SPORTS Dons, Wolves remain unbeaten PAGE 13
MOTORING Area race car builder celebrates 15th anniversary
NEWS Police seek man who tried to lure student into car
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> page 3
FoRwaRdto Now Plainfield race car
builder cele brates 15th anniversar y
aron Stapleton lesson early: learned a valuable each car like Driving a means fast it’s powerful engine more than just possessin car there,” he said. my own. The passion is still under the hood. ga translated The race He has that car designer penchant has flourishe knowledge into a businesssince has always for d for more had a that parents had cars. “When I was than Stapleton little, my a 1970 Chevelle is celebrati a decade. by it,” Stapleton anniversary . I was fascinate ng of his business the 15-year said. “I think d me in the direction Race Cars, that’s what Inc., in Plainfield, Fast Forward got I was going.” race cars, Stapleton’s , which builds street cars real passion from his days and rods, racers, muscle for pro street a freshman race cars grew cars and roll Romeoville provides custom cages, as well High School. in shop class at as tin work, 16, Stapleton By and custom header design, was racing, the time he was welding, machinin wanted to bending services. and he knew g and tubebuild he 1969 Camaro. his own race car. He In just 12 chose a weeks, Stapleton transform Despite modifyin is able to a shell g the motor Camaro, racing machine of a car into fully Stapleton functional on the realized increasin car he builds. , and he takes pride Fast Forward that merely g horsepow in each “Even to this builds everythin er on the sportsman day, I work engine g from top make the car go faster. to prostock on parts Traction was didn’t vehicles and and it would for all those fabricates the be a lesson vehicles. that he would key, carry
“Even to this day, I work on each car like it’s my own. The passion is still there,”
Continued on page 2
Our Community, Our News
O’Hare Airport hosts event to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics Illinois
SEPTEMBER 26, 2013
Vol. 57 No. 51
The Park Ridge police team was able to move the plane on their first attempt.
By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter
eams composed of high schools, churches, friends law enforcement and other groups competed to pull a 90-ton airplane 12 feet in the shortest amount of time as part of the Fifth Annual “Plane Pull” at O’Hare airport. The event is a fundraiser for the Illinois Special Olympics, with each of the 60 registered teams raising a
minimum of $1,000. Over the five years of the event’s history, more than $240,000 has been raised. “I asked my husband if he was moving a real plane when he told me about the fundraiser,” said Helen Boba, 43, of Niles. Her husband is on the Niles police department and was on the Niles plane pulling team.“I couldn’t imagine the size of the plane. I mean I thought it was going to be smaller before we got here.” The teams had to move a UPS Airbus A300 using a rope attached to the base
of the plane. “When we pulled up in the bus we all kind of looked at each other and asked, ‘Is that the plane we’re moving?,’” said Niles Police Chief Dean Strzelecki. The Sept. 21 event opened with a few short introductions by Sherman Police Chief Eric Smith that included comments from the Chicago Department of Aviation, UPS and Special Olympic Global Messengers Deming Fanslau, Matthew Williams and Nick Senase and others.
Soon the Park Ridge police department, led by team captain Julie Genualdi, began prepping for their first of what would be two attempts to pull the plane.This involved putting on heavy duty work gloves, getting into position on either side of the rope and waiting for the signal to start pulling. After some struggle at the beginning, the Park Ridge team was able to get the plane rolling, with initial reports from judges saying See PULL, page 6
Police seek man who tried to lure student into car By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter
Glenview police warned residents of a 20-year-old man who repeatedly approached a high school student to offer her a ride Sept. 17. The 15-year-old female Glenbrook South student said the man drove a black four-door SUV with a tan leather interior and asked her three times that
evening if she needed a ride. The student reported the man first attempted to lure her into his car at the main parking lot of Glenbrook South High School, 4000 W. Lake Ave., asking if she wanted a ride as she walked south along Pfingsten Road around 6:45 p.m. The student told the man no and continued walking east along in the 3600 block of the north side of West Lake Avenue.
The man followed her in his car, pulled up to next her and again asked if she needed a ride. The student said no again. The man then reportedly drove up to the student a third time and opened his vehicle’s passenger side door and began inviting her in. The student again said no and watched the man drive away. “The young lady did the exact thing she should’ve done,” said Glenview Police Cmdr.Don Hohs.
The man was also described as being possibly of Middle Eastern or Indian decent, with a muscular build and weight about 180 pounds. Additionally police say that he had black medium length hair. Glenview police are investigating the incident and ask that anyone who has seen a car or a driver matching the description call 911. Previously in Park Ridge police were contacted after a
man reportedly approached an 8-year-old boy on the 1800 block of South Vine Avenue and asked him he needed a ride home on the evening of Sept. 7. The boy told the man he did not need a ride and walked away, police said. In that incident a young child was reportedly already accompanying the suspect when he asked the 8-year-old boy if he needed a ride home. Police are also investigating this incident.
Golf for Ghana fundraiser event to benefit orphans By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter
Nonprofit organization A Better Life For Kids will be hosting the second annual “Golf For Ghana’s Orphans” to help raise fund for impoverished children. A Better Life For Kids was founded by Skokie’s Middleton School second grade teacher Shelley Nizynski Reese as a
way to help raise funds for some of the most impoverished children in the world. “It’s heartbreaking,” said Nizynski Reese. “We’re so blessed to live in America. We have so much. Just seeing there how daily life is such a struggle, many people live without running water or without electricity. It’s hard.” Nizynski Reese was inspired to create the nonprofit after
she returned from a solo trip to Ghana she took years ago. Since founding A Better Life For Kids she’s found support at her own school district. For instance Aiding Children Together is an afterschool club at District 73.5’s McCracken Middle School. The club soon became deeply involved with Nizynski See BENEFIT, page 3
eBay profile reveals sale of radios, other equipment sales prices of between $28 and $199. DiJohn’s eBay account had been actively selling items The eBay profile of the since at least March of 2004. former Niles North High The most recent profile data School security director lists the sale of 85 Motorola charted with theft reveals and Kenwood two-way radios that the buyers he shipped and related accessories as well electronic items to rated him as the sale of over 40 Texas very highly. Police Instrument graphic charged James “Jim” calculators. Where DiJohn with the theft the items sold via the of electronic items account were acquired from Niles Township was not listed. High School District However DiJohn’s 219. He had been in eBay account has the position for the received a 100 percent past 13 years but feedback rating as a James DiJohn resigned when the seller from 262 buyers, charges were made public. with one describing him as, Items that DiJohn allegedly “Great to deal with. Excellent stole consisted of portable packaging and fast shipping. radios, earpieces, chargers and Great ebay seller.” The most recent transaction radio accessories, essentially between $500 and $10,000 in was dated Sept. 11, 2013. The school property. comment associated with that DiJohn reportedly sold the sale read, “Goods had gone stolen items via his personal missing from sellers home. Sale eBay account, “michinoisjim.” was cancelled.” DiJohn was arrested by A cursory look at the profile reveals that the majority of the authorities at his home the in sales via the eBay account were 6100 block of Keystone Avenue of small electronic items, with in Chicago on Sept. 4. After the By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter
A screen capture of James “Jim” DiJohn’s eBay seller account.
arrest DiJohn told Skokie police that he has two daughters in college and has been “dealing
with financial difficulty.” DiJohn’s alleged sale of the electronic items was brought
to the attention of police after a Dallas based eBay buyer realized that three of the saved frequencies on a radio purchased from DiJohn were preset to Niles North High School, Niles West and the Skokie Police Department. This buyer notified D219 administration and gave the purchased equipment to Dallas police. An investigation revealed that serial numbers on the Dallas radio matched those belonging to D219 equipment. “Nothing is more important than the safety and security of our students and staff members,” D219 Superintendent Nanciann Gatta said in a statement released last Monday. “We have an interim director of security, and all of the important services our security staff provides to our school community will continue uninterrupted.” DiJohn was set to appear in a Skokie Courthouse Sept. 17, but his attorney was granted a continuance by the court. Because of this the 56-year-old DiJohn will next appear in court Oct. 11.
Niles will soon have new nail salon on Oakton St. By Alex V. Hernandez Staff Reporter
Niles officials approved a permit for a new nail salon after a debate over available parking space for the business. The Niles Board of Trustees to granted a special-use permit for Cynthia Atuna to open a manicure business at 8206 W. Oakton Street. Atuna, of Chicago, said that her business in the multitenant building would have about five workstations in the unit’s 1,000
BENEFIT Continued from page 2 Reese’s organization and raised thousands of dollars over the last several years for Ghana orphans. When school let out for summer, Nizynski Reese and her husband earlier this month made the teacher’s eleventh trip to Ghana. This time, they used donated funds to take measures to prevent malaria, one of the leading causes
square-foot area. Currently the multi-tenant building has Yogli Mogli frozen yogurt store and a picture-framing store. The parking lot for the commercial shopping center has 22 off-street parking spots, 17 of which are specifically for the ice cream store. Atuna’s nail salon requires 15 parking spots, according to the village’s zoning ordinance. Had she opened a retail store instead then she would only need parking for four vehicles. of death in young people in Ghana. “It is such a dangerous, yet preventable disease,” Nizynski Reese said. The golf outing will be held at Mount Prospect Golf Club, 600 See-Gun Ave., on Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. Information on how to donate and the event and can be found at www.
Howver the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals recommended that the business should be allowed to open, regardless of concerns that patrons would leave cars parked on nearby residential streets. Trustee Rosemary Palicki disagreed with the decision, citing that residents in the area have already expressed frustration with the lack of parking in the area. To alleviate potential futher frustration, Palicki recommended restricting
the nail salon’s closing time to 6 p.m. instead 7 p.m. “I think that one hour would make a difference to the residents there,” Palicki said. At a an Aug. 27 meeting the board was split 3 to 3 on limiting the hours of operation for the nail salon. Palicki, Joe LoVerde and Danette O’Donovan Matyas all voted in favor of the amendment to close earlier. In the end Mayor Andrew Przybylo broke the board’s tie by voting “no,” allowing the salon to stay open
until 7 p.m. Officials later approved Atuna’s request,with Przybylo saying it was“a step in the right direction.” Atuna also provided the board and media with a third-party parking analysis she commissioned that found there would be a minimal overlap of customers between the businesses at the multi-tenant building on Oakton. She said that Yogli Mogli’s peak hours to are in the evenings and she anticipates accepting appointments up to 6 p.m. in order to close by 7 p.m.
CMAP … See This
South suburban legislators challenge agency’s doubts on Illiana plan
By Alex Rodriguez Staff reporter
South suburban legislators and local government officials held a press conference to contest findings by staff of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning that plans for the Illiana Tollway project are not feasible. “I don’t think that CMAP has ever built a road,” said state Rep. Al Riley, D-Olympia Fields. Citing his previous experience as a professional urban planner and statistician with the American Society of Planning Officials in the early ‘70s, he said the plan for the Illiana project was essential for the ongoing development of the south Chicago suburbs and Will County as an economic hub for commerce and transportation. The project, a proposed 50-mile road to be built under a public-private partnership from Interstate 55 near Wilmington to Interstate 65 in Indiana, would potentially balance two key freight and manufacturing locations on I-55 and I-80 and in southeast Cook County. Illiana proponents say the new road would help get truck traffic that has increased due to the intermodals in Elwood and Joliet off I-80 and the local roads. “The plan was put together by very smart people and it’s not just a Cook or Will county issue,” said state Rep. Larry Walsh Jr., D-Joliet.“It’s a regional issue.” Living in Elwood, Walsh said he’s seen a dramatic increase in the number of trucks going through the village. Because of this, he said CMAP needs to move quickly so the project can continue. “Will County is one of the fastest growing areas in the state and the nation,” said Walsh. “We’re expected to have over 1 million people here by 2040. Let’s get the ball rolling on this.” Riley also said that while he appreciates the 796 comments and nearly 4,000 signatures CMAP collected to show opposition of the project, he and his fellow legislators represent millions of constituents in the area who have supported the estimated $1.3 billion project.
