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Summary of Instructional Excellence Efforts

Family and Community Partnerships Engagement

Meaningful connections among schools, families, and community are instrumental in ensuring that children have access to what they need from birth through Grade 3. Quality, continuity, and equity in children’s learning and development are advanced when educators prioritize building bridges between schools and resources in the community to coordinate family support. The work that school staff members do with community organizations, agencies, and other providers helps support children and families within the school setting. Improvements in children’s academic and developmental outcomes are tied to a school’s collaboration with its community. During the 2021–2022 transition year, the Institute’s staff intentionally built connections between schools and community organizations to support the needs and interests of families.



School leaders and staff in the Superintendents’ Plan, including principals, educators, family facilitators, and home visitors, focus on being responsive to families, building meaningful connections, and providing access to needed resources. Institute staff provides coaching and professional learning to strengthen parent and child relationships and family well-being by focusing on: • Family-school relationships • Collaborative relationships • Effective communication • Families as advocates and decision-makers • Family representation • Family support for transitions • Eliminating barriers to partnerships • Early learning pathways • Comprehensive child and family supports • Culturally responsive connections


Institute staff provided opportunities for leaders, educators, and providers to develop understanding and capacity for school, family, and community partnerships. For example, Institute staff: • Facilitated monthly community of practice meetings and conducted coaching sessions with home visitors and family facilitators that supported sharing of ideas and expanded thinking on how to partner with families both virtually and in person while sustaining responsiveness to needs. Topics discussed included:

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