Downers Grove 12-12-12

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2012 Last Minute Gift Guide!


Statewide caucuses set course for April election


Our Village, Our News

DECEMBER 12, 2012

Vol. 5 No. 2

Last chance for input on video gambling Westmont holds final Public Safety Committee hearing before Village Board’s Dec. 17 vote By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter

A MultiAd, Inc.

Third and final Public Safety Committee hearing will be the last opportunity for business owners to make case for video gambling terminals.

special Westmont Public Safety Committee hearing at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13, will be the final opportunity for interested parties to express their viewpoints regarding video gambling terminals coming to licensed establishments in their community. Earlier this year, the Public Safety Committee held two special hearings to invite the public to discuss the topic of video gambling. The committee has considered the issue under review with no final decision made by either the

committee or the village board. “Business owners at previous meetings presented information and their request for video gaming,” Westmont Police Chief Tom Mulhearn said. “Several local merchants have expressed an interest in having video gaming terminals in their business.” The last special public safety committee hearing regarding video gambling will be held at the Village Hall, 31 W. Quincy St., on the second floor. “One issue is revenue and the other is for these merchants to have video gaming See VIDEO GAMBLING, page 4




League of Women Voters support graduated income tax By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporting

It’s no secret Illinois has a debt problem. In 2013, Illinois will have accumulated $8 million in unpaid bills, according to the 2013 Illinois State Budget. The state’s debt was the result of a continual structural deficit built up over many years. The Downers Grove League of Women Voters recently held a forum recommending the graduated income tax as a means to solving Illinois’ accumulated debt. League President Hilary Denk told those gathered that the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability -- a research and advocacy organization -- created

the graduated tax presentation. “The question is do we have a spending problem or a revenue problem,” Denk said. “This huge shortfall will have a direct impact on all of us.” Since 1969,the state of Illinois has maintained a flat income tax structure, which assesses one tax rate for all taxpayers, regardless of income. Illinois is one of seven states with a flat income tax. Massachusetts has the highest flat tax rate with 5.3 percent; then Illinois is second at 5 percent (including the 67 percent tax increase that Gov. Pat Quinn signed in 2011) and Pennsylvania is the lowest at 3.07 percent. Illinois’ flat tax rate for businesses is 9.5

percent. A graduated income tax, also referred to as a progressive tax initiative, assesses greater tax rates on higher levels of income, according to the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The graduated rate structure allows an income tax to adjust its burden in accordance with ability to pay. Thus, imposes a greater tax burden on higher income taxpayers when the burden is measured as a percentage of income. The federal government’s tax structure is based on a graduated income tax. Supporters of the graduated income tax argue that it is fairer tax for all incomes because it is the only tax which increases if

the taxpayer receives a raise. “The graduated tax income is a fairer way of raising revenue,” Denk said. “We are just increasing taxes to those who have the ability to pay.The state of Illinois voted for that when they voted for Obama, because that’s his tax policy.” Opponents argue that it places an undue burden on middle to low-income taxpayers.Downers Grove Village Trustee Becky Rheintgen said she had some questions after she attended the League presentation. “I always try to learn and understand both sides of every argument,” Rheintgen said. “So after the presentation, I sought out information detailing the drawbacks of instituting a

graduated income tax in Illinois at the Illinois Policy Institute. “Personally, I think amending the Illinois Constitution to allow the state to impose a graduated income tax rather than the current system of a flat tax would be a mistake. It will lead to higher taxes on the middle class, an increase in job loss, and it will slow economic growth. I think it is unfair to tax an individual who makes more at a higher rate.” The CTBA plan of a graduated income tax would increase taxes for 85 percent of taxpayers, resulting in a higher tax rate for middle class, according to the Illinois Policy Institute, a research and advocacy organization. Because Illinois’ flat income tax is protected by the state Constitution, Illinois residents must vote to approve any change to the Constitution first. “Absolutely we would have to change the Constitution so it would be on the 2014 ballot, then the first chance to enact any legislation would be spring 2015,” Denk said. “The voters should have the opportunity to make this decision by the ballot. “We are trying to get the information out to people and get feedback. We’re really interested in people who are willing to write letters to the editor about this issue.” To learn more about the graduated income tax, visit the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability at www. For more information regarding to the risks of the graduated income tax, visit the Illinois Policy Institute at www. The Downers Grove League of Women Voters can be reached at 630-724 9760 or by visiting org/.



Statewide caucuses set course for April election By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter

Democrats and Republicans in Lisle and Downers Grove townships nominated their candidates on Dec. 4 for the April 2013 election. By state law, political parties in all of Illinois’ 1,432 townships must hold their caucus on the first Tuesday in December, preceding the date of the election, to select the candidates running for township in the following April election. “Township government is grassroots government, meaning the closest level of government to the people,” said Brian Krajewski, Downers Grove Township Republican Organization Chairman. By statute, townships are to provide three services: a general assistance program to qualifying residents, property assessment (assessor) and maintenance of

township roads and bridges (highway commissioner). Illinois is one of 20 states that have township government, according to the 2010 United States Census. But, Illinois ranks highest among those states with 6,994 layers of government. Township government does not include municipalities such as villages, cities or unincorporated towns.All residents in Illinois are part of a township, whether or not they live in an incorporated area. Downers Grove and Westmont are in Downers Grove Township. Offices up for Downers Grove Township on the April, 2013, ballot are assessor, highway commissioner, supervisor, clerk and four trustees. Downers Grove Republican township candidates nominated on Dec. 4 were incumbent Frank Wurster for supervisor; incumbent Theresa “Terri” Cockrell for assessor; incumbent

Lawrence “Andy” Anderson for highway commissioner; Laura Hois for clerk and incumbent William “Bill” Swanston, incumbent Kathy Abbate, incumbent Mark Cuthbert and Lorraine Grimsby for the four trustee offices. “We had one person run for each office so the vote was unanimous,”said Brian Krajewski, Downers Grove Township Republican Chairman. Downers Grove Democrats filled all the offices with the exception of slating only two candidates to run for the four trustee openings. “We are deliberately only running two trustees,” said Kim Savage, Downers Grove Democrat Organization Chairwoman. “The Democratic candidates were nominated unanimously.” Democrats running for DuPage Township positions are Karol Ann Sole for supervisor,

Ruth C. “Chris” Hotchkin for clerk, Christopher English for highway commissioner, and Megan McCarthy Schroeder and
James Boyce for trustee. “We are excited about our slate,” Savage said. “They have been monitoring the township government for almost five years and have pushed for changes that have ultimately been implemented by the current trustees.” Woodridge is part of the Lisle Township, where Republicans on Dec. 4 had more than 600 registered voters attend for their caucus. “Some townships have a pre-caucus meeting to select a slate of candidates they will offer to the public at the caucus,” said Mike Loftus, Lisle Township Republican Caucus Chairman.“Since we do not preslate, our candidates presented themselves to the voters at the caucus. The fact that over

600 voters participated in the caucus shows this is Democracy in action, and that voters value this approach.” Lisle Township Republicans voted for Richard J. Tarulis to run for township supervisor, incumbent John Trowbridge for assessor, Robert J Klaeren II for township clerk, Charles Clarke for highway commissioner, and Michael Riedy, incumbent Michael Tams, K. Sharon Connell and Ed Young for the four trustee positions. Despite several attempts, the Lisle Township Democratic Organization did not answer phone calls or emails. Before voting in a caucus, people must sign an affidavit that he or she is a registered voter of that township and affiliated with the established party holding the caucus and may not take part in more than one established political party’s caucus for same election.



Hidden holiday dangers Favorite holiday traditions may be risky to pets By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter

The Christmas season can be hazardous to your pet’s health. There are many hidden dangers that could throw a damper on the holiday season. While Christmas trees are beautiful, they have many potential risks. Anchoring the tree to the ceiling, window frame or another sturdy object can prevent it from falling, especially since cats like to climb trees. Pine needles left on the floor can cause intestinal

damage if swallowed. “Drinking the water under the tree is not good for dogs or cats at all. It can have a lot of bacteria that can cause severe stomach upset and diarrhea,” said Brandi McNeely, DuPage County Animal Care and Control Rescue and Volunteer Coordinator. Bright-colored ornaments, especially placed on a low branch, can be eye-catching to your pet for play. If these ornaments break, the pieces can cut an animal’s mouth or paws.

