Niles 03-20-14

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Your Community, Your News


MARCH 20, 2014

Vol. 58 No. 24


CTA and Pace will complete Ventra transition July 1

Originally, full implementation of Ventra across Chicagoland was set for last December

By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter

>> See the full story on page 5


Touhy Avenue Railroad viaduct.

CTA and Pace say Ventra will be the only way to pay for their buses and trains after July 1. “For the last three months, Ventra has performed well overall, and is used by more than 1 million riders each day,” said CTA President Forrest Claypool in a March 14 statement. “We have worked closely with our vendor, [Cubic Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Systems], to increase the reliability and convenience of the system.” forrest claypool Originally the full cTa presidenT implementation of Ventra across Chicagoland was set for last December.This timeline was scrapped when riders complained of widespread glitches and poor customer-care service after Ventra was rolled out last August. This led to Claypool announcing a new opened-ended deadline in adopting the new system while Cubic, the vendor providing automated fare collection equipment and services for Ventra, worked out the kinks. One kink last from last November resulted in around 15,000 commuters using Ventra to get free rides thanks to malfunctioning Ventra card readers at 60 CTA rail stations. >> see transition | page 2




>> transition, from page 1

longer reload magnetic stripe Issues like this led to CTA officials cards or use Chicago Card/ withholding payment on the $454 Chicago Card Plus million Cubic was contracted July 1—Customers can no for until the San Diego-based longer use magnetic stripe cards. company met certain “acceptable Pace customers paying with Ventra service benchmarks” for a cash will no longer be issued a sustained period of time. Transfer Card. All customers will Last month, CTA officials said be transitioned to Ventra. they felt satisfied Cubic had “I think it’s a better system,” said reached those benchmarks. Pablo Torralva, 19, the day of the “We teamed with CTA and Ventra announcement. Cubic to create improvements that He was waiting at the Summit focus on meeting our customers’ and Prospect bus stop in Park expectations,” Ridge and said he said Pace takes three buses Executive every day to his Director T.J. job in Park Ridge. Balance transfer events Ross. “Over Torralva said can be found at the next few since switching to Ventra the only months, Pace eventscalendar is carrying out real issue he’s a grassroots experienced is campaign to inform our riders that his “contactless” card won’t about the transition and the always be read the first time he favorable benefits of using taps it. Ventra.” “I just tap if a few more times, Moving forward, transit officials and it eventually works,” he said. said their new timeline has three He said outside of that minor phases: issue, he didn’t really have any May 1—Customers can no misgivings about Ventra. longer buy magnetic stripe cards “I think there should be more or autoload/reload Chicago Card/ ways to pay,”said Brian Johnson,39. Chicago Card Plus He was also waiting at the Summit June 1—Customers can no and Prospect stop that day. Like

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CTA and Pace say Ventra will be the only way to pay for their buses and trains after July 1.

Torralva, he said he sometimes has to tap his Ventra card a few times to have the payment go through. While he admits the cards aren’t that hard to reload or purchase, he said the whole move to Ventra seemed unnecessary and “reeked” of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s meddling. The reason Pace has given for the move to Ventra is that the magnetic stripe fare box equipment is nearly 20 years old and is no longer produced or supported by its manufacturer.

Also by removing the cash option Pace hopes to reduce the cost associated with handling hard currency. Moreover, state officials want all Regional Transportation Authority riders to adopt using the same type of fare card in the near future. Metra has yet to formally adopt Ventra, but is providing riders who purchase its Link-Up fare option with Ventra-compatible fare cards. Moving forward, customers who still have not received their

Ventra cards can buy them from a Ventra vending machine or retail outlet and register it online to get a $5 one-time card cost refunded as transit value. The CTA is also planning a number of balance transfer events throughout the city over the next three months. At these events, customers can transfer balances from valid magnetic-stripe cards and Chicago Cards, obtain and register a new Ventra Card (with no upfront purchase fee), and have their questions answered.





Village considers buying water from alternative sources Chicago raised its water rates by 15 percent, plans on raising another 15 percent in 2015 off of Chicago’s water monopoly. Village Manager Steve Vinezeano told him the Niles is looking village was looking into for alternative pursuing a plan to build water sources as an alternative water Chicago continues supply line to feed Niles. to increase its water “We’re finishing up the rate to suburban final engineering review, ” governments. Steve Vinezeano he said. The city of Chicago This review will raised its water rates village manager look at the viability of by 15 percent in establishing a new water supply January and plans on raising it another 15 percent in January line from Lake Michigan in either 2015. Niles will need to increase Wilmette or Evanston.The review is being conducted in conjunction its own water rate to keep up. This means there will be a $60 with other suburban communities increase for an average home in also feeling squeezed by Chicago’s the village for the 2014 fiscal year. increasing water rates. A Jan. 2 memo by David During a budget workshop Stoneback, Evanston’s director of meeting on March 13, Trustee utilities, sent to the Evanston city Chris Hanusiak asked village council shows the city arranged staff how Niles could wean itself By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter


March 13 budget workshop meeting in Niles.

for $250,000 of its 2014 budget to go toward engineering studies for this. “Evanston was contacted by the Village Manager of Niles and their consulting engineering firm, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, indicating that the communities of Niles, Morton Grove, Park Ridge and Glenview had formed


an affiliation for the purpose of exploring potential alternatives for the long-term supply of Lake Michigan water,” said the memo. The revised “Water Supply Transmission Main Study” has an expected completion date of April 16, according to the memo. Vinezeano said early

estimations projected a cost of between $12 million to $40 million to get the connection the village needs to stop purchasing water from Chicago. Trustee Joe LoVerde called that a high cost for gaining independence from Chicago’s monopoly over water rates for the northwest suburbs. Vinezeano also cautioned that the new water line could stand to benefit the suburb that controls the feed from the lake more than the suburbs that are feed from it. However finding cheaper water for the village will become more important once its agreement to supply Glenview with water ends in 2020. After that agreement expires, the village will need to find money to replace that revenue stream into the village coffers. The next budget workshop will be held on March 20 at 6 p.m. in the village hall.

Police investigate shooting at McDonald’s parking lot White male described as between 18 - 22 years old, wearing a hoodie concealing his face By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter

Skokie police responded to a report of unlawful use of weapons at a McDonald’s on March 9. Around 4:50 a.m., two people reported that while standing outside their vehicle in the parking lot at 5360 Touhy, they became involved in a verbal

dispute with a white male sitting inside a vehicle. The white male is described as between 18 and 22 years of age and was wearing a hoodie that concealed his face. The victims told police the white male pulled out a gun and fired a shot into the air before approaching them with the gun in hand.

Police say the victims then entered their vehicle and backed up, striking the white male. They then drove to the Skokie Police Department to report the incident. The Chicago Police Department later reported a subject who had been hit by a vehicle at the McDonald’s in Skokie, had been admitted to the Illinois Masonic Hospital in Chicago later that morning. At press time, police said the case was still under investigation.





Village plans major overhaul of its zoning ordinances Currently Niles requires specific zoning permits for things like clothing stores, books stores, record stores and vacuum stores village very broad goals that would be fine-tuned with input from the public. As part of their consultation, Niles officials are moving forward with a major overhaul Camiros interviewed village and rewrite of zoning staff who work with the zoning ordinances as part of the village’s and subdivision ordinances every day, owners of large continuing modernization. Last year, the village properties, business owners appropriated funds to hire and elected officials. They also conducted Camiros, Ltd, an outside thorough and critical consultant, to help officials a examination update the of the existing villa ge’s ordinances. zoning and “Parking, subdivision we know, is rules. full technical report can going to be a At a March be found online at big issue,” said 10 meeting, Strungys. She Camiros gave Center//View/1514 said one thing the village’s the village Building and Zoning Committee and Plan could consider is tiered parking Commission a presentation on for businesses that don’t keep steps they could take to bring the same hours but share a parking lot and increasing Niles in line with its peers. “A lot of these things are the interconnectivity among very conceptual,” said Arista parking lots within the village. Strungys, a consultant with She also recommended the village pursue required bicycle Camiros. She said her consulting firm parking where appropriate. Strungys also said the village was initially going to give the By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter

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Camiros Consultant Arista Strungys discussing residential zoning on March 10.

