Body & Soul 2022

Page 13

Laughing your way to better health — 13 Your personality, your spirituality, the real you — 16 October is National Breast Cancer Awarene month Your brain isn’t stuck!— 5 Get a quick H.I.I.T. of exercise — 11 B DY S UL Health • Fitness • Mind • Spirit • Medicine • Well-Beingdicine •W Wh• Fitness •h pi r i t •p i © Berthoud Weekly Surveyor September 29, 2022
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Body & Soul

Page 4 September 29, 2022 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor B DY S UL Health Fitness • Mind Spirit Medicine Well-Beingdicine •W Wh• Fitnessh pi Academy for Dental Assisting Careers Center for Gastroenterology Crossroads Dermatology Dr Steve Hood Gateway Medicine/Wellnes coach Good Samaritan J Day Appliance Longmont Dairy New Freedom Church Orthopedic Spine Center of the Rock PVREA Siren House Remedy Skin Studio Summitstone United Health Care Womens Clinic
Your brain isn’t stuck! 5 Did you know? 5 10 of the main issues for women’s health 6 Easy ways to strengthen your immune system 7 Breast Thermography 8 How meditation can help combat work-life imbalance 10 Get a quick H.I.I.T. of exercise ........ 11 What is an infrared sauna? ............ 12 The brain-boosting benefits of work games ................................................ 12 Laughing your way to better health ...........................................................13 Did you know? 13 Become a dental assistant 14 Yerba Mate — A South American Tea alternative to coffee 15 Your personality, your spirituality, the real you 16 Imperfect Foods is perfectly imperfect ........................................... 18 Fall and winter skin care tips 18 Body&Soul 2022©
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Your brain isn’t stuck!

Not long-ago scientists believed your brain was a set feature, a static organ that was hard-wired after critical developmental periods in childhood. It wasn’t going to get any better. Thankfully, science is now fully aware of the fact that isn’t the case and has embraced the concept of neuroplasticity or the brain’s ability to reorganize itself in reaction to internal and external factors and can change both physically and functionally throughout your life. These changes can include your thinking, behaviors and emotions.

Put simply, neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to heal, adapt to change and learn. The brain is super resilient, and neuroplasticity makes permanent learning, like learning another language or an instrument at any point in life possible. It also enables you to recover from stroke, or injury, birth abnormalities, improve symptoms of ADHD, overcome some learning disabilities, pull out of depression, overcome addictions and other obsessive-compulsive patterns and even simply change old habits and ways of thinking. Our brains are miraculous.

The term neuroplasticity was coined by Jerzy Konorski a Polish neuroscientist way back in 1948. He observed that stress caused structural changes to the brain.

Our brains are constantly changing, and you can actively participate in that process. Through a physical process called neurogenesis, brains can reorganize neural pathways, make new connections and even regenerate neurons. Neurons are the nerve cells that serve as the building blocks of the brain and the whole nervous system.

Every new experience you have, from eating a new food to hiking a new trail impacts these connections in your brain. In fact, research from 2013 shows that novelty, new things and challenges can enhance cognitive function. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic like traveling the world, simply visiting a new coffee shop or taking a new route on your daily walk can do the trick. Through action and experience, you take advantage of your brain’s ability to modify its activity.

According to Psychology Today, the following are some ways you can help encourage neuroplasticity.

• Physical activity helps different regions of the brain and improves aspects of cognitive function, including memory and learning.

• Develop a sense of purpose in your life. Find clarity in who you are.

• Set meaningful goals. Always have something you’re striving for or want to accomplish.

• Engage in positive social interactions.

• Engage in play.

• Be in enriched and stimulating environments.

• Engage in mental training strategies such as mindfulness meditation and prayer.

Neuroplasticity can also be applied to our emotions. If you have developed unhealthy coping strategies or react in a way that doesn’t serve you well rewiring those emotional circuits in the brain so to speak is possible. According to neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf by embracing emotions, processing them and reconceptualizing them through a process she calls the neurocycle a new healthier more peaceful pattern can emerge.

The good news is our brains aren’t doomed to stay the same. But, you may have heard it said with muscle mass if you don’t use it, you lose it, well the brain is the same. Keeping your brain engaged and malleable is important for healthy long-term cognitive health.

Did you know?

Special to the Surveyor

According to the American Cancer Society, the average age at the time of diagnosis of testicular cancer is 33. Young and middle-aged men are the most likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer, though the ACS notes that 14% of cases occur in children, teens and men over the age of 55.

The ACS estimated that roughly 440 men would die of testicular cancer in 2021. Though that’s troubling, testicular cancer can usually be treated successfully. In fact, the ACS notes that a man’s lifetime risk of dying from the disease is one in 5,000.

However, the incidence rate of testicular cancer has been increasing in many countries, including the United States, for several decades. The reasons for that are unknown, though the rise in incidences underscores the need for men, especially young men, to discuss testicular cancer, including its risk factors and symptoms, with their physicians.

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Ten of the main issues for women’s health


important for women to get routine health check-ups. This includes annual exams, pap smear, mammogram and blood work to check for and potentially prevent diseases. Additionally, mental health is equally important.

