Marks Madness
Plainfield Central grad plays with Boise State in NCAA tournament PAGE 13
T HE ENTERPRISE Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Volume 125 No. 34
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
FOLLOWING THE THREE E’S Engineering, education and enforcement slows down traffic and reduces crashes By Robin Ambrosia Staff reporter
Crash data shows the three red light cameras are significantly reducing crashes in Plainfield by slowing drivers down through busy intersections such as this at Renwick Road and Route 30.
Opinions............................................6 Community Events...........................8 Police Report..................................10 Sports.............................................13 Puzzles............................................20 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! — Call (815) 436-2431 or go online to
hen a stoplight or stop sign pops up at an intersection – it looks so simple. But, to determine if an intersection if eligible, the police must use the three E’s of traffic: engineering, education and enforcement.Those also are used to determine where red light cameras are installed. Engineering “We do a visual inspection to be sure there are no sight distance issues and a vehicle count to be sure it meets the criteria for a traffic control device which is published by the National Highway Traffic See TRAFFIC, page 10
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