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Our Village, Our News

DECEMBER 26, 2012


Vol. 5 No. 17




Year in Review

CAT workers strike for better contract A four-month strike at Caterpillar’s Joliet plant was a national story in 2012 and affected hundreds of area workers. The strike, which started May 1, ended when members of the International Association of Machinists local 851 voted 280213 in favor of a new contract in August. The new five-year contract with the Peoria-based heavy equipment manufacturer is similar to two

contract offers that were voted down in April and May. Union members said those contracts did not include cost of living wage increases, raised healthcare premiums and weakened seniority rights. The ratified contract carried an increased signing bonus of $3,100, promised a one-time 3 percent wage increase for workers hired after May 2005 and re-enforced seniority rights by limiting shift

loan outs to 90 days. However, not everyone was ready to move on. Joe Stachon worked with Caterpillar only three weeks before the union voted to strike on April 31. He said many of his fellow union members were concerned that if the contract didn’t pass, a large number of them would cross the picket line. “They’re trying to separate the union into three classes,” he said. “You have the guys who are close to retiring, the guys in the middle who have been around for 20 years and then the new guys.” When the union voted to ratify the contract, 104 members of the 780-member union had already crossed the picket line and returned to work. The union filed charges against several workers who continued

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to work during the strike. The National Right to Work Foundation is currently defending several of these workers, who have since filed federal charges with the National Labor Relations Board. In the end, most members of the union were unhappy with the contract’s terms, however some seemed resigned to their fate.

Rob Tomczak, 19, said he voted down the offer. However, he felt that many of the union members were ready to go back to work. “Half the guys that say they are going to vote ‘no’ go in there and vote ‘yes.’” Tomczak said. “But, I’m not mad at them. I’m not mad at anyone who votes yes to feed his family.”

Will County jury finds Peterson guilty of murder In what became a prominent national story of local significance, a Will County jury found former Bolingbrook Police officer Drew Peterson guilty of murder in September. Peterson was on trial for killing his third wife Kathleen Savio, who was found dead in a dry bathtub in 2004. Though based on circumstantial evidence and hearsay testimony, prosecutors brought more than 30 witnesses to testify against Peterson attesting to his guilt. After 14 hours of deliberation, the jury found Peterson guilty of first-

degree murder. The Peterson trial brought to the forefront the use of hearsay testimony. Some disputed this type of testimony and the guilty verdict reached by its use. “As to my initial reaction, I think the prosecutors were able to convince the jury, especially during closing arguments, that Drew Peterson did in fact murder his third wife Kathleen Savio,” said Huma Zia, JD, director of paralegal studies at Lewis University. “It is interesting to note that one of the more controversial aspects of this

case, the hearsay statements, was what convinced the final jury member to decide that Peterson was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” Kathleen Savio’s stepmother, Marcia Savio, praised the verdict. “Finally someone heard Kathleen cry’s,” Savio said.“Twelve people did the right thing today. She won today. It’s her victory.” Sentencing for Peterson was scheduled for Nov. 26 but was pushed back by a Will County judge until Jan. 10. He could serve up to 60 years in prison.


Battle to close IYC-Joliet After Gov. Pat Quinn announced plans to shutter Joliet’s youth correctional center and several other state detention facilities earlier this year, the decision quickly became a prominent issue among area lawmakers and state employees. Several roadblocks to closing the Illinois Youth Center in Joliet were constructed between spring and fall, including an injunction preventing Quinn’s administration from closing those facilities. Arbitration between the administration and the union representing state employees at Joliet’s youth center and several other state facilities continued throughout the fall. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees and the administration entered into arbitration after Quinn finalized

his plan to close seven state prison facilities. First District Circuit Court judge Charles Cavaness issued an injunction preventing the administration from closing those facilities. Of those facilities originally scheduled to close Aug. 31, IYCJoliet has received significant attention from local lawmakers because of its status as the only maximum-security youth detention facility in the state. State Sen. Pat McGuire, D-Joliet, has said that the Joliet youth center’s proximity to Cook County, as well as the level of security and types of services it provides, are important reasons why it should remain operational. However, in December, the Illinois Supreme Court ordered the preliminary injunction be lifted, all but ensuring the closure of IYCJoliet and additional state detention facilities.



Gaming bill bid adieu... for now The issue of gambling expansion in Illinois is frequently in the headlines and on the minds of Joliet officials, and 2012 was no exception. That debate heated up in late August,as Gov.Pat Quinn again had to decide whether to sign into law a revised gambling expansion bill. Quinn vetoed the bill, but Joliet officials and owners of the city’s two casinos were still waiting to see if a legislative override would reverse that decision. Joliet’s legislators are hopeful the bill’s supporters will not obtain the votes needed to overrule Quinn’s veto, but are still concerned that an override or an amended bill are possible. The current bill would have created five new casinos throughout Illinois, including one in south-suburban Cook County, and allowed slot machines to be placed in horse racing facilities throughout the state. However,

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Quinn’s veto message did not address these areas of the bill. A lack of “ethical standards” and “regulatory oversight” were Quinn’s main objections. Quinn’s lack of criticism of the bill’s main components, additional gaming licenses and the right to install slots in horse racing facilities, did not ease the concerns of area

lawmakers. They feel that despite the veto, an expansion of gaming in Illinois is a real possibility. Time ran out during the fall veto session, giving area lawmakers, city officials and casino owners a chance to catch their breaths. However, the bill’s sponsors are still hopeful an agreement can be reached in the New Year.



Year in Review

Council gets heated over fire safety grant With staffing levels in the police and fire departments, the acceptance of the federal Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant was of considerable importance to the city in 2012. After lengthy debate, the Joliet City Council voted on Aug. 22 to accept a $2 million federal grant that would allow the city to hire eight new firefighters. The SAFER Grant was awarded

to Joliet on July 27 and will cover 100 percent of salary and benefits for the eight positions over a twoyear period. City Manager Tom Thanas said the grant would save the city $2.4 million in overtime costs over the next two years. This savings and the ability to add additional firefighters are the main reasons Thanas recommended the City Council accept the grant. “I think we have an incredible opportunity to use federal money to re-staff the fire Department,” Thanas said. The city began filling the positions immediately, drawing on a prospective candidate list. The council initially voted to table the decision whether to accept the grant at their Aug. 7

meeting. Several council members were concerned that a provision in the grant could have a negative effect in city finances. The addition of eight firefighters would bring the department’s staffing level to 210, and a staffing level provision requires the city to maintain this number for the twoyear length of the grant. “I don’t want to make a kneejerk reaction, and I don’t want to gamble with taxpayers’ money,” Councilwoman Jan Quillman said. Provisions in the grant say the city would have to hire additional firefighters if retirement, injury or any other reason caused the staffing level to drop below 210 personnel. Quillman and Councilman Larry Hug voted against accepting the grant.

Multi-Modal work begins Although completion of the project isn’t expected until the end of 2014, significant steps were taken in 2012 toward the construction of the $42 million Multi-Modal Regional Transportation Center. In March, the city of Joliet approved the purchase of three pieces of property near Union Station, for development into the transportation center. About $2.6 million were spent to acquire the parcels, which either fall within the footprint of the multi-modal center’s design or are needed to provide parking for the complex. The entire multimodal facility project is set to cost

about $42 million. Of that $32 million is to come from the State of Illinois, in support of the high-speed rail initiative. $7.5 million is set to come in from Center Point, as well as financial partnerships with major public transportation entities like BNSF and Union Pacific. The project began this fall with the construction of a surface parking lot on the northeast corner of Chicago and Marion Street. The city of Joliet awarded P.T. Ferro Construction a $1.8 million contract for this project, which is the first step in constructing the Joliet Multi-Modal Regional Transportation Center.