needed to move away from the “cumulative use approach” for its zoning code and move toward the now standard generic use approach. Currently Niles requires specific zoning permits for things like clothing stores, books stores, record stores and even vacuum stores. This type of approach has was moved away from in modern

practice because of its required detail and inability to respond to new and emerging uses “When the code was written in the 1960s, it didn’t have cell phone sales,” said Bruce Sylvester, the village’s senior planner. Because of this, the village had to vote to amend the code for this use. Strungys said that using the current code the village’s list of permit types will continue to get more cumbersome over time. Moving toward the generic use approach allows for the establishment of a “retail goods establishment” permit that would be flexible in the type of retail it addressed. Basically if a use is not listed in a zoning’s definition, then it isn’t allowed, subject to the interpretation of the village’s senior planner of the zoning ordinance. For example, the definition for “retail goods establishment” would specifically state that “adult bookstores” are not considered a “retail goods establishment.” Another area consultants told village they should reevaluate was its restrictions when it comes to homeowner construction. “When you put limitations on something, people expect getting the full limitation,” said Strungys. She said the village should move away from its use

of floor area ratio (FAR) and minimum building footprint (for residential development) to control the scale and volume of homes. Strungys said FAR was historically developed to control the development of high-rise structures, where controls regulated the overall height of a structure as well as maintaining light and air corridors. When applied to residential development and low-rise commercial development, many communities have found that FAR is not as effective as it does not limit overall building volume. In Niles this manifests as residents manipulating the FAR restrictions to allow them to build an “English style” basement or“garden apartment” in their homes. Essentially these basements function as an apartment on the lowest floor of a building, generally a townhouse or brownstone, which is partially below and partially above ground level and which has its own separate entrance from the rest of the building. Since FAR incorporates the basement into the overall height of the home, many people were creating or modifying their roofs to look flat in order to game the system. “Part of the balance we’re trying to do is let people build what they want but also protect their neighbor,” said Sylvester. Thomas Kanelos,chairman for the plan commission and zoning board, said he was worried that restricting a popular trend, like English basements, might hurt the village in the long term. “This is more for stability,” said Strungys. “People play games with the FAR in order to get the maximum height.” She said Riverside and LaGrange already have moved to a three-dimensional building model to control volume – termed a “building height setback plane.” Basically, when a structure is constructed on a lot that is taller than the typical residence, such structures requires an increased side yard in order to facilitate greater light and air between them. The full technical report can be found online at DocumentCenter/View/1514.

News cover story | Park Ridge



Officials give Union Pacific deadline to repair viaduct

Mayor threatens legal action if repairs are not made By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter

Mayor David Schmidt is considering legal action if Union Pacific Railroad doesn’t repair its viaduct at Touhy Avenue and Busse Highway. The viaduct is officially known as the Arthur L. Jones Underpass. It’s named after a mayor that held office in Park Ridge from 1935 to 1941. When Jones’s successor James D Tierney was elected to office in 1941, he and the Cook County board built the viaduct and named it after Jones. After more than 70 years enduring the elements and regular rail traffic, the city’s current mayor says it’s showing its age and has become unsafe. “The city has been complaining

David Schmidt Mayor of park ridge

Mark Davis spokesman for Union Pacific

to Union Pacific for years about the condition of the railroad viaduct over Touhy Avenue,” said Schmidt in a statement released March 3. “And for years, Union Pacific has refused to repair the viaduct, telling us it is not a safety hazard.” In the statement Schmidt referenced a Feb. 24 incident where a woman was driving east on Touhy around 5:50 p.m. and had “several pieces of concrete” fall on her car while under the viaduct. She told police that her windshield was damaged on the passenger side when debris fell

from the viaduct as a train passed overhead. “It is apparent that Union Pacific has either been misleading us or that the condition of the viaduct has deteriorated to the point that it is now unquestionably a public safety hazard,” said Schmidt. However Union Pacific disagrees with this assessment, saying their routine inspections found the viaduct to be structurally sound, if not aesthetically appealing. The rail company has authority over the viaduct’s inspections and repairs. “We recover as we go,” said Mark Davis, a spokesman for Union Pacific. He told The Bugle that any bridge structures that need superficial or skin work are taken care of throughout the year, regardless of the weather. “This year we know it was a bad winter,” said Davis. “But we really didn’t experience anything out of the ordinary, repair wise.” Union Pacific officials said they

could find nothing wrong with the viaduct when they inspected it Feb. 25. At press time there were no plans from Union Pacific to do any kind of work at the viaduct. This isn’t the first time debris has been reported falling from the viaduct. Last August Park Ridge police had a detective report a rock hitting his on duty car from the viaduct. And in 2009 wooden planks were installed to the viaduct’s underside to prevent debris, like pieces of concrete, from hitting cars. On March 13 Schmidt sent a letter and photographs to Union Pacific Railroad of Touhy Avenue viaduct. In it, the mayor cites the previous incidents of debris falling and included photos of what he described as the viaduct’s “deplorable condition.” “Despite these numerous reports and requests, Union Pacific has failed and refused to correct the chronic problem,”

said Schmidt in the letter. “We are writing to demand that you correct this serious problem as soon as possible. In order to achieve that goal, please advise me within 30 days of the steps that Union Pacific will take to fix the condition of the viaduct.” Copies of the letter were sent to the state representatives, state senators, and board members of Metra and the Regional Transit Authority. Schmidt said he would be waiting for Union Pacific to deliver a timeline to the city for when viaduct repairs would not only start, but also be completed. “Please be advised that if Union Pacific fails to take the necessary steps and to contact me within 30 days,the city will strongly consider taking legal action against Union Pacific,” said Schmidt. City Manager Shawn Hamilton said he expected the city’s attorney to advise the City Council on their legal options at their March 19 meeting.

Maine Township

Township launches recycling program to benefit food pantry New recycling effort asks to collect aluminum beverage cans, bring them to a Rexam Cash for Cans event Maine Township Supervisor Carol A. Teschky announces a recycling drive to support the Maine Township Food Pantry. Done in cooperation with Rexam, one of the largest beverage can makers in the world, the new recycling effort

asks residents, groups and companies to collect aluminum beverage cans and bring them to a Rexam Cash for Cans event later in the year. All proceeds benefit the Maine Township Food Pantry, Teschky said. In addition to regular food donations, the township’s pantry

operations needs financial contributions in order to purchase food to supplement its donations and continue to feed hundreds of needy families every month. “The need to feed hungry people in our area never stops,” she said.

For those who collect the cans, they will have to take them to the Rexam event on Sept. 6 from 9 a.m. to noon at 8770 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago (I-90 and Cumberland Avenue in the Rosemont area). The recycling drive will be in the parking lot of Rexam’s offices.

In addition, food, refreshments and a free raffle drawing will be offered at the event, according to organizer Nancy Mose of Rexam. For further information, visit Rexam’s website www.rexam. com, call 773-399-3948 or email


Police Blotter


The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Morton Grove, Niles, and Park Ridge Police Departments. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

Niles No reports filed

Park Ridge



A 17-year old from Park Ridge was arrested March 2 at the intersection of Dee and Sibley for failure to yield turning left and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident.


Kevin McKervey, 51, of 8000 block of N. Elmore, Niles, was arrested March 4 in the 1400 block of S. Crescent for driving without a license and no valid insurance.


Dominic Rodriguez-Miller, 19, of the 1400 block of W. Hood, Chicago, was arrested March 7 at the intersection of Touhy and Oriole for possession of cannabis.


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Reyna Gaona-Espinosa, 36, of 7500 block of Elmhurst Rd., Des Plaines, was arrested March 7 at the intersection of Dempster and Luther for no valid driver’s license, disobeyed traffic control device and no valid insurance.


Carl Bongiovanni, 21, of 200 block of N. Greenwood, Park Ridge, was arrested March 8 in the 400 block of North Northwest Highway for two counts of battery.


Morton Grove No reports filed

calendar MARCH 20 Village of Niles Business Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. Niles Senior Center, 999 Civic Center Drive, Niles. The event is open to all Niles business owners and their staff, and commercial/ industrial property owners in Niles. This is an opportunity for Niles businesses and property owners to network and meet other local business and community leaders. There will also be a brief presentation from PACE (the suburban bus service) about the Milwaukee ART and the Free Bus Modernization Study. Village Officials will be on hand to discuss and answer questions on issues relevant

to the business community such as discussion on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, streetscape on Milwaukee Avenue, marketing and branding Niles, zoning code re-write (what it means to businesses), the Façade Program, and the New Village Website. Come Cheer for Spelling Bee Contestants. 1 p.m. North Shore Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street, Morton Grove. The public is invited to come cheer on our local seniors as they compete in the Illinois State Senior Spelling Bee Competition, hosted by the North Shore Senior Center in partnership with the Morton Grove Public Library.

This fun event showcasing a lifetime of knowledge is free for all! Coffee and dessert provided. Call 847-663-3073 to let us know you’re coming. Gravity (2013). 2 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space. Sandra Bullock, George Clooney. Did you miss the latest blockbuster movie when in was in theaters? Join us on the 3rd Thursday every month for a screening of the hottest movies at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Call 847-929-5101 or

check out the Movies & More page on to learn more.

MARCH 21 Get Health Coverage. 1 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Illinois Health Marketplace navigators will be available for confidential, individual consultation. Financial help may be available to make coverage more affordable for you and your family. You’ll need: verification of income (pay stubs, income tax return) and a form of identification (driver’s license, Social Security card, student visa) to complete

the online registration. The full enrollment period for the Marketplace lasts six months and runs through March 31. For further information, Marketplace navigators can be reached at 773-262-6622 ext. 267. Three enrollment sessions will be held at MGPL: March 9, 1p.m.-5p.m. | March 11, 10a.m.-2p.m. | March 21, 1p.m.-5 p.m. Regina Dominican and Notre Dame Host Charity Dodgeball Tournament. 5:30 p.m. Regina Dominican and Notre Dame have teamed up to host their annual charity >> see calendar | page 8

ForuM Post your thoughts! You’re invited to use the Forum page of The Bugle to express your opinions about matters that affect our community. E-mail your letter to our newsroom at For more information, call (815) 436-2431. Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Please try to limit your comments to 500 words or less. The editors

reserve the right to publish, condense, revise or reject any submissions.

