Sentinel 02-26-14

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Wednesday, Februar y 26, 2014

Vol. 19 No. 12

Voyager Media Publications •



District 4 contingent say ill Barber needs to step down Mayor Tom Giarrante noted he had talked to Barber about her absence By Stewart Warren For the Bugle

BY JEANNE MILLSAP for THe SeNTINeL two shorewood students will be advancing to state competition at the rube goldberg Machine Competition in March after their team took second place in the contest held Feb. 18 at Minooka Community High school. Emily Wielbik and Kasey Watts, both Shorewood juniors, along with their teammates Haleigh Sullivan and Aly Gagnon, juniors from Minooka, placed for the “Countdown to Rube Day” machine they designed, which consisted of 30 steps of New Year’s Eve balls dropping, moving groundhogs, a flying Cupid, a spinning fourleaf clover, a string-pulling Easter bunny, a pilgrim on a Thanksgiving teeter totter and a coal-releasing Santa Claus hat. The last step in the team’s construction was a pulley that zipped up a zipper, which was the goal for all 20 teams in the competition. The team was excited at placing so high in the contest required by honors physics students at the school. “We were really happy with the outcome,” Aly Gagnon said. “We felt like we were the underdogs when we went in there.We were

photo bY JeANNe miLLsAp/FoR the seNtiNeL

MCHS students, from left, Kasey Watts of Shorewood, Haleigh Sullivan of Minooka), Emily Wielbik of Shorewood and Aly Gagnon of Minooka pose with the “Countdown to Rube Day” machine they designed for the annual Rube Goldberg competition. Placing second at MCHS, they will compete at the University of Illinois March 14.

all really nervous.” The one human intervention the team had to make was giving a train a little nudge. Points were deducted for that mishap.The entire run of their machine took only 15 seconds. “All this hard work for only 15 seconds,”Ally said with a laugh. “To tell the truth,” Emily said, “I was really surprised … We had one intervention. It was so much fun, more than I thought it would be.” “I was really praying it would work,”

Kasey Watts said. “I was so nervous. I didn’t want anything to go wrong … At the beginning, I didn’t think I could build anything like that. But if you set your mind to anything, you can do it if you persevere.” Emily said the team first considered a Christmas-based theme for their machine, then changed it to a holiday one after they realized Christmas might be a more popular subject, and the

>> See goldberg | page 2

On Aug. 19, Councilwoman Susie Barber became ill at the end of a Joliet City Council meeting and left City Hall in an ambulance. She has not been at a city meeting since then. Some residents who live in her district four neighborhood are upset about that, and they came to the Feb. 18 Council meeting to complain. “I am here to talk CoUnCIlwoMAn about the ‘elephant in sUsIe bArber, dIstrICt 4 the room,’” said John Sheridan of 1122 N. Center St., a member of the Cunningham Neighborhood Council,the residents’ association in district 4. Sheridan said he was referring to fact that city officials weren’t discussing the fact that Barber had not been around for 183 days. “Enough is enough,” he said. The situation simply was not fair to the residents, he said. District 4 was not represented when the city chose a new city manager and developed the 2014 budget, Sheridan said. He urged the city officials to do something. After all, Barber was paid $20,000 a year to serve. “Just how long do you think any other employer in Joliet would allow this to go on in their business without putting their employee on long-term disability,” Sheridan said. >> See step down | page 3



News >> goldberg, from page 1 group wanted something a little different. The Rube Goldberg Competition challenges high school students to invent a machine using at least 20 steps, all which proceed on their own, without human intervention. Students may use pulleys, gravity, centrifugal force, magnets, and all sorts of mechanics to achieve the final goal. MCHS physics teacher and competition organizer Anthony Babich said the school has done the competition for years – even when he participated in it as a student in 1998-1999. It’s a great way for the students to put physics into action, he said, and to participate with each other in group work. “As they work on these,” Babich said, “they can think about energy transformation, magnetism, electricity and other physics concepts.”

As they designed pulleys and zip lines, for instance, the students used their knowledge of energy potential turning into kinetic energy, Babich explained. Marbles bumping each other and dominoes falling onto one another show how momentum transfers from one object to the next. Students even used physics in their machines to move a marble up a track with the help of magnetism. The various steps were all used together to achieve that last step of zipping the zipper. The three judges, all MCHS science teachers, measured the contraptions based on whether there were at least 20 steps in the project; creative use of unconventional materials; use of innovative non-electrically powered steps; presentation of machine; creativity; uniform theme; smoothness; and the “wow” factor. Haleigh Sullivan said the most difficult part of building

the machine was getting each individual task to work well with the others. Then the team had to take it all apart at Aly’s house and reassemble it in the school gym for the competition. Haleigh said all the little fixes they had to do to get things to run just right were accomplished by “a lot of magnets and hot glue.” “I’m very happy,” Babich said of all the machines in the contest this term.“I can tell they’ve worked very hard with their projects, and there is a lot of quality in them this year.There are a lot of creative steps, and the designs are colorful.” The first place award went to the team, “Mining for GOLDberg,” with seniors Kara Gossen, Rebecca Peeples, Erika Fruscione and Marah Kasuba.Third place went to, “Rube-y Trap,” with team members Rachel Deluga, Lily Benig and Julia Goggins. The fan favorite award went to team, “Mining for Goldberg.”

News Shorewood Lions Club / Troy 30C W.B. Orenic Intermediate and Troy Middle School Students of The Month

submitted photo

Shorewood Lions Club / Troy Wm.B. Orenic Intermediate School Sixth Grade Students and Troy Middle School Seventh and Eighth Grade Students of The Month for the Month of November, 2013 are from left to right Seated Front Row 6th Graders,( 6 Acc Dalton Henderson), Daisy Collazo, Natalie Contreras, Joseph Lizzio, 7th Grader Ayanna Jackson, Back Row Standing 7th Graders Eriyon Stuart, Vincent Simpson, 8th Graders, Anthony Ally Novak, Joseph Tonelli, Renee Forneris, 8th Accelerated Diego Howell, (not pictured 6th Grader Megan Glad and 7th Grade Accelerated Rebeca Hass.)