Slammers sold after two years of declining ticket sales The Joliet Slammers were put up for sale by Al Oremus at the end of the 2012 season, and a new ownership group headed by Minneapolis-based attorney Josh Schaub quickly jumped on the ball club. The three-step purchase process required an agreement between Oremus and the group— Joliet Community Baseball and Entertainment; a lease agreement between the group and the city for the use of Silver Cross Field; and Frontier League approval of the group’s

application. The City Council and new Slammers ownership reached a five-year lease agreement for the use of Silver Cross Field in October, a crucial step in the sale of the Joliet baseball club. According to the lease agreement for Silver Cross Field, the group entered into a fiveyear contract with a five-year option. They will pay a base rent of $50,000 per year in 2013 and 2014. That number will go up to $75,000 for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 seasons.

The $50,000 base rent is a significant reduction from the $150,000 base rent paid by the team’s previous owners. Schaub, chief executive officer for JCBE, said he is pleased with the terms of the contract and recognizes the hit the city took on this deal. “I feel very confident that the city and our group reached an amicable agreement on both sides that will benefit both parties down the line,” Schaub said.“ Joliet baseball has seen a

significant reduction in ticket sales over the last several years. City Manager Tom Thanas said attendance reached a high-water mark in the mid-2000s when the team, then Joliet Jackhammers, sold about 3,800 tickets per game. That number has since declined to about 1,700 per game as of last season. Joliet officials said that reduced ticket sales warrant a lower rent structure until the team’s owners can implement a new marketing strategy and See SLAMMERS, page 5



Wilhelmi, McGuire step down

Biggert loses re-election bid

State Sen. A.J. Wilhelmi and State Rep. Jack McGuire both stepped down from their positions in the Illinois Legislature in 2012. Pat McGuire and Larry Walsh Jr. were appointed by Will County Democrats to replace Wilhelmi and Jack McGuire, respectively. Wilhelmi, a seven-year veteran, announced he would step down from his position in the General Assembly in early February and cease his bid for reelection, opting instead for a position with the Illinois Hospital Association. An attorney and health care consultant by trade, Wilhelmi

U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert, a 16-year veteran in the l1th Congressional District, lost her re-election bid to Democrat Bill Foster during the Nov. 6 election. “It has been a long and hard-fought race, but tonight the voters have spoken,” said Biggert in a statement. “Representing the people of this area has been the great honor of my lifetime. I can never thank them enough for their kindnesses towards me, their generosity with their ideas, their patience when we

said the position of senior vice president of governmental affairs with the IHA will allow him more time with his family, as he lobbies on behalf of the more than 200 hospitals in the state. While in office, Wilhelmi supported bi-partisan legislation to increase funding for after school programs. He supported a $31 billion jobs bill for roads, bridges, schools, mass transit, and community development, and sponsored legislation to ensure construction of a second Joliet Intermodal facility. Jack McGuire stepped down in early April because of health problems.

“When I decided to seek reelection as state representative last summer, I had every intention of continuing that work to help put Illinois back on the right track,” McGuire said in the press release. “But while my head and my heart are telling me to keep up the fight, unfortunately my body is telling me otherwise.” McGuire, 78, had been in the Illinois House of Representatives since 1990. During his time there he has won several awards, including American Red Cross’ Legislator of the Year Award in 1991 and the Advocates United Legislator of the Year Award in 1997.

Dems gain control of County Board Sixty-five percent of Will County’s 386,172 registered voters turned out Election Night, Nov. 6, to help elect and re-elect many Democrats, from President Barack Obama to local congressional, state and county officials. Strong showings by Democratic incumbents and newcomers resulted in a 13-13 split on the Will County Board, the first time in years Republicans haven’t had a majority. This was the first election following the adoption of a newly drawn map with 13 County Board districts, each with two representatives. Board Chairman Jim Moustis, R-Frankfort, said there were several districts where Democrats were thought to

have a slight edge. “I thought that one would be close,” he said of the County Board race. Until very late on Election Night, it looked as though the final count would be 14-12 Republicans. However, some votes from the Aurora portion of Will County’s new Board District 5 arrived late, Moustis said, after being mistakenly sent from the Aurora Election Commission to Kane County instead of Will. The additional votes allowed Democratic challenger Reed Bible of Aurora to edge incumbent Republican John Argoudelis by 160 votes County Executive Larry Walsh, who won handily on

Election Night, said he didn’t expect many changes despite the board split. He noted that he already has had to vote in tie situations when, due to absences, there have been an even number of County Board members voting on an issue. Following the historic election that resulted in the 1313 party-line split, the largest issue was what to call the new leadership. County Board party leadership will be called “Democratic Caucus Chair” and “Republican Caucus Chair.” Board Member Diane SeilerZigrossi, D-Lockport, was named Democratic Caucus Chair. Moustis was named Republican Caucus Chair.

SLAMMERS Continued from page 4 establish themselves in the city. The city is hopeful that higher attendance during the 2016 and 2017 seasons will make up for the lower rent in 2013 and 2014. Additional rent, which is contingent on the total number of tickets sold throughout the season, will increase during the final two years of the agreement. In November the Frontier League approved JCBE’s application and the Slammers named Chris Franklin its new general manager.

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don’t see eye-to-eye, and their deep love of community and country.” Illinois’ new 11th Congressional District is composed of parts of Will, DuPage, Kane, Kendall and Cook counties, and stretches from Chicago’s western suburbs to Aurora and Joliet. Naperville resident Foster is a scientist, businessman and former U.S. Congressman who served from March 2008 until January 2011 as the Representative of Illinois’ old 14th Congressional District.



The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Joliet Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

Joliet Jennifer L. Beck, 31, 521 Mack, Joliet, was arrested at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 15 at the residence for retail theft. Alexander D. Zupancic, 19, 2814 Campbell, Joliet, was arrested at 3:07 p.m. Dec. 15 on Larkin and Vernon for criminal damage to property. Parnell L. Samuels Sr., 50, 209 N. Center, Joliet, was arrested at 3:30 p.m. Dec. 15 at 209 N. Center for domestic battery. Artis J. Ross, 44, 301 Luana Road, Joliet, was arrested at 8:17 p.m. Dec. 15 at 121 Collins for criminal trespass to real property and possession of cannabis. Timothy R. Meier, 46, 1413

Police Blotter

Burry, Joliet, was arrested at 11:38 p.m. Dec. 15 at 3001 W. Jefferson for DUI/alcohol. Markus C. Tanzy, 23, 903 Longwood, Joliet, was arrested at 12:19 a.m. Dec. 15 at 1017 Lois for possession of cannabis. Michael J. Frazier, 30, 841 N Broadway, Joliet, was arrested at 12:19 a.m. Dec. 15 at 1017 Lois for possession of cannabis. Carl R. Bailey, 35, 1007 Parkwood Drive, Joliet, was arrested at 12:44 a.m. Dec. 15 at 1508 Inglewood for obstructing justice. Maurice A. Robinson, 35, 1515 Arthur, Joliet, was arrested at 12:44 a.m. Dec. 15 at 1508 Inglewood for aggravated battery to a police officer and resisting/ obstructing a police officer. Omar Calderon, 23, 113 E Webster, Joliet, was arrested at 2:21 a.m. Dec. 15 on Black and Brentwood for DUI/alcohol. Eric S.Inman,30,4417 Riverside

Drive, Joliet, was arrested at 2:27 a.m. Dec. 15 at the residence for domestic battery and interfering with the reporting of domestic violence. Edgar A. Hoopiiaina, 76, 6381 W. Vinca Rose Drive, Tucson, Az, was arrested at 12:14 p.m. Dec. 16 at 151 N. Joliet for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. Micah D. Baker, 44, 201 Brookshore, Shorewood, was arrested at 8:37 p.m. on Second and Easter for possession of cannabis. William T. Wells Jr., 47, 1341 Englewood, Joliet, was arrested at 9:55 p.m. Dec. 15 at 1511 Englewood for criminal trespass to state supported property. Jesse E. Schumann, 18, 24730 W Bluff Road, Channahon, was arrested at 4:27 a.m. Dec. 17 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for possession of alcohol by minor. Celso Sanchez Jr., 19, 250 Switch Grass Drive, Minooka, was arrested at 4:27 a.m. Dec.

