Joliet 03-19-14

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SPORTS Lumpkin Player of the Year Page 11

NEWS Public hearing set on open burning policy Page 3

Your Community, Your News


MARCH 19, 2014

Vol. 6 No. 29

city council

Forum explains process for filling District 4 vacancy Unity CDC organized forum to educate public on process By Stewart Warren For the Bugle

>> See the full story on page 5


Catherine Szymczyk entertains her parents, Ron and Michelle, at the Easter Seals Joliet Region Loveable Lilies daycare recently. The Szymczyks have been named the region’s Easter Seals Family of the Year.

After Susie Barber resigned earlier this month from the Joliet City Council, some residents wanted to know Susie Barber how she would be former joliet city counclwoman replaced. district 4 Would there be an election? Would someone simply pick the new member? Would the public have a say? It all seemed so confusing. So the Unity Community Development Corporation – a group that’s called Unity CDC around town – decided to do something. They quickly organized a brief forum held Saturday at the Joliet Area Historical Museum, 204 N. Ottawa St. “We wanted to educate the public on the process to select a new council person for district four,” explained Carol Ann >> see vacancy | page 3



News state of the city

Giarrante seeking the ‘big one’ to spur growth near Louis Joliet Mall Mayor proposes using abandoned lot where Movies 8 used to reside for restaurant, attractions By Stewart Warren For the Bugle

The city of Joliet wants to create a row of restaurants on the site of the old Movies 8 theater just Hennepin Drive, was on the south outside the Louis Joliet Mall. MayorTom Giarrante mentioned end of the mall. It closed in 2009 the idea March 11 during his after the Cinemark Louis Joliet annual State of the City address. Mall opened, and the building later was razed. Sponsored by the Giarrante and Jim Joliet Region Chamber Murphy – a city liquor of Commerce, the commissioner and one breakfast time meeting of the mayor’s top aides is an opportunity for – brainstormed the idea the mayor to discuss as a way to bring more where the city is going businesses to the mall and where it has been. area. They had been After he spoke to trying to lure more chain the group, the mayor Tom Giarrante restaurants to the mall talked more about the mayor of joliet property but they’d run idea while everyone into a roadblock: Every one of the else lingered over coffee and businesses wanted to be on U.S. pastries at tables set up on the 30. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere second floor of City Hall. Movies 8, Essington Road and to put one, the mayor said. All the

spots on the state route are filled. The city has tried to convince restaurant owners to consider other spots in the area but have struck out so far. It’s a fact that baffles the mayor. He says there is three times as much traffic funneling into the mall from Essington Road as there is from U.S. 30. The city also has tried to create outlots for restaurants in the parking areas near Macy’s, Sears and J.C. Penney stores at the mall, the mayor said. That didn’t work, either. City officials quickly learned the respective parking areas were controlled by the individual department stores, Giarrante said.The city did discuss the possibility of building outlots among the parking spaces with mall management. “We didn’t get too far with them,” he said. Then Murphy suggested grouping a few restaurants and perhaps a bar on the old Movies 8 property.They’ve been working on the possibility ever since and have discussed it with the management of several popular restaurants. The mayor wouldn’t name names, however. He thinks the site would work well, considering all the traffic coming into the area from nearby Essington Road. “Once we get a major restaurant in there, it will snowball,”Giarrante said.

Correction There was an error in the chamber story in the March 12 Bugle. Susan Pritz-Bornhofen manages the Jacob Henry Mansion and Victorian Ballroom, and her sister, Anne, is the head chef.

county board




Public hearing on open burning policy set for April 10 Meeting/hearing is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 10, Will County Office Building By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

For a while, members of the County Board’s Public Health and Safety Committee at their March 13 meeting sounded as though they might have a consensus on long-discussed revisions to the county’s open burning ordinance. This, despite the fact that there were three, color-coded sets of the ordinance – one for the current, one revised and one a revision of the revised. The latter, marked in green for those who had color copies, seemed to be the favorite. The major change the greencolored revised-revised version had to the original was limiting times open burning of waste material to April 1 through May 15 and September 15 through November 15. Will County Board Chief of Staff >> vacancy, from page 1 Heinemann of Joliet, president of the St. Pat’s Neighborhood Organization and a member of Unity CDC. “And we also wanted to generate interest in the overall local political process. We want people to be more involved in their local government.” Unity CDC began in 2006 as a way to improve the quality of life in the east and near west side neighborhoods comprising City Council districts 4 and 5.The notfor-profit had financial backing from the city in the beginning but doesn’t now. As they spread the word about the forum, the members of the group were perfectly clear about one thing: Unity CDC is nonpartisan and doesn’t support or oppose any candidate for the open seat in district 4 or any other elected office. On Saturday, about 50 people came to the museum, including several local leaders: Joliet Mayor Tom Giarrante, former Joliet City Councilmen Warren Dorris and Alex Ledesma, Will County Board Speaker Herb Brooks, who also is a local minister, and Dan Kennedy, a Joliet lawyer who is running for judge. Many of the residents in the Caterpillar Auditorium at the museum were

Bruce Friefeld told the committee he had taken out references to limiting open burning near residents with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease because the issue seemed to be too controversial and too divisive. Committee Chair Joe Babich, D-Joliet, said put it back in for now, and they can talk about it at the next meeting. He moved the already brief discussion of the revisions along, which seemed to take other committee members by surprise. Later, it was clarified that the revisions, including a discussion of the COPD restrictions, would be considered at the next Public Health and Safety meeting, part of which also will serve as a public hearing for Will County residents on the issue. That meeting/hearing is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Thursday,

April 10, on the second floor of the Will County Office Building, 302 N. Chicago St. Babich later said if it were up to him, all open burning – except for controlled burns – would be banned countywide as it is in most municipalities. Agricultural burning already is allowed under state law. But Babich’s feelings don’t sit well with other board members who represent residents in other non-urban areas. There have been few if any problems with the current ordinance, they say, and what few problems there have been occur where unincorporated land abuts a municipality. At a previous committee meeting, Board Member Don Gould, R-Shorewood, said enforcing burning restrictions near homes with people who suffer from chronic breathing problems would be difficult. “You have people moving all the time,” he said. “You could be legal one day, and then … depending

people who live in the Forest Park neighborhood on the city’s east side off Woodruff Road. At the beginning, Unity CDC President Mac Willis asked all of the leaders of the local neighborhood groups to stand up and be recognized. He also outlined a short set of rules for the event. City Attorney Jeff Plyman then began explaining how Barber’s successor actually would be chosen. By law, the mayor has 60 days to choose a registered voter who has lived in District 4 for at least a year to be the next Councilman. The mayor then submits that person’s name to the full council for consideration, Plyman said. In turn, the council members would have 30 days to consider the mayor’s nomination. If the council rejects the nomination, the process starts all over again. If the council does not approve the second nomination, the mayor then can choose either the first or second nominee to serve as District 4 Councilman until the 2015 election. “You really have a two-inning ball game here,” Plyman said. “At the end of it, it ultimately will be the mayor’s decision if the council doesn’t accept either nomination.”