Send us your news It’s easy! Just follow the 5 W’s: What is happening: Describe the event or the purpose of the news release. Who: The subject of the event. Also, include a name and phone number or e-mail address that can be published so readers can call for more information. When: Give date and time. Why, or for what purpose: Explain the nature of the event. Where is it happening: Give the exact street address. E-mail community news releases to The Bugle reserves the right to subsequent publication of all submissions, in full or in part, through the newspaper’s archives or any other electronic library.

Send us your photos Did your club host a bake sale? Did your church group volunteer to paint a senior’s home? If you have photos from your group’s fundraisers or events we would be glad to publish them. Please submit them to Be sure to include information about the event, such as when, why and where it occurred. Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.

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Niles’ big ‘rebranding’ gamble Did the Lotto solve our school budget crisis? Is Atlantic City a family destination, a shining city by the sea?

family destination, a shining city by the sea? What has gambling done to help the Native American tribes who embraced it as a way out of poverty? The reservation is still a place of abject misery with My hometown is suffering from only an elite group in the tribe schizophrenia. It doesn’t know benefitting. There is no easy way what it wants to out and most of the time the be – the best place easy way is the hard way. to raise a family or They say, “What happens the gambling Mecca in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Las on Milwaukee. Vegas is a destination; Niles Whenever I hear a is a community of parks and rebranding effort, homes. Yet what happens in I laugh. Things are Niles, will stay in Niles. The what they are,and the gambling losses are simply perspective real you eventually another reductions in other retail morgan dUbiel comes out. spending that would occur The general economic benefits in Niles anyway. If someone loses of gambling are zero. It is a $20 or $200, that money isn’t left business that wins when you lose. over to be spent in Niles, and, like The industry has psychological a tube of toothpaste squeezed on profiles and marketing geared one side, we’re no better off than toward the weakest of us. They when we started.We all know that say you’ll be a “player,” a big shot, how you make money affects who and that it’s for “big boys” all of you are. It changes you. which appeal to our vanity and In 1961, Mayor Blase took over self-esteem.The only winner is the Niles on a promise to end gambling house. In this case, the “house” is and the corruption that came with not only the gambling interests, it. He did just that, and in 1965, but our local government. It’s hard Niles won the right to be called to be objective when you’ll get a an “All-American City.” The award specifically cited the elimination piece of the action. Did the Lotto solve our school of gambling as the major factor budget crisis? Is Atlantic City a and is called a “Nobel Prize for

Constructive Citizenship”. Foolish people dismiss all that Nick did over the nearly half century he served. Despite his guilty plea in 2008, Niles was declared the best place to raise a child in 2010.Those are the bookends to a career that made Niles what it is today. No rebranding necessary. At a level of authority well above our elected officials, corporate interests and political powers have aligned to predetermine that Niles will have gambling. These outsiders don’t know or care about our community. It’s all about the dollar. If it is inevitable, then we should be very concerned about how it’s done. If we don’t want the natural corruption gambling brings, then permits should be broad based and not limited to a chosen few, so that favoritism and the temptation to pay to play doesn’t rear its ugly head. To protect us from overspending all the gambling losses that come into the coffers of Niles should be earmarked by law to go toward paying down our pension shortfall and that on top of the monies that are already earmarked for this purpose. It takes a long time to gain a reputation and only a moment to lose it.

letter to the editor

Off the beaten path again, video gambling splits officials General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Nick Reiher 815-436-2431 ext. 117 Assistant Managing Editor Jonathan Samples Reporters Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Jonathan Samples Sports Editor Scott Taylor Advertising Manager Pat Ryan

Production Director Andrew Samaan Enterprise Newspapers, Inc. 23856 Andrew Road #104 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 • Fax (815) 436-2592 Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 12 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 12 p.m. Friday.

‘Any mayor, any trustee, anybody that would vote against this the people of Niles shouldn’t re-elect.’ It is not unusual in our times to hear weird and off the beaten path comments from politicians. It is a dreary, tiring behavior. Now we have yet another ditzy comment from James Callero, famed for being the brother of an ex-mayor, chairman of Mayor Andrew Przybylo’s task force on video gaming, and supposed expert on our underfunded Niles public pensions. The local media reported that pro-gaming Callero bellowed in somewhat understandable English that “any mayor, any trustee, anybody that would vote against this the people of Niles shouldn’t re-elect.” Here is an APPOINTED individual barking inappropriate remarks both at the mayor who appointed him and at trustees who already voted against video

gaming. One grumpy man arrogantly using his public “bully pulpit” to berate elected public officials who are doing what they believe is correct. One might expect such pompous behavior from Vladimir Putin or Fidel Castro. Mr. Przybylo is not innocent, either. While he says he does not want gaming units in his restaurant (perhaps because of funerals and weddings) he wants them in somebody else’s. He was certainly shaken up by the justifiable citizen turnout at a village board meeting opposing gaming. Instead he wants a silly “survey” of residents who he himself declares to be “indifferent” to the issue! This is leadership? Survey people who don’t care? What a bizarre view of life. Is he planning to “survey” every

issue which comes up? He commented that he wants to keep Niles from becoming a “hillybilly heaven.” Is he referring to the heaven where the souls of “hillbillies” killed in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East are? I served in the military with the sons and daughters of those “hillbillies”and they deserve better respect than Przybylo gives them. Callero should resign or be removed from the task force by the mayor. He is using a public trust to play blatant politics. Niles residents should come out to the village board meetings and help stop such subterfuges from wrecking our town. Medical marijuana dispensaries; Video gaming in bars; Industrial pot growing; Niles- the best place to raise a family. - Chris Hanusiak, Niles Trustee



Calendar >> calendar, from page 6 dodgeball tournament to benefit the Danny Did Foundation on March 21 at 5:30 p.m. The tournament is broken down into three divisions: High School Single-Gender, High School CoEd, and Junior High. Eight to ten players make up a team. All high school and junior high students are invited to attend. The fee is $40 per team. Team Registration is available online at www. The tournament will take place at the Regina Dominican gymnasium at 701 Locust Road, Wilmette. Contact Pattie Fuentes,, for more information.

MARCH 22 Morton Grove Farmers’ Market Indoor Spring Market. 9 a.m. 6140 Dempster St., Morton Grove. Check out an assortment of vendors from Morton Grove and around the Midwest. We hope to have foods such as meat, eggs, cheese, jelly, honey, soups, spices, baked goods, desserts, and more. Hot, prepared food and drinks will be available in the upstairs cafe. Hand carved, hand knit, hand sewn,hand made products will be on hand. Visit mgfarmersmarket. com/blog for a list of vendors. Link/SNAP benefits accepted for qualifying purchases.

MARCH 23 The Iran Job (2012). 2 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave. When American basketball player Kevin Sheppard accepts a job to play in one of the world’s most feared countries - Iran he expects the worst. But what he finds is a country brimming with generosity, acceptance, and sensuality. Join us on the 4th Sunday at 2 pm each month for a selection of critically acclaimed independent and foreign films. Call 847-929-5101 or check out the Movies & More page on to learn more. The History of Video Gaming. 1 p.m. Niles Historical Museum, 8970 N. Milwaukee Ave., Niles. The History of Video Games (and gaming consoles) will be presented by GameStop at the Niles Historical Museum. There will be a free-will donation at the door, and there will be refreshments after the program. For more information please call (847) 390-0160.

MARCH 24 Lego Club. 4:30 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton

St, Niles. Join us on the 4th Monday of each month to create masterpieces at our new Lego Club. Ages 5+. No registration necessary.

MARCH 25 Job Seeker: The Value of a Hybrid Resume. 7 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. Don’t question the resume style you should use for your qualifications. This presentation shows how to combine resume styles to make a dynamic impression.

MARCH 26 Walking Dead Crafts & Snacks. 7 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. Hosting a zombie party? Stop by for recipes, costume and DIY decorating ideas. Take the trivia party quiz and Vote for your favorite character. Ages 16 and up.

MARCH 27 Job Seeker Workshop. 9:30 a.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Employment coaches from Illinois WorkNet will discuss resumes and cover letters, online job applications, and interviewing to help you in your job search. For more information about Illiniois WorkNet, call 847448-8647 or go to http://www. To register, go to or call 847-929-5101.

APRIL 24 Scarface (1939), with guest Christina Rice, author of Ann Dvorak. Pickwick Theater, 5 S. Prospect Ave, Park Ridge. Admission is $5 for everyone at or before 6 p.m. and for children under 12 and senior citizens 65 and older. After 6 p.m., general admission is seven dollars. Admission is $7 ($5 for seniors). All shows start at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.

