BF2645 CEHI Launch Agenda

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Centre for Excellence in Health Inequalities (CEHI) LAUNCH

27 February 2025 | 1:00pm – 2:30pm


Time Item

1:00pm Welcome and Introduction

1:05pm Opening Remarks

1:10pm Keynote Address: The role of research in addressing health inequalities

1:25pm Panel session: "The Future of Health Equity: Challenges and Opportunities"


Professor Adetoro Adegoke Director, CEHI

Buckinghamshire New University

Professor Damien Page Vice Chancellor, Buckinghamshire New University

Professor Bola Owolabi Director, National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme NHS England

Panel Moderator: Professor Arinola Adefila Professor of Social Policy and EDI

Buckinghamshire New University


1. Steve GoldenSmith Head of Prevention and Health Inequalities, NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board

2. Dr Olayiwola Ajileye Clinical Director, Integrated Community Care & Recovery (ICCR) Services/Consultant Psychiatrist Birmingham & Solihull NHS Foundation Trust

3. Professor Margaret Greenfields Professor of Social Policy Anglia Ruskin University

4. Zoe McIntosh Chief Executive Healthwatch Bucks

1:55pm Showcasing CEHI: Sharing current initiatives and projects Professor Adetoro Adegoke Director, CEHI

2:10pm Interactive Engagement: Opportunities and priorities for CEHI

2:25pm Closing Remarks: Call to Action

Buckinghamshire New University

Zahara Chowdhury EDI Business Partner

Buckinghamshire New University

Professor Karen Buckwell-Nutt Associate Pro VC Student Experience Director, Institute of Health and Social Care

Buckinghamshire New University


Professor Adetoro Adegoke

Professor in Health Inequalities

Director, Centre for Excellence in Health Inequalities

Buckinghamshire New University

Adetoro’s work focuses on reducing health inequalities, improving health, strengthening health care systems and strengthening the capacity of health training institutions. She has over 28 years’ experience in health care delivery; higher education teaching and learning; and training, including over 16 years consulting and/or full-time experience in international development and leading multi-country research including in fragile or post-conflict states with special focus on health and wellbeing, equitable health, quality education, gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment. She has extensive experience initiating, developing, implementing and evaluating research in many countries including leading multi-country research as Principal Investigator across Africa and Asia (Nigeria, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania; Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Pakistan).

Adetoro is an editorial board member for the Austin Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the International Journal of Nursing Education and Practice and a reviewer for many journals.

Professor Damien Page


Buckinghamshire New University

Vice-Chancellor Damien has a strong background in leadership development, staff development, and adult education, with over 20 years of experience in education. He is passionate about creating inclusive and equitable learning environments that foster academic excellence and social mobility.

Damien is an active researcher specialising in organisational behaviour in education settings with extensive leadership experience in many Universities including University of Wolverhampton, Leeds Beckett University and University of Greenwich.

Professor Bola Owolabi Director

National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme

NHS England

Bola Owolabi is an inspirational health systems leader with a demonstrable track record of shaping and delivering on a powerful and compelling vision for tackling health inequalities. She has spearheaded the Core20PLUS5 approach to narrowing healthcare inequalities in the UK. Bola has extensive international collaborations, including with Healthcare Denmark, The Commonwealth Fund, and Yale University. She is a Vice-President of the UK Royal Society for Public Health and an Honorary Professor at the Institute of Applied Health Research, College of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Birmingham. She was the recipient in 2021 of the prestigious Doubleday Award, and still works as a GP in the Midlands.

Professor Arinola Adefila

Professor of Social Policy and EDI

Buckinghamshire New University

Arinola Adefila is a professor of Social Policy and EDI. She has an established track record as a leading transdisciplinary researcher who examines transformative learning environments, just transitions and sustainable futures. Arinola is an educational practitioner, who believes lifelong learning should transverse sociocultural learning spaces enabling collaboration, and social action that tackle wicked problems. Prof Adefila’s transdisciplinary research focuses on climate change, conflict resolution and peace partnerships; she works with practitioners, researchers and civic organisations to interrogate pathways which promote socio-cultural cohesion and transformative learning.