Shorewood Lions Club / Troy 30C W.B. Orenic Intermediate and Troy Middle School Students of The Month for the month of November, 2013 were selected on the basis of consistent effort, productive citizenship, positive attitude, participation in class and advisory team. The students were honored and received their awards during the Troy 30C School Board Meeting on December 18, 2013

>> step down, from page 1 Sheridan urged the Council to create an ordinance that would allow the recall of elected officials. Other towns, such as Arlington Heights and Downers Grove, have that type of law, Sheridan said. Mayor Tom Giarrante asked City Attorney Jeff Plyman if anything could be done. Plyman explained that someone could go talk to Barber, but she could not be removed from office. After all, she had been elected by her constituents. “Changes of that magnitude require concurrence of voters in a referendum,” Plyman said. Several members of the audience said they had tried to talk to Barber, but had not been able to reach her. The mayor noted he had talked to Barber about her absence. “She does say she probably should step down,” he said.







Library district sets Public Hearing date Officials say they want to let the public know BReaKING DOWN of the proposed work and get their feedback tHe NuMBeRs The Shorewood-Troy Library is holding a Public Hearing at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 6, at the library, 650 Deerwood Drive, Shorewood, to discuss a proposed $100,000 replacement for the facility’s two-story picture window. Library officials say they want to let the public know of the proposed work and get their feedback. The window, the only window to the outside on the lower floor, is located behind the reference desk on the first floor. A structural analysis of the building indicates the window needs to be replaced as soon as possible, due to life-safety issues, library officials say. A link to the full structural analysis report is available at www.shorewood. Library officials also can provide copies. The estimated cost of

WEB LINKS Library Director Jennifer Cisna Mills is available at jmills@ or by calling 815-725-1715. Library trustees can be reached at trustee@

the full replacement of the window, including architectural and construction fees, is approximately $100,000. Library officials say the cost for the full replacement would affect the amount of services the library would be able to provide, including possible cuts to collections, programming and staffing levels. So, the board asked the architects for window design alternatives. The hope is to maintain the look and the feel of the large picture windows,

shorewood-troy library without the large costs. The

$100,000 hearing is proposed for a $100,000 replacement for the facility’s two-story picture window.


library officials say the $40,000 savings to the taxpayers is significant, and the library will also be able to provide current levels of service to the public at the $60,000 cost.

architects have come back with potential replacement ideas, involving wood and brick framing (which is less expensive since the building load wouldn’t be held by only glass) with large picture windows. Both of the solutions are less than $60,000.


Library officials say the $40,000 savings to the taxpayers is significant, and the library will also be able to provide current levels of service to the public at the $60,000 cost. However, the board would like to provide a forum for comment. The Library has brochures available of the

alternate window designs, and the staff can answer questions prior to the hearing. Library Director Jennifer Cisna Mills is available at jmills@ or by calling 815-725-1715. Library trustees can be reached at trustee@shorewoodtroylibrary. org.



Woodworth ‘Yes I Can’ winner Senior at Lockport Township awarded for promoting legislation to help athletes with disabilities Tyler Woodworth, a senior at Lockport Township High School, recently was named a “Yes I Can” Award recipient for self-advocacy by the Council for Exceptional Children. Woodworth earned the honor after successfully getting a new law signed in Illinois that will help public school studentathletes with disabilities. Woodworth prompted legislation that helps students participating in organized adaptive athletic programs by allowing school districts to excuse these students from their required physical education classes. State law already allowed the exemption for students without disabilities who qualify. “This bill closed the loophole excluding student with disabilities from waiving PE. The state law allowed for exemptions of able-bodied student athletes, but there was no equivalent for studentathletes with disabilities,” said Dr. Angela Huntington, director of special education at LTHS. “This new law allows students to take additional academic classes as their able-bodied


Gov. Pat Quinn congratulates Tyler Woodworth for being the “Yes I can” award winner, as other members of Tyler’s sled hockey team look on.

student-athlete peers.” The new law, which was effective immediately, was signed by Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn in July. Tyler is a member of the Chicago Hornets youth sled hockey team. “Tyler is an outstanding young man who has risen above his peers to find time performing countless acts of kindness towards others and giving back to the community,” said James Smith, head coach of the Hornets. “Tyler has portrayed the unique ability to positively influence others within his peer group on the need to be a good student, good athlete, and good citizen. He is a young man who is a true professional.” As a “Yes I Can” award

recipient, Tyler and his family have been invited to attend a special awards ceremony hosted by the Council for Exceptional Children, which will be held in April in Philadelphia. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.





Police Blotter

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The following items were compiled from the official reports of the Joliet Police Department. Appearing in the police blotter does not constitute a finding of guilt, only a court of law can make that determination.

Joliet 1

Michael C. Loy, 29, of 4100 Cummins, Plano, charged with driving under the influence, driving while license revoked and no insurance on Feb. 8 at 100 E. Jefferson St.


Hermelindo Rodriguez, 33, 219 N. Eastern Ave., was arrested at 8:35 p.m. Feb. 14 at 221 N. Eastern for aggravated driving under the influence, DUI: BAC over .08 and resisting/ obstructing a peace officer.


A 16-year-old was arrested at 10:11 p.m. Feb. 14 at 14 W. Jefferson for battery.


Kyle F. Dulny, 20, 1205 David A. Barry Drive, Shorewood, was arrested at 2:15 p.m. Feb. 14 at 2410 Route 59 for retail theft.