17 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for possession of alcohol by minor. Aaron J. Pouncy, 18, 582 Ranger Drive, Chicago Heights, was arrested at 4:27 a.m. Dec. 17 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for possession of alcohol by minor. Melanie I. Jakusz, 18, 6306 Clifton Court, Plainfield, was arrested at 6:21 p.m. Dec. 17 at 2510 Route 59 for theft. Jonathan B. Lewis, 30, 1361 Rock Run Drive, Crest Hill, was arrested at 1:55 p.m. Dec. 17 at 3340 Mall Loop Drive for theft. Larry D. Williams, 47, 407 Bridge, Joliet, was arrested at 2:11 p.m. Dec. 17 at 260 Bridge for residential burglary. James Edwards,73,222 Lincoln, Joliet, was arrested at 8:33 p.m. Dec. 17 at 150 W. Washington for theft. Clarence E. Knight III, 20, 410 E. Bellarmine, Joliet, was arrested at 3:10 a.m. Dec. 17 at 828 Cardinal Lanes for aggravated

domestic battery. Arnell L. Lowry, 20, 708 Grant, Joliet, was arrested at 9:54 p.m. Dec. 18 at 358 N. Broadway for criminal trespass to real property. Shamus L. French, 29, 7900 S. Fifth Ave., Joliet, was arrested at 10:24 p.m. Dec. 18 at 1 S. Cagwin for burglary. Jessica A. Ball, 28, 2502 Bluestone Bay Drive, New Lenox, was arrested at 2:37 p.m. Dec. 19 at 333 Madison for DUI/drugs. Deshawn T. Bew, 18, 76 Tusdale, Petal, Miss., was arrested at 2:48 p.m. Dec. 19 at 2424 W, Jefferson for retail theft. Linda G. Hernandez, 40, 609 Morgan, Joliet, was arrested at 4:24 p.m. Dec. 19 at 215 Illinois for residential burglary. Anthony B. Pleasant, 25, 1405 Brown, Joliet, was arrested at 7:41 p.m. Dec. 19 at 508 E. Cass for criminal trespass to real property.

Forum Letter to the Editor

Time of giving Dear Editor, As the weather grows colder, we find ourselves in the midst of the holiday season. While most of us will enjoy spending time with family and friends, I wanted to remind everyone that we share our community with those who could benefit from the spirit of giving and holiday cheer. The holiday season is a time of giving and celebration with loved ones.It’s the time of year we cancel other activities in order to spend time with family and close friends. Many people choose this time of year to show their loved ones just how much they truly care.

As our region rebuilds through turbulent economic times, I hope to spur the holiday spirit of giving to show those in need how much we truly care about them.Together, we should all designate sometime this year to give back to the less fortunate among us. No matter if you decide to donate money, your time or a gift for a child, you will be making a difference in the lives of those around us. On behalf of myself and my office staff, I would like to wish everyone and safe and enjoyable holiday season. Respectfully, Larry Walsh State Representative

Post your thoughts! You’re invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to our newsroom at sweditor@ For more information, call (815) 436-2431. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any


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Illustrated Opinions




ONGOING St. Joe’s Academy Food Drive. 7 to 11 p.m. at St. Joseph Academy, 51 W. Jackson, Joliet. Bring in your non-perishable canned and boxed food to be donated locally. Donations also may be dropped off at Cantigny VFW Post 367, 826 Horseshoe Drive, Joliet, every Thursday night at “Best of the Burbs” Jam Session presented by Big Dog Mercer between 7-11 p.m. through Dec. 27. They also are accepting donations of gently used coats and blankets. If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Wilson at St. Joseph Academy, 815-7234567. In the Spirit of the Holiday Season, the Village of Shorewood will be hosting the Sixth Annual Food Drive to benefit the Restoration Christian Church located on Channahon Street in Shorewood. The Food Drive will be open to the public starting with the Village Christmas Tree Lighting on November 27th and ending December 31st. All donations should be directed to the Community Development Department in Village Hall Suite 102 or the Police Department. Holiday Nature Camp. Spend your holiday break at the Nature Center exploring and learning about the animals.We will hike in the woods looking for tracks and enjoying the seasonal wonders. Inside we will learn about frogs, turtles, and snakes with a closeup visit. Ages: 6-12 yrs Deadline: Dec.19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28. Dates of camps: Dec. 26, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; Dec. 27,10 am-12 pm; Dec. 28, 10 am-12 pm; Jan. 2, 10

am-12 pm; Jan. 3, 10 am-12 pm; and Jan. 4, 10 am-12 pm. Serenity on Sunday AlAnon/Adult Child of Alcoholics Women’s Group. Sundays from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, 25050 W. Eames Street, Channahon. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend. There are no fees or dues. Each group is self-supporting with voluntary contributions. As a mutual helping group, there is no other affiliation. Feel free to visit for more information or to leave a message on the Al-Anon line at 815-7739623. Rockdale Lions Club Weekly Bingo. On Mondays door will open at 4 p.m., the early bird game will start at 6 p.m. and regular games start at 7 p.m. So come on out to our club at 48 Meadow Ave. in Rockdale, IL for an evening of bingo and fun. Contact our club at 815-729-3201 or Lion Steve at 815-791-8282 or Lion Wayne at 708-341-4433. Joliet Lupus Support Group Meeting. 6:15 - 8 p.m. at the Provena Physical Rehab & Sports Injury Center, 2132 Jefferson St. (in Marycrest Plaza), Joliet. Anyone with lupus or a family member or friend with lupus is welcome to join this group. Meeting dates for 2012 are on the 4th Wednesdays of odd months: 7/25, 9/26, and 11/28. Contact Tari at (815) 351-2544 or e-mail: tlapurdue82@gmail. com. Go for more information on lupus. WomenHeart Support Group. Meetings are on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 p.m. in the PSJMC Conference Room A at 333 N. Madison St., Joliet. WomenHeart of Joliet is here for you to provide the support,

Calendar education and friendships that you need to live well with heart disease. WomenHeart will offer information and support that you may not find with your friends and loved ones. We can share fears, thoughts, and concerns in a relaxed and caring environment. For more information or agenda please call Michele at (815) 7034142. Citizens Against Ruining the Environment. Every third Monday of the month at 6-7:30 p.m. at SOS Children’s Village, 17545 Village Lane, Lockport. This volunteer non-profit environmental organization is dedicated to serving Will County and the surrounding area. For more information or a meeting agenda, call Ellen Rendulich at 815-834-1611. Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Open meetings are held every third Friday of the month from 7 p.m.8:30 p.m. at 265 Republic Ave. in Joliet. Contact Al-anon/Alateen at 815-773-9623 or visit www. for more information.

Breast cancer support group. 7-8:30 p.m. at Joliet Oncology-Hematology Associates, 2614 West Jefferson St., Joliet. The Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Support Group meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For more information call Pattie at 815-436-7640. Diabetes Support Group. 7 p.m. at Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center, 333 N. Madison St., Joliet. Support Group for adults with diabetes, support person welcome. Different topics will be discussed each month. Share your experiences and learn as you work towards achieving control over your diabetes. Meetings on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Call 815-725-7133 ext. 3224 for more info. Pool Classes for Arthritis. Every Tuesday and Thursday in the Willow Falls Recreation Center, 1691 Willow Circle Dr., Crest Hill. Morning and evening classes are available. For details and registration call Valerie Brockman at 815-773-6229.

Circle of Hope Al-Anon Family Group. Sundays at 1:302:30 p.m. at Joliet Alano Club (back entrance), 265 Republic Ave. in Joliet. This on-going support group with no fees or dues is for all families and friends of problem drinkers, especially those who are affected today by growing up in an alcoholic home. For more information contact Al--Anon/Alateen 815773-9623 or visit for more information

Young Widows Support Group. Meets once a month at varying locations in the Plainfield/Joliet area. Open to those who have lost a partner and are ready to begin healing and moving forward in life by sharing their experiences with others.Children are welcome.For more information please contact Amanda at widowswearstilettos

Strive 4 Hope. Second and fourth Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. at the Joliet Moose Lodge #300, 25 Springfield Ave., Joliet. This is a support group, which welcomes all cancer survivors, caregivers, family members, and friends. Call Sharon at 815-349-5458 or Carrie at 815-730-0134 for more information.