The process doesn’t happen often. In 2010, Councilman Tony Uremovic retired and the mayor chose John Gerl to replace him. The process went quickly and smoothly, Plyman said. Someone in the crowd asked what would happen to a nomination if the Council’s vote ended in a tie. “A tie is not an approval so it would be construed as a rejection,” Plyman answered. Amy Sanchez, president of the Collins Street Neighborhood Council, asked about the new Council member’s salary. Plyman explained it would be $19,000 a year. Another member of the audience noted that the process of choosing Barber’s replacement could take six months. “We could conceivably go six months without representation,” the man said. Plyman reminded them that the City Council has three At-Large Councilmen who serve the entire city; the district 4 residents wouldn’t be without leadership. At the end of the meeting, the mayor asked anyone would was interested in the job to give him a resume as soon as possible. “I want to expedite this,” Giarrante said. “I want to bring a name by the second (City Council) meeting in April.”

who moved in, you could be illegal.” Tim Anderson of the Will County Land Use Department also has said it gets difficult to enforce when a home in a municipality that bans open burning is located near a home in the unincorporated area where there is no such ban. Board Republican Caucus Chair Jim Moustis, R-Frankfort, was not happy to hear the COPD restriction made it back into any version. He spoke briefly at the March 13 meeting, saying he favored the “green” version, before having to leave for another meeting in the building. Later, he agreed with Gould that restricting open burning to within

300 feet of a resident suffering from COPD or other breathing problems would be impossible to enforce. The County Board has been dealing with the issue for about a year. Joliet resident Maraline Mattke, who has been championing changes to the ordinance on behalf of those with breathing difficulties, brought up the issue, but only about burning leaves. Smoke from burning leaves contain toxins, much the same as smoke from burning plastic, she said. Board members hope to put the issue to rest and vote on a revised ordinance at their April 17 meeting.



News plainfield

Park District settles with employee on labor issue Schumaker will receive $8,960, less withholding and deductions

it violated the Illinois Labor Relations Act in any way.” Details of the settlement, obtained by the Enterprise under the Freedom Enterprise Staff of Information Act, A former Plainfield state that Schumaker Park District employee will receive $8,960, who accused two less withholding district officials of and deductions, retribution for labor representing 16 union activity has weeks of straight-time received a settlement wages he missed after from the district. he was let go. More than a month Garrett Peck His release, ago, the Illinois Labor former Park according to the Relations Board District Executive agreement approved Director found the district unanimously March violated labor law for 4 by the five board reportedly harassing and later members, will be termed a firing employee Joel Schumaker, resignation, and all mention of who attempted to recruit the incident will be removed another employee into the from his employment files. union. Park District officials will AFSCME Council 31 filed the be able to give only the term complaint on his behalf. As part Schumaker worked there to of its decision, the labor relations prospective employers, and board ordered the district to Schumaker also had to agree rescind its decisions regarding to a non-disparagement clause Schumaker and reinstate his against any Park District officials employment. in the settlement. The draft of the resolution In return, Schumaker and authorizing a settlement AFSCME Council 31 agree to agreement states: drop their claim against the “The district denies that it took district. any action against Mr.Schumaker The order from the ILRB states or any other employee due to that Schumaker had signed a their participation in protected union authorization card, and activities and also denies that that on June 29, Garrett Peck,

then-Park District Executive Director, met with maintenance employees informing them he knew of the union’s efforts to sign authorizations cards. In July, AFSCME officials said they had a majority of the employees signed up and filed for certification. On Aug. 15, the order states, Peck and then- Superintendent of Parks Gene Coldwater “interrogated” Schumaker and another employee “concerning their involvement with the Union and the media.”Coldwater recently was promoted to Assistant Executive Director. On Aug. 23, Peck disciplined Schumaker for allegedly soliciting “an individual on or about Aug. 21, 2013 to become a member of the Union.“ The order goes on to say that on Sept. 3, Schumaker was reassigned to new duties, and on Nov. 1, he was terminated from his position. The labor relations board set a hearing in November, but the order said Park District, in fact, admitted to the charges because its attorneys failed to respond to the allegations in time and were not eligible for an extension. Reporter Megan Patsavas and Managing Editor Nick Reiher contributed to this article.

News cover story

Easter Seals helps family adapt, thrive Easter Seals assists more than 1 million children and adults with disabilities and their families annually By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

Ron and Michelle Szymczyk were blessed with a beautiful girl just about two years ago. They named her Catherine. A few days after she was born, however,Catherine was diagnosed with bi-lateral hip dysplasia, a malformation of the joints, which required her to be in a body brace at 6 days old. “We thought it was the end of the world,” said Ron with a wry smile. When they brought Catherine in for her three-month check-up, Ron and Michelle were sent to a neurologist after their pediatrician saw that the little girl’s head circumference was so small, Ron said,“it fell off the charts.” Further testing found that Catherine was suffering from microcephaly, a developmental disorder that can be caused by a number of influences, and, conversely can result in a number of problems, depending on the severity. Not long after, Ron and Michelle found out one of those problems: Catherine began suffering from seizures that manifested themselves into abrupt jerking motions that could last seconds to minutes, and as many a hundred times a day. They were able to get some daycare help through the state courtesy of the University of Chicago. But they needed more. Even with a strong family network, they needed more to help Catherine through her developmental problems. Ron, a board member of the Exchange Club of Joliet, looked on the group’s website for assistance. One of the groups supported by Exchange is Easter Seals Joliet Region. They had heard of Easter Seals, everybody knows the little stamps they send out. But he and Michelle didn’t know what they


Ron Szymczyk pulls up this photo of Catherine on his cell phone when he’s having a bad day. “She’s always smiling,” he says of Catherine, even while in the hospital a year ago for tests.