Melissa A. Guerrero, 25, 418 White Ave., was arrested at 2:50 p.m. Feb. 14 at 1528 N. May for battery and retail theft. Mayral Alvarez, 26, 1528 N. May, was arrested for retail theft.



Joseph C. O’Meara, 28, 1403 Nicholson, was arrested at 1:16 p.m. Feb. 14 at Larkin and Oneida on a Will County warrant and for domestic battery.


Kori S. Hood, 37, 913 Elizabeth, was arrested at 8:25 p.m. Feb. 14 at 401 N. Larkin for Possession of a Controlled Substance.


Aaron A. Craig, 26, 454 Florence Ave., was arrested at 2:41 a.m. Feb. 14 at 409 Jefferson for Aggravated assault, resisting a P.O. and obstructing a P.O.


Joseph D. Waits, 30, 2006 McKinley, was arrested at 2:23 a.m. Feb. 14 in the 200 block of Pine for Possession of a controlled substance and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon by a felon, and for an out of town warrant. James S. James, 23, 218 Madison, was arrested at 3:47 a.m. Feb. 14 at that address for Domestic battery and interfering with reporting domestic violence.


Renee L. Rink, 52, 16152 S. Burgundy Drive, Plainfield, was arrested at 12:12 a.m. Feb. 15 at 826 Kelly for aggravated DUI.


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Brandon B. Tutor, 27, 601 E. Mondamin, Minooka, was arrested at 1:59 a.m. Feb. 15 at 1119 Krings for criminal trespass to residence.


C. Shockley, 49, 13 Darryl 1007 Lois Place, was arrested at 12:26 a.m. Feb. 15 at 1000 Lois Place for obstructing identification. Julanda D. Daniels, 42, 2121 Tamarack Drive, was arrested at 11:40 p.m. Feb. 15 at 2231 W. Jefferson for obstructing a P.O. and possession of cannabis.


M. Libby, 23, 611 15 Maggie W. Madison St., Pontiac, was arrested at 5:14 p.m. Feb. 15 at 2424 W. Jefferson for Retail Theft. Mortell A. Ketara, 21, 194 Saenz, was arrested at 2:10 p.m. Feb. 15 at 2424 W. Jefferson for retail theft.


Gary J. Kozlowski, 56, 2519 Meer Park Court, Crest Hill, was arrested at 2:36 p.m. Feb. 15 at 1590 N. Larkin for retail theft.


Eric D. Walker, 50, 417 W. Marion, was arrested at 4:26 p.m. Feb. 15 at 301 N. Bluff for criminal trespass to real property.


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Alonda Harris, 45, 1450 Sedgwick, Chicago, was arrested at 6:50 a.m. Feb. 15 at 151 N. Joliet for theft of lost property.


Thomas A. Korilko, 53, 1402 Clement, was arrested at 5:46 p.m. Feb. 16 at that address for aggravated domestic battery, aggravated assault and resisting a police officer.


Andrea Hernandez-Valera, 33, 540 N. Hebbard, was arrested at 2:22 p.m. Feb. 16 at 2524 W. Jefferson for retail theft.



John A. Potter, 45, 113 Parkside Drive, Shorewood, charged with driving while license suspended and no insurance Feb. 15 at 100 E. Jefferson St.


Tylor J. Pleasant, 21, 1020 Caton Ridge Dr., Plainfield, charged with driving under the influence and driving too fast for conditions after officers responded to an accident at S.E. Frontage Road and Jefferson Street on Feb. 15.


Tabitha A. Brown, 23, 1404 Fairmont Ave., and Tamara D. Ulmer, 21, 113 Mississippi Ave., were arrested at 6:38 p.m. Feb. 16 at 124 Richards for obstructing identification. Ulmer also was arrested on a Will County warrant.

Alejandro Contreras, 52, 15925 Route 59, Plainfield, charged with theft of labor or services after officers responded to a customer unable to pay a taxi fare on Feb. 17 at 101 Cottage Street.


Sarah E. Britz, 32, 24749 W. Meadowlark Drive, Channahon,was arrested at 10:47 p.m. Feb. 16 at 777 Hollywood for aggravated assault, disorderly conduct and obstructing justice.

Lynette M. Pena, 46, of 517 Sean Drive, Shorewood, was charged on a Will County warrant for no valid driver’s license and no insurance on Feb. 18 at 800 Brookforest Ave.

Xadrian M. Stepney, 20, 2614 Adams, Bellwood, was arrested at 1:15 a.m. Feb. 17 at Briggs and Copperfield for aggravated assault.

Doris A. Coleman, 29, of 1917 W. Crestview Circle, Romeoville, charged on two Will County warrants for driving while license suspended on Feb. 19 at Jefferson Street and Wynstone Drive.



For more Joliet police blotter, visit




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Send us your photos Did your club host a bake sale? Did your church group volunteer to paint a senior’s home? If you have photos from your group’s fundraisers or events we would be glad to publish them. Please submit them to Be sure to include information about the event, such as when, why and where it occurred. Opinions printed on this page, whether in Letters to the Editor or in columns or cartoons, are the opinions of the writer and not necessarily of this newspaper, its publishers, editor or employees. Only editorials reflect the views of the newspaper.

General Manager V.P. Advertising and Marketing Michael James Managing Editor Nick Reiher 815-436-2431 ext. 117 Assistant Managing Editor Jonathan Samples Reporters Jonathan Samples Alex Hernandez Laura Katauskas Sports Editor Scott Taylor Advertising Manager Pat Ryan

Production Director Andrew Samaan Enterprise Newspapers, Inc. 23856 Andrew Road #104 Plainfield, IL 60585 (815) 436-2431 • Fax (815) 436-2592 Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Editorial Deadlines Calendar & News: 3 p.m. Monday, three weeks before date of publication Ad Deadlines Space and Copy deadlines for Display and Classified Ads is 12 p.m. Friday before date of insertion. Legals, Obituaries and Happy Ads are due at 12 p.m. Friday.




