1 minute read

Getting technical support in Jamaica?

INMED Caribbean, through various partnerships provides technical and business training, access to financing, links to markets and other skills to help small-scale farmers, women and youth implement commercial and noncommercial aquaponics systems to improve food security, income-generating opportunities and climate change adaptation.

INMED Caribbean has also partnered with Jamaica 4-H Club to train young people in adaptive agriculture and aquaponics through 4-H’s community-based clubs and have established the first INMED Aquaponics® Social Enterprise (INMED ASE) farm and training centre in Jamaica to help smallholder farmers and emerging entrepreneurs start aquaponics businesses.


To learn more about home aquaponics, training or to tour the INMED ASE farm in Vernamfield, Clarendon, you may contact us at email contact@inmed.org as well as visit inmedase.org and inmedcaribbean.org.

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