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Catalogue Number 157


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CONTENTS Highlights.......................................................................................................... 1 L i t e r a t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 History, Americana, Exploration, Travel And Field Sports..............................24 Philosphy, Religion, Science and Natural History..............................33 Art, Illustrated Books and Children's Literature..............................39 Select Index..........................................................................................................48

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The Greatest Book in the History of Astronomy Nicolai Copernicus - “De Revolutionibus” A Fine Copy with Great Provenance - Basel – 1566 Copernici [Copernicus], Nicolai. DE REVOLUTIONIBUS ORBIUM COELESTIUM, Libri VI (Basile: Ex Officina Henricpetrina, 1566) RARE second issuance of Copernicus’ seminal work. A reprint of the first and the first edition printed in Western Europe after its transport from the east by Rheticus. This is the first printing of the work to include Rheticus’s “Narratio prima” (1540), which actually contained the first announcement of the Copernican hypothesis, preceding Copernicus’s own text. A COPY WITH FINE PROVENANCE, NOW ATTRIBUTED TO MAGINI. Also a very large copy, the largest copy on the market in many years according to the Gingerich Census. Folio, antique Italian vellum over boards. A very fine and handsome copy, unsophisticated, unpressed and unwashed, the binding original and in unusually pleasing condition, internally, a copy still very well preserved, interesting censor’s marks in a few places. A remarkable survival. P.O.R. RARE EARLY ISSUANCE OF ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL SCIENTIFIC TEXTS, THE CORNERSTONE OF MODERN ASTRONOMY, A DIRECT REPRINT OF THE FIRST EDITION, THE FIRST EDITION TO BE PRINTED IN WESTERN EUROPE AND A COPY WITH FINE PROVENANCE, PRESENTLY ATTRIBUTED TO GIOVANNI ANTONIO BATTISTA MAGINI, and also Pio Giovannini, the Italian Inquisitor of Bologna, with annotations and corrections in both Magini and Pio Giovannini’s hands. “The publication of 'On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres' in 1543 was a landmark in human thought. It challenged the authority of antiquity and set the course for the modern world by its effective destruction of the anthropocentric view of the universe. We owe this book, which was more or less completed as early as 1530, to Georg Joachim Rheticus of Wittenberg, who persuaded Copernicus to allow him to publish it; for until 1540 the author himself had permitted only preliminary statements to circulate in manuscript. He died on the eve of its publication. Nicolaus Copernicus studied at Cracow, Bologna and Padua. Returning to his native Poland he eventually became Canon of the cathedral at Frauenberg, where he lived quietly until his death. He was a physician—having studied medicine at Padua—diplomat, economist, Doctor of Canon Law, and artist, a self-portrait survives. Renaissance mathematicians, following Ptolemy, believed that the moon, sun and five planets were carried by complex systems of epicycles and deferents about the central earth, the fixed pivot of the whole system. In Copernicus's day it was well known that conventional astronomy did not work accurately, nor did further study of Ptolemy seem to put the matter right. Copernicus, stimulated by the free entertainment of various new ideas among the ancients, determined to abandon the fixity of the earth, and all the complexities in the treatment of the motions of the celestial bodies that follow from such a conception. With the sun placed at the center, and the earth daily spinning on its axis and circling the sun in common with other planets, the whole system of the heavens became clear, simple, and harmonious. The revolutionary nature of his theory is evident in his famous diagram illustrating the concentric orbits of the planets. Moreover, the new system worked mathematically as well as the Ptolamaic (617) 536-4433


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though not, indeed, much better. Like Ptolemy, Copernicus believed that the heavenly motions must be perfect, uniform and circular; he still employed epicycles. It was Tycho Brahe who finally destroyed the heavenly spheres, and Kepler who destroyed the myth of the circle. In the first book of the De Revolutionibus Copernicus explains how the daily rising and setting of the heavenly bodies is a consequence of the daily diurnal rotation of the earth on its polar axis. The course taken by the sun through the zodiacal constellations and the phenomena of the seasons are shown to be due to the annual revolution of the earth about the sun. Book 2 contains the mathematics of astronomy and a star catalogue based on Ptolemy; Books 3 - 6 treat of the particular motions of the earth, moon and planets. The relative distances between the earth and the planets are now determined.” -PMM This copy with FINE PROVENANCE, NOW ATTRIBUTED TO MAGINI. Giovanni Antonio Magini was an Italian astronomer, astrologer, cartographer, and mathematician.. Magini supported a geocentric system of the world, in preference to Copernicus's heliocentric system. Magini devised his own planetary theory, in preference to other existing ones. The Maginian System consisted of eleven rotating spheres, which he described in his Novæ cœlestium orbium theoricæ congruentes cum observationibus N. Copernici (published 1589). He corresponded with Tycho Brahe, Clavius, Abraham Ortelius, and Johann Kepler. The lunar crater Maginus is named after him. In 1588 he was chosen over Galileo Galilei to occupy the chair of mathematics at the University of Bologna after the death of Egnatio Danti. OF THE ANNOTATIONS AND CORRECTIONS IN THIS COPY: The book is annotated in two hands: one, unsigned, by the Italian scientist Magini, with corrections and annotations mostly in the geometrical part; the second hand is by the Italian Inquisitor, Pio Giovannini from Bologna, who signs and dates himself 1630. The following annotations and corrections (in the dedication and preface ) are in Giovannini's handwriting , and they are all on theological issues: Leaf 1 recto ( title page ), Initials F.V.D.R.P.(unidentified. They seem to be a cancel for a previous note of possession ). Of uncertain attribution: " 2 recto: ( G ):Ordinis Praedicatorum (Order of the Dominicans ) next to the name of Nicolaus Schombergius, the dedicatee. Leaf 2 verso: 11 lines with Copernicus references to the Holy Scriptures crossed out but still legible. Leaf a2v.Perigei, Apogei. Leaf a3r: One line crossed out and substituted with" Nichil refert an terram in medio mundi an ab medium existere quo ad salvandas coelestium motum apparentias existemus" Leaf b2r: 18 words in five lines crossed out and in the margin "non postumus mobilitatem". Leaf b3r: 7 lines crossed out: in the margin "Difficilius motuum adscriberi, quam continentrand below " Terram moveri adsupserim" Page lr: "Fateri" and "Potius"crossed out and substituted with "Assumere" and "Consequenter". Leaf 2 r. One line crossed out. FROM THIS POINT (DEDICATION AND PREFACE) ON, WITH THE BEGINNING OF THE TEXT, THE ANNOTATIONS ARE ONLY IN MAGINI'S HAND: Leaf 2v:a C letter pasted into a diagram. Leaves 15-18. number 10 tiny pieces of printed lettering SCRs pasted in the diagrams. Leaf 20r. A letter C pasted in as a correction to a diagram. Leaf 21 r. 129 pasted to a diagram and inserted slip in Magini's hand:"Nisi datum latus angulo recto subtandatur nihil certi deduci probat Clavius in prop. 21 suor. Sphericorum Tringulorum defendit tamen author a me in meis observationi(617) 536-4433


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bus in Copernicum" (If the side of a rectangular angle is not given, nothing certain can be deduced, Clavio states in proposition 21 of his Triangulorum sphaericorum. (but) i defend the author (Copernicus) in my observations on Copernicus. Leaf 22 r:" Parallelae" written in the margin and n. 131 and 132 pasted on to a diagram. Leaf 22 v: Pasted in :"13 p. i. Theodosii. " and a slip inserted in Magini's hand " Frustra nititor Clavius prop. 21 suos. triangul. o(ste?)ndere Copernicum decipi prop. o hac 6 ut videre est in meis observationibus " (In vain Clavius explains in his propos. 21 of his triangles wich invalidates this proposition of Copernicus, as it can be seen from my observations) and above Tres pasted in. Leaf 23 r :Pasted in the margin of a diagram: 131, 134, 138. Leaf 23 v:E and F pasted in and a white slip of paper to obscure apx 10 words. A slip inserted in Magini's hand:" Clavius prop. o ne ista improbat lib. suo de triangulis sphaericis prop. 24 (nisi) quo ad 2am partem alternativa nisi addat hypothes. uterque angulum ad basim recto vel major vel minor sit sed a me defend. in meis observationibus" (Clavius denies this proposition in his proposition 24 without adding an hypothesis in the second alternative part that both the angles on a base are either major or minor, but (the theorem) is defended by me in my observations". Leaf 24 r:133 and C and K pasted into a diagram. Leaf 24 v: K, 133, 135, 139 pasted into a diagram and 130, em, and r, onto the text. Leaf 25 r: f, 141, 153 an in pasted in. Leaf 25 v:A diagram corrected with a letter

F Leaf 26 r: 137 pasted onto a diagram, four words covered with a slip of paper, and ip and inclinationis pasted in. Leaf 27 r (numbered 32 by mistake):140 to a diagram and am and bd. Leaf 29 v: 145 and ge pasted in. Leaf 30 r: 146, 146 and h pasted onto a diagram. Leaf 30 v: 2 Leaf 31 r: three number 2 pasted into three diagrams Leaf 31 v: Four 0 onto a diagram and two 2, and 147. Leaf 34 v: 148 and G into a diagram. Leaf 35 r:148 and 149 to two diagrams. Leaf 35 v: e Leaf 39 r:151 to a diagram and a small slip to obscure one letter. leaf 39 v: 152 to a diagram. Leaves 66v, 69v and 78 r, small corrections in ink. Leaf 88v: Slip of paper in Magini's hand " Adscribe ad hoc caput huius, figuram adscriptam cap 18" (place in this section the illustration wich is placed on chapter 18) and on leaf 89 r the consequent "Uteri hic figura quam impressor ignarus posuit ad cap. 17 " (Place here the diagram wich the ignorant printer placed on chap. 17). Leaf 101 v: Slip of paper "Corrigendus fir (ulterioris) errore impressoris, ut legamus 12 revolutiones g. 129. 37'. 21". 28". 29"30 (a further mistake of the printer must be corrected, so we must read 12 revolutions. . . . ) and quando pasted onto a word of text. Leaf 106 v. Two letters pasted onto a diagram and a K letter in ink to the same. Leaf 107 r: a letter L and V pasted in. leaf 118: an I added in pen. Leaf 122: a letter and a word cancelled in pen (the latter with corrosion of the paper). Leaf 174 r: a number 43 pasted in. This is the end of Magini's corrections. Additionally, on Leaf 213 v there is a two line poem in Giovannini's hand: "Ad Nicolaum Copendcum: Stare negas terram, narras miracula nobis Haec dual scribebas in rate forsan eras. "Thou th'earth denyst to stand: prodigious note, Thus writing, Thou perhaps wert in a boat." The couplet, given here anonymously, is by the Welsh poet John Owen and addressed by (617) 536-4433


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him not to Copernicus but to his contemporary [William] Gilbert, who accepted the rotation of the earth on its axis. We have been unable to consult the text of Clavius to which Magini refers, possibly: Clavius,Christophorus. (1537-1612). Geometria pratica,Rome,1604. Magini's self quotation must be to: "Ephemerides coelestium motuum ab anno 1581 ad 1620 secundum Copemici hypotheses", Venezia, 1583. Magini was not an anti-Copernican. As a matter of fact he had a great admiration for Copernicus, calling his work "Divinum opus". Neither was he a pro-Jesuit, having written a pamphlet against them: he was simply a diplomatic character who was trying to keep peace with everybody, so he devised a system which accepted all of the current opinions. He was regarded as the best mathematician of his time, and his calculation of the meridians were used by Gilbert, Snellius and Riccioli. He had one daughter and three sons, the youngest of them, Francesco, was 14 when Magini died, and entered the Dominican Order in Bologna in 1618, with his father's name, Giovanni Antonio. He was probably the recipient of his father's books, including the Copernicus, which later could have passed into the possession of Giovannini, the Dominican inquisitor from Bologna. The extreme caution which Magini shows the astronomical part of the book (books 4, 5, 6), in which the few corrections are only of technical nature, leads one to think that he refrained from annotating the book out of fear of the Inquisition, which implies (if this theory is correct) the notes must be posterior to 1610-1612, when the religious issue on the Copernican theory was arising. But the book is a puzzle in itself: The annotations are definitely in Magini's hand, because he refers to his own books, but did not write directly on the book, which could mean that either the book did not belong to him, and he annotated somebody else's copy, or that he did that out of fear of the Inquisition. His calligraphic annotations are in a very elegant calligraphy, which could support the theory that he corrected the book for someone else. Further Provenance: 1. (f. 213) Correctus perrn[issus] s[ecundum] Pium Joaninium Bononiensem ord[inis] Praedlicatoruml sacfrael Theol[ogiae] magistrum et Inquisitorem Veronen[sem] anno 1630 ("Corrected and thus permitted according to the Dominican Pio Joanino of Bologna, Mas-ter of Sacred Theology and Inquisitor of Verona, 1630.) 2. (tp) FVDRI(?) in early script capitals. 3. From a collector in Rome, around 1975. 4. From another Italian collection located in the north of the country.

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With Superb Provenance - In Presentation Full Red Morocco The First to Include the Famed Illustrations of Richard Westall John Milton - The Poetical Works The Magnificent Boydell Folio Edition 1794-1797 Milton, John. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. With A Life of the Author, by William Hayley (London: By W. Bulmer and Co., Shakespeare Printing Office for John and Josiah Boydell, and George Nicol, 1794-1797) 3 volumes. First edition of this Boydell issue, the first edition with the plates by Richard Westall, and a magnificent presentation copy, given by Lord Lansdowne, the first Marquis of Landsdowne to the French diplomat, M. Chauvet, who for many years resided at Kensington in London. An especially large copy. With 32 fine large plates, being the 28 plates by Richard Westall and 4 portraits of John Milton. Folio (41 x 30 cm), very finely bound in exceptional full contemporary bindings of crushed red morocco, French in style with fine gilt rolled borders within gilt ruled frames on all covers, each frame with corners formed with central gilt circular devices, the spines with flat gilt ruled bands creating compartments decorated with small gilt central star burst tools, one compartment lettered in gilt, a second with gilt volume numbers and additional gilt lettering at the bottom of the spines, gilt tooled edges to the covers and gilt turn-ins, marbled endpapers, a.e.g. cxxxiii, 213; 286; 300, [4] pp. A most beautiful and exceptional set. $24,500. A REGAL SET OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THE GREAT ENGLISH POET AND WRITER TO INCLUDE THE FAMOUS ENGRAVINGS FROM RICHARD WESTALL. The Boydells would use Westall to illustrate their two greatest printing efforts, the two greatest masters of the English language, John Milton and William Shakespeare. Though Westall’s illustrations would be used again in a number of later editions and printings, this is by far the largest, finest and most impressive of any of the presentations. The Boydell text is equally fitting to these magnificent plates, impressively laid out and making use of the fonts of William Martin. In the years that would follow, Westall would become quite famous, for these illustrations to Milton and for his portrait of Princess Victoria. He would serve as Princess Victoria’s drawing master until the time of his death in 1836. The very fine bindings are quite fitting and elegant. The volumes are beautifully fitting to the presentation inscribed in this copy and were a gift from Lord Lansdowne, William Petty, the first Marquis of Landsdowne and Prime Minister from 1782-1783, to his close friend M. Chauvet, the French diplomat who resided for many years at Kensington. The inscription is dated 1802 and correlates with Chauvet’s being recalled to France due to the growing hostilities between France and England after the Treaty of Amiens. In PARADISE LOST, PARADISE REGAINED and SAMSON AGONISTES Milton revived the heroic verse of Homer and Virgil to frame the tale of Satan and Paradise that has become the best-known epic poem written in English. He had difficulty in finding a publisher because of the plague of 1665, which killed many pressmen, and the Great Fire of the following year, which destroyed many printing houses—and those publishers who were still operating were wary of the project because of Milton's anti-Restoration sympathies. Simmons, to whom he finally came, drove a hard bargain, and according to the agreement reached and the number of copies sold, Milton was paid a total of £15. Milton’s work survives and is revered to this day as amongst the most significant poetry and prose ever penned and additionally important, at a defining moment in the development of the English language. A truly towering figure, Milton remains one of the most celebrated and analyzed poets in English literature. Dryden described ‘Paradise Lost’ as ‘one of the greatest, most noble and sublime poems which either this age or nation has produced,’ while Blake, keying in on the poem’s heretical implications, described Milton as ‘a true Poet, and of the Devil’s party without knowing it.’ This thorough collection includes not only ‘Paradise Lost’ and the other major works, including ‘Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, and Comus’, but the sonnets, psalms, translations, and his work in Latin. As well, there is a fine Memoir of Milton and history of his literary work. PARADISE LOST has remained one of the greatest classics of modern English vernacular, indeed some say, that it constitutes the beginning of modern English poetry and literature.

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An Illuminated Manuscript With Fine Original Miniatures Lettered and Painted On Vellum and Beautifully Bound [Illuminated Manuscript]; Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. FRIAR JEROME’S BEAUTIFUL BOOK (By hand: Siuol Na-Haub, ND (circa 1915)) An illuminated manuscript on vellum done for the Renaissance Society. With the provenance of Phoebe Boyle, with her bookplate. The famed Boyle collection was dispersed in 1923 when Sotheby’s New York predecessor, Anderson Galleries, sold the Phoebe Boyle collection. Written and illuminated by Siuol Na-Huab, including 17 hand-painted miniatures or designs, title-page with original miniature, and 29 large hand-painted illuminated initials. Small folio, (21 by 15 cm), beautifully bound for the Renaissance Society in full purple morocco, the covers decorated with a central tool and four large corner pieces all in a stylized morning-glory motif within a triple-lined gilt fillet framework, the spine gilt lettered and ruled, the inner covers with purple and green morocco end-leaves gilt ruled and decorated with four large cornerpieces in a motif of thistle and morning-glories, silk end-leave. In a purple cloth covered chemise in a purple morocco backed cloth covered slipcase. [ii], 28, [1] pp. Very beautifully preserved, the morocco binding in excellent condition, the text pristine, with only a light bit of mellowing to the end-leaves and a touch of wear to the protective slipcase which has succeeded well to its purpose. $11,500. A BEAUTIFUL ILLUMINATED, HAND-PAINTED MANUSCRIPT. THIS WONDERFUL WORK FROM THOMAS BAILEY ALDRICH’S FAMOUS POEM. The work was printed a number of times and illustrated or produced specially by fine printers and binders through the years. This Illuminated, hand-painted manuscript is a unique item. ...So Friar Jerome began his Book. From break of dawn till curfew-chime He bent above the lengthening page, Like some rapt poet o'er his rhyme. He scarcely paused to tell his beads, Except at night; and then he lay And tost, unrestful, on the straw, Impatient for the coming day— Working like one who feels, perchance, That, ere the longed-for goal be won, Ere Beauty bare her perfect breast, Black Death may pluck him from the sun. At intervals the busy brook, Turning the mill-wheel, caught his ear; And through the grating of the cell He saw the honeysuckles peer, And knew 't was summer, that the sheep In fragrant pastures lay asleep, And felt, that, somehow, God was near. In his green pulpit on the elm, The robin, abbot of that wood, Held forth by times; and Friar Jerome Listened, and smiled, and understood.

With Autograph Presentation by Mark Twain The Innocents at Home - First Edition - Original Issue Twain, Mark. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (London: George Rutledge & Sons, n.d. [1872]) Scarce First Edition, the British Copyright Edition and preceding the American edition of ROUGHING IT. WITH AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION BY THE AUTHOR, MARK TWAIN. 12mo, rare in the original printer’s yellow stiff paper wrappers, lettered and decorated on the upper cover pictorially in colour, printed in black on the spine and rear, now protected in a very fine box of full brown morocco with inlays of red and blue morocco and gilt decorations. The box is designed to resemble a finely bound book and is in fact made out of one. 224pp. Well preserved for such a delicate and uncommon item. The original wrappers with some expected edge wear, and more so to the spine, with some loss of the paper at the spine. $9500. FIRST EDITION OF THE BRITISH COPYRIGHT ISSUE WITH AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION BY MARK TWAIN, Twain has inscribed this copy on the titlepage with flare and boldness “Truly Yours, Mark Twain.” This scarce and delicate edition is the first printing of the final part of what would be published several days later in Hartford as “Roughing It”, it published in a very small number to secure the copyright. It also includes a very early reprint of "Mark Twain's Burlesque Autobiography."

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The Magnificent Zatta Dante - 1757-1758 - Venice The First Complete Dante - First Edition - Rare Luxuriously Bound in Fine Period Calf Over Boards Dante, Alighieri. LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI CON VARIE ANNOTAZIONI E COPIOSI RAMI ADORNATA DEDICATA ALLA SAGRA IMPERIAL MAESTA’ ELISABETTA TETROWNA DAL CONTE DON C. ZAPATA DE CISNEROS. (In Venezia: Antonio Zatta, 1757-1758) 5 volumes. (4 volumes bound in 5 as preferred). First Edition and first edition of the complete works. Magnificently and profusely illustrated in each volume with very fine full page copperplate engravings and exquisite decorations throughout, including a great profusion of finely executed large engraved head and tail -pieces. (See collation below). Also with engraved titles to each volume, the first of which is printed in red and black. 4to, splendid and proper original bindings of Italian polished calf over marbled boards, the spines with raised bands bordered in gilt, central gilt ornamental devices within the compartments. Lettered in gilt on tan morocco lettering labels. Vol.I: half-title, frontispiece engraving, engraved title, portrait engraving of Elisabetta Petrowna, noble statement dedicatory, engraved portrait of Dante , 12 pp unnumbered, engraved portraits leaf, engraved scene with Dante, I -XLVIII; I - CCCCVIII (including Catalogo De’ Signori Associati) numbered, 35 very fine copperplate engravings, as called for. Vol.II: CCCCXIII numbered pages comprising the half-title, the engraved title-page, 33 other very fine copperplate engraving + Catalogo... . Vol.III: CCCCLII - (2 ff.) -103 pages numbered, (1), engraved title-page and 33 very fine copperplate engravings. Vol.IV: engraved title-page, half-title, XII - (1) - 408 numbered pages, 4 engraved plates. Vol.V: Engraved title-page, (1) - 264; (I) - LXXXIV - (1)pages numbered, + 3 engraved illustrated plates and an engraved folding plan. Collated complete textually and with the 114 plates. A fine and fresh set in an very pleasing state of preservation, the calf bindings attractive and in excellent original state, only light evidence of age, the text-blocks crisp, clean and unpressed, the engraved plates all in fine condition, bright and clean and with strong impressions. $18,500. RARE AND IMPORTANT. THE FIRST EDITION OF THE COMPLETE WORKS OF DANTE AND THE GREATEST ILLUSTRATED DANTE EVER CONCEIVED. Zatta’s Dante, a supreme production of the press and one of the great Italian illustrated books of the 18th century, also represents the first complete offering of Dante’s work. It is considered the most perfect and complete of Dante ever printed. And generally speaking, it is considered the most beautiful edition of Dante ever produced. Most copies were bound in period vellum and have suffered significantly. This copy, bound in rare period calf over boards has survived in a fine state of preservation. “Dante’s theme, the greatest yet attempted in poetry, was to explain and justify the Christian cosmos through the allegory of a pilgrimage. To him comes Virgil, the symbol of philosophy, to guide him through the two lower realms of the next world, which are divided according to the classifications of the ‘Ethics’ of Aristotle. Hell is seen as an inverted cone with its point where lies Lucifer fixed in ice at the centre of the world, and the pilgrimage from it a climb to the foot of and then up the Purgatorial Mountain. Along the way Dante passes Popes, Kings and Emperors, poets, warriors and citizens of Florence, expiating the sins of their life on earth. On the summit is the Earthly Paradise where Beatrice meets them and Virgil departs. Dante is now led through the various spheres of heaven, and the poem ends with a vision of the Deity. The audacity of his theme, the success of its treatment, the beauty and majesty of his verse, have ensured that his poem never lost its reputation. The picture of divine justice is entirely unclouded by Dante’s own political prejudices, and his language never falls short of what he describes.” PMM Mambelli, Annali 65., Morazzoni p. 225.