Yes, I have more ‘burning’ questions Concerns about why the County Board has spent nearly a year trying to regulate leaf burning First of all, I have to say I screwed up. In a recent column taking the County Board to task about its handling of revisions to the county’s burning ordinance, I said they made it even more restrictive by suggesting a distance of 300 feet from structures instead of 1,000. Obviously, that’s wrong. But then, I still have trouble with using the sideways “v” signs to indicate “greater than” or “less than.” Not that it’s applicable in this case, because they didn’t. But … I screwed up. I still have a question on the burning ordinance though: Why are they doing this? Now I came to this party late. The County Board’s Public Health and Safety Committee has been dealing with this for nearly a year. They took it up at the behest of some residents, including those who live in incorporated areas – cities and villages – where they cannot burn leaves at all. That’s key here: The main issue is burning leaves, Joliet resident Maraline Mattke, who has been championing changes to the ordinance on behalf of those with breathing difficulties, reminded board members at a

recent committee meeting. She said smoke from burning leaves contain toxins, much the same as smoke from burning plastic, she said. She has to practically stay inside during leaf burning time, she said, and she knows there are a lot of ... why the county board has spent nearly a year trying to legislate ... leaF burning, and dragging Farmers and other unincorporated residents into the discussion. people with breathing problems who have to do the same. I do not doubt this at all. While I love the smell of burning leaves, my son, now grown, had chronic breathing problems growing up. The decision was relatively easy for us since we live in incorporated Joliet. We couldn’t burn leaves anyway. And we did our best to stay away from places where they would be doing it at other times. What would we do if we had

lived next to a person who burned leaves anyway, or who, like Mattke’s neighbor, is in an unincorporated area where burning leaves – and most other things – is allowed within 50 feet of another structure? If I were her neighbor, I would not burn on days the wind was blowing toward her house. Simple as that. But let’s say I had a neighbor who didn’t care to be neighborly and burned leaves whenever they wanted. And I had no recourse because that person, as unneighborly as they are being, is doing nothing illegal. That is really the crux of why the County Board has spent nearly a year trying to legislate something as ephemeral as leaf burning, and dragging farmers (who are by state law exempt) and other unincorporated residents into the discussion. Most of whom have no issue with open burning. To that end, after the recent health committee meeting, I turned around in my chair and asked John Cicero, Executive Director of the Will County Health Department, what he thought. He said they hadn’t received any complaints, and anyway, it’s a Land Use Department issue, since the burning ordinance is under that >> see questions | page 18

leTTer To THe edITor

Lockport’s new White Oak Library ‘is impressive’ Lockport has history that inspires and empowers everyone. The library illustrates this by their mission to inform and enrich and enlighten everyone. On Oct. 18, 2013, the Lockport White Oak Library had a grand opening. I was not able to attend, but my friend Diane Talbot took many notes. I and many other patrons who live in Crest Hill and Romeoville are privileged to visit and use their facility. The White Oak Lockport Library is magnificent.The foyer is impressive.The hallways are large, bright and very inviting. It has

many windows, floor to ceiling. The Children’s Department has a secret garden, and computers and headphones for small children, with the same for their guardians to share.There is a large adult and teen section upstairs, with a grand study room and smaller rooms. Friends of the Library presented a donation of $8,000 for more books for the children’s department. These are dedicated and caring patrons. As a former employee, I write all this to inform everyone of our three beacons, our three libraries that uplift, encourage, give hope, positive attitudes, and,

most of all, knowledge.The library is a tool to be used by anyone at any time, now and in the future. To succeed, we need to instill a love of books.Theodore Roosevelt always carried a book. He is it was his “greatest of companions.” It is a reflection of our character and heritage, with a hope for our future. Our future is bright because of the White Oak Crest Hill, Lockport and Romeoville libraries. Shirley J. Pergler Romeoville




Chicago man arrested in Manhattan marijuana bust 639 marijuana plants were found in basement of 25212 Spring St. in Brookstone subdivision By Erin Gallagher For The Bugle

A man arrested for growing $350,000 of marijuana plants owned the Manhattan home where the bust took place, but neighbors said he did not live there. The Will County Sheriff’s Gang Suppression Unit, assisted by Manhattan Police, arrested a Chicago man Monday after raiding 639 marijuana plants out of the basement of 25212 Spring St. in the Brookstone subdivision

on Feb. 16. Nhat Van Hoang is charged with two felonies for cultivation with intent to distribute marijuana, and a misdemeanor for possessing drug equipment. Neighbors asked to remain anonymous when they talked “They would make a point to wave to you or smile or act like they saw you,” one neighbor said.

about Hoang and an unidentified woman many thought was his wife. The couple moved into home

over five years ago, but neighbors claim they never lived there. Hoang was not the owner of the home, according to Kathy Hoffmeyer, Will County Sheriff spokesperson. Hoang lists 5830 N. Jersey Ave., Chicago on his driver’s license, she said. Hoang and the unidentified woman made weekly trips to the home during the day on Sundays and Wednesdays for a few hours at a time, neighbors said. Other Spring Street residents said the couple’s waves and smiles were forced, even fake. “They would make a point to wave to you or smile or act like they saw you,” one neighbor said. >> see manhattan | page 19





A picture of the Joliet Chamber of Commerce and Industry taken in 1927.