The state legislators and IDOT staff at the press conference.
“If it rolls, floats or flies, we move it,” said state Sen. Toi Hutchinson, D-Chicago Heights, of the area’s need for another transportation route. She said while Chicago’s south suburbs and Will County are the fastest growing in the state, its transpiration infrastructure has not kept up with it. She also said CMAP specializes in studying how an area should grow, not how it currently is growing.
Not ‘nilly-willy’ Additionally Illinois Department of Transportation Secretary Ann Schneider was on hand to say the Illiana project is an attempt to get out in front of freight bottlenecks along interstate roads throughout the area. “We’re not making these things up nilly-willy,” said Schneider, agreeing that Will County has become a nationally significant inland port, with billions of dollars in goods being imported and exported through it. Schneider said Will County’s population has continued to increase exponentially since the last census, and the Illiana project is an attempt to get out in front of the congestion problem, before interstate and local roads in the area become clogged with freight trucks. “The growth is already there,” said Schneider. “This project was created because we need to improve safety as we get another 35,000 to 45,000 trucks on
those roads in the coming years.” Schneider also said her department was in a “Catch-22” regarding CMAP’s assessment that IDOT has not demonstrated how the Illiana project’s financing and toll revenues would cover the project’s cost. “We’re in the bidding process with potential partners, and we can’t really give out the figures, as that might cost us potential savings in the project,” she said. IDOT also released a statement after the Sept. 18 press conference that said the department based its Illiana project cost estimate upon recent construction prices in both Illinois and Indiana, and quantities derived from the preliminary Illiana design. IDOT’s release also said their cost estimate included additional factoring for materials and labor costs in the study area. At a Sept. 17 logistics forum sponsored by the Will County Center for Economic Development, Will County Board Member Margo McDermed, R-Mokena, asked Schneider if the CMAP staff opposition could kill the project. Schneider, who chairs the Metropolitan Planning Organization, said she has been working with other members of the agency to tell assure them IDOT’s figures are stable, and the issue can be worked out. The MPO is responsible for placing the project on the federal government’s
five-year transportation funding plan.That group, and CMAP, will vote on the issue Oct. 9. At the end of September, the Federal Highway Administration will formally review the Illiana Corridor project cost estimate, and IDOT will share the results of this analysis when it is completed. Previously, CMAP staff disagreed with the IDOT cost projections, as well as economic forecasts for jobs and business created. However, at the Sept. 18 press conference, local legislators stressed the completed project could potentially bring in about $1.4 billion in constructionrelated, short-term jobs and $4 billion in long-term economic employment opportunities for the area. Additionally, they said the benefit of having a potential $320 million in increased tax revenue far outweighed the cost of the project. State Sen. Pat McGuire, D-Joliet, added he saw the project as a way for the region to regain the economic footing it lost after the manufacturing jobs in the area went away during recession of the 1980s. “We’ve started to recover and adjust to the 21st century,” said McGuire.“We need this expressway because it will play to our strengths.” Managing editor Nick Reiher contributed to this story.
Community Notes
News Briefs Kappy’s Restaurant and Pancake House will be closed for remodeling Kappy’s owner George Alpogianis closed Sept. 16 for renovations and is expected to reopen in early October. “This make-over is long past due and I know our customers will be more than happy with the new Kappy’s,” said Alpogianis. He said he was taking his extensive culinary background to create new dishes and will be introducing new menu items he said are sure to please loyal customers. After the renovation beer, wine and cocktails will now be served and the new floor layout. Additionally the restaurant will also include a separate area for private parties. Kappy’s has been in business 34 years.
Burt’s Pizza recognized as one of top 20 best pizza joints in Chicago recently named Burt’s Pizza, 8541 N. Ferris Ave., as “worth the drive to Morton Grove to experience what Pequod’s founder Burt Katz is doing with his nofrills, his-way-or-the-highway neighborhood joint.” The pizza joint, now open for the past 22 years, is known for the pes its owner Birt Katz whips up. Additionally the pizza place has vintage knickknacks such as 1920’s radio microphones and vintage televisions mounted on the walls. Recently however a sign has been on the door of Burt’s Pizza for a saying the restaurant was closed for medical reasons. Recently owner Katz, 76, was hospitalized and declined to talk about his injury. Katz has been perfecting his pizza for more than 40 years, and has gotten acclaim from the Chicago Tribune, WGN-TV, Saveur Magazine and others.
Evanston brewery debuts its first beers Temperance Beer, a new brewery in Evanston, debuted its first four beers this Sept. 18 at Prairie Moon, 1502 Sherman
Ave.Temperance Brewery’s first four beers were National Anthem, which is made with red and white wheats and blueberries; Smittytown, an extra special bitter; Root Down, a robust porter; and Restless Years, a rye pale ale. Temperance Beer founder Josh Gilbert has been brewing out of a warehouse at 2000 Dempster St., where he eventually hopes to open a tap room and beer garden.
Park Ridge Community Center parking lot closing for eight weeks As of Sept. 18 users of the Park Ridge Community Center will need to find new places to park as reconstruction begins on the north parking lot starting.The parking lot immediately outside the Community Center at Touhy and Western Avenues will be closed for approximately eight weeks, the park district said. Parking will continue to be available in the center and south lots along Western Avenue, as well as on nearby side streets. The park district is reminding Community Center users that the parking lots at Lincoln Middle School and Washington School are not to be used when school is in session, but spaces are available in the evenings and on weekends. All three parking areas at Centennial Park will be expanded and reconstructed as part of the construction of new pools at the park.
Dempster Street closed for a week due to Metra construction Repairs to the Metra railroad tracks will close all traffic lanes on Dempster Street in Morton Grove starting Oct. 5 through Oct. 13. A Metra Spokesperson said the entire crossing will be replaced.The construction includes laying new tracks and creating a smoother crossing for vehicles. Commuters with questions about detours or alternate routes through Morton Grove can call Morton Grove Village Hall at (847) 965-4100.
Niles Police Department construction notice The main entrance of the Niles Police Department has been closed for construction. The Niles Police Department will remain open as normal, 24 hours a day.The Public can access the police department by entering the temporary public entrance on the Northside of the building closer to Milwaukee Avenue. This construction, which will take place over the next five months, will improve the public’s access to the front to the Niles Police Department including greatly improved handicapped access.
Maine Township Community Garage Sale Sept. 28 to benefit disadvantaged children and hungry families Maine Township residents can reserve space for the Annual Maine Township Community Garage Sale beginning Monday, Aug. 5. The date for all others is Monday, Aug. 12. Benefiting disadvantaged children and hungry families, the event will be held rain or shine, Saturday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of Maine Township Town Hall, 1700 Ballard Rd., Park Ridge. Spaces are sold on a first-come, first-served basis while they last. Spaces, which are eight by sixteen feet, are $20 each. Table rentals are available for $10. For more information, please call Ed
Beauvais 847-297-2510 X270 or email him at ebeauvais@ Information is also posted on the Maine Township website at www.
Oktoberfest at Park Ridge Park District Senior Center Oct. 27 at 12:30pm the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center is bringing a small taste of Germany to Park Ridge.The event features the talented Johnny Wagner Band Trio. In addition we will have Roasted Pork Loin, Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Buttered Spaetzle and Apple Pie. Register at the Park Ridge Park District Senior Center office.The price is $20 for members and $22 for nonmembers. Fee includes lunch, beer and entertainment.
Morton Grove Woman’s Club is hosting their annual Philanthropy Luncheon Oct. 19 This will be the 60th anniversary of the club which will feature the theme: “Remember When.” It will be held at Victoria Beau Jolie, 9950 Lawrence Avenue, Schiller Park.The event begins at 11 a.m. A donation of $40 will cover the cost of the lunch and “Echo’s of Time” will provide entertainment.To RSVP please contact Doris Welter at 847998-0211.
Fear City Open Auditions for the 2013 Halloween Season Fear City will host open Auditions for its 2013 Halloween Season at 8240 N. Austin Ave., Morton Grove. Starting Aug. 31 Fear City will be seeking Locally talent for this year’s haunt season. If cast, you will become part of a 100+ ensemble cast, taking part in Actor Workshops and Rehearsals. Some of our character positions will be paid while others will be volunteers. There will also be behind the scenes positions (Interns, Costumers, Lighting and Sound Tech’s) available.There will also be opportunities to be seen through multiple public and media appearance throughout this seasons run. Visit http://fearcitychicago. com/jobs to apply.
Niles Police Chief Dean Strzelecki (far right) and the rest of the Niles team strain to make the plane move during their first pull.
PULL Continued from page 1 they were able to move it the full 12 feet. Next up was the team from the Niles police department, who coincidentally was captained by Julie’s husband Vince Genualdi. After getting into position the Niles team strained to make the plane move an inch, with one officer pulling so hard that he screamed he might vomit. “It’s a lot harder than it looks,” said Strzelecki.“My arms feel like jelly right now.” After some deliberation the event’s organizers said they would allow the Niles and the Park Ridge teams to have a second chance to pull the plane. The reason for this was that sections of asphalt on the lot that the plane was on had been recently patched.These patches were slightly elevated compared to the rest of the surface, creating bumps in the ground that the aircraft’s wheels were stuck behind. So no matter how furiously the teams pulled at the
rope attached to the plane, it wasn’t budging. The second time the plane was pulled by the Niles team it was able to move the 12 feet in 13.22 seconds.The Park Ridge team declined pulling a final time once the plane was moved to a less bumpy section of the lot, as most of the team was exhausted. “Once we got it going with that first pull, it was easy to keep it moving,” said Vince Genualdi after his team’s successful second attempt. His team erupted in high fives and cheers after they were able to move the plane on their second attempt. Previously Park Ridge Mayor David Schmidt said he was concerned that the plane pull might open the city to liability if a participating officer were to be injured at the event. Park Ridge officers had taken part in the plane pull in the past without incident or injury. Additionally before the event city officials said Park Ridge would not be liable because the plane pull is a “voluntary recreational activity” for the officers involved.
Niles team captain Vince Genualdi (left) and Park Ridge police team captain Julie Genualdi (center) are told by Sherman Police Chief Eric Smith (right) that their respective teams will be given a second chance to pull the plane.
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Send us your photos Did your club host a bake sale? Did your church group volunteer to paint a senior’s home? If you have photos from your group’s fundraisers or events we would be glad to publish them. Please submit them to Be sure to include information about the event, such as when, why and where it occurred. Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.
General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Nick Reiher 815-436-2431 ext. 117 Reporters Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Jonathan Samples Sue Baker Sports Editor Scott Taylor Sports Reporter Mark Gregory Advertising Manager Pat Ryan
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Illustrated Opinions
Police Blotter
The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Morton Grove, Niles, and Park Ridge Police Departments. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.
2 10
Carmel J. Epstein, 16, of the 2500 block of Queens Way, Northbrook, was arrested Sept. 13 on the 9000 block of Milwaukee for DUI and No Valid License.
26 24
18 17
11 13
Richard J. Fico, 55, of the 600 block of N.Washington, Park Ridge, was arrested Sept. 13 on the 8000 block of Lyons for Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespass to Property.
3 14
Waldemar, Bajorski, 57, of the 3100 block of N. Dryden Pl, Arlington Heights, was arrested Sept. 13 on the 900 block of Civic Center for Retail Theft.
Courtney L. Jackson, 24, of the 10000 block of Linda Ln, Glenview, was arrested Sept. 14 on the 7000 block of Dempster for Driving Suspended.