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The Very Rare Silk Issue of John Trubull’s Iconic Painting The Signing of the Declaration of Independence With the Fine Taylor & Taylor Printing of the Declaration With - The Declaration of Independence - A Fine Printing [Declaration of Independence]; Trumbull, John; [Silk Painting]; Americana, [Signing of the Declaration of Independence]; [Jacquard Silk]. THE Signing of the Declaration of Independence [A masterpiece in original silk weaving taken from the John Trumbull painting]. [WITH,] THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN GENERAL CONGRESS ASSEMBLED. (Lyons and San Francisco: Wullschleger & Co., Inc. and Taylor and Taylor, 1928 and 1918) The printing of the Declaration here offered with the silk rendering of the Trumbull painting of the signing, was printed by Taylor & Taylor in San Francisco in 1918. First issue of this rare woven silk rendering of John Trumbull’s famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. A small number were issued and it is said that most were sent to U.S. Embassies around the world. A copy, framed and glazed, with trial samples was given to the Smithsonian Institute by Mr. Wullschleger and is noted in their report of 1956 (see below). First issue of the Taylor & Taylor printing of the Declaration of Independence. The silk rendering of the painting is 31 inches x 22 inches; the reproduced Declaration of Independence is 22 inches by 16.5 inches and is handsomely matted, the silk is handsomely presented within an antique wooden frame, glazed. The frame similar to the frame described by the Smithsonian Institute in 1956 when Arthur E. Wullschleger gifted his specimen of the weaving (and the loom it was produced on) to the Institution. A very fine copy of each item, beautifully preserved and very rare thus. See page 22 for an additional photograph. $8500. RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST RENDERING INTO SILK, OF THE ICONIC PAINTING BY JOHN TRUMBULL OF THE SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OFFERED WITH A FINE PRINTING OF THE DECLARATION DONE BY TAYLOR & TAYLOR IN 1918. ‘This painting, since it’s presentation to the public within the rotunda of the US Capitol, has served as the most popular depiction of that great event in American history. The painting has appeared over the years in numerous printed renditions and was used as an engraving on the U.S. two-dollar bill. The silk rendering is a masteriece of platinum and black metallic silks from the looms of Wullschleger in Lyons, and was designed by A. Travard and woven by Mary Katherine Godard. Copies are housed in a number of collections around the world. Wullschleger was a Swiss emigrant resident of New York and a textile industry entrepreneur. He maintained offices in both New York City and in Lyons, France. He commissioned the creation of this superb Jacquard woven rendition of the original Trumbull painting to honour the firms years in business. And it would rquire the construction of a special building furnished with six Verol Jacquard pattern shedding mechanisms and a continuous three year work effort before completing the project in 1928. It is said, that at the time, patterns of the ‘Declaration’ would be produced as presentation gifts for friends and colleagues in the silk industry and to each American embassy around the world. An example is held by the Smithsonian Institution along with the actual loom that it was woven on.’ Surviving examples are presumed to be held in private or institutional collections, and the work is very rare in open marketplace. Concerning the copy in the Smithsonian Institution, note the folllowing from: The United States National Museum Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1956: “Significant specimen donated by Arthur E. Wullschleger is a woven-silk reproduction of Trumbull's famous painting "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence," made under Mr. Wullschleger's personal direction by a number of the most skilled weavers in the French silk industry in Lyons. The gift comprises the framed silk Jacquard picture, an excellent example of this type of weaving, and trial samples which preceded the completed picture. “ “Lyons had long been a center for production of silk. In 1466 King Louis XI decided to develop a national silk industry in Lyon. In the face of protests by the Lyonnais, he conceded and moved the silk fabrication to Tours, but the industry in Tours stayed relatively marginal. His main objective was to reduce France's trade deficit with Italy, which caused France to lose 400,000 to 500,000 golden écus a year.[32] It was under Francis I in around 1535 that a royal charter was granted to two merchants, Étienne Turquet and Barthélemy Naris, to develop a silk trade in Lyon. In 1540 the king granted a monopoly on silk production to the city of Lyon. Starting in the 16th century Lyon became the capital of the European silk trade, notably producing many reputable fashions.[33] Gaining confidence, the silks produced in the city little by little began to abandon the original oriental styles and moved towards their own distinctive style, with an emphasis on landscapes. Thousand of workers, the canuts, devoted themselves to the flourishing industry. In the middle of the 17th century over 14,000 looms were in use in Lyon, and the silk industry fed a third of the city's population. Joseph-Marie Jacquard improved on the designs of Falcon and Vaucanson, introducing the revolutionary Jacquard loom, which allowed a string of punched cards to be processed mechanically in the correct sequence. The punched cards of the Jacquard loom were a direct precursor to the modern computer, in that they gave a (limited) form of programmability. Punched cards themselves were carried over to computers, and were ubiquitous until their obsolescence in the 1970s. The loom was declared public property in 1806, and Jacquard was rewarded with a pension and a royalty on each machine. The Taylor and Taylor printing of THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE has long been considered one of the most beautiful modern presentations and is beautifully formatted in an especially large elephant folio printing.

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Illustrations to Sir Richard Burton’s Arabian Nights Letchford’s Oils Magnificently Reproduced Burton, Richard F.]. A SERIES OF SEVENTY ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS TO CAPT. SIR R. F. BURTON'S ARABIAN NIGHTS; and a Portrait of Captain Sir R. F. Burton, Reproduced from the Original Pictures in Oils Specially Painted by Albert Letchford (London: H. S. Nichols Ltd., December 1897) The Choice Edition Deluxe, printed on plate paper, proofs before letters, limited to 250 numbered sets for sale and 30 un-numbered sets. Seventy large engraved illustrations by Albert Letchford. Elephant folio. Paper size approximately 22x17.5 inches; illustration size approximately 11x8.25 inches, enclosed in an artists' portfolio with folding leaves of blue cloth, with a large pastedown label on top cover, brown silk ties. Some very light scattered foxing to protective pages, portfolio box shows some rubbing and light wear, but a fine set with clean and bright illustrations. $7500. RARE, THE BEAUTIFUL ELEPHANT FOLIO LIMITED CHOICE DELUXE PRINTING OF LETCHFORD’S AMAZING ILLUSTRATIONS FOR THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Nichols-Smithers duo printed their first "Nights" edition in 1894, though incorrectly printed on the page as 1893, in an un-illustrated 12 volume limited edition set. It

wasn't until 1896 that Nichols commissioned Sir Richard Burton's close friend, Albert Letchford, to paint 65 illustrations for the edition as well as a portrait of Burton, and soon after commissioned for 5 more, apparently 65 couldn't sufficiently illustrate the tales. Burton and Letchford met while Letchford was in Florence during the beginning of his art education at the age of 18, which eventually led to his degree from Paris' Beaux Arts, and the oppurtunity to study under numerous art masters such as Hebert, Jerome. Burton found Letchford to be "above the level of the general run of men, for, besides being an artist to his finger tips, he was very well read, and, his modesty once laid aside, proved a most interesting companion and the best of friends." 'Burton's suggestion of illustrating the "Nights" had appealed greatly to Letchford on account of the unlimited scope such a subject would give to an artist who loved the East and had a boundless imagination.' Only one of the illustrations was painted in Burton's lifetime. These are 71 fine, unbound, engraved illustrations, beautifully reproduced from the original oils. A unique addition to any Burton collection. A Selection of Letchford's plates are also available individually or in smaller groups, please inquire for details.

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An Extremely Important Copy - Beautifully Printed Thomas Mann - Der Tod in Venedig - "Death in Venice" First Edition - Unique - The Publisher’s Own Copy In Superb Condition - As Original with Wrapper over Boards Mann, Thomas. DER TOD IN VENEDIG [Death in Venice] (Munich: Hyperionverlag Hans von Weber, 1912) FIRST EDITION, AND A UNIQUE COPY of one of the rarest of modern literary first editions, one of only 100 copies, THE PUBLISHER’S OWN COPY, with the printed legend “Verlagsexemplar” [publisher’s copy] at the end of the colophon/ limitation page. One of the most beautiful printings of any important literary masterpiece created in the 20th Century. This copy with superb provenance, coming from the collection of The Garden. The Haven O’More copy. Handsomely printed on fine paper in the first usage of Walter Tiemann’s specially designed Mediaval Kursiv font. 4to, uncut in the printer’s boards, Original and Special blue patterned paper wrappers over the gray boards. The binding on this copy appears to be unique and the publisher has tipped onto the front endpaper the printed portion of the normal beige wrapper, now boxed. 97, [1] pp. An exceptionally fine copy, extraordinary in all respects. $55,000.

UNIQUE AND EXTRAORDINARY, THE PUBLISHER’S OWN COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. One of the Rarest of Modern Literary First Editions, it is also one of the Most Beautiful – featuring the first usage of Walter Tiemann’s specially designed Medeval Kursiv font. It has been said of DEATH IN VENICE, that it is “a sovereign masterpiece of modern prose.” Its author had already written ROYAL HIGHNESS, BUDDENBROOKS, TONIO KRÖGER, and TRISTAN, but he was not to publish another major work of literature until THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN thirteen years later. ‘DEATH IN VENICE takes a form of which it is difficult to speak. It is a story of sensuous beauty. Words can praise, but can neither communicate nor reproduce the beauty.

Flatland - The Arion Press Limited Edition Signed by SciFi Legend Ray Bradbury And Also By the Printer, Andrew Hoyem [Arion Press] Abbott, Edwin Abbott [Square]. FLATLAND: A Romance of Many Dimensions [With the Introduction “Flatland Revisited” by Ray Bradbury] (San Francisco: Arion Press, 1980) LIMITED EDITION, one of only 275 numbered copies signed by Andrew Hoyem and Ray Bradbury. Printed on T.H. Saundrs hot-press finish, mould-made paper. Illustrated with fourteen line drawings and ten die-cuts by Andrew Hoyem, colours and gray backgrounds done by hand, in Univers, composed of Monotype then reset, initials in Gil Shadow. Folio, accordion style with aluminum covers impressed with black lettering, in a hinged aluminum container with metal clasp, prospectus laid-in. Fifty-six folded panels. A very fine copy, with just a bit of the completely inevitable rubbing where the aluminum covers slip into the aluminum case. $5500. NOW VERY SCARCE, A UNIQUELY DESIGNED AND PRINTED ENTRY FROM THE ARION PRESS. This was the seventh book produced by the press while under the direction of Andrew Hoyem. It was one of the press’ most commercially successful productions, and certainly one of its most aesthetically unusual. "The best introduction one can find into the manner of perceiving dimensions." - Isaac Asimov. Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838-1926) has been ranked as one of the leading scholars and theologians of the Victorian era. He received highest honors in mathematics, classics, and theology at St. John's College, Cambridge, and in 1862 began a brilliant career, during which he served as schoolmaster of some of England's outstanding schools. At the same time he distinguished himself as a scholar, and in 1889 he retired to his studies. One of his few works of fiction, Flatland, has given pleasure to thousands of readers over many generations Unless you're a mathematician, the chances of you reading many novels about geometry are probably slender. But if you read only one, this should be it. FLATLAND imagines a two-dimensional world inhabited by sentient geometric shapes who think their planar world is all there is. But one Flatlander, A. Square, discovers the existence of a third dimension and thus the limits of his world's assumptions about reality. And, in the spirit of Gulliver’s Travels it is also a quite a funny satire on society and the class distinctions of Victorian England. If you've ever wondered what a 4th dimension would look like, Flatland provides a lens through which you can imagine that extension of our 3D world. Abbot accomplishes this by describing the eye-opening extension of his narrator's 2D world when visited by a 3D apparition, a "sphere". His framing of the foundational issues through the experiences of what you'd expect to be the most "two dimensional” character in fiction are really quite engaging. The story line is as interesting as the mathematics and the mathematics are fascinating. Predating Einstein and the Quantum Theory by decades FLATLAND may have helped to open the minds of people to the entirely new ways of viewing our reality which would soon be coming around the corner. It is a classic of theoretical physics rendered for a layman’s use and also a classic of science fiction laying the groundwork for countless such literary explorations in the 20th century.

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Literature The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press 1 Apuleius, Lucius; [Fine Press]. THE GOLDEN ASS Translated by William Adlington MDLXVI (New York: Privately Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1904) Limited Edition SIGNED and numbered by the publisher, one of only 200 copies for sale in America. With an impressive engraved architectural title-page and frontispiece, handsome large woodcut initials, printed throughout in black and red. Folio, publisher’s original red cloth covered boards backed in tan buckram, paper labels on the upper cover and spine printed in red. 359 pp. Internally a very fine copy but for some very light evidence of damp to the gutters of the blank prelims and the final 11 leaves, 4 of which are blanks. The binding is rather worn and with some age evidence, but an additional set of the paper labels is laid in and may be used to freshen up the spine panel. FIRST EDITION OF THIS FINE PRESS PRINTING AND A very handsome privately issued edition of the only Latin novel to survive in its entirety. The printing beautifully merges 17th century and Art Nouveau styles. The work as it survives today was written circa 160 AD by Lucius Apuleius, although he had adapted the work from earlier Greek sources. Apuleius’ style is innovative, mannered, baroque and exuberant, a far cry from the more sedate Latin familiar in the schoolroom. The work is a precursor to the literary genre of the episodic picaresque novel, in which Quevedo, Rabelais, Boccaccio, Cervantes, Voltaire, Defoe and many others have followed. It is an imaginative, irreverent, and amusing work that relates the ludicrous adventures of one Lucius, a virile young man who is obsessed with magic. William Adlington was one among the host of translators that made the Elizabethan era the “golden age of translations”. His working of the prose is bold and delightful and it served as a favored source for William Shakespeare. $350.

Le Morte D’Arthur - A Stunning Masterpiece The Best Edition With Aubrey Beardsley’s Illustrations 2 [Beardsley, illus.] Malory, Thomas. LE MORTE D’ARTHUR... Introduction by Prof. Rhys and a note on Aubrey Beardsley by Aymer Vallance (London: J. M. Dent and Sons, Aldine House, 1927) Third and most complete edition, limited to 1600 copies, with 10 extra illustrations not included in the two first printings. 22 full page and double-page illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley including the fine frontispiece, the Merlin drawing and the design for the original cover and numerous designs and illustrations throughout the text, as well as a profusion of decorated initials and chapter headings. Thick, large 4to, publisher’s original dark green cloth with spine and covers beautifully and fully decorated in gilt after designs by Beardsley. lv, 538. It just doesn’t get any better! An exquisite copy, “the finest possible”, especially handsome, very fine and very desirable. The book is as mint as one could hope to find, th gilt very bright and the cloth very clean. Just about new! AN IMPORTANT PRINTING OF THIS VERY BEAUTIFUL BOOK. The third edition contains an extra 10 illustrations added in the text, the first edition to do so, as well as the original binding design (which was never used) and a full size facsimile of the Merlin drawing, previously used on a smaller scale. The text is that of Caxton’s printed for the first time in 1485 at Westminster in London. This book represents Aubrey Beardsley’s first commissioned work, undertaken when he was not yet twenty. While working at an insurance office in London, Beardsley frequently visited the Jones and Evans bookshop in Cheapside, where he got to know Frederick Evans. Mr. Evans allowed the artist to trade drawings for books on occasion, and it was Evans who suggested to J. M. Dent that Beardsley should be the artist for Mr. Dent’s new edition of the Arthurian tales. A suggestion well made and one to which 20th century printing owes much. The commission, which came in 1892 was to “design and illustrate an ambitious edition of Malory’s ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’ which was intended to rival the Kelmscott Press books on their own ground...(E)lements beside the pale remnants of Pre-Raphaelitism were at work fertilizing (Beardsley’s) developing talent, and what was seen by its devisers as an emulation of Morris and Burne-Jones turned out in the execution more like a parody of them-a parody which annoyed Morris to the point at which he contemplated legal action. It may well not have been a deliberate parody: it is simply that already, willy-nilly, the ‘strong medieval decorative feeling’ of Morris was mixed, as Walter Crane noted, ‘with a curious weird Japanese-like spirit of diablerie and grotesque, as of an opium dream’.” $3750.

Signed and Inscribed By Joseph Brodsky - Nobel Laureate A Part of Speech - First Edition in Dustjacket 3 Brodsky, Joseph. A PART OF SPEECH (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1980) First edition. WITH PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR, JOSEPH BRODSKY. 8vo, in the publisher’s original blue cloth lettered in gilt on the spine, in the

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original dustjacket 152 pp. A fine copy, the book essentially pristine but for tiny bumps to the upper corners of the boards, the jacket also fine with just the lightest hint of rubbing. SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY JOSEPH BRODSKY. This was only his second major collection of poems published in English. Expelled from the Soviet Union, Brodsky moved to America with the help of W.H. Auden and other literary supporters. In In 1987 he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Brodsky would eventually rise, in 1991, to the status of Poet Laureate of the United States. $195.

Burroughs’ Third Tarzan Novel - First Edition Scarce in the Original Cloth 4 Burroughs, Edgar Rice. THE BEASTS OF TARZAN (Chicago: A.C. McClurg, 1916) First edition Illustrated by J. Allen St. John, including a vignette titlepage. 8vo, publisher’s green cloth, lettered in gilt on upper cover and spine. 337. A very good copy, dustjacket art pasted in at front endpapers. AN EXTREMELY EARLY OUTING FOR OUR JUNGLE LORD, AS THIS IS ONLY THE THIRD NOVEL TO FEATURE THE CHARACTER TARZAN. Unlike the later entries, this title has no list of other works by Burroughs at the end. From humble beginnings would come great things, as dozens of later Tarzan stories would prove. In time Burroughs hero would become one of the best loved characters in all of modern literature.. $850.

Shakespeare’s Sonnets - In a Truly Beautiful Binding A Very Fine Cosway Style Binding of Red Morocco Gilt The Greatest Body of Poetry in the Language The Finely Decorated Medici Printing on Riccardi Paper 5 [Cosway Style Binding; Riccardi Press; Medici Society] Shakespeare, William. THE SONNETS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (London: Philip Lee Warner for the Medici Society, 1913) One of only 1000 hand-numbered copies on handmade Riccardi paper, specially bound and presented. With an engraved decorated title-page featuring a large and wide border frame in Arts & Crafts and William Morris style incorporating designs of intertwining vines, leaves and flowers. 8vo, IN A VERY FINE COSWAY STYLE BINDING, of crushed red morocco, the upper cover with an inlaid oval portrait of Shakespeare beautifully set into the cover and framed with gilt tooling, the covers with fine gilt bordering of triple gilt fillet lines and with a fourth inner gilt tooled line decorated with corner and central gilt tooled devices, central gilt floral tooling to the rear cover, the spine with raised bands separating the six compartments which are gilt tooled in panels and decorated with elaborate borders and with central gilt floral devices between gilt stippled bands, one compartment gilt lettered, gilt stippled board edges, wide turn-overs gilt tooled with floral corner pieces and gilt fillet lines designed in a frame pattern and with fine red moire silk end-leaves completing this beautiful binding, a.e.g. [iv], 78, [4]. Extremely fine, pristine and perfect. A superb AND BEAUTIFUL Cosway-style binding ON A HIGHLY IMPORTANT TEXT FINELY PRINTED AND DESIGNED. This beautiful printing of Shakespeare’s SONNETS is set in the Riccardi type by C.T. Jacobi and decorated with a beautifully designed and printed title-page. The presswork has been accomplished on fine Riccardi handmade paper. The text is that of the Oxford Edition, edited by W.J. Craig. The quality of this production, including both the beautiful Cosway styled binding and the fine press work, pays great tribute to what is arguably, the greatest body of poetry ever written in the English language. $7500.

The Important Longfellow Translation of Dante The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Three Volumes - Original Polished Terracotta Cloth - Gilt 6 Dante Alighieri , [Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Translator]. THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALIGHIERI Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, Late Ticknor & Fields and Fields, Osgood & Co., 1873) 3 volumes. First Edition issued by Osgood in the original three volume format as in the first printing. 8vo, bound in the publisher’s original terracotta cloth, the spines lettered in gilt, upper covers gilt decorated with designed titles decorated in gilt, t.e.g. [viii], 460; [viii], 446; [viii], 488 [including 169 - 405 Notes; Illustrations from Voltaire, Ozanam, Stehelin 407 - 462; Index 463 -488] pp. A handsome and well preserved set, the cloth with light evidence of age mellowing or shelving. Text-blocks in very nice condition, bindings tight and sound, corners in a pleasing state of preservation. THE FINE AND IMPORTANT TRANSLATION BY THE RENOWN AMERICAN LITERARY GIANT. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, America’s “Fireside Poet”, turned to his translation of Dante for solace after the tragic death of his second wife. He met weekly with the Dante Society, which he formed with Lowell and C.E. Norton. His translation of the greatest of all Italian literary figures is treasured to the present day and is largely credited for beginning a trend in bringing the world’s great literary treasures to American readers. Pulitzer Prize winning poet and Dante enthusiast James Merrill praised the rare “priceless fidelity” of Longfellow’s groundbreaking translation. This is a beautiful work by the great American poet and one of the few three volume presentations of Longfellow’s famed translation. $595.

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The Magnificent Zatta Dante - 1757-1758 - Venice The First Complete Dante - First Edition - Rare Luxuriously Bound in Fine Period Calf Over Boards 7 Dante, Alighieri. LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI CON VARIE ANNOTAZIONI E COPIOSI RAMI ADORNATA DEDICATA ALLA SAGRA IMPERIAL MAESTA’ ELISABETTA TETROWNA DAL CONTE DON C. ZAPATA DE CISNEROS. (In Venezia: Antonio Zatta, 1757-1758) 5 volumes. (4 volumes bound in 5 as preferred). First Edition and first edition of the complete works. Magnificently and profusely illustrated in each volume with very fine full page copperplate engravings and exquisite decorations throughout, including a great profusion of finely executed large engraved head and tail -pieces. (See collation below). Also with engraved titles to each volume, the first of which is printed in red and black. 4to, splendid and proper original bindings of Italian polished calf over marbled boards, the spines with raised bands bordered in gilt, central gilt ornamental devices within the compartments. Lettered in gilt on tan morocco lettering labels. Vol.I: half-title, frontispiece engraving, engraved title, portrait engraving of Elisabetta Petrowna, noble statement dedicatory, engraved portrait of Dante , 12 pp unnumbered, engraved portraits leaf, engraved scene with Dante, I -XLVIII; I - CCCCVIII (including Catalogo De’ Signori Associati) numbered, 35 very fine copperplate engravings, as called for. Vol.II: CCCCXIII numbered pages comprising the half-title, the engraved title-page, 33 other very fine copperplate engraving + Catalogo... . Vol.III: CCCCLII - (2 ff.) -103 pages numbered, (1), engraved title-page and 33 very fine copperplate engravings. Vol.IV: engraved title-page, half-title, XII - (1) - 408 numbered pages, 4 engraved plates. Vol.V: Engraved title-page, (1) - 264; (I) - LXXXIV - (1)pages numbered, + 3 engraved illustrated plates and an engraved folding plan. Collated complete textually and with the 114 plates. A fine and fresh set in an very pleasing state of preservation, the calf bindings attractive and in excellent original state, only light evidence of age, the text-blocks crisp, clean and unpressed, the engraved plates all in fine condition, bright and clean and with strong impressions. RARE AND IMPORTANT. THE FIRST EDITION OF THE COMPLETE WORKS OF DANTE AND THE GREATEST ILLUSTRATED DANTE EVER CONCEIVED. Zatta’s Dante, a supreme production of the press and one of the great Italian illustrated books of the 18th century, also represents the first complete offering of Dante’s work. It is considered the most perfect and complete of Dante ever printed. And generally speaking, it is considered the most beautiful edition of Dante ever produced. Most copies were bound in period vellum and have suffered significantly. This copy, bound in rare period calf over boards has survived in a fine state of preservation. “Dante’s theme, the greatest yet attempted in poetry, was to explain and justify the Christian cosmos through the allegory of a pilgrimage. To him comes Virgil, the symbol of philosophy, to guide him through the two lower realms of the next world, which are divided according to the classifications of the ‘Ethics’ of Aristotle. Hell is seen as an inverted cone with its point where lies Lucifer fixed in ice at the centre of the world, and the pilgrimage from it a climb to the foot of and then up the Purgatorial Mountain. Along the way Dante passes Popes, Kings and Emperors, poets, warriors and citizens of Florence, expiating the sins of their life on earth. On the summit is the Earthly Paradise where Beatrice meets them and Virgil departs. Dante is now led through the various spheres of heaven, and the poem ends with a vision of the Deity. The audacity of his theme, the success of its treatment, the beauty and majesty of his verse, have ensured that his poem never lost its reputation. The picture of divine justice is entirely unclouded by Dante’s own political prejudices, and his language never falls short of what he describes.” PMM Mambelli, Annali 65., Morazzoni p. 225. $18,500.

Thomas F. Dibdin - ‘Bibliomania; or Book=Madness’ 1848 - With Preliminary Observations and Supplement Handsomely Bound in Full Zaehnsdorf Morocco - Gilt 8 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. THE BIBLIOMANIA; OR, BOOK=MADNESS; A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ROMANCE. To Which Are Now Added Preliminary Observations, and a Supplement Including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1842) New and Improved edition. Including the reprint of the 1809 edition and the supplementary matter of 1811. Illustrated throughout with fine, beautiful woodcut engravings, borders, headpieces and initials, printed in red and black, a number of the plates on India paper, mounted. Large, thick 8vo, in a beautiful Zaehnsdorf signed binding dated 1893 of full black morocco, the boards richly adorned in fine Edwardian style. The boards feature a wide frame of gilt vines, flowers and thistles at the corners of elaborate gilt ruled columns, further gilt ruling around this and then at the edges, the turn-ins likewise gilt tooled, the spine with tall gilt stippled raised bands creating compartments decorated much like the covers and with gilt lettering in three of them, fine marbled endpapers and t.e.g. xiv, 618, 62, xxxiv indexes, pp. A very appealing and attractive copy, internally fresh and clean with almost none of the commonly found foxing. The handsome Zaehnsdorf binding with some early expert restoration and minimal general age-evidence at the edges and tips. A GREAT BIBLIOPHILIC CORNERSTONE WORK, WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS. ONE OF THE CORE TEXTS OF BOOK COLLECTING. This new edition, written 30 years after the first, adds “Preliminary observations, and a supplement including a key to the assumed characters in the drama.” In his first edition, Dibdin presumed to more substantially treat a subject which had been addressed earlier in 1809 in verse form by Dr. Ferriar. He proposed to Heber, to whom the verse had been addressed, to accept another, but in prose. ‘It was accordingly settled that Dibdin’s performance should

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be addressed to the same individual, in a small octavo volume, of a moderate price. It was written “calamo currentissimo,” within a lunar month, and had the effect of producing much innocent mirth, and exciting a general curiosity after rare and precious volumes. The profits of the sale about covered the expenses of a week’s housekeeping.’ But the book has remained a favorite for two centuries and is now presumed to be a classic part of any collector’s library. A very pleasing copy of this work. $950.

Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers First Edition - First Issue - A Masterpiece - 1837 Illustrated with Engravings by Seymour and Phiz and Buss 9 Dickens, Charles. THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB (London: Chapman and Hall, 1837) First edition, with following first issue points: “Veller” on engraved title, 1837 on both the engraved and printed title-pages and with “S. Veller” on page 342, line 5, “this friends” page 400 line 21, line 29, page 260,“hodling” and with the Buss plates included with backwards R. With the called for 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and PHIZ and with the seldom encountered Buss plates only included in the earliest issues of the first edition. 8vo, bound handsomely to style in three-quarter green morocco over marbled boards, the spine with simple raised bands ruled in blind and with lettering in blind in two compartments. xiv, 609 pp. A fine copy, internally much cleaner and more fresh then is typically found, only the lightest bit of very occasional spotting, solid and sturdy, the binding fine. SCARCE AND IMPORTANT FIRST EDITION. “Pickwick was issued when Dickens’ name was just beginning to be recognized by readers in search of entertainment and to excite the attention of prescient publishers. The publication of Pickwick, which ran through twenty numbers, made for all time an English classic--a book representative of its age, exhibiting the life and the ideals of an important class of English folk, on the threshold of the Victorian era. Now, over a century and a half later, Pickwick holds its assured place in the literature of our tongue, and, among all its author’s works, seems to have the best chance of achieving what is known as immortality. The book was an improvisation. Dickens was led by his genius and by the indulgence of his jocuse fancy into picturing all the popular life which his varied experience in and out of London had made familiar to him. And it is a book that appeals throughout life--to the child and to the person of late years.’ (Gissing) Like others of Dickens’ creations, it is a masterpiece. $1850.

Cervantes’ Classic ‘Don Quixote’ With the Heroic Illustrations of Gustave Doré In a Handsome Full Morocco Binding, Gilt Decorated 10 [Doré, illus.] Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel. THE HISTORY OF DON QUIXOTE. The Text Edited by J. W. Clark and A Biographical Notice of Cervantes, by T. Teignmouth Shore (London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, [c. 1870]) A very early issue of this wonderfully illustrated Cervantes. With 118 spectacular illustrations by by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to (12 x 9 inches approx.), in deluxe dark green morocco by Aubrey of Salisbury, the boards ornately framed in gilt featuring thick ornately roll-tooled band-work surrounded by multiruled gilt lines with floral corners, inner ruled in blind, this around a central arabesque floral panel decorated in blind with large corner florets, the spine very richly gilt decorated in compartments between wide gilt-stippled raised bands, the compartments feature large gilt acorn center tools and elaborate panel work, one compartment lettered in gilt, board edges gilt tooled, fine marbled endpapers and a.e.g. xxviii, 737 pp. A very handsome and sturdy copy, internally fresh with only a bit of very occasional minor spotting, much less then typically found, the binding is very strong and well preserved, beautiful and of fine craftsmanship. AN UNUSUALLY HANDSOME COPY. VERY SCARCE IN SUCH WELL PRESERVED CONDITION. Gustave Doré was one of the greatest illustrators of his day. His grand and magnificent style is a perfect complement for Cervantes heroic tale. This massive tome is one of our favorite printings of the Spanish classic and, because of the weight of the text block, is usually found broken and loose. This copy is as sturdy as one could hope for and is very handsome despite some wear to the binding. A great compliment to any fine library and a must for the collector of 19th century illustrated books. $1650.

In a Superb Full Morocco Binding Gilt Extra The Impressive Fables of Jean de la Fontaine Magnificently Illustrated Throughout by Gustave Doré 11 [Doré, Illus.] La Fontaine, [Jean de]. THE FABLES OF LA FONTAINE. Translated into English Verse by Walter Thornbury (London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, N.D., circa 1870) A very early issue. With 86 magnificent full page illustrations, many smaller illustrations and a portrait frontispiece all by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to (12.25 by 9.5 inches), in a very beautiful and handsome deluxe binding of contemporary terra-cotta morocco, the spine gilt lettered and elegantly tooled within the compartments between raised bands, the upper cover gilt decorated at the center of the front panel and ornately bordered with multi-ruled borders, arabesque designs

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and tooling in gilt and in blind, fine roll-tooled gilt turn-overs, all edges dressed in gilt. lxiv, 839, (1) pp A very fine and handsome copy, richly bound, solid and fresh and clean with none of the typical foxing associated with these printings. The spine panel just a bit mellowed by light, but very attractive and pleasing nevertheless. A BEAUTIFULLY BOUND AND WELL PRESERVED COPY OF THIS MASTERPIECE BY GUSTAVE DORé. A RARE AND IMPORTANT BOOK IN FULL MOROCCO AND ONE OF DORE’S BEST. With his full-page engravings Gustave Doré does his best work with great dramatic flare. The countless smaller illustrations round out the book and make it a truly outstanding publishing endeavor. This is a wonderful and impressive tome La Fontaine’s best loved fables--‘The Grasshopper and the Ant’, ‘The Hen with the Golden Eggs’ and well over 150 more. La Fontaine was famously known as one of the important literary group of the Rue du Vieux Colombier which included Racine, Boileau and Moliere. By the 1680s, he was known as one of the first men of letters in France. The FABLES were especially praised by well-known critics and it were well received by the general public. This issuance represents a very lovely printing of La Fontaine’s cherished fables. Along with the Fables are a brief life of Fontaine and a life of Aesop. $2450.

Dashiell Hammett - The Big Knockover Autographed and Presented by Lillian Hellman Stories of Unmatched Suspense - First Edition - 1966 12 Hammett, Dashiell. THE BIG KNOCKOVER. Selected Stories and Short Novels of Dashiell Hammett. Edited and with and Introduction by Lillian Hellman (New York: Random House, 1966) First Edition, First Printing. SIGNED and INSCRIBED by Lillian Hellman, the editor and writer of the Introduction. 8vo, publisher’s original black cloth, lettered in gilt on the spine, and stamped in blind on the upper cover, in the colour pictorial dustjacket. 355 pp. A fine and bright copy. The dustjacket with only very minimal evidence of shelving and very minimal evidence of use or wear. FIRST EDITION, SIGNED AND PRESENTED BY LILLIAN HELLMAN, A CLOSE FRIEND OF DASHIELL HAMMETT FOR ALMOST THIRTY YEARS. “Hammett was the creator of the modern suspense novel, but he also wrote, in the twenties and early thirties, a great many stories and short novels. This vintage collection of nine of the best of these works - plus an unfinished novel, ‘Tulip’, which is radically different in style and purpose from anything he had written previously - has been chosen and edited by Lillian Hellmann. This superb collection opens with a moving and sympathetic personal memoir by Lillian Hellman, who was a close friend of Mr. Hammett for almost thirty years.”The Publisher. $750.

First Edition - Thomas Hardy - Wessex Poems A Handsome Copy in Original Cloth 13 Hardy, Thomas. WESSEX POEMS. And Other Verses (New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1898) First Edition. With 30 illustrations by the author. 8vo, publisher’s original blue ribbed cloth, the spine lettered in gilt, upper cover with Hardy’s floral monogram device in gilt. xi, 228 pp. A very handsome and pleasing copy, internally very fine and essentially pristine, the cloth very well preserved, spine just a tad mellowed. FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH. A lovely copy of Hardy’s first significant publishing venture as a poet. Though better known now as a novelist, Hardy rated poetry above fiction. Like many of his novels, the landscapes of Dorset echoes throughout his writing. The poetry is scarce, unadorned and surprisingly modern. Though first published in 1898 it contains poems he’d been working on since the 1860s. $1500.

Letters From the Raven The Elegant Writings of Lafcadio Hearn 14 Hearn, Lafcadio. Letters from The Raven. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor Milton Bronner (London: Archibald Constable & Company, 1908) First UK Edition. With illustrations throughout, being facsimiles of pencil sketches, cards and letters from Hearn. 8vo, publisher’s original black cloth, lettered on the upper cover in gilt, the spine with an all over gilt geometric decoration and gilt lettered. 201 pp. A lovely copy, internally fine, fresh and clean, the cloth very bright with nice gilt, the black cloth on the spine just mellowed a bit and the gilt very fresh. A LOVELY COPY, FAR MORE FRESH AND CLEAN THEN IS TYPICALLY FOUND. The collection contains the letters, "Letters from the Raven," "Letters to a Lady,"and "Letters of Ozias Midwinter." They not only display Hearn’s great literary elegance but also offer valuable insight to his thoughts and values. These were written during his years in the South and contain his thoughts and impressions on New Orleans, Memphis and elsewhere. . $250.

The Sun Also Rises - In the Scarce Original Dustjacket One of Hemingway’s Most Important Books 15 Hemingway, Ernest. THE SUN ALSO RISES (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928) First Edition, eighth printing, February 1928,

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with the same dustjacket artwork and design originally issued for the first printing. A photograph of Hemingway has been added to the rear panel in place of a drawing of the author. 8vo, publisher’s original black cloth, with the gold paper labels on the spine and upper cover printed in black, in the scarce original dustjacket decorated and designed just as in the first printing. (6), 259 pp. A very pleasing copy, surprising in its state of preservation, the black cloth still quite fresh and bright, the gold labels whole and bright, a bit of minor mellowing only to the tips or edges, internally clean, solid and sturdy and with just a bit of the aging to which the paper is prone. The rare iconic dustjacket still very handsome, toned just a bit as would be expected, and with some light evidence of shelving or use at the edges or tips. FIRST EDITION, EARLY PRINTING, OF ONE OF THE AUTHOR’S MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS AND AN ICON IN THE WORLD OF MODERN LITERATURE. PERHAPS THE GREATEST OF THE 20TH CENTURY EXPATRIATE NOVELS . Hemingway’s fourth (and third generally published) book, and his first “bestseller.” Hemingway was the leading spokesperson for the “lost generation”; he reflected the sentiments of those affected by the world wars and their disillusionment. His characters are often stoic and tough, very often intelligent and juxtaposed to a corrupt and brutal society. He is famous for his spare and understated writing style. “The title is derived from a pessimistic passage in Ecclesiastes, expressing a cynical disillusion in keeping with the postwar attitude.” [Ox Compan to Amer Lit]The story of a group traveling from Paris to the bullfights in Pamplona, Hemingway draws on themes for which he became famous: his love of France and Spain, the life of expatriates, the aftermath of the Great War and bullfighting culture. The story culminates in the spectacle of the bullfights and the fallout of intimate relationships in the group of expatriates. A great representation of this time period as well as a good story. $3250.

A Bell for Adano - Pulitzer Prize Winner - First Novel John Hersey’s Classic Story of the Italian Occupation 16 Hersey, John. A BELL FOR ADANO (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1944) First edition, a very early issue. 8vo, publisher’s original brick red cloth lettered and decorated on the spine in gilt. In the original dustjacket. vii, 269, [1]. An especially fine copy for a book printed to war standards, internally very fine, the cloth and dustjacket just a touch mellowed along the edges. FIRST EDITION OF HERSEY’S FIRST NOVEL AND THE WINNER OF THE 1945 PULITZER PRIZE. A classic novel written after first hand experience in the invasion and occupation of Italy. It tells the story of an Italian-American officer in Sicily during World War II who wins the respect and admiration of the people of the town of Adano by helping them find a replacement for the town bell that the Fascists had melted down for rifle barrels. $250.

With Original Drawing and Signed Inscription José Luis Cuevas’ Surrealist Art in Kafka’s Metamorphosis The Limited Hand-Numbered Edition of 1984 17 Kafka, Franz, [Cuevas, José Luis, Illus.]. METAMORPHOSIS Written By Franz Kafka. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. Introduced by Robert Coles (New York: At the Wild Carrot Letterpress for the Limited Editions Club, [1984]) Unique Inscribed copy of this Limited Edition of 1500 hand-numbered copies signed by the artist, José Luis Cuevas. THIS COPY WITH ADDITIONAL INSCRIPTION AND ORIGINAL PEN AND INK DRAWING BY THE ARTIST. With etchings on tissue-guarded plates and drawings by José Luis Cuevas created specifically for this publication. Large 8vo, hand-cased at the Gray Parrot bindery in quarter gray-brown calf over textured paper-covered boards, the spine lettered in gilt within a blank embossed frame, in the original slipcase. xii, 61, [1]. Internally a pristine copy, the binding also fine but for a light touch of sun and one small abrasion to the calf of the spine, the slipcase still very nice with only minor age evidence. UNIQUE INSCRIBED COPY WITH AN ORIGINAL DRAWING BY JOSÉ LUIS CUEVAS. The famous Mexican Surrealist has inscribed this copy “La Vida de un hobre ... with a bold signature and a very large pen and ink drawing filling much of the front blank page. The book itself is a fine production, printed on mold-made paper specially produced for this edition by Cartiere Enrico Magnani. It was designed by Ben Shiff, set in American Monotype and the etchings were printed at the Water Street Press. In all Kafka’s surreal fable is given a very contemporary and highly artistic twist, making this one of the most original and striking productions for the club for quite some time. $3500.

Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird - 1960 First Edition in Original Cloth 18 Lee, Harper. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (Philadelphia and New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1960) First edition. 8vo, publisher’s original brown boards backed in green cloth and lettered in dark brown on the spine. Later, modern rendering of the original dustjacket in perfect facsimile. 296 pp. Fine internally with only very light mellowing to the boards and spine. VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION, Harper Lee’s timeless novel is one of the more sought after items in modern American literature Lee’s first and only novel would win her the Pulitzer Prize and captured the heart of an entire nation. It would go on to win acclaim all over the

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world. Perhaps Margaret Mitchell is the only other American author to achieve such notoriety for writing a single book, but quite unlike Mitchell’s grand and sweeping drama, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is warm and personal, human in scope yet vast in implication. $4750.

First Edition of Longfellow’s “Hiawatha” A Very Pleasing Copy in the Original Decorated Cloth 19 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. THE SONG OF HIAWATHA (Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1855) First edition, an intermediate issue with “dived” on page 96. November, 1855 ads. 8vo, publisher’s original brown cloth lettered in gilt on the spine. Blind-stamped decorations and borders to the covers. iv, 316 pp., 12 pp. ads A very pleasing copy, as fine, the cloth and text-block very well preserved with only light evidence of age. Crisp and clean internally and the cloth without any of the typical staining. AN IMPORTANT AND REVERED AMERICAN LITERARY FIRST. This is a very pleasing copy of Longfellow’s romantic verse tale. Its metre was based on the Finnish epic Kalevala, which the poem resembles in spirit as well as in several passages. Longfellow drew much of his information from the works of Schoocraft, Catlin, and Heckewelder. BAL12112 $495.

An Extremely Important Copy - Beautifully Printed Thomas Mann - Der Tod in Venedig – “Death in Venice” First Edition - Unique - The Publisher’s Own Copy In Superb Condition - As Original with Wrapper over Boards 20 Mann, Thomas. DER TOD IN VENEDIG [Death in Venice] (Munich: Hyperionverlag Hans von Weber, 1912) FIRST EDITION, AND A UNIQUE COPY of one of the rarest of modern literary first editions, one of only 100 copies, THE PUBLISHER’S OWN COPY, with the printed legend “Verlagsexemplar” [publisher’s copy] at the end of the colophon/ limitation page. One of the most beautiful printings of any important literary masterpiece created in the 20th Century. This copy with superb provenance, coming from the collection of The Garden. The Haven O’More copy. Handsomely printed on fine paper in the first usage of Walter Tiemann’s specially designed Mediaval Kursiv font. 4to, uncut in the printer’s boards, Original and Special blue patterned paper wrappers over the gray boards. The binding on this copy appears to be unique and the publisher has tipped onto the front endpaper the printed portion of the normal beige wrapper, now boxed. 97, [1] pp. An exceptionally fine copy, extraordinary in all respects. UNIQUE AND EXTRAORDINARY, THE PUBLISHER’S OWN COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. One of the Rarest of Modern Literary First Editions, it is also one of the Most Beautiful – featuring the first usage of Walter Tiemann’s specially designed Medeval Kursiv font. It has been said of DEATH IN VENICE, that it is “a sovereign masterpiece of modern prose.” Its author had already written ROYAL HIGHNESS, BUDDENBROOKS, TONIO KRÖGER, and TRISTAN, but he was not to publish another major work of literature until THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN thirteen years later. ‘DEATH IN VENICE takes a form of which it is difficult to speak. It is a story of sensuous beauty. Words can praise, but can neither communicate nor reproduce the beauty. $55,000.

Cormac McCarthy’s Award Winning Novel All the Pretty Horses - First Edition - 1992 21 McCarthy, Cormac. ALL THE PRETTY HORSES (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992) First Edition. 8vo, publisher’s original cloth backed black boards, in the illustrated dustjacket with Publisher’s Weekly blurb and first letter on front flap in colour. 302 pp. A very fine copy in a very fine dustjacket, as pristine and mint. FIRST EDITION. Winner of both the U.S. National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. It is also the first of McCarthy's "Border Trilogy". Basis for the movie featuring Matt Damon, Henry Thomas, and Penélope Cruz. Its romanticism, in contrast to the bleakness of McCarthy's earlier work, brought the writer much public attention. All the books of the "Border Trilogy" are written in an unconventional format, omitting traditional Western punctuation, such as quotation marks, and making use of polysyndetic syntax in a manner similar to that of Ernest Hemingway. The other two novels of the Border Trilogy, THE CROSSING, and CITIES OF THE PLAIN, . are also available. $550.

An Excellent Printed Edition of John Milton’s Works Very Fine and Beautifully Decorated Full Vellum Bindings Including all His Great Works and All of the Minor Works 22 Milton, John. THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON: Edited, with Memoir, Introductions, Notes, and an Essay on Milton’s English and Versification by David Masson, M.A., LL.D. (London: MacMillan and Co., Limited, 1882) 3 volumes. First of the Edition. Engraved frontispiece of Milton in each volume. 8vo, exquisitely bound in full polished white vellum, the spines with dark-green morocco

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labels lettered in gilt, the covers with large central Corpus Christi tooled ornaments gilt, turnovers beautifully roll-tooled in gilt, polished blue and gilt marbled end-leaves, all edges gilt. lxix, 312; [vi], 374; [vi], 420 pp. A very handsome and beautifully presented set, clean and beautiful throughout, in a superbly executed binding. A VERY FINE AND HANDSOME SET. In PARADISE LOST, PARADISE REGAINED and SAMSON AGONISTES Milton revived the heroic verse of Homer and Virgil to frame the tale of Satan and Paradise that has become the best-known epic poem written in English. He had difficulty in finding a publisher because of the plague of 1665, which killed many pressmen, and the Great Fire of the following year, which destroyed many printing houses—and those publishers who were still operating were wary of the project because of Milton’s anti-Restoration sympathies. Simmons, to whom he finally came, drove a hard bargain, and according to the agreement reached and the number of copies sold Milton was paid a total of £15. Milton’s work survives and is revered to this day as amongst the most significant poetry and prose ever penned and additionally important, at a defining moment in the development of the English language. A truly towering figure, Milton remains one of the most celebrated and analyzed poets in English literature. Dryden described ‘Paradise Lost’ as ‘one of the greatest, most noble and sublime poems which either this age or nation has produced,’ while Blake, keying in on the poem’s heretical implications, described Milton as ‘a true Poet, and of the Devil’s party without knowing it.’ This thorough collection includes not only ‘Paradise Lost’ and the other major works, but the sonnets, psalms, translations, and his work in Latin. As well, there is a fine Memoir of Milton and history of his literary work. $950.

One of Only 30 Copies Specially Bound and Presented The Fables of Aesop - From the Officina Bodoni- Verona Beautifully Illustrated and Elaborately Printed Printed By “The Finest Pressman the World Has Ever Seen” 23 [Officina Bodoni]; Aesop; Caxton; Martersteig, Fine Press. THE FABLES OF AESOP Printed from the Veronese Edition of MCCCCLXXIX in Latin Verses and the Italian Version by Accio Zucco. - (And:) The First Three Books of Caxton's Aesop Containing the Fables Illustrated in the Verona Aesopus of MCCCCLXXIX. (Verona: Officina Bodoni, 1973) 3 volumes. VERY RARE, LIMITED EDITION, number 26 of only 30 copies. With the Officina Bodoni prospectus laid-in. With 68 woodcuts after Liberale di Verona by Anna Bramanti, all hand-coloured by the Atelier Daniel Jacomet, Paris, coloured after a copy of the 1479 edition in the British library. 8vo, beautifully presented in fine bindings of full vellum decorated with Renaissance style gilt strap-work borders, the spines accomplished in green morocco lettered in gilt, top edges gilt, others untrimmed., in the original morocco-trimmed slipcase. 278, (1); 120, (1); 11, (ii, lxvi, (1) pp. An extremely fine set, as pristine, of this rare issue. THE VERY RARE ISSUE OF ONLY 30 COPIES, SPECIALLY BOUND AND PRESENTED. 'Aesop was born sometime around 620 B. C. in Greece, though the actual city is unknown. Many Grecian cities take credit for his birthright. None of his written fables are extant; but it is certain that his fables were popular in Athens during its most brilliant period of literary history. They were widely revered by such notables as Socrates and Plato.' One of the greatest of all classical works, presented by one of the greatest presses of the twentieth century. Will Carter, himself a fine printer, has said that Hans Marderstieg, the founder of the Officina Bodoni, was "probably the finest pressman the world has ever seen or is ever likely to see." $27,500.

A Very Handsome Copy - A Renaissance Treasure The Vellutello Petrarca of 1563 - Illustrated Handsomely Bound in Full Italian Vellum Gilt

24 Petrarca, Francesco. IL PETRARCA CON L’ESPOSITIONE DI M. ALESSANDRO VELLUTELLO di nuovo ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi, con le apostile e con più cose utili aggiunte. (Venetia: appresso Nicolo Bevilacqua, 1563) Early Edition of the Vellutello Petrarca. With fine heraldic ownership label. with engraved title-page, a number of engraved head-pieces and various engraved illustrations throughout, fine decorated initials engraved within the text. 4to (mm. 204 x 143), handsomely bound in fine full vellum of the 1700’s, the spine with tan morocco lettering label gilt. (12), 213, (3) pp. A fine copy, beautifully preserved. A FINE EARLY PRINTING OF THE VELLUTELLO PETRARCA. The volume was dedicated to Carlo Grotta Chancellor to Cardinal Cristofor Madruzzo, Principe Vescovo of Trent and organizer of the Council of Trent. This edition of Petrarca with the commentary of Vellutello, is considered the most important. Especially important is the celebrated commentary on the Canzoniere out of the edition of 1525. Also important is the biography of the poet. BMC Italian Books, 505. Brunet, IV, 55. Horis, 116. Marsand, 77. $1250.

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The Definitive Edition of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe A Fine Limited Printing - Well Illustrated - 10 Volumes 25 Poe, Edgar Allan. THE WORKS...Newly Collected and Edited, With a Memoir, Critical Introductions, and Notes, by Edmund Clarence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry (New York and Pittsburg: For the Colonial Company Limited by R.R Donnelley and Sons, 1903) 10 volumes. The Definitive Edition, LIMITED to one thousand numbered and registered sets. With over 50 illustrations printed on Japan vellum paper with captioned tissue-guards printed in red, title-pages printed in black and red. 8vo, in the publisher’s original blue cloth with paper spine labels printed in black and red, t.e.g. Internally a fine and fresh set, the bindings solid and sturdy, with mellowing to the spines, some occasional rubbing to the board edges, the paper labels somewhat toned and a bit soiled. AN IMPORTANT SET OF THE DEFINITIVE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE, Limited to only 1000 copies, numbered in each volume. The handsomely printed illustrations are from a broad number of sources, including artwork by Albert Edward Sterner and Aubrey Beardsley. $750.

An Ayn Rand Masterpiece First Edition - Atlas Shrugged - In the Original Dustjacket 26 Rand, Ayn. ATLAS SHRUGGED (New York: Random House, 1957) First edition, First Printing. Thick 8vo, publisher’s original green cloth decorated in gilt on the upper cover and in gilt and black on the spine, in the original and first issue dustjacket with 10/57 and price of $6.95 on the front flap and publisher’s full address on the rear flap. 1168 pp. A very nice copy of this highly sought after book. Internally fine, bright, clean and fresh, the cloth very good with only a little mellowing to the spine and very light evidence of shelving, the jacket handsome with very little edge wear but for the tips of the spine panel where there is light wear. What appears to be an abrasion caused by a sticker on the spine has been neatly filled in. AN AYN RAND MASTERPIECE AND A CLASSIC OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Considered her magnum opus in fiction writing. It explores a dystopian United States and includes elements of mystery and science fiction, and it also contains Rand’s most extensive statement of Objectivism in any of her works. “Tremendous in its scope, this novel presents an astounding panorama of human life--from the productive genius who becomes a worthless playboy--to the great steel industrialist who does not know that he is working for his own destruction--to the philosopher who becomes a pirate--to the composer who gives up his career on the night of his triumph--to the woman who runs a transcontinental railroad--to the lowest track worker in her Terminal tunnels. You must be prepared, when you read this novel, to check every premise at the root of your convictions. This is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man’s body, but about the murder--and rebirth--of man’s spirit. It is a philosophical revolution, told in the form of an action thriller of violent events, a ruthlessly brilliant plot structure and an irresistible suspense.” From an advertisement. $2450.

