Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi 2015

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2nd Oct 1869 - 30th Jan 1948 “When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad-Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies - and my life has been full of external tragedies - and if they have left visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavad-Gita.� Mahatma Gandhi

Albert Einstein said of Mahatma Gandhi that, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”.


Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in London One of the most moving of all statues of Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) is at Tavistock Square in Central, London. The statue, by British sculptor Fredda Brilliant, was gifted to London by the Indian High Commissioner in Britain in 1967, and unveiled by the Labour Prime Minister of the day, The Rt Hon Mr Harold Wilson.

fter 60 years of his brutal killing by a fanatic, Mahatma Gandhi still remains a historical icon in the modern time. Gandhi’s fundamental teaching of Ahimsa, or non-violence and truth are still revered in the modern public life. Many of us have used two of his favourite quotes. One of them is, “You must be the change you want to see in the world”. The other is, “only the weak can never forgive”. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. His message was that violence is the problem and to address it, if we want real change, we must change. We must experience a revolution of the heart in which we realise that peace is the only path to pursue. Every other path will lead us astray. His life signifies his total faith in the practice of peace and non-violence in everyday life; even in every interaction.

Gandhiji believed in the strength of Satyagraha -holding firmly to truth. Important to his ideology was expression of truth without violence in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Mahatma Gandhi never won the Nobel Prize for Peace, but the apostle of truth and non-violence continues to inspire people around the globe who go on to win the coveted honour - US President Barack Obama being the latest among them had called Gandhi the "real hero of mine". The Prime Minister Hon Mr Narendra Modi described Mahatma Gandhi as a “vishv maanav” – one who was not bound by man-made borders. He said ‘Bapu’ was a torchbearer not only for his generation but for the future generations as well. He said the world currently faces two major challenges, terrorism and climate change, and said the solution to both could be found in the life and thought of Mahatma Gandhi. 

On 25th March 2015, the Prime Minister David Cameron, accompanied by Finance Minister of India Hon. Arun Jetley, Amitabh Bachchan and Gopal Krishan Gandhi, one of the grandsons of Gandhiji unveiled a 9 feet high statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the Parliament Square of London.

Prime Minister David Cameron seen paying his tribute by the traditional Indian greetings—’Namaste’. (L) Shree Amitabh Bachchan is seen with Finance Minister of India Arun Jetley.(R) Standing is grandson of Gandhi, Gopal Krishan Gandhi.

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Once the then Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill derided Gandhiji for "posing as a (half-naked) fakir." Ironically, now the statue of Gandhi shares the most prestigious space with his statue along with the South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela in the Parliament Square. . At the event Mr Cameron hailed Gandhiji as "one of the towering figures in the history of world politics" and said that the statue would give him "an eternal home in our country". This is a befitting ‘respect’ that was long over due from the United Kingdom to the great man of India. Mahatma Gandhi will be the first Indian and the only person ever to have been in public office to be honoured with a statue in the square. Gandhi Statue Memorial Trust is headed by Labour Party Peer Meghnad Desai and his wife Kishwar Desai. The project costing over £1m and funded through donations. Gandhi's 9-foot statue was unveiled jointly by British Prime Minister The Rt Hon David Cameron and Finance Minister Hon Arun Jaitley as the guests chanted “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram", one of the most popular and Gandhiji’ favourite bhjans reverberated in the air.  Special Edition: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

On October 2nd, a person was not born in Porbandar but an era was born... I firmly believe that Mahatma Gandhi is as relevant today as he was during his time” Hon Sri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Mahatma Gandhi's 'samadhi':offering floral tributes with bowed head in respect.

Speaking at his first bilateral visit to Australia and unveiling a bronze statue of Mahatma Gandhi

Picture: indiatoday

T PM unveils statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Bishkek Mahatma Gandhi, Kyrgyzstan, Modi In Central