The following are 10 main concerns in women’s health:

Cancer: Two of the most common cancers affecting women are breast and cervical cancers. Detecting both these cancers early is key to keeping women alive and healthy. The latest global figures show that around half a million women die from cervical cancer and half a million from breast can cer each year

Reproductive health: Sexual and reproductive health problems are responsible for one third of health issues for women between the ages of 15 and 44 years. Unsafe sex is a major risk factor — this is why it is so impor tant to get contraception services to all women.

Maternal health: Many women are now benefitting from massive improvements in care during pregnancy and childbirth introduced in the last century. Understanding your options and the many approaches to a healthy pregnancy and post-pregnancy is important.

uman mmunodefi en rus Three decades into the AIDS epidemic, it is young women who bear the brunt of new HIV infections. Too many young women still struggle to protect themselves against the sexual transmission of HIV and to get the treatment they require.

e ua ransm ed nfe ons The importance of protecting against HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (the world’s most common STI) has already been mentioned. But it is also vital to do a bet ter job of preventing and treating diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis which have all increased in incidence in recent years.

o en e a a ns omen Women can be subject to a range of different forms of violence, but physical and sexual violence — either by a partner or someone else — is particularly insidious. Today, one in three women under 50 has experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner, or non-

partner sexual violence — violence which affects their physical and mental health in the short and long-term. It’s important for health workers to be alert to violence so they can help prevent it, as well as provide support to people who experience it.

Mental health: Evidence suggests that women are more prone than men to experience anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints — physical symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the most com mon mental health problem for women and suicide a leading cause of death for women under 60. Helping sensitize women to mental health issues, and giving them the confidence to seek assistance, is vital.

on ommun ab e d seases In 2020, some 4.7 million women died from noncommunicable diseases before they reached the age of 70 — most of them in low-and middle-income countries. They died as a result of road traffic accidents, harmful use of tobacco, abuse of alcohol, drugs and sub stances, and obesity — more than 50% of women are overweight in Europe and the Americas. Helping girls and women adopt healthy lifestyles early on is key to a long and healthy life.

e n oun Adolescent girls face a number of sexual and reproduc tive health challenges: STIs, HIV and pregnancy. About 13 million adolescent girls (under 20) give birth every year although teen pregnancy have declined in recent years.

Getting older: Having often worked in the home, older women may have fewer pensions and benefits, less access to health care and social ser vices than their male counterparts. Combine the greater risk of poverty with other conditions of old age, like dementia, and older women also have a higher risk of abuse and generally, poor health.

The world of health care has made a lot of progress in recent years. We know more, and we are getting better at applying our knowledge. Early de tection, prevention and access to care are vital to protecting your health.

Submitted by the Women’s Clinic of Northern Colorado.

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Page 6 September 29, 2022 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor

Easy ways to strengthen your immune system

The immune system is a powerful component of the human body. It recognizes when viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders enter or compromise the body, and then takes action to prevent illnesses from taking over. The average person can help his or her

immune system do its job more ef fectively by making the immune system as strong as it can be.

Harvard Medical School says that diet, exercise, age, and psy chological stress may affect immune system response. Certain lifestyle choices can promote a strong immune system.

• Get adequate sleep. Doc tors believe sleep and immunity are closely tied. A study of 164 healthy adults published by the National Institutes of Health found those who slept fewer than six hours each night were more likely to catch a cold than people who slept for more than six hours. Aim for adequate rest each night to keep your body in top form. Having good sleep hygiene can help by going to bed at the same time every night an avoiding any type of screen type including your phone an hour before sleep.

• Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables supply the powerhouse antioxidants that are essential for protecting a body against free radi cals. Free radicals may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Serve fruits and/or veg-

etables with every meal to ensure you’re getting enough antioxidantrich foods.

grams of sugar to weaken the im mune system (the average American consumes 94 grams a day). That amount of sugar affects white blood cells and it’s thought that the immune system is lowered for about five hours after. This means that even someone who slept eight hours, takes supple ments and exercises can seriously damage their immune system function by drinking a few sodas, having a dessert every day, or missing hidden sugars in processed foods.

Make it a goal to eat the rainbow, foods of every color each day.

• Consume fiber and fer mented foods. Fiber can help feed the gut microbiome (trillions of microbes, some good, some bad, that live in your intestines), which is linked to a robust immune system. The microbiome also may prevent harmful pathogens from enter ing the body through the digestive tract. Data also suggests that eating more fermented foods can further strengthen and populate healthy bacteria in the gut.

• Limit or remove sugar from your diet. It might seem difficult but the damage excessive sugar (and the insulin it results in) does to the body might make it worth eliminating. Besides being a driver for chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease it also affects your body’s ability to fight infections. Studies have shown it takes about 75

• Exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exer cise per day, advises the American Heart Association. Thirty minutes of exercise each day can go a long way toward keeping the body healthy. The U.S. National Library of Medicine says physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. Exercise causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells. These antibodies and white blood cells circulate rapidly, so they may detect illnesses ear lier than they would if you do not exercise. Body temperature also rises during exercise, which could naturally prevent bacteria from growing.

