Enterprise 06-27-13

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Residents unhappy with drive-through See page 3 SPORTS


Nagle is Voyager Media Player of the Year

District takes knife to contingency funds



T HE ENTERPRISE Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Volume 125 No. 47


75 cents

Serving Will and Kendall counties

28 pages


‘B’ IN


Judy Bernoteit retires from Crystal Lawns School after 45 years By Suzanne Baker Enterprise reporter



udy Bernoteit was a force Crystal Lawns School for 45 years. Now her name has become a permanent fixture at the school, which serves students from Plainfield, Joliet and Crest Hill. Part of her name, anyway. Bernoteit, known to students as “Miss B” because they often could not pronounce her name, retired at the end of the school year after teaching first through third grades for more than four decades. More than 1,000 students from Plainfield School District 202 can claim her as their teacher. To recognize her years of service, a new honorary street sign was erected outside the school on Monday proclaiming Gael Avenue as “Miss B Lane.” Monday’s surprise ceremony came as a shock to Bernoteit, who was expecting to be going out for lunch. She apparently realized something was up when fellow first-grade teacher Peggy Boyle headed in the wrong direction.


Retired teacher Judy Bernoteit checks out the new street sign that bears the name her students knew her by: “Miss B.” The sign was erected Monday outside Crystal Lawns School by the Plainfield Township Highway Department.


See BERNOTEIT, page 2

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