8 9
Rameshbhai D. Patel, 52, of the 2200 block of Ottawa, Des Plaines, was arrested Sept. 14 on the 900 block of Civic Center for Retail Theft and Contribution to Delinquency of a Child.
Daniel Knapik, 37, of the 130 block of S. Elm St, Northlake, was arrested Sept. 15 on the 6800 block of Harts Road for Theft.
Michal Sciog, 37, of the 4300 block of N. Mason, Chicago, was arrested Sept. 15 on the 6800 block of Harts Road for Theft.
Park Ridge Hannah Simpson, 17, of the 600 block of Goodwin, Park Ridge, was arrested Sept. 6 on the 1100 block of S. Dee for Zero Tolerance.
Gabrielle Bono, 17, of the 500 block of S. Chester, Park Ridge , was arrested Sept. 6 on the 1100 block of S. Dee for Zero Tolerance.
Jakub Dadej, 19, of the 1700 block of W. Church,
Park Ridge, was arrested Sept. 9 on the 1700 block of W. Church for Disorderly Conduct. Adrian Velazquez, 19, of the 9900 block of Holly Ln., Des Plaines, was arrested Sept. 9 on the 2100 block of Birch for Trespassing.
Sarah Prigge, 28, of the 700 block of Bedford Dr., Crystal Lake, was arrested Sept. 12 at the intersection of Higgins & Cumberland for Damage to City Property and DUI.
Wiorski, 70, of 6800 13 Gale block of W. Devon, Chicago, was arrested Sept. 12 on the 1900 block of S. Cumberland for Retail Theft. Bartel, 22, of the 14 David 300 block of W. Sibley, Park Ridge, was arrested Sept. 10 on the 300 block of W. Sibley for Battery.
Carpenter, 21, of the 15 Cody 600 block of Elmore, Park Ridge, was arrested Sept. 10 on the 300 block of W. Sibley for Battery. Urszula Serrano, 45, of the 2400 block of Windsor Mall, Park Ridge was arrested Sept. 12 on the 2400 block of Windsor Mal for Deceptive Practice, Hit & Run, Driving with Suspended Registration, No Valid DL and No Valid Insurance.
Morton Grove Catman, 27, of 17 Charneice Chicago was arrested Sept. 9 at the intersection of Dempster and Central for Possession of Altered Debit Cards, Suspended DL and Obstructing Officers.
Naomi White,30,of Chicago was arrested Sept. 9 at the
intersection of Dempster and Central for Possession of Altered Debit Cards, Suspended DL and Obstructing Officers. John Wheeler, 19, of Morton Grove was arrested Sept. 10 on the 8500 Block of Georgiana for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Roozvelt Christian, 33, of Niles was arrested Sept. 11 on the 7600 Block Dempster for DUI.
Trevor Grimm,21,of Morton Grove was arrested Sept. 12 at the intersection of Lincoln and Mamora for Possession/Delivery of a Controlled Substance. Subject was in a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation and was discovered to have sold a suspected controlled substance to another occupant of the vehicle.
Ranice Williams, 47, of Mount Prospect was arrested Sept. 13 at the intersection of Golf and Harlem for Suspended License.
Vaibhav Patel, 22, of Niles was arrested Sept 14 on the 6700 Block of Dempster for Possession of Cannabis/Intent to Deliver.
Jose Mendoza, 25, of Elk Grove was arrested Sept. 15 on the 5700 Block of Dempster for Hit and Run.
Atiq Savani, 28, of Morton Grove was arrested Sept. 18 at the intersection of Dempster and Birch for No Valid DL.
Calendar SEPT. 25 AARP Driver Safety Class. 9 a.m. North Shore Senior Center, 6140 Dempster St. Morton Grove. The AARP Driver Safety Program is designed as a driving refresher for motorists age 50 and older. The course includes information on safer driving habits, how to avoid driving hazards, changes in roadway conditions, safety equipment on your automobile, as well as a discussion of when to consider driver retirement. The class also covers much of the information needed to pass the Illinois State license exam and reviews the eyesight, hearing, and physical changes that drivers experience as they age. Completion of the two-day class may entitle the participant to a discount on his or her auto insurance. Please check with your insurance carrier for further details. A $12/$14 fee payable to AARP due in class. Details to follow. Call 847-470-5223 to register. Bibliobop at Golf Maine Park District. 11 a.m. Dee Park 9229 W. Emerson, Des Plaines. Join us for a special dance party hosted by the Niles Public Library’s new partner, Golf Maine Park District. Bring your family and friends as we crank up the tunes and boogie down in the library. It’s fun for the whole family to dance with your little ones. No registration needed. DJ Miss Cate will be spinning all the best tunes from our terrific music collection. Ages 0 and up with an adult. Teen DIY Craft. 5 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Celebrate fall by decorating a mason jar with autumn leaves. Instructions and supplies will be provided. Registration is required: call 847-965-4220 or visit www. We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks (R). 6:30 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Details the creation of Julian Assange’s controversial website, which facilitated the largest security breach in U.S. history. Call 847-965-4220 or visit for more information
SEPT. 26 Frank Lloyd Wright: An Oak Park Adventure. 8:30 a.m. North Shore Senior Center, 6140 Dempster St. Morton
Grove. Enjoy a guided tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio as it appeared in 1909. This charming home was Wright’s private residence and workplace from 1889 to 1909, the first 20 years of his career. In 1898 he added the studio, which he used as an architectural laboratory and from where he designed 125 structures. Fee includes all entrance fees, tours, lunch, and transportation. Departs from our Northfield location. Call 847-470-5223 to register. $95 member; $115 non-member Stevenson School McTeacher’s Night Fundraiser. 5 p.m. McDonald’s, 860 W. Dempster, Niles. Stevenson School teachers will be working at the Niles McDonald’s on Dempster to help raise money for their PTO. Fifteen percent of money brought in with a fundraiser slip will be donated back to the PTO, get a fundraiser slip from school. There will be a special appearance by Ronald McDonald at 5:30pm. Come out to see your teachers working at McDonald’s.
SEPT. 27 Donation Dropoffs for Niles North Fine Arts Parents Rummage Sale. 10 a.m. Niles North High, 9800 North Lawler, Skokie. School. The Niles North Fine Arts Parents and Patrons (NNFAPP) is hosting a rummage sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on at the Niles North parking lot. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Niles North Fine Arts department and fund student grants. Gently used items for donation will be accepted on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 (before the sale begins). Electronic items and computers will not be accepted for donation. Contact Gail Y. Paskind, President of NNFAPP with any questions at or (847) 676-1235. Come and pick up a bargain during the rummage sale and help support the fine arts programming at Niles North High School. MGPL After Dark: Concert. 7 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Celebrate the end of the week with a musical performance at the Morton Grove Public Library! Join us after hours for a concert of classical guitar by Norman
Ruiz and Jeffrey Warren, two virtuoso guitar players. Call 847-965-4220 or visit www. for more information.
in on the 4th Saturday of the month at 2pm for a big movie and a little snack. This week: Oz The Great and Powerful.
SEPT. 28
SEPT. 29
Niles North Fine Arts Parents Rummage Sale. 10 a.m. Niles North High, 9800 North Lawler, Skokie. The Niles North Fine Arts Parents and Patrons (NNFAPP) is hosting a rummage sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Niles North parking lot. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Niles North Fine Arts department and fund student grants. Gently used items for donation will be accepted on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 (before the sale begins). Electronic items and computers will not be accepted for donation. Contact Gail Y. Paskind, President of NNFAPP with any questions at or (847) 676-1235. Come and pick up a bargain during the rummage sale and help support the fine arts programming at Niles North High School.
Three Worlds (NR). 2 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. A hit and run accident results in the death of an illegal foreigner. Three men, including a young executive, are aboard the vehicle and decide to keep silence about the whole thing, but a young woman is witness to it and succeeds in finding the driver. Call 847-965-4220 or visit for more information.
Practice ACT. 12 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. College Nannies & Tutors of Glenview will proctor a free practice test that includes science, math, reading comprehension and English. Bring a pencil and calculator. Oz The Great and Powerful (PG). 2 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. Drop in on the 4th Saturday of the month at 2pm for a big movie and a little snack. This week: Oz The Great and Powerful. Pub Trivia Night. 7 p.m. Bringer Inn, 6230 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove. Morton Grove Public Library hosts a fun and challenging evening of trivia at the Bringer Inn. This free event will test your knowledge of a variety of topics with questions created by MGPL Librarians. Participants will compete in groups of up to four, and the winning team will win a gift certificate donated by the Bringer Inn. Call 847-9295101 or visit for more information. One representative for each team is required for registration. If the event is not full, teams may join on the evening of the event on a first come, first served basis beginning at 6:30 pm. Drop
SEPT. 30 Knitting Roundtable for Adults. 2:30 p.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Ronnie Rund, an expert knitter, will show you how to solve knitting challenges. Bring your current knitting projects and needles.
OCT. 1 Health Care Reform for 2014, Medicare, and Medicare Part D. 11:30 a.m. Morton Grove Public Library, 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Learn about the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicare Part D (prescription plan) from Kathy Gaeding, Resource Specialist and Illinois Senior Health Insurance Program counselor from CJE Senior Life. Call 847965-4220 or visit www.mgpl. org for more information. Family Storytime. 7 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. Families with children ages 2-6 enjoy stories, songs and activities. Come in pj’s or not, as you wish.
OCT. 2 Property Tax Appeal Seminar. 6:30 p.m. Niles Public Library, 6960 W Oakton St, Niles. Get tips to successfully maximize the reduction of your property taxes. Learn the appeals process, how to discover tax refunds and bill errors, and uncover qualifying exemptions. Presented by Andrea A. Raila & Associates. Registration required.
ONGOING Live Jazz Jam at Chambers. Every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Chambers Seafood Grill & Chop House, 6881 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles. Come
join us for dinner and live jazz. John Bany is one of Chicago’s best and most interesting bass players. His bass playing, in addition to his unique vocal style, has delighted audiences everywhere. He is a, veteran bass player, John has played at a number of festivals including: the original Big Horn (Ivanhoe, Illinois), the Chicago Jazz Festival (9 appearances), the Mid-American Jazz Festival (St. Louis, Missouri), Elkhart Jazz Festival (13 appearances) and the Atlanta World Music Fest. FISH Seeking Volunteers. Due to the economy, FISH is experiencing over a 40 percent rise in ridership. It is straining both the volunteer service level and budget. Since 1971, FISH volunteers have been serving Park Ridge and Maine Township residents by providing free rides to medical appointments.To continue to provide a high level of service to all residents of Maine Township, FISH needs volunteers. Can you spare four hours per month to drive neighbors to medical appointments? To volunteer, call Ed Oken, President, 847 696-0761. Meet US Rep Schakowsky’s Representative. 9 a.m. to noon at the Park Ridge Library. A member of U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky’s Evanston office will be at the library every Wednesday morning to answer your questions about government, health care, retirement issues, immigration visas, and anything else related to federal benefits. For more information, contact Ann Limjoco at 847-328-3409. Stroke Club. 3-4:30 p.m. the first Thursday of every month at Center for Advanced Care, Room 1220, 1700 Luther Lane, Park Ridge.This is a free program for stroke victims and survivors (plus a guest). Free parking is available in the attached parking garage. For more information contact Meg Potterfield, 847723-4765 or Dorene Wlodarski, 847-296-2470. TOPS Club. 8:30-10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Feldman Rec Center, 8800 W. Kathy Lane, Niles. Lose weight with TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Everyone is welcome. Call Dorene Wlodarski, 847-2962470 or Lenore Lunquist, 847729-2530 for more information.
