Alternative Natural Colorectal Cancer Treatments - Budwig

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Alternative Natural Colorectal Cancer Treatments


How Common is Colorectal Cancer? We hear a lot about breast cancer on the news and on social media, reports about celebrities battling cancer, like Angela Jolie’s double mastectomy, is common. Much is also published about prostate and lung cancer, however, this trend is beginning to change. For example, according to a 2012 Center for Disease Control study colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S for both men and women.

Why is colon cancer skyrocketing? And why are more and more young people being diagnosed with it? The main culprit is the western diet. Deep fried foods and processed foods containing refined cooking oils and white sugar are now the main sources of “nutrition” many people eat. These foods create a toxic overload within our system which is like fertilizer for cancer. Hippocrates, who has been called “The Father of Medicine”, once said the ‘all disease begins in the gut’. Because of consuming nonorganic, genetically modified and highly processed foods, many people have over 20 toxic chemicals that are being produced in the colon and causing toxic build-up. Toxins like phenols, indoles, amines, and ammonia.

Dr. Budwig’s Approach to Prevent Colon Cancer:

Avoid Constipation: I like to start my day by drinking a glass of pure water followed by several servings of whatever fresh fruit is in season. Fruit is like a broom that sweeps clean the waste from the body with its high fiber content. I wash fruit in a container of pure water (5 parts water and 1 part white vinegar) to remove harmful chemicals. Colonic Irrigation: The Budwig Center uses colonic irrigation to remove mucoid plaque. Some people have a hard buildup of mucoid plaque in the colon which may hinder the body from absorbing nutrients and removing metabolic toxins and waste optimally. Mucoid plaque builds up slowly over the years without showing any signs of serious problems and many of us have excess mucus stuck in our bowels and do not even know it

Alternative natural colorectal cancer treatments at the Budwig Center would also include such therapies as: Foot detox sessions, FOUR-IN-ONE treatments, pulsed magnetic and matrix regeneration sessions, spinal realignment and EFT (emotional freedom technique) therapies to name a few. Processed Meats: Stop eating commercially processed meats such as sausages, ham, bacon, hot dogs, etc. If you do eat meat, consider lowering the quantity per meal and eat only meat that is organic, grass-fed, and hormone and antibiotic-free. Pork is to be avoided because it often carries the heaviest toxic load. Food Combining: Proteins and starches do not mix well in the same meal and actually neutralize each other, which can lead to indigestion. Improper food combining is one of the primary factors that cause malnutrition, gas, flatulence, heartburn, and upset stomach. Fruit is much like water and so in about 20 minutes, it is ready to move on.

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