Joliet 02-05-14

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NEWS McBrody’s again selling alcohol

SPORTS Minooka has two all-staters PAGE 11


Our Community, Our News


FEBRUARY 5, 2014

Vol. 6 No. 23


6-year-old calls 9-1-1 for ailing mom The first grade student from Crest Hill recently helped his mother, during a seizure By Kris Stadalsky For the Bugle

BY NICK REIHER | maNagINg eDITor Joliet Park District officials never wanted to see a gas station built at the western edge of their airport on Jefferson Street. But they might have to pay upwards of $5 million to make it go away. Dominic Egizio, Joliet Park District executive director, said park representatives met with federal, state, county and city officials a few weeks ago to reiterate the concern about a Citgo service station that was built nearly 10 years ago at either the end or the approach, depending on the winds, of one of its runways. Egizio said park district officials were concerned when the service station/mini mart project first was proposed. And it took off quickly, apparently even before federal and state officials were aware.

>> see AIR | page 3


A service stationmini mart stands at the west edge of the Joliet Park District Airport. City officials say their hands were tied in approving the station, which the park district now may have to spend around $5 million to remove due to safety concerns.

He may be only 6, but Sayden Wilson is being lauded as a hero. The first grade student from Crest Hill recently helped his mother, Ashley Nowak, during a seizure by calling 9-1-1 and knowing the right things to do. “I can’t even explain how proud of him I am and how grateful,” said Nowak. “For being only 6, he handled it very, very well.” On Jan. 29, Sayden was playing in his room. He went out to see his mom and found her lying on the floor. Nowak was having a seizure. When she didn’t respond to his questions of being OK, he immediately dialed 9-1-1. “They asked my address (and) what street I live on,” said Sayden. “They >> see AIlIng | page 3





Painting of icon a reminder of Christian struggles Painting a reproduction of one that hangs in Basilica-Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Quebec By Stewart Warren For the Bugle

As the 4 p.m. mass ended on Jan. 25 at St. Mary Nativity Catholic Church, George Dehm beckoned the parishioners to first pews in the sanctuary. He wanted them to be closer to the icon standing on an easel. “The Blessed Mother would like your patronage in the front,” said Dehm, a Joliet resident and a member of the Knights of

Columbus Council 12014. The painting was a special reproduction of one that hangs above the main altar of the Basilica-Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Quebec, a church that dates to 1664. It depicts the Virgin Mary struggling with a dragon, imagery representing the ongoing fight of Christians against evil. The Knights of Columbus had brought the art work for a brief visit to the church at 706 N. Broadway in Joliet. The

presentation was part of an annual prayer program involving religious icons that is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal benefit society. In the past, icons representing Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Charity, among others, had been carefully passed from church to church during the program. The Knights of Columbus organized the event to provide additional worship time for parishioners and to increase spiritual devotion, explained John Dehm of Joliet, a member of the parish and of Knights of Columbus Council who also is

George Dehm’s son. After the group of about 50 had gathered near the painting, Deacon Dan Mahoney began a prayer service. During the homily, he explained the significance of the painting. “The figure of the woman, representing the church, is, on the

one hand, glorious and triumphant and yet, on the other, still in travail,” Mahoney said. “And the church is like that: If in heaven she is already associated in some way with the glory of her Lord, in history she continually lives through the trials and challenges which the conflict between God and the evil one.”

THE BUGLE/SENTINEL FEBRUARY 5, 2014 >> ailing, from page 1 told me to stay on the phone, and they asked me a bunch of questions.” Things happened pretty quickly, and Sayden doesn’t remember much of what they asked him. But he remembers the high fives the paramedics gave him and that they said he did a good job. Nowak had a stroke just a few months ago. Upon falling, she hit her head and suffered a brain injury. The skull deformation cuts off the blood flow to her brain sometimes, resulting in seizures. She’s fine if she eats right, gets the right amount of sleep and doesn’t get stressed out, Nowak said. But raising three small children makes it a little difficult at times. Nowak’s husband, Jeremy, is in the Army in basic training. Nowak is now on medication, and her seizures are getting less and less frequent. She typically has 30 to 60 seconds when she knows one is coming on to get herself to a safe spot like

>> AIR, from page 1 City planning officials noted at the time the project,proposed by Sawarnjit S. Dhillon of Lombardbased KB Oil, was considered an allowable use under the Joliet Airport Industrial Park’s light industrial zoning. The city subsequently issued a building permit to KB Oil Corp. on Dec. 4, 2003, and by April, underground utility work was complete and frame construction was about to begin. On May 24, 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration sent a letter to Dhillon saying that although the project was low enough to not constitute a hazard to air navigation, it would be (or was at that point) located within a runway protection zone. The FAA said the project is “strongly discouraged in the interest of protecting people and the property on the ground.” Another letter to Dhillon on May 27, 2004, from the FAA’s Chicago Airports District Office strongly recommended the structure be relocated outside the design standards in the interest of safety: “Fuel storage facilities are not compatible with airport operations … The potentially combustible nature of a fuel facility associated with a


the and can but

has no control. She watched as Sayden called the paramedics. “It was a very proud mommy moment, right there,” Nowak said.

Nowak had practiced with Sayden, teaching him how to dial the right numbers and to give out the right information in the event she had a seizure

when they were home alone. “We didn’t even practice very long,” Nowak said. “This was the first time he had to do it for me.” When Sayden was back at Richland Elementary, the school nurse heard him talking about the episode. Sayden got to talk to his whole class about what happened. He was also honored during school announcements. Sayden’s grandfather will be taking him somewhere special as a treat for helping mom. His father, James Olmstead of Summit-Argo, is also very proud of him. Although Sayden hasn’t been able to talk directly to his stepfather, whom he calls daddy, he has written him a letter telling him what happened. The whole situation made him a little scared, Sayden said, but he felt good about it and proud of himself for knowing what to do to help his mom. He knows he was brave; he told his mom he is “Army strong,” like his daddy.

