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Doylestown Profiles

Read about six people who have contributed to our community in many ways

TebWeb Innovations LLC is the brainchild of Thomas Brunt, a nearly lifelong resident of Doylestown who has had a varied career in many aspects of television and video production, now passing 35 years. He started with the local cable company in Doylestown as a junior in high school. “I took to video production instantly, and quickly realized that it would be my career choice.”
Prior to taking TebWeb Innovations full time in 2021, Thomas worked for a mobile broadcast production company, serving as a main engineer providing equipment support on some of the largest sporting events for the largest broadcasters. World Series, Super Bowls, Olympics— Thomas has worked many of them, and lots of shows in between, including game shows and live entertainment.
“Volunteering in the community is very important to me. I started helping local organizations and civic groups doing what I enjoy doing—creating video content. During the pandemic I was furloughed for several months like so many others, so I put my video production skills to use helping produce pandemic related video resources for the community through Doylestown Borough, Discover Doylestown and the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce.
After nearly 22 years of supporting events all over North America, Thomas wanted to shift his focus back to his local community and help his clientele create their own visions using video technology.
“Being so involved in the community greatly helped TebWeb move from a part-time venture to a full-time service business. I had so many connections from different business and civic leaders in the community. What started as volunteer work began turning into paid projects, helping me realize that I can do this full-time.”
Tom also supports the Doylestown Historical Society, Discover Doylestown, Doylestown at Dusk Car Show, and during the cold winter months he volunteers as staff for the local Code Blue shelter to help our homeless community.
For more information, call 267-935-9075 or visit www.tebweb.com.
Bucks County Kind • Joanne Petrun & Edie Weinstein, Founders
Doylestown resident Joanne Petrun, when she was working in Northeast Philadelphia would take gift cards to Dunkin Donuts and leave them with the cashier. In Doylestown, when she and her children were at Borough Bagels, she paid for someone’s to-go order, while she was waiting for her own order. The recipient of this random act of kindness came in and the cashier motioned to Joanne as having paid for her order. Joanne said, “She thanked me over and over again. She was just so grateful. And it got me thinking if I can do this and have such an effect on a stranger, imagine what it would be like if our entire community got involved with doing things like this.”
Joanne posted on the Doylestown Facebook page and asked if anyone would be interested in initiating a random act of kindness movement? The response was immediate. Over 100 people said yes. One of the people who responded was Dublin resident Edie Weinstein, who said, “I'm in PR I would love to get involved.” Edie’s friend Eric Labacz created cards that say, “Please accept this thoughtful gesture from your neighbor and pay it forward with a random act of kindness for someone else.” Joanne Petrun created a Facebook group for Bucks County Kind, for which Edie and her friend Thomas Brunt handle the administration.
Edie says that both Joanne and she are concerned over the extent of divisiveness in society. There needs to be a space where people can just appreciate each other for their common humanity. Random acts of kindness do not have to be more than saying “hi” to a someone you don’t know, opening a door for someone, talking to a stranger, visiting someone at a nursing home who has no visitors, or just paying for someone behind you in line while getting coffee.
Kindness cards can be found in locations throughout the county, including the Doylestown Hospital, Fred Beans Hyundai, Poco’s, Class Harlen Realtors, and many other locations throughout Central and Upper Bucks County. Bucks County Kind can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/3245485652438919.
Paul Gratz is the owner and head conservator at Gratz Gallery & Conservation Studio, located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. The gallery offers an extensive collection of 19th and 20th century American paintings, specializing in American Impressionism, specifically those by artists of the New Hope School, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Philadelphia Ten. Gratz Gallery has represented American artists with numerous exhibitions and publications for four decades. Most recently Paul Gratz presented an extensive collection of works by American Modernist, female painter, Peter Miller. The collection of over 200 works went through careful art conservation and is accompanied by a monograph on the artist published by Paul Gratz in cooperation with art historian Francis M. Naumann.
Gratz Gallery has been a trusted representative for private collectors and museums in the expansion and upgrade of their fine American art collections for 40 years and Paul Gratz recently celebrated this anniversary in bucolic Bucks County, home of the gallery and conservation studio. The Conservation Studio has specialized in the conservation and restoration of oil paintings and gilt frames for forty years. Mr. Gratz’s formal training began at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and was developed through various apprenticeships with some of the nation’s most respected art conservators. While attending the Academy, Mr. Gratz studied with the esteemed Louis Sloane, the conservator and artist Joseph Amarotico, and the unparalleled instructor, Arthur DeCosta. Since 1982 Paul Gratz has provided his services to museums, historical societies, universities, churches, and private collectors throughout the United States. Paul Gratz was a founding member of the Society of Gilders. Paul combines modern techniques with Old World craftsmanship to offer the finest in treatment for oil paintings, murals, and gilt objects.
Gratz Gallery & Conservation Studio is located at 5230 Silo Hill Road, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. The gallery and studio hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10am – 6pm, Sunday 12 –5pm, and by appointment. Phone: 215-348-2500, www.gratzgallery.com.