MAY 1 In Old Chicago (1937) & Jesse James (1939), with special guests, Tyrone Power family. Pickwick Theater, 5 S. Prospect Ave, Park Ridge. Admission is $5 for everyone at or before 6 p.m. and for children under 12 and senior citizens 65 and older. After 6 p.m., general admission is seven dollars. Admission is $7 ($5 for seniors). All shows start at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.

Take 5 Crossword Puzzle

Across 1 Ski area helpers 6 Finish line? 10 Equal to the task 14 “Live Free __”: New Hampshire motto 15 Some are easily bruised 16 Sound of laughter 17 RATS 20 “Friendly skies” co. 21 Garr of “Mr. Mom” 22 “My place or __?” 23 SHUCKS 27 Unspecified amount 28 One of the Seven Sisters schools 32 Joe’s sister in TV’s “Under the Dome” 35 Salinger girl 38 Soccer shout 39 DARN 43 Goat quote 44 Hurdle for a storied cow 45 Offers thanks, in a way 46 Decides one will 49 Itinerary word

Down 50 SHOOT 57 Setting for “Beasts of the Southern Wild” 60 Cloudburst, e.g. 61 Seasonal drink 62 FUDGE 66 Item on a “honey-do” list 67 Time fraction: Abbr. 68 “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown” singer 69 Computerized city people 70 Former “Entertainment Tonight” coanchor 71 Ecclesiastical council

1 Replenish a pint of ale, say 2 Thorny shrub 3 Jane Eyre’s charge 4 Free 5 When sch. often starts 6 Plains home 7 Golden __: seniors 8 Classical Greek style 9 Stubborn one 10 They have strings attached 11 Boyfriend 12 Animal shelter 13 Under-the-sink joints 18 Modest acknowledgment of praise 19 Banks in fashion 24 Bill stamp 25 From the top 26 Hot spot 29 Pop 30 Compatriot 31 Roger who played Lord Marbury on “The West Wing” 32 BBs, e.g. 33 Spring tide counterpart 34 Hard-to-see pest 35 WWII command

36 “Dexter” network, in listings 37 Word with best or common 40 “Don’t worry about me” 41 Huge production 42 Logician’s “E,” perhaps 47 Has to sell 48 Bullish beginning? 49 Chianti, in Chianti 51 Wipe out 52 “Eight Is Enough” actor Willie 53 Sound quality 54 Workers’ backer 55 “But wait! There’s more!” company 56 Vandalized, Halloween-style 57 Comedy routines 58 Healthy berry 59 Cowpoke’s polite assent 63 Tolkien’s talking tree 64 IBM hardware 65 Ask too many questions


Horoscopes Accept what you can’t change. There is a focus on sharing with others and abiding with their decisions. If you’re under a deadline at work in the week ahead, don’t blow it off or be casual about fulfilling commitments.

Do unto others. Exerting some warmth and kindness will thaw even the chilliest situation in the upcoming week. Have faith that a nagging financial problem can be solved and you’ll quickly see the simplest solution.

Do your part and take part. Think about the great things you can contribute to the community. You don’t need to wait for an invitation to participate in something satisfying. Put your people skills to good use this week.

You’re too generous for your own good. If you’re approached by someone with an offer or proposal, it might do more to enrich the other person than you. Don’t fritter away your financial security; hang tough in the week to come.

There’s an old saying: “Only he who has traveled the road knows where the holes are deep.” Remain respectful of the experiences of others in the week ahead. Though you may be ready to leap into action, don’t ignore sound advice.

The Full Moon in your sign today could kick off a week in which you reap the benefits of partnership. As they say, it’s often who you know rather than what you know that can make a huge difference to your success.

The glowing embers of romantic desire can be fanned into warm, invigorating flames in the week ahead. You could get a nod of approval when you approach others with sales ideas or business deals.

Roll up your sleeves and wear your heart proudly. A straightforward approach works best. Don’t fret about making commitments, as you have the tools needed in the week to come. Light a fire under a romantic idea.

Don’t throw good money after bad. Watch out for a tendency to spend money too freely this week. You should be able to make a persuasive proposal and get people to cooperate or support your aims.

Like mold, the longer you ignore a problem, the more quickly it grows. During the week ahead, don’t shrug off repeated reminders about serious responsibilities or take it for granted that someone else will do the job.

Do your homework. Develop plans for improvements, but don’t be in a rush to implement them. Conflicts that may hold you back in the upcoming week will evaporate quickly without a need for a confrontation.

Your love light must remain on low until you accomplish other objectives in the week ahead. Keep a firm grip on achieving your goals once the work week begins. Play romantic music this evening.



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Bugle Kids

INSIDE: Joliet Catholic’s Jasmine Lumpkin tabbed Voyager Media Player of the Year, page 12



Loyola holds off Maine South in sectional final By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Top-seeded Loyola wasn’t shy about attempting three-pointers throughout its Maine South sectional championship game against the host Hawks last Friday night. And when the Ramblers held an 11-point lead (37-26) early in the fourth quarter following one of those treys, they weren’t shy about milking as much time off the clock as they possibly could. The latter strategy nearly backfired on them as Maine South forced three straight turnovers at one point and outscored the Ramblers 11-2 to come within two points, 39-37, with 1:33 left. But senior James Clarke sank three free throws during the final 34.4 seconds, and the Ramblers held off the secondseeded Hawks, 42-37. Loyola (25-5) advanced to the Class 4A Chicago State supersectional to face Whitney Young (26-5) and Duke recruit Jahlil Okafor Tuesday night. The winner of that contest earns a spot in this weekend’s state tournament in Peoria. The win also continues a streak of success Loyola teams have enjoyed over the Hawks since last spring. Loyola ended the Hawks’ girls soccer team’s season in the sectional semifinals last May. Then last November, the Ramblers’ football team shut out Maine South in the Class 8A quarterfinals, 35-0—a fact that wasn’t lost on the Loyola student body, which held up a large sign displaying “35-0” on Friday night. “I’m just really, really proud of the way we played and the composure and the poise that we showed,” Maine South coach

Tony Lavorato said. “We’re very disappointed in not finishing this dream run that we’ve been on, but very proud at the same time.” Clarke nearly became the goat after he missed a three-point attempt from the baseline that led to a three-point play at the other end from Hawks junior George Sargeant, which made the score 39-37. But he redeemed himself with his clutch shooting from the line. “There was no place else I would rather be than there (at the line),” said Clarke, whose 17 points led the Ramblers. “I’m a senior and I have to make those shots and I just stepped up and made the shots. “We were trying to hold the ball (in the fourth) but be aggressive at the same time. We kind of let them back in the game with our turnovers.” Clarke and the Ramblers came out firing to start the game. He connected on consecutive three-pointers as the Ramblers marched out to a 9-2 lead and led 13-4 at quarter’s end. “They’re a very similar team to ourselves,” Lavorato said. “They play quarter court and we can’t get down to teams like this. I thought that first quarter it kind of puts you in a hole and now you’ve got to scramble and come back, but I thought we showed great poise throughout the course of the game and there was no panic.” The Hawks got back into the matchup in the fourth quarter despite going just 6 of 19 from the field and 1 of 7 from threepoint land during the second half. “They’re a really great team,” said Sargeant, who scored 17 points—seven in the fourth— and played the entire game.

“They came out from the get-go shooting and they made their threes but we never got down on ourselves. We kept believing that we could win this and we kept chipping and chipping away until we only got down two.” “What was the deal-breaker is that we didn’t make shots,” Lavorato added. “It was that simple. And they were open, open looks. They had 42 points and it’s exactly the type of game we want. From our end, we sputtered a little on offense and that’s a credit to their defense and their system just like holding them to 42 points is a credit to our defense and our system.” Loyola cooled off from the outside in the second quarter, and the Hawks (25-7) whittled the Ramblers’ nine-point cushion to four at halftime, 22-18, thanks to a bucket from senior Andrew Palucki off a feed from junior point guard Caleb deMarigny. Sargeant tallied eight points in the quarter. “Teams have played tough on him,” said Lavorato, referring to Sargeant. “We couldn’t make it easier on us because we didn’t hit outside shots. He did everything he needed to do. He’s a warrior. He’s not too flashy; he’s just that blue collar, lunch pail hard-hat type guy and he’s had a heckuva year.” Sargeant will be back, along with deMarigny and sophomore starter Jon Arenas to give the Hawks a nice core going into the 2014-15 campaign. “It’s tough to think about the future when your present just ended,”Lavorato said,“but I agree: We do have a great foundation, but just like anything, it will be back to square one.” Palucki (eight points), a three>> see FINAL | page 15

Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Jake Pedrelli scored eight points in Maine South’s 42-37 loss to Loyola Friday.




Lumpkin repeats as Voyager Media POY By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Jasmine Lumpkin of JCA is the Voyager Media Player of the Year.

A year ago, as a junior, Joliet Catholic Academy’s Jasmine Lumpkin earned several individual awards and recognitions and there are sure to be more headed her way this season. The Michigan State-bound senior averaged 17.9 points and 9.1 rebounds this season and led the Angels to their best program finish ever, taking second in the Class 3A state tournament. Her success this year has made Lumpkin the Voyager Media Girls Basketball Player of the Year for the second consecutive season. However, winning is all she has really wanted.