• Try to minimize stress. Easier said than done sometimes but according to Simply Psychol ogy, when people are stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, making people more susceptible to infections. The stress hormone cortisol can suppress the effectiveness of the immune system. Limiting stress through meditation and breathing exercises (even just five minutes a day), or trying to remove and re frame stressors from one’s life, may help.

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$45 in the 80513 zip code, $55 elsewhere.

Breast Thermography

Whilea history of breast cancer in the immediate family doubles a woman’s risk of also developing breast cancer, most people are shocked to learn that 85% of women diagnosed have no family history of the disease. These instances occur from genetic mutations resulting from the aging process and lifestyle factors, rather than inherent mutations.

According to 28 ,8 0 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2022. oughly 44,000 women will die this year from breast cancer.

Since 200 , breast cancer deaths have remained steady in women under 0 but decreased in older women at tributed to screening, awareness and treatment.

It is also significant to note that onethird of all breast cancer in the U.S. oc curs in women under

4 . Though nearly billion is invest ed annually in breast cancer research, the last data point above points to a need for even earlier intervention and more proactive strategies.

Enter: Breast Thermography

Thermography is a pain-free, no-contact, no-radiation technology that provides information on vascular and cellular activity in the breasts, based on temperature differences and thermovascular patterns. It measures infrared energy naturally emitted from the body. Approved by the FD in 1982 as an adjunctive technology, it is most often used as a risk assessment tool for breast health, although imaging can be performed on any body part.

Mammography vs Thermography

Mammograms use electromagnetic radiation to transmit an image onto film, looking for calcifications and densities deep within the breast tissue. Thermography uses an infrared camera to create a graphic map looking at changes in breast physiology. Because they are different technologies used for detecting different types of risk factors, they can each be important and are best used alongside one another.

Screening vs isk ssessment

Breast thermography is used as a risk assessment tool, rather than a stand-alone technology for screening. Screening implies that we are looking for a disease that already exists.

Thermography, on the other hand, combines health history and heat imaging to assess the level of risk that someone has of developing breast disease in the future. Studies suggest that women who have a high-risk thermogram are 22 times more likely to develop breast cancer, than women who have a lower-risk rating thermogram.

Thermography can detect irregular physiological patterns potentially related to a higher risk of breast disease. The formation of new blood vessels by cancer or pre-cancer (angiogenesis), is more intense in the early stages because more vascularity is required to nourish and sustain its growth (though other factors may impact the growth rate). This activity can be detected by a thermogram up to 8-10 years before a mass is detectable by other examination.

Performing follow-up thermograms can be done as often as needed without harmful side effects. This direct measure of the patient’s physiology — seeing how the breast tissue is changing or how it is responding to intervention makes it a breast-specific biomarker.

Protocol for high-risk thermography results

A holistic approach to a high-risk thermography report involves further examination: physical breast exam, blood labs, and lifestyle intervention. The priorities are:

1. Identify whether or not cancer is currently present in the body.

Take immediate, proactive measures to mitigate the risk for future development of breast disease.

3. educe inflammation in the body contributing to risk.

4. Improve immune response to support the ability to fight infections or cancer at the cellular level.

5. Balance the body’s ability to produce and properly metabolize hormones.

Who is Breast Thermography for?

Ideally, thermography would be performed early in a woman’s life, to give a base from which to monitor. However, thermography can be performed at any age. Follow-up imaging is recommended every 1-2 years depending on other risk factors.

Breast thermography is also especially helpful for women who have smaller breasts, implants, mastectomies, dense breast tissue, or are pregnant or lactating/breastfeeding.

Current prevention strategies are limited without the ability to monitor breast tissue changes. Thermography has literature and case study support to validate its use as a breast-specific biomarker of risk and usefulness as a tool in monitoring breast health.

To find out if thermography is a good option for you, call Dawn at ateway atural Medicine and Diagnostic Center at 9 0- 32-2 .

This article was submitted by Gateway Natural Medicine and Diagnostic Center.

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How meditation can help combat work-life imbalance

Special to the Surveyor

Juggling a family and a thriving career is no small task. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when faced with responsibilities at home and at the office, and it’s even easier to fall victim to a work-life imbalance. Such an imbalance can have troubling short- and long-term consequences.

More than 40% of working professionals who were recently surveyed by the United Kingdom-based Mental Health Foundation noted that they are neglecting various aspects of their life because of work. The MHF notes that such an imbalance can make professionals more vulnerable to mental health problems. In fact, the same survey found that more than half of all workers who work long hours feel irritable, while 2 % acknowledged feeling depressed.

Various strategies can help working professionals overcome the negative side effects of work-life imbalance. In addition to exploring ways to work fewer hours and find more time for their families, professionals who feel their life lacks balance can seek ways to overcome the stress associated with such an imbalance. Meditation is one such option.

What is meditation?