Serving the Membership as a Chamber Director Editor’s Note: The Joliet Bugle is working with the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry this year on promoting the chamber’s 100th Anniversary. The following is a column by Russ Slinkard, President and CEO of the Chamber:

hroughout its 100 years of existence, by whatever name, the Joliet region chamber of commerce and industry has been governed by an elected board of directors, elected by the membership-at-large following nomination by the nominating committee as appointed by the board chair. Once elected, Director terms begin January 1. Board of Director terms are for a threeyear period. All Directors are eligible to serve two consecutive three-year terms, but must then relinquish their Board seat to a newly elected member. In its

founding year of 1914, among the original directors were Arthur Leach, President, George Woodruff,A.A. Lennon, J. C.Adler Jr., E. J. Barklow, George A. Barr, William Stern, Sebastian Lagger, Albert Ohlhaver and others. Today’s Chamber Board of

Directors meets monthly and consists of 27 elected Directors and 8 Ex Officio Directors. Directors are expected to attend all meetings of the Board, along with other Chamber programs and events. Board members have many relationships, including: *A relationship to Chamber policy and a responsibility to help set Chamber actions and policies going forward. Director authority ends with their vote, with no individual authority to commit the Chamber to any action. *A relationship to the public as an official representative of the Chamber membership. *A relationship to the Chamber Staff which is limited to that of an advisor, while the chief paid executive is responsible for the hiring and functioning of the Staff. *A relationship to the other Directors as a co-partner to improve the commercial, industrial and civic life of

the community through the Chamber. Personal interests should be disassociated from all Chamber activities in order to do what is best for the organization. *A relationship to the Chamber program of work to reach Board established objectives. *A relationship to the Chamber budget. Financial support of the Chamber is through annual investments voluntarily made by business, industry and individual members. The Chamber operates on a budget proposed by the chief executive and approved by the Board. As you can see, a Chamber Director wears many hats. Any Chamber member may aspire to become a Director by simply expressing an interest to the chief executive or any Staff member. Anyone interested will have their name submitted to the Nominating Committee for consideration at the next election of Directors

quick facts Joliet region chamber

QUICK FACTS ABOUT Joliet Region Chamber • It began as the Commerce Chamber, then the Commerce and Industrial Association, then the Joliet Chamber of Commerce, and finally today’s name, the Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry. • The Joliet Region Chamber today has grown to over 1,200 business members, and is the fourth largest Chamber in Illinois.


Joliet region chamber oF commerce & industry upcoming events BUSINESS BUILDERS REFERRAL GROUP Fri, march 7, 8am – 9am

GREAT TEACHER BANQUET mon, march 10, 5:30pm – 8:30pm

timbers of shorewood, 1100 n. river rd., shorewood, il

Jacob henry victorian ballroom, 20 s. eastern ave. Joliet il 60433

Joliet Chamber Business Builders will give you the opportunity to meet weekly with 20-30 other business professionals. If you are the type of person that can generate good referrals from your line of work and would be happy to receive quality leads in return to further your business, let us know.

Joliet Region Chamber will be hosting the 6th annual JOLIET AREA GREAT TEACHERS BANQUET on Monday march 10th at the Jacob Henry Mansion’s Victorian Ballroom in Joliet. Twenty area teachers will be honored at this years banquet.



Crossword Puzzle

Across 1 Faux-antique decor 11 Nurses 15 Words next to many 22-Down 16 Malaysian Chinese shoe designer Jimmy 17 It’s hard to write with one 19 Cub games setting: Abbr. 20 Hidden Valley competitor 21 “Hah!” 22 Small-screen princess 23 Sing ballads, say 24 Word in a Le Pew address 26 Tab alternative 29 Foe of the fictional spy agency CONTROL 30 Pump parts 32 Authorizing 33 First-aid practitioner, briefly 34 In reality 36 Cutting remark 37 Don’t bother 39 Jard’n occupant 40 They’re built on

Down benches 41 Pretends 43 Yupik craft 45 Thomas who cocreated “Free to Be ... You and Me” 46 Spanish autonomy Castile and __ 47 Astronomy Muse 49 Stick with a spring 50 Brief black-andwhite flash? 53 Hunter’s companion 56 Singer of the children’s album “Camp Lisa” 57 Prevented from getting unruly 58 Minute 59 Biological cooler

1 What collaborators should be in 2 Garment feature that’s sometimes detachable 3 Family title 4 Like some news 5 Stock character? 6 Dweller on the Red Sea 7 Hutch contents 8 European trio in a Christmas song 9 Soc. Sec. supplement 10 Rogers __: Toronto stadium 11 Cheesy stuff 12 “Color me surprised!” 13 Shot glass 14 Bar supply available at the touch of a button 18 Pretentious 22 Check alternatives 23 “Welcome to the human network” tech giant 24 Desert mount 25 “GET FIRED

UP!” candy 26 Passes out 27 Phil Jackson, for most of the ‘70s 28 Early birds? 29 It may wash up onshore 31 Leaving for 34 Toots 35 2010 Western remake that garnered 10 Oscar nominations 38 Presently 40 Success on a mat 42 Haunted house sounds 44 Farm sound 46 Ton o’ 47 Jamaican hybrid fruit 48 Act like a pig, in a way 49 Star of Looney Tunes’ “for Scent-imental Reasons” 50 Fitness brand 51 Ivy League member 52 Cultivated 54 FF’s opposite 55 Bent piece

Take 5 Horoscopes Unsolicited advice is sometimes as unwelcome as unsolicited criticism. You have very good intentions and may be enthusiastic about helping others in the week to come. Remain sensitive, as some people must make their own decisions.

Age before beauty. Learn something valuable in the week to come from those who are older and wiser. Educational opportunities should be embraced with open arms. Remain sensitive to subtle undercurrents within the family.