“This is way better than the individual accolades because this is about the team and not just about me,” she said after securing a bid to state. “It is always about team first.” Lumpkin spent the first two years of her career at Montini, where her team won a state title both seasons. As a junior, she transferred to JCA and led the Angels to their first regional title in a decade. She ended her career by making it three trips to the state finals in four years. Over her four years of combined varsity play, Lumpkin tallied 1,253 points and grabbed 749 rebounds for career averages of 12.4 points and 7.4 rebounds per game.

“I can’t say enough about her,” Joliet Catholic Academy coach Ed Schodrof said. “She transformed this program. Without her, we are not where we are today and there is no other way to put that. We were evolving and she put us to a new level.” Schodrof also said that success on the court is not what makes Lumpkin a favorite among JCA students and faculty. “She is a 3.7 GPA and just a nice kid,” he said.“Everyone likes her because of who she is, not for the points. She is beloved by everyone. I am so happy for her I can’t even put it into words.” The rest of the first-team allarea players are: >> see ALL-AREA | page 14





Sports >> ALL-AREA, FROM PAGE 12



The lanky 6-2 sophomore from Downers North, Green caused matchup problems with her height in the backcourt. She could hit the open jumper and drain a three, or take it to the basket when the situation warranted. Green averaged close to 16 points per game, which led the Trojans this season.

Senior scoring leader for Bolingbrook averaged 15.2 points, 3.2 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 2.0 steals per game. She will play for Pittsburgh University next season.

SARAH COSTELLO The heart and soul of a 25win Downers North team that advanced to the sectional semifinals, Costello proved to be arguably the best all-around player in the West Suburban Conference Silver Division this season. The four-year varsity starter averaged 13.3 points, nearly 10 rebounds and 5.1 assists per contest her senior year and finished with 1,033 career points.

NICOLE EKOHMU Sophomore star averaged 14.5 points, 3.9 rebounds and 3 assists per game for Joliet Catholic Academy. She led the Angels in scoring in both games in the state finals.

Second team EMILY ESHOO Benet junior averaged 14.5 points per game for the regional champs. She also had 54 threepointers and shot 79 percent from the free throw line.

ERIN HEIDE Minooka senior was an allconference selection. She averaged 14.9 points and 3.6 rebounds per game.

SHAYLEE SLOAN The three-year varsity performer and All-CSL North pick scored 11 points per game and snapped down eight

rebounds per contest as the Demons put together their best season in school history, taking the CSL North crown and winning 20 games—both firsts for the program. “She’s always been strong rebounder and a scorer,” said Maine East coach Karol Hanusiak. “Her defense has gotten a lot better last couple of years. One of the things she was challenged with this year was that she was pretty much the go-to person (offensively) last year. She had to share the scoring with other people (this year) and that showed a lot of maturity on her part. She did a nice job accepting that.”

HAILEY SCHONEMAN M a i n e South’s lone returning starter from 2 0 1 2 - 1 3 , Schoneman was asked by coach Mark Smith to help pick up the scoring slack left when 80 percent of Maine South’s scoring vanished via graduation. Schoneman responded by becoming the Hawks’ featured post player and posting a teamleading 11.4 points-per-game average. She also led the team in rebounding (7.3 per game). “Hailey did flourish in our offense,” Smith said. “What I’m really proud of is how she took that and ran with it and really had a phenomenal year for us.”

PEYTON WINTERS Foes thought twice before going into the paint against Winters, who may very well be the premier shot-blocker in the area, averaging 5.7 blocks per game. But she also pulled down an average of 6.9 rebounds and was an effective scorer down low, averaging 11.4 points per contest for Downers North.

Third team CHAVON BANKS Senior averaged 10.5 points and 12.5 rebounds per game for Joliet Central.

KELLY CARNAGIO Minooka junior averaged 11.9 points and 6.3 rebounds per >> see ALL-AREA | page 15

Sports >> ALL-AREA, FROM PAGE 14 game for the Indians. She was an All-SPC selection.

TYLER EVERETT The Plainfield South junior averaged 12.3 points per game to go along with 106 rebounds, 59 assists and 75 steals.

KATE MORIARTY M o r i a r t y, a senior, was a threeyear varsity player for the Resurrection, who scored 10.5 points per game and averaged seven rebounds this

>> FINAL, FROM PAGE 11 year varsity player and twoyear starter; Jake Pedrelli (eight points), who also started Friday night; and Sean Maloney, who played admirably at point guard when deMarigny went down with mono in January, are among the seniors whom Lavorato will

season. She was a catalyst behind the Bandits’ regional title-winning 2012-13 team and finished with 704 career points and 534 career rebounds. “Kate has been asked to play out of position since she came up to varsity,” said Resurrection coach Keith Miniscalco. “Kate is a small forward, not a post player, but Kate has done everything she could do to help this team and our program. I could not ask more from a player.”

Fourth team

fill next year.”



Benet sophomore was team’s floor leader. She posted 10.8 points per game, while leading the Redwings in assists (43) and steals (37).

The Plainfield North sophomore tallied 14 points per game for the Tigers.


Loyola-bound senior was inside presence for Bolingbrook. She averaged 9.2 points and 6.0 rebounds per game.

A junior from Benet, Schramek led the area with 81 three-pointers and averaged 14.9 points per game and 4.3 rebounds.

Downers Grove South senior led the Mustangs with 10 points, nine rebounds and 1.8 assists per game. She shot 41 percent from the field. “Claire Hardy was a hard working senior leader on our team,” said coach Lyndsie Long. “She always worked hard in practice and in games to help her team be as successful as possible. Our team will have a big void to

miss. “The postseason meeting last spring with our guys, we talked about one attribute that we didn’t have that we needed to get over the course of the summer and the fall and this season for us to be successful, and that’s leadership,” Lavorato said.

“Obviously we don’t accomplish what we have been able to accomplish (this year) without that. We have five seniors—two of them are starters (Palucki and Pedrelli), but Maloney is the heart of our team. (Seniors Jimmy) Castelluccio and (John) Kozak, these are guys who run scout




ELANTA SLOWEK Slowek, an All-CSL North selection, is a two-time statequalifying high jumper, but she incorporated aspects of her track workout regimen to basketball the past two off-seasons, and improved her diet as well. It all paid dividends for her and the

teams as seniors which just doesn’t happen. “They are fourth-grade Hawk campers. It’s eight years ago and they walk into Hawk camp in the summer and they’ve been with us ever since. Now when you take five fourth-grade campers and they put time and effort into the game, achieve 25 wins and


Maine East this winter. Slowek averaged 10 points, four rebounds and two steals per game for the CSL North champion Demons, and her athleticism not only aided the team offensively, but she was a disruptive force on the defensive side. “I’m absolutely amazed with the work she put in in the offseason,” said Maine East coach Karol Hanusiak.“She shot so much better and her scoring improved. She’s just kind of scratching the surface of what her potential is.” Scott Taylor and Mike Sandrolini contributed

go undefeated in the conference and win a regional and get to the Sweet 16, that’s something that the community can be proud of and that’s what we’re very proud of at Maine South.” Maine South beat Evantson 7466 in overtime in the sectional semifinal.



SECTIONAL CHAMPS By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Benet continued its recent impressive defensive performance by limiting Geneva to 41 points in a 60-41 win Friday, March 14 in the East Aurora Sectional final. The Vikings had scored at least in the 60s in their first three games of the postseason leading up to the game before the topseeded Redwings stifled them, particularly in the second half, where Geneva scored just 18 points. For the game Geneva shot just 29 percent from the floor. “A big part of our defense is guarding as a team,” Benet junior Colin Bonnett said.“Sean is a force inside, so that allows us to get up on defenders and force them to get to the rim over Sean.Another big part of it is our coaches do a great job of scouting. We know what the other team wants to do going into the game. We have great prep.” “We just had to stop their shooters,” Benet senior Liam Nelligan said. “We got out to their shooters. We ran all of their sets in practice yesterday.” Leading the way for the defense was Nelligan and Bonnett. They both had tasks of guarding topnotch scorers and held them to 10 total points. Nelligan went up against a player he knew well in Nate Navigato. “I tried to take away his set shots off of screens,” Nelligan said. “It was a team effort. Sean was helping me in the post. He is such a good shooter, I had to get out on him deep.” The Redwings jumped out to a 6-1 lead, but the Vikings came back and took a 9-8 lead, which would be short-lived. Benet led 15-11 at the end of the first quarter and 26-23 at the half. “We gave up too many good looks in the first half,” Benet coach Gene Heidkamp said. “I thought we did a better job of that in the second half.” “We just had to stay calm,”

Benet center Sean O’Mara said. “It was the second close game we had at halftime. We came together and figured out what was wrong and what we needed to do to do better.” Benet came out on fire in the second half on both sides of the ball as Bonnett drilled a pair of threes and the Redwings went on a 14-2 run to open up a 4025 lead. It was 44-29 after three and Geneva never seriously threatened. “The first half we were pounding it in to Sean pretty good and were playing insideout,” Bonnett said. “The second half I got two open looks and hit them both and that kind of opened it up where they had to extend their defense. We got it all going and got some stops on defense and really pushed the lead out in the third quarter.” O’Mara finished the game with 24 points, eight rebounds, five assists and four blocks. Nelligan totaled 12 points and Bonnett added 11 points and seven assists. “Sean is just a special player,” Heidkamp said. “He has done it all year. He has spent four years on varsity and has been through the wars a little bit. I was very proud of him.” ‘We have a ton of good shooters on this team and Sean is a beast inside,” Nelligan said. “Each night someone different steps up. Tonight it was Colin and I. Benet faced Glenbard North Tuesday in the Hinsdale Central Supersectional for the right to advance to state. •Benet may be known for the inside-outside game it possesses with 6-foot, 9-inch O’Mara down low, but it took things to a whole new level March 11. The Redwings got 27 points from O’Mara and 22 points from guard Collin Pellettieri, including six three-pointers, in a 61-50 win over Hinsdale Central in an East Aurora Sectional semifinal. “It is pick your poison,” Pellettieri stated. “You can guard

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Benet’s Collin Pellettieri scored 22 points in a sectional semifinal win over Hinsdale Central.