“If swallowed, tinsel can get caught in the digestive tract and can lead to an emergency surgery, or even death,” McNeely said. While poinsettias have been considered poisonous, only the sap of a poinsettia is mildly toxic, according to It may cause nausea or vomiting, but not death. Mistletoe and holly, along with their berries, have a greater toxicity level than the poinsettia. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, so the aroma of baking family favorites can be so tempting. Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic, according to PetMd. com. The amount and type of chocolate ingested are the determining factors for the severity of the toxicity. There are three types of chocolate that are dangerous. Milk chocolate and semisweet chocolate only become severely toxic when more than one ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. Baking chocolate has the highest concentration of

caffeine and theobromine. Therefore, as little as two, small one-ounce squares of baking chocolate can be toxic to a 20-pound dog. Among the symptoms for chocolate are vomiting,diarrhea, increased body temperature, muscle rigidity, increased heart rate and seizures, with advanced signs being coma and cardiac failure. After their dog has eaten a large quantity of chocolate, many dog owners assume their pet is unaffected. However, the signs of sickness may not be seen for several hours, with death following within 24 hours. Cats can be affected by chocolate, but most cats have no interest. In fact, over 90 percent of chocolate toxicity cases are for dogs. “You need to be careful of edible presents under the tree at Christmas time,” McNeely said. “Dogs have a tendency to eat edible presents and get into all sorts of Christmas goodies.” Leftover bones can damage the intestinal tract. It is best to never feed the family pet

table scraps, and make sure all garbage cans are secure A fire in the fireplace or scented candles burning throughout the house can create a festive atmosphere, but a curious puppy or kitten can easily get burned or worse, start a fire. If pets play with or chew on the electric cords required for electric holiday decorations, they can receive a shock or start a fire. Ask any guests to secure medications, dentures and toiletries out of the animal’s reach. Kids ask Santa for puppies and kittens every year. “People who buy animals impulsively usually end up overwhelmed and disappointed,” McNeely said. “We receive many animals a year because of a lack of proper research. It is important to make sure the children are not scared, and there are no unknown allergies.” McNeely recommends adult dogs or cats for small children because there is less training, and their behavior is easier to manage than a puppy’s.


customers may go to another business with video gaming, thus hurting the customer base of Westmont businesses.” Following the special Public Safety Committee hearing, the issue of video gaming will be on the village board committee of the whole agenda for board discussion, which will begin at 7 p.m. The agenda includes asking the village board to reconsider their 2009 vote, according to Mulhearn. At a 2009 village board meeting, the board unanimously voted to postpone the discussion on video gambling terminals in licensed establishments as permitted by the Video Gambling Act.

The formal vote will occur at the village board’s regular voting meeting on Monday, Dec. 17. “I have not heard any reactions for or against video gaming at this point other than the information discussed at the previous meetings,” Mulhearn said. “If video gaming is approved, the department will expand its premise and enforcement checks to include monitoring licensed businesses to ensure they are in compliance with state and local ordinance on video gaming.” For more information regarding this meeting and topic, contact Mulhearn at or call 630-981-6300.

Continued from page 1 before other local communities,” Mulhearn said.“Local businesses do not want to lose their customer base. A concern is

Calendar ONGOING Christmas Lights Recycling. In support of the Strategic Plan goal to be “green” mindful and sustainable, the Village will offer recycling of Christmas tree lights and extension cords. A receptacle will be available at the Downers Grove Public Works Facility, 5101 Walnut Ave. now through February 1, 2013. Items may be dropped off during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Acceptable items are: Mini-lights (also known as Italian lights); C7 lights; C9 lights; Rope lights; LED lights; and Extension cords Third Thursday. 5–7 p.m. every third Thursday at the DuPage Children’s Museum. Third Thursdays are a special time once a month for families of children with autism spectrum disorder, visual, and mobility impairments to come play at the Museum. All activities are free with admission or membership. Great Decisions Foreign Policy Discussion Group. 9:30-11:30 a.m. every Monday at the Downers Grove Library. Topics for 2012 include: Middle East realignment, promoting democracy, Mexico, cybersecurity,exit forAfghanistan and Iraq, state of the oceans, Indonesia,and energy geopolitics. Registration is not required. Call Nancy Peraino at 630-968-8706 for more information. Do you want to stop drinking? Contact Alcoholics Anonymous at 630-887-8671 to get help, or go online to to find a local meeting. Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings daily at the West Suburban Alano Club, 17 W. Quincy St., Westmont. Open speaker meetings at 7 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. Sundays, other meetings listed by day and hour on www.wsacaa. org. Memberships available: inquire at the Club. Baby andToddler Storytime. 10:15-10:45 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Westmont Library. Get ready for stories, songs, and interactive play.Young children and a caregiver can enjoy this weekly time together while nurturing a love of reading. For ages 0-3. Toddler & Me Playgroup. 10:45-11:30 a.m. Thursdays at the Westmont Library. Bring your young children to a special

morning playtime in the library’s meeting room. Interact with other moms and caregivers while the kids play and eat snacks. Saturday morning storytime. 9:30-10 a.m. at the Downers Grove Library. Join in every Saturday morning for storytime filled with stories, songs, and fingerplays. This program is for children of all ages and their caregivers. Adult participation is an important part of this storytime. Job club. Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Woodridge Library, 3 Plaza Drive,Woodridge. Job Club members learn to write résumés and cover letters,develop interviewing skills and find job leads. No sign-up, no fee, just drop in. For further information call 630-964-7899, email askus@, or visit Large Food Pantry. To better serve your needs, Power Connection’s Large Food Pantry will now be open on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 1 to 6:45 p.m. Due to the holiday, our Large Pantry will be open on Tuesday, May 29th, at 999 Remington Blvd, Suite F, Bolingbrook, and grab a shopping cart! Next month, June 11 and 25. For a $20 donation you can shop the aisles of canned/boxed goods, drinks, deserts, snacks, breads, fruits & vegetables. You will also receive a pre-selected bag of meat. There is no income verification and all residents of Illinois are welcome. The Clothing Pantry is open from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. on those Mondays. We carry clothing for men/women/children as well as household items, furniture, sundries, toys and so much more! Cleaning out your house? We accepts donations MondayThursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call (630) 679-6899 or visit www. for more information/services available such as our Extension Food Pantry, Computer Classes, Forklift Classes. Volunteer opportunities also available to serve your community!

DECEMBER 12 Holiday Classic Film Festival: ‘White Christmas’. Tivoli Theatre, 5021 Highland Ave., Downers Grove. Shows at 1:30, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:30 p.m.. As part of its annual Holiday Classic Film Festival, the Tivoli Theatre presents “White Christmas”

(1954), starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. Come early and sing-a-long with the Wurlitzer Theatre pipe organ. Friends of the Library : Writers Workshop. 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Downers Grove Public Library,1050 Curtiss St.,Downers Grove. Aspiring writers meet to share their works. Register at or (630) 960-1200.

DECEMBER 13 Senior Outing: White Fence Farm. 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 1st United Methodist Church, 1032 Maple Ave., Downers Grove. The “Young at Heart” senior will visit White Fence Farm Restaurant for lunch at 11:30 am and a Christmas program by the Legacy Girls at 1 pm. Meet in the church parking lot at 10:45 am. Cost is $33 per person. Reservations are needed-- call Bonnie Lehmann at 630 985-5677. Holiday Classic Film Festival: ‘Christmas Vacation’. Tivoli Theatre, 5021 Highland Ave., Downers Grove. Shows at 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. As part of its annual Holiday Classic Film Festival, the Tivoli Theatre presents “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989), starring Chevy Chase, Beverly D’ Angelo and Randy Quaid. Come early and sing-a-long with the Wurlitzer Theatre pipe organ.

DECEMBER 15 Visit with Santa. 12 to 3 p.m. at the Gingerbread House at Main St. and Curtiss St., Downers Grove. Visits are free. Parents, bring your camera to capture the moment. More info at (630) 725-0991. Lunch with Santa. 12 to 1:30 p.m. at the Linden Room. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be taking a break from their busy schedule to join us for a lunch stop! We’ll enjoy pizza, soda, juice, milk and a delicious dessert. After lunch, we’ll have a merry afternoon with singing, audience participation and lots of surprises! Take family pictures in front of our Christmas tree and enjoy the spirit of the season. All children will visit Santa in his workshop and receive a small gift. Don’t forget your camera! Hurry! This is a sell-out event! Pre-registration required. Children under 2 free. For more information, call Linda Wonderlin at 630-969-8080.


DECEMBER 16 Visit with Santa. 1 to 3 p.m. at the Gingerbread House at Main St. and Curtiss St., Downers Grove. Visits are free. Parents, bring your camera to capture the moment. More info at (630) 725-0991.

DECEMBER 19 Community Blood Drive. The Westmont Fire Department will host a community blood


drive at their Headquarters Station, 6015 S. Cass Ave. on Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012; 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

DECEMBER 21 Free Christmas Trees. At 6169 Chase Ave., Downers Grove (Corner of Chase and 62nd). The Knights Templar are giving away free Christmas trees. For more information, call 630-241-1161.



Police Blotter

The following items were compiled from the official reports of the [VILLAGE NAME] Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

3300 block of Finley Road for retail theft.

for driving while license is suspended.

53 and Ogden Ave for driving under the influence.

Kourtney Davis, 21, Willowbrook, was arrested on Dec. 3 in the 3300 block of Finley Road for retail theft.

Johnathon Meehan, 28, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 5 in the 5100 block of Washington for two counts of domestic battery.

Downers Grove

Jacob Saflarski, 35, Westmont, was arrested on Dec. 4 on 63rd and Fairview for driving under the influence of drugs.

Donall Childs, 26, Glenwood, was arrested on Dec. 9 in the 500 block of East Ogden Avenue for driving under the influence, possession of cannabis, driving without a valid driver’s license and operating an uninsured vehicle.

Miguel Huerta, 49, Lisle, was arrested on Dec. 3 on 39th and Washington for driving without a license and suspended registration for non-insurance.

Patrick Burkhart, 53, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 4 in the 700 block of Maple Avenue for warrant of contempt of court.

Amy Marie Hood, 29, Dekalb, was arrested on Dec. 3 in the 4900 block of Main Street with a contempt of court warrant.