One for all and all for one. Your happiness depends on the happiness of everyone this week. When you participate in a group effort, whether at home or at work, consider which actions will be in the best interests of everyone.

When opportunity knocks, be sure to answer with a smile. You could be rewarded in material ways or with recognition in the week ahead. Or you can create your own rewarding circumstances by starting something significant.

Eat the energy bar and you’ll go far. Get prepared to make your mark in the week ahead. You may find valuable advice or the answer to your prayers. If you can’t move forward with a pet project, then it wasn’t meant to be.

Strike a balance. You may be challenged to spend your money wisely this week. One part of your psyche wants to add to a nest egg for the future and the other side wants to fritter away pocket cash on transitory delights.

Right now, you might prefer your own company. Managing your time and home could be a priority. By the end of the week, however, you may be anxious to have someone by your side, even while tackling the most mundane jobs.

Pursue the future with fleet feet. The second half of the week could be an ideal time to develop sound plans for the future. You might consider adopting some new habits that boost your health and well-being.

Good Samaritans are celebrated. Practice putting others’ interests ahead of your own in the week to come. Since others respect your judgment and leadership abilities, you might receive a public pat on the back.

Take pride in discretion, not secrecy. If you are going to let the cat out of the bag, it’s only fair to be kind to the cat. In the week ahead, your desire for personal privacy may be at odds with your need to be straightforward.

Explore your options, not just opinions. You may meet several people this week who introduce you to new ideas and progressive techniques. This is a good time to test a relationship without making a firm commitment.

Your love life may be an exercise in excitement during the week ahead. You may attract new people who are fascinated by your open-minded views and “anything goes” attitude. Your intuitions are 80 percent trustworthy.



Tribune Content Agency 2014

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Answer: Passing the signs on the road for hours left them -- BILL BORED

INSIDE: West duo finishes top five in the state, page 12; Tigers win regional opener before bowling out of playoffs, page 13



Lockport’s Rossi brings home state title at 113 By Mark Gregory Sports Reporter

CHAMPAIGN - Lockport’s Brian Rossi lost in the semifinals of the state meet the past two seasons, so when he finally advanced to the state title match this season at 113 pounds, he was not going to let the opportunity to become a state champion slip through his fingers. The Stanford Universitybound senior defeated Plainfield South’s Miguel Silva 7-0 in the championship match to claim top billing. “All of the hard work finally paid off,” Rossi said. “Those last two years had a lot to do with my preparation. This year, I really took it one match at a time. The last two years I looked ahead a little too much. Everything I did throughout the season to prepare me for this moment made me focus for the tournament and I was able to dominate every match.” Dominate is what he did. Rossi outscored his opponents 40-3 in the four matches in the state tournament. It is his third state medal, as he placed third the past two years. He is the fourth Porter with at least three state medals in a career. “I really perfected much of my technique coming into this tournament and I was really able to shut everyone out,” he said. “I am so proud (of dominating the tough 113 bracket). I just want to thank my coaches and my family and all my teammates for supporting me. Without them supporting me, I wouldn’t have been able to roll through this bracket. This bracket was really tough and to win that, I can pat myself on the back for that because it may have been the toughest bracket in the

Mark Gregory/Bugle Staff

Lockport’s Brian Rossi won the state title at 113 pounds Saturday.

tournament.” It was the second time in three weeks the two had met, as Rossi (48-1) defeated Silva (45-4) 3-2 in overtime in the regional final. “That match really opened my eyes and made me realize I had to relax less on my feet,” Rossi said. “After that match, me and my coaches made adjustments that helped me in the last two weeks of the season.” Also in the state title match for the Porters was junior Tyler Johnson at 195 pounds.

Johnson squared off against Regis Durbin of Lake Forest in a battle of unbeaten wrestlers, as Johnson entered 51-0 and Durbin was 40-0. The match lived up to its billing, going to ultimate tie breaker, where Johnson lost 3-2. “I didn’t wrestle the way I wrestle,” Johnson said. “I let him put me in his ties and I didn’t work my match and didn’t work on my ties. I am very disappointed with how I wrestled. I feel I wrestled too cautious. It hurts, but I am only

a junior and there is always next year. I would have liked to have been a two-timer, but I will get this next year.” Johnson joined brother Brad as the third set of brothers to both medal at Lockport, joining Shaun’Qae and Shaquille McMurtry and Jake and Jameson Oster. The Oster’s, however, broke away from that pack and established a new category for themselves, as the youngest Oster, Shayne, a sophomore, placed third at 126 pounds,

defeating Wheaton North’s Dylan Thurston via 17-3 major decision. “It is great to win that last match,” Oster said.“It is great (to add to the family legacy). They are the reason I am here. They were always beating up on me when I was little, making me better.” The only Oster brother without a state medal is Josh, the current Lockport head coach. “It is great having him as >> see ROSSI | page 16




West’s Kowalski, Plese finish top five in state By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

ROCKFORD – While no team hardware was taken home from the local schools, one school did not go home emptyhanded. Joliet West brought back a pair of All-State medals, its third and fourth in the past three years and sixth in six years, after Julianne Kowalski and Gracie Plese finished fourth and fifth, respectively, Saturday at the state meet at Cherry Bowl. Kowalski, a senior, matched her performance of two years ago when she placed fourth as a sophomore. “It’s an overwhelming experience,” Kowalski said. “I feel like this time it is more relaxing. It was more comforting because I was with the team.There was always that motivation with the team to keep myself going. I was able to place in every tournament and finishing it off here was a perfect ending for my senior year. My sophomore year probably was my highlight though because I caught myself by surprise. This year I knew what to expect more.” That year she finished with a total of 2,666. This year she fired a 2,698 (224.8 average), >> see FIVE | page 14

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Joliet West’s Julianne Kowalski placed fourth in the state.