Sean down low or us on the outside. Either way, it is hard to stop.” Things were tight throughout the first half as No. 1 seed Benet and No. 4 Hinsdale Central were tied, 27-27, at the half. But Pellettieri opened up the second half on fire, hitting three three’s in the opening minutes of the second half as Benet built its lead to 42-33 after three quarters. “Once I was able to hit the first few I got a lot of confidence,”

Pellettieri said. “They were falling. They were taking away Sean in the second half, which they had to do after he dropped 16 in the first half.That opens up everything on the perimeter.” “Pellettieri played fantastic, especially in the second half,” O’Mara said. “He did a good job all game. But to come out and hit threes like that and space the floor, that is the balance of our team.” The Red Devils could get no closer than that the rest of the

way, with Benet leading by as many as 16 points (54-38) In the fourth quarter. “Defense is what got us the lead and won us the game,” O’Mara said. “We were able to build the lead and make some free throws.” The win marked the third time O’Mara advanced to the sectional final in his four years. “It is a nice thing,” O’Mara said. “It is a great accomplishment.” Follow Scott @Taylor_Sports

HealtH & FitNess


Medical MeMo

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It is important to remember that every child is a unique individual, and some children need more sleep than others. These needs can vary depending on age, stressors, illness, and daytime pressures. There are general guidelines based on age that parents can work towards.



For many parents and children, sleep is a topic that can generate stress and frustration. Families understand that sleep is important for growing bodies and brains, so parents will try almost anything to get their kids to bed. And as all parents quickly learn, if their children are not sleeping well,

they aren’t either. How do we get kids ready for bed, what time should they go to sleep, how many hours do they need, what if kids wake up or cry? These are the most common questions parents want to discuss when they bring their children for routine check ups, and in this month’s column I will tackle some of these topics.

medical memo dr. adam aronson


Newborns generally sleep for 15-20 hours a day, but their internal clocks are immature and not fully developed. Their sleep will be in stretches of up to 3-4 hours, depending on their feeding schedule. By three months the amount of sleep is closer to 13-14 hours a day, and many are sleeping as long as six hours at night. Try to get your baby into their crib before falling asleep. They are not too young to start establishing bedtime routines so be consistent with time, environment and soothing activity.

TODDLERS: Parents can expect 10-12 hours of sleep for this age group. The bedtime routine becomes even more important at this time, as children tend to find creative ways to try to stay up later and have strong inclinations to want to stay up and not to miss out on nighttime activities. One helpful strategy is to allow the child to have a sense of control by allowing them to choose which pajamas to wear or what books to read. Active dreaming begins in this group, and for young children this can be very alarming as they have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. When they wake up frightened by a nightmare, it is appropriate to go into their room to hold and comfort your child. Allow them to talk about the dream to help them calm down, then encourage him or her to go back to sleep without prolonged awake time.

l is

One of the most critical parts of good sleep hygiene is establishing a bedtime routine. Children are creatures of habit and having a regular bedtime is very important. The time must be firm and consistent. There should be a thirty minute period before bedtime that is set aside for “winding down.” Children should be alerted that this winding down period has arrived. Computers, TVs, video games and all electronics should be turned off. There should be no food, drink or active play during this time.




a Be d

Parents can accompany their children to the bathroom to help with using Children frequently try to manipulate the situation the toilet, washing up and brushing their teeth. by drawing things out with request for drinks or Utilize calming activities such as reading a book for the parents to sit with them. Parents need to or telling stories. Kids can choose their pajamas and provide comfort and reassurance, but children snuggle in with their favorite stuffed toy or security blanket. need to learn to sleep independently. Establish that the bed is for sleep and not for play. To this end, TV’s and video games should not be allowed in children’s bedrooms at any time. When bedtime arrives, tuck your child into bed, remind them to stay in bed and kiss them goodnight.



Me ro


tiNe Sleep is an important part of childhood and it warrants the effort parents put into it. This column has touched on a few important basics and I will continue reviewing this important topic next month.

If a child cries, wait a few minutes before going in to check on them. If they are afraid, plug in a nightlight and “check for monsters.” This monster check can be part of the nightly bedtime routine. Remind your child that it is time to go to sleep and that you will come back to check on them in a few minutes.

Dr. Adam Aronson, MD is a pediatrician based in Skokie, Illinois. The advice contained in this column is for informational purposes only. Readers should consult with a physician to evaluate any illness or medical condition. Dr. Aronson accepts new patients. Call (847) 676-5394 or view his web site at:



Business & Real Estate

dave says

Don’t worry, you don’t inherit debt from family You might get no inheritance from them, however, to cover their debt Dear Dave, My in-laws have lots of debt. In fact, they’re always joking that the debt they’ll leave us is more than the inheritance. How will this affect my wife and family if they die with all their debt still in place? Matthew Dear Matthew, You do not inherit debt. Either your in-laws are misinformed, or it’s just a bad joke on their part. Now, if you were foolish enough to co-sign on a loan with them, then you’d be liable for the remainder of that loan. But if they ran up $100,000 in credit card debt on their own before they died, then the credit card companies just don’t get paid. It wouldn’t cost you a dime,

your plate! Let me say it again, Matthew. You don’t inherit debt. Don’t let creditors, or anyone else, tell you differently. —Dave

except that you might get no inheritance from them, because what they left behind Dave Says Investing in land would be sold to pay money advice by dave ramsey off as many creditors Dear Dave, as possible. I recently traded in my old Here’s an even bigger truck for a much newer one. example. Let’s say they owned I purchased an extended a home, and they’re behind on warranty at the time, and now the mortgage or upside down I feel like I was pressured into on the house—meaning that buying it and that it was a they owed more on it than it’s mistake. What do you think? worth. Laura You can just hand it back Dear Laura, to the mortgage company. Cancel it, if you still can. You’re not legally or morally The reason you felt pressured obligated to accept the house is because you probably were and the situation surrounding pressured by a pushy salesman. it because it was left to you in Seventy-five percent of what a will. you paid for that plan went Just because it’s family straight into the dealership’s doesn’t make it jump over onto or salesman’s pocket as

It wouldn’t cost you a dime, except that you might get no inheritance from them, because what they left behind would be sold to pay off as many creditors as possible. commission. There’s even a chance they made more off the extended warranty than the sale of the truck! Extended warranties are only about 12 percent actual, statistical risk. The other 12 to 13 percent goes to miscellaneous overhead and profit. On top of that, the company that wrote the warranty probably didn’t make as much on it as the dealership did. It’s weird, but that’s how a lot of those models work. I don’t buy extended warranties, Tara. In my mind, they’re just crap. Besides, if you

buy something and can’t afford to fix it if something goes wrong, then you couldn’t really afford the purchase in the first place! —Dave *Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Ramsey on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at





Senior Style Niles Senior Center For a detailed description of programs & activities or to ask about membership or registration requirements, please check the Naturally Active Program Guides or call the Niles Senior Center at 5888420. Information about the Niles Senior Center can be found on the Village of Niles Website at Click on “Departments” (upper left), and then Click on “Senior” You can now see what’s new at the Senior Center. Advanced registration is required for programs. For a detailed description of programs & activities or to ask about membership or registration requirements, call the Niles Senior Center at 847588-8420 Individuals must be a registered member of the Niles Senior Center to receive the member price. Non members are invited to participate in programs at the non-member price. For more information about membership and programs, contact the Senior Center. Issues in the News • 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays This dynamic, refreshing class is led by long time leader of this program, Arlene Golub. This group is filled with folks from all walks of life, retired or not, who want to keep abreast of a broad spectrum of what is occurring locally and worldwide. Issues for discussion are brought up by class participants, and everyone’s opinion is valued. Please call the NSC at 847-5888420 for more information. Got the dot? It may save your life Assist first responders with the information they need. Become part of the Illinois Dot Program. The Illinois Dot Program is a statewide initiative designed to provide vital medical information on vehicle drivers and passengers. Information contained on the medical card can assist first responders in the “Golden Hour” immediately following a serious crash. This can very well mean the difference between life and death. For more information, please contact the Niles Senior Center (847 588-8420). CASH Ring of Fire – The Music of Johnny Cash