potential aircraft accident could result in lost lives and collateral property damage. …” The problem at that point was twofold:The project already was well under way, and so long as the service station was built low enough to be under the FAA’s height requirement, the agency could not prevent Dhillon from building the service station. Although the FAA had, and has, strong concerns about the service station near the airport, it cannot deny a project on private property, said Tony Molinaro, a spokesman for the FAA’s Great Lakes Region Office. “We leave that up to the local authorities,” he said. The city’s hands were tied as well. Joliet attorney George Mahoney III represented the initial developer subdividing the particular property, he said, not Dhillon. But he said if the project complies with the city’s zoning ordinances, which it did, the city was required to approve the project or possibly be taken to court. One state official had a different opinion however. In an April 25 letter to the FAA, an IDOT airspace specialist wrote, “(we) are of the opinion that the City of Joliet (along with this developer and others) have purposely proposed this type of development to damage the

airport … so as to eventually force the airport to close. …” The airport obviously hasn’t closed,but Egizio said the FAA did increase landing requirements so that only certain types of planes and pilots can use the runway. Joliet Mayor Tom Giarrante was among those who met with federal, state and local officials recently. He said he chaffed when an FAA representative basically said the city screwed up by issuing the building permit. “If (the FAA) had given us any idea they would back us up on denying the gas station, we would have,” said Giarrante, who was a city councilman at the time.“But they didn’t.” Correspondence also shows the Park District was interested in buying and developing a couple parcels on or near what would become the service station at well. Egizio said the Park District had a plan for that back in the 1970s, but environmental concerns made them ineligible for grants to help them buy the land. “I don’t know how those got mysteriously cleared up,” he said. Egizio said about the only option now is to buy the property from Dhillon and raze it. He said they explored the idea around 2005, and he believes the

asking price then was around $4 million. The price now, according to Dhillon:“$5 million-plus. … (The city) gave us the permit.We have no intention of shutting down.“ Business, Dhillon said, has been “damn good.” Egizio said he expected Dhillon to say nothing less about the business when he knows a buyer is interested. He said the Park District is having an appraisal done on the property, in part to see how much they would need for a possible discretionary grant from the FAA. He said U.S. Rep. Bill Foster and U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin are aware of the issue. The Park District also is

considering the possibility of developing some surplus land on the east side of the airport along Houbolt Road. Any funds they receive could go toward the purchase of the service station. “The thing is, if I had $100,000 to spend, which I don’t, I would use it to put up a new playground,” Egizio said. “Not put it toward an airport.” Ironically, if the Park District does pursue development around the airport, the FAA has to approve it first since they are a public entity and not private like Dhillon. “Other than day-to-day issues, the FAA controls everything at the airport,” Egizio said “They’re Big Brother.”


Sayden Wilson (left) and sister Makayla Wilson, snuggle up to mom Ashley Nowak.

a couch. This time, she was on floor and could hear understand Sayden; she process what’s going on




state news

Agriculture community lauds approval of Farm Bill Support is set at 65 percent, conservation compliance is linked to crop insurance By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

After months of deliberation, the U.S.House on Jan.29 approved a Farm Bill that local agricultural experts say addresses many of their concerns. “I was very pleased the House voted to approve the Farm Bill, and will now move forward to the Senate,” said Will County Farm Bureau Manager Mark Schneidewind. “Many hours of work by our farming community went into this effort, and this bill

addresses many of the policy objectives we stressed. “The Farm Bill was extended since 2012, but that allowed for more input and discussion from outside groups, and the House members were comfortable with moving this forward. We have six congressmen representing parts of Will County, and we had conversations with each of their offices.We thank the Congressmen and their office staffs for talking to our farmers about the Farm Bill and how important it is to the family farmer.

“The plan is fiscally responsible, and it will put a five-year plan in place to help farmers manage their risk, which is important considering the market and price fluctuations we have seen in the past year.” Schneidewind pointed to the following provisions in the new Farm Bill: Crop insurance is enhanced with the introduction of a Supplement Coverage Option, which offers farmers the option of purchasing additional coverage based on county yield or loss basis to cover part of the deductible. The support is set at 65 percent, and conservation compliance is linked to crop insurance. The bill

includes a flexible farm safety net that includes choices between price-based and revenuebased risk management tools and maintains decoupling of payments under both programs from current planted acres. Target price which is now to be called “reference” prices are proposed to be $3.70/bushel for corn, $8.40/bushel for soybeans and $5.50 /bushel for wheat. The Agriculture Risk Coverage program will pay to a level between 76-86 percent of the historical revenue. Producers will have a one-time option to update yields before the 2014 crop year. Reallocation of base acres among covered commodities shall be in the fouryear average of acreage planted on the farm to each covered commodity for the following “harvest, grazing, haying and silage” for the 2009-2012 crop years, as well as any prevent planted acres. The bill also eliminates direct payments while maintaining decoupled farm support programs that will minimize any possible planting and production distortions that could challenge trade. Marketing loans are the same as current law and there are payment limitations on an individual as well as a couple. The bill also includes agricultural research programs such as Foreign Market Development, Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, Market Access Programs and Agriculture and Food Research

Initiative. Strongly debated cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program were set at $8.6 billion over 10 years. The House had wanted to set the cuts at $4 billion, while the Senate was recommending $40 billion over 10 years. Illinois Farm Bureau President Richard Guebert, Jr. said he was pleased to see the Farm Bill move out of the House after two years of work. “The Farm Bill strengthens the federal crop insurance program, which is the most important risk management tool available to farmers. The bill maintains resources for cost-share, working land conservation programs that allow farmers improve water quality, and adapt to tightening regulations.” Illinois Soybean Association Vice Chairman Mike Marron was pleased with the progress as well. “This farm bill provides effective, multi-year farm legislation and establishes practical risk management programs for our nation-leading soybean farmers. On behalf of Illinois soybean farmers, we are excited about passage of this legislation that would achieve net savings of $23 billion during the next 10 years. That makes agriculture the only sector that has contributed to deficit reduction in the 113th Congress. The U.S. Senate was expected to vote on the Bill Tuesday, Feb. 4.