Joliet Jewish Congregation. Joliet Jewish Congregation Shabbat (Sabbath) Services are Friday evening at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m. at 250 North Midland Ave., Joliet. Joliet Jewish Congregation Religious Sunday School: 10:00am. For more information, visit www. or call 815-741-4600. Led by Rabbi Charles Rubovits.

DECEMBER 26 Sit and Stitch. 6 to 8 p.m. at the Black Road Branch Book and Bean Café, 3395 Black Road, Joliet. For those who enjoy knitting, crocheting, or sewing. For more information, call 815-740-2660 or visit www.

DECEMBER 27 Open Mic Night. 6 to 8 p.m. at the Black Road Branch Book and Bean Café, 3395 Black

Road, Joliet. No cover charge! For more information, call 815-740-2660 or visit www.

JANUARY 7 Toddler Time. 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Black Road Branch Library, 3395 Black Road, Joliet. (18 months - 3 years) 9:30,10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Stories, songs and simple crafts. Caregivers must attend with child. No registration is required. If you have any questions call 815-7402662.

JANUARY 8 Spanish Storytime. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Joliet Public Library, 150 N. Ottawa St. (3 5 years) Stories and crafts for preschools and their families - you can even bring the older siblings. This storytime is presented completely in Spanish. No registration is required. If you have questions call 815- 740-2662.

JANUARY 9 Toddler Time. 9:45, 10:45 and 11:45 a.m. at the Black Road Branch Library, 3395 Black Road, Joliet. (18 months - 3 years) 9:30,10:30 & 11:30 a.m. Stories, songs and simple crafts. Caregivers must attend with child. No registration is required. If you have any questions call 815-740-2662. Snap Circuits. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Black Road Branch Library, 3395 Black Road, Joliet. (Grades 3-6) Work with your friends to build a radio, burglar alarm, microphone, or other gadgets. Registration is required. For more information, call 815-740-2660 or visit www.

JANUARY 10 Curious Little Monkeys Play Group. 10:15 to 11 a.m. at the Joliet Public Library, 150 N. Ottawa St. (Birth -36 months) This parent-child play experience combines elements of our traditional Lapsit with an additional 1/2 hour of themerelated free play experiences. No registration is required. If you have any questions call 815740-2662. Toddler Time. 9:45 a.m. at the Joliet Public Library, 150 N. Ottawa St. (18 months - 3 years) Stories, songs, and simple crafts. Caregivers must attend with child. No registration is required. If you have any questions call 815-740-2662.

taKe 5 C ro s s w o rd P u z z l e



1 Leader elected by monks 6 Jazz aficionado 9 “__ Astor”: Sargent portrait 13 Rule 15 Maker of Good Grips kitchen tools 16 __ of mystery 17 Former quarterback Peete 18 Portrayer of the Elf maiden Arwen in “The Lord of the Rings” 20 Hunk’s pride 21 The sun, in Cancún 23 Award for books on tape 24 Torchiere, e.g. 26 Exist like a mob informant, say 29 Mlle. counterpart 33 Nut in a cupule 34 Words in a market report 36 Equip with firepower 37 Somersaulting

dive 39 Executive position 41 Tolkien creature 42 “Pink Shoe Laces” singer Stevens 46 Green shade 47 Tourney ranking 49 Enjoy leisurely 51 1988 Radio Hall of Fame inductee 53 Boss, in Swahili 56 Beatles title woman who “made a fool of everyone” 57 Bit of work 60 Solon 62 Santa Catalina’s only city 64 All: Pref. 65 Wrap up 66 Place for a picture 67 Narc’s goal 68 Old IBM PCs 69 It’s chopped, in a way, in 18-, 26-, 49- and 60-Across

1 Indian tomb site 2 Nincompoop 3 Briefs not seen in court 4 Sommelier’s prefix 5 Like many a New England street 6 Kid finishing a book, maybe 7 They’re under shoulder joints, anatomically 8 “Mazel __!” 9 Bucks shots 10 Seasonal song starter 11 Eins und zwei 12 Easy to maneuver, at sea 14 Versatile synthetic 19 Cap with a pompom called a toorie 22 Remote hiding place? 24 Frond bearer 25 Stuck, after “in” 26 Old Nigerian capital 27 Words of compassion 28 Walt Disney, vis-

à-vis Mickey Mouse 30 Indira’s successor 31 Treasure stash 32 Brew hue 35 Unfortunate soul 38 Chewy caramel candy 40 Sneaky maneuver 43 Buck the majority 44 Guts 45 Quaint outburst 48 “Aw, shucks!” 50 “Giant Brain” unveiled in 1946 52 It follows April in Paris 53 Shapeless form 54 U.S.’s largest S&L until its 2008 collapse 55 Botanical bristles 57 Mtn. statistic 58 Where all roads lead? 59 Growl 61 Annoy 63 “Wheel of Fortune” purchase


H o ro s c o p e s When you are determined to create a unique experience, you sometimes end up in a fringe world. In the early part of the week, your penchant for the unusual and unconventional could put you on the outside.

It pays to send the very best. Last-minute gifts are painstakingly adorned with as many pretty bows as those stashed away for months. In the week to come, you find it is more satisfying to give than to receive.

You may be the one called upon to hammer in the nails if stockings are to be hung by the chimney with care. Expect to receive frequent requests for help and assistance from others in the week ahead.

Be prepared to show off your versatility in the upcoming week. An unexpected change of plan can give you an opportunity to demonstrate your poise and preparedness for any and all contingencies.

Excitement can boil over like potatoes on the stove. Tensions may run high, as last minute holiday preparations cause a flurry of unexpected obligations. A day off might entail extra work this week.

Make season’s greetings a priority; call loved ones far away. Touch base with clients with lastminute reminders. A touch of the Blarney Stone will make the wheels of commerce turn more smoothly in the week ahead.

Give in to the urge to splurge. When your wallet is full, it’s a good time to express generosity in the upcoming week. Just because you count pennies and clip coupons doesn’t mean you’re middle name is Scrooge.

Get prepared for a fabulous week. Act the part of jolly old St. Nick by sending all your personal elves on errands. Take stock; plan ahead to take care of essentials the create holiday joy.

Having Venus in your sign should draw others closer in the week ahead. Enjoy relaxation and cheerful social events. Expect a brief flurry of popularity. Impulsive spending could prove delightful.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way - but in some cases, getting your way may be viewed as willfulness in the upcoming week. Take a deep breath and relax. Demanding family members require patience.

Walk on the wild side. Your attraction to the latest fashions and technological gadgets will receive a workout in the week to come. Family and friends look to you for directions and knowledge.

Holiday outings are on the horizon. There’s a sparkle in your eyes that invites others to join in the fun. Sense the magic in the air as this week unfolds. You shine the brightest when entertaining others.


J umble

Tribune Media Services 2012

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers

Previous puzzle ’s answers Jumbles: • AGILE • QUAIL • ELIXER • UNIQUE


It’s a five-letter word, but only one is needed -- QUEUE




Bugle Kids

INSIDE: JCA finishes first at Ottawa tournament, other teams prepare for tourneys, page 12;

Year in Review, page 13



Local teams ready for tournaments By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

