Enterprise 08-29-13

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County union marches for contract Thursday,

August 29,


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Volume 126 No. 4


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Tom Cross to step down from House leadership to run for state treasurer By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

Tom Cross shocked a lot of people when they learned recently that not only would he be stepping down as Illinois House Minority Leader after 11 years, but he planned to run for Illinois Treasurer instead of another term in the House, where he has served for 20 years. That’s because very few people were supposed to know yet. Cross let the Illinois Republican Caucus know of his plans Wednesday, Aug. 21, so they could start planning for a new House leader. Somebody decided to toss away protocol and let it slip in advance of Cross’ official announcement sometime after Labor Day. Rumors have been out for months that Cross, an attorney first elected to the House in 1993, was interested in statewide office. Initially, the rumor was he was interested in running for Attorney General. That may have gone out

Tom Cross


Thursday, August 29, 2013

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the window when popular incumbent Democrat Lisa Madigan decided to stay put and not run for governor. The Oswego Republican who recently turned 55 said the office of state treasurer is what he wants, especially since incumbent Republican Dan Rutherford has announced his run for governor. “As I talked to people, whether it was at church, the gas station or my office, the issues were the same: high taxes and the state pensions,” he said.“I think I can have more impact as a financial watchdog.”

20 years in House Cross said he loved his 20 years in the House. After he succeeded Lee Daniels as House Minority Leader in 2002, he has been credited with making the state business more inclusive for the party. Make that both parties. “I enjoyed working with See CROSS, page 4

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