Daniel Vincent Vallo, 18, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 4 in the 1400 block of Norfolk for theft.

Jennifer Taylor, 32, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 3 in the 1100 block of Lincoln Ave.for a theft arrest warrant, unlawful use of a credit card, theft, unlawful possession of cannabis and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

Zachary Anderson, 18, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 4 in the 6000 block of Grand Avenue for two counts of domestic battery and unlawful interference with reporting domestic violence.

Kenneth Walker, Jr., 21, Dolton, was arrested on Dec. 3 in the

Cassandra Blake, 41, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 5 in the 4600 block of Main

Christopher Bussman, 42, Westmont, was arrested on Dec. 5 in the 4900 block of Linscott for drinking in public. Michael Stewart, 19, Westchester, was arrested on Dec. 5 in the 1400 block of Butterfield for possession of drug paraphernalia. Luke Ryan, 23, Downers Grove, was arrested on Dec. 5 at Franklin and Elm for possession of drug paraphernalia. Joseph Malik, 22, was arrested on Dec. 5 at Franklin and Elm for a possession of drug paraphernalia arrest warrant.

Westmont Vanessa Castro, 24, Cicero, was arrested on Dec. 8 at Route

Woodridge Brooke Hartman, 25, Bolingbrook, was arrested on Dec.1 at Kohl’s, 1001 75th Street for retail theft. Terriaun Fanniel, 18, Bolingbrook, was arrested on Dec. 2 at Forest Drive and Woodridge Drive for minor in possession of alcohol, improper turn, no valid driver’s license and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Hannah Elhori, 38, Burr Ridge, was arrested on Dec. 5 in the 700 block of E. Boughton, Bolingbrook, for reckless driving.

Hearing set for liquor violations By Robin Ambrosia Staff Reporter

The Village of Woodridge’s Liquor and Tobacco Commissioner will conduct a liquor and tobacco hearing Thursday, Dec. 13. The hearing will be held prior to the 7:30 p.m. village board meeting. This hearing will determine what consequences will result if there are liquor and tobacco licenses violations.The consequences will range from the establishment being fined, or their liquor and tobacco licenses suspended or revoked. There are eight classifications of liquor and tobacco licenses. See HEARING, page 8

Forum What’s on your mind? You are invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to our newsroom at sweditor@ For more information, call (815) 4362431. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any submissions.

Send us your news It’s easy; just follow the 5 W’s: What is happening: Describe the event or the purpose of the news release. Who: The subject of the event. Also, include a name and phone number or e-mail address that can be published so readers can call for more information. When: Give date and time. Why, or for what purpose: Explain the nature of the event. Where is it happening: Give the exact street address. E-mail community news releases to sweditor@ The Bugle reserves the right to subsequent publication of all submissions, in full or in part, through the newspaper’s archives or any other electronic library.

Send us your photos Did your club host a bake sale? Did your Cub Scout run a fundraiser car wash? Did your church group volunteer to paint a senior’s home? If you have photos from your group’s fundraisers or events we would be glad to publish them. Please submit them to Be sure to include information about the event, such as when, why and where it occurred.

Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.

General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Reporters Sherri Dauskurdas Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Jonathan Samples Robin Ambrosia Sports Editor Scott Taylor Sports Reporter Mark Gregory Advertising Manager Pat Ryan

Production Director Andrew Samaan Enterprise Newspapers, Inc. 23856 Andrew Road #104 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 • Fax (815) 436-2592 Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 12 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 12 p.m. Friday.


Illustrated Opinions












sometimes mix. If you put your mind to rainbow unless you live through a little 1 Tuck’s partner a wall 1 Chinese menu subscription it, you can show affection this week. Be ready to rain. Some things that have bothered you or held 4 Carpet type 41 Crane assurance 34 Santa __ 8 8 Summer THE BUGLE DECEMBER 12,2 2012 relieve tensions by snuggling with someone you care you back begin to ease in the week ahead. Friends are Hopping mad racetrack brew component 3 *Quaint means of 36 “Star Wars” 14 Stuff to be 42 Conveyed, as about and trust. Make new friends and contacts. more loving and lovers offer friendship. communication? mastermind smelted water through a 4 Like vows 40 Girlish hairstyle 15 Grape grower’s main 5 *Was in charge of (and what the prefix 44 Centers of You may experience Make love, not war. 6 Picnic crasher starts of the 16 “It’s attention enormous drive and determination Passions could come to a boil on the 7 Enter answers to unnecessary” Corp. money the own School high, the need at Pierce Downer forSharing architectural Over the past few45years, the in building maintenance and priority list with to get your way in the upcoming week. home front. your money,services thoughts did 8 Taking the place starred clues 17 Word with VIPs People in close connection may be vague or evasive and feelings can be a good first step towards resolving Board, and welcomes feedback is greatest, said Superintendent not give the go-ahead to put District 58or School 46 Board has Life Safety needs identifi ed in (of) are?) marked Audiophile’s if you try to pin them down to a promise. misunderstandings in the week ahead. 9 Car radiator need 43 Fiasco from staff and the community Kari Cremascoli. an addition on Pierce Downer; takenmasked a careful look at setup facilities the facilities assessment. The 10 They may be 47 More than 48 Bothers of on the facilities needs. On Nov. 12, the School Board rather, it gave the authority and18 *Typical completed a number projects currently identifi ed right, self-sealing: Abbr. in triangles Valentino roles persistently The district also is discussing approved the proposal for to continue next steps in key20 Declared projects, including about as being top which 11 Kickoff aid priorities, 49 Shakespearean 50 Musical ability Beat them at their own is often difficult ways to address space architectural services (design, carefully Itconsidering options a half-dozen roof replacements total12 Suffix approximately with verse$4.6 22 Itch scratchers 51 English channel, game this week. It is best to accept the to find a starting point when going musket 52 Columbus in 23 Full sets of constraints at Lester and specifi cation development to address the overcrowding and a comprehensive briefly facilities million, primarily include challenge of competition and work hard to around in circles. During the first half of the 13 Spots on TV N.Y.C. or DuPont chromosomes by for a carpeting, With a lack of and bidding documents) in issues. Next steps include assessment, as it seeks53toSwing protect asphalt and fi re alarm Pierce Downer. please that special someone. You have the strength week, communications are often misleading. Focus 19 Cat’s pause? in D.C. 25 Potpie piece visit common space for art, music, consideration of an addition architectural services and maintain its assets in the replacements district-wide. 21 Place for Pop54 NuclearAt pioneer and determination to carry through on long-term on actions; quit trying to imagine what people mean. to from a pod 56 Former CBS Tarts Enrico and small-group learning to Pierce Downer School to explore the possibility of, and best interest of its students. projects. 26 Western treaty News anchor least one project is slated to 24 Letter flourish 55 Hoax gp. Couric spaces, insuffi cient classroom Wight and Co. at the estimated draw specifi cations for, adding The district is analyzing be completed at each District 26 *To whom 56 Was aware 29 It’s up when 58 Response several classrooms and possibly space, low square footage per cost of $67,500. Cremascoli and developing funding plan 58 school. During the57 Nov. 26 abbr. “Howdy, List-ending you’re angry 59 *Cold War other areas student, and enrollment in the emphasized that the board’s reconfiguring options to address the most fi nancial workshop, the district stranger” is 59 Little devil 31 Safe and sound symbol often said 60 Microsturgeons? within the building. reviewed and discussed this near future projected to stay vote to approve the proposal pressing of the $39 million 33 Race circuits 63 Org. for piece 27 Threepio’s 61 Poem of praise 35 __ Mountains: lovers? buddy 62 Logger’s tool Eurasian border 64 Poses (for) 28 What keeps Tribune Media Services 2012 range 65 Wheel bloomers up? 37 Mozart’s “Cosi attachment 30 Talked a blue fan __” 66 Aussie runner streak 38 Med school 67 Pint-size 32 Wheel covers subj. 68 For fear that 33 Run out, as a 39 Cheesecake on 69 Free (of)

District 58 continues careful consideration of facility needs


J umble

Downer Grove Final filing dates extended Park District hosts Winter Day Camp Previous puzzle ’s answers

The Downers Grove Park District will continue its traditional summer day camp during the upcoming winter break. Winter Break Escape activities include field trips, swimming, games, sports, crafts and more, for youth ages 5 to 12. The camp will take place at Lincoln Center, 935 Maple Avenue Wednesday, December 26 through Friday, December 28 and Wednesday, January 2 through Friday, January 4 from 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The fee for residents is $120 per week

and $180 for non-residents. Registration is currently underway at the Lincoln Center, Recreation Center, 4500 Belmont Road or online through RecConnect at www.dgparks. org. The Downers Grove Park District is dedicated to providing a wide variety of year-round recreation programs, facilities, parks, open space and natural areas that respond to the articulated needs and desires of residents. For more information, call (630) 963-1300, or visit