taKe 5 Crossword Puzzle
Across 1 Soccer officials 5 “You __ dead!”: “I’m telling mom!” 10 Location 14 Berry in healthy smoothies 15 “No way!” 16 Jazz classic “Take __ Train” 17 Lost color in one’s cheeks 19 Greasy spoon grub 20 Hit hard 21 Like blue hair 22 “Faust” dramatist 24 Fred’s dancing sister 26 Bartender’s twist 28 Beer to drink on Cinco de Mayo 30 Four quarters 31 Tax agcy. 32 Archaic “once” 33 Talk show pioneer Jack 36 Residential bldg. units 38 Stack of unsolicited manuscripts
Down 41 Bush secretary of labor Elaine 43 Madeline of “Blazing Saddles” 44 Emails the wrong person, say 48 U.S./Canada’s __ Canals 49 Sunrise direction, in Köln 51 Buyer’s “beware” 53 Tribal carving 57 Go 58 City on the Rio Grande 59 Feed the kitty 61 “Cool” monetary amt. 62 Even-handed 63 It may be filled with a garden hose 66 Helsinki resident 67 Actress Burstyn 68 Hip-swiveling dance 69 Vexes 70 Extremely poor 71 Ruin Bond’s martini
1 Daily grind 2 Besides Chile, the only South American country that doesn’t border Brazil 3 __ market 4 Break a Commandment 5 “Toy Story” boy 6 Fend off 7 Dance around 8 Somme salt 9 Where Nike headquarters is 10 Considerable, as discounts 11 Terse critical appraisal 12 Ties to a post, as a horse 13 Art gallery props 18 Delightful spot 23 “Paper Moon” Oscar winner Tatum 25 Many, informally 27 Change from vampire to bat, say 29 Kwik-E-Mart owner on “The
Simpsons” 34 Extend an invitation for 35 “I knew it!” 37 Thorn in one’s side 39 Appears strikingly on the horizon 40 Co. letterhead abbr. 41 Welcome summer forecast 42 Noticeable lipstick color 45 Come down hard on 46 Filled pasta 47 Top-notch 48 Golden Slam winner Graf 50 Said 52 Away from the wind 54 Takes home 55 Punch bowl spoon 56 Over and done 60 Hard to see 64 Frenchlandmass 65 Acidity nos.
Horoscopes There are things more important than ambition, but in the week ahead you might get carried away. A friend may encourage you to follow your dreams, but avoid drastic changes.
Dignity respects sensitivity. You may be more concerned with maintaining your dignity than keeping up with the Joneses this week. Career matters require attention to duty.
You may be at a loss about what to say when you talk to yourself. You might even do worse and become tongue-tied when speaking to someone else whom you hope to impress.
Today is the equinox, when day and night are the same length. As you face the prospect that daylight grows shorter in the next several months your ambitions may be stirred into action.
Fires burn themselves out if not given fuel. Don’t let minor setbacks throw cold water on your dreams. Your interests may begin to shift just like the seasons as this week unfolds.
You can’t talk turkey or feather your own nest unless you’re hanging out with birds of a feather. In the early part of the week, your ability to be persuasive may be on the fritz.
When you wallow in selfdoubt, it’s wise to do it by the book. By the middle of the week, you’ll have your priorities straight and will be more likely to make wise choices.
Failure is the compost in which you can grow success. You might feel a bit down in the mouth when faced with mistakes or inadequacies. Let them fuel your ambitions in the week ahead.
You may be eager to exude eloquence, but it comes out with a thud. Hold off on heart-to-heart conversations for the next few days; devote energy to letting actions speak for themselves.
Don’t dignify trouble with a response. Someone might rain on your parade today, but tomorrow and the rest of the week offer plenty of shelter from downpours.
Don’t bluff with an empty hand. In the week ahead, you may accept challenges without possessing all the facts. Act on your vision of what you want without acting on blind faith.
Bounce back by midweek. If you feel a downswing in your popularity, remember that life is like a theater set. It may go dark temporarily while waiting for the lights and actors.
Tribune Media Services 2013
Previous puzzle’s answers
Previous puzzle’s answers
Previous puzzle’s answers
What her aging husband faced when he decided to diet -- A “WAIST” OF TIME
Bugle Kids
INSIDE: Hawks’ harriers place top 20 in downstate meet, page 14; Scott, Zitkus hoping to make big splash, page 15
Dons, Wolves remain undefeated By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter
Ryan Greene is developing quite a rapport with his receivers, and that means additional headaches for Notre Dame’s future opponents as they prepare their scouting reports. The Dons are proving they can, and will, make foes pay if the opposition’s main focus is trying to contain Chris James (which is a difficult task in and of itself). Greene, Notre Dame’s senior quarterback, came into last Friday’s homecoming game opposite Marian Catholic—also the first ESCC contest for both teams—having thrown six touchdown passes over the past two games. Greene added four more TD tosses in the Dons’ 35-0 whitewash over the Spartans, all coming in the first half. “He’s a mature kid,”Notre Dame coach Mike Hennessey said. “He didn’t have a lot of experience not playing last year, but he’s got a lot of poise, he understands the offense, he understands how to manage things, and he can also exploit things when they’re there. He does a great job with his reads and progressions, and knows where to take the ball when he needs to.” After Greene gave Notre Dame a 7-0 first-quarter lead connecting with junior wideout Bill Byrne for a 13-yard TD scoring pass, he and senior Pat Cravens went to work. Midway through the second quarter, Greene lofted a pass to Cravens, who took it to the house for a 53-yard score. On the Dons’ next offensive series, Greene threw over the middle to Cravens (three catches, 112 yards), who then cut to the near sideline and tip-toed into the end zone for a 21-0 lead. “He’s a fantastic athlete,” Greene said. “If you get him the
ball in some space, he can do some stuff. “They (receivers) are running great routes. The offense is really going, running the ball and passing the ball. People are keying on Chris, so we’ve got to find a way to distribute the ball in other ways. The seniors are definitely stepping up.” But James is still getting his touches. James rushed for 101 yards and caught four passes for 44, including a screen pass that he turned into a 34-yard touchdown as time expired in the first half. On that play, Greene dumped it off to James just as he was being dragged down, and James had MC defenders turning every which way en route to the end zone. In the third quarter, senior Tom Gonzalez returned a Marian punt to the Spartans’ 39-yard line. Two plays later, James scored his second TD of the game on a 27yard run. As explosive as the Dons’ offense has been, Notre Dame’s defense is a forced to be reckoned with, as well.The Dons have surrendered a combined 13 points over their last three games, including limiting Normal Community, ranked in the top 10 in the Associated Press Class 6A poll, to 110 yards in total offense during their 21-7 Week 3 victory. On Friday, Notre Dame held Marian Catholic (2-2, 0-1) to 64 yards of offense during the first half. “We’re playing at a very high level and at a very intense and relentless pace,” Dons senior linebacker Tom Sora said. “It’s kind of what we are as a defense, what we strive to be, and each week we strive to get better. Obviously, a shutout on homecoming, it doesn’t get much better than that.” Bob Dombai intercepted a pass for Notre Dame in the
Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff
Tom Gonzalez returns a punt in Notre Dame’s 35-0 win over Marian Catholic Friday.
fourth quarter. Dan Proano, Chris Bargione, Mike Sabatino and Matt Szyska each had a tackle for loss, and Matt Kuszynski recorded a sack. Next up for the Dons (4-0, 1-0) is a road game at St. Viator on Friday night. St. Viator held off Carmel, 17-14, last Friday and is 3-1, 1-1. The Lions outscored their first two 2013 opponents, Foreman and Deerfield, by a
combined 97-22. “They have a high tempo offense,” Hennessey said. “We saw them play Deerfield and they’re very good. They’ve got a lot of good athletes out there, so we’re going to have our hands full, but we’ll take this one.” •Niles West overcame four turnovers to defeat Glenbrook North, 31-23, and move to 4-0 on the year. But the Wolves benefited
from a GBN turnover late in the game—Andrew Mihulet’s pass interception—to seal the win as GBN was driving to possibly tie the contest. GBN did pull to within a point of the Wolves, 24-23, but Niles West blocked the extra point attempt. Quran Spillman then ran back the kickoff 90 yards for See REMAIN, page 17
Hawks harriers finish top 20 By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter
Maine South’s girls and boys cross country squads ran at Detweiller Park in Peoria, site of the annual state meet, on Saturday for the Richard Springs Invitational. The Hawk girls placed 12th out of 58 teams, while the boys finished 19th out of 63. Jack Carpenter turned in a time of 15:04 in the boys race for 17th overall. Emily Leonard set the pace for Maine South’s girls competitors with a 23rd-place finish. She had a time of 18:08. Henry Mierzwa (88th, 15:46) and Paul D’Ambrosio (107th, 15:53) were the Hawks’ boys squad’s other top finishers, while Caitlin Eckart (100th, 19:00) and Julia Sirvinskas (189th, 19:47) complemented Leonard. •Maine East’s boys competed in the Warren Blue Devil Invite on Saturday, and junior Eric Ponzetti registered in a personal best time of 16:53 over the 2.9mile course, placing 68th overall. Juniors Josh Madsen and Ajay Negi, along with sophomores Altamish Khan, Joseph Torres and Henry Kotlinski, each ran personal bests, as well.
Atas fired a 31 at a CSL South triangular meet with Evanston and New Trier on Sept. 16 that was called after the completion of eight holes due to darkness. Atas was followed by Brittany Lung with a 35, Annie Krall with a 36 and Katie Krall with a 37. The Hawks had a team total of 141, followed by New Trier (146) and Evanston (189). The Hawks on Sept. 19 nipped Highland Park by one stroke (168-169), while Glenbrook North finished with a 179. Lung and Atas shared medalist honors with 39s. Marissa Oshona added a 44. •Resurrection dropped a dual meet on Sept. 16 to Trinity, 193208. Lauren King shot a 49 for the Bandits. The Bandits also fell to Regina Dominican, 188-203, on Sept. 19 with Kathryn Moro shooting a 43.
BOYS GOLF Maine East, despite losing to Leyden, 175-188 on Sept. 16, got another solid performance from junior Orion Yamat, who shot a 38.
GIRLS SWIMMING Maine South was victorious in a non-conference dual against Hersey on Sept. 18, winning 11274.
Senior Jenna Zitkus led the list of first-place finishers for the Hawks. Zitkus won the 100-yard butterfly and the 100 backstroke, and also participated in Maine South’s winning 200 freestyle relay team along with Hannah Ferstel, Keanan Bender and Erin Patrick. Patrick and Ferstel also took individual events, with Patrick winning the 200 individual medley and Ferstel the 100 freestyle. Also nabbing a first place was Giles Molloy in the 100 breaststroke and the 400 relay team of Bender, Emma Asson, Kasia Preski and Christina Wachowski. •Niles West hosted its own invitational recently and placed third with 242 points. Sandburg won the meet with a 372, and Mundelein had 332 points. Edan Scott grabbed first in the 100-yard backstroke and finished second in the 50 freestyle. Teammate Emma Helgeson placed first in the 500 freestyle and was runner-up in the 200 freestyle. Helgeson and Scott also teamed up with Madeline Wozny and Lauren Patt for second in the 200 freestyle relay. On Saturday, the Wolves were seventh out of nine teams at the Glenbrook North Sprint Classic. Scott and Helgeson posted a pair of second places at the event, with Scott taking runner-up in the 25-yard freestyle and 25 butterfly, and Helgeson doing the same in the 500 freestyle and 50 breaststroke.
