Hip-Hop, Journalism, Scriptwriting, Introduction to Python, or Design Lab
English: A Study of Literary Genre World Language: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Social Science: Social Issues in American Society Mathematics: Algebra I Principles, Algebra I, Honors Algebra I, or Geometry Honors Science: Physical Science Arts Rotation: Art 2D, Art 3D, Video Production, Middle School Band, MS Chorus, Orchestra 7–8, Theatre I or II,
Experience Music, Introduction to Web Development, Dance, Advanced Dance, Hip-Hop, Journalism,
Scriptwriting, Robotics, Podcasting, Introduction to Python, Python Programming 2, or Design Lab
English I: Global Literature World Languages: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Social Science: Ancient World History Mathematics: Geometry Principles, Geometry, or Honors Geometry Science: Biology or Honors Biology Arts Electives Human Development/Intersections of Identity: Leadership, Diversity, and Equity Physical Education, Mindful Movement, and/or Team Sports
English II: British Literature or Honors English II World Languages: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Social Science: Modern World History or AP European History Mathematics: Algebra II Principles, Algebra II, or Honors Algebra II Science: Chemistry or Honors Chemistry Arts Electives Physical Education, Mindful Movement, and/or Team Sports
English III: American Literature or AP English Language & Composition World Languages: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Social Science: United States History or AP U.S. History Mathematics: Math Analysis, Pre-Calculus, or Honors Pre-Calculus Science: Physics or Honors Physics Arts Electives / Electives in other disciplines Physical Education, Mindful Movement, and/or Team Sports
English IV: Senior Selectives (2) or AP English Literature & Composition Social Science: AP US Government, AP Art History, AP Micro or Macroeconomics, Economics, Social Justice, or World Religions World Languages: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Electives Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Calculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Honors Multivariable Calculus Science: AP Environmental Science, AP Biology, Aerospace Engineering Arts Electives / Electives in other disciplines Physical Education, Mindful Movement, and/or Team Sports