TOP POP ALBUMS November 25 through December 1 TITLE

Unapologetic Red Take Me Home The World From the Side of the Moon

Rebel Soul Merry Christmas The Truth About Love Night Train Celebration Day Woman to Woman

period for candidates to file their nominating petitions would have been December 17 to 24,which meant an employee of the nominated municipality, township or district would have to be in their offices for at least a couple of hours on Christmas Eve to accept any last-minute petitions. was passed a nLegislation swers changing the deadline for filing petitions from December 24 to December 26 for the 2013


distributed, such as served for a period of one calendar in a restaurant with P food r e v or i o u syear. p uAnnual z z l e ’ srenewals a n s w e of r s liquor primarily in a liquor store. licenses are due before May 1. Jumbles: The application fee for a Criminal background checks • BALLET on • COMPLY liquor license ranges• BUXOM from $25• TOPAZ are conducted all applicants. Answer: to $4,000 depending on the The Liquor Commissioner has The new parents learned howauthority to take care of baby classification of license issued. the final ontheissuance from the -BOTTOM UP All liquor licenses, except daily of licenses. temporary licenses, are valid

Continued from page 6

There classifications are based on how the liquor will be

TOP DVD RENTALS November 25 through December 1

TOP COUNTRY ALBUMS November 25 through December 1 ARTIST

Rihanna Taylor Swift One Direction Phillip Phillips Kid Rock Baby Pink Jason Aldean Led Zeppelin Keyshia Cole

Consolidated Election. Packets may be obtained 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on December 17 to 24 at the office of the petition municipality, township or district. For information on election procedures, candidates should contact the DuPage County Election Commission at (630) 407-5600. This new law extends the deadline for filing objections, which is five business days from Dec. 26,

There has been a change of final filing date for both partisan candidates including township and municipality candidates as well as nonpartisan candidates including library trustee; school board; park district; fire protection district; forest preserve district and community college trustees P candidates running revious pu zzle’s in the consolidated April 9 election. Under state law, the previous


Red Night Train Blown Away Cheers, It’s Christmas On This Winter’s Night Christmas with Scotty McCreery

Tailgates & Tanlines Red River Blue Welcome to the Fishbowl Tornado


Taylor Swift Jason Aldean Carrie Underwood Blake Shelton Lady Antebellum Scotty McCreery Luke Bryan Blake Shelton Kenny Chesney Little Big Town


Men in Black III The Dark Knight Rises The Amazing Spider-Man Dark Shadows Madagascar 3 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer The Expendables 2 Brave Prometheus Rock of Ages


Sony Pictures Warner Bros. Sony Pictures Warner Bros. Paramount Pictures 20th Century Fox Lionsgate Walt Disney Pictures 20th Century Fox Warner Bros.

taKe 5 C ro s s w o rd P u z z l e

Across 1 Tuck’s partner 4 Carpet type 8 Summer brew 14 Stuff to be smelted 15 Grape grower’s prefix 16 “It’s unnecessary” 17 Word with marked or masked 18 *Typical Valentino roles 20 Declared 22 Itch scratchers 23 Full sets of chromosomes 25 Potpie piece from a pod 26 Western treaty gp. 29 It’s up when you’re angry 31 Safe and sound 33 Race circuits 35 __ Mountains: Eurasian border range 37 Mozart’s “Cosi fan __” 38 Med school subj. 39 Cheesecake on

Down a wall 41 Crane component 42 Conveyed, as water through a main 44 Centers of attention 45 Corp. money VIPs 46 Audiophile’s setup 48 Bothers persistently 50 Musical ability 51 English channel, briefly 53 Swing by for a visit 56 Former CBS News anchor Couric 58 Response 59 *Cold War symbol 63 Org. for piece lovers? 64 Poses (for) 65 Wheel attachment 66 Aussie runner 67 Pint-size 68 For fear that 69 Free (of)

1 Chinese menu assurance 2 Hopping mad 3 *Quaint means of communication? 4 Like vows 5 *Was in charge of 6 Picnic crasher 7 Enter 8 Taking the place (of) 9 Car radiator need 10 They may be self-sealing: Abbr. 11 Kickoff aid 12 Suffix with musket 13 Spots on TV 19 Cat’s pause? 21 Place for PopTarts 24 Letter flourish 26 *To whom “Howdy, stranger” is often said 27 Threepio’s buddy 28 What keeps bloomers up? 30 Talked a blue streak 32 Wheel covers 33 Run out, as a

subscription 34 Santa __ racetrack 36 “Star Wars” mastermind 40 Girlish hairstyle (and what the starts of the answers to starred clues are?) 43 Fiasco 47 More than right, in triangles 49 Shakespearean verse 52 Columbus in N.Y.C. or DuPont in D.C. 54 Nuclear pioneer Enrico 55 Hoax 56 Was aware 57 List-ending abbr. 59 Little devil 60 Microsturgeons? 61 Poem of praise 62 Logger’s tool


H o ro s c o p e s If you set the bar too high, you are apt to trip on the way over it. You might be in too much of a rush in the week to come - and too picky. What seems logical to you might not make an impression on others.

You have a fabulous week ahead, and may feel more sociable and outgoing in group settings. You can forge ahead toward achieving your goals, and it will be easy to focus your energies on accomplishment.

Friends are people, too. Don’t take a friendship for granted or forget to be a friend to loved ones. A lack of precision, evading an issue or a lack of explanation can cause a mix-up in the week to come.

One for the money, two for the show. Put your shoulder to the wheel and push to fatten your piggy bank in the week ahead. It is tempting to spend cash before you receive it, but save some for a rainy day.

The week ahead looks perfect for amusing yourself with some hobbies. If you tap into your energy and demonstrate executive abilities, you will make some powerful career moves and enjoy it as well.

Genesis is great. Use the hands you’ve been given to build something. You may dream a thousand dreams but dwell in the land of confusion in the week ahead. Double check details before signing up.

Love and logic sometimes mix. If you put your mind to it, you can show affection this week. Be ready to relieve tensions by snuggling with someone you care about and trust. Make new friends and contacts.

You’ll never see a rainbow unless you live through a little rain. Some things that have bothered you or held you back begin to ease in the week ahead. Friends are more loving and lovers offer friendship.

You may experience enormous drive and determination to get your own way in the upcoming week. People in close connection may be vague or evasive if you try to pin them down to a promise.

Make love, not war. Passions could come to a boil on the home front. Sharing your money, thoughts and feelings can be a good first step towards resolving misunderstandings in the week ahead.

Beat them at their own game this week. It is best to accept the challenge of competition and work hard to please that special someone. You have the strength and determination to carry through on long-term projects.

It is often difficult to find a starting point when going around in circles. During the first half of the week, communications are often misleading. Focus on actions; quit trying to imagine what people mean.


J umble

Tribune Media Services 2012

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Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • BUXOM • TOPAZ • BALLET • COMPLY


The new parents learned how to take care of the baby from the -- BOTTOM UP




Bugle Kids

INSIDE: Cummings adjusting to new weight class, page 12; South boys hoops rallies to defeat Hinsdale South, page 13



Young Redwings fall at Joliet Catholic By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

In an early season East Suburban Catholic Conference game between two new-look teams, Benet fell to Joliet Catholic 61-51 Thursday, December 6 in Joliet. The Angels (7-1, 1-0), featuring a pair of newcomers in transfer Jasmine Lumpkin and freshman Nicole Ekhomu, are a dangerous squad this year and it showed against a youthful Redwings club. Benet (8-3, 0-1) have just four returning players and one who started in senior Christen Prasse. “I think we had a hard time controlling and helping people,” Benet coach Peter Paul said. “We have some things to do. We can’t read clippings. We’ve got to grow up and grow together. It’s just a matter of time. We basically have four returnees and those things are catching up to us.They have to work a little bit harder than they have. In general we are a younger team and it will take some time. “We knew they were good, there is no question about it. We had to take care of the basketball and we didn’t take care of the basketball well enough. We scored enough points to win the game, we just gave up too many. It’s all about the little things that we have to fix.” JCA jumped out to a quick 7-1 advantage and held a 29-20 lead at the half. Benet could get no closer than three points the rest of the way. Prasse finished with 19 points, while Emily Eshoo added 14 and Emily Schramek had 10. “Starting the second half we were down nine and were just trading baskets,” Prasse said. “I think we were a pretty equal team, but we dug ourselves a hole early in the game and that’s what we have to try to avoid in upcoming games.” With all the youth on the team (only three total seniors), this

year’s team is far different from last year. “We’re a different type of team from last year,” Prasse said. “In some ways we are more diverse from last year. Our bench is a lot deeper. But we play younger and some of us are still getting used to playing at the varsity level. Coming up in the season I think we are going to surprise some people.” Still, the Redwings have a solid record and they know what needs to be done to be ready to win another regional title come February. “I think it has been better than I expected, honestly,” Prasse said.“I feel really comfortable playing on the court. I can pass it to anyone and I know they can take care of the ball. We’re going to look for the best shot. It’s not one person taking over.We are a very unselfish team and I think that’s going to get us places. If we want to beat the really good teams, we’re going to have to pick it up on defense.” “We hope to be playing our best basketball by the end of the year,” Paul stated. “That has been our goal from day one. We had some success earlier and we have some kids hurt. These things are all piling up a little bit.” The best thing for a young team is to play games and Benet has been in a stretch of playing a lot of them, many against good competition. We had three games last week and three games this week,” Paul said. “Then we have a Christmas Tournament next week with Wheaton Warrenville South, Providence and Glenbard West. It’s three games three weeks in a row, so it’s just a matter of time. The more games we play, the better we will be.” Earlier in the week the Redwings defeated Plainfield North 61-45 in Plainfield.

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Christen Prasse scored 19 points in Benet’s loss to Joliet Catholic.