Tigers win regional opener before bowing out of playoffs By Scott Taylor Sports Editor

Scott Taylor/Bugle Staff

Kailey Foster scored 18 points in Joliet West’s 61-58 win over Plainfield South.

Joliet West nearly let a 12-point lead escape in the final three minutes, but held on to beat Plainfield South 61-58 Feb. 18 in a Plainfield South Regional Class 4A quarterfinal. The Tigers led 58-45 as time ran down before the Cougars mounted a late charge, thanks to a pair of steals and baskets. The last one by Tyler Everett cut the lead to 59-56 with 18 seconds left.West’s Kailey Foster was fouled and made both free throws, pushing the lead to five. Alyssa Fink made a basket for the Cougars, but time ran out, ending the game. “That is the story of our season,” West coach Kevin Michaels said.“They are learning what it takes to close one out. I feel like we thought we had the game wrapped up with two

minutes to go. We just took our foot off the pedal a little bit. We weren’t executing and made some mental errors.” Foster scored 18 points to lead West. Valencia Chandler added 14, Monica Barefield scored 13 and Jenae Rowe had 12. “In warm-ups it was a little slow,” Foster said. “I told my teammates I was feeling it though and I came out and did what I had to do.” “When her shot is on, she is tough to guard,” Michaels said of Foster.“That extends the defense and that was what happened and it opened up the lanes.” Everett scored 18 for South. Fink tallied 13, Jaianna Brooks had 12 and Antwanetta Boswell added nine. The Tigers only had eight players dressed for the playoffs,

but got the most of them. “It is tough, I’m not going to lie,” Foster said. “But everyone plays their role well, so you can’t ask for a better eight of us, I guess.” It also helps to have several key seniors, which proved to be a key factor to the recent success for the Tigers. “That always adds intensity,” Foster said.“We didn’t want it to end today. We went out and did what we had to do. It feels nice. We wanted to finish strong.” Joliet West fell to top-seeded Neuqua Valley 77-33 Feb. 19 in a Plainfield South Regional semifinal. Barefield scored 14 points in defeat. “Our girls played H-F, they played Bolingbrook and Lincoln>> see TIGERS | page 16



Sports >> FIVE, FROM PAGE 12 finishing her high school career with a 269. “I just focused on being relaxed every shot and focused on hitting my target,” Kowalski said. “I think that is what really helped me out those last two games. My goal was to shoot over 200 every game and if I did that I knew I would be sitting in a good spot.” Waubonsie Valley’s Julia Bond won the state title with a 2,817 (234.8), while Waubonsie also took home the team title with a 12,416. While Kowalski was matching her own mark, sophomore Gracie Plese was matching her sister, Emma, who took fifth in 2010 with a 2,661 total. “That motivated me a lot because we are very competitive,” Plese said. “She texted me right after and said, ‘We’re tied, you better beat me next year.’” Gracie shot a 2,694 for the tournament, including a 748 Saturday morning. “I think the key today was having the right mindset,” Plese said. “I was hoping to place top 12 and that was my main goal. To place fifth is outstanding. I came in here just trying to bowl my best and apparently it worked. I started off good and stayed on it all day. It feels amazing to have my name up there.” The Tigers, making their first appearance in program history (2nd Joliet appearance, 2009), finished 10th with an 11,857. Sophomore Taylor Bailey, an All-State performer last year, shot a 2,313, Desiray Keigan

had a 1,755 in 10 games, Melissa March had a 1,291 in eight games, Sarah Heffron had a 591 in three and Kayla Kurowski had a 515 in three. “I’m really proud of our team,” Plese said. “I thought we did amazing for it being our first time here as a team.” •Minooka made a run at a state trophy, but came up 146 pins short, finishing with a 12,018 total. Senior Emily Koulis led the way with a 2,534, good for 24th place. “I did the best I could,” Koulis stated. “I fought for it and I tried my best to keep up there. I didn’t have many opens. I couldn’t ask for a better weekend for myself. It was the best I could bowl this weekend. It’s not like I’m leaving without any hardware, we still have that second place trophy and there are memories upon memories from here.” Kortney Sickler (2,446), Kayly Windbiel (2,400), Heather McCubbins (2,344) Lexi Jones (1,875 in 10 games) and Cheryl Eyman (419 in 2 games) also contributed for the Indians. “We’re really excited that we bowled around 6,000 both days,” Koulis said.“What it gives us is what it gives us and it we couldn’t be happier.” •Lockport placed 11th overall with an 11,823. It was senior Nicole Troha leading the way with a 2,513, good for 28th place. “I was really happy with how I bowled,” Troha said. “It’s my senior year so I wanted to come out and do well. After coming here last year, I knew what I had to work on here. I was stringing my strikes together pretty well.” She was joined by teammates Nikki Mendez (2,467), Ashley Hostert (2,334), Marissa Soverino (2,298) and Carly Ciolino (2,211). “I think we did pretty well as a team,” Troha said. “I was kind of surprised with how competitive it was here. Last year we got fourth and this year we dropped down a little bit. But it doesn’t matter because we had a great year, had fun and went out with a bang.” Follow Scott @Taylor_Sports




St. Francis will host opener in conference tourney With a 76-57 victory over Trinity International University in Saturday’s regular-season finale, the University of St. Francis women’s basketball team earned the opportunity to host an openinground game in next week’s Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference Tournament. Saturday’s win sets up a clash between USF, which captured fourth place in the CCAC South Division, and Calumet College of St. Joseph at the Sullivan Center Monday at 7 p.m. USF (8-22,6-11 CCAC) controlled the contest for most of the night as Trinity International’s only lead was a two-point edge in the game’s first 1:09.The Saints held TIU (3-24, 0-18) to just 27.3% shooting from the field in the opening period en route to building a 37-25 lead at the break. USF was 12-of 28 from the floor (42.9%) in first half. Despite shooting only 26.7 % in the second stanza (8-of-30), USF outscored the Trojans 39-32 and held its biggest lead of the game, 73-51, with 1:01 to go. Defensively, the Saints held TIU to 34.9% shooting from the field for the game (22 of 63). Junior Katie Gonnering (Seymour, Wis./ Freedom) led all scorers with 21 points to go along with eight rebounds as USF closed out the regular season with back-to-back road victories. She connected on 11-of-12 attempts at the free throw line. Four different Saints, led by sophomore Alexis Brown’s (Shiloh, Ill./ Belleville East) nine rebounds, gathered at least seven boards leading to 52-36 USF advantage.