News local



Residents can belly up to McBrody’s again Bar, restaurant at 73 W. Jefferson St. did not have a valid state liquor license for most of January By Stewart Warren For the Bugle

Although McBrody’s wasn’t able to sell liquor for most of January, the beer is pouring again. The bar and restaurant at 73 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, did not have a valid state liquor license for most of January, said Jim O’Connell, owner of the business. The state notified the city about the lapse around Jan. 15, said Mayor Tom Giarrante, the city’s liquor commissioner. The bar also has a local liquor license, but it becomes invalid without the state license, he said. During the month, the

restaurant was open for lunch but closed at night, the news announced every day by a paper sign taped to the front door. O’Connell had to remove all of the alcohol from the building, Giarrante said. The situation was a little confusing for some patrons who couldn’t figure out if the place was open or not at any given time. But O’Connell went to Springfield this week and got the license back. He submitted the paper work to the city on Thursday, Giarrante said. “He got the OK from us to start selling liquor,” the mayor said. As O’Connell tended bar at McBrody’s on Friday afternoon,

he was reluctant to talk about what had happened to his liquor license. But the ongoing construction in downtown Joliet including the recent threemonth closure of the Jefferson Street Bridge had been hard on his business, O’Connell said. The bridge was closed Oct. 1 for maintenance work. Although originally scheduled to be back in business on Oct. 24, the repairs took longer than anticipated, and it did not reopen until Dec. 27. Drivers had to find a way to get downtown without using Jefferson Street, a main east-west artery for the city. “No one could get here. No one understands the one-way streets (in downtown),” O’Connell said. “I had people call, and ask ‘How do I get there?’ I would tell them the highway, McDonough Street,


Safely Home Canine Rescue finding homes for strays Safely Home Canine Rescue, Inc. is an all-breed dog rescue dedicated to finding homes for stray and homeless dogs. Through its rescue efforts and volunteer network, dogs and puppies are fostered until adopted. In addition, Safely

Home Canine Rescue provides spay/neuter assistance in southern Illinois, resulting in the prevention of thousands of unwanted litters. Founded in November 2011, they are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

and an Illinois charitable organization. New volunteers, fosters and supporters are always welcome. More information is available on their website at www. and on their Facebook page.

Jackson, Ruby. I would give them directions and they did not understand.” The callers often would say something that had to hurt: “They’d say, ‘We are going to dinner somewhere else. It’s too hard to get there,” O’Connell said. Business was slow even with there were shows at the Rialto, perhaps the busiest nights in downtown Joliet. All the restaurants are packed, often with out-of-towners who hold theater tickets. But McBrody’s is a few blocks west of the Rialto, and without the Jefferson Street Bridge, the people from Beverly and Naperville either didn’t know how to get there or forgot about its existence. That wasn’t the only road project in downtown Joliet

during 2013. There was work going on everywhere last year as utility lines were updated and Joliet Junior College continued the construction of its new building at Chicago and Webster streets. The streets were often either ripped apart or temporarily closed, making life miserable for motorists and business owners like O’Connell. “It makes it tough for people to park. It confuses people who are not familiar with downtown,” he said. But he understands the situation. “You can’t blame progress; (infrastructure work) has to be done,” O’Connell said. “There is never a good time. You can be upset about it and have it ruin your day, but there is nothing you can do about it.”




Police Blotter

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Joliet 1

Timothy J. Policandriotes, 49, 1519 Taylor, was arrested at 6:38 p.m. Jan. 24 at that address for Criminal Damage to Property.


Stephen A. Veasy, 22, 1703 Houston Ave., was arrested at 10:48 p.m. Jan. 24 at Larkin and Oneida for Domestic Battery and Interfering with Reporting Of Domestic Battery.


Ashley M. Pemble, 26, 120 Reedwood Drive, was arrested at 5:28 p.m. Jan. 24 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for Retail Theft.


Michelle M. Willhite, 30, 1716 N. Broadway, was arrested at 9 a.m. Jan. 24 at 2200 Oneida for two counts of Aggravated Battery.


Alejandro Orozco-Bazan, 25, 617 N. Hickory, was arrested at 4:03 a.m. Jan. 24 at that address for Obstructing Identification and Resist/

Obstruct A P.O.


A 15-year-old was arrested at 7:48 p.m. Jan. 25 at 1801 W. Jefferson for Retail Theft.


Jorge L. Ayala, 19, 3044 W. Cermak, Chicago, was arrested at 9:09 p.m. Jan. 25 at Clinton andArch for Possession of Drug Equipment and Possession of Cannabis.


Mario J. Carrasco-Ronquillo, 35, 704 Garnsey, was arrested at 3:32 a.m. Jan. 25 at that address for Resist/Obstruct A P.O. and Aggravated Domestic Battery.


Robert J. Hodges Jr., 27, 205 Granite, was arrested at 2:45 a.m. Jan. 25 at Hammes south of Jefferson for DUIAlcohol and DUI-BAC over .08. Joshua M. Pemble, 23, 2 Davison, was arrested at 3:56 p.m. Jan. 26 at 155 Brookforest Ave. for Retail Theft and Felony DWLS.


James S. Greer, 60, 611 E. Cass, was arrested at 7:42 p.m. Jan. 26 at 508 E. Cass for Criminal Trespass to Real Property.


L. Lindgren, 18, 1808 12 Eric S. Jefferson, Lockport, was arrested at 10:43 p.m. Jan. 26

in the 600 block of Morgan for Possession of Cannabis. James R. Donchez, 31, 3800 Fireside Court, was arrested at 4:25 a.m. Jan. 27 at 919 Sable Ridge for Possession of a Controlled Substance and Endangering the Life/Health of a Child.


Joe F.Castillo,54,1612 Sugar Maple Road, Plainfield, was arrested at 1:12 p.m. Jan. 27 at 1401 Route 59 for Theft.


Marcus J. Cambic, 32, 1206 John St., was arrested at 1:18 p.m. Jan. 28 at 1401 W. Jefferson for Theft.


Roosevelt Jones, 63, 8 Luana, was arrested at 2:58 p.m. Jan. 28 at Richards and I-80 for Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon and Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent.


Elizabeth Pinto, 58, 1345 Acorn Drive, Crest Hill, and Viviana E. Akande, 34, 1104 Trillium Lane, were arrested at 4:24 p.m. Jan. 28 at 2524 W. Jefferson for Retail Theft.


Raymond J. Kroll Jr., 45, 611 E. Cass St., was arrested at 1:44 p.m. Jan. 28 at 3001 Plainfield for Theft.



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The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Joliet Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.





Calvert A. Crudup, 60, 1213 Edge Hill Ave., was arrested at 12:49 p.m. Jan. 28 at that address on an Out of Town Warrant and for Delivery of Controlled Substance.

Michael J. Wrbanek, 23, 1802 Burshire Court, Plainfield, was arrested at 1:33 a.m. Jan. 29 at Emyvale and Honora for DUI – Alcohol and DUI – BAC over .08.

