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Annual Events
Arts & Antiques
New Hope Annual Outdoor Juried Arts & Crafts Festival September 24-25: This Festival will include over 175 artists and craftsmen with such media as ceramics, sculpture, pastels, glass art, and jewelry. Free Admission and shuttle. Rain or shine. New Hope-Solebury High School, New Hope, PA. www.newhopeartsandcrafs.com
2022 Annual Antiques Show November 12-13: The Bucks County Antiques Dealers Association presents their 71st annual antiques show the largest of its kind in Bucks County. Saturday hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $6. Children under 16 are admitted free. Free parking. Eagle Fire Hall, Route 202 and Sugan Road, New Hope, PA. 215-290-3140; www.bcadapa.org.
Doylestown Arts Festival September 10-11: For this special weekend in September Doylestown turns into a festival. You will discover over 100 artists, live music on multiple stages, activities, food courts, and a bike race. Doylestown, PA. www.doylestownartsfestival.com.
Crafts in the Meadow October 22-23: This fall invitational craft show features over 100 craftspeople, live music, and tons of activities. Crafters will be ceramics, fine art, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, sculpture and more. Tyler Part Center for the Arts, 10 Stable Mill Road, Richboro, PA 267-218-0290; www.tylerpartarts.org.
Annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show November 4-6: This annual art event is for the benefit of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Funds raised are used to purchase works of art and crafts for the permanent collections to fund conservation and publications projects, and support exhibitions and education programs. Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 215-684-7930; www.pmacraftshow.org
Spring Fling April 1: Bucks Beautiful holds its Annual Spring Fling social event to kick off the season. Dine in rustic elegance in the 19th Century Stone Bank Barn at the historic Inn at Barley Sheaf Farm. Live and silent auctions, cocktails and dinner. For details call 215-340-3639 or susan@bucksbeautiful.org.
Springtime in Paris April 30: The Perkasie Garden Club is hosting their 5th bi-annual Garden Tea featuring Bene Bron on “Living Flower”. Join them for an afternoon tea. Doors open at 11:30 for shopping with vendors. St. Cyril
of Jerusalem, 1410 Almshouse Road, Jamison, PA; Tickets on sale. Contact Colleen Williams at 267-372-3422 or dw69z@verizon.net.
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve This is the destination for seeing and learning about the native plants of the Delaware Valley. The 134-acre preserve has over 800 species of native plants in the naturalistic setting. Explore woods, meadows, a pond, and Pidcock Creek, as well as a changing collection of wildlife, birds, and wildflowers. Many educational programs are offered year-round. 1635 River Road, New Hope PA. 215-862-2924; www.bhwp.org
2022 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show June 11-19: From the sweeping landscapes to the colorful entrance garden, the major exhibits of the Flower Show will catch your eye as soon as you walk through the doors onto the show floor. Pennsylvania Convention Center, 12th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA. www.theflowershow.com.
House & Home
Philly Home Show March 18-20, 25-27: The Home Show features guest appearances by DIY celebrities, along with designed rooms and the Cooking Stage. The Xfinity Experience Stage featuring presentations on remodeling, renovation, organizing, décor, gardening, and outdoor projects. Admission. Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA.; www.phillyhomeshow.com.
Philly Home & Garden Show: February 25-27: Visit this annual show for decorating and remodeling, ideas, remodeling, ideas, learn more about companies, and stroll through gardens by area landscapers. Admission. Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, 100 Station Ave, Oaks PA. www.phillyhomeandgarden.com
Bucks County Designer House & Gardens April-May: This show house features the work of local landscapers and designers. It is an annual fundraiser to benefit the Village Improvement Association of Doylestown to support Doylestown Hospital and V.I.A. community projects; www.buckscountydesignerhouse.org.
Paxson Hill Farm A 32-acre property in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The farm is home to a plant nursery, animals and beautiful gardens. The nursery grows various rare and exotic perennials, annuals and trees. 3265 Comfort Road, New Hope, PA. 215-297-1010; www.paxsonhillfarm.com.
Annual Bucks Beautiful Kitchen & Garden Tour June: This self-guided tour features six Bucks County homes. 10 a.m-4 p.m. Rain or Shine. Advance admission. 215-340-3639; www.bucksbeautiful.org.