did. “When I looked on (Easter Seals’) website,” Ron remembers, “it was like,‘Wow.’” Easter Seals assists more than 1 million children and adults with disabilities and their families annually through a nationwide network of more than 450 service sites. Primary services include medical rehabilitation, early intervention, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and hearing therapy; and child care. In other words, everything Catherine needed. In the fall of 2012,The Szymczyks fought through some denial -- no one wants to believe their child is different and needs special help – and enrolled Catherine in the Easter Seals day care program in Joliet: Loveable Lilies. Catherine was beginning to make some progress, but the seizures – diagnosed as ACTH -- still were taking up a lot her energy. Ron and Michelle were able to get her into a University of Chicago program that offered two steroid injections twice a day for up to 45 days. During that time, Catherine couldn’t attend any

daycare programs because the steroid compromised her immune system. They were painful for Catherine and for the Szymczyks. Catherine finished early, however, and after the steroid was out of her system, the doctors cleared her to return to Loveable Lilies just about a year ago. What has happened since that time, Ron and Michelle said, has been nothing short of miraculous. Catherine recently had a checkup, Ron said, and “she cleared every milestone.” The pretty little girl with the pinkrimmed glasses who would just lie on a pillow all day or “just look through you” when held, now is walking, starting to talk like a toddler and holds a purloined parental cellphone like a teen. “Doctors say she is about six months behind,” Ron says. And while a firm prognosis still is uncertain, there is obvious joy as they watch Catherine walking around the Loveable Lilies playroom, picking up toys and greeting those who come in. “She is so compelling,” said Easter Seals President and CEO Debra Condotti.“She gives us a lot of encouragement to do our jobs. She’s learning things you wouldn’t think would be possible. And she is a fashion plate with those pink glasses.“ While Ron and Michelle can’t say enough about the Easter Seals staff, Condotti feels the same way about them. She said they have adopted Easter Seals the way Easter Seals has adopted Catherine. Since the Szymczyks already have been telling everyone they know about Easter Seals, Condotti said it was easy to choose them as Easter Seals’ Family of the Year. Ron, Michelle and Catherine will promote the agency in fliers and at various events, including the Easter Seals Celebration of Giving Telethon April 5. Ron and Michelle are proud a humbled by the honor. Michelle said this can do some good for her as well, since she’s usually shy about public speaking. But they’re happy to talk about what Easter Seals has done for Catherine … and for them. >> see thrive | page 18





Police Blotter

14 13 21


12 15


4 28



2 24 9




16 23

1 11 5

17 8


30 26

The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Joliet Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

Joliet 1

Deonta M. Moore, 21, 317 Grover, was arrested at 9:59 p.m. March 7 at McDonough and Ottawa for possession of cannabis.


Gloria J. Brown, 58, 235 Doris, was arrested at 1:50 p.m. March 7 at 151 N. Joliet for criminal trespass to property.


Qadree E. Tharpe, 27, 2125 California, Lockport, was arrested at 10:56 a.m. March 7 at 2127 Luther for obstructing a peace officer and possession of cannabis.


Kyle F. McMillan, 18, 926 N. Prairie, was arrested at 1:47 p.m. March 7 at 401 N. Larkin for possession of controlled substance,possession of cannabis w/intent and possession of drug paraphernalia.


Kevin P. Wallen, 25, 304 Ridge, Wilmington, was arrested at 2 p.m. March 7 at

Eastern and 4th for possession of drug equipment.


Darius R. Stuckey, 21, 210 N. Hickory, was arrested at 7:30 p.m. March 7 at 419 Strong for burglary.


Frank P. Grigus, 50, 126 Baybury, Elwood, was arrested at 10:09 March 8 at 102 N. Chicago for battery.


Angelo R. Starr, 19, 514 S. Desplaines, was arrested at 11:30 p.m. March 8 at Market and McDonough for possession of controlled substance.


Andrew F. Skobel, 40, 14506 W. Rathfarn, Homer Glen, was arrested at 2:59 a.m. March 8 at 140 W. Jefferson for DUI/ alcohol. A. Crowley, 42, 10 Jacqueline 21217 Lily Lake, Crest Hill, was arrested at 7:25 a.m. March 8 at 311 N. Ottawa on a Will County Warrant and for possession of drug equipment. Thomas W. Russell Ii, 30, 1505 S. Chicago, was arrested at 2:03 p.m. March 8 at 379 S. Chicago on a will county warrant and for criminal trespass to real property.



Jeronimo GonzalezMunoz, 27, 510 3rd, was

arrested at 2:14 p.m. March 8 at Charlesworth and Francis for possession of controlled substance.

Nicholas B. Harris, 27, 2211 Cottonwood, was arrested at 1:20 a.m. March 8 at that address for domestic battery.

A 13-year-old was arrested at 2:40 p.m. March 8 at 2:40 p.m. March 8 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for retail theft.

Theresa Garcia, 41, 1706 Whispering Oaks, Plainfield, was arrested at noon March 9 at 2510 Route 59 for theft under $150.


Gionni Hudson, 22, 3013 Heritage, was arrested at 2:19 p.m. March 8 at 3551 Mall Loop Drive for possession of controlled substance and on an out of town warrant.


A. Perez, 38, 1103 15 Jose Ridgewood, was arrested at 7:41 p.m. March 8 at 701 Garnsey for criminal trespass to real property and resisting a peace officer. Antone D. Sheward, 22, 611 E. Cass, was arrested at 9:14 p.m. March 8 at that address for disorderly conduct.


Bernard C. Castleberry, 58, 609 McDonough, was arrested at 12:06 a.m. March 8 at that address for domestic battery.


J. Love, 27, 928 18 Thomas Magnolia, was arrested at 12:09 a.m. March 8 at 358 N. Broadway for obstructing a peace officer, aggravated assault and obstructing justice.



Danielle B. Yepiz, 18, 1916 Ridgemoor, Plainfield, was arrested at 3:40 p.m. March 9 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for theft.


William D. Shaw, 50, 419 N. Bluff, was arrested at 12:47 a.m. March 9 in the 200 block of Collins for Disorderly Conduct.


Lonnie M. Pinnick, 40, 2133 Luther, Lockport, was arrested at 7:02 p.m. March 9 in the 300 block of Union for possession of cannabis.


David A. Gryczewski, 27, 1861 Asbury Circle, was arrested at 1:45 p.m. March 9 at 150 W. Washington for domestic battery.


Jessica L. Busko, 22, 7529 W. Inverness Lane, Frankfort, was arrested at 1:42 p.m. March 9 at 1550 W. Jefferson for DUI/ alcohol and DUI/BAC over .08.


For more Joliet Blotter, visit www.

Shorewood Danielle N. Norbut, 35, of 24511Ward Ct.,Shorewood, arrested at his residence on a Will County warrant during a warrant service detail for no valid driver’s license, speeding and no insurance on March 5.


Majid Iqbal, 43, of 1714 Brighton Lane, Plainfield, arrested for unlawful delivery of a controlled substance on March 6. Iqbal turned himself in to police at the Shorewood department.


Mohammed Shareef, 35, of 461 Claire Ave., Romeoville, arrested during a warrant service detail at 150 Brookforest Avenue on March 6 on charges of unlawful delivery of a controlled substance.


Juan Aldaba-Favela, 38, of 12 Mississippi Ave., Joliet, arrested May 10 on charges of driving while license revoked, speeding and no insurance at Mound and River roads.