Lisa M. Sefcik, 45, 1525 E. Cass, was arrested at 6:20 p.m. Jan. 28 at that address for Delivery of a Controlled Substance.

Janet L. Pickering, 54, 304 B Woodcreek Drive, Bolingbrook, was arrested at 2:39 p.m. Jan. 30 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for Theft.



Armando Reyes, 33, 550 Irving, was arrested at 3:59 p.m. Jan. 28 at that address for Criminal Damage to Property and on a Will County Warrant.


Adam E. Nelson, 21, 416 Oneida,was arrested at 8:42 p.m. Jan. 28 at 250 Nicholson for Forgery, Identity Theft and Theft.


Richard J. Allen, 66, 1509 Black Road, was arrested at 5:39 p.m. Jan. 29 at 333 N. Madison for Violation Of Order Of Protection.


Kenneth R.Wicevic, 52, 535 Pasadena, Crest Hill, was arrested at 12:40 p.m. Jan. 29 at 1590 Larkin for Retail Theft.


Darius L.Wicks, 37, 14234 S. Hillsdale Court, Plainfield, was arrested at 10:25 p.m. Jan. 29 at 809 Westwood for Violation Of Order Of Protection.




For more Joliet blotter, visit www.

Shorewood Jennifer M. Blazekovich, 39, 118 Walnut Dr., Shorewood, arrested Jan. 12 at Route 52 and Del Webb Road for Driving under the Influence, No Valid Driver’s License and Improper Lane Usage.


Tadrianna M. Hutcherson, 20, 909 Lois Place, Joliet, arrested January 24 at Black Road and Brookforest Avenue for DrivingWhile License Suspended. She was arrested after a routine license plate check.


Marc W. Wulf, 42, 510 Smith Lane, Dwight, arrested January 30 at Cottage and Meyers streets for Driving While License Revoked and No Taillight.


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gUest colUMn




WITh Rep. nATAlIe mAnley (d-JolIeT) 98Th dIsTRICT

Manley shares some lessons WEB learned as freshman legislator LINKS On Jan. 9, 2013, I was sworn in a shortage of financial experts as the state Representative of the seated in the General Assembly… 98th House District. I was one and it shows. We may not be of large group of new, an exciting bunch, incoming freshmen that but have a skill set took the oath of office that Illinois needs that day. In the blink of desperately. an eye a year has gone F r e q u e n t l y, by, and as I reflect on legislation starts off what has transpired, I as an idea, a story, or think about some of a thought in passing the things I learned. that someone shares These are some of my as you talk to them observations. There are Rep. Natalie Manley at their door or at a plenty more that I will (D-Joliet) 98th town hall meeting. share over time, but for District The legislator is the now, here are just a few – in no messenger. Several bills I carried, particular order: now law, came from people right People don’t differ along party here in Will County. lines as often as they do by region. Springfield is an unusual place. Wait a minute … I thought all It is chaotic, it’s loud, and it’s the Democrats and Republicans not Will County. In an effort to are warring factions and literally remain grounded and connected spend all day screaming and to real life, I often make phone yelling at each other? Turns out calls to constituents while I’m in the “D” or the “R” matters less than Springfield. So, don’t be surprised the longitude and latitude of your if I call you. district. Being a legislator is a full-time That being said, the Democrats job, that is, if you want to represent and Republicans vote unanimously your constituents properly. I on many pieces of legislation. spend half the year in Springfield Turns out that our constituents and the other half getting to know have a lot of the same needs. the people in the district, and Accountants look at things understanding their issues. Any differently from other people. legislator that has ever said this There are a lot of lawyers in the is a part time job … wasn’t doing General Assembly, and though their job. they are great at dissecting laws Truth and transparency are and mincing words, not all of paramount. That is what people them understand how numbers want, but sometimes they get mad work. Accountants do. We have when you tell them what they

have a question or comment about this column? feel free to send us an email at

don’t want to hear… even if it is the truth. One day, a well-respected local businessman and I had an impromptu conversation as we found ourselves ushered into the basement of a banquet hall while tornado sirens were sounding above. After sharing some concerns with the state, he reassured me, “Just do the right thing, and everything will work out OK.” I was surprised, though that has always been my modus operandi, that hearing it from someone else would leave such an impression. Compromise and bipartisanship are how things get done. While in many ways, Springfield is gridlocked, it has not been my experience in every situation. Some of my bills were chief co-sponsored by Republicans because it was an important and positive piece of legislation for Illinois. It helps, if you leave your ego at the door and do things for the right reasons (see #8). Government can work. I’ve seen it. It isn’t always pretty, but if you try hard, and do things for the right reason, you can really help people… and that’s what this job is all about. Next time: My thoughts on the State of the State Address.

Illustrated opinions





Zonta Club to hold annual Fundraiser The theme of Zonta’s Fundraiser this year is “Celebrating Zonta Around the World” The Zonta Club of Joliet will hold its annual fundraiser on Sunday, Feb. 23 at the Patrick Haley Mansion, 17 S.Center St., Joliet. The event will begin with cocktails from 11 a.m. to noon and lunch will be served at noon. Tickets are $65. For more information, contact this year’s

chairperson, Lora McGuire, at or 815-3516847. The theme of Zonta’s Fundraiser this year is “Celebrating Zonta Around the World”. The club will honor a Woman of Distinction, a person who has contributed to Zonta’s mission of increasing the status

of women around the world. “The Zonta Club of Joliet’s annual fundraiser raises funds to support local and international Zonta Charities,” Zonta President Mardi Wunderlich said. “This year’s local recipient is Will County Habitat for Humanity.” Zonta International was formed in 1919 and is headquartered in Oakbrook, Illinois. There are more than 33,000 members in over 1200 clubs in 65 countries around the world.

The Zonta Club of Joliet’s annual fundraiser raises funds to support local and international Zonta Charities. This year’s local recipient is Will County Habitat for Humanity.”