Cummings making adjustment to new weight class By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Cullen Cummings won’t get the chance to wrestle for a state title at 132 pounds this season after finishing runner-up last February, but he very well could be challenging for the 138-pound crown after all is said and done this winter. The senior has grown an inch and a half since last year—one factor that prompted his move up to the next weight class. Yet going to a new weight level isn’t affecting his performance. He’s still winning plenty of matches, usually in dominant fashion. Case in point:Finishing 3-0 at the Maine South quad held on Saturday. Cummings, who was moved up to 145 for the day, dominated his foe from Maine South during his final bout, pinning him in the first period. He’s currently ranked No. 3 in the state at 138 by IllinoisMatmen. com. How is Cummings adjusting to his bump up in weight class? “I think that’s my best chance to go out there and winning it,” he replied.“My size, I feel like I fit 138 better. I’m just taking it one match at a time. You can’t overlook anybody and you can’t get too confident, but I’m confident in my abilities.” DGN coach Chris McGrath says Cummings’ athleticism, combined with the fact that he hasn’t tapped out his wrestling potential, enables him to make a smooth transition to the heavier weight. “I would put Cullen with anyone in the state,” McGrath said.“There’s

nobody that’s as athletic as he is. And now he’s learning how to grind it out. As his confidence grows, there’s no stopping him. “A lot of these kids have been wrestling year-round since they’ve been 8 (years old). Cullen has not. He’s just now becoming a wrestler and there’s no stopping what he can do even at the next level. He could be a very good college wrestler in Division I.” Cummings also is a top-notch soccer player who complete d his varsity career this past fall by being named to the All-West Suburban Silver squad. While he continued to play soccer, however, Cummings said he became more committed to wrestling when he entered his junior year. “I actually didn’t do a lot of offseason (training) my freshman and sophomore year because I also played soccer,” he said “Come my junior year, I kind of noticed that I really wanted to wrestle in college. I got on Team Illinois in freestyle and just getting more mat time.” “Cullen’s an elite athlete,” McGrath said. “He’s an elite level soccer player, and he’s decided to be a wrestler. He used to be an athlete that wrestles; now he’s a wrestler who’s an elite athlete.” Cummings’ raw talent isn’t typical of the rest of the Trojans’ roster. McGrath describes his 2012-13 club as “a scrappy team with not a lot of talent.” “For us to win matches, we’ve got to fight, kick and claw for every point, and we’re starting to realize that,” McGrath said. “We’ll be a team that’s very dangerous at the end of the year. I have 14 guys that work really hard and bought


Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Cullen Cummings, the state runner-up last year at 132 pounds, is wrestling at 138 this season. He went 3-0 at the Maine South quad on Saturday, pinning his last opponent of the day from Maine South in the first period.

into the system.They’ve just got to learn to be scrappy.” The Trojans, an IllinoisMatmen. com honorable mention team in Class 3A, look like they’re quick studies. At Maine South, they crushed Rich Central and also defeated Metea Valley (37-31) and the host Hawks (37-23). “The goal in matches like this is to win every point on the table,” McGrath said. “If you do those

things you put yourself in a good chance of winning.” In addition to Cummings, Straw Sopcic (120), Nick Bonomo (160), Jake Lommatzsch (182-195) and Edwin Phillips (heavyweight) each went 3-0 on Saturday. Pat Walker (106), Diego Rodriguez (138) and Mike Gastaldello (152) recorded two victories apiece. “Diego, he’s having a nice year, and the little guy’s doing really


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well,” said McGrath, referring to Walker. “He’s just 95 pounds, but he’s legit. He’s going to be really, really good as he’s gaining weight and figures out how to wrestler the bigger guys. “Mike Gastadello is doing a really nice job at 152, Nick Bonomo is doing a nice job at 160 and so is Jake Lommatzsch, so we’re getting there.”


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South boys hoops rally from 15 down to win The Downers Grove South boys basketball team overcame a 15-point deficit to defeat Hinsdale South 63-57 Friday. The Mustangs outscored the Hornets 23-15 in the fourth quarter to clinch the victory. Lisle had a successful week, going 3-0. The Lions opened the week with a 62-32 win over Plano. Dawon Burrell and Cody Monson each tallied 12 points, with Lamont Ross adding 10 as they held a 17-11 lead after the first quarter and built a 29-16 lead at the half. They then defeated ReedCuster 75-52, opening up leads of 12-0 and 23-2. Monson finished with 14 points and four assists, while Shane Murray and Ross each added 12 points. Lisle made it five straight wins with a 65-55 win over Latin. Dawon Burrell paced the attack with 27 points and 14 rebounds. Jeremy Glavanovits finished with 15 points and nine rebounds. Downers North defeated Glenbard South 63-53. Westmont used 30 points from

Jean Pietrzak to defeat ReedCuster 81-70. John Kelly added a career-high 19 points. The Sentinels (4-4) beat Manteno 55-35, breaking the game open after just a five-point lead at the half. Kris Pierce led the way offensively with 15 points, while Greg and Jean Pietrzak each added 10 points.

BOWLING Downers South placed 25th out of 44 teams Saturday at Plainfield North’s Strikefest at Town and Country Lanes in Joliet. The Mustangs finished with a 5,012. Minooka won with a 5,914. Leading the way was Audrey McCalebb, who shot a 1,089. Taylor Czubernat added a 1,067, Marie Domabyl had a 1,000 and Jodie Wienand shot a 971. Lisle fell to Peotone 2,318-1,844 and beat Herscher 1,249-1,038 behind performances by Kristin Holub and Dawn Yackley. Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

See ROUNDUP, page 14

Audrey McCalebb led Downers South with a 1,089 at Plainfield North’s Strikefest.


er b m u N

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BOYS Points per game Morris Dunnigan, Joliet West Ben Moore, Bolingbrook Matt Mooney, Notre Dame Aaron Jordan, Plainfield East Prentiss Nixon, Bolingbrook Ryan Peter, JCA Marcus Fair, Plainfield North Logan Velasquez, Plainfield Central David Robinson, Lockport Kendal Interial, Plainfield North Kendall Guyton, Bolingbrook Frank Dounis, Maine South Jimmy Moon, Romeoville John Solari, Maine South Kenny Williams, Bolingbrook Carl Terrell, Joliet West Brandon McCullum, Joliet West Danny Quinn, Maine South Devo Goodlow, Plainfield Central Trevor Stumpe, Plainfield North Duante Stephens, Notre Dame Jake Maestranzi, Notre Dame

18.4 16.1 16.0 15.3 14.7 14.5 14.1 11.8 11.2 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.3 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.4 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

Rebounds per game Ben Moore, Bolingbrook Devo Goodlow, Plainfield Central




10.0 9.2

Eddie Serrano, Notre Dame Logan Velasquez, Plainfield Central Ryan Peter, JCA Andre Hardy, Joliet West Josh Smith, Plainfield East Kurt Palandech, Plainfield North John Solari, Maine South David Robinson, Lockport Morris Dunnigan, Joliet West Kevin Fervil, Plainfield East Armani Bonilla, Romeoville

Stats based on coach submissions. Don’t see yours? Send to 9.0 7.8 7.5 6.6 6.5 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.4 5.3 5.3

Assists Jake Maestranzi, Notre Dame Marcus Fair, Plainfield North Matt Mooney, Notre Dame Frank Dounis, Maine South Curtis Harringron, Plainfield Central Morris Dunnigan, Joliet West Caleb Demarigny, Maine South Kendal Interial, Plainfield North C.J. Redmond, Bolingbrook Ryan Peter, JCA

35 29 27 24 23 22 21 20 20 20

Steals Jake Maestranzi, Notre Dame C.J. Redmond, Bolingbrook John Campbell, Lockport Curtis Harringron, Plainfield Central Carl Terrell, Joliet West

18 17 16 16 16

ROUNDUP Continued from page 13

GIRLS BASKETBALL Lisle defeated Herscher 36-30 as Kristina Fernette poured in 18 points and five rebounds. Sierra Birdsell added 10 points and five

Brandon McCullum, Joliet West Kendal Interial, Plainfield North Morris Dunnigan, Joliet West Ryan Peter, JCA Kurt Palandech, Plainfield North Caleb Demarigny, Maine South

16 14 14 14 13 12

Field Goal % Windt, Plainfield Central Kurt Palandech, Plainfield North Ben Moore, Bolingbrook Jake Nowak, Plainfield North Danny Quinn, Maine South Devo Goodlow, Plainfield Central Aaron Jordan, Plainfield East Frank Dounis, Maine South David Robinson, Lockport

.620 .580 .560 .540 .530 .530 .525 .510 .510 .833 .790 .790 .760 .739

3-pointers Prentiss Nixon, Bolingbrook Aaron Jordan, Plainfield East Caleb Demarigny, Maine South Jimmy Moon, Romeoville

Jade Anthony, Plainfield Central Julia Easter, Niles West

Points per game

Liz Rehberger, Resurrection Nikia Edom, Plainfield East Kiera Currie, Romeoville Faith Suggs, Plainfield East Bernasia Fox, Joliet Central Jaida Green, Downers North Sarah Costello, Downers North Abby Smith, Romeoville Gabby Williams, Plainfield East Brianna Harris, Romeoville Nina Maggio, Plainfield East Angelica Osusky, Romeoville Valencia Chandler, Joliet West

17 13 11 11

rebounds and Kelly Urban had eight points, eight rebounds and four steals. The Lions (8-2) defeated ReedCuster 45-32. Fernette led the way with 16 points and Urban chipped in with 11. Downers North fell to Hinsdale Central 66-49. Westmont defeated Sandwich 43-35 and Manteno 51-23.