The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare Edited by Edmund Malone with Fine Prefaces and Notes In Attractive Morocco Bindings of the Period 27 Shakespeare, William; [Malone, Edmund, Editor]. THE PLAYS AND POEMS OF SHAKESPEARE, ACCORDING TO THE IMPROVED TEXT OF EDMUND MALONE, Including the Latest Revisions, with a Life, Glossarial Notes, an Index, and One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations, From Designs by English Artists (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1851) 15 Volumes The fine Malone edition of Shakespeare’s works. 170 Illustrations throughout. 8vo, contemporary three-quarter maroon morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettering and designs on the spines between raised blind tool design bands, marbled end-leaves, marbled edges. A very pleasing set, internally very fresh, volumes in very good condition with just very minimal age evidence. A FINE SET, AND EARLY, OF SHAKESPEARE’S WORKS. Includes a life of Shakespeare by A.J. Valpy, the author’s will, Johnson’s famed preface, and Milton’s epitaph on Shakespeare. This version contains Malone’s1821 text, which is renowned for its accuracy and consistency. In fact, it “has time and again been called the foundation of modern Shakespeare scholarship.” [Sh Domesticated] For each play, Malone includes an historical sketch and argument. The index and illustrations add to the collection’s interest. This collection is of value not only because it is attractive and well preserved but also because it contains documents and editing considered significant in Shakespearean scholarship and editing. $1250.

A Brilliant Copy of an Important Edition The Works of Shakespere - The Imperial Edition Charles Knight’s Editorial and Design Masterpiece 28 Shakespeare, William. THE WORKS OF SHAKSPERE. Edited by Charles Knight (New York: Virtue and Yorston., n.d., circa 1870) 2

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volumes. The Imperial Edition, the best edition of the publisher and editor. Profusely illustrated throughout with very fine full-page steel engravings by select artist, vignette half-title and portrait frontispiece. Large Folio, (15” x 11”), in the publisher’s very deluxe and impressive binding of full dark brown morocco handsomely decorated with wide ornate panels in blind featuring round portrait corner piece portraits of Shakespearian characters in bright gilt, all surrounding a full gilt panel featuring a bust of Shakespeare, urn and shield and rich ornate lettering. The spines are decorated in similar style with tall gilt stippled raised bands, panels in blind, bright gilt lettering and gilt tools in the center of each compartment, board edges and turn-ins gilt decorated, fine marbled end-papers and a.e.g. An extremely fine and unusually attractive set. The books are near as pristine with fresh white paper, the bindings bright and exceptionally well preserved. AN ABSOLUTELY SUPERB SET OF THIS IMPORTANT EDITION IN ITS VERY BEST FORMAT. Truly an edition, printing and binding well suited for the greatest writer of the language. It is also vivid proof that an American publisher could produce a Shakespeare as handsome and fitting as any of their British counterparts. “The text given by Mr. Knight... is founded upon the most careful collations; and a reason is assigned in those editions for every deviation from the received text of the modern copies. To print the Text of the Words of Shakespeare, such as we may judge that it proceeded from his pen, so as to make his real words accessible to all, is the object...” $3250.

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane Smollett’s Classic Translation - London - 1819 A Fine Colourplate Set in Three Volumes in Polished Calf 29 [Smollett] Le Sage, [Alain Rene]. THE ADVENTURES OF GIL BLAS DE SANTILLANE, Translated From the French of Le Sage by Tobias Smollett (London: for Thomas McLean, 1819) 3 volumes. First edition thus. With the famous fifteen fine and charming handcolored plates. 8vo, in fine antique full red calf by Root & Son, the boards with triple-ruled gilt frames with small floral cornerpieces, the spines handsomely gilt tooled in compartments between gilt ruled bands, two compartments with black morocco lables lettered and decorated in gilt, board edges gilt stippled, turn-ins gilt decorated, marble endpapers and t.e.g. xii, 384; 378; 392 pp. A very fine set, internally fresh and clean, the plates bright, the bindings sturdy and sound, the calf with minor and pleasing evidence of age. A lovely set. A FINE AND BEAUTIFUL SET IN ANTIQUE CALF BY ROOT AND SONS, handsome and well preserved. Le Sage’s 18th century classic, offered here in the best translation by Mr. Smollett who was also renown for his translation of DON QUIXOTE and for his own masterful works of literature and travel. The fine hand-colored engravings are very much after the style of Thomas Rowlandson (though they are not by his hand) and are rich in both colour and expression. $1650.

The Grapes of Wrath - First Edition Steinbeck’s Landmark of the Depression Era 30 Steinbeck, John. THE GRAPES OF WRATH (New York: Viking, 1939) First edition, first state of the book, later state of the jacket but identical to the first but for certain advertising notes added on this issue. 8vo, publisher’s original tan cloth pictorially decorated on the spine and both covers in reddish brown, in the iconic publisher’s dustjacket. 619 pp. A very fine copy, there is just a minor hint of the usual offsetting from the glue used in the cloth binding and the lightest touch shelving evidence to the corners, otherwise as fresh and fine as one could hope to find. The jacket is still very handsome and solid but has a bit of general age mellowing and some edge-wear at the flap folds and head of the spine. John Steinbeck’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel of migrant workers in America. It has become a bedrock of 20th century American literature and is arguably the most famous book of Depression era. The story of the Joad family, simple people living close to nature, whose lives are disrupted by the malevolent forces of drought, market conditions and human creed. The novel graphically demonstrates the dangers to society when the vital like between rural man and the Earth is broken. The condition of this copy, in the pictorial jacket, is quite pleasing. $950.

A Complete Set of This Important Work Henry David Thoreau’s Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter All in First Edition, First Issue Format - Very Scarce Thus 31 Thoreau, Henry David. EARLY SPRING IN MASSACHUSETTS; SUMMER; AUTUMN; WINTER: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1881, 1884, 1892,1888) Together 4 volumes. First editions, correct first issues of each volume.

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With the folding map in Volume II 8vo, publisher’s original forest-green cloth lettered in gilt on the spines and with Thoreau’s facsimile signature in gilt on the upper covers. vii, 318; folding map, v, 382, 16 ads; vi, 470; vi, 439, 14 ads pp. An excellent set. Some light wear at the edges and as would be expected, at the foot of an occasional spine some rubbing due to shelving, very pleasing overall. VERY SCARCE COMPLETE SET OF THESE IMPORTANT PUBLISHED WORKS OF HENRY DAVID THOREAU. ALL VOLUMES ARE IN FIRST ISSUE FORMAT. Thoreau’s sister Sophia, who inherited his manuscript journals, bequeathed them upon her death in October, 1876, to her brother’s friend and correspondent, Harrison G.O. Blake of Worcester, Mass. Mr. Blake wished to bring the thoughts imbedded in the Journals before the public and judged that a selection from the abundance of materials arranged according to the seasons was the most favorable way to accomplish his end. Thus Thoreau’s private writings were first presented to the public in this form. Each volume was printed in a limited number. $2250.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit or There and Back Again First Edition in a Fine Binding by Bayntun-Riviere London - 1937 - One of the Great Modern Classics 32 Tolkien, J. R. R. THE HOBBIT or There and Back Again (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1937) First edition of the author’s first novel. With 10 illustrations by the author. 8vo, bound in full green crushed morocco by Bayntun-Riviere, lettered and with gilt ruled borders in panels of spine, upper cover with gilt ruled borders enclosing inlaid silhouettes of a mountain along the upper edge and a dragon along the lower edge of the upper cover, both after Tolkien's designs, gilt ruled and decorated turn-ins, a.e.g., original cloth covers bound in. 310, ads. A very fine copy. RARE FIRST EDITION AND THIS COPY BOUND IN A VERY PLEASING AND INTERESTING BINDING. One of the great modern classics of fantasy literature THE HOBBIT is the first published book of J.R.R. Tolkien’s great ‘Middle Earth’ series wherein is the introduction of the Hobbits and many of the characters and settings for his later masterpiece THE LORD OF THE RINGS. One of the most internationally acclaimed works in the fantasy genre and one that appears to be eternally popular with readers young and old. Many people have tried to emulate Tolkien’s style, imagination and breathtaking use of language but to date no one has been able to equal or surpass him. In the decades since its original appearance it has become the standard by which all fantasy novels are judged and remains a popular ‘bestseller’ for each new generation. $10,500.

Mark Twain - Mark Twain’s Speeches - 1910 First Edition in the Original Gilt Decorated Red Cloth 33 Twain, Mark. MARK TWAIN’S SPEECHES. With an Introduction by William Dean Howells. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1910) First edition, first printing. With a fine portrait frontispiece of Twain showing his flowing mustache and silvery mane. 8vo, publisher’s original red cloth lettered in gilt and with publisher’s gilt monogram on the upper cover. 433 pp. A very fine copy, only lightly mellowed at the spine. VERY SCARCE IN THIS CONDITION. William Dean Howells introduces a fine collection of the great American author’s speeches as compiled by F.A. Nash. “These speeches will address themselves to the minds and hearts of those who read them, but not with the effect they had with those who heard them. Clemens was a most consummate actor, the first to know the thoughts and invent the fancies to which his voice and action gave the color of life.” - from Mr. Howells’ introduction. BAL 3513. $295.

Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court First Edition in the Decorated Binding - Very Bright and Clean Profusely Illustrated with Beard’s Original Drawings 34 Twain, Mark. A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S COURT (New York: Charles L. Webster, 1889) First Edition, second issue without the “S”. Illustrated in black and white throughout by Dan Beard. Square 8vo, publisher’s original olive green cloth lettered in gilt and with pictorial designs in blue, black and gilt on the upper cover, the spine lettered and decorated in gilt similarly to the upper cover. xv, 575, [2 ads]. A very pleasing, very handsome copy. The cloth especially bright and well preserved, the text clean, fresh, solid and fine, the front hinge shaken, otherwise a very fine copy inside and out. A VERY PLEASING FIRST EDITION IN ORIGINAL CLOTH. Twain’s classic story of a hapless Yankee transported back in time to the court of King Arthur. The familiar characters of the Camelot legend, the monarchy, and even the church are transformed by Twain’s gift for satire. Beard’s illustrations are rendered with vigor and good humor well-suited to this amusing tale. Over the years the story has been among Twain’s most often imitated with a wide range of movies, books and television episodes drawing on the theme. Even Bugs Bunny acted out the role of Twain’s Yankee hero and Bing Crosby gave him a singing voice. BAL 3429 $850.

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Huckleberry Finn - First Edition in the Original Cloth Twain’s Masterpiece of American Literature 35 Twain, Mark. ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN (New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885) First edition. With 174 black and white illustrations by E.W. Kemble. 8vo, publisher’s original green cloth elaborately decorated in gilt and black on the covers and spine. 366 pp. A very handsome copy, bright and appealing. This copy is clean and tight and very pleasing internally. The cloth is quite bright and the gilt in excellent condition. Some very expert care to the cloth and inner hinges, expertly and near invisibly strengthened. Small paper repair to the free-fly. AN IMPORTANT FIRST EDITION AND A HANDSOME AND PLEASING COPY. The title-leaf is conjugate with [1](7) and the copyright notice is dated 1884; p. [13] with the illustration captioned "Him and another Man listed at p. 87; p. 57 with "saw" spelled correctly; p. 283 with the corrected engraving and conjugate with leaf 18(3); p. 155 has the final five replaced; p. 161 is lacking a signature mark, as usual; and leaf 23(8) has been excised. The frontis portrait is in Blanck's state 3, with the imprint of the Photo-Gravure Company, printed on heavy paper and with the tablecloth or scarf not visible. The printing points mentioned above should not be considered issue points, as the sheets for the book were printed over time, but gathered and bound at random. Based on issue points only (the state of the illustration on p. 283 and the binding), this is a first edition. Along with Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn is considered the stepping stone to modern American literature. And along with Tom Sawyer, for the first time, the hero of the novel was a boy. These books are landmarks and Hemingway often offered his opinion that the modern novel would have been impossible without them. With Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and Melville’s Moby Dick, they provide us with a view of America transcending its past and beginning its future. $6500.

From the Clouds to the Mountains - Jules Verne First Illustrated Editon in English - 1874 36 Verne, Jules. FROM THE CLOUDS TO THE MOUNTAINS. Comprising Narratives of Strange Adventures by Air, Land and Water. With a Chapter by Paul Verne, Brother of Jules Verne. Translated by A. L. Alger. In Five Parts. (Boston: William F. Gill and Company, 1874) First Illustrated Edition in English. With a number of full page plates on coated paper. Square 8vo, publisher’s original terra cotta cloth, the spine and upper cover pictorially decorated and printed in gilt and black. 285 pp. An unusually well preserved copy. The cloth and gilt bright and quite fresh and with hinges strong, the textblock unusually clean. FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION IN ENGLISH AND THE FIRST AMERICAN ILLUSTRATED EDITION. The collection of five pieces was published slightly earlier in the same year in France and barely earlier by Osgood in a small unillustrated edition entitled DOCTOR OX, AND OTHER STORIES. This is an especially handsome printing. There are very well executed vignettes on the upper cover in gilt depicting the air balloon’s gondola detaching and falling to earth and the other being the mountain climbers ascending Mont Blanc. An unusually handsome and well preserved copy. Taves & Michaluk V012; Myers 16 $850.

Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence - First Edition Publisher’s Original Cloth - 1920 - 1st Edition 37 Wharton, Edith. THE AGE OF INNOCENCE. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1920) First Edition, Mixed Issue, with the correct quote from the marriage service 1920 on both the title and copyright pages and no number at the end. 8vo, publisher’s original red cloth,the upper cover and spine lettered in black. 365 pp. A handsome copy with covers fresh and bright and the expected minor mellowing to the spine panel, a tight and clean copy. SCARCE FIRST EDITION. THE AGE OF INNOCENCE RECEIVED THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR LITERATURE, the first time is was accorded to a woman. Garrison A30.1.b $1250.

Edith Wharton - The Fruit Of The Tree Original Cloth Gilt - 1907 - 1st Edition 38 Wharton, Edith. THE FRUIT OF THE TREE. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907) First Edition. With three full page black and white illustrations by Alonzo Kimball. 12mo, publisher’s original red cloth, the upper cover and spine lettered in gilt. 633, (4) ads pp. A lovely copy with binding cloth and gilt showing very little wear. SCARCE AND A HANDSOME AND WELL PRESERVED COPY. “Her precision and directness in delineation of character are far beyond that

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of any of the novelists of to-day.” -Boston Advertiser. “Dramatic, absorbing, and well written.”-New York Sun. $450.

Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass - A Rare Issue From the First Philadelphia Edition - Original Cloth - 1884 One of the Greatest Works in American Literature 39 Whitman, Walt. LEAVES OF GRASS (Glasgow: Wilson & McCormick, 1884) First Edition Thus from the 1882 Philadelphia edition, and probably printed and bound in America for distribution in the UK . Engraved portrait of Whitman on card, as in the first edition, and with the tissue guard as issued. Tall 8vo, publisher’s original golden-yellow cloth lettered and decorated in gilt on the spine and with the author’s autograph rendered in gilt on the upper cover. 382 pp., and with the rare 12 pp. of ads at the rear A pleasing and well preserved copy with only light evidence of shelving or use over time, an old offset of a smaller volume to the front cover. THE FIRST ISSUE OF THIS UK EDITIOIN FROM THE PHILADELPHIA EDITION AND A SCARCE ISSUE OF THIS AMERICAN MASTERWORK. AN IMPORTANT PRINTING. Whitman’s LEAVES OF GRASS portrayed America at the crossroads between an old world, soon to be caste off, and the new world of our future present. “Always the champion of the common man, Whitman is both the poet and the prophet of democracy. The whole of LEAVES OF GRASS is imbued with the spirit of brotherhood and a pride in the democracy of the young American nation. In a sense, it is America’s second Declaration of Independence: that of 1776 was political, this of 1855 intellectual. ...The poems are saturated ‘with a vehemence of pride and audacity of freedom necessary to loosen the mind of still-to-be-formed America from the folds, the superstitions, and all the long, tenacious, and stifling anti-democratic authorities of Asiatic and European past’. To the young nation, only just becoming aware of an individual literary identity distinct from its European origins, Whitman’s message and his outspoken confidence came at a decisive moment. “LEAVES OF GRASS was Whitman’s favorite child. From the time of its original publication...until the year of his death, he continued revising and enlarging it. If (his) reputation has fluctuated over the years and his position among, if indeed not at the head of, the list of great American poets was not assured until some time after his death, there was never any doubt of the matter in his own mind. ‘I know I am deathless’, he wrote. ‘Whether I come to my own today or in ten thousand or ten million years, I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait.’ Time has vindicated his conviction.” PMM $1250.

Walt Whitman - A Fine Set of the Complete Writings 10 Volumes - Beautifully Bound in Morocco, Gilt Extra One of a Limited Number and an Important Set of the Works Whitman, Walt. THE COMPLETE WRITINGS...Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. With additional bibliographical and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph.D. (New York: The Knickerbocker Press for G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902) 10 volumes. The Paumanok Edition, one of only 300 numbered sets printed on Ruisdael handmade paper. With illustrations in gravure and aquatint on japon vellum in each volume, colour frontispiece of Whitman to Volume I, tissue guards intact as issued. Large, thick 8vo, beautifully presented in fine period bindings of threequarter crushed honey morocco over subtle marbled boards, the turnovers gilt ruled at the borders, the spine with art nouveau decorations incorporating raised bands gilt decorated and gilt ruled, the largest compartment with fine gilt and black tooled art nouveau intertwining decorations, one compartment lettered in gilt, t.e.g., others uncut. xcvi, 294; xiii, 323; vii, 297; xi, 324; vii, 301; v,318; v, 281, v, 300; xviii, 230; v, 309 pp. A very handsome, fine and bright, attractive and especially well preserved set. A RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SET, on fine paper with Gothic titles, illustrated title pages and finely engraved portraits of the author, the people in his life and other important personages of the age. There is a fine introduction to LEAVES OF GRASS and the set also includes an important biography of the poet by Bucke, Harned, and Traubel. There are here presented, the greatest poem of America in its most complete format, and volumes of the wonderful prose writings of Whitman including the inclusion of SPECIMEN DAYS and other significant works. Whitman’s LEAVES OF GRASS portrayed America at the crossroads between an old world, soon to be cast off, and the new world of our future present. With the publication of LEAVES OF GRASS in 1855, Whitman, the poet of democracy, ushered in a new era in American letters, describing specifically American experiences in a distinctly American idiom. From its first publication in 1855, he had complete confidence in the greatness of both the book and its author. One of the rare opportunities to acquire this comprehensive set from one of the greatest of American poets. $10,500.

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History, Americana, Travel and Exploration

Clara Sears - Bronson Alcott’s Fruitlands and Louisa May Alcott’s Transcendental Wild Oats First Edition - In Original Decorated Cloth - 1915 40 Alcott, Bronson; Sears, Clara Endicott, Compiler. BRONSON ALCOTT’S FRUITLANDS. With TRANSCENDENTAL WILD OATS by Louisa M. Alcott. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915) First Edition. Illustrated with 17 black and white photos. 8vo, publisher’s original gray cloth, lettered in white on the spine and upper cover and decorated on the upper cover with a pictorial rendering of Fruitlands. xvii, 185 pp. A very bright, very fine and very clean copy. FIRST EDITION. “Clara Sears has gathered together existing materials and articles regarding the Community of Fruitlands and connected the story of the life and beliefs of that little Community which tried so hard to live according to its ideals in spite of criticism and censure and whose members nearly starved as a result of their devotion.”- John S P Alcott An important work on one of America’s classic utopian communities. $150.

An Important Atlas of the Americas With the Maps Coloured by Hand - Many Double-Page One of the Most Important Atlases of the Period 41 [America]; [Atlas], [American Atlas]; [United States Atlas]. ATLAS GÉOGRAPHIQUE, STATISTIQUE HISTORIQUE ET CHRONOLOGIQUE DES DEUX AMÉRIQUES ET DES ÎLES ADJACENTES; TRADUIT DE L’ATLAS EXÉCUTÉ EN AMÉRIQUE D’APRÈS LESAGE PAR J.A. BUCHON (Paris: J. Carez, Verdière and Bossange, 1825) First Edition of this important atlas of the American continents. A copy printed on thick paper, and the most rare of the issues. Beautifully illustrated with 63 doublepage plates coloured by hand including 51 maps. Grand Folio (560 x 385 mm.), bound in handsome contemporary half-morocco. A fine copy in a very pleasing state of preservation. FIRST EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT ATLAS ILLUSTRATING THE COUNTRIES OF THE TWO AMERICAS WITH ALL MAPS COLOURED BY HAND. The atlas is Buchon’s version of the important Carey and Lea American Atlas issued in Philadelphia in 1822 and then in expanded versions in 1823 and 1825. The text which accompanies the maps is explanatory of the subject matter pictured. The atlas is known for its remarkable precision and was a fundamental source for information about the New World at the beginning of the 19th century, and particularly about the United States. This is also a copy printed on the more desirable and rare best paper used by the publisher. The greatest number of maps related to the United States and its territories and additional maps are included relating to the Caribbean and Latin America. Howes. Phillips. $9750.

A Journey Through Central Asia to India Bonvalot - Through the Heart of Asia - Profusely Illustrated A Fine Copy - The First Edition - 1889 42 Bonvalot, Gabriel. THROUGH THE HEART OF ASIA: Over the Pamïr to India, translated From the French by C.B. Pitman (London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1889) 2 volumes. First edition. With 250 black and white illustrations by Albert Pépin. 4to, original dark blue-green cloth, spines lettered in gilt with gilt and black ruling, upper covers ruled in black and each bears a pictorial vignette in blue and white, bordered in gilt. xxii, 281; x, 255 pp. A bright and handsome set. IMPORTANT AND RARE FIRST EDITION. The author’s exhaustively illustrated account of his journey westward to look for vestiges of history left in the small societies of Central Asia, a region which he considers a “fascinating” land of diversity: “You find there, in the midst of the dreariest deserts, oases of the greatest fertility, and you come upon towns full of life and animations as you emerge from solitudes upon which a profound silence confers something like grandeur... The traveller, whose mouth is still parched by the brackish waters drawn from the cisterns of the arid steppe,

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suddenly sees before him rivers with the majestic aspect of an inland sea, the water of which is delightful to the palate. After having wended his way over boundless plains, he reaches the foot of mountains, the peaks of which, rising high into the heavens are barely visible to the naked eye...” A lovely, highly readable book. $1450.

A Curious and Exact Account of a Voyage to Congo A Fine Copy - First Edition - 1704 43 [Congo]; [Guattini], Gattina, Michael Angelo of, de Carli of Piacenza, Denis. A CURIOUS AND EXACT ACCOUNT OF A VOYAGE TO CONGO, IN THE YEARS 1666 and 1667 [from, [CHURCHILL, Vol. 1, COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVEL] (London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, [1704]) First Edition, this extracted from Vol. 1 of Churchill’s Voyages and Travels. Folio, bound in 19th century clothed backed marbled boards, the spine lettered in gilt. Volume 1, pp. (553) to 686 (An extract from Churchill’s Collections of Voyages and Travels). A fine copy, the text unpressed, clean and bright and well preserved, very minor edge wear to the tips of the boards. FIRST EDITION FROM CHURCHILL’S GREAT COLLECTION OF VOYAGES. THIS AN IMPORTANT WORK ON THE EARLY EXPLORATION FOR CONGO. A voyage to Congo and Several other countries chiefly in Southern-Africa. By Father Jerom Merolla da Sorrento, a Capuchin and Apostolick Missioner of the year 1682. $850.