- Zonta President Mardi Wunderlich


Historical Museum wants to build on endowment One of the only stipulations was that the fund is to be named in honor of the Museum’s past director, Tony Contos The Joliet Area Historical Museum has received a generous endowment from Brent Wadsworth, founder of Wadsworth Golf Construction Co. One of the only stipulations was that the fund is to be named in honor of the Museum’s past director, Tony Contos. Upon hearing the news, Contos commented that support from the Wadsworth family reflected a positive move forward not just for the Museum, but the entire Joliet community. “The Wadsworth family’s choice to establish this endowment for the Joliet Area Historical Museum is another example of their longterm belief in the Joliet area and the people and institutions who quietly support the fiber of the

community. “I am honored and humbled by their request to name the endowment in this manner. It is most meaningful that it is established by a family of their character.” Greg Peerbolte, the Museum’s current Director, noted that the establishment of this endowment fund, which allows the Museum to use earnings generated by the principle, was the result of a long-term goal and puts the Joliet Area Historical Museum in elite company. “The establishment of the Anthony B. Contos Endowment Fund is a huge game-changer for our organization. It demonstrates a great show of support in our goal to expand long-term services to the community as we seek

additional financial support from grant-making organizations and individual donors. Endowments are hallmarks of large, wellestablished organizations, so we are no doubt in great company.” The Museum will now seek to leverage Wadsworth’s gift to attain additional community support to grow the fund, Peerbolte continued. “The Wadsworth family puts much thought into their investments, so we are charged not only with managing these funds wisely, but actively growing them by enlisting the support of the Joliet community.” Peerbolte said the Museum would soon be issuing a community challenge with the goal of doubling the fund within one calendar year of the campaign announcement. The fund will also solidify a relationship between the Museum and the Joliet American Legion Band, in accordance with the Wadsworths’ request. After

the Band was put out of their rehearsal space over the summer, officers of the Band approached Museum staff, and a new home for the Band was created in the Museum’s Caterpillar Auditorium. “Following a successful rooftop concert over the summer, our organizations became fast friends,” Peerbolte said. “I quickly learned that that Joliet American Legion Band is among the most treasured and respected entities in the Joliet community.The Band’s rich history speaks for itself, so the Museum acting as its home base is a natural fit.” He added that the Museum and Legion Band were currently in talks to develop an annual concert at the Museum, the proceeds of which would benefit the endowment. Peerbolte encourages anyone interested in learning more about theAnthony B.Contos Endowment Fund at the Joliet Area Historical Museum, to contact him at the Museum, (815) 723-5201.





INSIDE: Minooka has pair of wrestlers win SPC titles, page 12; Young Hilltoppers building with chemistry, page 13



Minooka duo earn All-State honors By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Zach Segatto was one of two Minooka bowlers to earn All-State honors.

Minooka came into the state meet last weekend at St. Clair Bowl in O’Fallon with the goal of bringing home a state trophy after coming up one pin short a year ago, finishing in fourth. While the Indians were unable to accomplish that feat, finishing fifth, they were able to bring home some individual hardware this year. Seniors Zach Segatto and John Kauffman finished seventh and 10th, respectively, to earn AllState honors, which went to the top 12 individuals. Segatto shot a 2,747 over 12 games, good for a 228.9 average. Lincoln-Way West’s Josh Glover won with a 2,967 total, a 247.3 average. “I’m not too happy with how the team outcome went, but things happen,” Segatto said. “But I’m very happy with how

I did and John also, especially with us being the seniors. This means more than anything to me over my four-year career.” “It is awesome,” Kauffman added. “It is team first of course I wanted to bowl as good as I could to help out the team as much as I can and everything else will work out. It ended up working out for me.” Segatto came out on fire Friday, rolling games of 250, 237 and 257 for a 744 series. He came back in the afternoon with games of 259, 234 and 190 for a 683 and a 1,427 total for the day, good for fourth place. He added series of 636 and 684 Saturday, including a 269 game. “It is a great feeling to come out of senior year at state with a medal,” Segatto said. “It feels awesome. I missed one spare all weekend and had three splits. I wanted to avoid throwing splits >> see DUO | page 16




Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Carson Oughton won the SPC title at 152 pounds for Minooka.

Indians win pair of SPC titles By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

Since its inception, the Southwest Prairie Conference wrestling tournament has been

dominated by either Minooka or Plainfield Central, as the two have combined for all of the league championships. This season, that changed as Plainfield South grabbed its first

share of the prize, winning the SPC tournament by 10 points over rival Plainfield Central. The Cougars tallied 158 points >> see SPC | page 15




Hillmen building with young players By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

As the Joliet Catholic Academy boys basketball team continues to build its program and the young players get used to playing together, there are a few who need no introduction to

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Jalen Jackson is one of two former Richland players to lead JCA.

each other. Especially the Hilltoppers’ starting backcourt of Harold Davis and Jalen Jackson, who have played together since the third grade. The products of Richland >> see HILLMEN | page 15




Rydberg places second in nation By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Valley View School District and Plainfield resident Paige Rydberg has had a good deal of success in recent years. But the 14-year old took things

to the next level Jan. 5-6 when she placed second in the Novice Ladies Division in the U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Boston, MA. It was her second time competing in the national championships and her best finish

after taking fifth last year. Her experience last year helped her this time around. “I moved up a level and definitely had a better year overall,” Rydberg said. “This year was a little harder, but it was fun to watch all the others skate.Last year’s experience definitely did help.” “It absolutely helped,” Rydberg’s coach, Mary Alice Antensteiner said. “She got taller and was physically and mentally much more in control this year.” Rydberg was in first place after the short program with a score of 45.16. In the long program she was third with 80.50 points for a total of 125.66. Vivian Le of Dallas won with a 138.06 total. “I was in the lead after the short program, but that doesn’t mean much,” Rydberg said. “It definitely helps though. There were some more nerves and more and less pressure, because I did have a little advantage. “I did everything clean and I didn’t make any mistakes. I had to more triple jumps this year, but I have been doing them all season.” “She did fantastic,” Antensteiner said. “She was all business from the moment we walked in. Her practices were flawless. She had

“I was in the lead after the short program, but that doesn’t mean much. It definitely helps though. There were some more nerves and more and less pressure, because I did have a little advantage. - Valley View School District and Plainfield resident Paige Rydberg

two great programs and it was a huge accomplishment.” There are no more competitions until the summer from Rydberg, but she will be traveling for ice shows in New York and Wyoming. When she does return to the ice, she will be moving up a class once again, this time to the junior division, for likely the next two years. “I am working on some new, harder jumps,” she said. “I want to do the same thing as this year and keep consistent and get good scores. I have two years of juniors, so this year will help for next year.” While in her break time, Ryberg will focus on the skating at the Winter Olympics.