Eric J. Wilson, 22, of 1119 Cambridge Lane, Shorewood, arrested March 12 on domestic battery charges after officers responded to a disturbance call in the 300 block of North Louisa.



Guest coluMn


wiTh reP. naTalie manley (d-JolieT) 98Th diSTricT

Bills aim to improve public safety One of the most rewarding a permanent program, allowing parts of going to Springfield has families to honor loved ones, been introducing legislation as a who had been lost on roadways, in a safe manner, means to fix a problem while also creating that a constituent may awareness of reckless be facing. or distracted driving. Not every situation The impetus for this or piece of legislation law was the tragic affects us all, but the loss of Adam Miller, issue of public safety is a 5-year-old from something that touches Bolingbrook, whose every resident. Several parents turned their pieces of legislation I was able to sponsor as reP. naTalie manley grief into advocacy for stronger road safety a freshman legislator (d-joliet) 98tH legislation. were aimed at increasing district Working with public safety measures. Adam’s family and being able Last year, my first bill as a new to not only help their family, but legislator, expanded Adam’s countless other families, get the Law from a pilot program into

web connect Have a question or comment about this column? Feel free to send us an email at

attention of all drivers, young and old, and remind them that distracted driving costs lives.In the legislative process, we named the law after Adam and I will always be proud to have been the legislator that told Adam’s story on the house floor.The bill, signed by the entire House of Representatives, hangs on my office wall, and every day, I think about Adam. In the same vein, House Bill 6000, also known as Eric’s Law, is waiting to be heard in committee. >> see our houSe | page 18


It takes a village ... and then some Child is wowing all the doctors who, last year, were afraid to look her parents in the eye By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

I watched the little girl bounce around the playroom. There was so much to see and so much to do. There were books and toy cars and a wooden toy train set. I almost jumped in myself. Catherine, just about 2 years old, is a doll. But for her first year and a half or so, a doll nearly had more life. I’ve known her dad, Ron, for a few years now. He’s on the Joliet Exchange Club with me. Like a lot of our members who work out of town, I don’t see Ron at our weekly lunches, but he’s there for the monthly board meetings. As such, though, I didn’t know much about Ron’s family life, other than some mentions in passing at the board meetings. In writing the story about Ron, his wife Michelle and Catherine, I learned he is a pretty strong dude. So is Michelle. Catherine, too, for that matter. As Michelle told me, “last year sucked,” well, half of it, and the year before was

no prize, either. They had been back and forth to doctors, watched Catherine suffer through daily seizures and then experience painful treatments, which, thankfully, have helped control those seizures. Still, she suffers from the effects of microcephaly, literally, a small brain. As well as the seizures, the condition has caused sight problems and possible digestion problems. At nearly 2, Ron says, she still is only 20 pounds. Most of that weight obviously is heart. After she was cleared to return to daycare at Easter Seals Joliet Region, Catherine’s spirit just took off. She’s wowing all the doctors who were afraid last year to look her parents in the eye.And everyone at Easter Seals is amazed as well, and they have fostered a lot of amazing stories. Ron and Michelle told me what a comfort Easter Seals has been. How they can go to work and think about Catherine, but not worry, knowing all her needs are being met. Tammy and I were fortunate to work with great babysitters and daycare people when our kids were young. Most still are friends some 20 years later. Boy, did we need that. When our son Andy got sick just before he turned 2, we heard doctors at Children’s

Memorial say he may never grow out of it. In fact, there was a chance he could develop lymphoma in his teens. We had a strong network of family and friends, a great pediatrician and those doctors at Children’s. But I don’t think Tammy or I exhaled for the next five years. When Andy caught chicken pox, there was a chance his throat could have closed up. It didn’t. Andy wanted to play hockey when he was about 6. Yeah, right. No way we were going to let him get checked into the boards. We still hear about it more than 20 years later, but, Andy, things were different then. He barely remembers all that now, and that’s good. Much of what he had cleared up by age 7. Andy hasn’t slowed down since. Much as that sometimes tests our nerves, we’ll take it over what could have been. Ron and Michelle are just thrilled how fast Catherine is catching up now. You likely will hear more about them since they were named Easter Seals Joliet Region Family of the Year. Ron, Michelle and, of course, Catherine, I know you’re going to inspire a lot of people this year. I know you inspired me. Stay strong.


General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Nick Reiher 815-436-2431 ext. 117 Assistant Managing Editor Jonathan Samples Reporters Jonathan Samples Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Sports Editor Scott Taylor Advertising Manager Pat Ryan

Production Director Andrew Samaan Enterprise Newspapers, Inc. 23856 Andrew Road #104 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 • Fax (815) 436-2592 Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 12 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 12 p.m. Friday.

letter to the editor

Volunteer your time, make an effort to help your community ‘We who can help those who really need our assistance should give that help’ I believe that people who volunteer their time, talents and, yes, give of their funds as they can afford are happier and more fulfilled. In our world and, more specifically,our local community, there are so many people in need and deserve help with so many causes that are worthy. It is a pity that so few people are willing to give up a little of their time and/or talents to help improve someone less fortunate than they. I’m not approving of the government’s reallocation of wealth theory. Rather, I am saying that we who can help those who really need our assistance should give that help. Almost anyone can give a couple hours per week to help someone. The “Good Book” does dictate that we help those in need, even if we are receiving help ourselves. Being a member of the

Joliet Noon Lions Club, I’m prejudiced. The service clubs, such as Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, Exchange, are the easiest and offer camaraderie and fun, too. Volunteering with your house of worship and/or simply at a hospital, nursing home, senior center, school, favorite charity, and/or library can be greatly satisfying and help you to “bring cheer to a dark corner.” Volunteering will help those who need help and may make your own problems seem less severe. Moreover, it will make you feel more fulfilled and give your life even more purpose while giving you the warm feeling that you made a difference. Try it. Those who do will really enjoy the act of volunteering and will be a big help to someone else. If you don’t know where to start, call me, Mark Turk at 815-922-4065, and I’ll help you with ideas. Together, we can improve the world a little at a time. - Mark Turk, Joliet





will county

Lawsuit filed against county for Boughton Materials settlement Recent settlement resulted in rezoning of 22-acre parcel of land Seven private citizens of Will County filed suit against Will County seeking to void the Will County Board’s recent settlement of a lawsuit brought by Boughton Materials, Inc., located on 111th Street. The recent settlement resulted in the rezoning of a 22-acre parcel of land, owned by Boughton Materials from agricultural to industrial. It also permits Boughton to engage in waste concrete crushing and uncontained storage in a heavily

residential area, located a few hundred feet from homes, parks, churches and schools. Boughton first filed suit in April 2013 to overturn a 25-0 decision by the Will County Board.The board previously had denied Boughton’s application to engage in waste concrete crushing operations because of health and safety concerns such an operation could pose to nearby residents. According to a statement from citizens who filed the suit, the Will County State’s Attorney previously negotiated a settlement that would allow Boughton’s waste concrete operations. The statement continues that in December 2013,

