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Paul Vunak

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Paul Vunak

Paul Vunak

PFS: Which of the Gracies did you train with besides Rorion?

PV: Besides about a year and a half with him, I worked with Royce for about the same amount of time, Royler for about 6 months, and Rickson for about three years.


PFS: Why did you train with all four of the Gracies?

PV: They all have a different "feel" and perception of how things are done.

PFS: Not to play favorites, but did you "connect" with any particular brother in a special way?

PV: Well, they're all incredible ground fighters, but anyone who has ever rolled around for even five minutes with Rickson will tell you that he's from another planet! Besides an intense appreciation for the years I had with him, I have no words to describe his skill level. There are certain athletes who defy description...Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Rickson Gracie...l guess God was in a good mood when he was dishing out attributes for these guys! (Laughs.)

PFS: Were other JKD practitioners studying Jiu Jitsu also?

PV: Very, very few. I think that for most people who have dedicated years to the martial arts and are already teachers, it is too difficult to put on a Gi, strap on a white belt, and start all over as a student.

PFS: What was your next evolutionary phase?

PV: Well, I got absolutely fanatical about Jiu Jitsu...l spread the word about Gracie Jiu Jitsu from South Dakota to South Africa. No one outside of Brazil had really even heard of the Gracies back then, so I integrated the training into all of my schools worldwide. Later the Gracies opened up a school, and then came the UFC. Now they're a household name. I'm glad and honored that I got to train with them back when they were more accessible. Paul Vunak giving instruction

PFS: When did you start teaching the Navy SEALs?

PV: They initially approached me i n late '88.

PFS: Why did they come to you?

PV: I have no idea. I was originally approached by a gentleman named Monty Trezise, who interviewed me extensively and then directed me to Frank Gucci. After an eye-to-eye meeting, Frank became very enthusiastic and spearheaded my relocation to Virginia.

PFS: Which teams did you work with?

PV: Mainly Team 6; however, I eventually got around to most of the teams in one capacity or another. We did most of the training on base; however, a few times I would work with teams preparing for more covert operations, and we would train off base in a banquet room at a nearby hotel.

PFS: How long did you stay in Virginia?

PV: For a very long three years. Navy SEALs Letter.

PFS: Why do you say "very long?"

PV: Because I really didn't like living in Virginia. All we ever did was train all day, and go to biker bars and drink beer and fight every night. Those were dark days for me that I'm not particularly proud of.

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