PM MODI unveiled statue of Mahatma Gandhi Bishkek 12 June 2015

he India’s Prime Minister, Hon Mr Narendra Modi exhorted the global community to take a cue from Gandhiji’s teachings of non-violence and love in meeting challenges such as terrorism and global warming. Speaking in State of Queensland, Australia he added, “I firmly believe that Mahatma Gandhi is as relevant today as he was during his time.” It is one thing for a Prime Minister to show respect for the ‘father of the nation’ but to overtly emphasise importance of Mahatma Gandhi is indeed a remarkable tribute on a freign soild and global platform.. In an impressive recognition of his greatness he said, “On October 2nd, 1869, it was not just a person who was born in Porbandar … but an era was born”. On terrorism and global warming, the two major challenges Mr Modi had gone one step ahead at G20, saying; “ If we look at Gandhiji’s life and his teachings, then we

will be able to find solutions to the problems that the world faces today.” Pictures curtsy of: Ironically, he described Mahatma as a "yug purush (a great man)”, who he felt belonged to the whole world. Modiji had risen to the level of statesmanship by recognising the qualities and messages left in the legacy of Gandhiji. In this historical landmark respect, Modiji has a district and strong message to those who have chosen to misunderstand this great man for over half the century. Modiji has placed emphasis on two practical aspects of Gandhiji’s deliberations; promotion of ‘Khandi’ and also the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. His recent focus on ‘Make in India’ has taken the central theme of Mahatma Gandhi of self reliance for the nation during the struggle for independence. As Modiji matures with the ‘Gandhi wisdom’, in time, perhaps he may become in true sense a Kahdi Dhari after all! 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiling the bust of Mahatma Gandhi, in Hannover, Germany - (PTI)


n Oct 2014, coinciding with Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary, the Indian Primer Hon Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan - Clean India campaign at Rajpath in New Delhi . He said, Mahatma Gandhi gave us the message quit India, clean India.

Narendra Modi unveils Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Brisbane - Curtesy: Indian Express

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Gandhiji once said "Sanitation is more important than independence". The cleanliness and sanitation remained an integral part of his way of living. Cleanliness relates to physical well-being and impacts up on creating a healthy environment which has bearing on public hygiene. India faces a huge challenge in tackling the spread of many communicable disease, mostly rooted in country's appalling hygienic conditions and spread through food and water contaminations. Well-known are Malaria, Typhoid, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Leptospirosis, Diarrhoea, Amoebiasis, Cholera, Brucellosis, Hookworm Infection, Influenza, Filariasis and Tuberculosis. In recent years, India has seen an increase in infections such as dengue and chikungunya. The mid-set, ‘As long as my house is clean, it does not matter how the roads or the neighbourhood looks’, Following in the footstep, PM Modi taking his an over-riding thought pattern that has taken root in broom to streets in support of ‘Swachh Bharat our psyche since ages. Abhiyan’ campaign.


Special Edition: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

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Special Edition: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

With his wife Kasturba - Life companion Pietermaritzburg

Geneva, Switzerland

Moscow, Russia




With Nehru and Patel, two most trusted allies Copenhagen

Union Square Park NYC - May 2008

Jinja, Uganda

Some of postal stamps

With grand daughters Qubec, Canada

At 10 Downing Street

Florida USA

Leicester UK



With Manchester textile workers At Round Table conference in London

With Vinoba Bhave; advocate of nonviolence

Gandhiji after being shot

Gandhi taking salt at Dandi to oppose the salt tax imposed by the British Raj.

Starting of his funeral procession

The last journey on the Raj Marg, Delhi

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Special Edition: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

In 1986, Gandhi Bapu Memorial Trust began publishing ‘Gandhi Darshan’ (ગ ધ ાં ી દર્શન) This quarterly exclusive magazine, known at the time in the country that promoted thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi and supporting activities undertaken by the British Indian diaspora. The Trust was fortunate that the ‘Madhavashram’ offered to publish it on behalf of the trust. Late Mr Jivanjibhai Patel was an owner of a printing company had proved a great asset in this endeavours. . In my early youth, the work of the Trust had inspired me immensely. More so, as my appreciation and understanding of what Gandhiji stood for grew. We owe gratitude to late Sri Jivanjibhai Patel and Late Shri Nalinikant T Pandya MBE, the team of two who had toiled to ensure that the work of the trust reached into the wider section of the Europe community. In the process, they reached out to many bodies and individuals across the world to share and promote Gandhiji’s message. The Editorial executive team of Gandhi Darshan was lead by Mr Patel and Mr Pandya and saw the publication thrive in its popularity over the years. We also note the contribution of Shree Vinod Kapasi, Mrs Kokila Thakar who provided their linguistic skills for the Gujarati section in the publication. Mr Popatbhai Panchal, Mr Jitubhai Dave and Mr J P Thakker were also part of the team and contributed to the success of the publication. There many more names, yet with humble apology to those left out for lack of space as much as their contact details. The trust itself held competition of poetry and articles about Gandhiji for encouraging children to learn about him. A group of dedicated Gandhiji’s supporters had marched from Manchester to London to mark Gandhi’s association with City of Manchester and the workers in the textile industry. For me, it was an honour to have been elected to be the Hon General Secretary to serve the Gandhi Bapu Memorial Trust for many years. Buddhdev Pandya MBE

