1 minute read
What’s the buzz? Fun facts about bees
from Inside/Out 2023
By Terry Georgia The Surveyor
• There are 900 species of bees native to Colorado
• About 30-50 thousand worker bees live in each hive
• Each worker bee lives about 42 days
• Drone bees fertilize the queen, then die
• Each drone lives about 90 days
• Only one queen bee lives in each hive
• A queen bee lays roughly one egg each minute
• A queen bee lives two to three years
• Specialized nurse bees tend the larvae as they develop
• Even in freezing weather, honey bees maintain a constant 95degree temperature inside the hive
• A bee makes about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime
It takes 55, miles of flight time for bees to make one gallon of honey
When worker bees find a source of flowers, they return to the hive and perform a “waggle dance” to show other workers where the food source is located
It takes 2 million flowers to make one pound of honey
• When the population of a hive gets too large, workers create a new queen and swarm to another location to set up a new colony
• Professional bee extraction experts can safely move a swarm from an undesirable location to a safer home where they can thrive