The Very Rare Silk Issue of John Trubull’s Iconic Painting The Signing of the Declaration of Independence With the Fine Taylor & Taylor Printing of the Declaration The Silk Made in Lyons, France - The Printing Done in America With - The Declaration of Independence - A Fine Printing Accomplished by Taylor and Taylor in 1918 44 [Declaration of Independence]; Trumbull, John; [Silk Painting]; Americana, [Signing of the Declaration of Independence]; [Jacquard Silk]. THE Signing of the Declaration of Independence [A masterpiece in original silk weaving taken from the John Trumbull painting]. [WITH,] THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. A DECLARATION BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN GENERAL CONGRESS ASSEMBLED. (Lyons and San Francisco: Wullschleger & Co., Inc. and Taylor and Taylor, 1928 and 1918) The printing of the Declaration here offered with the silk rendering of the Trumbull painting of the signing, was printed by Taylor & Taylor in San Francisco in 1918. First issue of this rare woven silk rendering of John Trumbull’s famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. A small number were issued and it is said that most were sent to U.S. Embassies around the world. A copy, framed and glazed, with trial samples was given to the Smithsonian Institute by Mr. Wullschleger and is noted in their report of 1956 (see below). First issue of the Taylor & Taylor printing of the Declaration of Independence. The silk rendering of the painting is 31 inches x 22 inches; the reproduced Declaration of Independence is 22 inches by 16.5 inches and is handsomely matted, the silk is handsomely presented within an antique wooden frame, glazed. The frame similar to the frame described by the Smithsonian Institute in 1956 when Arthur E. Wullschleger gifted his specimen of the weaving (and the loom it was produced on) to the Institution. A very fine copy of each item, beautifully preserved and very rare thus. Illustration on this page is the Taylor and Taylor Facsimile, see page 5 for an illustation of the woven silk. RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST RENDERING INTO SILK, OF THE ICONIC PAINTING BY JOHN TRUMBULL OF THE SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OFFERED WITH A FINE PRINTING OF THE DECLARATION DONE BY TAYLOR & TAYLOR IN 1918. ‘This painting, since it’s presentation to the public within the rotunda of the US Capitol, has served as the most popular depiction of that great event in American history. The painting has appeared over the years in numerous printed renditions and was used as an engraving on the U.S. two-dollar bill. The silk rendering is a masteriece of platinum and black metallic silks from the looms of Wullschleger in Lyons, and was designed by A. Travard and woven by Mary Katherine Godard. Copies are housed in a number of collections around the world. Wullschleger was a Swiss emigrant resident of New York and a textile industry entrepreneur. He maintained offices in both New York City and in Lyons, France. He commissioned the creation of this superb Jacquard woven rendition of the original Trumbull painting to honour the firms years in business. And it would rquire the construction of a special building furnished with six Verol Jacquard pattern shedding mechanisms and a continuous three year work effort before completing the project in 1928. It is said, that at the time, patterns of the ‘Declaration’ would be produced as presentation gifts for friends and colleagues in the silk industry and to each American embassy around the world. An example is held by the Smithsonian Institution along with the actual loom that it was woven on.’ Surviving examples are presumed to be

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held in private or institutional collections, and the work is very rare in open marketplace. Concerning the copy in the Smithsonian Institution, note the folllowing from: The United States National Museum Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1956: “Significant specimen donated by Arthur E. Wullschleger is a woven-silk reproduction of Trumbull’s famous painting “The Signing of the Declaration of Independence,” made under Mr. Wullschleger’s personal direction by a number of the most skilled weavers in the French silk industry in Lyons. The gift comprises the framed silk Jacquard picture, an excellent example of this type of weaving, and trial samples which preceded the completed picture. “ “Lyons had long been a center for production of silk. In 1466 King Louis XI decided to develop a national silk industry in Lyon. In the face of protests by the Lyonnais, he conceded and moved the silk fabrication to Tours, but the industry in Tours stayed relatively marginal. His main objective was to reduce France’s trade deficit with Italy, which caused France to lose 400,000 to 500,000 golden écus a year.[32] It was under Francis I in around 1535 that a royal charter was granted to two merchants, Étienne Turquet and Barthélemy Naris, to develop a silk trade in Lyon. In 1540 the king granted a monopoly on silk production to the city of Lyon. Starting in the 16th century Lyon became the capital of the European silk trade, notably producing many reputable fashions.[33] Gaining confidence, the silks produced in the city little by little began to abandon the original oriental styles and moved towards their own distinctive style, with an emphasis on landscapes. Thousand of workers, the canuts, devoted themselves to the flourishing industry. In the middle of the 17th century over 14,000 looms were in use in Lyon, and the silk industry fed a third of the city’s population. Joseph-Marie Jacquard improved on the designs of Falcon and Vaucanson, introducing the revolutionary Jacquard loom, which allowed a string of punched cards to be processed mechanically in the correct sequence. The punched cards of the Jacquard loom were a direct precursor to the modern computer, in that they gave a (limited) form of programmability. Punched cards themselves were carried over to computers, and were ubiquitous until their obsolescence in the 1970s. The loom was declared public property in 1806, and Jacquard was rewarded with a pension and a royalty on each machine. The Taylor and Taylor printing of THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE has long been considered one of the most beautiful modern presentations and is beautifully formatted in an especially large elephant folio printing. $8500.

One of the Great Works on Classical Rome Du Perac - I Vestigi Dell’Antichità di Roma - 1653 With 40 Very Fine Engraved Folio Plates 45 Du Perac, Etienne. I VESTIGI DELL’ANTICHITÀ DI ROMA RACCOLTI ET RITRATTI IN PERSPETTIVA CON OGNI DILIGENTIA da Stefano Du Perac Parisino Dedicai da Gio. Battista de Rossi Milanese alle Curiosissime Nationi Oltramontane. (Rome : G.B. De Rossi , 1653) A beautiful printing of this important work on Rome. Illustrated with 40 very fine engravings in folio format. Oblong Folio (mm. 400 x 250), in a handsome binding of contemporary styled vellum over marbled boards. The spine lettered Plates complete as required. A fine copy with plates in a fine state of preservation, frontispiece reinforced at the blank margin. A FINE AND HANDSOME COPY OF THIS IMPORTANT BOOK. The plates show very beautiful drawings, finely engraved of many significant structures and locales of ancient Rome, palaces, churches, edifices and other important architectural and historic sites. Of particular interest is the arch of Septimus Severius Olschki Choix 16859; Kissner 704; Rossetti 2355 $4250.

A Fine Decorated Ethiopian Manuscript Scroll Painted in Red and Black with Extensive Calligraphy 46 Ethiopian Talisman, Magic Scroll. AN ETHIOPIAN MAGIC SCROLL, OR TALISMAN, HAND WRITTEN, DECORATED AND ILLUSTRATED in Black and Purple on handmade Parchment, most likely goatskin, in the classical Ethiopian language of Ge’ez (Ethiopia: Manuscript, Circa early 20th century) The Ge’ez text in black and red is extensively decorated in traditional Ethiopian style, most prominently with four very large human figures being roughly 6 inches tall. Additional decoration abounds. Approximately 53 inches by 3.5 inches, made in three roughly equal segments of parchment stitched together with rawhide leather cording, rolled. Extremely well preserved, the writing and decoration very bright and vivid, only a bit of expected aging to the animal parchment at the outermost end of the roll One of the more fascinating traditions still surviving today in Ethiopia but abandoned centuries ago in the West is the use of Talismanic art. Talismans, such as this Magic Scroll, are items not considered to be the products of the human artist that made them. They are Holy works, part of the great mystery only reproduced by the human craftsman through revelation. They represent the connections between men and spirits, animals, demons, stars, Saints and sicknesses all translated into pictures and language. They are considered to be able to influence the spirits due to their intrinsic holy nature combined with the dreams and desires of their owners. This scroll is a magnificent example being well over 4 feet long and produced in the ancient traditional methods. $1250.

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The Everest Expeditions The Reconnaissance, The Assault and The Fight - 1921-1924 Scarce First Editions of the Entire Set 47 [Everest Expeditions]. Howard-Bury, Lieut.-Col. C. K. MOUNT EVEREST: The Reconnaissance, 1921 [with] Bruce, Brigadier-General Hon. C. G. THE ASSAULT ON MOUNT EVEREST 1922 [with] Norton, Lieutenant-Colonel E. F. THE FIGHT FOR EVEREST: 1924 (London: Edward Arnold and Co, 1922, 1924, 1925) Together 3 volumes. First editions, THE ASSAULT is first edition, second impression. Each with a profusion of illustrations, several in color, and folding maps. 8vo, publisher’s original blue, red, and green cloth respectively, lettered in gilt on spines and covers. xi, 350; xi, 335; xi, 369. Index to each volume. A fine and handsome set, very pleasing and well preserved. THE THREE BRITISH EVEREST EXPEDITIONS OF THE 1920’S, SCARCE IN SUCH EXCELLENT CONDITION. The British made it a point of national pride to scale the mighty Everest, and the saga of their quest makes for fascinating reading. Despite the fact that each of the three expeditions here narrated were unable to conquer the mountain, each expedition added to the knowledge and experience that would ultimately help others conquer the summit. Each volume includes a variety of interesting field notes on subjects like wildlife, acclimatization, Tibetan culture, natural history, geology and glaciology, and organization of the expeditions, altogether making an intriguing read. Complete sets of these books have become especially difficult to come by. As the books were issued over a period of years, it has become nearly impossible to gather together a group matching in condition as are these. A very desirable set. $2850.

One of the Most Beautiful Colour-Plate Books of Mexico The Atlas Pintoresco e Histórico de los Estados...Mexicanos Printed in Mexico and Illustrated with Maps Throughout 48 Garcia Cubas, [Antonio]; Atlas; Mexico. ATLAS PINTORESCO E HISTÓRICO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDO MEXICANOS (Mexico: Debray Succ., 1885) First Edition of the atlas. Beautifully illustrated with 13 chromolithographs on double-pages, each with a specialized map of Mexico and a great number of individual vignettes showing scenes and scenery and occasions throughout the country. The titlepage is printed in tinted lithography. Grand Folio (620 x 410 mm), in the publisher’s fine and special binding of half-green shagreen. A very pleasing and well preserved and handsome copy. FIRST EDITION OF ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COLOUR-PLATE BOOKS OF MEXICO. The atlas is regarded as among the most beautiful books ever produced about Mexico. It contains 13 double-page chromolithograph plates, each with a specialized map of Mexico surrounded by vignettes corresponding to the map, such as archaeology, botany, rivers, mining, volcanoes and mountains, railroads, costumed ethnographic types, etc. Antonio Garcia y Cubas devoted himself to the study of Mexican geography, history and archaeology, publishing a succession of atlases beginning in 1858. The ATLAS PINTORESCO E HISTÓRICO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS can be said to be a culmination of his work in its beauty and comprehensiveness. A text volume was issued separately but is not offered here. Phillips, 2686; Chadenat, 7016 $13,850.

A Charles Smith 12 Inch Terrestrial Globe A Handsome 19th Century Globe on Fine Mahogany Stand Exceptional Detail and Finely Hand-Coloured 49 [Globe] Smith, Charles. SMITH’S TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, Containing all the Most Recent Discoveries (London: C. Smith and Son, Circa 1880) A scarce and very handsome 12 inch globe. printed in multiple colours, this richly detailed globe, shows all the continents & countries as they were at the time and also indicates all the major ocean currents, connecting currents and the Antarctic & South East Trade Wind Drifts. Also with an analemma showing the declination of the sun for every day of the year and the Equation of Time. Total height approx. 19 and a half inches, on its original stand of a turned mahogany column with a trefoil base resting on bun feet, with a graduated brass meridian marked out in degrees of longitude. The globe is made of 12 hand-coloured copper engraved gores on solid core. Very well preserved, uncommonly such. The glove bright and fresh, the original stand in excellent condition as well. An uncommonly handsome and well preserved example of a scarce Charles Smith Globe. Charles Smith was a noted Stationer, map and globe-seller in London from about 1800. Between 1827 and 1852 the business was carried on by Charles Smith & Son, and from 1853 onward, by William Smith. Smith and Sons produced a vast number of well engraved maps and several fine atlases. His globes and maps are very distinctive, characterized by their lucid, fine engraving and vibrant colour washes that combine to make them both extremely attractive and very informative. Glazer, George D. “Guide to Globe Makers”. $4950.

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Trans-Himalaya - First Edition - With Autograph Sven Hedin’s Monumental Work Two Volumes - Very Fine in Original Cloth 50 Hedin, Sven. TRANS-HIMALAYA. Discoveries and Adventures in Tibet. (New York: Macmillan, 1909) 2 volumes. First edition, WITH AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE on a tipped in card on the half-title to Volume I. With a vast profusion of illustrations from photos, watercolor sketches, and drawings by the author, as well as numerous maps (several folding). Thick 8vo, publisher’s original red cloth lettered in gilt on spines, decorated in gilt on covers with pictorial vignettes, t.e.g. xxiii, 436 pp; xvii, 441 pp. A very fine set, especially well preserved, fresh clean and appealing in all ways. WITH A RARE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF HEDIN TIPPED INTO VOLUME ONE. One of the most important works by the famous explorer providing an account of his expedition through Tibet from 1906-1908. “Traversing the Chang-tang in Tibet through Srinagar and Leh he reached to Shigatse. Thence he went back to Lake Mana sarowar along the Tsangpo and descended the Indus, and then towards Leh and returned to Simla by the Sutlej route” (Kakushi) Hedin was responsible for putting Tibet on the map, literally. His surveys and mapping expeditions helped to discover for the world the physical geography of the region. The maps he produced were used as a point of reference in 1963, when Gordon Cooper took hyperaltitude photos of Tibet during the last Mercury space mission. The photos were compared against Hedin’s survey sightings on mountain peaks to give the scientists a starting point in revising extant maps of the areas. Cooper’s mission marked “the beginning of serious planning for Earth resource surveys from space” (Wilford, THE MAPMAKERS, pp. 338-9). This is a highly readable account of Hedin’s travels and experiences. A third volume was issued in 1913 and is not included with the two 1910 volumes offered here. Yakushi H 103c. $950.

Hobbes Dialogues on Natural Philosophy Decameron Physiologicum - First Edition - London - 1678 The Final Form of His Mechanistic System of The World 51 Hobbes, Thomas. DECAMERON PHYSIOLOGICUM: Or, Ten Dialogues of Natural Philosophy (London: J.C. for W. Crook, 1678) The First Edition of Hobbes’ final work. With the folding plate, which is frequently lacking and a figure within the text. 8vo, in full calf of proper period style, the binding with raised bands ruled in blind and a black morocco label lettered and with decorate ruled frame in gilt viii, 136, (7) (1) pp. A very fine and handsome copy, complete with the license leaf, folding plate and all ads, rarely found such. The text very clean and fresh. VERY RARE AND HOBBES’ FINAL WORK, PRODUCED AT AGE 90. Hobbes considered himself to be primarily a scientist and philosopher and only consequently a theorist of civil and ecclesiastical authority. His reputation, however, both in his own day and ours, is inextricably linked to his progressive theories in civil and church polity, despite more practical accomplishments in optical theory. DECAMERON PHYSIOLOGICUM was the final form of his mechanistic system of natural philosophy and the final word in the Wallis-Hobbes feud. “Hobbes last work of all was a new set of dialogues on physical questions, in the fashion of the earlier ones, but now with a stroke added at Wallis’s doctrine of gravitation in the “De Motu”. And a demonstration of the equality of a straight line to the arc of the circle was, of course, thrown in at the end, to show him true as ever to the desperate purpose that had maintained the long quarter of a century of strife.” (C.G. Robertson)” On Page 116 Hobbes references Kepler, with whom he is in agreement, in a statement giving the age of the Earth. There are discussions on magnetism, vacuum, motions of air and water, gravity, optics and more. $15,950.

The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria - First Edition - 1915 M. Jastrow’s Classic Work - A Fine Copy in Decorated Cloth 52 Jastrow, Morris, Jr. THE CIVILIZATION OF BABYLONIA AND ASSYRIA. Its Remains, Language, History, Religion, Commerce, Law, Art, and Literature. (Philadelphia and London: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1915) First Edition. Illustrated throughout with a great profusion of plates on coated paper and with a large folding map of Babylonia and Assyria. Large, thick 8vo, publisher’s original navy blue cloth lettered in gilt on the spine and pictorially decorated and lettered in gilt on the upper cover, t.e.g. [xxvi], 515 pp. A fine copy, bright and clean throughout. CLASSIC WORK AND A FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Jastrow’s ‘was perhaps the first attempt to cover the entire subject of Babylonian-Assyrian civilization for English readers. The work is a great survey of the remarkable civilization which arose in the Euphrates Valley thousands of years ago and continued to flourish till close to the threshold of the Christian Era. The work follows the unfolding of the growth of the centres of settlement in the south which led ultimately to the formation of the Babylonian Empire, and of the offshoot of Babylonian civilization which resulted in the rise of a rival empire to the north, known as Assyria.’ The book provides a great opportunity to know the customs and manners, the religion, the law, the commerce and art of both civilizations quite intimately. This is an unusually nice copy of a great book. $225.

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Three Years in Tibet - The Very Rare First Edition in English The Shramama Kawaguachi’s Now Legendary Narrative Published in Madras in 1909 - Original Binding 53 Kawaguachi, The Shramama Ekai. THREE YEARS IN TIBET (Adyar, Madras: at the Theosphist Office for the Theosphical Publishing Society, Benares and London, 1909) Very Scarce First Edition in English, and one of the most important and valuable books on Tibet. With the illustrations from the original Japanese edition and others, being in total; 11 photogravures, one of which is folding, a folding sketch map and 63 illustrations within the text, many of which are quite large or near full page. 8vo, original orange cloth lettered in gilt on the upper cover and spine, the board edges beveled. xv, 719. A near fine copy, internally very much so, the cloth mellowed at the spine and tips. VERY SCARCE NOW LEGENDARY ACCOUNT OF THE First visit to Lhasa by an outsider since the time of Huc. RARE FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTH AND ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL BOOKS ON TIBET. In 1897 Ekai Kawaguachi, a Japanese Buddhist monk, left Japan to walk into Tibet to gather Buddhist Scriptures and learning. He traveled first to India to learn Tibetan language and customs so that he could travel in disguise. The penalty for incursion into forbidden Tibet was death to the intruder and everyone who helped him. Kawaguchi traveled to Lhasa on foot, taking the highest and most difficult routes to avoid the checkpoints. His account of the journey is nothing short of extraordinary. He would remain in Tibet for three years, eventually bluffing his way into a monastery where he would study the most ancient of Buddhist scriptures. While there he would also observe a great deal mor--local society, religion, customs, marriages, funerals, the appointment of Lamas including the Dalai Lama, the government, punishment, etc. This extraordinary narrative was originally published over time as a series of articles written for Japanese newspapers, and subsequently issued in book form by Hakubunkwan. This is the first appearance in English and it is rare. Cordier BS 4382. Yakushi (1984) K 35. $1250.

T.E. Lawrence’s Wilderness of Zin His First Work - An Archeological Tour de Force A Fine Copy of This Uncommon Title 54 Lawrence, T. E and C. Leonard Woolley. THE WILDERNESS OF ZIN, with a chapter on the Greek inscriptions by M. N. Tod. Introduction by Sir Frederick Kenyon. (London: Jonathan Cape, 1936) First trade edition, and first edition published for the general public. Profusely illustrated with 40 full-page plates on coated paper, 58 illustrations in the text including one folding plan and 2 maps. 4to, publisher’s original crimson cloth lettered in gilt on the spine and upper cover, in the scarce printed dustjacket. 161, plates, (4) index pp. A fine and very bright copy, beautifully preserved, the jacket also bright and in very pleasing condition. IMPORTANT FIRST EDITION. Lawrence and Woolley launched their careers with this work, collaborating together and joining their knowledge and travel experiences to form a comprehensive view of the desert regions surrounding Palestine. The work was originally published as the Annual of the Palestine Exploration Fund for 1914-1915, but in view “of the subsequent careers of its two authors, and of the literary merit which adds charm to the description of a country of no little biblical and historical interest, it seems to deserve a wider publicity than the proceedings of a learned society” [preface]. An excellent copy of Lawrence’s uncommon first work. $495.

Maspero’s Great Work - History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria etc Thirteen Volumes Complete - Profusely Illustrated 55 Maspero, Gaston. HISTORY OF EGYPT, CHALDEA, SYRIA, BABYLONIA, AND ASSYRIA. Edited by A. H. Sayce, Translated by M. L. McClure. (London: The Grolier Society, 1903-1906) 13 Volumes. Early issue. With hand-colored heliotype frontispieces, and a vast profusion of plates throughout. Large 8vo, publisher’s original red cloth with a paper lettering labels on the spines. xi,357, pp. A very well preserved and pleasing set with only mild age evidence and mellowing to the spines as is typical.. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT WORK. The first nine volumes are a translation of Maspero’s original work; volumes ten, eleven, and twelve by Rappaport bring the work to the end of the nineteenth century with discussions of explorers like Stanley, Schweinfurth, etc; the last volume brings the work into the present century. Maspero secured his reputation as an Egyptologist by translating, at the age of twenty-one, two recently discovered hieroglyphic manuscripts “of considerable difficulty” given to him by Mariette. It took him less than a fortnight to produce the translation, a great feat in the days when Egyptology was still in its infancy. This history of Egypt is a monumental achievement, still considered a valuable record of the region. $795.

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John Campbell Oman - 1903 The Mystics, Ascetics & Saints of India A Remarkable Copy as Pristine in Dustjacket 57 Oman, John Campbell. THE MYSTICS, ASCETICS & SAINTS OF INDIA (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1903) First Edition With 19 illustrations by William Campbell Oman. 8vo, publisher’s original yellow cloth covered boards with gilt lettering and black decorations on the upper cover. The spine lettered in gilt and with a decoration of a mystic in black. Housed in the rare original dustjacket lettered in black and with illustrations on the spine and upper cover, t.e.g. xv, 304 pp (with 14 pages of advertisements). An unusually fine copy, near as pristine with the dustjacket in remarkably fine condition. RARE IN THIS CONDITION. From the preface, “Now the study of Indian Asceticism and Mysticism affords, I believe, not only an admirable, but the very best means of obtaining such desireable information in regard to the great Hindu race. I hope, therefore, that the present volume, which is concerned with the results of the most deep-seated and abiding ides and sentiments of the Indian people, may, notwithstanding its necessary imperfection, meet with appreciation in some quarters at least, and help to interpret the people of India to that section of the English public which is, more or less, intereseted in a little -- understood but most fascinating land, with whose fortunes are irrevocably linked, for good or evil, the destinies of Great Britain and the Anglo-Saxon race.” $595.

An Especially Early English Work on Travel “Exceedingly Rare” - Palmer’s Essay of the Means With Discussion on the English in America - 1606 58 [Palmer, Thomas]. AN ESSAY OF THE MEANES HOW TO MAKE OUR TRAVAILES, INTO FORRAINE COUNTRIES, THE MORE PROFITABLE AND HONOURABLE (London: By H.L. For Mathew Lownes, 1606) RARE First Edition. With a large engraved device on the titlepage, engraved initials and headpieces throughout. 8vo, later antique full calf, the spine with a green morocco label across the length of the spine lettered in gilt and with gilt fillet lines at the top and bottom of the label. [8], 131. A rare work, very uncommon and seldom encountered in any condition. This copy sturdy and well preserved. Some expected marginal browning towards the end and to the front prelims, corners clipped, title page with paper fault at lower outside corner not effecting the text and with heavier age toning, Palmer’s name to the title page in an antique hand, binding is sturdy and attractive and with virtually no wear. Tables generally called for not in the copy. RARE, CALLED “EXCEEDINGLY RARE” BY ROSENBACH. Palmer was a member of the expedition to Cadiz and published this work at a time (only two years after the founding of the Jamestown Colony) when the economic and political benefits of travel were just beginning to become apparent. Travel was becoming a means of learning and accomplishment, of developing social graces and status and was becoming accepted as a political imperative among all ranks of English society. Nowhere were these benefits and imperatives more easily recognizable then in the English expansion into America, which Palmer discusses and to which he makes several references, including those on the customs and manners of the Indians. These were the same Indians known to John Smith and who would meet the Pilgrims of the Mayflower 14 years later. Palmer’s work here offered, is an extremely early English work on travel and the benefits of travel and voyaging, a highly important undertaking during the Elizabethan period. The work would open the way for the great English colonial empire soon to follow. Alden, ‘European Americana’, 606/85; Cox, II, p. 322; DNB, XV, pp.161-62; JCB, (2)III:41; STC, 19156. $5850.

Charles Partridge - Cross River Natives - 1905 Ethnographical Notes on “Primitive Pagans” Rare First Edition Africana in Original Cloth 59 Partridge, Charles, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.G.S. CROSS RIVER NATIVES, Being Some notes on the Primitive Pagans of Obubura Hill District, Southern Nigeria, Including a Description of the Circles of Upright Sculptured Stones on the Left Bank of the Aweyong River. (London: Hutchinson and Co., 1905) First edition. Illustrated with 74 black and white plates from photographs taken by the author, and 2 folding maps. 8vo, publisher’s original dark green cloth, gilt-lettered and ruled on the spine, gilt vignette on upper cover. xvi, 332, including index. An unusually fresh, bright, and clean copy with the pages largely unopened. RARE AND IMPORTANT FIRST EDITION IN FINE CONDITION. Written by the Assistant District Commissioner of Southern Nigeria, this is an example of “anthropology in its infancy.” This ethnography relates observations of many aspects of the Obubura tribe of Nigeria including their agricultural production, their social and marital customs, their festivals and music-making, and their “secret societies.” Features many photographs of the natives and their daily lives as well as pictures of their carved statues and large stone circles, complete with speculations on their origins. $950.

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In The Forbidden Land Landor’s Travels into Central Asia and Tibet 60 Savage Landor, A. Henry. IN THE FORBIDDEN LAND: An Account of a Journey Into Tibet, Capture by the Tibetan Lamas and Soldiers, Imprisonment, Torture and Ultimate Release brought about by Dr. Wilson and the Political Peshkar Karak Sing-Pal (London: Heinemann, 1898) 2 volumes. First edition, first issue. With photogravure frontispiece, 8 colour plates, 50 full page illustrations, over 150 illustrations in text, and a large folding map at rear. 8vo, publisher’s original green cloth handsomely lettered and pictorially decorated in gilt, black and brown on the upper covers and in gilt and black on the spines. xx,320; xvi, 263 pp. Internally a very good copy and a pleasing set, quite clean and fresh, the cloth with some rubbing to the green colouring at the extremities, some evidence of age or mellowing to the cloth, hinges a bit shaken as is typical with these heavy text-blocks. THE TRUE FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE, AND NOW QUITE SCARCE. This has become, like the author’s other books, quite difficult to obtain these days. The books were especially popular and after the original two volume format was sold out quickly, the book was reprinted again and again in a one volume format. The British 2nd impression in the original two volume format was issued months before the first American issue and only a few weeks after the first impression. These books relate Savage-Landor’s travels into Central Asia and Tibet and are profusely illustrated with early photographs and drawings of a time and place long since vanished. “Life,” according to Mr. Savage-Landor, has “barely a dull moment,” and the gloomiest of us will admit that this is at least true of that part of life which may be devoted to the reading of his latest book.’ So wrote a contemporary reviewer in the GUARDIAN. The work also contains the government inquiry and report and other official documents by J. Larkin, Esq., deputed by the Government of India $495.