GANDHI'S LONDON WALK 2007 On 20th July 2007, for me it was privileged to be a part of unveiling the ‘'Gandhi's London Walk' Press Conference in London. During the event people were invited to undertake a two hour intensive walk through central London, exploring some of the landmark buildings associated with MK Gandhi and India's struggle for freedom. Speaking at the time, Mr Pandya, as former Secretary General of the Gandhi Bapu Memorial Trust I had said, “The Trust had organised a similar march from Manchester to London during the 70s, and was a great honour being invited to launch the event that signifies a symbolic 'salt march' lead by Mahatma Gandhi which succeed in provoking millions in the struggle against unjust rules of the British Raj." As Indians, he added, " We are proud to be a part of this multi-racial capital which many of us made it our home". It was ironic that we celebrate the contribution of this great soul – Mahatma in London with the support of the London Mayor; marking the values of true democracy. The project was part of ‘India Now’ with a series of events planned. The vent was supported by Here@Now Diversity Media 365 and The Goyal Foundation and others.

London is to celebrate 67th Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi with a ‘Gandhi Walk’ planned on 2nd October at 11:30am. The guest would walk from the historically well known statue of Mahatma based in the Tavistock Street, Woburn Place, Bloomsbury Camden, London WC1H to the newly unveiled statue by the Prime Minister of Britain in the Parliament Square. The event will end with speeches by dignitaries between 1.00pm and 2.00pm and offering of petals by leaders of organisations and politicians. The organisers want people of all faiths to join, connect with others, to show how much we are concerned and how important peace and values upheld by Gandhiji. In the end it can only be achieved by talking and understanding each other. Come join with us. Together we will walk the path to peace for all mankind. We can do it! For further Information, please Contact: Pravin Amin, Tel: 07967013871, Email: Sharad Parikh, Tel: Email: 07734915211 The event is supported by the Indian High Commission and in coordinated in association with Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, Gandhi Foundation, 'ONE JAIN', Lohana Community South London, Rajput Samaj UK, National Congress of Gujarati Organisations (UK), Karamsad Samaj, Bhadran Bandhu Samaj, Vaso Nagrik Mandal UK, Nadiad Nagrik Mandal, Dharmaj Society, Ashram Asian Day Centre, Yogi Divine Society, Croydon Hindu Council, India League, Anjuman e Saifee Leicester, Brent Indian Association, Brahmin Samaj (N London) and various community and faith organisations. Mr Pravin Amin who is a Trustee of National Association of Patidar Samaj said, “ We are grateful to the Indian High Commission, Local Government Authorities, various voluntary organisations, invited guests, the media and individuals for their support for this event. Gandhi Bapu is as relevant now as at the era of independence, but more so for his values like Truth, Non-violence, Vegetarianism, Brahmacharya, Simplicity and Faith that we need to cherish.

This publication is dedicated to the late Shri Nalinikant T Pandya MBE and Late Shri JivanjiBhai Patel of the Gandhi Bapu Memorial Trust. Also, to ate Shri Dahyabhai (Kavi) Patel who has extensively written about Gandhiji and promoted his work in the United Kingdom.

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Mr Sharad Parikh, a Trustee of Gita Foundation explains relevance of Gandhii to Gita by saying, “Mahatma Gandi had enormous faith in Bhagwat Geeta. He quoted Gandhiji, “ When disappointment stares me in the face and all alone I see not one ray of light, I go back to the Bhagavad-Gita. I find a verse here and a verse there , and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies -- and my life has been full of external tragedies -- and if they have left no visible or indelible scar on me, I owe it all to the teaching of Bhagavad-Gita.”

This is a souvenir to mark Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. It is not for sale or making profit. Many memories or information and pictures of Gandhiji were not included mainly due to lack of space. Any one interested in promoting the work would be welcomed to contact: Buddhdev Pandya MBE by email: M: 07776291298


Special Edition: Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

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