the Will County Board voted 22-3 to approve the Boughton settlement, without disclosing to Will County residents the existence of the settlement, its terms, or that the Board would vote on the settlement and on two ordinances that would allow Boughton to undertake its waste concrete crushing and storage operations. The lawsuit filed asks the Will County Circuit Court to void the settlement and the ordinances because their passage violated the laws of Will County and the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Kenneth Nemeth, one of the plaintiffs, stated, “The 25,000 residents who strongly opposed Boughton Material’s original application were extremely upset to learn that Will County decided suddenly and inexplicably to reverse course and settle with Boughton by agreeing to allow this dangerous

industrial activity in a residential area without informing us or allowing public comment. My fellow plaintiffs and I will work tirelessly through the courts to reverse this ill-conceived and improper settlement by the County Board.” “We would have certainly liked to see this go to court for a judge or jury to decide the case, and this is why we voted against the settlement and also urged our fellow board members to do the same,” County Board Member Suzanne Hart, R-Naperville, said at a Feb. 25 town hall meeting on the issue. “We still have concerns about safety, air quality and the simple issue of zoning this area for industrial use. Rest assured we will hold Boughton Materials to this agreement and quickly take the matter to court if it fails to abide by the terms.” Among the stipulations are

that all incoming materials must be prescreened; stockpiles of broken concrete prior to crushing are limited to 20 feet high and must remain out of sight from off the property; for dust mitigation, water spray bars are required and will remain operational when crushing concrete. Also, to prevent potential dust from blowing toward residential neighborhoods,concrete cannot be crushed when the wind is out of the east or southeast, with sustained winds of more than 10 mph. There are also limitations as to the time of the year and time of day Boughton Materials can recycle concrete, limiting it to September through November and March through mid-May. Concrete crushing is prohibited on all state and federal holidays, days School District 204 is not in session, and weekends.

Take 5 Crossword Puzzle

Across 1 Ski area helpers 6 Finish line? 10 Equal to the task 14 “Live Free __”: New Hampshire motto 15 Some are easily bruised 16 Sound of laughter 17 RATS 20 “Friendly skies” co. 21 Garr of “Mr. Mom” 22 “My place or __?” 23 SHUCKS 27 Unspecified amount 28 One of the Seven Sisters schools 32 Joe’s sister in TV’s “Under the Dome” 35 Salinger girl 38 Soccer shout 39 DARN 43 Goat quote 44 Hurdle for a storied cow 45 Offers thanks, in a way 46 Decides one will 49 Itinerary word

Down 50 SHOOT 57 Setting for “Beasts of the Southern Wild” 60 Cloudburst, e.g. 61 Seasonal drink 62 FUDGE 66 Item on a “honey-do” list 67 Time fraction: Abbr. 68 “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” singer 69 Computerized city people 70 Former “Entertainment Tonight” coanchor 71 Ecclesiastical council

1 Replenish a pint of ale, say 2 Thorny shrub 3 Jane Eyre’s charge 4 Free 5 When sch. often starts 6 Plains home 7 Golden __: seniors 8 Classical Greek style 9 Stubborn one 10 They have strings attached 11 Boyfriend 12 Animal shelter 13 Under-the-sink joints 18 Modest acknowledgment of praise 19 Banks in fashion 24 Bill stamp 25 From the top 26 Hot spot 29 Pop 30 Compatriot 31 Roger who played Lord Marbury on “The West Wing” 32 BBs, e.g. 33 Spring tide counterpart 34 Hard-to-see pest 35 WWII command

36 “Dexter” network, in listings 37 Word with best or common 40 “Don’t worry about me” 41 Huge production 42 Logician’s “E,” perhaps 47 Has to sell 48 Bullish beginning? 49 Chianti, in Chianti 51 Wipe out 52 “Eight Is Enough” actor Willie 53 Sound quality 54 Workers’ backer 55 “But wait! There’s more!” company 56 Vandalized, Halloween-style 57 Comedy routines 58 Healthy berry 59 Cowpoke’s polite assent 63 Tolkien’s talking tree 64 IBM hardware 65 Ask too many questions


Horoscopes Accept what you can’t change. There is a focus on sharing with others and abiding with their decisions. If you’re under a deadline at work in the week ahead, don’t blow it off or be casual about fulfilling commitments.

Do unto others. Exerting some warmth and kindness will thaw even the chilliest situation in the upcoming week. Have faith that a nagging financial problem can be solved and you’ll quickly see the simplest solution.

Do your part and take part. Think about the great things you can contribute to the community. You don’t need to wait for an invitation to participate in something satisfying. Put your people skills to good use this week.

You’re too generous for your own good. If you’re approached by someone with an offer or proposal, it might do more to enrich the other person than you. Don’t fritter away your financial security; hang tough in the week to come.

There’s an old saying: “Only he who has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.” Remain respectful of the experiences of others in the week ahead. Though you may be ready to leap into action, don’t ignore sound advice.

The Full Moon in your sign today could kick off a week in which you reap the benefits of partnership. As they say, it’s often who you know rather than what you know that can make a huge difference to your success.

The glowing embers of romantic desire can be fanned into warm, invigorating flames in the week ahead. You could get a nod of approval when you approach others with sales ideas or business deals.

Roll up your sleeves and wear your heart proudly. A straightforward approach works best. Don’t fret about making commitments, as you have the tools needed in the week to come. Light a fire under a romantic idea.

Don’t throw good money after bad. Watch out for a tendency to spend money too freely this week. You should be able to make a persuasive proposal and get people to cooperate or support your aims.

Like mold, the longer you ignore a problem, the more quickly it grows. During the week ahead, don’t shrug off repeated reminders about serious responsibilities or take it for granted that someone else will do the job.

Do your homework. Develop plans for improvements, but don’t be in a rush to implement them. Conflicts that may hold you back in the upcoming week will evaporate quickly without a need for a confrontation.

Your love light must remain on low until you accomplish other objectives in the week ahead. Keep a firm grip on achieving your goals once the work week begins. Play romantic music this evening.



