Peck officially in at parks department See page 3 SPORTS Central falls in sectional final
NEWS Woman wants to see that none go barefoot
T HE ENTERPRISE Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Volume 125 No. 44
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
SCHOOL’S IN FOR SUMMER Plainfield’s new School of Rock already a popular place By Suzanne Baker Enterprise reporter
Samantha Coyner shows off her performance skills at an open house at the new School of Rock in downtown Plainfield.
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amantha Coyner belted out an acoustic rendition of “Cecilia” Saturday afternoon during the grand opening of the School of Rock in downtown Plainfield. The 15-year-old is living proof the School of Rock method works.The Aurora girl started lessons just two years ago and today has the poise and confidence of a teen pop star. She will be paying it forward this summer by helping out at the School of Rock in Plainfield. The new music school with a twist in Plainfield is all part of the vision of owner Jason Fein. “I grew up in the area,” he said “About a year and a half ago, I came through downtown Plainfield and saw the difference. I knew I wanted to end up in downtown.” So when the building at the corner of Lockport and Illinois streets opened up, Fein said he jumped at the chance to get it. “I loved the historical nature of the building and definitely want to respect that,” he said. See ROCK, page X
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