Chavon Banks, Joliet Central Kiera Currie, Romeoville Aaliyah Stepney, Joliet West Faith Suggs, Plainfield East Gabby Williams, Plainfield East Valencia Chandler, Joliet West Sarah Costello, Downers North Peyton Winters, Downers North Kate Moriarty, Resurrection Vicky Orasco, Joliet West Jenae Rowe, Joliet West

6.0 5.8

Assists 18.9 16.8 16.0 15.8 13.0 10.8 10.8 10.6 10.6 8.9 8.6 8.4 8.0

Rebounds per game

Free throw % Derrick Lockhart, Lockport Andrew Palucki, Maine South James Boyd, Romeoville Prentiss Nixon, Bolingbrook Aaron Jordan, Plainfield East


9.0 8.6 8.0 7.8 7.5 7.0 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.3

GYMNASTICS Downers South placed fourth at the Hinsdale Central Invite with 130.45 points. Freshman Emily Tom had 10th-place finishes in the all-around, vault and floor. Inna Dzyuma placed seventh in the bars and Lauren Wendt added a 10th on the beam. Earlier in the week the Mustangs

Kelly Barzowski, Resurrection Sarah Costello, Downers North Abby Smith, Romeoville Gina Mathews, Plainfield East Nikia Edom, Plainfield East Molly Kleppin, Niles West Angelica Osusky, Romeoville

59 37 34 27 25 21 17

Steals Sarah Costello, Downers North Liz Rehberger, Resurrection Abby Smith, Romeoville Nikia Edom, Plainfield East Nina Maggio, Plainfield East Kelly Barzowski, Resurrection

43 40 25 24 21 20

Field Goal % Peyton Winters, Downers North Daniella Cortez, Plainfield Central Taylor Farrell, Resurrection Liz Rehberger, Resurrection

.519 .500 .490 .480

Free Throw % Jenae Rowe, Joliet West Liz Rehberger, Resurrection Brianna Harris, Romeoville Colleen Honn, Downers North

.880 .850 .733 .730

defeated Leyden 125.7-99.35.

WRESTLING Lisle edged Illiana Christian 3933, winning the final two matches for the victory. Getting wins were Tyler Schech, Jared Arellano, A.J. Pascente, Danny Grant, Ryan Kilroy, Ben Buchelt and Kevin Sheahan.





Hawks shut down Wolves in second half By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

After surrendering 18 firstquarter points to Niles West in its CSL South matchup last Friday night, and trailing 25-21 at intermission, Maine South collectively felt it had to get back to basics in order for its matchup zone defense to be effective. Those defensive basics, said coach Tony Lavorato, include keeping the ball out of the lane, contesting shots and rebounding. The Hawks accomplished all three during the second half, holding the Wolves to just two baskets and eight points en route to a 43-33 victory at home. “We really needed to build our defense back from the inside out,” Lavorato said.“They had 12 points inside the two-foot lane (during the first half). What was really important for us was to make sure that we kept them outside. They had to beat us over the top in the second half, and I thought we did a nice job marking people.” It’s no secret what Maine South does on the defensive end, said Wolves coach Bob Williams, whose team dropped its second straight game after starting the year 5-0. “It’s a good zone,” he said.“They always play it so we knew it was coming. I thought we stopped being aggressive and it’s easy to do that versus that zone. They make you play slow. But to have eight points in the second half is embarrassing.” The Wolves (5-2, 0-2) shot out to a 6-2 lead thanks to two treys from senior Joe Younan, who finished with nine points (all on threes). In the second period, Niles West led by as many as eight points, 23-15, after Alex Darville (8 points) scored five straight. “The best shooter in the conference hit two threes and we didn’t mark him,” Lavorato said. “That’s the thing. We’ve got a scouting report and you want him to beat you over the top. I thought we were two steps slow both times and they had some shots.” The undefeated Hawks (7-0, 2-0) fought back and went on a 6-0 run, capped by sophomore

BOYS BOWLING 1. Romeoville 2. Plainfield Central 3. Minooka 4. Lockport 5. Bolingbrook 6. Plainfield North 7. Joliet West

GIRLS BOWLING 1. Minooka 2. Lockport 3. Joliet West 4. Plainfield East 5. Plainfield North 6. Plainfield Central 7. Downers South

BOYS BASKETBALL 1. Maine South 2. Benet 3. Notre Dame 4. Niles West 5. Joliet West 6. Downers South 7. Bolingbrook Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

George Sargeant of Maine South eyes the basket as Mohammed Qureshi of Niles West defends.

Caleb deMarigny’s steal and layup that cut Niles West’s lead to 23-21. But Ahmad Gibson’s short shot with under a minute to go gave the Wolves their lead at the break. “Caleb, he’s doing a nice job,” Lavorato said. “People forget that he’s a sophomore. He’s savvy and he’s running the show really well. I think he understands the game; the seniors trust him. What’s exciting about him is that he’s only going to get better.” The Hawks put together another 6-0 run to start the third quarter and took their first lead of the contest, 27-25, when John Solari scored off an inside feed from Danny Quinn. “We had a game plan but just made too many stupid turnovers (in the first half),” said Solari, who finished with 11 points, six

rebounds and four assists. “In the second half, we just kept our cool and just connected on our plays.” Maine South erased a 27-all tie by going on a 7-0 run to close out the third quarter and taking a 3427 advantage. The Hawks, who also received 11points and six assists from guard Frank Dounis, led by as many as 11 (38-27) during the fourth quarter. Quinn, who scored eight of his game-high 12 points in the second half and had five rebounds, said it feels good that the Hawks are off to a 7-0 start, but there’s still work to be done. “We know there’s a lot of room to get better and we’re definitely trying to get better,” he said. “We don’t think that we’re anywhere near where we can be so we have to break down everything, find

out ways to get better and keep on going.” Lavorato echoes Quinn’s sentiments. “We need to get better,” he said. “Our line is, ‘You’re either getting better or you’re getting worse.’ There’s really no staying on an even plateau. Our goal is to get better. I said this after the last game: If this is who we are in February, I’ll be really, really disappointed. “There’s a lot of room for improvement. We’ve got to finish games better, we foul, we’re missing layups, we’re missing free throws. But I’m just excited where we’re at right now. It’s a great spot to be in, but as soon as we step into the gym tomorrow, we’ve got to get better.”

GIRLS BASKETBALL 1. Bolingbrook 2. Maine South 3. Plainfield East 4. Romeoville 5. JCA 6. Downers South 7. Benet

WRESTLING 1. Lockport 2. Minooka 3. Notre Dame 4. Plainfield Central 5. Downers North 6. Joliet West 7. Downers South Rankings are compiled by Mark Gregory and Scott Taylor.



Business & Real Estate

Dealing with silly improvement campaigns Q. I work part time as a receptionist for a company that uses our branch as a training ground for management. When things are going well for the current management team, why do they begin to focus on the lowest paid staff and the things they can do to make “us” even better? Over the years I have watched the same ideas come and go that do nothing to increase productivity but in fact decrease morale and job satisfaction among my coworkers. A.The reason your management team focuses on improving the lowest paid staff is that the alternative when things are going really well is to focus on the fundamental problems in the organization.Which focus do you think would raise less anxiety?

M o s t mana gement teams are aware of certain core issues that need to be addressed - the elephants in their boardroom, so to speak. Like most elephants, these issues take up a lot of room, and their size makes everybody nervous. Most of the time, the management knows that some thorny interpersonal conflict would need to be addressed to fix these problems. Most of the time, the last thing the management wants to do is to handle a big potential conflict. When I consult with boards and management teams on

interpersonal issues, I see firsthand how long-term, entrenched and damaging these conflicts are to a company. Logically, no one wants to give up profit, productivity or reputation just to avoid feeling nervous, but every day that is exactly what is happening in corporate America. Entry-level employees think it’s silly that management has decided they should, for example, wear blue shirts because blue makes customers happier. Unfortunately, for your management to stop tweaking your shoes, shirts or water cooler, they would have to go after the big problems. I get many letters from employees who express confusion about why these impractical improvement campaigns only sweep the company during good times. Keep in mind that during bad times, there are so many small problems to focus on

the management has no risk of tackling the larger issues. Now when the company enters smooth waters, there is a lull, and the threat of addressing the elephant in the room appears imminent. Enter the “next great idea,” apply it to entry employees and voila, excellent distraction until the next bad time consumes management focus. Try not to take the mandate on blue shirts, different coffee mugs or peppy posters personally. Our species has been perfecting creative ways to avoid big problems for centuries. Your management is just implementing a modern version of an age-old aversion to anxiety.

of knowledge but that I am not very wise about the way I do my job. Is there a difference between knowledge and wisdom? A. Yes, wisdom is knowledge that we are able to apply. We all know what we should do, but wise people actually do it.

(Daneen Skube, Ph.D., executive coach, trainer, therapist and speaker, also appears as the FOX Channel’s “Workplace Guru” each Monday morning. She’s the author of “Interpersonal Edge: Breakthrough Tools for Talking to Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything” (Hay House, 2006). You can contact Dr. Skube at www. or 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no personal replies.)