Rare First Edition in Contemporary Calf Gilt Extra 1799 - Sonnini’s Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt Illustrated with Forty Fine Engravings Throughout 61 Sonnini, C. S. TRAVELS IN UPPER AND LOWER EGYPT: UNDERTAKEN BY ORDER OF THE OLD GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D. D. (London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1799) 3 volumes. First Edition in English. Illustrated with 40 engravings, consisting of portraits, views, plans, a geographical chart, antiquities, plants, animals, etc. Includes a large, fold-out map of Egypt on stiff paper in Volume I. 8vo, handsomely bound in full contemporary tree calf, the boards with an outer frame of gilt chain, the spines beautifully decorated in full gilt featuring central gilt devices surrounded by botanical theme gilt tooling, two contrasting red and green morocco labels gilt lettered and decorated, marbled endleaves. xix, 376; vii, 368; viii, 324, ads and list of subscribers. A fine set, internally as fresh, clean and crisp as one could hope to find, unpressed and especially well preserved, the bindings are handsome and fully original with only some very minor shelf wear and a bit of cosmetic cracking to the leather along the hinges, but the volumes remain sturdy and sound. FIRST EDITION OF AN IMPORTANT WORK. Sonnini (1751 - 1812) was one of the last 18th century travelers to leave printed relations of his travels in Egypt. “He was sent out with baron de Tott’s expedition in 1777. On arrival at Alexandria he found orders to explore Egypt from Louis XVI awaiting him. This he proceeded to do, going on to Turkey, Greece, Crete and the Archipelago during which time he took part in naval combat near Milo between the Mignonne and two English cutters. He returned to Manoncourt in 1780 where he cultivated many new vegetables and herbs (his interest in natural history is evident from the number of plates in the above work showing plants and fish; indeed Sonnini collaborated with Buffon on an edition of the latter’s works). This important work was produced to counter the financial ruin Sonnini suffered as a result of the French Revolution’’ (see Blakmer II 1006). Hunter’s preface expresses English wariness toward France’s, by then under Napoleon, policy of expansion. An invaluable source to scholars of the history and politics of 18th century Europe. Nissen, ZBI, 3900 ; Gay, Bibliographie de l’Afrique et de l’Arabie, 2250 : Blackmer, 1572 ; C. & N. Hage Chahine, Guide du Livre Orientaliste Levant, 4563 ; Marie-Cécile Bruwier, Présence de l’Egypte p. 137. $2950.

Aurel Stein in Original Cloth His First Great Central Asian Expedition Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan

62 Stein, M. Aurel. SAND-BURIED RUINS OF KHOTAN. Personal Narrative of a Journey of Archaeological & Geographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1904) Early printing. With a large folding map and 135 illustrations. 8vo, original sienna polished cloth gilt lettered and pictorially decorated in black and yellow on the spine and decorated and lettered in black and yellow on the upper cover. xv, 503. A fresh and desirable copy of this scarce and important work, pages 13-28 with either a chip or neat repair along the bottom margin not effecting the text in any way, head and tail of spine slightly rubbed and with a small chip. VERY SCARCE AND IMPORTANT WORK BY STEIN. In 1900-1901 Stein excavated several ruined sites in the Taklamakan Desert around Khotan, publishing his experiences in SAND-BURIED RUINS OF KHOTAN. This would be the first of two expeditions which would lead to his being awarded the Founder’s Gold Medal by the Royal Geographic Society. The rare account of Stein’s first great Central Asian expedition. Stein followed in the footsteps of Sven Hedin, who in 1893 had found unexplored ruins at the oasis of Khotan, along the southern edge of the great Taklamakan desert in Chinese Turkestan. Hedin was unable to undertake any systematic examination of the site,but Stein convinced the Indian Government under Lord Curzon to supply and fund his archaeological and geographical expedition

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in 1900-01. Stein’s excavations became the first scientific survey of the spread of Buddhism out of India and into greater Asia. $1850.

A Rare Signed Presentation Copy of the First Edition In New South Africa: Travels in Transvaal and Rhodesia Tangye’s Fine Work - Published London 1896 63 Tangye, H. Lincoln. IN NEW SOUTH AFRICA: TRAVELS IN THE TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA. (London: Horace Cox, 1896) First Edition, A RARE SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. Illustrated with twenty six plates throughout. 8vo, bound in the publisher’s original blue polished cloth, the upper cover printed and pictorially decorated in gilt, the spine lettered in gilt, beveled edges. viii, errata slip, 431 pp. A handsome, bright copy of this rare book. Light age mellowing, and very minimal wear, the textblock clean and tight, the presentation inscription in good order. RARE PRESENTATION COPY, SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. The author spent a considerable amount of time during the years at the end of the 19th century in the South Africa that was torn between struggles by national powers and indigenous ones over the land south of the Zambesi. There was an intention here to push for an understanding, even a thorough combination between the Colonies and the Boer Republics towards a commercial as well as a political agreement that would move South Africa towards a progressive future. The author relates the issues bred over years of colonization and settlement and the situation presented by the conflict between settlers and various of the indigenous tribes or war making leaders. He also gives a description of the land and peoples and resources of the region in a manner especially pleasing to the lay reader or one who at the time would have been settled thousands and thousands of miles from the area in question and unknowing of the social and political realities shaped by the conflict between developed and undeveloped states. INSCRIBED PRESENTATION COPIES OF THIS BOOK ARE RARELY ENCOUNTERED. $795.

A Beautiful Copy - Elaborately Illustrated and Bound Issued in London - Tyndale - An Artist in Egypt 65 Tyndale, Walter, R.I. AN ARTIST IN EGYPT (London: Hodder & Stoughton, (circa 1910)) First edition. Illustrated throughout with 27 very beautiful tipped in full-page coloured plates. 4to, publisher’s original brick red cloth, elaborately decorated in all-over cover and spine designs of gilt and black arabesque patterns and Islamic calligraphy, t.e.g. [8], 286. A very desirable copy of this beautiful book, the binding bright and handsome, internally fresh and clean and fine, all plates perfect, the binding in fine order and the gilt and black and cloth vivid with just a hint of mellowing to the back. SCARCE FIRST EDITION AND A BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED AND ILLUSTRATED PRINTING. Tyndale’s primary work was to depict the life and scenery of people in the environment of beauty that surrounded them. The work, costume and architecture of the Nile peoples at the turn of the century are here preserved in exquisite composition. The paintings reproduced so competently in this large volume are a record of those places and of the treasures they contained in the way of architecture, art, environment and culture. In addition, the binder’s art and design is well evidenced in the rich decorative beauty of the very handsomely decorated cloth.t. $325.

An Important and Scarce Work on Central Asia - 1864 First Edition - Arminius Vámbéry’s Travels in Central Asia 66 Vámbéry, Arminius. TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA. Being the Account of a Journey From Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand Performed in the Year 1863 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1864) First Edition, American Issue, same year as the English. With 12 wood-engraved plates. Tall 8vo, publisher’s original dark plum cloth blind decorated on the upper cover, the spine gilt lettered and decorated. xvi, [2], 493, [2 ads] pp. A very nice copy, the cloth still dark with bright gilt, minor age-wear to the spine tips and corners, small chip at the tail of the spine, without the folding map. FIRST EDITION OF AN IMPORTANT WORK ON CENTRAL ASIA. Vámbéry travelled to Central Asia as a linguist to study the languages represented there and determine their relation to his own mother tongue, Hungarian. The book is divided into two parts: the first a description of his travels, the second devoted to notices concerning the geography, statistics, politics, and social relations of Central Asia. $245.

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Philosophy, Religion, Science and Natural History

An Exquisite Binding - Beautifully Preserved The Collects, Epistles and Gospels London - 1813 - In Full Regency Morocco 68 [Bible, Common Prayer]. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS, To Be Used at the Ministration of the Holy Communion; The Order for the Ministration of the Holy Communion; and the Form of Solemnization of Matrimony; Taken From the Book of Common Prayer... (London: for J. M. Richardson, 1813) First of the edition. Large 4to, superbly bound in full dark maroon straight-grained morocco gilt decorated in all six panels of the spines, the covers with wide gilt key design borders enclosing blind tooled borders, and featuring large inlaid concentric oval panels of red and green moroccos decorated in gilt and with gilt rays emanating a short distance from each on upper and lower covers. A very handsome, very well preserved copy, still bright, clean and fresh, the beautiful binding in excellent order. Four leaves are torn at the bottom edge, effecting the last few lines of text but with no loss to the text, there is evidence of an older attempt to repair these. AN EXQUISITE BINDING, BEAUTIFULLY PRESERVED. $595.

A Handsome American King James Bible In Original Full Morocco - 1896 - Very Fine Condition 69 [Bible], [American Bible]. THE HOLY BIBLE: Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. (New York: American Bible Society, 1896) A very handsome American shelf Bible of the 19th century, still very usable and pleasing for the modern day. Royal octavo, publisher’s original full pebbled brown morocco, the boards framed in multi-lined rules in blind, the spine with raised bands ruled in blind and with gilt lettering in one compartment, silk ribbon marker, t.e.g. 1009, 315, (1). Beautifully preserved, internally fine and fresh and solid as could be, the binding firm and handsome with just a bit of very minor rubbing to the extremities. A very handsome American printing of the King James Bible by the American Bible Society. Founded in 1816 and still going strong today, the A.B.S. has always been one of the most important names in American Bible publishing and distribution. Since the time of the Civil War they have been especially involved with distribution to American military personnel. $225.

Charles Darwin - On the Origin of Species The Most Important Scientific Work of the 19th Century The Most Important Biological Text Ever Written 70 Darwin, Charles. ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (London: John Murray, 1860) Fifth thousand, one of 3000 copies printed only, after the 1250 which were printed by Murray of the first issue. Folding lithographed diagram by W. West, half title with quotations from Whewell and Bacon and Butler on verso, 32-page publisher’s catalogue bound at end. 8vo, publisher’s original green cloth gilt. ix, 502, index, [32] ads (dated January 1860). A fine, very pleasing and clean copy in excellent state with inner hinges in very nice condition, the paper fresh and unspotted and the book in absolutely original condition. THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK OF SCIENCE PUBLISHED IN THE 19TH CENTURY AND THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK OF BIOLOGY EVER PENNED. Printed from standing type of the first edition, with a number of resettings, Darwin himself considered that this edition was merely corrected, though the next printing, in 1861, was called the Third edition. A very nice and completely unsophisticated copy of “the most influential scientific work of the nineteenth century” and “the most important biological work ever written” (Horblit, Freeman). Darwin’s elaboration of the theory of natural selection laid the groundwork for the controversy over the evolution of man, and with only slight modification by such scientists as Stephen Jay Gould, Darwin’s ideas remain the umbra under which most current biological research is conducted. The repercussions of Darwin’s theory on religious, scientific, sociological and philosophical thought was the result of what Garrison considered “the most wonderful piece of sythesis in the history of science.” In this first edition Darwin brought man to his true place in nature and accomplished a revolution. Darwin had intended the book to be an abstract of his ‘big book’ on transmutation, of which only the first part (VARIATION UNDER DOMESTICATION, 1868) was published in his lifetime. The first edition of “Origin” had a print run of only 1250 copies and was sold out in

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a day. No second issue of the first edition was undertaken and the book was republished again in a printing of only 3000 copies literally within days of the first issuance. PMM (First Issue). Please Inquire.

Doré’s Magnificent Bible - Super Folio - Edition De Luxe Two Volumes In the Superb Original Bindings Gilt Extra With Spectacular Illustrations - Rare in this State 71 [Doré, Gustav. Illus]. THE HOLY BIBLE containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the Authorised Version. With illustrations by Gustav Doré. (London: Cassell and Company, Limited, [c. 1875]) 2 volumes. The Edition De Luxe. The best edition in the best bindings. This was a special issue of only 485 hand-numbered copies. With 220 full page engravings by Gustave Doré. Super Folio, publisher’s best bindings of full rich dark brown-black morocco gilt, covers with ornate blind tooled and gilt rolled borders and elaborate gilt designs in arabesque patterns across the entirety of both covers, spines with raised bands and gilt lettering in two compartments, elaborate gilt tooled decorations in the other compartments, turn-ins gilt tooled, marbled endleaves, a.e.g. [12], 968; iv, 969-1116, 188, 318. A beautiful and outstanding set of this great Doré creation in its most exemplary format. The volumes are clean and bright in the very best binding. The binding extremely handsome with just a touch of nearly invisible and highly expert restoration along the hinges as is often the case due to the massive text blocks. RARE LIMITED EDITION AND THE SUPER FOLIO PRINTING IN THE MOST DELUXE BINDING ISSUED. One of the most magnificent of the Doré illustrated books. A huge testament to Doré’s talent and a most impressive set in size and scope. These books are not commonly found in such condition due to the stress caused by the bulk of the text, but this copy is nearly as mint, and pristine, bright and solid as the day it was made and surely as beautiful a copy as one can possibly hope to find. $4950.

Meetings With Remarkable Men Gurdjieff’s Search for the Meaning of Life 73 Gurdjieff, G[eorge Ivanovitch]. MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1963) First American edition. Portrait frontispiece. 8vo, blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine, in the original orange dustjacket printed in blue. xi, 303. A very nice and clean copy, the spine panel of the jacket mellowed. For twenty years, Gurdjieff traveled in the remote regions of Central Asia and the Middle East searching for an ancient, but universal knowledge. The “remarkable men” of the title were some of his companions. Reappearing in Russia in 1913, he gathered around him a group of people who turned their attention towards the development of ‘consciousness’. This work, written in Russian, was published by Gurdjieff’s students. It represents what Gurdjieff called the second series of his writings. First published in France in 1960, followed by the simultaneous publication in England and the United States, Meetings offers the reader a new way of living one’s life. $225.

The I Ching or Book of Changes First English Edition of Wilhelm’s Brilliant Translation With a Forward by C.G. Jung 75 [I Ching]; [Eastern Philosophy]; Wilhelm, Richard. THE I CHING or Book of Changes. The Richard Wilhelm Translation, Rendered Into English by Cary F. Baynes. Foreword by C. G. Jung (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951) 2 volumes. The first printing of the Wilhelm translation into English. Chapter headings decorated with Chinese script throughout. 8vo, publisher’s blue cloth in the original decorated dustjackets. [7], xliii, 395; [5], 376. A fine set, dustjackets lightly mellowed. The first English translation of Richard Wilhelm's German translation, which was originally published in 1924 and was the first attempt to make the I Ching intelligible to the lay reader. $295.

A Leaf from the “King James” Bible The Book of Psalms VI - X The Editio Princeps - 1611 76 [King James Bible], [1611 Bible]. A LEAF FROM THE 1611 KING JAMES BIBLE, a Leaf From Psalms containing part of VI, all of Psalms VII, VIII, IX and part of X ([London: Robert Barker, 1611]) A single leaf from the First Edition or the Editio Princeps of the King James’ Bible. Printed double-column with headlines and chapter lines, this leaf with four fine five line ornamental capital initials, text within woodcut rules, in both gothic and roman letter. Royal Folio, a single leaf. A very fine and well preserved leaf with no staining or wear

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whatsoever. A large leaf showing the original stab marks for sewing from the original time of binding. A LEAF IN PERFECT CONDITION FROM THE BOOK OF PSALMS FROM THE EDITIO PRINCEPS OF KING JAMES’ BIBLE, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ‘AUTHORIZED’ VERSION, A LANDMARK OF PRINTING AND THE MOST FAMOUS OF ALL ENGLISH BIBLES. The King James Bible was described by W. A. Jackson as “perhaps the single most important influence upon the development of English prose style.” It was royally commissioned, in the hopes of reconciling or ameliorating the conflicts between the Bishop’s Bible, officially read in services, and the Geneva Bible, much more popular among the laity, but mistrusted within much of the Church hierarchy as being aggressively radical, especially in its annotations. $550.

A Superb Work With Magnificent Colour Plates Lydekker and Kuhnert’s Animal Portraiture A Unique Combination of Natural History and Fine Art 77 Lydeckker, R. ANIMAL PORTRAITURE. With Fifty Studies in Full Colour Reproduced From the Original Paintings (London and New York: Frederick Warne & Co., (1912)) First Edition. Illustrated with 50 mounted color plates reproducing the original oil paintings by Wilhelm Kuhnert, with tissue guards. Folio, publisher’s original dark polished buckram with the borders ruled in black, the upper cover with a portrait of a lion within a frame bordered in black with gilt corner pieces and gilt lettering, the spine gilt lettered and with a portrait of an antelope in gilt, t.e.g. viii, 105 (including index). A very good copy of this very handsome book, some age evidence to the cloth, a bit of spotting, the gilt bright and the binding handsome, internally quite a pleasing and well preserved copy, endleaves refreshed. THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION OF THIS MARVELOUSLY ILLUSTRATED WORK. Lydekker’s informative and readable articles provide a contiguous, fluid narration for these exquisite color plates based on original oil paintings by artist Wilhelm Kuhnert. Kuhnert has often been praised for his vigorous realism and accuracy, and in this work he does magnificent justice to his reputation. Every plate is beautifully painted in lush colors with a subtle blend of realism and watercolor-like softness. He depicts mammal, bird, and reptile alike with rich contrasting and harmonious color, with feather, fur, and scale all precisely and marvelously rendered. Squirrels, echidnas, and marmots become elegant; lions, Manchurian tigers, and wolves fully display their noble natures; sea gulls soar against what almost seems a living, moving sea. An extremely desirable work and a well preserved copy of this exquisite book. $950.

First Edition - De Astrologica Ratione - Venice - 1607 One of the Masterworks of Giovanni Magini - Very Scarce 78 Magini, Giovanni Antonio. DE ASTROLOGICA RATIONE, AC USU DIERUM CRITICORUM, Seu Decretoriorum, ac Praeterea de Cognoscendis & Medendis Morbis ex Corporum Coelestium Cognitione.... (Venetiis: Apud Haeredem Damiani Zanarii, 1607) First Edition of this Opera of astrology, astronomy cartography and mathematics. Profusely illustrated throughout, with frontispiece engraving, engraved capital letters, schematic engravings, astrological diagrams and a great number of astrological schematic engravings. 4to (mm. 194 x 141), in a handsome later binding of full royal blue vellum, title in gold on the spine, and the upper cover with astrological diagram in gilt. [10], 120 pp. A fine, beautifully preserved copy in a pleasing state of preservation. RARE FIRST EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK BY MAGINI. ‘In October 1586, following the death of Egnatio Danti, who held the chair of mathematics at the University of Bologna, a competition was announced to fill the chair. Magini competed for the chair as did, among others, Galileo. One might think that there would be no competition once Galileo applied for a chair but Magini was nine years older than Galileo and seen as a much safer appointment; he was appointed in 1588 and held the position for the rest of his life. Galileo had revolutionary ideas while Magini’s ideas were original but based on the established world-view.’ In 1592 Magini published De Planis Triangulis which explains the use of quadrants in astronomy and in surveying, in particular describing details of calculations and measurements which could be performed with a quadrant. He published De astrologica ratione in 1607, a work in which he discusses the uses of astrology in medicine. He was also a strong believer in metoposcopy, the art of deducing someone’s personality from the pattern of the lines across their forehead, and he published a work on that topic. In 1606 Magini published an extremely accurate set of trigonometric tables. This mathematical work is typical of all of Magini’s mathematical contributions which are all highly practical; they include treatises on the geometry of the sphere, on applications of trigonometry, and on calculating devices of his own invention. Magini was also interested in mirrors, both in their theory, publishing a treatise on the theory of concave spherical mirrors, and in their practical manufacture. He presented large concave spherical mirrors to Jacopo Boncompagni (son of Pope Gregory XIII and Prince of Sora), to Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (son Pier Luigi Farnese, Duke of Parma), and to the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. The Duke of Mantua paid him a handsome sum for one of the mirrors but there was a long battle between Magini and Rudolf II since Magini felt he had been promised payment for the mirror which he did not receive. His cartographic work was highly praised. On 15 March 1595 Magini published a map of the Bologna region and wrote in the dedication: “Inasmuch as I desire to publish a complete atlas of Italy, showing, besides the provinces, the territories of each city, I have decided to publish first this map of the

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territory of Bologna ...” “[The Bologna map] was soon followed by other maps, and in two years he had the greater part of the maps of North Italy already engraved, and some of them published. They were apparently sold separately and are extremely rare in this state; for, being unable to obtain material for his maps of Southern Italy, he started correcting and revising what he had already done, publishing a new map of the territory of Bologna in two sheets in 1599. At last, in 1602, he received materials for the formation of the maps of the kingdom of Naples; and in 1604 nearly the whole atlas was ready, and an index of it appeared in the Latin edition of his astronomical work, the ‘Tavole del Primo Mobile’. But now he was unable to obtain engravers, owing to a series of misfortunes, and began a lengthy descriptive commentary which was to accompany the maps, but which was never published, and is for the most part lost. At last, in 1607, he secured the services of one Benjamin Wright, who, in the following year, engraved for him a large map of Italy in six sheets. Wright, however, was something of a drunkard, and pawned several of the plates which he had done: and it was only in 1613 that the engraving of the plates was finished, after a good deal of further revision. The printing at last began in Bologna at the end of 1616; but Magini’s death delayed the appearance of the work until 1620, when his son Fabio, who was not fifteen when his father died, finally brought it out. He dedicated it to Ferdinando Gonzaga, a member of the ducal family of Mantua, with which Giovanni had been in close personal relations, and who indeed had procured him a great deal of manuscript material from the governments of the various states of Italy. Almagià, argues that Magini’s maps made a considerable contribution to modern geography: “Previous errors both in latitude and longitude are reduced; the political boundaries and physical features are far better indicated than ever before; and a number of names have been added. It was indeed a long time before Magini’s work was superseded.” School of Mathematics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland Riccardi I, 68; Krivasty 7244; Caillet 6964 $2650.

The Works of Plato - 1551 - Omnia Divini Platonis Opera The Greatest of all Western Philosophers An Early Printing by Froben and a Superb Basel Printing 79 Plato. OMNIA DIVINI PLATONIS OPERA TRALATIONE MARSILII FICINI, EMENDATIONE ET AD GRAECUM CODICEM COLLAtione Simonis Grynaei, summa diligentia repurgata, quibus subiectus est Index quam copiosissimus. [OPERA OMNIA. Translated by Marsilius Ficino with commentary, by Simon Grynaeus]. (Basel: Froben, 1551 [colophon:] Basileae Apud Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episcopium, An. MDLI Mense Martio) A highly important edition with the commentary of Simon Grynaeus, the celebrated Swiss astronomer and geographer. Replete with large historiated and figurative capital letters throughout. Folio, in a very handsome binding of antique calf over boards. (12), 952 + (48) index. A handsome copy in pleasing condition, well preserved, fresh and unpressed internally. A FINE AND HANDSOME COPY. Cited ‘for the elegance of the impression’ by Froeben. THE KING OF PHILOSOPHERS. ONE OF THE SUPREME TEXTS OF THE RENAISSANCE. Preceeded with the dedication of the great curator S. Grynaeus, the proem dedication to Lorenzo de Medici and the important Life of Plato written by Ficino the original translator of the manuscripts into Latin; index at the end; 36 of the Platonic dialogues and works(the Dialogues, 10 books of the Republic, 12 books of the Laws and 12 of the Letters), edited and with the commentary of Marsilio Ficino. A highly important edition of the Opera of Plato with the traslation of Marsilio Ficino, the first and most important of the modern epoch, in itself one of the primary movers of the humanism of the Renaissance. In 1462 by order and gift of Cosimo de Medici and with support of the Academy the manuscript translations were begun. They were concluded under the beneficence of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The translation, which was completed in the 1470’s contributed in great measure to the rediscovery of critical thinking and of the disciplines of Greek scholarship. Ficino had beuan his translation under the patronage of Cosimo de Medici in 1463. The work was completed five years later and circulated in manuscript for several years before finally being printed in parts beginning in 1484. It wasn’t until 1491 that and edition brought together for the first time the fundamental text of Plato with Ficino’s PLATONICA THEOLOGIA, the most important Renaissance interpretation of the great philosopher. In this groundbreaking work Ficino sets out to prove that a harmony can be found between Christian theology and Platonism. The conversion of these two modes of thought, the classic and the medieval was instrumental in the formation of the modern European identity. The importance Ficino placed on this work even extended to the printing and he was not pleased with the first edition which contained 7 pages of corrigenda. In contrast, Ficino was very pleased with the typographical correctness of the later 1491 edition and this printing in large measure comes with the most important of the textual corrections and emendations and changes. The editio princeps from the Greek texts was provided by Aldus in 1513. This edition was with the rich and important corrections of Grynaeus from one of the early Greek manuscripts. A beautiful and very pleasing example in a rarely encountered period binding with early ownership note on the title. There is no copy noted in either the British Museum catalogue or in Adams. A rare book and very important in the history of Greek and philosophical scholarship. Caillet 8731 $5500.

The Works of Plato - A Very Early Set in Two Volumes In Unusually Well-Preserved Contemporary Bindings Published in London - 1749 80 Plato. THE WORKS OF PLATO ABRIDG’D: With an Account of His Life, Philosophy, Morals, and Politicks. Together with a translation of his Choicest Dialogues, Viz. Of: Human Nature, Prayer, Wisdom, Holiness; What One Ought to Do; Immortality of the Soul; Valour;

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Philosophy. (London: Printed for R. Ware, P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman....J. Rivington et al., 1749) 2 volumes. The fourth edition, corrected. Small 8vo, full contemporary polished calf with double gilt fillet rules to the borders of the covers; raised bands to the spine, separating the compartments which are beautifully decorated with gilt panel designs and contrasting morocco lettering labels gilt, red edges. 336; 344 pp. A very handsome, pleasing and fine contemporary set. This copy is without fault of restoration or refurbishment. SCARCE EARLY PRINTING OF THIS IMPORTANT TRANSLATION AND VERSION OF PLATO’S DIALOGUES. Very attractive and complete set containing, among other writings, Socrates’ Apology, Crito, Protagoras and the first and second Alcibiades. With a Discourse on Plato, as well as a Life. Plato is considered the “philosopher’s philosopher” and the themes that he treats in his work have remained important throughout the centuries. Plato’s ideas about the importance of education, judging an individual by his/her merit rather than wealth, and the notion that we are all part of a greater whole challenges the cynicism of philosophers that believe humans are essentially corrupt. That the complexity of his arguments are taken up by eminent thinkers of this century (e.g. Jacques Derrida) is testimony to the dynamism of his work. $1250.