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What a dark horse shouldn’t be in an election -- TAKEN “LIGHTLY”




INSIDE: Joliet Catholic Academy’s boys basketball season ends in sectional final,

page 14



JCA’s Lumpkin is Player of the Year By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

A year ago, as a junior, Joliet Catholic Academy’s Jasmine Lumpkin earned several individual awards and recognitions and there are sure to be more headed her way this season. The Michigan State-bound senior averaged 17.9 points and 9.1 rebounds this season and led the Angels to their best program finish ever, taking second in the Class 3A state tournament. Her success this year has made Lumpkin the Voyager Media Girls Basketball Player of the Year for the second consecutive season. However, winning is all she has really wanted. “This is way better than the individual accolades because this is about the team and not just about me,” she said after securing a bid to state. “It is always about team first.” Lumpkin spent the first two years of her career at Montini, where her team won a state title both seasons. As a junior, she transferred to JCA and led the Angels to their first regional title in a decade. She ended her career by making it three trips to the state finals in four years. Over her four years of combined varsity play, Lumpkin tallied 1,253 points and grabbed 749 rebounds for career averages of 12.4 points and 7.4 rebounds per game. “I can’t say enough about her,” Joliet Catholic Academy coach Ed Schodrof said. “She transformed this program. Without her, we are not where we are today and there is no other way to put that. We were evolving and she put us to a new level.” Schodrof also said that success

on the court is not what makes Lumpkin a favorite among JCA students and faculty. “She is a 3.7 GPA and just a nice kid,” he said.“Everyone likes her because of who she is, not for the points. She is beloved by everyone. I am so happy for her I can’t even put it into words.” The rest of the first-team allarea players are:

AYSIA BUGG S e n i o r s c o r i n g leader for Bolingbrook averaged 15.2 points, 3.2 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 2.0 steals per game. She will play for Pittsburgh University next season. “Aysia was everything for us,” said Bolingbrook coach Chris Smith. “I told her at the beginning of the season that she was going to need to wear a weight belt because she had to carry us – and she did. She took us to where we needed to go.”

SARAH COSTELLO The heart and soul of a 25-win Downers N o r t h team that advanced to the sectional semifinals, Costello proved to be arguably the best all-around player in the West Suburban Conference Silver Division this season. The fouryear varsity starter averaged 13.3 points, nearly 10 rebounds and 5.1 assists per contest her senior year and finished with >> see All-AREA | page 12

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

JCA’s Jasmine Lumpkin is the 2014 Voyager Media Player of the Year.



>> ALL-AREA, from page 11 1,033 career points. “She could do everything on the floor,” said DGN coach Stephan Bolt. “She just had it in her mind that she wasn’t going to lose. With her willingness to compete, it’s amazing how she can take over a game.”

NICOLE EKOHMU Sophomore star averaged 14.5 points, 3.9 rebounds and 3 assists per game for Joliet Catholic Academy. She led the

Angels in scoring in both games in the state finals. “She has stepped up to a new level in the playoffs,” Schodrof said. “She has gone to a whole new level and it has been crucial for us.”

JAIDA GREEN The lanky 6-2 sophomore from

Sports Downers North, Green c a u s e d matchup problems with her height in the backcourt. She could hit the open jumper and drain a three, or take it to the basket when the situation warranted. Green averaged close to 16 points per game, which led the Trojans this season.

“Jaida had a breakout year for us,” said DGN coach Stephan Bolt.“She can obviously score the ball, and a lot of times we put her on the other team’s best player because she’s so long and athletic. She rebounded the ball a lot better towards the end of the year. She passes the ball well and finds open teammates. She’s unselfish and does what she needs to do to win.”

Second team EMILY ESHOO Benet junior averaged 14.5

points per game for the regional champs. She also had 54 three-pointers and shot 79 percent from the free throw line. “Emily led us as far as free throw shooting is concerned,” Benet coach Peter Paul said.“She has ice in her veins because when the game was on the line, we wanted her to take the free throws.”

ERIN HEIDE Minooka s e n i o r was an allconference selection. S h e averaged 14.9 >> see ALL-AREA | page 13

Sports >> ALL-AREA, from page 12 points and 3.6 rebounds per game. “She scored in double digits 21 of our 27 games,” Minooka coach Ray Liberatore said. “Erin moved better without the ball than anyone I have ever coached.”

SHAYLEE SLOAN The threeyear varsity performer and All-CSL North pick scored 11 points per game and snapped down eight rebounds per contest as the Demons put together their best season in school history, taking the CSL North crown and winning 20 games—both firsts for the program. “She’s always been strong rebounder and a scorer,”said Maine East coach Karol Hanusiak. “Her defense has gotten a lot better last couple of years. One of the things she was challenged with this year was that she was pretty much the

go-to person (offensively) last year. She had to share the scoring with other people (this year) and that showed a lot of maturity on her part. She did a nice job accepting that.”

HAILEY SCHONEMAN M a i n e South’s lone returning starter from 2012-13, Schoneman was asked by coach Mark Smith to help pick up the scoring slack left when 80 percent of Maine South’s scoring vanished via graduation. Schoneman responded by becoming the Hawks’ featured post player and posting a team-leading 11.4 points-per-game average. She also led the team in rebounding (7.3 per game). “Hailey did flourish in our offense,” Smith said. “What I’m really proud of is how she took that and ran with it and really had a phenomenal year for us.”

PEYTON WINTERS Foes thought twice before

going into the paint against Winters, who may very well be the premier shotblocker in the area,averaging 5.7 blocks per game. But she also pulled down an average of 6.9 rebounds and was an effective scorer down low, averaging 11.4 points per contest for Downers North. “She’s a presence on the floor even if she’s not scoring,” said Bolt, who added that Winters put in a lot of hard work to improve her footwork, which in turn improved her shot-blocking numbers. “I know she wants to get tougher and more physical for next year, just stronger and more physical.”

Third team CHAVON BANKS Senior averaged 10.5 points and 12.5 rebounds per game for Joliet Central. “Chavon led by example on the >> see ALL-AREA | page 16






Hilltopper season ends in sectional final By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

Most people who have been around Joe Gura over the years know he his teams are well versed in slowing the pace and controlling the ball. Those people thought that would be the direction he went Friday against defending Class 3A state champion Morgan Park. They would have been wrong, as the Hilltoppers (12-21) came out and ran with the Mustangs and fell 97-60. “I told both (Harold Davis and Jalen Jackson) that I was going to let them play and do their thing nad do better,” Gura said. “I gave them licenses. Some of the time I think they were driving on expired license, but they still had great games.” Both Davis and Jackson have seen that competition before in AAU games. “I just had to look at it like another AAU game,” said Jackson, who joked he was keeping Gura’s license in his pocket for next year. “We have played that kind of competition before. This is a learning experience for the whole team.” That was exactly what Gura was hoping for. “We played so hard and battled with them,” Gura said. “I didn’t want this to be a game where >> see FINAL | page 15

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Harold Davis was one of four sophomore starters for the Hilltoppers this season.

