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Public benefit statement
Our University has been transforming lives for more than 130 years, from developing our students’ full potential to making a positive impact to the environment and in our communities.
The University’s Impact 2022 strategy expresses the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and reaffirms our commitment to reduce our environmental impact; increase sustainability; and address challenges by building effective and strategic partnerships. BNU was the first university in the UK to achieve Gold CSR Accreditation twice, with its commitment described by the awarding body as ‘a visible testimony of excellence’ in CSR.
Being a responsible corporate citizen is important to us and so we will:
• deliver against our mission as a civic
University, engaging with communities in Buckinghamshire and elsewhere; • engage effectively with business, actively contributing to the local and national industrial strategies, and economic growth within the region; and • minimise the environmental impact of our estate by setting new targets to meet the highest standards around energy, waste and travel. The most direct beneficiaries of our impact are our highly diverse community of undergraduate and postgraduate students who choose BNU for sector-leading and lifechanging education, designed to deliver excellent employment outcomes. We provide an education that works for all regardless of background or circumstance, and provides skills for life, to meet the global challenges of the 21st century. In the Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023, published in September 2022 based partly on data relating to the 2021-22 financial year, we rose 11 places to rank 15th in England for social inclusion and 1st in the South East (excluding London). We also ranked 11th for the lowest Black achievement gap, improving from 23rd nationally last year – we’re 1st in the South East and among post-92 institutions.
These achievements highlight our growing improvement in supporting all BNU students to succeed, underpinning our mission to widen participation through the transformative education we provide.
BNU supports tens of thousands of regional jobs with its beneficial impact estimated to be in the region of £0.95bn annually, reflecting the economic activity of the University’s students, staff, and alumni. BNU students work in and support many key local industries, including the vitally important health and social care sector, and are active contributors to local and regional charities and voluntary groups.
A report published by the Higher Education Policy Institute in September 2021 showed that international students delivered a net economic benefit of £25.9 billion to the UK in 2018/9, with significant contributions across the constituencies in which BNU’s campuses are based: • Uxbridge and South Ruislip: £129.4m • High Wycombe: £45.6m • Aylesbury: £20.1m Throughout the year, our University community worked tirelessly to continue our long-hold commitment to make a positive contribution and impact through our business activity across several key areas:
• Research, enterprise and regeneration activities • Teaching impact • Sustainability • Community and civic engagement • Outreach and widening participation activities • External engagement