Founded in 1926, the Pontiac Holiday Tournament is considered the Granddaddy of all Illinois’ holiday basketball tournament and features the top team in the state of Illinois in Chicago Simeon and their 6-foot, 8 inch senior forward Jabari Parker, the No. 1 rated senior in the nation. Parker, who on Dec. 20 chose Duke University as his college of choice for next season, has been playing hobbled since suffering a broken foot in July and had to sit out for five months. If fans want to watch Parker, the No. 1 seed Simeon opens play Dec. 27 at 7:30 p.m. against United Township-East Moline. An assumed win will pit them against either Bloomington or the host Pontiac at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 28. In the semifinals, Simeon has a three-out-of four shot of running into a Voyager Media area team, if one can knock off No. 4 seed Chicago Curie. The Condors open against Plainfield North and if the Tigers cannot knock them off, the winner of Joliet West and Niles West will have a chance to advance and play Parker and Simeon. While there are three teams in the bracket with Simeon, the Joliet area has a pair of teams competing in the tournament. The aforementioned Joliet West is coming off a 1-2 showing at last season’s tournament and will open this season’s tournament with Niles West, a 6-3 team from the Chicago Suburban League. The Tigers have been at full strength this season, having guard Morris Dunnigan back to the form he showed his freshman season before blowing out his ACL in his sophomore

campaign. This season the Tigers are 7-2, losing only to SouthWest Suburban Conference leader Homewood-Flossmoor and Tyler Ulis-led Marian Catholic. The other Joliet area team in the Pontiac Classic is Lockport. The Porters are in the opposite bracket of No. 1 Simeon and would only be able to face them in the championship match, however, Lockport has a tough road to get that far. Lockport opens play at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 27 against No. 3 seed West Aurora. It faces either St. Charles North or Waukegan in its second game. Both matchups pose a concern for Lockport coach Lawrence Thompson, Jr. “We have to play West Aurora and that’s a monumental task,” Thompson said.“You want to get better. It’s a danger zone because if we don’t win that game, we play one of two different styles of teams in the next game. We get either St. Charles North or Waukegan. Waukegan is athletic and they cause a lot of fits. St. Charles North has a great player in Quinten Payne, they have some size and have played a great schedule. Not being eliminated in two games is going to be the challenge.”

JOLIET CENTRAL While the Pontiac Tournament is the oldest in Illinois, one of the two other top tourneys is the Rich South McDipper Tournament. Now in its 40th season, the McDonald’s sponsored event features some of Chicgaoland’s top teams. Locally, Joliet Central is in the Dipper and opened play Dec. 26 against a veteran Rich East team. A win would place them in a Dec. 27 matchup at 7 p.m. and Marian Catholic and junior Tyler

Ulis, one of the premier point guards in the state. The Steelmen were 1-3 last year, losing their first game, so staying in the winner’s bracket is a goal. “Our goal is to make it into championship bracket,” said coach Jeff Corcoran. “This is an excellent tournament and they treat us extremely well, I wouldn’t like to be anywhere else. There are a lot of good teams and defending champion Bloom, Seton, Marion Catholic and Crete all have excellent shot at winning.” Corcoran most of all hopes the Steelmen learn from the McDipper and get better once they head back in to SWSC play. “This tournament and its level of competition prepare you for the remainder of conference play and allows you to play teams that you could possibly see in a regional final as well,” Corcoran said. “It definitely gives us a measuring stick of how good we need to be.”

JOLIET CATHOLIC ACADEMY The Hilltoppers stay close to home and play in the Romeoville Holiday Tournament. In only its second season, the Romeoville Tourney features a large school and small school bracket. Joliet Catholic is in a tough small school bracket and is hoping to improve on last year’s record. “We went 1-3 last year and we look to compete and perhaps win two or three games this year,” said coach Joe Gura. “The Romeoville people are doing everything they can to make this a solid tournament, in the small schools division Lemont and See LOCAL, page 16

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Grover Anderson and Lockport will play in the Pontiac Holiday Classic.




Angels win Ottawa Invite By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

As the season progresses, the talent level and ability of the Joliet Catholic Academy girls basketball team is no longer a surprise for opposing teams. Coaches and teams know they must game plan against the Angels and try different things to beat the talented Angels. No matter what the game plan, however,teams have yet to be able to beat JCA since Bolingbrook did the first game of the season. Since that loss to open the Pontiac Thanksgiving Tournament, the Angels have won 13 games in a row, including beating host Ottawa 49-26 Dec. 22 in the final game of the Ottawa Holiday Tournament. “It was a good win for the kids,” said JCA coach Ed Schodrof. “They played hard and stayed focused. It was a very balanced team effort. Ottawa did a really nice job playing a sagging manto-man defense and forcing us to hit mid-range and three-point jump shots.” Junior Jasmine Lumpkin paced the Angels with 17 points, 11 rebounds and three steals, while freshman Nicole Ekhomu had 11 points. It wasn’t until the third quarter when the Angels separated. “It was a close game early,” Schodrof said. “We were only up 14-10 after the first quarter and 2314 at halftime. In the third quarter, Jasmine hit three big shots from 10-12 feet and Mary Susan Rouse hit a three.We really opened it up in the third quarter.” Schodrof said hitting the outside shot will be important going forward because he expects teams to mirror what Ottawa did early. “I think going forward, teams will try and take away the driving lane from Jasmine and Nicole and we will have to hit jump shots,” he said.“That mid-range shot was open and we hit them tonight.”

JOLIET WEST After placing third in the Lisle Cage Classic last year, the Tigers will look to get things going in the right direction as they head to the T.F. South Holiday Classic for the first time. West opens with 11-1 Crete Monee.

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Joliet Catholic Academy won the Ottawa Tournament title.

“The first game we play against Crete Monee will be our toughest game,” said coach Kevin Michaels. “They are playing great basketball right now and they are currently 11-1.” While West started out slow this season, Michaels hopes the tournament can get the Tigers playing together and turn around the second half of the season “I hope we learn how to play team basketball,” he said. “The past few games we had we kind of got away from that. If our girls can buy into our program and into each other, they can be dangerous. We started the season off slow and I believe we can get back to .500 and end the season a few games over. We have a tough schedule in one of the toughest conferences in state.”

JOLIET CENTRAL Joliet Central is in the Oswego East Holiday Classic for the third season. After placing first in the consolation bracket last season, the Steelmen will do battle with a cast of teams from across the Chicagoland area, but no other team from the SouthWest Suburban Conference. “I like the tournament because there are 11 teams we really don’t see through the season,” said Central coach Brian Reed. “I honestly don’t know how we will do this year.”

The Oswego East tournament opens with pool play and then moves into two-day play based on pool record. In pool play, Central will face West Chicago and York. On the third day, Central’s Pool ‘C’ will match up against Pool ‘A’ by record. Those teams consist of Lemont, Plainfield Central and Metea Valley. Reed said his team cannot look ahead and has to take each opponent as its most important. “Our philosophy is any team we play is our biggest competition,” he said.

MINOOKA The Indians will make a trip this holiday season and head south to compete in the Edwardsville Holiday Tournament. Minooka opens play at 1 p.m. Dec. 27 against Teutopolis. After a short break, the Indians will battle Jacksonville at 6:30 p.m. that same evening and will close the tournament at 3 p.m. Dec. 28 against host Edwardsville.

LOCKPORT The Porters open the Hillcrest Tournament with a noon tip off on Dec. 26 against T.F. North. Win or lose, Lockport (4-4) will compete again at 6 p.m. against either Seton Academy or Rich South.


2012: The year in sports MAJOR CHANGES IN MINOR LEAGUES There were several changes in the landscape of local minor league baseball. The Joliet Slammers were sold to Joliet Community Baseball & Entertainment, LLC, the second ownership group in the threeyear history of the franchise. It is the third overall ownership group to have a franchise in Silver Cross Field. In other independent baseball, the Will County CrackerJacks pulled out of the Midwest Collegiate League just weeks before the playoffs began. It was the second season in the MCL for the club, which won the league title in 2011. League management cited failure to pay league fees as one of the major reasons for the reasons for them leaving, while CrackerJacks owner Jamie Toole said there were issues with the league bylaws and the departure was not money related.

MAMMO STRONG On May 27, 2012 Matt “Mammo” Mammosser lost his battle with primary nervous system metastaticmelanoma. Mammo, a junior at JCA and a member of the Hillmen football team, died after a fivemonth battle with cancer. He was diagnosed shortly after the 2011 state final game, his last game for JCA. Throughout the season, the JCA football team wore Mammo’s No. 91 on their helmet and the fans constantly inspired the team with chants of Mammo Strong.

CATCHING ON Former JCA wide receiver Coby Fleener was drafted with the 34th overall pick by the Colts in the 2012 NFL Draft, where he was considered a top tight end prospect out of Stanford University. Fleener was reconnected with college quarterback Andrew Luck, the No. 1 overall pick in the draft. While a senior at JCA in 2007, Fleener caught 34 balls for 706 yards and eight scores. See 2012, page 14

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Brad Keselowski won the Geico 400 at Chicagoland Speedway and won the NASCAR Sprint Cup title.