Steve GoldenSmith

NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB

Steve has worked in voluntary sector in a volunteer, project and chief executive roles, and has extensive strategic commissioning experience within the social care and health sector. Currently he is the Associate Director of Prevention & Health Inequalities at NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire & Berkshire West Integrated Care Board.

Professor Margaret Greenfields

Professor of Social Policy

Anglia Ruskin University

Margaret’s background as a policy professional, (who initially trained as a community lawyer with a particular interest in family law and homelessness) underpins her research, consultancy, teaching and evaluation activities as an academic. She has worked extensively in the field of social inclusion (with particular reference to inclusion health and accommodation issues), ethnicity, equalities and social justice with a specific emphasis on undertaking collaborative research with communities at risk of marginalisation, racism and ‘othering’.

She has a long history of working collaboratively with Romani Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, and more recently Showmen and Boater communities at local, UK and international levels as well as undertaking policy and practice engaged research with refugees and asylum seekers, vulnerable migrants, homeless people, LGBT+ people of faith and members of other communities whose voices are often silenced.

Dr Olayiwola Ajileye

Integrated Community Care & Recovery (ICCR) Services /Consultant Psychiatrist Birmingham & Solihull NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Olayiwola Ajileye is a 1997 medical graduate of College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. He is currently a substantive Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist in Acute Care working with Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust in Crisis Intervention and Home Treatment Team. He is also a Clinical Director, Integrated Community Care and Recovery Services (ICCR), with portfolio covering Addiction Services, Homeless and Rough Sleepers Community Health, In-patient Rehabilitation Services and Medical Management.

Dr Ajileye is a qualified in Forensic and Legal Medicine with experience in delivering Medico-legal Professional expertise with over 100 expert reports on complex medico-legal cases for His Majesty’s Crown, Family and Criminal Courts in the United Kingdom.

He is currently serving as the President, Ibadan College of Medicine Alumni Association (ICOMAA), United Kingdom and Ireland, member of Ibadan Medical Specialists Group (IMSG) UK.

He is passionate about Music, community engagement, Public Understanding of Mental Health through training and advocacy, medical outreaches to underserve and marginalised population. He is a distinguished public speaker on a wide range of socio-medical issues on TV, online and newspapers.

Zoe is the Chief Executive of Healthwatch Bucks. She has more than fifteen years’ experience of working at senior management level in charities concerned with health and social care. She has also worked as a front-line mental health practitioner and seen firsthand how poor mental health can affect the fabric of people’s lives, touching everything from employment and education to individuals’ physical health and personal relationships. Zoe is passionate about the need to involve the people who use services in their design and delivery and working with people and communities whose voices are not always heard. She is committed to leading the Healthwatch Bucks team to successfully deliver the organisation’s mission: to ensure that the collective voice of people using health and social care services is heard, considered and acted upon.

Zahara Chowdhury

EDI Business Partner

Buckinghamshire New University

Zahara is EDI Business Partner at Buckinghamshire New University. Zahara has worked in education for over a decade leading English, intervention and equality, diversity and inclusion. Zahara writes candidly about the equity, inclusion, student and teacher experiences in education and is founder of the blog and podcast, School Should Be. She is also a DiverseEd Associate, an anti-racist schools’ award coach at Leeds Beckett University and a Bloomsbury Lit in Colour Advisor.

Professor Karen Buckwell-Nutt

Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience

Director, Institute of Health and Social Care

Buckinghamshire New University

Karen is a driven and dynamic senior leader with extensive experience across both education and the healthcare sectors. She has been in academia for about three decades with a wide range of experience across several education organisations and in various roles as Head of School, Academic Head of Department, Academic Principal in an Independent FE College. Karen leads the Institute of Health and Social Care (IHSC) – an institute that provides strategic leadership and oversight of all health and social care activities across BNU.

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