VOLLEYBALL Maine East continued its winning ways on Sept. 17, knocking off Deerfield, 25-9, 2518. Hannah Farley led the team in kills with six, and Sarah HuaPham tallied 15 assists. Maggie Chwieralski contributed six digs and three aces. The Demons improved to 5-2 overall, 2-0 in the CSL North with a three-game triumph over Highland Park17-25, 25-22, 2518, on Sept. 19. Farley reached double digits in kills (11) and digs (10), Miranda Duro had 16 digs and three aces, Chwieralski finished with 10 digs, Hua-Pham added 11 assists and six digs, and Niki Ahlstrand contributed seven blocks and five kills. •Maine South crushed Waukegan, 25-6, 25-14, on Sept. See ROUNDUP, page 18
Wolves’ Scott, Hawks’ Zitkus hoping to make splash By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter
Girls swimming around the area this year promises to be intriguing as two multiple state qualifiers, Edan Scott of Niles West and Jenna Zitkus of Maine South, will be seeking not only their fourth respective trips to the state meet, but hopefully making runs at all-state medals. Here’s how Niles West, Maine South, Maine East and Resurrection are looking in the early stages of the 2013 campaign: •Zitkus is once again swimming in the two individual events for which she qualified last November: the 100 butterfly and 100 backstroke for Maine
Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff
Edan Scott returns for Niles West this year.
South. She undoubtedly would like to get a shot at advancing to the state finals in either, if not both, events—something she has yet to achieve. “So far this year Jenna has been really good,” said Hawks coach Don Kura of his senior standout. “She’s working hard in practice and has improved tremendously as a team leader.This is especially important since we have such a young team this year. “Her times are good for how tired she’s been, but she’s looking to improve as the season moves on.” Senior Hannah Ferstel, who swam with the Hawks’ two state-qualifying relay squads See SPLASH, page 17
Shoebox Finds: Grandpa and the Babe Ruth card By Michael Osacky Contributing Writer
Many of us are collectors of something at some time in our lives.The hobby of antiquing, the act of shopping and bargaining for antiques, has been around for decades. Often the collecting bug can be traced to a parent or grandparent buying us a gift, or taking us on a journey to buy something. This first experience of buying something, or even looking for an undiscovered gem, can be the start of something very special. This is exactly what happened
REMAIN Continued from page 13 a touchdown and a 31-23 lead. Brandon Costantino’s 5-yard TD run, a 3-yard touchdown run by Mihulet, and quarterback Tommy Galanapoulus’ 11-yard pass to Mihulet for a touchdown
SPLASH Continued from page 15 last year—the 200 freestyle and 200 medley relay—also is back. Individually, Ferstel will be taking part in the 50 and 100 freestyle. “As far as the relays are concerned, we are currently looking at all of our relays, but it appears as though the short relays will be our best relays,” Kura said. The Hawks’ lineup also is bolstered by two juniors: Erin Patrick, who swims the 100 backstroke and the 200 individual medley, and Taylor Pinkerton, who competes in the 200 and 500 freestyle. “So far this season I have been pleased with the work ethic and improvement of our team,” Kura said.“We are a very young group overall, so the hard work they are putting in has been paying off so far. It will continue to pay off if they continue with the same level of focus and determination that they have shown up to this point in the season.” •Niles West: Last fall, Scott shot into the record books by becoming the first girls swimmer in Niles West history to earn allstate accolades in two events. She placed fifth in the 50 freestyle
with a grandfather and grandson in central Michigan. I recently was able to meet with Peter, the grandson, who shared with me his memories of his nowdeceased grandfather, and the story of how they started collecting cards. Peter’s grandfather was a collector of vintage clocks and watches and wanted to share his passion of collecting with Peter. Peter wasn’t interested in vintage clocks and watches—but he was interested in vintage sport cards. On many weekends in the summer, Peter and his grandfather would venture out into the
unknown parts of Michigan looking for old baseball cards. During one of these outings, Peter and his grandfather were driving back home for dinner and saw an elderly man neatly putting everything away that hadn’t sold in a garage sale. The bright sun was quickly giving way to ominous clouds.The wind began to strengthen and a storm was near. Peter rolled down his window and yelled,“Do you have any old baseball cards?”The man nodded his head in affirmation and Peter was quickly looking at the cards inside the garage. These cards were no ordinary
cards. They were from the 1933 Goudey Baseball Card Set—a set that’s revered for its masterful colors, and its inclusion of numerous Hall of Famers. The full set contains four Babe Ruth cards, and this elderly man had two of them. Peter started to breathe heavily as the elderly man said, “Make me an offer on all of the cards. I have dinner waiting.” Peter remained in a frozen state, while his grandfather removed from his pocket three $100 bills. The owner of the cards accepted the offer simultaneously as the first bolt of lightning rolled in.
Several months later, Peter’s grandfather passed away, but Peter’s collecting bug was there to stay.
completed the Wolves’ scoring. Galanapoulos had a huge game for Niles West, passing for over 250 yards and running for just a few yards short of 200. •Maine South (2-2) saw a number of players who normally don’t see a lot of playing time step up during the Hawks’ 49-0 pasting of CSL crossover and inter-district opponent Maine
East last Friday. Sophomore Brian Collis continued as the Hawks’ starting quarterback, and tossed a 45-yard TD pass to Vinny Labus—one of six Hawk first-half touchdowns as Maine South led 42-0 at intermission. The rest of Maine South’s touchdowns were scored by Sam Volpe (89-yard run), Pat
Koziol (72-yard run), Justin Fahey (23-yard run), Diandre Strickland (19-yard run), Jim Carey (2-yard run) and a 10yard Spencer Malin-to-Branden Gebavi scoring pass. Although the Demons (2-2) are expecting some of their injured starters to return to action in the
next few weeks, the club remains plagued by injuries. Maine East lost their current starting quarterback, Justin Ethakaltu, to an injury which forced him out of the game. Ethakaltu was Maine East’s third-string quarterback going into the season.
and 10th in the 100 freestyle. The sky’s the limit for Scott in her senior year. Scott, who also is the first prep all-American swimmer in school history, has to be considered one of the favorites to win a state championship in the 50 freestyle since the field won’t have to contend with the since-graduated Olivia Smoliga— an All-American herself who holds the state and national records in this event and is now at the University of Georgia. However, Scott likely won’t be making the trip to state alone this time around. Keep an eye on junior Emma Helgeson, who finished first at the recent Niles West Invitational in the 500 freestyle and was second in the 200 freestyle. The Wolves also possess a potentially strong 200 freestyle relay. Scott,Helgeson,sophomore Lauren Patt and senior Maddie Wozny teamed up to take second at the same invite. Returning junior letterwinners Abby Hegberg and Sam Cachila add to the Wolves’ depth. •Maine East: Several team members have been battling various illnesses early this season, but coach Peter Przekota is hoping to see an improved squad. “The girls are working together and seeing great results,” he said.
Senior co-captains Isabelle Trier and Sandra Kietlinska are two of the Demons’ top swimmers. Trier currently leads the club in points and has a goal of breaking the school record in the 100 backstroke by season’s end. Kietlinska, meanwhile, hopes to place at the CSL meet in possibly the 200 and 500 freestyle, according to Przekota. Sophomore Alyssa Kaewillai appears to be healthy after suffering a partially torn UCL toward the end of last season. She has already broken two sophomore records this year and rewrote four freshman records. The Demons’ 200 medley relay team of Trier, Kietlinska, Kaewillai and Jasmine Herrera was undefeated after three meets. •Resurrection: The Bandits have yet to win a dual meet through four meets so far this season, but have been competitive in each of their two most recent duals: a 91-71 loss to Maine East and an 85-75 defeat at the hands of Regina Dominican. Senior team members include Kelsie Brown, Laura Brown, Elisa Estrada, Erin Mikrut and Myliese Mleczek. Juniors on the squad are Morgan Cavaiani, Kelly Henehan and Annie Koepke.
Michael Osacky is the founder of I am dedicated to unearthing vintage sports cards and memorabilia buried in attics, garages, and barns. Each collection comes with a story, and I’m sharing those stories here with the Bugle family of newspapers. If you have a vintage sports card or memorabilia collection, I want to hear from you. Please visit to learn more. Please look for us on WGN TV and WGN Radio.
Plainfield’s Chesson teaches at hockey school By Kristyn Repke Columbus Blue Jackets
The 17 skaters in girls’ sessions at the Columbus Blue Jackets Hockey School are learning from one of the best women’s hockey players in the country. Plainfield’s Lisa Chesson, a member of the United States women’s national hockey team, won a silver medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics and will represent the U.S. once again as a member of the 2014 Olympic team in Sochi, Russia. She won a World Junior gold medal in 2009 and also played NCAA Division I college hockey at Ohio State University. Before any of those impressive accomplishments, Chesson
ROUNDUP Continued from page 14 18 as the Hawks began their CSL South season. Katherine Miles had four kills while Mandi Sremc
started out just like several of the girls she is teaching at hockey school this week—participating in hockey camps and working on basic skills. “This week, we’re just focusing a lot on skating and edgework more so than just the hockey aspect,” said Chesson.“The basics are just so important.” The girls at Wednesday’s session were treated to a two special instructors for part of their session—Blue Jackets prospects Boone Jenner and Cody Goloubef. The two helped demonstrate drills, played games with the kids and signed autographs for the participants. “Having them here was great,” said Chesson. “Any time we can get someone other than the usual added seven digs and Mazine Kaszina four aces. •Niles West lost its CSL South opener to New Trier, 25-15, 2517, on Sept. 18. Olivia Rusek set the pace for the Wolves (5-5, 0-1) offensively with five kills.
coaches out there is exciting for everyone. The girls had a lot of fun.” Every other day, Chesson leads the girls Hockey School sessions herself. The girls, ages 8 to 15, have similar backgrounds to what Chesson experienced growing up. Chesson grew up in Illinois, where she was just one of three girls in her area playing ice hockey. Because there were very few girls’ teams, she often played with the boys’ teams or traveled far for games and practices. Chesson was even the only girl selected to skate in the boys’ varsity all-star game at the high school level in 2004. After living in Columbus for the past seven years and
BOYS SOCCER Maine South had won eight of its first nine contests this season, but Glenbrook South put a stop to that streak Sept. 17, upending the Hawks, 3-2 in the CSL South opener. The Titans scored first,
volunteering with Blue Jackets Hockey School for a few years, Chesson is happy with the growth she has seen in women’s hockey in the area. “It’s great to see it grow since the first time I came to help out,” said Chesson. “We had just a small handful of girls. Now, you see so many from real small girls to grown women pick it up and there’s even a AAA program in the area. It’s crazy to see how fast it’s grown in the past 10 years or so.” Chesson realizes that she is a role model to the girls she mentors at Blue Jackets Hockey School because there are still so few women’s hockey players, and remembers being in their role not too long ago herself.
“I remember the first women’s Olympic team in 1998 and seeing them win the gold, and how excited I was to know that there was girls’ hockey beyond college,” said Chesson. “For me to be able to pass that on to the younger girls is a great experience.” Chesson also hopes that the girls participating in Hockey School will in turn grow into her role one day and usher in the next era of women’s ice hockey. “Thinking about all the girls I looked up to when I was growing up, what they shared with me and how much that helped me improve my game, it’s all I can do to give back to the younger girls and hope they do the same when they’re older.”
but Hawks tied it on a Tino Lappo goal, assisted by Anthony Talarico. GBS went up by a goal, 2-1, in the second half, and Maine South tied it once again on a goal that went off a GBS player into the net following a Hawks’ corner kick.
•Niles West notched a 3-0 victory in the Pepsi Showdown over Fenwick on Sept. 19. Goalkeeper Carlos Lorne posted the shutout, while Marcel Matusek scored two goals. Hubert Szelag netted the Wolves’ other goal.