2012 Continued from page 13

TRACK TRIBUTE When the time came for the Joliet Central track team to attempt to qualify for the state meet in May, they had more on their minds than just the race. The foursome of Tre Daniels, Kewardo Moore, Jason Worley and Demetrius Hogue all wore headbands for the race that said “Addison” in black ink with a red heart. The headbands were a tribute to Addison Locke, daughter of Central AD Steve Locke who is battling cancer.

CHASE WINNER ROLLS For the second straight season NASCAR’s Race for the Chase started at Chicagoland Speedway in August and for the second year in a row, the winner of the Geico 400 went on to win the Sprint Cup Championship. Like Tony Stewart a year ago, Brad Keselowski drove his No. 2 Miller Lite Dodge to Gatorade Victory Lane in Joliet and hung on to hoist the sport’s top prize nine races later.

PORTERS MAKE A SPLASH Although they had more on their minds than a fourthplace finish following a 9-6 quarterfinal win over Stevenson, the Lockport boys water polo team settled for fourth-place in their first-ever trip to the state finals.


WRESTLING The Joliet area had a lot to be happy about on the mat last year, as it grabbed three state titles last season. In Jake Oster’s first year as head coach, Lockport earned a pair of titles, as Shaun’que McMurtry defeated Lake Park’s Farai Sewera 10-4 at 160 pounds to end his season with a 44-1 record. Minutes later, Brad Johnson repeated the feat and won the state title at 195 pounds, completing a perfect 35-0 campaign. He won via 3-0 decision over Blake Blair of Edwardsville. In between those two matches, Minooka’s Jake Residori (44-2) won the title at 170 with a 7-3 decision over Sandburg’s Ricky Robertson.

INDIANS HARDWARE The Minooka girls bowling team earned a second-place finish in state last year , finishing 22 pins off the lead with total pin fall of 12,327. Senior Courtney Johnston placed seventh overall with a 2,631. For the second time in three seasons, the Minooka boys volleyball team ended up fourth in the state. After opening the IHSA State Finals with a win over St. Rita, the Indians (34-7) lost to Glenbrook North 25-19, 27-25 in the semifinals and to Barrington 2518, 20-25, 25-18 for third place. For his efforts, senior Rick Bishop was tabbed Voyager Media Player of the year. In state baseball Kevin Ruff took a no-hitter and a 1-0

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

JCA’s Ty Isaac broke the school’s all-time rushing title with 5,315 yards.

lead into the fourth inning of the Indians Class 4A third-place battle with Grant. However, Ruff did not make it out of that inning, as Grant scored six runs, en route to a 7-1 victory at Silver Cross Field, placing Minooka fourth in state. The Indian, who entered the

season as an underdog, lost in the semifinal 6-2 to Lyons Township.

TY-RIFFIC Despite missing much of his senior season with injuries, USCbound running back Ty Isaac still wowed the local crowed when he was in the game.

In his final game as a Hilltopper, Isaac rushed for 277 yards on 30 carries and scored three touchdowns. He totaled 1,500 yards this season and became the school’s career rushing leader with 5,315 yards. He surpassed the 5,070 of J.R. Zwierzynski (1998-01).




Locals enjoying success in college athletics Sophomore Miguel Acosta, a Joliet West graduate, appeared in 12 matches, starting three of them for Western Illinois after transferring from DePaul. He took four shots on the season. •Malcolm Allen, a red shirt junior from Joliet, transferred to Eastern Illinois and was a running back on the roster this year. • JCA graduate Nick Clancy, a 6-foot-3, 232-pound senior at Boston College earned AllAtlantic Coast Conference first team honors. He played in all 12 games and finished the season ranked third among all tacklers in the nation in tackles (145) and tackles per game (12.1). Additionally, he recorded 4.0 tackles for loss, 10 pass breakups, one forced fumble and one blocked kick. The Plainfield, native registered at least 10 tackles in a game eight times this season, recording 20 or more tackles in a game twice - the only two times this season an ACC defender recorded 20 tackles in a game. Clancy recorded a career-high 24 tackles (14 solo, 10 assisted) at Northwestern on

Sept. 15 and registered a gamehigh 20 tackles (17 solo and three assisted) in the Eagles’ 3023 overtime loss against Virginia Tech in the regular-season finale Nov.17. •Shorewood resident and Minooka graduate Zach Colvin played all 12 games for Bowling Green University this season. The sophomore defensive end posted 15 total tackles, one for loss and had two quarterback hurries. • Plainfield residents and Joliet Catholic graduates Katie and Linsday Condon were members of the Western Illinois soccer team. Katie, a senior, had five goals and two assists with 25 shots on the season, while Linsday, a sophomore defender, started 18 games. • Plainfield native Kelly Feigh, a freshman at Loyola University has posted 13 assists and 17 digs in 28 sets played for the 17-12 Ramblers. • JCA graduate Josh Ferguson, a redshirt freshman running See COLLEGE, page 16

Courtesy of Boston College Sports Information

JCA graduate Nick Clancy was named to the All-ACC first team, finishing the season as the nation’s third-leading tackler with 145.



COLLEGE Continued from page 15 back, has carried the ball 75 times for 312 yards and has caught 29 passes for 251 yards for the University of Illinois. He also passed one time, on a halfback option, for 22 yards and a touchdown. • Former Lockport player, red shirt sophomore Niko Foltys, is a defensive lineman at Eastern Illinois University. He played in six games and posted six tackles. • Junior Annemarie Hickey, a JCA grad, played in all 33 matches and in 116 sets at libero for Wisconsin. She led the Big Ten with 4.93 digs per set, was Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week, Oct. 29, 2012 and was 2012 InnTowner Invitational AllTournament. She had 20 or more digs in 13 matches, including a season-high 30 against Illinois on Oct. 26. • Minooka graduate Kalvin Hill, a freshman at Western Michigan University, made collegiate debut

with six carries for 13 yards against UMass October 6. • After one season at Moraine Valley Community College, Lockport grad Richaun Holmes is at Bowling Green University. Last year, he was an NJCAA Division II All-American after averaging 19.3 points, 9.3 rebounds and 5.2 blocks per game, set program record for most blocked shots in a season and was Skyway Conference Player of the Year. So far this season, he has played in all five games, starting two and has averaged 4.5 points and 4.2 rebounds per game. He has nine total blocks in seven games. • Shorewood resident Dariyan Hopper, a Minooka graduate, is a sophomore on the North Carolina State volleyball team. She has a team-high 316 kills, 101 digs and 54 blocks this year. The Wolfpack opened the NCAA tournament against Texas A&M. • Jordan Huston is a sophomore setter at D-I Lipscomb University in Tennessee. • Lockport grad Brad Johnson picked up his first two collegiate wins Nov. 24 at 197 pounds as a

Sports freshman at Oklahoma. • Joliet West graduate Matt Koran is a freshman linebacker for Harvard University. He has played in one game and has one tackle this season. • Shaun’qae McMurtry from Lockport is a freshman 165-pound wrestler at Nebraska. • Jenn Murphy, a junior JCA graduate, started all 31 matches for Evansville as setter, posting a team-best 846 assists. Freshman Lauren Robertson, also a former Angel, had kills in 25 matches this season for the Purple Aces. • Lockport graduate Bob Novak is a senior midfielder on the Notre Dame soccer team. He played in 22 matches this season, attempting four shots. • JCA graduate Zak Pedersen is a senior long snapper for Illinois. He also has four tackles on returns. • Minooka’s Stacy Perinar appeared in 61 sets as a freshman at Eastern Michigan University. She totaled 17 kills on the season. • Claire Randich from JCA is a starting Middle on the Butler volleyball team. She posted 210 kills and 65 digs on the season, while recording 121 blocks. • Former Lockport quarterback Billy Reed is a freshman wide receiver on the Southern Illinois University football team. • Former Joliet West guard Remy Roberts-Burnett is a sophomore on the Western Illinois University men’s basketball team. As a freshman, he played in 28 games, starting five of them, averaging 4.5 points, 1.4 rebounds, and 0.9 assists per game. He finished three games with10-plus points and scored a season-high 16 points at home versus South Dakota State. His only three-pointer made was a game-winning buzzer beater at home against IUPUI. • Joliet native Kaila Turner is a senior guard on the Notre Dame women’s basketball team. In its first four games, Turner has averaged 4.8 points per game with seven assists for the No. 5 ranked Irish. • Junior Alyssa Warren from JCA is a junior libero for Seton Hall

LOCAL Continued from page 11 Crane look tough this year.” What Gura is hoping for is getting experience for his young players. “We want our young kids – two freshmen, a sophomore and

Courtesy of Wisconsin Sports Information

Former JCA standout Annemarie Hickey, now a libero with Wisconsin, led the Big Ten with 4.93 digs per set.