Submitted Photo

Valley View’s Paige Rydberg placed second in the nation in the Novice Ladies Division at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

Sports >> HILLMEN, from page 13 Grade School in Crest Hill, the sophomores are enjoying playing together in high school. “We have chemistry,” Jackson said.“I know where he will be on the floor and he knows where I will be. We just have to get used to playing with the other three players as well as I know him and then we will get there.” Joliet Catholic Academy coach Joe Gura is well aware of that chemistry, especially at a private school where players come from all over. “That is an advantage, especially here because we have no feeder program,” he said. “That is part of why I brought them up as freshmen last year. I am nurturing and cultivating that very dynamic because it is so very important.” While at Richland, Jackson said they knew they were playing together in high school, they just didn’t know where. “It was up to the last three weeks of summer, so it was last >> SPC, from page 12 to Central’s 148. The Indians didn’t fall very far, placing third with 128, however it was the first time they were not one of the top two teams. Plainfield East was fourth with 126.5 and Oswego was fifth 112.5, while Oswego East (60), Plainfield North (50.5) and Romeoville (27) rounded out the field. While the Indians placed third as a team in the SPC, they still have talented individuals in the lineup. Minooka posted eight wrestlers on the medal stand, with six third place finishers to go with a pair of champions. Winning at 152 pounds was Carson Oughton, as he defeated Plainfield South’s Andy Gastelum 10-2. “In my finals match I came out a little hesitant because I had never wrestled him before,” Oughton said.“He showed me he

minute,” he said.“We were going together.” Despite not winning many games over their first two seasons, the duo is having fun learning the high school game together. “We are getting used to playing high school,” Davis said.“It’s fun, I like playing with Jalen. We are good dynamic duo.” “It is new,” Jackson said. “I never thought I would be carrying a team at this age, but it is fun.” Jackson tallied 20 points and Davis had 12 in JCA’s 74-55 loss to Notre Dame in East Suburban Catholic Conference action Friday. While Jackson connected on five three pointers, the Notre Dame duo of senior Pat Dillon (7) and junior Joe Mooney (6) combined for 13 of the teams 14 made three pointers. “I know you will think this is crazy, but I am very happy with the kids,” Gura said. “I am so pleased with the heart. We are talking about sophomores

and juniors. I told the kids how proud of them I am. It is tough for me, I am used to winning, but I know it is my job to help them on the journey and see how we are getting better.” Gura said he sees the growth in the team and he wants to see it through in the next few seasons. “This is my last stop,” he said. “I live down the street. All my grandkids come to the games. I love teaching here. They treat me better than I deserve. I want to build this thing and then turn it over to a young guy and have JCA back.” • Davis and Jackson are not the only Richland graduates doing well. Lockport senior Grover Anderson, another Eagle alum, is a top player for the Porters. He had a team-best 17 points Friday as the Porters fell 55-52 to Joliet Central. Jonah Coble led all scorers with 21, while Antonio Dyson posted 14.

could compete, so I had to step up my game in the second period, so I just had to rack up points. I started doing that in the second period and just kept scoring through the third period.” Oughton said the momentum from the win is a great start to the last month of the season. “This is a great way to start the last month of the season,” he said. “It is getting down and I have to just wrestle all out.” Also taking home a title was Chris Hiscock, who defeated Plainfield South’s Derek Biliskov 9-6 in the final seconds at 170. “It got kind of scary there at the end,” Hiscock said. “I was able to get him to his back, but I almost got reversed.They are tough kids. Akwasi (Aikins from Plainfield Central, Hiscock’s quarterfinal opponent) and Derek are both harder than heck to beat.” Placing in third for the Indians at the conference meet were Josh Bouie (182), John Callahan (106), KJ Minor (113), Bret Miller

(126), Kenny Kirkland (145) and Shane Mart (132). As it usually does,Minooka parts ways from the rest of the SPC for the regional level as it heads to Bradley-Bourbonnais to compete with the likes of Bloom, East Moline, Homewood-Flossmoor, Moline, Normal Community West, Normal Community and Rock Island. The Indians are hoping to do what they did last year and take a team that wasn’t as strong as some of theirs in the past and win the team regional title. “We are not as strong as we have been, but as leaders, we have to step up and show that. We have to win our match and show them that we have to keep grinding,”Oughton said.“Last year we were like Swiss cheese and we came together and won the regional and ended up making it to another elite eight and that is what we will try and do again this year.”





Sports >> DUO, from page 11 and pick up my spares.” Kauffman got to his total of 2,678 (223.2) a different way. He came out slow out of the blocks with a 175, but a ball change changed the course of his weekend. “The ball I started with yesterday was the ball I used the day before in practice,” Kauffman said. “It was working really well then, but when I got to the match the next day, it wasn’t breaking the same way that it was before. I switched to a different ball and bowled fairly decent the rest of the day and I started with that ball today and it kept doing the same thing.” The other ball led him to games of 245, 238, 246, 226 and 188 Friday for a 1,318 and put him in 28th place. On Saturday Kauffman opened with a 722 to get into All-State contention and held on to that with a 638 in the afternoon.

As a team the Indians were fairly consistent throughout the tournament, hanging around third-eighth place throughout the tournament. They were in fifth place after Friday with a 6,288 total and finished with a 12,602 total overall, topping last year’s total. Out of the 12 games, they only had two below 1,000. “We were getting to a point where none of us could carry anything,” Segatto stated. “We were picking up our spares pretty good all weekend. Our spare conversion was 80 percent, which was better than it was all year. We were pretty consistent all tournament.” “I’m really proud of us,” Kauffman said. “We’re a great team and a great group of guys. I’m really proud of what we did. We came in hoping for a trophy, but there were some really good teams there. We really worked as a team and I’m proud of what we did.” Rockford Guilford won with

a 13,107, Andrew was second with a 13,002 and O’Fallon was third with a 12,970. Freshman Kai Devine shot a 2,436 to finish 61st and junior Chris Dombrowski had a 2,332 to finish 68th. •Lockport was in contention after Friday morning in hopes of defending its state title, sitting in fifth place. However, the Porters failed to break 3,000 in the afternoon and sat in 10th with a 6,176 total. They could never get anything going on the second day, only breaking 1,000 once and finished in 12th place with an 11,938. Sophomore Brandon Bonomo was the only bowler to go the distance for the Porters, placing 39th with a 2,557 total. Senior Taylor Delrose shot a 2,234 in 11 games, Noah Zwit shot a 1,949 in 10 games and Brian Baer had a 1,828 in nine. Follow Scott @Taylor_Sports