Sports >> FINAL, from page 14 it wasn’t a learning experience. It is asking a lot to be outsized and outmanned, but then when you are really young and you have to worry about that, too. They could get to the rim and shoot the three. I ran out of ideas on how to stop them half way through.” Jackson led the Hilltoppers with 20 points, while Davis scored 15, Drake Fellows added nine and Colton Kolowski chipped in eight. The 12 wins were the most for the Hillmen, who went to the sectional title game for the first

time since 1988. “Of my whole life basketballwise, this has been my favorite year,” Gura said.“I have had some great teams, but I don’t know if I ever had kids give me more. These kids gave me everything.” Because of what the team game him, Gura was happy to see the success, despite the criticism. “I read in the Chicago papers that we shouldn’t be here and that this should be a Morgan Park vs. Hillcrest game. Bull.There were years when I had a Lockport team where in the first game of the regional we played a 19-game winner and the second game, we played Joliet who was No. 2 in the

state,” Gura said. “I am proud of these kids. All we can do is play the games the state gives us and all I know is these kids did a great job in the state tournament. We were in the Sweet 16 and we had five sophomores play in that game.”




THE BUGLE/SENTINEL MARCH 19, 2014 needed extra time to advance to the sectional final, as it needed double overtime to defeat Pontiac 53-52 in the semifinal of the Class 3A Rich East Sectional. The Hilltoppers were paced by 11 points from Davis scored and 10 each from Kolowski, Fellows and Luke Mander.


Mander had a pair of huge buckets, one on a free throw rebound put back and the eventual game-winner “We called the play for him in at the timeout,” Gura said. “We had a size advantage and we wanted to get the ball inside.” Follow @Hear_The_Beard



Sports >> ALL-AREA, from page 13 court every night by her desire to win,” said Joliet Central coach Brian Reed.

KELLY CARNAGIO Minooka j u n i o r averaged 11.9 points and 6.3 rebounds per game for the Indians. She was an All-SPC selection. “Kelly was our inside presence that every good team needs to be successful,” said Minooka coach Ray Liberatore.“The great thing about Kelly is that she played like a senior this year, but we still have her senior year to look forward to.”

TYLER EVERETT T h e Plainfield South junior averaged 12.3 points per game to go along with 106 rebounds, 59 assists and 75 steals. “Tyler scored in double digits in every game but two,” South coach Leah Carter said. “Tyler was the glue that held the team together when it was needed the most. She was always assigned to play defense on the other team’s leading scorer. As a junior she has broke the school record for career points (517) and season points (333). And, she broke the steal record for career (139).”

KATE MORIARTY Moriarty, a senior, was a three-year varsity player for the Resurrection, who scored 10.5 points per game and averaged

s e v e n rebounds this season. She was a catalyst behind the Bandits’ regional title-winning 2012-13 team and finished with 704 career points and 534 career rebounds.“Kate has been asked to play out of position since she came up to varsity,” said Resurrection coach Keith Miniscalco. “Kate is a small forward, not a post player, but Kate has done everything she could do to help this team and our program. I could not ask more from a player.”

EMILY SCHRAMEK A junior from Benet, Schramek led the area with 81 threepointers and averaged 14.9 points per game and 4.3 rebounds. “Emily led us as far as threepoint shooting is concerned,” Paul said. “She took the most and hit the most at 38 percent. When she was on, we were hard to beat.”

Fourth team KATHLEEN DOYLE Benet sophomore was team’s floor leader. She posted 10.8 points per game, while leading the Redwings in assists (43) and steals (37). “The ball was in her hands all the time,” Paul said.“The coaches felt that we needed her on the court to be successful.”

CLAIRE HARDY Downers Grove South senior led the Mustangs with 10 points,

nine rebounds and 1.8 assists per game. She shot 41 percent from the field. “Claire Hardy was a hard working senior leader on our team,” said coach Lyndsie Long. “She always worked hard in practice and in games to help her team be as successful as possible. Our team will have a big void to fill next year.”

JORDAN HEBERG The Plainfield North sophomore tallied 14 points per game for the Tigers. “Jordan was our leading scorer with 14 a game,” North coach Reggie Lemon said. “She was an all-conference player and a second year starter as a sophomore. I am looking forward to see her grow over the next two years.”

RYAEN JOHNSON Loyola-bound senior was inside presence for Bolingbrook. She averaged 9.2 points and 6.0 rebounds per game. “Ryaen came in and controlled the paint for us,” Smith said. “We had the outside handled with Aysia, Ryaen gave us what we needed inside.”

ELANTA SLOWEK Slowek, an All-CSL North selection, is a two-time statequalifying high jumper, but she incorporated aspects of her track workout regimen to basketball the past two offseasons, and improved her diet as well. Slowek averaged 10 points, four rebounds and two steals per game for the CSL North champion Demons. “I’m absolutely amazed with the work she put in in the offseason,” said Maine East coach Karol Hanusiak. “She shot so much better and her scoring improved. She’s just kind of scratching the surface of what her potential is.”



Benet wins sectional title By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Benet continued its recent impressive defensive performance by limiting Geneva to 41 points in a 60-41 win Friday, March 14 in the East Aurora Sectional final. The Vikings had scored at least in the 60s in their first three games of the postseason leading up to the game before the top-seeded Redwings stifled them,particularly in the second half, where Geneva scored just 18 points. For the game Geneva shot just 29 percent from the floor. “A big part of our defense is guarding as a team,” Benet junior Colin Bonnett said.“Sean is a force inside, so that allows us to get up on defenders and force them to get to the rim over Sean. Another big part of it is our coaches do a great job of scouting. We know what the other team wants to do going into the game. We have great prep.” “We just had to stop their shooters,” Benet senior Liam Nelligan said.“We got out to their shooters.We ran all of their sets in practice yesterday.” Leading the way for the defense was Nelligan and Bonnett. They both had tasks of guarding topnotch scorers and held them to 10 total points. Nelligan went up against a player he knew well in Nate Navigato. “I tried to take away his set shots off of screens,” Nelligan said. “It was a team effort. Sean was helping me in the post. He is such a good shooter, I had to get out on him deep.” The Redwings jumped out to

a 6-1 lead, but the Vikings came back and took a 9-8 lead, which would be short-lived. Benet led 15-11 at the end of the first quarter and 26-23 at the half. “We gave up too many good looks in the first half,” Benet coach Gene Heidkamp said. “I thought we did a better job of that in the second half.” “We just had to stay calm,” Benet center Sean O’Mara said. “It was the second close game we had at halftime. We came together and figured out what was wrong and what we needed to do to do better.” Benet came out on fire in the second half on both sides of the ball as Bonnett drilled a pair of threes and the Redwings went on a 14-2 run to open up a 40-25 lead. It was 44-29 after three and Geneva never seriously threatened. “The first half we were pounding it in to Sean pretty good and were playing inside-out,” Bonnett said. “The second half I got two open looks and hit them both and that kind of opened it up where they had to extend their defense. We got it all going and got some stops on defense and really pushed the lead out in the third quarter.” O’Mara finished the game with 24 points, eight rebounds, five assists and four blocks. Nelligan totaled 12 points and Bonnett added 11 points and seven assists. “Sean is just a special player,” Heidkamp said.“He has done it all year. He has spent four years on varsity and has been through the wars a little bit. I was very proud of him.” ‘We have a ton of good shooters on this team and Sean is a beast

