Will County explains Affordable Care Act. SPORTS
See page 4.
North’s Edwards runs wild in win
Teddy bear drive in final weeks
Your Complete Source For Plainfield News Since 1887
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Volume 126 No. 10
75 cents
Serving Will and Kendall counties
28 pages
Toddler recovering from dog attack By Suzanne Baker Enterprise reporter
Plainfield High School holds 62nd annual homecoming parade The “Parade a States” theme for the 2013 Plainfield Community Homecoming Parade on Saturday morning brought out a great deal of creativity among all the pomp and pageantry that was the 62nd annual event. Each entry focused on a different state in America and the contributions that state has made, such as historic events, famous people or popular attractions.
Members of the Plainfield High School Class of ’68 celebrate their 45th reunion.
Opinions............................................6 Community Events...........................8 Police Report..................................10 Sports.............................................13 Puzzles............................................20 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! — Call (815) 436-2431 or go online to www.enterprisepublications.com
The mother of the toddler who was mauled by Rottweiler dogs on Easter wants to prevent anyone from experiencing from what she has gone through the last four months. While Allison Mossberger said she is hopeful her 2-year-old daughter Sélah will have full recovery, the journey has not been easy since the little girl was attacked by two Rottweilers on March 31. Sélah’s family was fixing dinner after attending Easter Sunday church services when apparently Sélah wandered into the back yard. It was there the toddler was confronted by the dogs and dragged into a neighboring yard. Joshua Martinez, Mossberger’s fiancé, was the first person to find the girl and fight off the dog attack. But the damage already was done. In addition to numerous teeth punctures marks all over the toddler’s body, the main vein in Sélah’s left leg was severed which caused a series strokes and seizures, her mother said. Now the entire left side of Sélah’s body and her vision is See TODDLER, page 5
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