A Wonderful Illuminated Manuscript with Miniature Paintings The Ramayana - One of the Great Indian Classical Texts 18th Century - 420 Leaves - A Very Large Example 81 [Ramayana Manuscript], Indian. THE RAMAYANA. A FINE ILLUMINATED INDIAN MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN IN SANSKRIT. WITH A NUMBER OF VERY BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED MINIATURE PAINTINGS. (India; Kashmir: Handwritten , 18th Century) A large 18th century Sanskrit manuscript of the famous Indian epic, The Ramayana. Written in a neat Devanagari script in black ink, with headings, keywords, and markings in red on pale beige paper. The text is ruled in several lines of black, orange, and blue. The manuscript contains seven large illuminated miniature paintings. 7.75 x 13.25 inches, written surface: 4.25 x 8.5 inches., bound to style in full maroon calf, with five raised bands on the spine, the covers and spine are gilt decorated 420 leaves. A fine, beautiful and excellent manuscript with wonderful miniature paintings, a few leaves are repaired with very minor loss of text and a few leaves are marginally affected by damp, otherwise excellent. A VERY FINE ILLUMINATED SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPT OF THE RAMAYANA, ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL CLASSICAL INDIAN TEXTS. WITH SEVEN SUPERB MINIATURE PAINTINGS. The manuscript is most likely an eighteenth century Kashmiri manuscript. The Rāmāyaṇa (Devanāgarī) is an ancient Sanskrit epic thought to have been compiled between approximately 400 BCE and 200 CE. It is attributed to the Hindu sage (maharishi) Valmiki and forms an important part of the Hindu canon (smṛti). It was the original story on which other versions (such as the Khmer Reamker, the Thai Ramakien, the Lao Phra Lak Phra Lam the Malay Hikayat Seri Rama and the Maranao Darengan) were based. It depicts the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal servant, the ideal brother, the ideal wife and the ideal king. The name Rāmāyaṇa is a tatpurusha compound of Rāma and ayana “going, advancing”, translating to “Rāma’s Journey”.[1] The Rāmāyaṇa consists of 24,000 verses[2] in seven books, and 500 cantos (kāṇḍas),[3] and tells the story of Lord Rāma, whose wife Sita is abducted by the demon (Rākshasa) king of Lanka, Rāvana. Thematically, the epic explores themes of human existence and the concept of dharma.[4] Verses in Rāmāyana are written in a 32-syllable meter called anustubh. The epic was an important influence on later Sanskrit poetry and Indian life and culture, primarily through its establishment of the śloka meter. Like its epic cousin the Mahābhārata, however, the Rāmāyana is not just an ordinary story: it contains the teachings of ancient Hindu sages and presents them through allegory in narrative and the interspersion of the philosophical and the devotional. The characters of Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Hanumān and Rāvana (the villain of the piece) are all fundamental to the cultural consciousness of India. One of the most important literary works on ancient India, the Ramayana has had a profound impact on art and culture in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The story ushered in the tradition of the next thousand years of massive-scale works in the rich diction of regal courts and Brahminical temples.[5] It has also inspired great quantities of latter-day literature in various languages, notable among which are the works of the Tamil poet Kambar of the 13th century, Molla ramayanam in Telugu and the 14th century Kannada poet Narahari Kavi’s Torave Ramayan, fifteenth century Bengali poet Krittibas Ojha, known as the Krittivasi Ramayan and the sixteenth century Hindi poet Tulsidas. The Ramayana became popular in Southeast Asia during the 8th century and was represented in literature, temple architecture, dance and theatre. Wikipedia $18,500.

L.A. Waddell - The Buddhism of Tibet - 1895 An Early and Important Work by One of the Masters 82 Waddell, L. Austine. THE BUDDHISM OF TIBET or Lamaism, with its Mystic Cults, Symbolism and Mythology, and in its Relation to Indian Buddhism (London: W H Allen and Co, 1895) First edition. Eight plates including frontispiece and six foldouts. Numerous illustrations throughout text. 8vo, publisher’s original light blue cloth with green and gilt-stamped lettering and pictorial decorations

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to the spine and upper cover. xlviii, 583, index. A well preserved and internally fine copy with mellowing or toning to the spine panel, light edge-wear at the head and tail. FIRST EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK. One of the first authors to chronicle and explain Tibetan Buddhism for Western readers, L. Austine Waddell draws his information from his own extensive travels in Tibet. The extensive illustrations help make this a fascinating and attractive survey of a complex subject. “The special characteristics of the book are its detailed accounts of the external facts and curious symbolism of Buddhism, and its analyses of the internal movements leading to Lamaism and its sects and cults.” [From the Preface to the First Edition] $345.

British Moths And Their Transformations Humphreys’s Fine Work - Profusely Illustrated 83 Westwood, J.O. (illus Humphreys, H.N). BRITISH MOTHS AND THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS (London: William Smith, 1843) 2 volumes. First Edition. Illustrated with 124 hand-colored lithographed plates, all sound and clean. With a unique, hand-painted, hand-illuminated ownership design on the prelim of Volume I, and decorated with colourful floral borders and embellishments. 4to, bound very handsomely in full morocco extensively decorated, the spines with raised bands gilt ruled, lettered in gilt in two compartments, compartments fully gilt, and the covers ornately gilt tooled in elaborate all-over arabesque designs and borders, a.e.g. xiv, 258; xix, 268 pp. A distinguished set, the bindings unusually handsome, with a touch of rubbing to the heads and tails of the spines,the text blocks clean and tight, upper inner hinges starting in both volumes. SPLENDID BINDINGS AND SUPERB FULL PAGE HAND-COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT. “The British Moths are not perhaps so gaily coloured as their more gaudy rivals, the butterflies; but when we consider the splendid sphinges, or twilight fliers, by which they are linked to the day-flying butterflies, they can scarcely be deemed less beautiful. Indeed, in the larva stage, many moths surpass in their wonderful raiment of velvet and satin, of ermine and sable, jewelled over with gold and silver studs of various metallic tints, anything which the butterfly division can boast...” - the author $2450.

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Art, Illustrated Books and Children's Literature La Bella Napoli of Christian Wilhelm Allers One of His Finest Works - Bright Original Decorated Cloth 85 Allers, C. W. LA BELLA NAPOLI (Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, (1893)) First edition. Profusely illustrated by Allers with fine images of the people and environs concerning Naples Italy. Contains dozens of colour as well as black and white lithographed illustrations throughout, many on full page plates, otherx interspersed throughout the text. Eleven of the plates are printed on heavy paper stock with blank versos (one of which is double page). Folio, publisher’s original bright red cloth boldly lettered in large expressive script-style across the front cover within blind-ruled frames, the spine lettered and decorated in gilt and black 214pp. A very good and handsome copy, a touch of wear to the spine tips and extremities but really still very bright and attractive. One of the most beautiful productions of works by German naturalist lithographer Christian Wilhelm Allers. Allers became first noticed when he published his collection of prints “Club Eintracht” in 1888. Several other books and collections of prints followed. These led to a level of success permitted him by the beginning of the 1890s to build a villa on Capri. He lived there for nearly ten years, also spending some time in Hamburg and Karlsruhe. It was during this period that his finest work was done. After 1902 he published under the pseudonym “W. Andresen”, due to a scandal that had forced him to leave Italy and Germany, he spent the remainder of his life in in New Zealand, Samoa, and Australia. $1450.

With Eight Plates Signed by Jim Dine Limited Edition - The Poet Assassinated - Apollinaire One of 250 Copies Only - Signed by Dine and the Translator The Beginnings of the Pop Art Movement 86 Apollinaire, Guillaume; Dine, Jim (Illustrator); Padgett, Ron (Translator). THE POET ASSASSINATED. Translated by Ron Padgett Illustrations by Jim Dine (New York: Tanglewood Press, [1968]) LIMITED DELUXE EDITION, of 250 hand-numbered copies SIGNED by both the translator and artist and with Dine’s eight original glossy Pochoir plates signed by the artist and handnumbered and laid in. Printed on Euroset offset paper. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs and photo-collages plus the eight original numbered colour pochoir plates by Jime Dine with all tissue guards intact. 4to, loose in printed chemise as issued within the publisher’s wrap of stiff paper covered in glassine and printed in black. In the original cloth covered slipcase with photographic image printed in hot pink. 128 pp. plus the eight additional plates. A very fine copy, internally as new, the glassine wrapper also fine and just a tad mellowed at the spine, the slipcase very fresh and clean with very minor mellowing to the pink at the rear panel. SCARCE LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY 250 COPIES. This English edition of Apollinaire’s “Le Poète Assassiné” is one of the great works of the “Pop Art” movement created around one of the foundational works of surrealist literature. This edition is signed by both Ron Padgett and Jim Dine and includes eight original pochoir plates which are also hand-

numbered and signed by the artist. Padgett studied 20th-century French literature in Paris during 1965 and 1966. In 1962 Dine’s work was included, along with Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Robert Dowd, Phillip Hefferton, Joe Goode, Edward Ruscha, and Wayne Thiebaud, in the historically important and groundbreaking “New Painting of Common Objects”, curated by Walter Hopps at the Norton Simon Museum. This exhibition is considered historically as one of the first “Pop Art” exhibitions in America. At a time of major social unrest and socio-political change, the painters included began a great new movement, shocking America and the art world in general and changing modern art for all time. $4850.

Illustrations to Sir Richard Burton’s Arabian Nights Letchford’s Oils Magnificently Reproduced 87 [Burton, Richard F.]. A SERIES OF SEVENTY ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS TO CAPT. SIR R. F. BURTON’S ARABIAN NIGHTS; and a Portrait of Captain Sir R. F. Burton, Reproduced from the Original Pictures in Oils Specially Painted by Albert Letchford (London: H. S. Nichols Ltd., December 1897) The Choice Edition Deluxe, printed on plate paper, proofs before letters, limited to 250 numbered sets for sale and 30 un-numbered sets. Seventy large engraved illustrations by Albert Letchford. Elephant folio. Paper size approximately 22x17.5 inches; illustration size approximately 11x8.25 inches, enclosed in an artists’ portfolio with folding leaves of blue cloth, with a large

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paste-down label on top cover, brown silk ties. Some very light scattered foxing to protective pages, portfolio box shows some rubbing and light wear, but a fine set with clean and bright illustrations. The Nichols-Smithers duo printed their first “Nights” edition in 1894, though incorrectly printed on the page as 1893, in an un-illustrated 12 volume limited edition set. It wasn’t until 1896 that Nichols commissioned Sir Richard Burton’s close friend, Albert Letchford, to paint 65 illustrations for the edition as well as a portrait of Burton, and soon after commissioned for 5 more, apparently 65 couldn’t sufficiently illustrate the tales. Burton and Letchford met while Letchford was in Florence during the beginning of his art education at the age of 18, which eventually led to his degree from Paris’ Beaux Arts, and the oppurtunity to study under numerous art masters such as Hebert, Jerome. Burton found Letchford to be “above the level of the general run of men, for, besides being an artist to his finger tips, he was very well read, and, his modesty once laid aside, proved a most interesting companion and the best of friends.” ‘Burton’s suggestion of illustrating the “Nights” had appealed greatly to Letchford on account of the unlimited scope such a subject would give to an artist who loved the East and had a boundless imagination.’ Only one of the illustrations was painted in Burton’s lifetime. These are 71 fine, unbound, engraved illustrations, beautifully reproduced from the original oils. A unique addition to any Burton collection. $7500.

Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination With Scarce Harry Clarke Illustrations - One of 2500 Only 88 [Clarke, illus.] Poe, Edgar Allan. TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION (New York: Tudor Publishing Co., 1936) With 32 plates by Harry Clarke, in colour and black and white, and with a profusion of other illustrations by Clarke as head and tail-pieces throughout. 4to, in the publisher’s original black cloth with a pictorial pastedown on top cover, and gilt lettering to the spine. 412, (1) pp. Internally, fine, clean and very well preserved, bright and with all plates in good order, the binding is clean and strong, hinges tight and sound tipped on plate to the upper cover bright and clean, small section at the upper extremity of the spine panel with loss to the black cloth (easily restored). IMPORTANT ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF A GREAT BOOK OF POE’S MOST WONDERFUL WRITINGS. The Tudor issue with the plates in colour added to the edition. There are twenty-nine tales including “The Pit and the Pendulum”, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, and “The Descent into the Maelstrom.” Clarke’s superb drawings evoke the dense spiritual qualities reflected within Poe’s exquisite and impassioned writing. A wonderful marriage of artist and writer. $395.

Dulac’s Poe -The Bells and Other Poems In Original Cloth with Handsome Gilt Decorations First Edition - Published by Hodder and Stoughton 89 [Dulac, illus.] Poe, Edgar Allan. THE BELLS and Other Poems. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, [1912]) First edition. Illustrated with 28 supeb colour plates by Edmund Dulac. 4to, publisher’s original olive cloth very generously decorated in gilt and blind in pictorial and figurative designs over the entire spine and upper cover, with gilt decorated endleaves. A pleasing, bright, clean and handsome copy with only light age mellowing. The plates are especially bright with all captioned tissue guards present. SCARCE AND BEAUTIFUL FIRST EDITION. “The Outlook” and “The Bookman” both commented that ”the book thinking people will say with grace...sometimes Dulac’s pictures are deep-coloured and intense, sometimes dim and ghost-like. But one and all are sensitized to record impressions of unearthly beauty or horror. Only Poe could have written the poems. Only Dulac could have illustrated them.” Indeed, Dulac brings Poe’s genius to life with his worlds of swirling furies, forlorn moonlit maidens, and eerie fairy castles that seem to stumble away from reality into the edge of dream---or nightmare. One of Dulac’s most evocative creations. $950.

Edmund Dulac’s Picture-Book - Rare in Dustjacket An Expression of International Brotherhood The Very Best “By Far” of the WW I Gift Books 90 [Dulac, Edmund, Illustator]. EDMUND DULAC'S PICTURE-BOOK FOR THE FRENCH RED CROSS (London: Hodder and Stoughton, nd (1915)) First edition. This copy with a laid in card advertising a 1915 gallery exhibition of Dulac’s original paintings. With 19 beautiful tipped-in color plates by Edmund Dulac, a tipped in photographic portrait of the artist by E.O. Hoppé and an autograph facsimile. 4to, publisher’s original pale olive cloth lettered and pictorially decorated in dark green on the spine and upper cover. IN THE VERY SCARCE DUSTJACKET of tan paper printed and decorated in green and featuring an additional paste-down colourplate illustration. 135, [1]pp. A beautiful copy in the scarce original jacket still in surprisingly fresh condition, the cloth clearly has been well protected and is as fine as one could find, the war-standards paper is prone to foxing and this copy has not been immune, but it is mostly confined to the prelims and is less then typical, otherwise it appears unread and is exceptionally fresh, the plates very fine. IN THE ORIGINAL DUSTJACKET AND A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF ONE OF DULAC’S BEST BOOKS. The book is composed of a profusion of

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fine stories from Cinderella to The Lady Badoura, The Sleeper Awakened, Three Kings of Orient, Sinbad the Sailor and The Nightingale among others. Dulac’s exquisite paintings are reproduced here to accompany each story and run through the many styles of his oeuvre. The book was produced by Hodder and Stoughton for the Daily Telegraph to raise money for the French Red Cross. A lovelier expression of international brotherhood would be hard to find. The final page contains a stirring tribute to the French Red Cross and a plea for generosity. It is said that this is “by far “ the very best of the gift books created to raise money for relief during the First World War. The Red Cross printing of the ‘Picture Book’ contains an extra colourplate not in the issue released after the war, which also lacks the portrait photograph. $695.

Malory’s Le Morte Darthur With 36 Heroic Watercolors by Russell Flint 91 [Flint, illus.] Malory, Thomas. LE MORTE DARTHUR: The History of King Arthur and of His Noble Knights of the Round Table (London: Philip Lee Warner and The Medici Society, 1920) 2 volumes. The first edition, first printing of the two-volume small crown quarto edition. Illustrated with 36 color plates after watercolors by W. Russell Flint. 4to, original dark green cloth, gilt lettered and decorated spines, elaborate gilt strapwork decorations on the upper covers with central ornamental device enclosing the title, lettered in gilt. xxx, 439; xxii, 531. A handsome and pleasing set with minimal signs of use, very lightly mellowed by age but virtually without wear but for some shelving evidence, light typical toning generally confined to the edges of the prelims. IMPORTANT ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THIS GREAT CLASSIC IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A truly handsome and readable printing of the Riccardi Press’ Malory. Includes Caxton’s preface and a biographical note on Malory by A. W. Pollard. The Russell Flint illustrations tell the romantic tale of King Arthur with grace and color, and perfectly depict the timeless cast of characters: Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristam, Morgan le Fay, Queen Guenever, and the rest. Caxton wrote of his Morte Darthur, “Then to proceed forth in this said book, which I direct unto all noble princes, lords and ladies, gentlemen or gentlewomen, that desire to read or hear read of the noble and joyous history of the great conqueror and excellent king, King Arthur, sometime king of this noble realm, then called Britain; I, William Caxton, simple person, present this book following, which I have enprised to imprint: and treateth of the noble acts, feats of arms of chivalry, prowess, hardiness, humanity, love, courtesy, and very gentleness, with many wonderful histories and adventures.”- Preface $650.

Folk-Tales of Bengal - First Edition In Original Gilt Extra Publisher’s Binding With Charming Warwick Goble Illustrations 92 [Goble] Day, Rev. Lal Behari. FOLK-TALES OF BENGAL (London: Macmillan, 1912) First edition. With 32 color plates by Warwick Goble. 8vo, publisher’s original red cloth, the spine and upper cover beautifully designed and decorated gilt extra. xiv, 274, ads. A fine copy with some light mellowing to the red cloth primarily on the back cover and edges. A BEAUTIFUL WORK BY WARWICK GOBLE. Traditional folk-tales, collected and translated by Day, and beautifully illustrated by Goble. “I have reason to believe that the stories given in this book are a genuine sample of the old old stories told by old Benjali women from age to age through a hundred generations.”-author. $395.

A Fine Renaissance Manuscript Example From a German Antiphonal of the 15th Century 93 [Illuminated Manuscript; Antiphonal Leaf, Renaissance Manuscript]. A LARGE LEAF FROM A GERMAN MANUSCRIPT ANTIPHONAL on Vellum. (German: , Circa 15th century) Written in gothic letter in black, blue, red, gray and yellow-gold, with a very large and beautifully decorated initial capital over two inches tall, additional initials and fine penwork. Single folio leaf on vellum [15” x 10”], handsomely presented in cream mounting. Very finely preserved, very bright and very fresh and in excellent condition. $950.

Rudyard Kipling - The Jungle Books - 1894 and 1895 A Set with Very Fine Provenance - The Doheny Copy First Editions - In Fine Original Gilt Decorated Cloth 94 Kipling, Rudyard. THE JUNGLE BOOK and THE SECOND JUNGLE BOOK (London: Macmillan and Co., 1894, 1895) Together 2 volumes. First editions. These with fine provenance, being from the Doheny Collection with both Doheny plates added to each volume. With illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling, W. H. Drake and P. Frenzeny. 8vo, publisher’s original polished navy blue cloth lettered and

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elaborately decorated in gilt on each volume, a.e.g. 212; 238, ads pp. A very pleasing, and handsome set, nice copies. The Jungle Book as usual, a bit less brightl than The Second Jungle Book. Hinges are clean and unbroken, the giltwork to the bindings in good order, bright and only lightly worn on the first volume. An important set. IMPORTANT FIRST EDITIONS, FIRST ISSUES OF THIS CLASSIC WORK. The stories of Mowgli, a human child lost in the jungles of India and raised by wild animals, struck a cord with readers who somehow found him and his animal friends easy to relate to despite the bizarre circumstances. Arguably the best loved of Kipling’s many delightful works for children and a true classic of its genre. $5750.

The Complete Work of Michelangelo Profusely Illustrated in Colour and Black and White 95 [Michelangelo]; Salmi, Mario. THE COMPLETE WORK OF MICHELANGELO (New York: Reynal and Company, 1966) With 1040 gravure plates and 32 color plates. Folio, publisher’s original beige linen, lettered in gilt on the spine and upper cover, in the original pictorial dust jacket. 597, (2) pp. A fine copy, very bright and very clean. The dust jacket has a bit of edgewear, now in a protective sleeve. This is the most magnificent and comprehensive volume published on Michelangelo and his work. Compiled by outstanding Michelangelo scholars under the direction of Mario Salmi of the U of Rome, this volume covers: The historic and artistic personality of Michelangelo; his sculpture, painting, architecture, and drawings; and his philosophy, writings, and use of language. $350.

With Superb Illustrations by Edmund Dulac The Masque of Comus - The Last Book He Would Illustrate 96 Milton, John; Dulac, Edmund (Illustrator). THE MASQUE OF COMUS, The Poem by John Milton With a Preface by Mark Van Doren & The Airs by Henry Lawes with a Preface by Hubert Foss. (Cambridge: At the University Press for Members of the Limited Editions Club, 1954) First edition of Edmund Dulac’s last illustrated book, in a printing of 1500 numbered copies only. Illustrated with six fine colourplates from original watercolours by Dulac. This was the last book to be illustrated by Dulac. 4to, The book is bound in the publisher’s original parchment backed marbled boards, the spine lettered in gilt and housed in the original black slipcase lettered in gilt. 58, [16] pp. This is a beautifully preserved copy. The book is a fine and bright copy, the slipcase only with very minor wear. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS FIRST EDITION OF HIS LAST ILLUSTRATED BOOK. Dulac is considered one of the most original and prolific book illustrator’s of the first two decades of the 20th century. His name is often linked with Arthur Rackham, as they both produced illustrations for lavish gift books for children and adults which were of the highest quality and commercial success. Dulac, born a Frenchman, settled in England to build his artistic career. He quickly caught the eye of J.M Dent publishers and produced illustrations for an illustrated edition of Jane Eyre in 1905. But it was when he was discovered by Leicester Galleries that his career actually took off. They had been seeking another talented artist of the stature and appeal of Arthur Rackham for children’s gift book illustrations. At that time, children’s books were purchased by the wealthy as symbols of good taste and there was a huge market to be captured by a new, imaginative artist. Dulac was the perfect choice. Dulac offered a new sensibility to book illustration by his intense use of color, his Eastern atmosphere, his brightly jeweled patterns, and mystical themes. His work met with instant success and approbation. From 1907 with the publication of his magnificent Arabian Nights until 1914 with the issue of Sinbad the Sailor, he published an annual collection of outstanding watercolors for gift books for children. These books included: The Tempest in 1908, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam in 1909, Sleeping Beauty in 1910, Stories from Hans Anderson in 1911, Bells and other Poems (Edgar Allan Poe) in 1912, and Princess Badoura in 1913. During the war years, when an understandable shift in publishing took place, he produced Princess Mary’s Gift Book, King Albert’s Books, Edmund Dulac’s Picture Book for the French Red Cross, and in 1916 Edmund Dulac’s Fairy Book. All of his books were highly praised and he became one of the most sought after illustrators in the world. $395.

Claude Monet - First Edition A Fine and Bright Copy in Dustjacket 97 (Monet) Seitz, William C. CLAUDE MONET (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., n.d. (c. 1975)) First edition. 132 illustration, 48 of them full color plates. Large 4to, blue-white linen, lettered in gilt on the upper cover and spine, in the original pictorial dustjacket. 160. A fine copy, bright and clean. Part of the Library of Great Painters Series produced by Abrams in the 70’s. Monet is probably the best known impressionist painter the movement produced. Indeed it was one of his paintings that gave the movement it’s name. This volume, which include a biography and list a major exhibitions, traces the career of this influential artist. $195.

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The Very Rare and Seldom Encountered First Edition P. Nicholson - The New Carpenters’ Guide - 1792 Privately Printed for the Author - London 98 Nicholson, P.. THE NEW CARPENTERS’ GUIDE, Being A Complete Book of Lines for Carpentry, &c. on Methods Entirely New; Founded on Geometrical Principles, Wherein the Utility of Every Line Will be Fully Exemplified by Practice. (London: Printed for, and Sold by the Author, 1792) First Edition. With a total of 60 finely engraved full-page plates, 40 throughout the general body of the text and 20 additional throughout the Appendix Small Folio , bound in the original and contemporary calf backed marbled boards, the spine decorated with single gilt fillet lines and a red morocco lettering label gilt. vi, 40 pp. + 40 engraved plates + 42 pp. + 20 engraved plates. A very good and pleasing copy in original state. Some spotting to the text-block as is usual VERY RARE AND IMPORTANT FIRST EDITION OF THIS CLASSIC TEXT REPLETE WITH FINELY ENGRAVED FULL-PAGE PLATES. The most important book of it’s day for use by carpenters and contractors. This core work, was re-printed many times over throughout the next two centuries. True first editions printed in 1792 are rare. $3850.