inside,” Nelligan said. “Each night someone different steps up. Tonight it was Colin and I. Benet faced Glenbard North Tuesday in the Hinsdale Central Supersectional for the right to advance to state. •Benet may be known for the inside-outside game it possesses with 6-foot, 9-inch O’Mara down low, but it took things to a whole new level March 11. The Redwings got 27 points from O’Mara and 22 points from guard Collin Pellettieri, including six three-pointers, in a 61-50 win over Hinsdale Central in an East Aurora Sectional semifinal. “It is pick your poison,”Pellettieri stated.“You can guard Sean down low or us on the outside. Either way, it is hard to stop.” Things were tight throughout the first half as No. 1 seed Benet and No. 4 Hinsdale Central were tied, 27-27, at the half. But Pellettieri opened up the second half on fire, hitting three three’s in the opening minutes of the second half as Benet built its lead to 42-33 after three quarters. “Once I was able to hit the first few I got a lot of confidence,” Pellettieri said. “They were falling. They were taking away Sean in the second half, which they had to do after he dropped 16 in the first half. That opens up everything on the perimeter.” “Pellettieri played fantastic, especially in the second half,” O’Mara said. “He did a good job all game. But to come out and hit threes like that and space the floor, that is the balance of our team.” The Red Devils could get no closer than that the rest of the way,

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Benet’s Collin Pellettieri scored 22 points in a sectional semifinal win over Hinsdale Central.

with Benet leading by as many as 16 points (54-38) In the fourth quarter. “Defense is what got us the lead and won us the game,” O’Mara said. “We were able to build the lead and make some free throws.”

The win marked the third time O’Mara advanced to the sectional final in his four years. “It is a nice thing,” O’Mara said. “It is a great accomplishment.” Follow Scott @Taylor_Sports



>> thrive, from page 5 “Now other people will be able to love Easter Seals like we do,” Michelle said. They were blessed with having family and then special daycare to watch Catherine while they were at work. But to have a daycare that offers the socialization and different therapies she needs takes a stress off of them like no other. “I still think about her a lot while I’m at work,” Ron said. “But I know she’s getting the care she needs, and she’s having fun.” And when he’s having a bad day at work, Ron will pull out his smart phone which carries a picture of Catherine. “Here she is, all hooked up to

tubes in the hospital for her tests,” Ron said, his voice choking up. “And she’s smiling. She is always smiling.” Easter Seals Regional Celebration of Giving Telethon will be held Saturday, April 5. The 12-hour show will broadcast live on local cable channels from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from Kankakee Civic Auditorium and from 1 to 9 p.m. from the Jacob Henry Mansion Victorian Ballroom, Joliet. Easter Seals Joliet Region covers Will, Grundy, Kendall, Kankakee, Ford and Iroquois counties. To make a pledge, call the telethon on April 5 or call 815-7302052 weekdays.

News >> our house, from page 7 This is in response to the case of Eric Bartels, a father and Will County project engineer who was left in a permanent, incurable and irreversible vegetative state, following an unprovoked attack by another young man outside a Mokena bar and grill. Because of the severity of the injuries caused by senseless violence, prosecutors asked the court for a 10-year prison term for Eric’s attacker. But instead, he was sentenced to 30 months of probation, community service and fines. Eric’s Law will update aggravated battery laws to increase consequences on violent

attackers who cause severe and permanent disability. This not only serves as a deterrent, but it gives law enforcement another tool to go after dangerous, violent individuals. Other public safety initiatives are before the Legislature, such as House Bill 5883, which will allow a State’s Attorney to intervene in domestic violence situations to issue an order of protection, which will help victims who are too young or confused to understand how to make that request on their own. And, in continual efforts to address our region’s heroin epidemic, there are a number of bills aiming to eradicate this drug. House Bill 5531 makes the

penalties for desomorphine, or “krokodil,” as harsh as those for heroin. House Bill 5529 requires the Department of Public Health to create educational materials on opiates, or prescription pain pills, and explain that children and teens gaining access to these medications and that it may lead to heroin use. You can look at legislation anytime and track its progress at Take a minute to look around the website. You can search for the bill by number or click on the member’s name to check their individual legislative efforts. And remember, if you have questions or ideas for legislation, reach out to your state representative.

Business & Real Estate



dave says

Don’t worry, you don’t inherit debt from family You might get no inheritance from them, however, to cover their debt Dear Dave, My in-laws have lots of debt. In fact, they’re always joking that the debt they’ll leave us is more than the inheritance. How will this affect my wife and family if they die with all their debt still in place? Matthew Dear Matthew, You do not inherit debt. Either your in-laws are misinformed, or it’s just a bad joke on their part. Now, if you were foolish enough to co-sign on a loan with them, then you’d be liable for the remainder of that loan. But if they ran up $100,000 in credit card debt on their own before they died, then the credit card companies just don’t get paid. It wouldn’t cost you a dime,

your plate! Let me say it again, Matthew. You don’t inherit debt. Don’t let creditors, or anyone else, tell you differently. —Dave

except that you might get no inheritance from them, because what they left behind Dave Says money advice would be sold to pay by dave ramsey Investing in land off as many creditors as possible. Dear Dave, Here’s an even bigger I recently traded in my old example. Let’s say they owned truck for a much newer one. a home, and they’re behind on I purchased an extended the mortgage or upside down warranty at the time, and now on the house—meaning that I feel like I was pressured into they owed more on it than it’s buying it and that it was a worth. mistake. What do you think? You can just hand it back Laura to the mortgage company. Dear Laura, You’re not legally or morally Cancel it, if you still can. obligated to accept the house The reason you felt pressured and the situation surrounding is because you probably were it because it was left to you in pressured by a pushy salesman. a will. Seventy-five percent of what Just because it’s family you paid for that plan went doesn’t make it jump over onto straight into the dealership’s

It wouldn’t cost you a dime, except that you might get no inheritance from them, because what they left behind would be sold to pay off as many creditors as possible. or salesman’s pocket as commission. There’s even a chance they made more off the extended warranty than the sale of the truck! Extended warranties are only about 12 percent actual, statistical risk. The other 12 to 13 percent goes to miscellaneous overhead and profit. On top of that, the company that wrote the warranty probably didn’t make as much on it as the dealership did. It’s weird, but that’s how a lot of those models work. I don’t buy extended warranties, Tara. In my mind,

they’re just crap. Besides, if you buy something and can’t afford to fix it if something goes wrong, then you couldn’t really afford the purchase in the first place! —Dave *Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Ramsey on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at











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