At Theatre at the Center, Munster, Ind. From the iconic songbook of Johnny Cash comes this unique musical about love and faith, struggle and success, rowdiness and redemption, and home and family. More than two dozen classic hits including I Walk the Line, A Boy Named Sue, and Folsom Prison Blues. This multi-talented cast paints a musical portrait of The Man in Black that promises to be a footstompin’, crowd-pleasin’ salute to a uniquely American legend! Enjoy lunch at Theatre at the Center featuring cream of chicken rice soup, choice of baked cod or grilled lemon chicken, classic mashed potatoes, broccoli spears, and apple pie. Wednesday, March 26, 10:45am-6:00pm. $65M/$70NM Tai Chi Demo Instructor: Renee Gatsis, Arthritis Institute certified. Friday, March 28, 10:15-10:45am, FREE Registration required. Lite Lunch and Movie: The Book Thief Starring Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson & Sophie Nelisse. While subjected to the horrors of World War II Germany, young Liesel finds solace by stealing book and sharing them with others. Under the stairs in her home, a Jewish refugee is being sheltered by her adoptive parents. –IMDB Lunch includes an Italian beef, chips & dessert. Friday, April 4, 12:00pm $5M/$7.50NM Men Have Health Issues Too! Are you a male over 50? Are you a male over 45 with a strong family history of prostate cancer? Receive a free blood test and take control of your health. Free interactive workshop on prostate and testicular health. Free PSA lab screening for men over 50 and men over 40 with a strong family history. Learn more! Saturday, April 5, 9:00am12:00pm. Lunch to Benefit… Crime Stoppers Cook County Crime Stoppers bring together citizens, businesses and the media to collect anonymous tips on serious crimes in Chicago and greater Cook County. Lunch includes a $2 hot dog, chips and cookie. Open to everyone. All proceeds will go to Crime Stoppers. Monday, April 7, 11:30am-1:00pm

SCRAM, Senior Crime Reduction Awareness Matters Driving Safety – Operating a motor vehicle can be a risky situation, from aggressive to distracted drivers. Learn how to protect yourself and your vehicle. Friday, April 11, 2:003:30pm, FREE Golfers Needed The Niles Senior Center is looking for men and women for the upcoming golf season! Contact Jaymi at (847)588-8420 for more info! Men’s Golf kickoff meeting – Thursday, April 10 10:30am. Women’s Golf kick-off meeting – Thursday, April 24 10:30am Annual Rummage Sale If you are interested in reserving a table to sell the many treasures in your home that you no longer use, please call Jaymi at 847-588-8420 as soon as possible. A $5.00 donation per table is required at time of reservation. All donations will go to the Niles Food Pantry. Space is limited! Table reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. Rummage Sale will be Saturday, April 26 from 9:00am-1:00pm

Park Ridge Senior Center Senior Center Memberships Senior Center membership begins at age 55. Our quarterly new and prospective member meetings will you give information on the many activities, programs, events and services offered. Membership dues are: Single: $46 Resident, $65 NonResident Couple: $70 Resident, $99 Non-Resident Over 90 Single: $23 Resident, $32.50 Non-Resident Over 90 Couple: $35 Resident, $49.50 Non-Resident Enjoy these Senior Center Membership benefits: Priority registration and special rates for Active Adult programs, events & trips; A drop-in social center open 7 days a week; Free members-only unique monthly programming and activities; A variety of free clubs for many interests and hobbies; >> see seniors | page 21

Senior Style >> seniors, from page 20 Monthly Newsletter delivered to your home; and Volunteer Opportunities. Enjoy these facility amenities as a Senior Center Member: Large meeting hall; Classrooms; Full service kitchen; Stage with sound system; Ceramic room and kiln; 2 large screen TVs; Game tables; 4 ping pong tables; Variety of solitary and group activities for member use; Members art displays; Free Lending Library; and Free Medical Lending Closet (limited quantities) For more information, call 847692-3597. Bridge If bridge is of interest there are several opportunities to enjoy the game. Groups meet on Friday mornings, Sunday afternoons, and Couple’s Bridge meets the first Thursday of the month. Call the Center at 847692-3597 for more information or to be put in touch with one of the group moderators. Senior Center Clubs Men’s Club: 1st & 2nd Tuesday of the month. Join us as we plan fun and exciting events, as well as make a difference in our community. Book Worms: 1st Thursday of the month, 1 p.m. Love to read? Join us every month for a discussion pertaining to a variety of books . One per month . Camera Club:4thTuesday of the month, 10 a.m. Join our camera club as they provide instruction and interesting slideshows on a variety of different topics . Money Matters with Chris Valentine: 1st & 3rd Monday of the Month, 10 a.m. Chris Valentine from Edward Jones presents a program of financial tips and answers your questions Opera Arts Club with Leo Rizzetto. 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, Noon. Do you have a love for opera and/or musicals? Leo Rizzetto, opera aficionado, presents a variety of majestic operas and toe tapping musicals. Computer Club: 1st Wednesday of the month, 1:30 p.m. Need a computer refresher course or just help learning the computer? Join Richard Brandt as he leads the group . Come with questions. Handicrafters: every Friday, 10 a.m. Do you knit, crochet, sew,

quilt, cross-stitch, or embroider? We make items for the Annual Holiday Bazaar and the V .A . Hospitals . We provide the supplies for these events, or you can work on your own project . Beginners are welcome! Ongoing activities Following are number of ongoing activities at the Center: • Woodcarvers meet Thursdays at 9 a.m.…a free activity: • Gamers, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Fridays play dominos, hand and foot, scrabble for rummikube … also free. • Ceramics students meet 9:30 a.m. to noon Mondays and Tuesdays and work on projects of your choice. There is a charge of $7 per class. • Pinochle players meet the second Monday,Third Thursday and every Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. • Table tennis players start play at 1 p.m.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All abilities are welcome for this free activity. • Have you ever thought of tap dancing? This is a fun way of exercising. The class is at 12:30 p.m.Tuesdays.The fee is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Irish Sweepstakes Monday, March 31, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Ages 55 & Up $16 members, $18 non-members. It’s a “Day at the Races” at the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center. Watch actual filmed horse races and place your bets to win great prizes. Lunch is catered. Just Lunch April 4, 12:30 p.m. Ages 55 & Up. $7 members , $9 nonmembers. Looking for good company and a delicious meal? Look no further! Join us monthly for a warm meal prepared by All on the Road Catering at the Senior Center . Stay afterwards for good company and a game or two of cards . SC Still Misbehavin’ at the Moulin Bleu and Fish Fry April 10 5 to 8 p.m. Ages 55 & Up. $21 members and $24 for non-members. Still Acting Up! is excited to perform “Still Misbehavin’ at the Moulin Bleu” for the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center . The fabulous Club Moulin Bleu

is closing, and its stars are back for one last night to relive their glory days of song and dance .This gala performance finds our favorite Skokie seniors up to their old tricks – as well as a few new ones . Don’s Dock is catering our fish fry including french fries, hush puppies, and coleslaw .This is an event you won’t want to miss! Roberta Miles April 21, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Ages 55 & Up. $17 members, $19 non-members. Long-time Chicago favorite Roberta Miles brings her unique interpretation of jazz standards and romantic ballads in her newest release entitled Body and Soul . A regular at famous jazz haunts in Chicagoland, Roberta Miles is known for her “smooth cool jazz .” Lunch is catered . Annual Fashion Show May 2 12:30 to 3 p,m. Ages 55 & Up. $45 members, $50 nonmembers. It’s spring and time to check out this year’s latest fashions! Join your friends from the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center for an afternoon including lunch, fashion and a raffle .The Senior Center’s Annual Fashion Show will be held at Fountain Blue in Des Plaines, and features fashions modeled by members of the Senior Center. Just Lunch May 9, 12:30 p.m. Ages 55 & Up. $7 members , $9 nonmembers. Looking for good company and a delicious meal? Look no further! Join us monthly for a warm meal prepared by All on the Road Catering at the Senior Center . Stay afterwards for good company and a game or two of cards . SC Choraliers, Uketones & Tappers May 19 12:30 to


2:30 p.m. Ages 55 & Up. $15 members, $17 non-members. Join our very own Senior Center Choraliers,Tappers and Uketones during their annual spring performance . Lunch is catered by Inglenook. Senior Center Open House & Tea May 29 9 a.m. to noon. Ages 55 & Up. FREE. This complimentary event is a show and tell of the activities and programs that the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center offers . Stop in to meet instructors and program participants to get first- hand testimonies of the activities offered .Tea begins at 11:00am .