The Last Word(s) Q. My manager did a performance evaluation recently. She told me she thinks I have a lot


Sallie Mae or selling the car Dear Dave, I make about $70,000 a year, and I have $9,000 in student loan debt. I also have a car that would bring enough to allow me to pay off the student loans. Do you think I should sell? Dave Dear Dave, Nice name! Seriously, there are two questions I ask when it comes to selling a car to pay off debt. One, is the value of your car and other vehicles— including motorcycles, boats and such— more than half of your yearly income? If so, then you have way too much money wrapped up in things that are going down in value. So, unless you’re talking about a super-expensive car, I’d say the answer on this one is no. The second question is this: Can you become debt-free, except for your home, in 18– 24 months without selling the car? If the answer is yes, then I wouldn’t sell the car.There’s no reason to sell your car in this scenario, unless you just really hate the thing or need different transportation. In this case, it sounds like

your car is a reasonable percentage of your income. I’d hold on to it and just save like crazy to kill off this student loan debt. With your income, it shouldn’t take more than a year. Good luck, Dave! —Dave

Paying the parents Dear Dave, I have $1,000 in credit card debt, a $12,000 car loan and I owe my parents $20,000. The loan from my parents is causing stress because all I can afford to give them is $200 a month. They don’t need the money, but they’d like to see it paid off soon. What can I do? Jacob Dear Jacob, If you’re not already living on a written, monthly budget, that should be the first step. You say your parents don’t need

the money, right? So, they’re not living on bread and water without your payments. I think the biggest thing causing them stress is the fear that you’re being irresponsible and living without a plan. Make out a simple, realistic budget, and sit down with them to explain what you’re doing and how you plan to address things. Start a debt snowball, and begin knocking out your debts smallest to largest. By the time you pay off the credit cards and the car, you’ll be able to give them lots more than $200 a month. Just ask mom and dad to stick with you a while longer. I think it will make them feel better to see that you’re serious about getting your finances in order! —Dave * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 5 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at

THE BUGLE DECEMBER 12, 2012 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS PATRICIA PACE; MICHAEL J. PACE; WOODRIDGE CENTER TOWN HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 4679 11 WOODSORREL PLACE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on October 2, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 17, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 08-24-308-035 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 11 WOODSORREL PLACE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: FRAME TOWNHOUSE ATTACHED 2 CAR The Judgment amount was $239,756.39. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1022318 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I487319 Published 12/5, 12/12, 12/19


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR WELLS FARGO HOME EQUITY ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-3 PLAINTIFF VS JOSEPH BIONDO; DANIELLE BIONDO; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHSTAR FUNDING. LLC; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 006620 8214 WESTVIEW LANE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 25, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 08-35-213-013 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 8214 WESTVIEW LANE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY FRAME 1 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $286,648.24. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1034204 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I485604 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, PLAINTIFF vs. SMITA D. SHAH; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE BANK, N.A.; THE CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES AT SEVEN BRIDGES ASSOCIATION; DIPAK SHAH; DEFENDANT 12 CH 2765 Address: 6420 Double Eagle Dr., Unit 1012 Woodridge, Illinois 60517 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 3, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: COMMON ADDRESS: 6420 Double Eagle Dr., Unit 1012, Woodridge, Illinois 60517 P.I.N.: 08-22-207-367; 08-22-207-210; 08-22-207-292 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $328,802.47 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312-541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 12 1894. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 12 1894 DuPage County No.: 182011

Published 12/12, 12/19, 12/26


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS ING BANK, FSB, PLAINTIFF vs. BRYAN LUNDEEN; JONI LUNDEEN; CITIBANK, N.A.; DEFENDANTS 12 CH 2010 Address: 5230 Lee Ave Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 17, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 24, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: COMMON ADDRESS: 5230 Lee Ave, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 P.I.N.: 09-07-302-028 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $375,143.13 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312-541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 12 1612. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 12 1612 DuPage County No.: 182011

Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS CHRISTOPHER L. GERARDI; WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; ROSEWOOD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF CHRISTOPHER L. GERARDI, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 2010 CH 000978 2704 DAVOS AVENUE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 25, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 08-36-106-002 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2704 DAVOS AVENUE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: FRAME YELLOW & WHITE SINGLE FAMILY WITH ATTACHED 2 CAR GARAGE. The Judgment amount was $242,491.71. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1004027 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I485572 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PLAINTIFF VS DAVID MOON A/K/A DAVID W. MOON; ANN MOON A/K/A ANN C. MOON F/K/A ANN BENICK; CHASE BANK USA, N.A.; DISCOVER BANK; TARGET NATIONAL BANK F/K/A RETAILERS NATIONAL BANK; THE HIGHLANDS WOODRIDGE UNIT 6; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 12 CH 1730 5 CATALPA COURT WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 4, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 08-25-104-017 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 5 CATALPA COURT WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: 1 STORY HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $212,618.78. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1127956 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. I485677 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS ING BANK, FSB, PLAINTIFF vs. KAMIL KRATOCHVIL; KARIN KRATOCHVIL; DEFENDANT 11 CH 5302 Address: 6093 Puffer Rd Downers Grove, Illinois 60516 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 5, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 8, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: COMMON ADDRESS: 6093 Puffer Rd, Downers Grove, Illinois 60516 P.I.N.: 08-13-407-020 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $281,704.71 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312-541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 11 0131. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 11 0131 DuPage County No.: 182011 I478733 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12

WWR #08761002 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ND Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES W. CARROLL, JR., et al. Defendants. 10 CH 4867 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 30, 2012, the Sheriff of Dupage County will on January 8, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 AM at DuPage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Dupage and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 444 Redondo Drive, Downers Grove, IL 60516 Parcel Number 09-33-113-032 The Judgment amount was $213,554.45 Sale terms: 10% due by cash or certified funds at the time of sale and the balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, or the Mortgagee of the Mortgagee’s attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA, 180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60601, Telephone: 312-782-9676, Facsimile: 312-782-4201. Please refer to file number 08761002 I484074 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12

“THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE” W09-3449 21567 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc., Trust 2006-NC5, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-NC5; Plaintiff, VS. Gaylyn A. Hortelano; Burnside`s Chasewood Townhome Owner`s Association; New Century Mortgage Corporation; Defendants. 09 CH 6060 Judge Presiding NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to a judgment heretofore entered by the said court occurred in the above entitled cause, John E. Zaruba, Sheriff of DuPage, Illinois, will on January 8, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 AM at DuPage County Sheriff`s Office, 501 North County Farm Road, Southwest Lobby, Wheaton, IL 60187, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate in the said judgment mentioned, situated in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy such judgment to wit: C/K/A: 2322 Chasewood Drive, Downers Grove, IL 60515 PIN: 08-13-220-023 The person to contact regarding information regarding this property is: Sales Dept., The Wirbicki Law Group, 33 W. Monroe St., Suite 1140, Chicago, IL 60603. Any questions regarding this sale should refer to file number W09-3449. The terms of the sale are Cash. 10% at time of sale, with the balance due within 24 hours. The property is improved by: single family home. The Property is not open for inspection prior to sale. The real estate, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and tenements, hereditament and appurtenances thereunto belonging shall be sold under such terms. Russell C. Wirbicki (6186310) Kenneth J. Nannini (3121924) Laurence J. Goldstein (0999318) James A. Meece (6256386) James D. Major (6295217) Christopher J. Irk (6300084) Emily S. Kresse (6294405) Shara Netterstrom (6294499) Ryan P. McNeil (6308006) Amelia R. Niemi (6308051) Brian M. Larson (6307947) Edward A. DeVries (6303176) Gina O. Harrison (6304785) The Wirbicki Law Group LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 33 W. Monroe St., Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: 312-360-9455 Fax: 312-572-7823 Atty. No. 21567 W09-3449 I488676 Published 12/5, 12/12, 12/19












IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS ING BANK, FSB, PLAINTIFF vs. KAMIL KRATOCHVIL; KARIN KRATOCHVIL; DEFENDANT 11 CH 5302 Address: 6093 Puffer Rd Downers Grove, Illinois 60516 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 5, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 8, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOTS 12 AND 13 IN BLOCK 10 IN DOWNERS GROVE PARK BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 23, 1927 AS DOCUMENT #232126 IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMMON ADDRESS: 6093 Puffer Rd, Downers Grove, Illinois 60516 P.I.N.: 08-13-407-020 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $281,704.71 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 11 0131. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 11 0131 DuPage County No.: 182011

WWR #08761002 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ND Plaintiff, vs. CHARLES W. CARROLL, JR., et al. Defendants. 10 CH 4867 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 30, 2012, the Sheriff of Dupage County will on January 8, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 AM at DuPage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Dupage and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate. PARCEL 1: UNIT 308 IN LAKE IN THE WOODS CONDOMINIUM #444 IN SECTION 32 AND 33, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP AND PLAT OF SURVEY ATTACHED THERETO AS EXHIBIT “A”, RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1981 AS DOCUMENT R8144511, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT TO SAID UNIT AS SET FORTH IN SAID DECLARATION, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME. PARCEL 2: A PARKING EASEMENT IN AND TO PARKING SPACES P-33 AND P-59 PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 29, DECLARTION OF CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP RECORDED IN DOCUMENT R81-44511, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 444 Redondo Drive, Downers Grove, IL 60516 Parcel Number 09-33-113-032 The Judgment amount was $213,554.45 Sale terms: 10% due by cash or certified funds at the time of sale and the balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, or the Mortgagee of the Mortgagee’s attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA, 180 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60601, Telephone: 312782-9676, Facsimile: 312-782-4201. Please refer to file number 08761002

