Plainfield Fest kicks off Friday! See page 10 SPORTS
Central has 15 sign to play sports in college
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T he Enterprise Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
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Thursday, July 18, 2013
Volume 125 No. 50
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
New law carries more grief than guns By Suzanne Baker Enterprise reporter
Michael Dwyer of Shorewood wants to help gun owners fulfill the training hours required by the new concealed carry law. Before proceeding, Dwyer must wait until Illinois State Police releases a list of certified instructors and an outline of what must be taught during the 16 hours.
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lainfield gun owners who want to take advantage of the state’s new firearm concealed carry law are finding it may be nearly a year before they can legally carry a gun. Although Illinois legislators voted July 9 to override Gov. Pat Quinn’s amended concealed carry bill, the mechanisms for applying for the permit are not yet in place. Illinois State Police have six months to set up a system and three months to approve or deny applications after that. Even gun owners who want to get a jump on the process are finding roadblocks at the moment. As part of the application process, gun owners must pass a background check and complete 16 hours of training. The new law, however, does not specify what will be taught in See CONCEAL, page 8
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