The Mayo Clinic notes that meditation dates back thousands of years. Modern meditation often aims to help people relax and reduce stress. When meditating, people focus their attention as they attempt to elimi

nate jumbled thoughts. That can be especially valuable to adults who are feeling overwhelmed by their many personal and professional responsibilities.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health notes that there are many types of meditation, but most require four common elements

• a quiet location to meditate where distractions are limited

• a specific, comfortable posture

• something people can focus their attention on while meditating, such as a set of words or an object

• an open attitude

How does meditation benefit the mind and body Meditation advocates note that the practice can provide a sense of inner peace and help people rebalance their lives. That can pay dividends for both physical and mental health.

The NCCIH notes that evidence suggests meditation can help reduce blood pressure. High blood pressure has been linked to both heart disease and stroke. A small study by the NCCIH also found that a form of meditation known as mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia helped reduce instances of chronic insomnia in adults.

ccording to the CCIH, a 2013 review of three studies suggested that meditation may help slow, stall or even reverse age-related changes in the brain.

Adults confronting a work-life imbalance may feel as though they don’t have the time to address their concerns in a healthy, effective way. Meditation need not take up much time each day, but it can be an effec tive tool in the fight against work-life imbalance.

Page 10 September 29, 2022 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor B DY S UL Health Fitness • Mind Spirit Medicine Well-Beingdicine •W Wh• h pi

Get a quick H.I.I.T. of exercise

With a busy life like many of us have, finding the time to exercise often is the biggest obstacle for individuals looking to get in shape and improve their health and quality of life. There is no denying that life is busy, but it’s not impossible to find time to exercise, particularly when people engage in high-intensity interval training or H.I.I.T.

H.I.I.T. incorporates effective movements in a 30-minute exercise routine. The merican College of Sports Medicine says that H.I.I.T. has commanded a top spot on popular fitness trends lists since 2014. H.I.I.T. combines resistance training with aerobic exercises to produce a complete workout.

How does H.I.I.T. work

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says H.I.I.T. is a rigorous workout of interval training. It features several rounds that alternate between high-intensity movements followed by shorter periods of lower-intensity exercises. It sounds easy at first but once you get into a workout, you’ll soon see why they are effective. This format enables the workout to increase the heart rate to at least 80% of a person’s maximum. H.I.I.T. programs are based on interval training first introduced in the 19 0s to improve the performance of elite Olympic athletes. xamples of H.I.I.T. workouts person can use H.I.I.T. with any type of cardiovascular workout, whether stair climbing, rowing, running or jumping rope. Higher intensity portions include working harder than one is used to for spurts of 30 seconds to three minutes, according to WebMD. The times of “rest aren’t sitting back and doing nothing, just much lower intensity. Those low-intensity moments are what give you a mini break but still keep your heart rate elevated. The progress of the workout alternates accordingly. Most people quickly increase their heart rates and work up

a sweat, which helps them lose weight and boost their metabolism. The post-workout bonus includes burning calories for roughly two hours following a H.I.I.T. regimen.

Different types of H.I.I.T.

There are two different types of H.I.I.T. egular H.I.I.T. is recommended for the general public or average gym user. There also is a more intense version, called S.I.T, which stands for Sprint Interval Training. S.I.T is especially intense, so it should only be performed by people who are already well-conditioned, according to uffield Health. I’ll be sticking to the regular H.I.I.T protocol.

Who can benefit from H.I.I.T.

Just about anyone medically cleared can utili e H.I.I.T. Since it is vigorous aerobic exercise, individuals must assess their physical condition and health before beginning. The main reason to use H.I.I.T. is to enjoy a time-efficient workout and vary the pace to stay engaged. H.I.I.T. can be done at home or at the gym. In fact, many gyms have speciali ed H.I.I.T. classes in their group class offerings.

H.I.I.T. has become a popular way to get in shape by packing highintensity movements into a short period of time.

There are numerous H.I.I.T. workouts available online and if you get the gist of how it works you could always come up with your own routine. There are also apps and little gadgets you can buy to help with tracking the time component of the workout that will alert you when to change exercises. If you do feel like you need something a little more challenging, consider doing a form of H.I.I.T. called Tabata training. Tabata is basically a higher-intensity version of HIIT, with shorter and more rigidly defined workouts.

Taking a mere 30 minutes out of your day could make a world of difference in your health and well-being and a regular H.I.I.T. workout might be the ticket.

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What is an infrared sauna?

Saunas have been around a very long time (as in ancient times) but a modern version is offering a lower-temperature option that provides similar health benefits.

The infrared sauna has been catching on among health enthusiasts for sev eral years and now the technology is more accessible than ever.

Instead of steam and hot temperatures, infrared saunas use infrared lamps and electromagnetic power to create warmth in the body. The lower temperatures mean the age-old practice can be enjoyed by a wider range of people. For people who suffer from diabetes, thyroid-related illnesses, are on a variety of medications, older adults and others who are normally cautioned to avoid traditional saunas can potentially use an infrared sauna instead.

The lamps in an infrared sauna focus penetrating warmth directly on your skin to bring heat-therapy benefits. Traditional methods simply cranked up the ambient temperature inside the sauna bringing on the sweat-inducing inferno. Temperatures in infrared saunas typically land around 110 degrees Fahrenheit, while traditional saunas can hit between 1 0- and 19 -degrees Fahrenheit.