JCA, Marist set to do battle in Joliet By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter
In what is sure to have be a game that will have implications in the East Suburban Catholic Conference standings, Marist brings its 3-1 record to Joliet Friday night for a meeting with Joliet Catholic Academy. Both are 2-0 in the ESCC and both are on two game winning streaks. The Hilltoppers are a perfect 4-0 on the season and Marist has one blemish, a 28-26 week-one loss to St. Rita. On the season, Marist has outscored its opponents by 52 points, 165-113, while Joliet Catholic has tallied 168 points, but has allowed only 67, a margin of 101 points. Last week, Marist beat St. Patrick 42-34. Marist, who likes to employ a three-receiver spread offense, saw quarterback Jack Donegan complete 18-of-33 passes for 248 yards, 3 TDs and one interception. Running back Peter Andreotti posted 120 yards on 23 carries. In JCA’s most recent win, the Hilltoppers did not complete a pass, but defeated Nazareth 42-0. Senior wing back Mike Ivlow continued his dominance this season, rushing for 354 yards and three scores in the win. Ivlow has already surpassed the 1,000-yard rushing mark this season and has 10 TDs on the year. Ivlow, a converted fullback,
worked all offseason on his seed and dropping weight to become the feature back in the vaunted Hilltopper offense. Marist allowed St. Patrick’s running back Jeremy Molina to run for 267 and a pair of scores. On the defensive side of the ball, Joliet Catholic has been questioned over the years for its ability, of lack of, to defend the passing game. And, while the Hilltopper defense will probably be tested this week my Donegan and company, they passed a test, intercepting three passes against Nazareth Saturday. The two teams have only had one common opponent this season, being Nazareth, who Marist defeated at home 42-37 in week three. Follow Mark @2Mark_My_Words
of the
The combined length of the first two touchdowns for Plainfield East in a 21-16 win over Plainfield North.
Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff
Mike Ivlow has rushed for more than 1,000 yards for Joliet Catholic.
Business & Real Estate
Steer clear of ‘dragon’ wars at work; stay neutral Q. I have a new job that I love. My boss just took me aside and told me there was a female manager who thinks I dress inappropriately and don’t do my job well. I can tell she doesn’t like this woman one bit. I want to take feedback well, but I’m not sure what to do. I’m also concerned I could end up being in the middle of fight they are already having. How
do I navigate this? A. Your instincts are right on; you are about to be pulled into a fight that has nothing to do. To steer clear you need to make sure you stay neutral and supportive of both your boss and the other manager. When your boss dislikes another manager, he or she may set you up unintentionally to fight with that person. We all like the person we dislike to be disliked by everyone else. We all want to be on the side of our boss. You can see how tempting it would be to take
your boss’s negative feelings and start your own war with this manager. As a new employee, you simply can’t afford to make powerful enemies right out of the gate. You need to go back to your boss and her enemy and make sure neither person sees you as a threat. While your positive attitude regarding accepting “feedback” is commendable, what your boss said is too vague to count as feedback. Consider this question: What exactly do you need to change regarding your “inappropriate dress” and “doing your job badly”? If you can’t see feedback on a video screen, then you need to ask more specific questions.
Go back to your boss and tell her that you are certain the other manager is just trying to be helpful in coaching you on “appropriate” dress and doing your job well. Point out that currently you don’t have any facts about what this manager wants. Let your boss know you plan to go back to the other manager and get specific suggestions that, of course, you would run by your boss. Now return to the other manager and make clear that you are new and want to deliver the performance she expects. Make it obvious as well that you have to run everything by your boss. Then ask specifically what dress or services she would prefer to receive from you. When the other manager is reminded that you have to obey your boss and that you do want to give this manager
what she wants, you’ll have sidestepped the war between her and your boss. As Scott Adams, the “Dilbert” cartoonist has perceptively observed, “Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, ‘cuz, like, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.” When you are caught in your office between people higher up than you, get out of their way.
Last word(s) Q. I have to make a lot of accurate, fast judgments about people I do business with. Are there any quick ways to correctly evaluate a stranger? A. Yes, absolutely assume what they do when they first meet you is not an accident but a habit regardless of excuses they might make.
A tricky joint account Dear Dave, I’m getting married soon, and we plan to open a joint checking account. Keeping a register accurately will be difficult because I travel two weeks out of every month. Do you have any suggestions for keeping track of things, or should we just rely on online access to the account? Ed Dear Ed, I would set up a second checking account, one to which you both have access, that’s only for travel. Giving you both access allows you to track what you do and her to see what’s going on and act as your backup when it comes time to balance the register. Here’s an example. A few years ago we were remodeling our home. My wife and I opened a separate checking account and put all of our remodeling money in there. It was easier to keep the money separate, but we both had access and were involved in the account. Understand, this wasn’t a “his” and “hers” arrangement. It was merely for the purposes of
keeping our everyday activities separate from the remodeling budget. When you get married the preacher proclaims you as one.That means throughout life and everything involved, including your finances! —Dave Dear Dave, What’s your opinion on buying a house on a land contract? Keith Dear Keith, I would never, under any circumstances, ever buy a property on a land contract. In some places this kind of thing is called a “contract for deed,” but the problem is you don’t have the deed.The property is not in your name.You could easily run into a situation where you’ve paid the balance down for 10 years, then the guy you’re paying gets into a car wreck or another kind of financial trouble and someone slaps a $500,000 lien against the property that’s supposed to be yours. Don’t pay for property that isn’t in your name, Keith. Land contracts, or contracts for deed, are dangerous for the buyer and just plain stupid! —Dave
Niles Senior Center For a detailed description of programs & activities or to ask about membership or registration requirements, please check the Naturally Active Program Guides or call the Niles Senior Center at 5888420. Information about the Niles Senior Center can be found on the Village of Niles Website at Click on “Departments” (upper left), and then Click on “Senior” You can now see what’s new at the Senior Center. Advanced registration is required for programs. For a detailed description of programs & activities or to ask about membership or registration requirements, call the Niles Senior Center at 847588-8420 Individuals must be a registered member of the Niles Senior Center to receive the member price. Non members are invited to participate in programs at the non-member price. For more information about membership and programs, contact the Senior Center. Issues in the News • 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays This dynamic, refreshing class is led by long time leader of this program, Arlene Golub. This group is filled with folks from all walks of life, retired or not, who want to keep abreast of a broad spectrum of what is occurring locally and worldwide. Issues for discussion are brought up by class participants, and everyone’s opinion is valued. Please call the NSC at 847-5888420 for more information. Got the dot? It may save your life Assist first responders with the information they need. Become part of the Illinois Dot Program. The Illinois Dot Program is a statewide initiative designed to provide vital medical information on vehicle drivers and passengers. Information contained on the medical card can assist first responders in the “Golden Hour” immediately following a serious crash. This can very well mean the difference between life and death. For more information, please contact the Niles Senior
Senior Style
Center (847 588-8420). Bridge Players Needed – All Levels Come and join our social bridge group. We meet every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m at the Niles Senior Center. For information contact Jaymi Blickhahn at (847) 599-4220 Fall BBQ Presented by Men’s Club. Say “Goodbye Summer” and “Hello Fall!” Our burgers & brats are sure to have your mouth watering, especially when served with tasty bean salad and German potato salad. The fabulous Travis Morris will be here as Elvis for an afternoon of music & dancing. Raffle. Reserved seats. Doors open at 11:15am. Blarney Bash Celebrate Irish Heritage with an afternoon of crafts, dancing, music, vendors, and more; then enjoy a corned beef sandwich dinner. But the celebration doesn’t stop there, if you are 21 or older, sign up for Irish Pub Night presented by the Food Network’s, Big City Chefs. Travel “over the pond” to explore Irish pub drinks, snacks, and culture. Saturday, September 28. Sanfilippo Estate (Place De La Musique) Trip, Barrington, Illinois • 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 1, $65M/$70NM Take a 3 hour guided tour of Sanfilippo Estate. “Place de la Musique” is known worldwide for its magnificent collections of beautifully restored antique music machines, phonographs, arcade and gambling machines, chandeliers, art glass, the world’s largest restored theatre pipe organ,the most spectacular European salon carousel in existence, street and tower clocks, steam engines and other functional mechanical antiques, displayed within a breathtaking French Second Empire setting. Following the tour, we will head to the Onion Pub & Brewery for lunch. Menu: cream of chicken with rice soup, a choice of a pub burger, reuben sandwich, or chicken penne pasta, followed by cheesecake with berry compote. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks are included.
Park Ridge Senior Center
Bridge If bridge is of interest there are several opportunities to enjoy the game. Groups meet on Friday mornings, Sunday afternoons, and Couple’s Bridge meets the first Thursday of the month. Call the Center at 847-692-3597 for more information or to be put in tough with one of the group moderators. Exercise class Jo Buck continues her exercise classes at 9and 10:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This class covers a variety of movements including stretching, strength training and floor exercise. The first class is free. After that it is $2 each time you come. Ongoing activities Following are number of ongoing activities at the Center: • Woodcarvers meet Thursdays at 9 a.m.…a free activity: • Gamers, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Fridays play dominos, hand and foot, scrabble for rummikube … also free. • Ceramics students meet 9:30 a.m. to noon Mondays and Tuesdays and work on projects of your choice. There is a charge of $7 per class. • Pinochle players meet the second Monday, Third Thursday and every Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. • Table tennis players start play at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All abilities are welcome for this free activity. • Bocce ball players gather just north of the Center at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Ken Hewelt is bocce master and will explain how the game is played. • Have you ever thought of tap dancing? This is a fun way of exercising. The class is at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays. The fee is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Volunteer needed Volunteer help needed at the reception desk of the Center of Concern in Park Ridge. This 35 year old social service agency helps maintain senior citizens in their homes and provides housing assistance enabling them to live with dignity and independence. Call Jim at 847-823-0453. Very flexible hours and other volunteer opportunities are
The Center for Concern Unless otherwise noted, all services are offered at The Center of Concern offices at 1580 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite 310, in Park Ridge. For services that require an appointment, call 847-8230453 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, or 9 a.m. to noon Friday. Preparation of simple wills and durable powers of attorney for health care and property also is available by appointment. Homeowners desiring additional income, companionship, or the ability to remain in their homes may wish to consider The Center of Concern’s shared housing program. Residents are matched with screened applicants who possess a temperament suitable to shared accommodations. The Center of Concern also offers friendly visitors for the homebound, programs designed to prevent homelessness, and volunteer opportunities in the office and in the field. The Center’s web site is www.centerofconcern. org. Blood pressure & blood sugar testing • 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 28 (no appointment needed) Benefit for The Center of Concern • 6 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept 28, Ridgmoor Country Club 6601 West Gunnison St. Chicago, 708-867-8400 Preparation of simple wills and durable powers of attorney for health care and property also is available by appointment. Homeowners desiring additional income, companionship, or the ability to remain in their homes may wish to consider The Center of Concern’s shared housing program. Residents are matched with screened applicants who possess a temperament suitable to shared accommodations. Unless otherwise noted, all services are offered at The Center of Concern offices at 1580 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite 310, in Park Ridge. For services that require an appointment,
please call 847-823-0453 Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Friday 9 a.m. to noon. The Center of Concern also offers friendly visitors for the homebound,programs designed to prevent homelessness, and volunteer opportunities in the office and in the field. The Center’s web site is www.