University. She posted a team-best 659 assists this season. • Former Lockport basketball standout Karrington Ward has signed a letter of intent to play for Eastern Michigan University next season. A sophomore at t Moraine Valley Community College, Ward played last year at Kankakee Community College and was named to the National Junior College Athletic Association All-American First

Team after averaging 19.6 points, 9.1 rebounds and 3.5 steals per game. • Lockport graduate Zach Wolfe is a freshman tight end on the 8-3 Butler University football team. Wolfe, a Crest Hill native, played in six games, catching four passes for 25 yards and a touchdown. •Sophomore Lainey Wyman, a JCA graduate, posted 186 kills, 65 digs and 12 blocks this season for Mississippi State.

a junior - to keep getting better for the future. “We think this foundation as well will make us dangerous the next three years.”

the top teams in the Southwest Prairie Conference. Minooka, the No. 5 seed in the tournament, opens play with the hosts, No. 12 seed Hinsdale South Dec. 26 at 7:45 p.m. If the seeds hold, a win would pit the Indians against No. 4 seed Stagg at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27.

MINOOKA The Indians head into the Hinsdale South Tournament with a 7-2 record and one of





Second annual Christmas Classic this week By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

The second annual Romeoville Christmas Classic is scheduled to take place December 26-29 at Romeoville High School. The tournament is broken up into two brackets, a small school bracket and a large school bracket. The final day will pit teams from each bracket going up against each other. Romeoville (1-6) opened play at 8 p.m. Wednesday, December 26 against Addison Trail (3-6). The winner would play at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th, with the loser playing at 1:30 p.m. the same day. Awaiting them are UP Bronzeville (0-3) and Reavis (6-4). The other half of the large school bracket features Little Village (4-4) and Argo (2-5), as well as Plainfield Central (3-6) and Glenbard South (1-6). The winners will meet December 27 at 3:30 p.m. The large school championship will take place Friday, December 28 at 8 p.m.,while the consolation final is at noon. “Our goal for the tournament is just to play better every game,” Romeoville coach Jeff Bambule said. “The guys have been working hard and, while it may not seem like it if you just judge us by wins and losses, they are improving. We told them that a true test of someone’s character is how they respond to adversity.” Bambule knows what it will take to see that success. “For us to be successful, we have to get on the same page,” he said. “Some of the guys really know their assignments, and now they have to make plays within the structure of what we are trying to do. Some of the guys have to do a better job of knowing their assignment. They have some physical gifts, but they are still learning. Varsity basketball is more than just going out and playing. We have to limit our mistakes in that regard more and more as the season goes on.” Returning champion Crane is back to defend its title after beating Plainfield Central last year in the championship. Crane

remains in the small bracket and opened play against Chicago Christian. If the Cougars want to repeat, they will have to so without last year’s MVP, Willie Conner, who is now playing at Florida A&M. However, the cupboard isn’t bare for the 2-1 team. Other teams in the small division are Ridgewood, Perspectives, University High, Joliet Catholic, Lemont (7-0) and Fenger. “We are excited about the field,” Bambule said. “It should be a great tournament. The small school bracket should be very competitive. Lemont is undefeated, University High has a Division I prospect in Max Rothschild, Ridgewood brought an exciting brand of basketball last year, Crane is back, and Coach Pittman’s kids always get after it for Chicago Christian. The large school bracket is wide open. Reavis is the top seed. They are a typical Reavis team that plays hard, and executes. However, there has to be eight teams that have to feel that they can win two or three games. It should be exciting.” “Romeoville has done a great job with the tournament,” Plainfield Central coach Steve Lamberti said. “Last year we played the early game (9 a.m.) and the late game (8 p.m.) and it was the same atmosphere, treatment, hospitality, and friendliness no matter the situation. Jim Boudouris, Jeff Bambule and the entire athletic department and basketball staff really do a great job of making the tournament a nice place for teams to play.” The Indians are ranked No. 18 by the Chicago Sun Times and are the likely favorite to take home the overall title. They feature Oak Lawn transfer Marynas Einkis, Juozas Balciunas, the South Suburban Blue Player of the Year last year and Mike Wisz, who made a school-record 10 three-pointers in a game. “The small school bracket is loaded with quality teams, with Crane, Ridgewood and Lemont to name a few,” Lamberti said. “The large school bracket is wide

Scott Taylor/Enterprise Staff

Plainfield Central and Mitch Young are back at the Romeoville Christmas Classic hoping to defend their large school title.

open and we hope to be one of those teams with a chance to win some games.” The small division championship is at 6:30 Friday, December 28. The overall championship is at 8 p.m. Saturday, December 29. The third place game is at 6:30, with the consolation championship at 5 p.m. “I would have to say that Lemont is the team to beat,” Bambule stated. “They are off to

a great start, they have plenty of experience from last year and they have that great player that you need to make a run.” •Plainfield Central opened play at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 26 against Glenbard South. The winner would play at 3:30 p.m. on the 27th, with the loser playing at 10:30 a.m. the same day. Awaiting them are UP Little Village and Argo. “This is the type of tourney that everyone thinks they can win it

going in to it,” Lamberti said. “It is very competitive. Obviously we are hoping to get a few wins and put ourselves in a position to have a successful tourney. “The small school bracket is loaded with quality teams, with Crane, Ridgewood and Lemont to name a few. The large school bracket is wide open and we hope to be one of those teams with a chance to win some games.”




Retire Smart: The gift of education By Jill Schlesinger Tribune Media Services

With the holiday season in full swing, many grandparents and other relatives are wondering how to make gifts earmarked for education.There are a myriad of options, and selecting the best one for your family depends on your circumstances. Section 529 Plans: Since 1996, families have been able to use these tax-advantaged savings plans that are operated by individual states or educational institutions.There are two types of section 529 plans: prepaid tuition plans, which lock in future tuition rates for eligible colleges at current prices; and college savings plans, which allow saving and investing for qualified higher education expenses, free from federal and (almost all) state taxation. Additionally, some states offer 529 plans that provide state income tax deductions for residents. If your state offers a specific deal for residents, use it! (For a list of the states which

provide such deals for residents, check out the wonderful finaid. org website.) 529 plans offer a variety of investment vehicles, ranging from low-risk fixed options to aggressive stock funds, as well as age-based investment plans, where portfolio managers invest based on when the student will attend college. Most plans do not require that you be a resident of the state to use the plan, nor do most require that the student attend school in that state. To compare state plans, go to Savings Bonds: These bonds are the lowest risk education funding vehicle, because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. The Education Bond Program allows qualified taxpayers to exclude all or part of the interest earned from all I Bonds and EE Bonds issued after December 31, 1989, when paying for qualified higher education expenses. To qualify, there are income phaseouts based on the year in which you redeem the bonds, not the

year you buy the bonds.The 2012 limits haven’t been announced, but for 2011, the income phaseouts were $70,100 to $85,100 for single filers and $105,100 to $135,100 for married taxpayers filing jointly. Bonds must be issued in the name of a taxpayer age 24 or older at the time of issuance. Grandparents can purchase bonds for their grandkids, but the bonds must be registered in the grandparents’ or parents’ names. The child cannot be listed as a co-owner but may be listed as a beneficiary. There is an annual purchase limit of $30,000 per owner for Series EE and Series I Bonds. As of January 1, 2012, paper savings bonds are no longer sold at financial institutions. Investors can buy the bonds at www. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs): These accounts were previously known as Education IRAs and can be opened at most financial institution (banks, mutual fund companies, brokerage firms).