Bengals rally in fourth, top Cougars By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

It was a tough weekend for the Plainfield South boys basketball team and a conversely great one for Plainfield East. After being atop the Southwest Prairie Conference for a few weeks, the Cougars dropped a pair of games to in-town rivals, including a 60-57 loss Saturday at Plainfield East, which saw the Bengals rally back from double digits in the fourth quarter. The Bengals now sit at 7-2 in league play and are atop the SPC. South is 6-3 and one game back. “I give South a lot of credit, they had a tough loss last night to North and we had a good win and I thought they came in with good energy,” said East coach Branden Adkins. “They are a scrappy team. They have been in first place for a few weeks and no one really talks about it. I give (South coach) Tim (Boe) a lot of credit for what he has done.” East used a 14-0 run midway through the fourth quarter to rally back and take the lead in the closing seconds. The Bengals were not celebrating just yet, as South has made a living on dramatic end-of-game shots this year. In fact, Shane Ritter has four game-winning, three point buzzer beaters on his resume this year and East made sure he was not going to get a chance to tie the game. “I told Nick (Novak) it’s basically like you are asking him for a date,” Adkins said. “I told him to stay on him and not let him touch the basketball.”

“We saw the tape on North from a couple months ago and coach told me to get all over him,” Novak said. “I had to get in his chest and not let him get a shot.” Corey Evers did get off a clean look at a three, but it rimmed out, giving East its fourth-straight win. “Four in a row and 13 wins and from where we were three weeks ago, I don’t know I would have said we would be here,” Adkins said. “We were really in a funk and games like this we wouldn’t have pulled out. This conference on any given night someone can win.” Before holding Ritter from getting off the final shot, Novak had a bigger impact on the comeback, both on and off the floor. He answered an Evers basket with a layup that put East up for good at 58-57. He was fouled on the play and missed the free throw, but chased down the loose ball rebound which led to Jordan Reed’s two free throws with 15 seconds left to put East up three. However, even before he got his game going, Novak was leading the team. “Nick came in at halftime and gave the team a bit of a butt chewing and that is a leader,” Adkins said. “At halftime he did it with his voice and then in the fourth quarter with his actions.” Adkins had his own words for the team in the huddle. “It seemed like for three quarters no bounce went our way, so I challenged them at the start of the fourth quarter and told them they had to find a way

Mark Gregory/Enterprise Staff

Plainfield East’s Aaron Jordan goes up over Plainfield South’s Myles Snowden in East’s 60-57 win.

to get it done,” he said. Part of that was getting junior Aaron Jordan, an Illinois recruit, going. Jordan had two fouls in the first quarter and sat the entire second period. He had only two of his team-high 15 points in the first half. “I thought we had him frustrated a little bit,” Boe said. “Our goal was to keep him under

20 and we did that.” Joshua Smith had 14 points for East, as did Myles Ward, while Novak had 10, eight in the fourth quarter. Ritter had game-high honors with 18 points, while Miles Snowden had 14 and Evers added 12. The Cougars will now look to rebound and get back atop the

SPC standings. “If we take care of the things we can control (we will win games),” Boe said. “You can control your effort, your defense, your rebounding and sometime the ball goes in, sometime it doesn’t. I feel good about our effort, I just wish we would have executed a little better.”



Take 5 Crossword Puzzle

Across 1 One who’s always on the go? 6 Pear that’s good for poaching 10 Glass sheet 14 Superior to 15 Member of the opposition 16 One on a pedestal 17 Pick-me-up 18 Governor’s pet projects? 20 Like one who forgot the Dramamine 22 Exposed 23 Nutritionist’s recommendation 25 Causes to quail 29 Utensil that gives you ideas? 32 Take to task 34 Cock or bull 35 Blues-rocker Chris 36 Clothes 37 Alex Haley classic 39 Abarth automaker 40 Coffee hour item 41 Talent 42 Precipitation

Down 43 Bully’s secret shame? 47 Day spa offering 48 First name in fashion 49 Pundit’s piece 51 Olympic Airways founder 56 Say “Come in, Orson!” e.g.? 60 Empty room population? 61 Poetic lowland 62 Iroquoian people 63 Compass direcci-n 64 Rep on the street 65 “Law & Order” org. 66 Composer Bruckner

1 Expos, since 2005 2 High wind 3 Pulitzer poet Van Duyn 4 Budget alternative 5 Ruled 6 Hoops score 7 London’s prov. 8 Shot in the dark 9 Fortresses 10 Find one’s voice 11 Stir 12 Eur. kingdom 13 Antlered bugler 19 Take out 21 “Charlie Wilson’s War” org. 24 Recipient of two New Testament epistles 26 Without a downside 27 Pet’s reward 28 Use the rink 29 After-dinner drink 30 Jekyll creator’s initials 31 Distillery vessel 32 Things 33 Chick of jazz 37 Winchester wielders 38 Frequently, in

verse 39 Hardy’s “__ From the Madding Crowd” 41 Freak out 42 Liturgical shout of praise 44 Was revolting? 45 Brought to mind 46 Place for a widescreen TV 50 Fishing boat 52 In short order 53 Spreadsheet function 54 Liking quite a bit 55 Not hidden 56 Home shopping channel 57 Nasser’s confed. 58 Cry for a picador 59 Fashionable jeans feature

Tribune Content Agency 2014


Horoscopes Feel free to explore new age ideas or to follow technological progress, but don’t go out of your way to shock people or try to change their minds this week. A sterling example could set the stage, so the world may change for the better.

T e m p o r a r y unpleasantness can trigger tensions with others. Trouble may plague new endeavors, so try not to put crucial plans into motion during the week ahead. You’ll be able to appear carefree even in the worst situations.

Past experiences don’t deserve to be repeated. Focus on improving the future rather than dwelling on hurts and transgressions this week. Spend a little extra to get the best quality and you’ll be glad you did.

Even if the upcoming week is not very good for making changes or starting anything new, you may have ample opportunity to impress people with your personal charm and knowledge. Keep on doing whatever you do best.