Morton Grove Senior Center
North Shore Senior Center offers programs, classes, activities, and travel opportunities for adults at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center at 6140 Dempster Street. You may register for all programs at the Center or call 847-470-5223. Volunteer opportunities Do you have great people skills? Do you enjoy reception work? North Shore Senior Center in Morton Grove has opening for people to help at our front desk, greeting guests, directing calls, and assisting with registrations. Please contact Volunteer Services at 847.784.6052 for details. Sit and Get Fit • 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays through Oct. 24 Move your feet in your seat! Join this multi-level class suitable for those with limitations who are seeking to improve muscle tone, strength, and stamina. Standing exercises improving lower body strength and balance will be incorporated for those participants willing and able. $49 member; $59 non-member Healing Our Losses: Bereavement Support • Fridays, through Oct. 25 Have you lost a spouse, partner, or other significant adult during the past year? Please join us for a new 8 week support group beginning Friday, September 6th from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Subsequent meetings will be on Sept. 13, 20, 27 and Oct. 4, 11, 18, and 25. Our support group is offered free of charge but registration is required and group size is limited. For questions or to register, please See SENIORS, page 23
SENIORS Continued from page 22 contact Mary Senn, LCSW, at 847-663-3072. Presidential Histories • Tuesdays, through Oct. 1 Barry Bradford will enthrall you with intriguing insights, little known stories, and wonderful video clips in this heavily requested series. Barry will explain the personal life stories of four of our most fascinating presidents—from Ike’s deep religious faith to JFK’s serious medical problems— and bring the lives of these powerful men into clearer focus. Please register for each week you plan to attend. Lyndon B. Johnson • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, $9 member; $11 non-member Richard M. Nixon • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, $9 member; $11 nonmember AARP Driver Safety Class • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept 25, Oct. 2 The AARP Driver Safety Program is designed as a driving refresher for motorists age 50 and older. The course includes information on safer driving habits, how to avoid driving hazards, changes in roadway conditions, safety equipment on your automobile, as well as a discussion of when to consider driver retirement. The class also covers much of the information needed to pass the Illinois State license exam and reviews the eyesight, hearing, and physical changes that drivers experience as they age. Completion of the two-day class may entitle the participant to a discount on his or her auto insurance. Please check with your insurance carrier for further details. A $12/$14 fee payable to AARP due in class. Prior registration required. Hand-Crafted Greeting Cards • 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 25 Make your own beautiful greeting cards! First timer and seasoned card makers will all
enjoy this workshop and the finished cards created. You will receive a pre-assembled card kit that includes everything you need to create a holiday or occasion card. Instructor Kathy Martin will share her expertise and passion for paper crafting. $15 member; $19 non-member . Romans to World War II • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 25 In this initial program in this series, Jim will show slides that illustrate historical military events from the Roman times up to World War II. Jim will wear a vintage military uniform, discuss the clothing, accoutrements, and weapons of the time, and present a slide program illustrating Living History. $8 member; $10 nonmember Protecting Our Legal Rights • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday Sept. 30 Court decisions go well beyond simply the rights of the litigants. Court decisions can establish legal principles guiding later decisions that often deal with constitutional issues. Your participation and discussion are invited as Attorney Melvin Merzon shares some very interesting cases, including: freedom of speech in conflict with military needs; a six-year jail sentence of a 15 year old after his obscene phone call; whether a public school student violates separation of church and state by passing out invitations to her Christmas party; and when does a yoga class become a forbidden religious experience in a public school. $8 member; $10 non-member. From Betty Boop to Sophie Tucker: The Great Songs of the 1920s and 30s and the Women Who Sang Them •1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2 Love Me or Leave Me, Some of These Days, I Wanna Be Loved by You... Hear these songs as you have never heard them before. Playing the ukulele and singing, Peggy Mistak will trace the history of these songs, the men who wrote them and the women who sang them, along with interesting glimpses into their lives. $8 member; $10 nonmember Painting with Acrylics
• 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2 Delve into acrylic painting and create your personal masterpiece! Artist Mila Ryk will provide a comprehensive introduction to this medium and use the color wheel to help with composition and mixing colors. Fee includes instruction and materials. No prior art experience needed! $79 member; $95 non-member I-Cash: Discovering Hidden Treasure • 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3 The State of Illinois has 1.7 billion dollars in unclaimed assets- is some of it yours? Join us for this information program and learn if you have hidden assets through Illinois State Treasurer’s I-Cash program. Registration required for this free program. Acting & Improvisation • 10:30 a.m. to noon, Thursdays, Oct. 3 - 24 Ever want to try acting? Explore improvisation, role playing, and acting exercises and unleash your inner actor. This class will give you the opportunity to reclaim the past, enhance your present and inspire your future. Seasoned actress and instructor Lorelei Goldman will teach you how acting can add zest to life.$35 member; $42 non-member Great Screen Teams • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Oct. 8 – 29, $9 member; $11 non-member Their names are forever linked together: Bogart & Bacall; Tracy and Hepburn; Jack Lemon & Walter Matthau; and The Marx Brothers. In this fast, fun and fascinating film series, cultural Historian Barry Bradford will explain the dynamics of each team, shot plenty of fantastic film clips, and share enthralling stories of some of the classic movie teams of all time! Please register for each week you wish to attend. • Oct. 8: Bogart & Bacall • Oct. 15: Tracy & Hepburn • Oct. 22 Jack Lemon & Walter Matthau • Oct. 29: The Marx Brothers Verdi’s La Traviata • 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9 As Verdi’s most popular opera, La Traviata runs the
Obituary Raymond John Skutnik Raymond John Skutnik, age 78, passed away on September 5, 2013 after a long illness with Parkinson’s. He was a veteran of the US Army, and worked for Centel in Park Ridge,. He was preceded in death by his parents John and Marie, as well as his sister Maryann Swindell. He is
gamut of emotions from gaiety to intense sadness. Bob Levi’s unique lecture focuses on where music from La Traviata can be found in popular culture. Scenes from Pretty Woman, other movies, telecasts and advertising comprise the program. The “Brindisi” Drinking Song and “Sempre Libera” represent melodies familiar to everyone. $8 member; $10 non-member Amanda Johnson Remembers Jane Addam • 1 to 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7 Amanda Johnson, a young graduate from the University of Wisconsin, worked at Hull House as a settlement worker. In 1895 Jane Addams, who at the time was garbage inspector for the 19th Ward, appointed Amanda as her deputy. Together the two of them would begin their day at six in the morning and follow the garbage wagons to the dump, arrest slum landlords and complain to City Hall. They became famous for their attacks on garbage and disease in the ward. Jeanmarie DwightWrigley portrays Amanda at the age of 72 and shares her memories of working with Jane Addams, the “saint of Chicago,” the ups and downs of running Hull House, and their fight against prejudice and poverty in Chicago. $8 member; $10 non-member Movie Memories • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14 Why are certain movies worth watching over and over again? See for yourself in this clip-filled original video featuring some of movies’ best memories. From Chaplin to Connery, from Capra to
survived by his son, Steven (Jodi); daughter, Linda Lee; grandchildren, Anastasia, Nicholas, and Tyler; and many nieces and nephews. A memorial visitation was held, Sept. 12, at the Skaja Terrace Funeral Home 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles from 9 a.m. until time of service atoon. In lieu of flowers, donations to Muhammed Ali Parkinson’s Center/Barrow Neurological Foundation appreciated. To donate, please call 602-4066262.
Spielberg, they’re all here to see and enjoy once more. After viewing the video, enter the Movie Memories Trivia Contest, and join in a conversation about your own fondest Movie Memories! $8 member; $10 non-member TV Memories • 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28 Take a fresh look at Uncle Miltie, Edward R. Murrow, Lucy, Gunsmoke, and more! Watch an original video featuring Chicago TV professionals who describe television’s formative years and show clips from some of those early broadcasts. Get an insider’s view of early television programming! Also included in the presentation is a unique word puzzle to test your own TV memories. $8 member; $10 non-member Senior Center membership Become a member of North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus and enjoy opportunities to live longer, happier, healthier lives through an array of programs, activities, trips and services. Members receive a discount on all programs, activities, and trips, Lifelong Learning Program Catalog, information on local, state, and federal issues affecting seniors, and invitations to special events and presentations. Membership dues are $20 for an individual and $35 for a couple/household for a full year. Everyone welcome! Call North Shore Senior Center’s Morton Grove Campus at 847-470-5223 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or stop by the Senior Center, 6140 Dempster Street in Morton Grove, to become a member.
or the first two-plus decades of my life, the word “football” to me meant what Americans call soccer. While I still love soccer, I’ve also become a fan of American football. And I’m excited that the pro season has finally begun, a sure sign that we’re about to enter autumn. That, of course, means it’s tailgating season. I use that term broadly, whether you’re a dedicated tailgater who cooks elaborate meals in the stadium parking lot, someone who brings along a meal kept hot in vacuum containers, or a fan who simply follows the tailgating spirit by serving a hearty meal while watching the game at home. And, as far as I’m concerned, that also means it’s chili season. Autumn is the perfect time of year to make and serve big pots of chili. Basically a robust meat stew seasoned with spicy chili peppers, it’s satisfying, fortifying and warms you up from the inside. I only became well acquainted with the dish after I moved to Los Angeles back in 1975. But I took to it immediately, especially because good chili reminds me so much of one of my favorite childhood dishes in Austria: goulash, a traditional meat stew liberally seasoned with dried paprika, itself a hot pepper. Just as I long ago learned that there seem to be as many versions of goulash as there are Austrian (and Hungarian) cooks, so are there endless versions of chili. For proof, just look at all the chili cook-offs across the nation.To all those See PUCK, page 26
Basically a robust meat stew seasoned with spicy peppers, chili is satisfying, fortifying and warms you up from the inside.
BEEF AND BLACK BEAN CHILI Serves 10 to 12 1/2 pound dried black beans 3/4 cup vegetable oil 2-1/2 pounds boneless beef chuck or round, cut into 1/2-inch dice 6 dried pasilla chiles, stemmed and seeded 2 pounds yellow onions, cut into 1/4inch dice, plus 1 medium-sized yellow onion, peeled and quartered 3-1/2 cups organic beef broth 3 bay leaves 1 small head garlic, peeled and minced 2 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons paprika 2 pounds tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped 4-1/2 cups dark beer 1/2 carrot, cut into chunks 1/2 celery stalk, cut into chunks 1-1/2 cups water 2 jalapeno chiles, halved, stemmed, seeded, deveined, and minced 2 serrano chiles, halves, stemmed, seeded, deveined, and minced
1 bunch fresh oregano, leaves finely chopped 1 bunch fresh thyme, leaves finely chopped 2 lemons, zested and juiced 1 bunch fresh cilantro, leaves finely chopped 1/4 cup molasses Salt Crumbled queso fresco or shredded Monterey jack cheese, for serving Chopped yellow onion, for serving Sour cream, for serving Fresh, warm flour or corn tortillas, for serving The night before, sort through the beans, put in a sieve, and rinse under cold water.Transfer to a bowl and add cold water to cover by 2 inches. Cover loosely and soak overnight at room temperature. At least 3 hours before you plan to serve the chili, heat 1/2 cup oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium heat. Add the beef and saute, turning
occasionally, until evenly browned, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a large pot over medium heat, heat the remaining oil. Add the pasilla chiles and saute until fragrant, about 2 minutes, then remove and set aside. In the same pot, saute the diced onion until lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, put 2 cups broth and the sauteed pasillas. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food processor and, following manufacturer’s instructions to take care when working with hot liquids, puree. Stir the bay leaves, garlic, pepper, cumin and paprika into the pot with the onions and saute until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Pour in the brothchile puree. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until thickened, about 10 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes, beef, and beer. Partially cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for
about 2 hours, until the beef is very tender and the sauce is thick. Meanwhile, prepare the beans. Drain them, reserving the soaking liquid. Put the beans in a saucepan with the quartered yellow onion, carrot, and celery. Pour in the remaining broth and the 1-1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer briskly until tender, about 2 hours, adding reserved soaking liquid if needed to keep the beans covered. Remove the onion, carrot and celery. Drain the beans, reserving the liquid. Stir the jalapenos, serranos, oregano, thyme, and lemon zest and juice into the beef mixture. Stir in the drained bean and cilantro, then the molasses. If the chili seems too thick, stir in some reserved bean cooking liquid. Season to taste with salt. Remove the bay leaves. Serve accompanied by bowls of cheese, onion and sour cream, for guests to add to taste, along with warm tortillas.
