2 minute read
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
University research Dr Ciaran O’Keefe and Claire Machan are currently undertaking pilot research to evaluate current attitudes to punishment and rehabilitation of offenders in the UK with outcomes due in 2020. Attitudes toward punishment and rehabilitation have been of interest to researchers within the criminal justice domain for many decades. In addition, such attitudes have been drawn upon to inform policy which, in turn, inform changes (and funding) to the prison system. Typically, governments will favour punitive proposals if there is a sense of a more “punishment-held attitude” amongst the general public. Conversely, funding for intervention programmes may increase if the public favour rehabilitation. This study aims to collect data nationally on the current public attitudes toward punishment and rehabilitation.
SDG17 - Partnerships for the Goals - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.
The University is a founding partner and Chair of the Buckinghamshire Health and Social Work Academy, a partnership between three local universities (Bucks New, Bedfordshire and Buckingham), the local authority (Buckinghamshire Council) and the local NHS Trust. The academy partnership will meet the growing demands of the NHS Trust, County Council and private care providers for student nurses, care and social workers, through undergraduate, postgraduate and higher and degree apprenticeship programmes. The university has given over a floor of its Aylesbury campus and invested £1m to create a specialist nursing and care facility.
Bucks has long-standing relationships with a number of organisations in Europe, including Ukraine, Modlova and Romania. Through a range of Erasmus+ programmes, Bucks has supported the development of international educational programmes and means of support to develop innovation and entrepreneurism. https://bucks.ac.uk/ research/research-at-bucks/education Projects in progress during the last year include the Research Valorisation Training Programme in the Ukraine. The project contributed to the enhancement of the professional development of staff members of the Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Members of staff involved in the project have significantly developed their ability to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialisation of research results among 185 Master and 72 PhD students. Triggered on the one hand by KNUCEA’s need to modernise its approach to supporting Master and PhD students to conduct research that solves real life problems and that has commercialisation potential.
Ghana Tropical Timber Traceability Capacity Building project: Ghana is greatly endowed with resources and has the competitive advantage needed to develop a thriving commercial tropical timber sector. With a very strong export potential in certified products, the country also has excellent climate, rich soil, good port facilities, continuous improvement in infrastructure base and a strategic location near profitable global markets. However, it faces major obstacles due to its limited capacity to conform to international standards. The objective of the project was to enhance the export capacity of Ghana, by creating conditions for strengthening market access capacities in selected European timber markets, establishing a credible market analysis infrastructure and fostering integration into the multilateral trading system while at the same time strengthening local consumer protection.
(Outcomes also related to SDG 13)
See also SDG 9 (HSC Ventures and MedTech SuperConnector programme).
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This publication was produced by Buckinghamshire New University in September 2020