These modern saunas are still warm and toasty but not stiflingly so and the health benefits might just persuade you to give them a try.

Within minutes of entering the sauna, our body’s response to the warmth begins setting off a chain of events. ou sweat, your blood vessels widen to in crease blood flow and your heart rate goes up slightly mimicking a moderatepaced walk. It’s like freebie exercising.

Studies have shown infrared saunas can help boost heart health, reduce

The brain-boosting benefits of word games

Special to the Surveyor

Word games continue to be popular pastimes and provide a great opportunity to engage in lighthearted competition among family and friends.

Wordle is perhaps the most popular word game to become popular in recent years. Created by software engineer and former eddit employee Josh Wardle and launched in Octo ber 2021, Wordle was devised as a way to pass the time during the pandemic lockdown. Today it is played by millions of people and was even purchased by The New ork Times Company in 2022.

For those who are looking for something even newer, Knotwords, a word game created by Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger, is available on iOS, ndroid and Steam. It’s a mix between a word scramble, crossword pu le and sudoku.

There are scores of other word games for people to try. In addition to their entertainment value, these games may provide some benefits that surprise even the most devoted wordsmiths.

• Build your vocabulary: Word games enrich vocabulary and may introduce people to new words. They also may help reinforce spelling skills.

• Improve focus: Nowadays people are pulled in many directions and are expected to multitask more than ever. Word games in large part re quire focusing exclusively on the task at hand and employing strategy.

• Stimulate the brain: Word games require critical thinking skills that could stimulate the brain. Word games train the brain in a way that’s similar to how physical activity trains the body.

• Improve memory: ccording to WebMD, word games may help seniors avoid mem ory loss and possibly delay the onset of dementia. ut seniors are not the only ones to benefit. Word games may improve short-term memory and the cognitive abilities of people of all ages.

• Boosts feel-good substances: When a person is happy, the body releases endorphins, which are feelgood hormones and neurotransmitters. Healthline indicates an “endor phin rush” often occurs after engaging in a fun activity. ndorphins are released by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Playing word games may release endorphins, which can improve mood, boost self-esteem and reduce pain and discomfort.

These are just a handful of the many positive ways word games can affect the mind and body.

blood pressure, improve circulation and speed up muscle recovery following physical activity. One small study showed it helped with weight loss. In some studies, people who used these saunas had a lower risk of pneumonia. Other people experienced an improvement in asthma symptoms. esearchers found that infrared sauna therapy may be a promising treat ment for chronic pain after a two-year-long study showed great results. Some people reported fewer symptoms as sociated with conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. One study also showed that saunas might help with tension headaches. The saunas have also been reported to help with depression, anxiety and stress. Many users say they ex perience improved sleep as well.

There is also evidence that regular sauna use can help the immune system out and reduce oxidative stress associated with cardiovascular disease, can cer, and degenerative diseases like dementia.

Infrared saunas are still not recommended for women in the early stages of pregnancy, those with multiple sclerosis or other issues that result in heat intolerance, those trying to conceive as heat isn’t great for sperm (hot tubs are included in this as well) and if you’re actively sick.

If you think an infrared sauna might be something to add to your health routine, you should discuss it with your doctor.

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Laughing your way to better health

Most people have heard the adage that “laughter is the best medicine.” There are many indications that laughter can be beneficial to the mind and body, and that the perks of laughter and humor are farreaching.

Various professionals have studied the clinical benefits of laughter, including Dr. Lee erk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University in California. Here is what these experts say in regard to the benefits of a few good belly laughs.

Boosts immune system

A 2016 study titled “The Laughter Prescription” and published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that the amount of laughter a person experiences is related to the immune system’s ability to fight off infections, among other benefits. The study references additional research that indicated spontaneous (not forced) laughter boosts the immune system by increasing natural killer (NK) cell activity. Levels were measured after participants watched a one-hour humorous video. NK cells are lymphocytes with a unique ability to kill a broad spectrum of cancerous and virus-infected cells, according to the National Institutes of Health. Laughing out loud improves immune system function and increases heart rate and oxygen levels.

Lowers blood pressure

Individuals who laugh often have lower blood pressure than those who laugh less often. Lower blood pressure reduces the risk for stroke and heart attack.

Helps heal the brain

Laughing can help reverse symptoms of grief or depression by increasing the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain, according to the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. good laugh also may help people recovering from chronic illnesses by helping to alleviate fear and anxiety that could otherwise preoccupy the mind.

Suppresses stress hormones

Drs. erk and Tan found that the stress hormones epineph rine and cortisol decrease following laughter. Laughter may help people feel less stressed and overwhelmed.

Provides a small body workout

Hearty laughter can exercise the diaphragm, contract the abdominals and even work the shoulders and muscles in the face. Laughter also gets the heart pumping at a rate that burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking slowly.

Provides natural pain relief

esearch suggests that laughter decreases inflammation that may contribute to pain. Researchers at the University of Maryland found that laughing also increases blood flow, which may help to reduce pain as well.