Italy’s undiscovered alpine retreat L
ocated in northeastern Italy, the Dolomites have been called the most beautiful mountains on earth, and certainly they are among the most dramatic.They offer some of the best alpine thrills in Europe, whether you want to stay firmly planted on the ground or soar high above the valley floor. While no secret to the Italians, many Americans aren’t aware of these remarkable peaks.The mountains differ from the rest of the Alps because of their dominant rock type - dolomite which forms sheer vertical walls of white, gray, and pink rising abruptly from green valleys and meadows. It’s here you’ll find Europe’s largest alpine meadow - Alpe di Siusi.The huge meadow - 3 miles long by 7 miles wide seems to float at 6,000 feet. It’s dotted by farm huts and wildflowers, surrounded by soaring peaks and crisscrossed by meadow trails - ideal for flower lovers, walkers and equestrians. For a good home base, try the nearby village of Castelrotto, which offers accommodations and restaurants with Tirolean flair. Because the Alpe di Siusi is a popular winter destination for skiers, chairlifts are everywhere - providing springboards for dramatic summer hikes or bike rides. Mountain bikes are easy to rent, welcome on many lifts and permitted on the meadow’s country lanes. While the Dolomites are peaceful now, during World War I the front line between
Bolzano’s archaeology museum holds the remains of the Ice Man a hunter frozen into a mountain glacier five centuries ago - and this model of what he may have looked like.
the Italian and Austrian forces ran through these mountains, and many paths were cut into the range for military use.Today mountaineers can follow a network of metal rungs, cables, and ladders - what Italians call a via ferrata. One famous wartime trail is the Strada delle Gallerie (Road of Tunnels), which passes through 52 tunnels. Those battles are part of a hard-fought history that has left the region bicultural and bilingual. For many centuries it
was part of Austria. But after its World War I defeat, Austria lost this land, and “Sudtirol” became “Alto Adige.” Many locals still feel a closer bond with their Germanic ancestors than with their Italian countrymen. Most have a working knowledge of Italian, but they watch Germanlanguage TV, read newspapers auf Deutsch, and live in Tiroleanlooking villages. Overall, seven in 10 Italians living in the South Tirol speak German as their mother tongue.
The main city of the region - Bolzano (or “Bozen” to its German-speaking residents) - exemplifies this split personality: If it weren’t so sunny, you could be in Innsbruck.This arcaded old town of 100,000 is worth a Tirolean stroll.The main square, Piazza Walther, is the town’s living room. It was the site of Italy’s first McDonald’s, which - in the early 1990s - became the first McDonald’s to be shut down by locals protesting American fast food. Bolzano’s top attraction is a 5,300-year-old man named Otzi.This frozen “Ice Man” was discovered high in the mountains on the Italian/ Austrian border in 1991. Police initially believed the corpse was a lost hiker, and Otzi was chopped roughly out of the glacier, damaging his left side. But upon discovering his copper-bladed hatchet, officials realized that they had found a nearly perfectly preserved Stone Age hunter. Later, researchers pinned down the cause of his death - an arrowhead buried in Otzi’s left shoulder that led to uncontrollable bleeding and a quick end. As the body was found right on the border, Austria and Italy squabbled briefly over who would get him. Tooth enamel studies have now shown that he did grow up on the Italian side, so it’s only fair that Bolzano’s South Tirol Museum of Archaeology is Otzi’s final resting place ( With Otzi as the centerpiece, the museum takes you on an intriguing journey through time, recounting the evolution of humanity - from the Paleolithic era to the Roman period and finally to the Middle Ages. The exhibit offers informative displays and models, video
demonstrations of Otzi’s extraction, and his personal effects.You’ll see Otzi himself still frozen - as well as an artist’s reconstruction of what he looked like when alive. Also in Bolzano, you can take a quick, easy cable car ride over the countryside to the touristy resort village of Oberbozen, where Sigmund Freud and his wife once celebrated their wedding anniversary.The reasonably priced, 12-minute ride offers views of the town, made-for-yodeling-farmsteads and distant views of the Dolomites. But if you want to hike among real mountains, linger in the Alpe di Siusi instead. In spite of all the ski resorts, the regional color survives here in a felt-hat-with-feathers way. Whether you experience the Dolomites with your hand on a walking stick, a ski pole or an aperitivo while mountaingazing from a cafe, it’s easy to enjoy this Germanic eddy in the whirlpool of Italy. Rick Steves ( writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. Email him at and follow his blog on Facebook.
Five-year anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis By Jill Schlesinger Tribune Content Agency
The traditional anniversary gift for a fifth anniversary is wood, so to honor of the fifth anniversary of the financial crisis, you can hand out wooden nickels. Five years ago, the U.S. financial system was brought to its knees. As a reminder of just how bad that week was, consider this timeline: • Sept.15,2008:Lehman Brothers Holdings filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. On the same day, Bank of America announced its intent to purchase Merrill Lynch for $50 billion. • Sept. 16, 2008: The Federal Reserve Board authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to lend up to $85 billion to AIG under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. • Sept. 16, 2008: The net asset value of shares in the Reserve Primary Money Fund fell below
$1, mostly due to losses on Lehman Brothers commercial paper and medium-term notes. When the Reserve money market mutual fund “broke the buck,” it caused panic among investors who considered money market accounts nearly the equivalent of bank savings accounts. • Sept. 19, 2008: To guard against a run on money market funds, the Treasury Department announced that it would insure up to $50 billion in money-market fund investments at companies that pay a fee to participate in the program.The initiative guaranteed that the funds’ value would not fall below $1 a share. • Sept. 20, 2008: The Treasury Department asked Congress to pass legislation that would give it authority to purchase troubled assets. • Sept. 21, 2008: The Federal Reserve Board approved applications of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to become
bank holding companies. Here’s a snapshot of where we stand five years after that momentous week: Jobs: In September 2008, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent, on its way up to 10 percent in October 2009. The rate now stands at 7.3 percent ( Despite progress during the recovery, the economy still has 1.9 million fewer jobs than it did before the recession. At the recent pace of job growth, it will take just under 11 months to reach the previous peak. Income: For those lucky enough to have jobs, the financial crisis and recession put a dent in median household income. According to Sentier Research, the July 2013 median household income ($52,113),adjusted for inflation,was 6.2 percent lower than December 2007 ($55,569), the first month of the recession.Incomes are 5 percent
lower than in September 2008. It may be cold comfort to consider that the recession exacerbated a trend that was already occurring: July 2013 median income was 7.3 percent lower than that of January 2000 ($56,233), the beginning of the statistical series. Economic growth: In the fourth quarter of 2008, when the impact of the financial crisis was cascading through the system, GDP dropped by 8.3 percent. For all of 2008, GDP slid 0.3 percent, followed by a 2.8 percent drop in 2009. The official end of the recession (as determined by the Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research) occurred in June 2009. While the total size of the U.S. economy today ($15,681 trillion) is larger than it was in Q3 2008 ($14.895 trillion), the pace of the recovery has lagged the annual average post-World War II growth rate of 3-3.5 percent. Stocks: At the end of trading
Pineal gland cysts are common but don’t normally cause headaches By Julie Hammack, M.D. Tribune Content Agency
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Is there a way to treat pineal gland cysts? If so, how? Could this be what is causing my headaches? ANSWER: Pineal gland cysts are common. As many as 2 percent of healthy adults develop this kind of cyst. Rarely does a pineal gland cyst cause headaches or any other symptoms. In most cases, no treatment is necessary for a pineal gland cyst. But your case should be carefully reviewed to make sure you have a pineal gland cyst and not a more serious disorder like a pineal gland tumor. The pineal gland is a tiny structure near the center of the brain in an area called the cerebrum, the largest section of the brain. The cerebrum is responsible for processing messages sent to the brain from other parts of the body and then telling the body how to respond. The cerebrum controls functions such as thinking, learning, speech, emotions and movement. The pineal gland’s job is to make a hormone called melatonin that helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle. A cyst is a sac that can form in any part of the body. Often cysts are filled with air, fluid or other material. Cysts that occur in the
pineal gland almost never cause symptoms. So, it is unlikely that your headaches are the result of a pineal gland cyst. In most cases, these cysts are discovered when a brain scan is done for an unrelated reason, such as a head trauma, migraine headaches or dizzy spells. Pineal gland cysts are most commonly found in women 20 to 30 years old, and are very rare before puberty or after menopause. This suggests hormones may play a role in causing the cysts. Because they don’t usually cause symptoms or lead to complications, the vast majority of pineal gland cysts do not require surgery or other treatment. Pineal cysts are best seen on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This type of brain imaging is typically reviewed by a specialist, such as a neuroradiologist, who is experienced in evaluating brain cysts and tumors. That physician can tell the difference between a simple pineal gland cyst and another condition that may require treatment, such as a pineal gland tumor. In contrast to cysts, tumors are an abnormal mass of tissue.They can be either noncancerous or cancerous. If a pineal gland tumor is found, treatment depends on the specific type, size and location of the tumor, as well as the individual’s overall
health and preferences. In many cases, surgery is often the first step in treating pineal gland tumors. If your health care team has confirmed the diagnosis of a pineal gland cyst, talk to your doctor about any next steps that are needed. Follow-up imaging of the cyst is often recommended. Since your headaches might not be due to the pineal gland cyst, discuss with your doctor other possible causes for your headaches. A variety of primary headache and medical conditions can lead to chronic headaches.For example, migraine and tension-type headaches are common causes of frequent headaches. Lifestyle factors, among them stress, lack of adequate sleep, diet and overuse of caffeine, may also result in ongoing headaches. Identifying an underlying primary headache disorder or addressing lifestyle issues that may be contributing to headaches can lead to treatment which helps to reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of your headaches. - Julie Hammack, M.D., Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Medical Edge from Mayo Clinic is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. To submit a question, write to: For health information, visit
that first fateful week of the crisis, the damage wasn’t so bad, if you didn’t have to live through the day-to-day swings. By Friday September 19, 2008, the Dow had dropped just 33 points to 11,388; the S&P 500 edged up 4 points to 1,255; and the NASDAQ was up 12 points to 2,273. Stocks bottomed out in March 2009 and then skyrocketed by nearly 150 percent to today’s near-record levels. Housing: While stock markets bottomed out about six months after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, it took the epicenter of the crisis, the housing market, far longer. House prices peaked in 2006, then reached bottom in early 2012. National house prices are up nearly 16 percent from the postbubble low but still remain down over 23 percent from the peak. Currently, 1 in 6 homeowners is still underwater on their mortgages (amount owed on mortgage is more than the home’s value).
PUCK Continued from page 24 different versions, I’d like to add one of my own - a recipe my team and I developed years ago when I had a Los Angeles brewpub named Eureka. Ice-cold beer is, after all, a perfect accompaniment to chili, as well as a rich source of flavor in recipes, including this one. As you’ll see, there are many stages to the preparation, though each is fairly simple.The reason behind the number of steps is the fact that a good chili has real complexity and depth, giving this recipe many different layers of flavors and textures, all of which work together to produce a stew that satisfies mightily with every spoonful. Here, the recipe calls for beef. But you could also make it with pork, lamb, duck, or even chicken. (If using chicken, I only add the browned meat to the pot for the last 30 minutes of simmering.) Once you’ve tasted it, you can also feel free to vary the seasonings, and the heat level, as you like. Which means it’s a recipe you can go on enjoying at least for the next five months, right up to Super Bowl Sunday and beyond!