Contributions to a Coverdell ESA are not deductible, but amounts deposited in the account grow tax free until distributed, if the funds are used for qualified education expenses. The ability to use ESAs for private elementary and secondary education makes them different than both savings bonds and section 529 plans. The downside of ESAs is that the total contributions for the beneficiary of this account cannot be more than $2,000 in any year, no matter how many accounts have been established. Coverdell accounts can be owned by the student or the adult opening the account, and the beneficiary must be under age 18. UGMA & UTMA Accounts: The Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA) and the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) allow adults to establish accounts on behalf of a minor, but do not offer any special tax treatment. All of the money and investments in these accounts are turned over to the

beneficiary’s control at the age of 18 to 21 (depending on the state in which the account was opened), and the beneficiary can use the funds in any way he or she chooses. For this reason, UGMA and UTMA accounts are risky, because if the student decides against college and instead wants to take a crosscountry motorcycle trip, there is nothing that the custodian can do. It’s also important to know that all of these plans can potentially impact financial aid applications. For details, go to accountownership.

(Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is the Editorat-Large for www.CBSMoneyWatch. com. She covers the economy, markets, investing or anything else with a dollar sign on her podcast and blog, Jill on Money, as well as on television and radio. She welcomes comments and questions at askjill@moneywatch. com.)


Making your home senior friendly (StatePoint) More seniors than ever before are choosing to stay in their homes as they age. According to a study by the AARP, only five percent of Americans ages 65 and older live in group quarters like nursing homes. From narrow hallways to steep stairs, design elements in typical houses can make remaining at home difficult in our golden years. However, basic upgrades, like handrails and ramps, can go a long way toward making homes safer for seniors. And there are other small senior-friendly changes that can even make homes more environmentally friendly, which can help lower utility bills. “The aging process can be gradual for some, however others can move quickly from independent living to a cane to a walker,” says Joyce Polhamus, Chair of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Design for Aging Knowledge Community. “You don’t need to completely

remodel your home; there are small things you can do now to make it more accessible as the aging process evolves, while also making it better for the environment.”

appliances, like front-loading washing machines, on platforms. An architect can help you redesign any room around appliances to make it safer and more senior-friendly.

Automate to Conserve

Seasonal Design

One of the best ways to help ensure senior safety is to have a well-lit home. But it sometimes can be difficult to reach outlets and to remember to turn lights on and off as you move about your house. Installing sensors, so lights go on and off automatically when you enter and leave rooms, will cut back on electricity costs and ensure better visibility. As we age, tasks that formerly seemed simple, like watering plants, can be difficult and energy-consuming. Polhamus recommends setting automatic timers on sprinkler systems to eliminate the need to do this task yourself, while also helping to conserve water.

The majority of heat gain and loss comes from windows. Electronic curtains can alleviate the burden of repeatedly opening and closing traditional curtains and are more airtight to better keep cold air outside. If electronic curtains aren’t an option, Polhamus recommends ensuring windows are properly sealed and considering shrubs or bushes outside to act as a buffer against wind and cold air. To find an architect who can help make your home greener and more comfortable for seniors, visit http:// With a few updates, you can live in peace knowing your home is designed for aging.

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Making your home senior friendly can also lower your bills .

Update Appliances Emptying the dishwasher or putting a load of laundry in the washing machine, can put a strain on the body. Consider installing newer appliances designed to be more senior friendly. With newer dishwasher and refrigerator models, you

can open doors and drawers between hip and shoulder height, which won’t require reaching up or bending down. Additionally, replacing older appliances with newer, more energy-efficient appliances can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Or you can place existing

Business & Real Estate



Concession can get you what you want Q. In a recent column, you wrote, “Most people around you will actually give away what they originally wanted if you will just let them be right.” I can’t understand how your scenario could possibly work. It sounds as though if I disagree with a colleague and I say, “OK, you’re right,” the coworker will say, “Great! Now that you admit that I’m right, we’ll do what you want.” Can you give an example or two of how this actually works? A. Your coworkers want to be right about the principle. They don’t necessarily care about the details. Some of the best examples of what people will do if you just let them be right can be seen in any television crime drama.You’ll notice that clever detectives validate the heck out of the criminals’ point of view. The last thing any criminal should do is

confess, yet this is exactly what the criminal ends up doing. Being validated is more important than not incriminating themselves. The same principle applies to the workplace, which has as much drama as your favorite television show. Most of your coworkers never get told they are right and almost never get their viewpoints validated. The three rules for getting along with people are: validate their emotions, validate their emotions and validate their emotions. When coworkers see that you understand how they feel and what they think, they will become flexible in what they do next. Unfortunately, most people are just so interested in being

right that everyone on a team is arguing for being right and the outcome gets lost in the war for emotional validation. You have to keep your eye on your desired result to be capable of negotiating with this technique at work. If you still enjoy the emotional satisfaction of being right, you will have to pick between that and getting your result. You simply cannot have both. You are not telling your coworker, “I agree we should all wear blue shirts.” You are telling your coworker, “I can see how important it is to you that our team presents a united front to customers.” What you are doing is agreeing with what is emotionally important to your coworker. Most people feel strongly that you are entirely unqualified to change their mind until you can show them you understand their viewpoints. If you take the time

to understand and articulate your coworkers’ perspective, they’ll be much more flexible about integrating what you want into the outcome. Again, most people want nothing more desperately than to have their feelings validated. If your ego can afford to let your coworkers win the fight to be right, you will win most workplace wars to get what you want.

The last word(s) Q. I work with one incredibly rude and contemptuous coworker. I’ve been nothing but nice, but he seems to be just getting worse. Is there something that works with mean people? A. Yes, be curt, cut the niceties out, and use flat body language. Mean people just see niceness as weakness.

(Daneen Skube, Ph.D., executive coach, trainer, therapist and speaker, also appears as the FOX Channel’s “Workplace Guru” each Monday morning. She’s the author of “Interpersonal Edge: Breakthrough Tools for Talking to Anyone, Anywhere, About Anything” (Hay House, 2006). You can contact Dr. Skube at www. or 1420 NW Gilman Blvd., #2845, Issaquah, WA 98027. Sorry, no personal replies.)









Back to Their Roots



Illinois court justice and senator-to-be return to Bertino’s By Nick Reiher Staff Reporter

Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant and Tom Kilbride have something in common: Each got a boost in their political careers because of their relationship with the late Joe Bertino, owner of Bertino’s Auto Service in Joliet. The two came together Dec. 20 at an unofficial swearing-in of Bertino-Tarrant, daughter of the late Joe Bertino and current regional schools superintendent, to the office of state senator for the new 49th District. The district covers all or parts of Bolingbrook, Crest Hill, Joliet, Oswego, Plainfield, Romeoville and Shorewood. The spot they chose for the strictly ceremonial ceremony was Bertino’s Auto Service. Kilbride noted the garage then, as it is now under first-class mechanic/Democratic stalwart/ Joliet Park Commissioner Glen Marcum, was a hotbed of Joliet politics.

“[Will County Judge ] Jeff Allen told me I had to go to St. Joe’s Park,” Kilbride remembered. “So I went there every Sunday, and every Sunday I would run into Joe Bertino. I thought they named the park after him.” Marcum said the garage was one of Kilbride’s first stops on the campaign trail. “Now he’s our hero,” Marcum said. Kilbride said the hero was Bertino-Tarrant, who took what her father told her about community service to heart. Bertino-Tarrant thanked Kilbride for making the Dec. 20 ceremony possible. Kilbride, though, said it was a special call from Illinois Senate President John Cullerton that paved the way. “[Cullerton] was probably afraid of getting a call from Larry Walsh,” Kilbride said to the crowd, which included the Will County Executive. Still, the Dec. 20 ceremony was only a preamble to the official event Jan. 9 in Springfield.

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With her children at her side, state Senator-elect Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant shares a laugh with Illinois Chief Justice Tom Kilbride at an unofficial swearing-in Dec. 20.



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