You could be too busy bailing out the boat to see the whirlpool ahead. Things can easily pile up in the week ahead, so it’s important to be organized and efficient. Don’t be distracted by one problem to the point that you overlook others.

Keep your options open. Don’t ignore opportunities that appear put of the blue this week, but don’t spring into action right way. Delay taking the first official step for a few weeks if something quite acceptable comes along,

Sweeping changes may take center stage in the week ahead. People may do and say things unexpectedly, without asking your advice or giving advance notice of their attention. Cultivate a sense of humor to adapt to unstable conditions.

Bias and control issues could cause you problems in the week ahead. Make it a top priority to do your job to the best of your ability, avoid controversy and honor your commitments, but don’t initiate anything new.

Situations might evolve into a series of minor foulups that dominate your routine. This is a particularly poor week to make irrevocable decisions about financial matters. Remain flexible about entertainment plans.

The path may be rocky, but not everything is set in stone. Keep an observant eye on alterations outside your control that you may turn to your advantage in the future. Hold off on new business starts or contracts this week.

Stick to your guns without shooting off your mouth. Refuse to jump to conclusions, but at the same time refuse to offend anyone, and things will work out to your advantage. Remain attentive to obligations this week.

You may get your fair share of publicity in the week to come. Use it to your advantage by networking or advertising your skills or talents. Put off the beginning of major undertakings until conditions are better suited for success.



Previous puzzle’s answers

Previous puzzle’s answers

Previous puzzle’s answers


Answer: A good electrician knows this -- WHAT’S WATT





Circuit Clerk Launches E-Appeal Program Program gives Appellate Judges, attorneys with WEB authority ability to view impounded images LINKS Pamela McGuire’s office is has been long, but well worth now paperless when sending it, and we are happy to offer appeals to the Third District it to our judicial community”, says Chasteen. Appellate Court In the fall of 2013, in Ottawa. former Chief Justice “The office Thomas L. Kilbride called began testing in Will County the Third May 2013, and District’s most populous after successful county, so electronic filing implementation, will greatly affect the time we have received attorneys and case parties the final approval will have to spend at the to move ahead with Will County Circuit Clerk courthouse. sending all civil Pamela McGuire Under the program, appeal records attorneys and case parties e l e c t r o n i c a l ly ” , have to be registered users says McGuire. “We feel this will of i2File in order to remotely cut down on filing extensions transactions. Once and allow everyone to work access approved, they will have the on files simultaneously and ability to upload the record on remotely from the convenience of their desktop computer.” appeal to their own personal “This program also gives desk top directly from the Third Appellate Judges and attorneys District Appellate Court. Third District Appellate Court with authority the ability to view impounded images,” Clerk Gist Fleshman noted, “I Andrea Chasteen, Manager of was very pleased when Clerk the Circuit Clerk’s Customer McGuire approached me with Service Division. “The process this idea. This program saves

Attorneys and parties can register by logging on to www. , clicking the e-file tab

taxpayers’ and litigant’s money that would otherwise be spent copying and transporting the often-lengthy records. The justices and all of the attorneys can have access to the record simultaneously. They can also easily search the record electronically and can even mark up their copies without damaging the original. It seems to be one of those rare instances where everyone benefits and there are no downsides. Attorneys and parties can register by logging on to www. , clicking the e-file tab and select “click here to e-file”, which will direct the user to the i2file home page. Click the “Register Button” and follow their directions.









IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 12TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WILL COUNTY- JOLIET, ILLINOIS THE PRIVATEBANK AND TRUST COMPANY as assignee of THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION as receiver for FOUNDERS BANK, Plaintiff, v. JESSICA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, MICHAEL R. BERRY, MICHELE S. BERRY, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants. 13-CH-3947 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants, defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of Will County by said Plaintiff against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of certain Mortgage, Amendment to Mortgage and Ancillary Loan Documents conveying the premises described as


235-009-0000 (Parcel 1); 07-15-130005-0000 (Parcel 2) Common addresses of mortgaged real estate: 701 Grant Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60433 and 318 Sherman Street, Joliet, Illinois 60433. Mortgagor: Jessica Development, LLC Mortgagee: Founders Bank Mortgage recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Will County as Document No. R2006210150; Amendment to Mortgage recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Will County as Document No. R2012084877, nPresent owner of the property: Jessica Development, LLC Notice is hereby given you that the said Complaint prays for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless, you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of

the Circuit Clerk of Will County, 14 W. Jefferson Street, Joliet, IL 60432, on or before February 21, 2014 default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Pamela J. McGuire Clerk of the Court 14 W Jefferson, Suite 212 Joliet, Illinois 60432 This is an attempt to collect a debt pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Carlson Dash, LLC 216 S. Jefferson St., Suite 504 Chicago, Illinois 60661 I582365 Published 1/22, 1/29, 2/5

News Cedarlake Village



Residents transform trash into treasure for homeless Program called New Life for Old Bags takes common grocery store plastic bags and crochets them into sleeping mats for the homeless In Greek mythology, everything King Midas touched turned to gold. At Cedarlake Village Retirement Community in Plainfield, a group of talented residents has perfected the art of turning an item normally considered trash into a gift of love and hope for the homeless. A group of residents known as Cedarlake Cares is participating in a program called New Life for Old Bags – which takes common grocery store plastic bags and crochets them into sleeping mats for the homeless.

For Cedarlake Village, it all starts with “a little help from our friends” – Heritage Grove Middle School of Plainfield has been instrumental in the process, collecting and donating literally thousands of bags. Each mat uses between 500 and 800 bags, depending on the finished size. From there, a group of residents meets weekly to transform the bags into the raw material of production. This involves folding, cutting, and looping strips of the plastic material together to form “plarn,” – a large ball of plastic

yarn. The next step is true magic – taking the former throwaway material and crocheting it into mats, which are given to an organization called NLOB of Plainfield (New Life for Old Bags). NLOB arranges to take the mats where they’re desperately needed: to the homeless of Chicago. The mats are ideal as a sleeping surface.They are very lightweight (even though thicker than a typical blanket), easy to clean and form a vital layer of insulation from the cold or wet ground. The undisputed queen of the program within Cedarlake Village is Cedarlake Cares member Judy Yuill, who has crocheted seventeen mats to date – and shows no signs of letting up. “I

submitted photo

make the mats to give homeless people hope,” says Yuill. “I want

them to know that someone cares about them.”



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