Finding ways to laugh more is an easy and fun way to improve overall health.

Did you know?

Special to the Surveyor

ccording to the merican Cancer Society, the average age a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer is about . In fact, six out of every 10 prostate cancer diagnoses are in men who are 65 and older.

Though prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among merican men, most men diagnosed with the disease do not die from it.

Screening could play a role in that, and the CS recommends that men thinking about getting tested for prostate cancer learn as much as they can about screening so they can make the most informed decisions possible. Speaking with a personal physician about screening is recommended, as the effects of screening continue to be studied by researchers.

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Become a dental assistant

Special to the Surveyor

Academy for Dental Assisting Careers (ADAC) has been training Dental Assistants in Colorado for over 25 years. We had a humble start with our first class in a small Colorado town and a few eager students. From there, our small school began to grow. We found ourselves hosting more classes, adding new locations and expanding our offerings.

The students loved their experience with us so much, they kept coming. All along the way, it is our love for the dental field and commit ment to our students that energizes us individually and as a school community. Engaging with our students, watching them grow and supporting their dream of being successful assistants is why we do what we do.

We teach the basic skills of assisting and focus on the core knowledge points that Dental Assistants use every day. Our classes are structured for entry-level students with little or no dental experience, and for those who are currently practicing dentistry and would like to further their education, earning power and career flexibility.

Fast forward 25 years and we now have four locations along the Front ange. Our relationships in the field are diverse and deep. We look at our network of other professionals as more than just industry relationships but as an extension of the ADAC family. Our instructors are actively working in the field and bring a wealth of experience and skills to

our classrooms. They are teachers, guides and mentors to all of our students. The small and intimate class sizes allow us to focus on students individually. No student is ever a number with us, we get to know them all.

ADAC has modernized how we teach using the most current technology and transitioning to a hybrid style teaching method. Hands-on training for all students is located inside a real working dental office. ou can’t duplicate that in a lab or online.

Allowing our students to become familiar and comfortable with an office environment propels them toward success from their first day. Dental assistants are in demand now more than ever. The tremendous growth in the field is driving the need for more assistants every year.

Our top priority is always our students. In or out of the classroom, we are there supporting and cheering them on and celebrating their victories. The wonderful graduates who have chosen us to help them start their careers have said many times that it was the best decision they ever made. They learned a lot, had some fun and made some friends along the way. The hard work was worth it and they loved it. As our students succeed, we succeed.

The school was nominated by the Longmont Chamber for Best Small usiness of the ear, and we have received a old Star Certification by the Better Business Bureau.

For more information call 303-774-8100 or visit our website www.

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Yerba Mate — A South American Tea alternative to coffee


Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and parts of Chile, people can be seen sipping something from a small round container or decorative gourds through a straw. Yerba Mate (Mate) is brewed from the leaves and stems of the Yerba Mate plant, a tree that belongs to the holly family. It is indigenous to much of the southern part of South America.

And South Americans cannot get enough of it; ou will find it is part of most southern countries’ culture and is ingrained into their daily lives. They are sipping this tea while eating breakfast or standing on the corner as we would be sipping our pumpkin spice lattes. Yerba Mate is to South America as coffee is here in the States.

Often, Mate is passed from one to another, sharing the same gourd or little metal pot, and adding more hot water as needed. There is a whole etiquette to how it is drunk among family and friends.

The history of Yerba Mate, or Mate, for short, goes back to pre-Columbian times. When the Jesuits controlled the region, it was used as a currency, and cultivation spread across most of South America. Today it is widely drunk in hot or cold form across most of South America and is a major crop for Brazil and Uruguay.

Studies have shown that the stimulants in Mates, like coffee or tea, boost energy levels and have other health benefits such as promoting weight loss, and the heightened energy doesn’t have the crash of caf feine. Mate is supposed to help with mental focus, enhance sports per-

formance and reduces fatigue. Though probably the weight loss is also because Mate has no calories and you would never drink it with milk. Yerba Mate is also known to be high in antioxidants. Many people swear by drinking Mate. Even though coffee is now available around the world, Mate is still drunk as much as coffee in South America and is available here in the States. ou can find gourds and bags of erba Mate in many coffee shops and online.

I first learned about this strange tea when I had the privilege of visit ing Chile 20 years ago. I was introduced to it in a gaucho ranch among the incredible Patagonian mountains. A group of us sat in one of the stables in a circle. The gaucho brought out this little round metal pot filled with what looked like grass and twigs and a metal straw with a tiny fil ter at the bottom (also known as a Bombilla) that he placed into the pot. The gaucho (South merican rancher) filled the pot with hot water and took a big sip through the straw. He then passed it to the first person in the circle, had them sip it, and taught us the rules of Mate drinking.

Among the rules are what to say, how long you can sip before passing to the server or host, not the next person, and it’s ok to slurp, to name a few. It was a fun experience and one that I still remember fondly. It stuck with me how much I liked the clean, fresh grassy flavor, and I wanted to enjoy it back in the states.