An Excellent Copy of the Best Edition - First Printing Kay Nielsen’s Best and Most Famous Book - 1914 East of the Sun and West of the Moon The Most Handsome of the First Edition Formats 99 [Nielsen, Kay, illus.]. EAST OF THE SUN AND WEST OF THE MOON: Old Tales From the North (London: Hodder and Stroughton, [1914]) First edition. The best of the various issues of the first editions. Illustrated with 25 beautiful tipped-in color plates by Kay Nielsen as well as numerous detailed black and whites throughout the text. 4to, publisher’s original navy blue cloth with gilt lettering and elaborate pictorial decorations on the spine and upper cover, and with decorative illustrated endleaves printed in black and gilt. 206 pp. A bright and clean copy of this rare book with only a bit of old evidence of shelving at the tips, the colour plates are truly fine impressions, the book is handsome and has the inevitable foxing to a few of the leaves at the front and rear. AN IMPORTANT AND SCARCE FIRST EDITION OF NIELSEN’S BEST BOOK. Fifteen old Norwegian folk-tales from Asbjornsen and Moe’s ‘Norske Folkeeventyr’, have been selected and magnificently portrayed by Nielson. Only his second book commission, this collection of paintings earned him enormous public recognition and equal standing with Dulac and Rackham as a leading children’s book illustrator. Here, in its larger format, we are offered the luxury of viewing all 25 illustrations with utter clarity. “In these elegant paintings, he combined qualities of Oriental design with those unique features of his native Scandinavia: The melancholic mystery of a bleak Nordic twilight seemed to cast a magical spell on the images themselves. If it were not for the outbreak of war that year, there is no doubt that Nielsen would have continued to produce many more of these remarkable paintings for children, to establish him as a great master of the Northern fairy tale.”-Susan Meyer. These captivating old tales at once exotic and somehow familiar, of princes and princesses, giants and mythic goats, all combine to give us a glimpse into the Norwegian imagination. And we cannot help but agree that: “The quaintness, the tenderness, the grotesque yet realistic intermingling of actuality with supernaturalism, by which the original Norske folkeeventyr are characterized, will make an appeal to all, as represented in the pictures of Kay Nielsen. And these imperishable traditions, whose bases are among the very roots of all antiquity, are here reincarnated in line and colour, to the delight of all who ever knew or now shall know them.”-Preface. [Surely,] these old-wives’ fables “are the romances of the childhood of Nations: they are the never-failing springs of sentiment, of sensation, of heroic example, from which primeval peoples drank their fill at will” (- from the Introduction). This is one of only five books that Nielsen illustrated before going to work as an animator for Disney. The best of the first editions is quite scarce and in a larger and more decorative format then the more common American edition. This copy is handsome and bright and quite a nice copy indeed. $4950.

East of the Sun and West of the Moon Norwegian Fairy Tales Illustrated by Kay Nielsen A Bright and Fresh Copy in the Original Cloth 100 [Nielsen, Kay, illus.]. EAST OF THE SUN AND WEST OF THE MOON: Old Tales From the North (New York: George H. Doran, nd [1914]) First U.S edition. Illustrated with 25 beautiful tipped-in colour plates, numerous black and white illustrations, and elaborate decorative endpapers by Kay Nielsen. 4to, publisher’s original yellow cloth lettered in red on the spine and on the upper cover. 205. An especially nice copy indeed, the original cloth bright with fresh lettering, the spine panel unusually well preserved, internally about as

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clean and fine as we ever see the book. FIRST OF THE EDITION. THE FINE AMERICAN ISSUE OF NIELSEN’S BEST BOOK. Fifteen old Norwegian folk-tales from Asbjornsen and Moe’s ‘Norske Folkeeventyr’, have been selected and magnificently portrayed by Nielson. Only his second book commission, this collection of paintings earned him enormous public recognition and equal standing with Dulac and Rackham as a leading children’s book illustrator. Here, in its larger format, we are offered the luxury of viewing all 25 illustrations with utter clarity. “In these elegant paintings, he combined qualities of Oriental design with those unique features of his native Scandinavia: The melancholic mystery of a bleak Nordic twilight seemed to cast a magical spell on the images themselves. If it were not for the outbreak of war that year, there is no doubt that Nielsen would have continued to produce many more of these remarkable paintings for children, to establish him as a great master of the Northern fairy tale.” -Susan Meyer. These captivating old tales at once exotic and somehow familiar, of princes and princesses, giants and mythic goats, all combine to give us a glimpse into the Norwegian imagination. And we cannot help but agree that: “The quaintness, the tenderness, the grotesque yet realistic intermingling of actuality with supernaturalism, by with the original Norske folkeeventyr are characterized, will make an appeal to all, as represented in the pictures of Kay Nielsen. And these imperishable traditions, whose bases are among the very roots of all antiquity, are here reincarnated in line and colour, to the delight of all who ever knew or now shall know them.” -Preface. $1500.

30 Leading Artists Illustrate the Poems of Frank O’Hara In Memory of My Feelings A Beautifully Produced Tribute From MOMA 101 O’Hara, Frank [MOMA]. IN MEMORY OF MY FEELINGS. A Selection of Poems by Frank O’Hara Edited by Bill Berkson (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1967) LIMITED FIRST EDITION of 2500 numbered copies. A portfolio of 30 poems, each illustrated by one of the most important modern artists of the century including Willem de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Philip Guston, Jasper Johns, Lee Krasner, Roy Lichtenstein, Rohert Motherwell, Barnett Newman, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Larry Rivers as well as many others. Folio leaves, very handsomely presented in the original portfolio of stiff boards of half gray paper over off-white buckram, lettered in brown on the spine, in the matching original buckram covered slipcase with a large paper label printed in black and brown. 55 folding folio leaves, as issued. A very fine and handsome set, the portfolio pages essentially mint and as new, the slipcase in excellent condition as well. FIRST EDITION OF THIS IMPORTANT WORK. A beautifully designed portfolio of poems illustrated by great artists and published by MOMA. The 30 poems are each illustrated by leading mid-century artists. The included artists are; Reuben Nakian, Alex Katz, Lee Krasner, Alfred Leslie, Roy Lichtenstein, Marisol, Allan D’Arcangelo, Joan Mitchell, Robert Motherwell, Barnett Newman, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Larry Rivers, Elaine de Kooning, Willem de Kooning, Niki de Saint Phalle, Helen Frankenthaler, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, Al Held, Jasper Johns, Joe Brainard, Jane Wilson, John Button, Michael Goldberg, Matsumi Kanemitsu, Norman Bluhm, Giorgio Cavallon, Nell Blaine and Jane Fleilicher. Frank O’Hara was a key member of the New York School of poetry, and was also a curator for MOMA and a prominent art critic. This was the first of his works to be published posthumously after his unexpected death in a vehicle accident at the age of 40. Most of the artists included in the collection were personal friends of the poet. His cutting-edge style of poetry was well suited to this tribute by many of the leading artists of the period. $325.

An Original American Watercolour - Dated 1848 A Beautiful Rendering of a Fine Tall Ship Under Sail The Merchant Ship - “Imress” 102 [Original Watercolour]; [American School of Painting 19th Century], [Marine Painting]; [Tall Ship]. AN ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR OF AN AMERICAN MERCHANT SHIP (Boston: Signed “Boston”, Dated 1848) With fine provenance, from the collections of the Musée de la Citadelle Vauban A beautiful original painting in finely executed colours. 380 x 535 mm., the painting matted and handsomely presented. A very finely preserved example. A VERY BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE, FINELY EXECUTED. A portrait of the “Imresse”, an American three-masted merchant ship sailing along the coast and carrying the American flag. Beautifully preserved and especially attractive. $5950.

The Knave of Hearts - A Very Bright and Fine Copy Maxfield Parrish’s Spectacular Masterpiece With Brilliant Colour Illustrations Throughout 103 [Parrish, illus.] Saunders, Louise. THE KNAVE OF HEARTS (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1925) First edition and the best issue bound in cloth and oversized. Decorated with a beautiful colourplate pictorial cover, stunning pictorial endleaves and a profusion of very fine colour illustrations throughout by Maxfield Parrish. 4to, (350 x 295 mm), publisher’s original black cloth with the full size pictorial colour pastedown on the upper cover, and colour illustrated endpapers. (47) pp. A very beautiful copy of this lavish book, fine and with almost no evidence of use. FINE FIRST EDITION OF THIS BRILLIANT ILLUSTRATED BOOK. Perhaps Parrish’s best work, and certainly a very scarce book in nice

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condition. As Parrish himself said, “The reason I wanted to illustrate THE KNAVE OF HEARTS was on account of the bully opportunity it gives for a very good time making the pictures. Imagination could run riot, bound down by no period, just good fun and all sorts of things.” Quoted in Ludwig, p. 48. For sixty-five years Parrish worked in widely varied fields---book illustration, magazine illustration, posters and advertisements, paintings and murals---rendering realm of the imagination with sharp-focus realism. So well known and popular was his work F. Scott Fitzgerald , for example, described the reflection in a restaurant window as being the color of ‘Maxfield Parrish moonlight.’ $3250.

The Sketches of an Artistic Genius - Picasso Limited Edition of the Pace Gallery Exhibition Catalogue With Hundreds of Illustrations from the Sketchbooks 104 [Picasso, Pablo]. SUIS LE CAHIER - THE SKETCHBOOKS OF PICASSO Edited by Arnold and Marc Glimcher (New York: The Pace Gallery, 1986) Limited Collector’s edition of 4000 copies printed especially for the Pace Gallery. Extensively and beautifully illustrated on nearly every page or on fine plates in colour or black & white with images from Picasso’s sketchbooks or of artworks associated with them. Additionally with photographs, many of which being of the artist at various stages of his career. Folio, publisher’s original red cloth lettered in black and blind, endpapers with designs from the sketchbooks, in the original illustrated dustjacket. 349pp. A fine copy. This is a beautify printed work designed by Alessandro Franchini especially for the Pace Gallery to serve as printed catalogue for its 1986 exhibition of sketchbooks by Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest artist of the 20th century. It includes six complete sketchbooks, selections from others, a ‘Catalgue Raisonne’, a memoir by Claude Picasso and a preface by Arnold Glimcher of the Pace Gallery in New York City. “This volume presents to the world for the first time the private sketchbooks of Pablo Picasso. Picasso began these sketchbooks in Barcelona in 1894, at the age of thirteen In this book’s first section, the six sketchbooks that relate to the essays are reproduced in full and in sequence, exactly as Picasso created them. The images in the second section have been taken from thirty of the finest sketchbooks. The final section is a catalogue raisonne, which fully describes all 175 extant sketchbooks and features one image from each.” - From the Dustjacket. $150.

With Willy Pogany’s Brilliant Illustrations The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - A Very Fine Copy Handsomely Presented in the Publisher’s Best Binding 105 [Pogany, illus.] Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER In Seven Parts, Presented by Willy Pogany (London: George G. Harrap, 1915) The first edition in the publisher’s best binding. Profusely illustrated throughout by Willy Pogany, including 20 tipped-in color plates. A richly colored title page by Pogany begins this enchanting classic. With exquisitely detailed pages of intricately woven text and illustrations, enclosed in ornate borders. 4to, bound in the original dark-tan calf with finely tooled pictorial designs in gilt and colours on the upper cover and spine. [178] pp. A fine copy of this book in the beautiful presentation binding. The interior is virtually flawless and the binding is very handsome and beautifully preserved with virtually no evidence of use or age. A SUPERIOR COPY OF THIS GREAT BOOK. One of the most beautiful and decorative books of the period. The binding is quite attractive, the half-title is elaborately printed in gold, red and green; the title-page is a Morris-esque pastiche printed in gold, grey, red, black, purple, green, and yellow; the text is printed in an elaborate script within various woodcut borders, with various pictorial backgrounds in either light gray or green, sometimes accompanied by a vignette illustration. There are, in addition to the color plates, roughly ten full-page illustrations in black and either green or gray; and the pages that have no text or illustrations are filled with decorative elements in various styles and colors. One is reminded of the illuminated manuscripts of Sangorski and Sutcliffe and the amount of decoration on each page of their creations. This is certainly a tour de force by Pogany. $1750.

Tannhauser with Pogany’s Illustrations A Very Fine Copy of the First Edition in Original Cloth 106 [Pogany, illus.] Wagner, Richard. TANNHAUSER: A Dramatic Poem, Freely Translated in Poetic Narrative Form by T.W. Rolleston (New York: Thomas Crowell, 1911) First edition. With 15 mounted color plates, numerous full page illustrations printed in black and red and other decorations by Willy Pogany. 4to, original grey cloth gilt lettered and elaborately decorated in pictorial designs in gilt, blue, and black on the spine and upper cover, t.e.g. A very fine copy, especially fresh, clean and well-preserved. SCARCE FIRST EDITION WITH POGANY’S ILLUSTRATIONS. A sumptuous turn-of-the-century piece, typical of the deluxe editions that were so popular at the time. $875.

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Topper Toy’s Dumbo Spill Game An Impressive Disney Item in Danish 107 [Pop-Up) Disney, Board Game. TOPPER TOY’S DUMBO SPILL ([Monsterbeskyttet: Kaj Kjeldsen], No date, circa 1950) The game board with an impressive pop-up circus tent featuring Dumbo in the center preparing for his famed “burning building leap” and decorated with colorful characters from the movie. Included game pieces featuring colourful characters and an instruction sheet in Danish. 19 by 19 inches, fold-up cardboard game board, and a colorful pictorially decorated paper-board box containing the Dumbo playing pieces, a die, and an instruction sheet. One sheet of playing instructions in Danish. The pop up board is in lovely condition, some wear to the small box of playing pieces. A WELL-PRESERVED DISNEY GAME and one featuring one of the studio’s most beloved animal characters. Dumbo is of course the baby elephant who could fly. Although the rules are in Danish, the game is fairly simple to figure out and appears to be essentially complete. The main attraction here however is the fabulous pop-up circus scene which serves as a centerpiece to the playing-board. $550.

First Edition With Arthur Rackham’s Illustrations The Fairy Tales of Hans Andersen 108 [Rackham, illus.] Andersen, Hans. FAIRY TALES BY HANS ANDERSEN (Philadelphia: David McKay Company, [1932]) First edition, American issue using the English sheets with a title-page printed in the UK for American use. With 12 wonderful colour plates, and 59 black and white illustrations within the text by Arthur Rackham. 4to, original peach cloth lettered and pictorially decorated in gilt, with the fine pictorial endpapers created by Rackham, t.e.g. 288 pp. A fine bright copy, internally as clean and fresh as one could find, plates bright and lovely, the cloth with a bit of mild mellowing to the spine and top edges but in all very handsome and fresh. ELUSIVE ARTHUR RACKHAM FIRST EDITION. A beautiful collaboration of one of the world’s greatest story tellers with one of the 20th century’s finest illustrators. Here we find a wide assortment of Hans Christian Andersen’s well-loved tales beautifully illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Included in the collection are old favorites such as Thumbelina, The Princess and the Pea, The Emperor’s New Clothes, and The Little Match Girl, all affectionately illustrated by the artist. As his career developed, Rackham worked closely with his publisher to find works of literature which were likely to appeal to seasonal book buyers but which also lent themselves to his artistic proclivities. Hans Anderson’s Fairy Tales offered him this ideal combination. Harrap, excited by the prospect of Rackham’s new endeavor, sponsored a trip for him to Denmark to sketch and imbibe the landscape and architecture. $650.

An Arthur Rackham First Edition A Dish of Apples - London - 1921 109 [Rackham, illus.] Phillpotts, Eden. A DISH OF APPLES (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1921) First edition. With 3 tipped-in color plates and 7 black and white illustrations by Rackham. Vignettes and end-papers also by the artist. Small 4to, publisher’s original beige cloth lettered and pictorially decorated in maroon on the spine and upper cover. 80. A fine copy, only a bit of light age mellowing. A FIRST EDITION ILLUSTRATED BY ARTHUR RACKHAM. A group of charming poems, each on a different variety of apple. A rather scarce Rackham title with lovely illustrations. $495.

Rackham’s ‘Pied Piper of Hamelin’ In the Original Wrappers 110 [Rackham, Illus] Browning, Robert. THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN (London: George G. Harrap Co., Ltd., 1939) First of the edition. With a colour plate, a number of black and white plates and black and white line drawings by Arthur Rackham. 8vo, pictorial wrappers designed and executed by Arthur Rackham. 37 pp a very bright, clean copy with only minor wear at the bottom edges of the wrappers. Robert Browning’s classic tale of what happens to people who don’t live up to their end of a bargain. A delicate entry in the Arthur Rackham portfolio. $295.

With 50 Tipped-In Coloured Plates Arthur Rackham’s Rip Van Winkle 111 [Rackham, illus.] Irving, Washington. RIP VAN WINKLE (London: William Heinemann, 1907) Early printing. With 50 fine tippedin color plates by Arthur Rackham, bound in rear as issued. 4to, original olive green cloth, letterd in gilt on the spine and lettered and pictorially illustrated in gilt on the upper cover. xii, 61, illustrated plates. A handsome, bright, clean and well preserved copy with only light mellowing at the spine panel and a touch of the inevitable foxing at the prelims.

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Rackham’s RIP VAN WINKLE was originally issued in 1905 to great critical acclaim. Many compared his style to the German illustrators and The Times called it a “ marvel of his Dureresque detail.” Like the first edition, this copy contains the aggregate of illustrations at the back of the book mounted on thick green paper. $795.

With Additional Original Lithograph - Signed by Ben Shahn The Sorrows of Priapus - Only 150 Copies Signed by Author Dahlberg and Artist Ben Shahn 112 [Shahn, Ben, Illus.]; Dahlberg, Edward. THE SORROWS OF PRIAPUS (Norfolk, CT.: A New Directions Book composed and printed at the Thistle Press in New York, [1957]) FIRST and LIMITED edition, one of only 150 numbered copies SIGNED by both the author and the illustrator, Ben Shahn. Printed on Arches mould-made paper. With the scarce, extra lithograph signed by Ben Shahn, laid-in as called for. Illustrated throughout with many drawings by Ben Shahn, many of which are full page, printed by offset lithography in ochre. 4to, publisher’s original full parchment covered boards by Russell-Rutter, the upper board with a large initial “P” in gilt, the spine gilt lettered, in the original publisher’s paper-covered slipcase with printed label, t.e.g. 119, [1] pp. A beautiful copy, internally pristine and as new, the parchment just a bit toned on the spine as is typical, the slipcase in fine condition with just the lightest hint of age mellowing. LIMITED TO ONLY 150 COPIES, and a beautiful production produced at the Thistle Press. The extra lithograph, which is signed by Ben Shahn is included with this copy, the lithograph is frequently lacking. The work deals with the mind and body in myth and experience in vastly differing cultures. The first part is devoted to the heritage of the Western World, particularly Hebraic and Hellenistic traditions; the second ranges pre-Columbian America. The astonishing erudition is to fuse the two cultures into a common legacy of almost unimaginable richness. Shahn’s “primitive modern” artistic approach seems a perfect match for the subject matter at hand. $750.

Days With Sir Roger de Coverly - In A Very Fine Binding From “The Spectator” - Illustrated by Hugh Thomson 113 [Thomson, Hugh. Illustrator], de Coverley, Sir Roger. DAYS WITH SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY, A Reprint from “The Spectator”. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. (London and New York: Macmillian and Co., 1892) SCARCE DELUXE LARGE PAPER COPY. First issue thus of the third edition. With over sixty delightful illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, in a beautiful deluxe binding by one of the important London binders for Hatchard’s of full green morocco, the boards ruled in gilt, the spine beautifully decorated in artsand-crafts style in an elaborate floral motif in compartments between tall raised bands, two compartments with stylized lettering in gilt, gilt turn-ins and board edges, fine softly marbled endpapers, t.e.g, green silk ribbon marker bound in. ix, 110 pp. Internally a fine, bright copy with just a bit of foxing to the prelims only as is almost always the case, and a few very minor light spots throughout. The binding very handsome and solid, but with some minor faint stains to the boards and some wear to the leather along the hinges and extremities. SCARCE LARGE PAPER COPY IN DELUXE FULL MOROCCO PRODUCED FOR HATCHARD’S BY ONE OF THE IMPORTANT LONDON BINDERS. This “humorous month in the countryside” contains some of Thomson’s most delightful and saucy works. Sir Roger de Coverley was the fictitious English squire of Queen Anne’s reign who was one of the Spectator’s most popular characters. His lovable, yet utterly ridiculous, personality gave Thomson opportunity to unleash his full whimsey in what is unquestionably the most humorous of his illustrated works. $295.

First Edition of the English Issue in Dustjacket Charlotte’s Web - A Bright and Lovely Copy 114 White, E. B. CHARLOTTE’S WEB (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1952) First Edition, the English issue. With pictures throughout by Garth Williams 8vo, publisher’s bright blue cloth pictorially lettered in a spider’s web motif on the upper cover and spine in red and black, in the original dustjacket. [vi],170 pp. A very nice copy of this perennial favorite, the book near fine with just a hint of mellowing to the edges, the jacket likewise, solid and attractive with only the lightest amount of mellowing from time. FIRST EDITION AND A LOVELY COPY. In the 60 odd years since its publication, CHARLOTTE’S WEB has gained a stature accorded to only a small handful of books each decade. One might fairly group it with THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS and BLACK BEAUTY as a classic of the first distinction. The first editions have become scarce, especially in such nice condition. E.B. White was a contributing editor to the New Yorker, a columnist for Harper’s, and the author of adult books as well as the famous Elements of Style, by Strunk and White. White was also a poet and essayist. Thus, it may not be surprising that Charlotte’s Web is not only a masterpiece, but read by adults and children equally. $695.

(617) 536-4433

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Select Index of Authors and Subjects

A Abbott, Edwin Abbott 10 Aesop 18 Alcott, Bronson 24 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 6 Allers, Christian Wilhelm 39 Andersen, Hans 46 Apollinaire 39 Apuleius, Lucius 11 Atlas 24

B Beardsley, Aubrey 11 Bible 33,  34 Bodoni, Officina 18 Bonvalot, Gabriel 24 Bradbury, Ray 10 Brodsky, Joseph 11 Browning, Robert 46 Burton, Sir Richard F. 9,  39

C Cervantes, Migel 14 Chiswick Press 11 Clarke, Harry 40 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 45 Copernicus, Nicolai 1 Cosway Style Binding 12 Coverly, Sir Roger de 47 Cuevas, José Luis 16

D Dahlberg, Edward 47 Dante 7,  12,  13 Darwin, Charles 33 Declaration of Independence 25 Dibdin, Thomas F. 13 Dickens, Charles 14 Dine, Jim 39 Disney 46 Doré, Gustave 14,  34 Dulac, Edmund 40,  42

E Ethiopian Talisman 26 Everest Expeditions 27

F Ficino, Marsilius 36 Flint, Russell 41 Fontaine, Jean de la 14 Frobenium, Hier. 36

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Nielsen, Kay 43


Goble, Warwick 41 Grynaeus, Simon 36 Gurdjieff, George I. 34

O’Hara, Frank 44 Oman, John Campbell 30



Hammett, Dashiell 15 Hardy, Thomas 15 Hearn, Lafcadio 15 Hedin, Sven 28 Hellman, Lillian 15 Hemingway, Ernest 15 Hersey, John 16 Hobbes, Thomas 28 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 34

Pace Gallery 45 Painting, Marine 44 Palmer, Thomas 30 Parrish, Maxfield 44 Partridge, Charles 30 Perac, Du 26 Petrarca 18 Phillpotts, Eden 46 Picasso, Pablo 45 Plato 36 Poe, Edgar Allan 19,  40 Pogany, Willy 45 Pop-Up 46

I I Ching 34 Independence, Declaration of 8,  25



Kafka, Franz 16 Kawaguachi, Shramama 29 Kipling, Rudyard 41 Kuhnert, Wilhelm 35

L Lawrence, T.E. 29 Lee, Harper 16 Letchford, Albert 9,  39 Limited Editions Club 16,  42 Longfellow, Henry W. 17 Lydekker, R. 35

N Na-Haub, Siuol 6 Nicholson, P. 43

Zatta, Antonio 7

Rackham, Arthur 46 Ramayana 37 Rand, Ayn 19

Jastrow, M. 28 Jung, C. G. 34

Magini, Giovanni 1,  35 Malory, Thomas 11,  41 Mann, Thomas 10,  17 Manuscript, Illuminated 37,  41 Maspero, Gaston 29 Michelangelo 42 Milton, John 5,  17,  42 M.O.M.A. 44 Monet, Claude 42 Muir, Edwin 16





Westwood, J.O. 38 Wharton, Edith 22 White, E.B. 47 Whitman, Walt 23 Wild Carrot Letterpress 16 Williams, Garth 47

Sage, Le 20 Saunders, Louise 44 Savage-Landor, A. Henry 31 Sears, Clara 24 Shahn, Ben 47 Shakespeare, William 12,  19 Smith, Charles 27 Smollett, Tobias 20 Sonnini, C. S. 31 Stein, Aurel 31 Steinbeck, John 20

T Tanglewood Press 39 Tangye, H. Lincoln 32 Thistle Press 47 Thomson, Hugh 47 Thoreau, Henry David 20 Trubull, John 8,  25 Twain, Mark 6,  21,  22

V Vámbéry, Arminius 32 Verne, Jules 22

W Waddell, L.A. 37 Wagner, Richard 45 Watercolour, Original 44

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