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PLAINTIFF VS DAVID MOON A/K/A DAVID W. MOON; ANN MOON A/K/A ANN C. MOON F/K/A ANN BENICK; CHASE BANK USA, N.A.; DISCOVER BANK; TARGET NATIONAL BANK F/K/A RETAILERS NATIONAL BANK; THE HIGHLANDS WOODRIDGE UNIT 6; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 12 CH 1730 5 CATALPA COURT WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 4, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DUPAGE IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, TO WIT: LOT 787 IN THE HIGHLANDS (AMENDED), BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 1964 AS DOCUMENT R646164 IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 08-25-104-017 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 5 CATALPA COURT WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: 1 STORY HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $212,618.78. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1127956 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS CHRISTOPHER L. GERARDI; WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.; ROSEWOOD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF CHRISTOPHER L. GERARDI, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 2010 CH 000978 2704 DAVOS AVENUE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 25, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: LOT 2 IN ROSEWOOD ESTATES, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1978 AS DOCUMENT R78-88796, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 08-36-106-002 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2704 DAVOS AVENUE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: FRAME YELLOW & WHITE SINGLE FAMILY WITH ATTACHED 2 CAR GARAGE. The Judgment amount was $242,491.71. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1004027 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, PLAINTIFF vs. SMITA D. SHAH; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE BANK, N.A.; THE CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES AT SEVEN BRIDGES ASSOCIATION; DIPAK SHAH; DEFENDANT 12 CH 2765 Address: 6420 Double Eagle Dr., Unit 1012 Woodridge, Illinois 60517 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 3, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PARCEL 1: UNIT 1012 AND PARKING SPACE P168 AND E67 TOGETHER WITH ITS UNDIVIDED PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS IN THE CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES AT SEVEN BRIDGES, AS DELINEATED AND DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. R2006-181178, AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE FOR STORAGE PURPOSES IN AND TO STORAGE SPACE NO. S10-1B, A LIMITED COMMMON ELEMENT, AS SET FORTH AND DEFINED IN SAID DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM AND SURVEY ATTACHED THERETO, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMMON ADDRESS: 6420 Double Eagle Dr., Unit 1012, Woodridge, Illinois 60517 P.I.N.: 08-22-207-367; 08-22-207-210; 08-22207-292 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $328,802.47 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312-541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 12 1894. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 12 1894 DuPage County No.: 182011


Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12



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I478135 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12





IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR WELLS FARGO HOME EQUITY ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-3 PLAINTIFF VS JOSEPH BIONDO; DANIELLE BIONDO; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHSTAR FUNDING. LLC; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 006620 8214 WESTVIEW LANE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on September 25, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 10, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: LOT 316 IN FORESTEDGE, UNIT NO. 2, A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1968 AS DOCUMENT R68-53827 AND CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION FILED JANUARY 6, 1969 AS DOCUMENT R69-348, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 08-35-213-013 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 8214 WESTVIEW LANE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY FRAME 1 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $286,648.24. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1034204 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. PLAINTIFF VS PATRICIA PACE; MICHAEL J. PACE; WOODRIDGE CENTER TOWN HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 10 CH 4679 11 WOODSORREL PLACE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on October 2, 2012, DUPAGE COUNTY SHERIFF in DU PAGE County, Illinois, will on January 17, 2013, in 501 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, at 10:00 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of DU PAGE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: LOT 81 IN WOODRIDGE CENTER UNIT FOUR, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 18, 1973 AS DOCUMENT R73-35722, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 08-24-308-035 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 11 WOODSORREL PLACE WOODRIDGE, IL 60517 Description of Improvements: FRAME TOWNHOUSE ATTACHED 2 CAR The Judgment amount was $239,756.39. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 3722060. Please refer to file #PA1022318 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale.

I485604 Published 11/28, 12/5, 12/12




“THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE” W09-3449 21567 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc., Trust 2006-NC5, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006NC5; Plaintiff, VS. Gaylyn A. Hortelano; Burnside`s Chasewood Townhome Owner`s Association; New Century Mortgage Corporation; Defendants. 09 CH 6060 Judge Presiding NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to a judgment heretofore entered by the said court occurred in the above entitled cause, John E. Zaruba, Sheriff of DuPage, Illinois, will on January 8, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 AM at DuPage County Sheriff`s Office, 501 North County Farm Road, Southwest Lobby, Wheaton, IL 60187, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate in the said judgment mentioned, situated in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy such judgment to wit: PARCEL ONE: THE WEST 33.00 FEET (AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES THEREOF) OF LOT 5 IN BURNSIDE`S CHASEWOOD P.U.D, A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 22, 1993 AS DOCUMENT NO.R93-130788, IN DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL TWO: EASEMENTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCEL ONE FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO.R93287334. C/K/A: 2322 Chasewood Drive, Downers Grove, IL 60515 PIN: 08-13-220-023 The person to contact regarding information regarding this property is: Sales Dept., The Wirbicki Law Group, 33 W. Monroe St., Suite 1140, Chicago, IL 60603. Any questions regarding this sale should refer to file number W093449. The terms of the sale are Cash. 10% at time of sale, with the balance due within 24 hours. The property is improved by: single family home. The Property is not open for inspection prior to sale. The real estate, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and tenements, hereditament and appurtenances thereunto belonging shall be sold under such terms. Russell C. Wirbicki (6186310) Kenneth J. Nannini (3121924) Laurence J. Goldstein (0999318) James A. Meece (6256386) James D. Major (6295217) Christopher J. Irk (6300084) Emily S. Kresse (6294405) Shara Netterstrom (6294499) Ryan P. McNeil (6308006) Amelia R. Niemi (6308051) Brian M. Larson (6307947) Edward A. DeVries (6303176) Gina O. Harrison (6304785) The Wirbicki Law Group LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 33 W. Monroe St., Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: 312-360-9455 Fax: 312-572-7823 Atty. No. 21567 W09-3449

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY - WHEATON, ILLINOIS ING BANK, FSB, PLAINTIFF vs. BRYAN LUNDEEN; JONI LUNDEEN; CITIBANK, N.A.; DEFENDANTS 12 CH 2010 Address: 5230 Lee Ave Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 Judge Gibson NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 17, 2012, I, Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois, will on January 24, 2013 at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Dupage County Sheriff’s Office, 501 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, IL, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of DuPage, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: THE NORTH 160 FEET OF LOT 23 IN MARSHALL FIELD WOODLAND HOMES FIRST ADDITION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE WEST 1/2 OF SECTIONS 7 AND 18, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 2, 1920 AS DOCUMENT 144597, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMMON ADDRESS: 5230 Lee Ave, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 P.I.N.: 09-07-302-028 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $375,143.13 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 12 1612. Sheriff of DuPage County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 12 1612 DuPage County No.: 182011




Published 12/5, 12/12, 12/19

Published 12/5, 12/12, 12/19

Published 12/12, 12/19, 12/26

F12080097 HSFL

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DUPAGE COUNTY- WHEATON, ILLINOIS HSBC Mortgage Services Inc. Plaintiff, vs. Cathie B. Punsalang; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.; HSBC Mortgage Services; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants. 12 CH 4206 Property Address: 2411 Concord Drive, Woodridge, Illinois 60517 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Cathie B. Punsalang and UNKNOWN OWNERS and NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, defendants in the above entitled cause, that suit has been commenced against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit by said plaintiff praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit: LOT 4 IN WOODRIDGE CENTER UNIT 18, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SECTIONS 24 AND 25, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 10, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 13, 1984 AS DOCUMENT R84-91548 AND CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED MARCH 6, 1985 AS DOCUMENT R85-15318 IN DU PAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2411 Concord Drive, Woodridge, IL 60517 P.I.N.: 08-24-327-004 Said property is commonly known as: 2411 Concord Drive, Woodridge, Illinois 60517, and which said mortgage(s) was/were made by Cathie B. Punsalang and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds as Document Number R2005-189633 and for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the above Court against you as provided by law and that said suit is now pending. NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Court at DUPAGE County on or before January 4, 2013, a default may be taken against you at any time after that date and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Steven C. Lindberg Attorney for Plaintiff FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC 1807 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 333 Naperville, IL 60563 630-983-0770 866-402-8661 630-428-4620 (fax) Attorney No. Cook 26122, DuPage 42005, Kane 031-26104, Peoria 1794, Winnebago 3802, IL 03126232 Louis Freedman- 3126104, Thomas Anselmo- 3125949, Steven Lindberg3126232,Doug Oliver - 6273607, Clay A. Mosberg- 1972316, Karl V. Meyer- 6220397,Bryan D. Hughes6300070, Ann W. Lopez- 6190037, Jonathan Nusgart- 6211908, William B. Kalbac- 6301771, G. Stephen Caravajal, Jr. - 6284718, Christopher Iaria- 6301746,Christopher Weldon6287653, Michael Anselmo- 6307649, Teena Thomas- 6304145 I489779 Published 12/5, 12/12, 12/19





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