I have a great friend from rgentina who hooked me up with my first gourd and I have been a Mate drinker ever since. Yerba Mate is not for everyone. It is not sweet and has a flavor that some describe as drinking grass. ut I find it delicious, light and refreshing. ot that I don’t enjoy a peppermint mocha too. But Mate is often my drink of choice if I have time to sit and enjoy something hot. nd maybe I will benefit from los ing some weight, having better energy and those antioxidants.

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Your personality, your spirituality, the real you

Weare all on a spiritual journey. What that means to you may be different than what it means to me. As a Christian pastor and a follower of Jesus, I can only share from my perspective what soul care means.

The Bible uses the term soul to describe your inner being, who you are at the core — your personality, your spirituality, the real you. Even when your physical body declines in health, your soul can thrive if you care for it. Nothing is more important! Jesus said: “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul” (Matthew 16:26).

According to Jesus, nothing is more important to care for your soul than anything else. What is the health of your soul right now? We tend to go through seasons, peaks and valleys. Where are you right now? Are you running on empty or are you filled with life and energy

• Some symptoms of soul neglect include self-absorption, shame, apathy, toxic anger, physical fatigue, isolation, stronger temptation to sin, drivenness, feelings of desperation, panic, insecurity, callousness, a judgmental attitude, cynicism and lack of desire for God.

• Some symptoms of soul health are love, joy, compassion, giving and receiving grace, generosity of spirit, peace, ability to trust, forgiveness, discernment, humility, creativity, vision, energy, balance and focus.

In order to stay healthy spiritually, it is important to do regular selfexamination and make corrections and adjustments. It is a priority. “ bove all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23). Sometimes “heart” and “soul” are used interchangeably in scripture. “Above all else, guard your heart” or soul. It impacts everything else in life.

For me, soul care means that I seek to arrange my life so that there is never a day when I forget Jesus or lose contact with him. Did you know that Jesus wants to be your friend? Not just your maker, savior, leader, lord, master ... but a friend! He said: “I no longer call you servants, because servants do not know their master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15).

This is amazing that Jesus would promote his followers beyond slave status, beyond servant status — to friend status. What does it mean to be “friends” with Jesus? Well, how do you have a friend? ou have to be intentional. t doesn’t just happen, it takes effort, scheduling, planning, time together, doing things with each other, communicating and sharing hurts and joys ... hanging out!

That’s what Jesus wants with you and me — a closer and closer relationship. Following Jesus is about relationship. It’s not about rules, rituals and routines. It’s about relationship.

I didn’t always get that. During an early phase of my spiritual journey, I thought that God was much more interested in evaluating my behavior than knowing me personally. As a result, I lived with a lot of insecurity and uncertainty regarding how God felt about me. But all that changed when I discovered the good news of the gospel. I learned that God accepts me because of his Son, not because of my accomplishments. I’m saved by grace, through faith, in the perfect finished work of Jesus.

As a redeemed sinner, saved by grace, I want to live my life as an obedient servant of my Lord. But God desires more than just a servant/ Master relationship with me. He wants to be my friend. That’s hard to fathom, but it’s true. What a privilege that Jesus would want to be friends with you and me.

In order to be friends, you have to spend time together! Arrange your life so that there is never a day when you forget Jesus or lose contact with him.

How are you doing that Here are some practices that I find valuable: Use of Scripture

Unlike any other book, the Bible is “living and active” and a variety

of ways exist to study, read, meditate on and be shaped by its truths. We do not want merely to know the principles it contains: we want to connect with the person it proclaims. We can rely on it, take comfort in it, be corrected by it, find hope and direction through it. How are you carving out time to reflect on od’s Word What changes might you make


Is there something you’re grateful for? Take a moment to thank the Source of all good things. Something you’re worried about Specifically, name it and ask for od’s help. Totally confused about something? Go ahead and ask for wisdom (he promises to supply it, James 1:5). Perhaps you want to simply sit in silence, attentive to God’s presence and love.

Spiritual Friendship

What’s the most challenging area in your life these days? Is anyone walking through that with you? Are you letting your soul-level friends know what’s really going on? Do you need to pick up the phone, send the text, write that email, or just stop by so that they may pray with you, encourage you, hear your confession, or even just “be with you” in it in a way that helps you stay open to God? re any of your friends going through something significant these days Take a moment to pray for them, too ... and then connect.


The demands of daily life — especially in our 24/7 “wired” world — make it difficult to really hear from od and allow His person to form the basis of our identity. ven Jesus needed time specifically set aside to connect with His Father. Might there be things God’s been trying to convey, but you’re not listening? Not noticing?

What time a day could you regularly take a few minutes to turn off all electronics and pay attention to God? When might you set aside a few hours?

Soul Searching/Self-Examination

Where has God been at work in your life lately? Where have you sensed His presence, or not? In hindsight, do you notice things you missed in the moment? Are there areas God has shown you where you strayed in an attitude or choice? If you’re human, the answer is likely yes! Confession yields life-giving freedom and soul-level peace. So, out with it. Come clean. Find grace.