The Center for Concern Volunteer needed Volunteer help needed at the reception desk of the Center of Concern in Park Ridge. This 35 year old social service agency helps maintain senior citizens in their homes and provides housing assistance enabling them to live with dignity and independence. Call Jim at 847-823-0453. Very flexible hours and other volunteer opportunities are available. Unless otherwise noted, all services are offered at The Center of Concern offices at 1580 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite 310, in Park Ridge. For services that require an appointment, call 847-823-0453 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, or 9 a.m. to noon Friday. Preparation of simple wills and durable powers of attorney for health care and property also is available by appointment. Homeowners desiring additional income, companionship, or the ability to remain in their homes may wish to consider The Center of Concern’s shared housing program. Residents are matched with screened applicants who


possess a temperament suitable to shared accommodations. The Center of Concern also offers friendly visitors for the homebound, programs designed to prevent homelessness, and volunteer opportunities in the office and in the field. The Center’s web site is www.

Morton Grove North Shore Senior Center North Shore Senior Center offers programs, classes, activities, and travel opportunities for adults at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center at 6140 Dempster Street. You may register for all programs at the Center or call 847-470-5223. Volunteer opportunities Do you have great people skills? Do you enjoy reception work? North Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove has opening for people to help at our front desk, greeting guests, directing calls, and assisting with registrations. Please contact Volunteer Services at 847.784.6052 for details. Senior Center membership Become a member of North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus and enjoy opportunities to live longer, happier, healthier lives through an array of programs, activities, trips and services. Members receive a discount on all programs, activities, and trips, Lifelong Learning Program Catalog, information on local, state, and federal issues affecting seniors, and invitations to special events and >> see seniors | page 22



>> seniors, from page 21 presentations. Membership dues are $20 for an individual and $35 for a couple/household for a full year. Everyone welcome! Call North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus at 847470-5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove, to become a member. AARP Foundation Tax Preparation Service Available Mondays & Fridays, February 3 – April 14 We are thrilled to welcome back AARP’s Foundation TaxAide Volunteers to North Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove! If you would like assistance in preparing your tax return, volunteers are here to help. Please call our Morton Grove location at 847-470-5223 to make your appointment for personalized assistance. Appointments are required, walk-ins cannot be accommodated. No fee. Ceramics Workshop: Make a Beautiful Platter Thursday, March 13 & 26, 1 – 2:30 p.m. Transform a piece of dull

Senior Style

clay into a one of a kind laceimprinted platter! In the first session you will make the plate, that will be dried and kiln fired. In the second session you will paint your piece. It will be fired again and ready for you to pick up in about two weeks. Instructor Laurey Fisher will guide you step-by-step through the creation process. $35 member; $45 non-member. Fee includes supplies and firings. Call 847-470-5223 to register. Senior Spelling Bee Friday, March 20, 1 – 3:00 p.m. Can you spell palindrome? Malapropism? How about minuscule? Here’s your opportunity to use tour lifetime of knowledge and spelling ability! Participate in the 2014 Senior Spelling Bee, hosted by the North Shore Senior Center in partnership with the Morton Grove Public Library. The winner and runners up will advance to the regional semifinal in June.The state finals will be held at the 2014 Illinois State Fair on Senior Day.To help you prepare for the March competition, we’re offering practice sessions at the Morton Grove Public Library (6140 Lincoln Ave) on Wednesday, February 19 and Wednesday,

March 19 from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.This fun event is free! Registration is required. Call 847-663-3073 to register. One Woman Show: Beverly Sills Monday, March 24, 1 – 2:00 p.m. She captured America’s heart with her glorious artistry, engaging personality, and salty intelligence. Roberta Randall’s portrayal of the internationally acclaimed soprano’s remarkable life as a singer, impresario, wife, and mother - from child performer in 1933 to CoDirector of the New York City Opera - will entertain and delight you! $9 member; $12 non-member. Call 847-470-5223 to register. Corruption of the 1919 Chicago White Sox World Series Wednesday, March 26 1 to 2:30 p.m. The Chicago White Sox lost the 1919 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds. Eight players were later accused by a N.Y. newspaper of ‘fixing’ the series to assist East Coast gamblers. And what about the team’s ‘Shoeless’ Joe Jackson, one of the greatest baseball stars of the time? Was he part of this illegal scheme? Find out about this and the convoluted sequence of events that led to the trial and details what took place in the courtroom and the days that followed. $8 member; $11 nonmember. Call 847-470-5223 to

register. The Friendly Confines: A History of Wrigley Field Monday, March 31 1 – 2:30 p.m. 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of Wrigley Field. This iconic Chicago landmark has undergone several transformations over the years. Roberta Lipman will trace its history, discuss plans for its future, and recall some of the people who were instrumental to its success. Find out why ‘the friendly confines’ is such a beloved place for fans around the world. $8 member; $11 nonmember. Call 847-470-5223 to register. Passover: Everything You Thought You Knew About the Holiday, But Don’t Wednesday, April 2 1 – 2:30 p.m. The celebration of Passover is very important to all Western religions because it is also the story of the Last Supper. This presentation will answer questions that you’ve never thought to ask about the history of the holiday, including the plagues, why Moses is missing from the Haggadah, the women of the story, the many musical story-songs and more. Educator Sue Carol Lewis’s goal is both to inform you about a holiday that is most important in tradition and to help you enhance your family seders this coming

holiday season. $10 member; $13 non-member. Call 847-4705223 to register. The Last Days of Jesus: The Passion Wednesday, April 9 1 – 2:30 p.m. Take a fresh look at the Passion of Christ with Biblical Scholar, Reverend James McIlhone, Director of Biblical Formation, Archdiocese of Chicago. Father McIlhone will look at the biblical narratives of the Passion, death and burial of Jesus Christ, with special concentration on the narrative in the gospel of Matthew. $9 member; $12 non-member. Call 847-470-5223 to register. Those Were The Days Radio Players Friday, April 11 1 – 2:30 p.m. Those Were the Days Radio Players will bring us the fun and excitement of old time radio from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Who knows who’s likely to show up? It might be George Burns and Gracie Allen, or Jack Benny or even Baby Snooks. Perhaps “The Shadow” will make an appearance! Or we’ll experience the chills of “Inner Sanctum” or “Lights Out.” And, perhaps the Bickersons might even stop by. Join us for a few laughs, maybe a few chills and certainly some surprises! $9 member; $12 non-member. Call 847-470-5223 to register.

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Exact cause of stomach cancer not known Number of factors can increase risk Tribune Content Agency

DEAR MAYO CLINIC, My mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer and has begun chemotherapy.Her doctors say she may need surgery, too. I know this type of cancer is rare, but what are the survival rates for those who do get it? What causes it? ANSWER: Although it greatly depends on the individual situation, overall the outlook for people diagnosed with stomach cancer is often good after treatment, especially when it is caught early. The exact cause of stomach cancer is not known. However, a number of factors can raise a person’s risk for this cancer, including diet, family history and other medical conditions.

In the United States, stomach cancer used to be much more common than it is today. The number of stomach cancer cases has dropped dramatically within the past few decades, and now it is rare in this country. Stomach cancer is still common, however, in other parts of the world, particularly Japan. There’s a strong correlation between a diet high in smoked, salted and pickled foods and stomach cancer. Other risk factors include smoking, a diet low in fruits and vegetables and eating foods contaminated with aflatoxinproducing fungus. People who have had a bacterial infection with Helicobacter pylori also are at a slightly increased risk. A variety of medical conditions may raise the risk of stomach cancer, too, including stomach polyps; an infection that involves long-term inflammation of the stomach known as chronic gastritis;

and vitamin B12 deficiency due to pernicious anemia. In addition, some genetic mutations that run in families can predispose a person to stomach cancer. There are several kinds of stomach cancer. The one that makes up the vast majority of cases is adenocarcinoma - stomach cancer that begins in the glandular cells.These glandular cells line the inside of the stomach and secrete a protective layer of mucus to shield the lining of the stomach from acidic digestive juices. If the cancer has not spread outside the stomach, a typical treatment approach includes chemotherapy followed by surgery to remove the tumor. In many cases, chemotherapy after surgery is recommended, as well. Research has shown that this approach of using chemotherapy before and after surgery is associated with improved survival when compared to just surgery

alone.That’s because with stomach cancer, some tiny cancer cells that may be difficult for a surgeon to see can be effectively eliminated by chemotherapy. Chemotherapy before the surgery also is helpful because it can shrink the tumor, making surgical removal easier. Chemotherapy drugs used for stomach cancer have improved a great deal in the past 15 to 20 years. Before that, not many chemotherapy agents existed that were proven to be effective in treating stomach cancer. But stomach cancer is usually quite responsive to many of the newer drugs. With the choices available now, doctors are often able to pick a chemotherapy drug that is aggressive against the cancer while minimizing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, weakness and hair loss. After surgery to remove the cancer and follow-up chemotherapy, your mother will

likely have checkup appointments periodically for several years to make sure the cancer is gone. But for now, if she hasn’t already done so, it may be helpful for her to have a conversation with her oncologist to discuss her overall treatment plan. That will give her a chance to ask questions and better understand the long-term outlook for her specific situation. Robert McWilliams, M.D., Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. (Medical Edge from Mayo Clinic is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. E-mail a question to medicaledge(AT SIGN) For more information, visit www. (c) 2014 MAYO FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



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