True simplicity is about developing a singularity of heart, or of purpose. It may impact our “stuff,” but most importantly it describes our focus. Everything in life aligns to a central goal: Total surrender and abandonment to God. While many of us long to live that kind of destiny, we often unknowingly clog and clutter our own path. Do you know who God’s made you to be, and for what purpose? How closely does your current life reflect that goal What needs to be pruned in your life


You can worship the Lord anywhere and anytime. But there is great value in meeting together with other believers in corporate worship. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24).

If you desire to grow closer to Jesus, care for your soul, living a life of purpose and fruitfulness, tell the Lord that you are willing. Maybe write about it in a journal. Then pursue it wholeheartedly!

Clay Peck is the Lead Pastor at Grace Place in Berthoud.

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Imperfect Foods is perfectly imperfect

Food waste is an astronomical issue in the United State. According to research by the FDA food takes up more space in landfills than anything else. While the world wastes about 1.4 billion tons of food every year, the United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 40 million tons — 80 billion pounds — every year. That’s an estimated 30-40% of the entire U.S. food supply being tossed. To address this issue a company called Imperfect Foods is taking up the call by doing things like selling products that would be considered unusable simply for aesthetic reasons.

“It felt wrong, and even a little bit silly, that fruits and veggies were getting tossed aside because they looked a little different. It also felt wrong because wasting less food is the #1 way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Source: Project Drawdown) — which means it’s a climate problem we can do something about,” a blog post on the company’s website explained.

Grocery stores have strict ideas of what produce can be sold based on how it looks. Imperfect Foods takes produce with cosmetic quirks, irregular sizes, or that are just surplus, which means they used to go to waste and sell them to you at a discount. While they may look different (nubby carrots, or oddly shaped eggplant) than what you’d find in a store, they’re sustainable, delicious, and high-quality. They also source a wide range of sustainable, affordable groceries (with no imperfections) to

Fall and winter skin care tips

Special to the Surveyor

As summer transitions to fall, many changes take place. In addition to changing landscapes, men and women may need to adapt their health and wellness habits to ensure that they stay healthy and happy. Part of that daily regimen includes how to care for skin as the seasons change.

Just as skin requires certain protection from the sun and heat in the summer, skin has special needs in the fall and winter. Fall and winter are often characterized by cold, dry weather, which can make these times of year particularly challenging for people with dry or sensitive skin. These tips can help people maintain their skin’s appearance and health.

• Don’t skip the sunscreen. Sunscreen is not a summer-only requirement. UV rays can damage the skin any time of year, even if the rays are not as strong as during the summer. UV radiation accelerates and

help out with the additional grocery needs.

Since the company’s founding, hundreds of growers and thousands of customers have joined them in their mission and together the company says they have saved more than 145 million pounds of food from lesser outcomes.

The service delivers directly to your door and offers a variety of groceries including “ugly” produce, items made with rescued ingredients, items with size or weight imperfections and items made with upcycled ingredients like okara flour, a nutritious ingredient left over from making soy milk, that they use in many of their cookies.

Signing up is simple. You indicate when you would like your shipments to start and how many people are in your household. During your “shopping window” which for Berthoud is 3 p.m. Friday until 12 p.m. Monday you get the chance to look over your cart and if there are things your family won’t eat you can simply remove or replace them in your order. You can choose between conventionally grown products and organic on a sliding scale. For the other products, besides produce, you’ll also select if you are vegan, vegetarian or you eat it all. You can select snacks, meat and fish, plant-based, dairy, produce and pantry items. Currently, they have over 300 products to select from. You can skip your order at any time and cancel at any time.

Imperfect Foods estimates that their customers recover around 288384 pounds of food a year that would otherwise be in a landfill, conserve 9000 plus gallons of water, save 38 hours of shopping time and conserve 192-288 pounds of CO2.

The prices are incredible and at least in my house, it’s saving us money with the dramatic increase in grocery prices. Plus, we are consuming perfectly imperfect food that isn’t filling up our landfills and doing our small part to help the environment.

increases the risk of skin cancer. It also can lead to premature aging. Utilize a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day.

• Invest in a humidifier. Dry, cold temperatures can rob the skin of essential moisture, even indoors. Dermatologists suggest using a humidifier at home to boost the amount of moisture in the air. This can make skin more comfortable and can have other health benefits as well.

• Skip hot showers. It can be tempting to sit under a hot stream of water to warm up. However, hot water dries out the skin by depleting its stores of natural oils, says Glacier Med Spa. Take warm showers instead and don’t stay in for longer than 15 minutes.

• Limit exfoliation. While exfoliation can remove dead skin, overdoing it can make already sensitive skin more raw. Increase the time between exfoliation treatments. Consult with a dermatologist for more advice about dealing with flaky skin.

• Don’t forget your lips. Using a thicker moisturizer on the body and face can help add and retain moisture. But pay attention to your lips and eyes as well. Something as simple as petroleum jelly on the lips can help prevent chapping. Invest in a quality eye cream to help the delicate skin around the eyes as well.

Modifications must be made to skincare routines in anticipation of seasonal weather changes.

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