Junior Leah Avery (Dolton, Ill./ Brooks) finished the night with 15 points and seven rebounds, while sophomore Kaitlyn Ray (New Lenox, Ill./ Lincoln-Way West) added 11 points off the bench. Abigail Hemmeger was the only TIU player to net double figures, finishing with 15 points. The University of St. Francis baseballteamsweptadoubleheader from Madonna University Saturday at Rent One Park, winning the opener 3-1 before taking the nightcap 5-4 in its final at-bat.

• Junior pitcher Adam Panayotovich (Palos Park, Ill./ Mount Carmel) scattered six hits en route to a complete-game victory in Saturday’s first game. He allowed just three hits over five shutout frames before the Crusaders scored their lone run in the top of the sixth inning. USF plated all three of its runs in the bottom of the third. Senior third baseman Anthony Feliciano (Chicago,Ill./ LaneTech) led off the inning with a base hit and scored on sophomore second baseman

Luke Wyss’ (Westminster, Ohio/ Standley Lake) RBI single four batters later. Senior first baseman

Joe Ruge (North Riverside, Ill./ Riverside-Brookfield) capped the inning with a two-run single.



>> ROSSI, FROM PAGE 11 my coach,” Shayne said. “We have a good connection and it helps when I am on the mat. I understand what he is trying to tell me.” Also winning his last match of the tournament was senior Vince Dietz, who placed fifth in

>> TIGERS, FROM PAGE 13 Way East,” Michaels said. “Our conference is loaded.We weren’t scared.” Despite the season coming to an end, the Tigers made strides throughout the year and were playing some of their best basketball at the end of the season. “We improved a lot,” Foster said. “We started off slow to


the meet, pinning Sandburg’s Brian Krasowksi in his medal match. “It was definitely awesome to win the last match of my senior year,” Dietz said. “I wish it was for a higher place like third or first.” Lockport’s Dan Radcliffe (389) fell one match shy of a state

medal, as he was pinned by Bobby Alexander of Conant in the wrestleback quarterfinals. Lockport freshman Trevell Timmons (36-10) fell 7-5 in the opening round at 138 to Wheeling’s Munkhtulga and was eliminated when Munkhtulga lost in the quarterfinals. •Joliet West sophomore

Darvell Flagg fell in the opening round to Downers Grove North sophomore Patrick Walker. When Walker fell in the quarterfinals, Flagg (25-6) was eliminated from competition. •Minooka had a trio of wrestlers that fell by the same fate as Flagg. Senior KJ Minor fell 11-6 in the opening round

at 113, while at 152, sophomore Carson Oughton (35-6) lost 5-0 in the opening round to Willowbrook’s Matt Rowland.At 220, senior Erik Velazquez was pinned in the opening round in 28 seconds by Marmion Academy’s Lucas Warren.

begin the season, but we’ve improved a lot. It feels good to play our best at the end of the year.” “We have been playing a lot better,” Michaels said. “Our scoring started to come. Today (against South) we made threes, we got to the basket and were making and-ones. I’m proud of our effort.” • The season also came to a close to all other local Class 4A

schools. Joliet Central fell 67-53 to West Aurora in the Plainfield North Regional. Lockport defeated Plainfield East 53-40 in the regional quarterfinal and fell to Benet in the semifinal 63-29. Minooka defeated Normal West 57-48 in the semifinals and then lost 50-35 to BradleyBourbonnais. In Class 3A, Joliet Catholic

Academy won the Morris Regional. The Angels defeated Lincoln-Way West 79-31 in the semifinal and beat Providence 50-30 in the final. Mia Ferrell advanced in the three-point shootout. • The boys basketball playoff brackets were released. Joliet West, a No. 19 seed, will face No. 14 Lockport at 6 p.m. Monday, March 3 at Lincoln-Way Central.

No. 5 Joliet Central plays in the Bloom Regional and will face the winner of Lincoln-Way East and Crete-Monee at 8 p.m. March 4. No. 10 Minooka plays No. 23 Lincoln-Way North March 3 at 8 p.m. Eisenhower. In Class 3A, No. 4 JCA plays No. 5 Chicago Christian at 6 p.m. March 3 in Plano.

Follow Mark @Hear_The_Beard

Follow Scott @Taylor_Sports



Freshman helps Benet take regional crown By Mike Sandrolini Sports Reporter

Freshman Katie Jaseckas was surprised she got into Benet Academy’s West Aurora Regional title matchup with Naperville North at all last Friday night, let alone the fact that she ended up being a major contributor to the Redwings’ 57-46 victory. The 5-foot-11 Jaseckas, whom Benet called up from the sophomore team to join the varsity squad for the postseason, scored eight points and corralled eight rebounds. “I was really nervous on the bench,” she said. “I didn’t expect to go in because I’m a freshman. Coach (Peter) Paul came up to me and I was really nervous. All of the girls were cheering for me and it got me really pumped. Once I got in there, I started to calm down and got a little excited.” Jaseckas scored half of her points in one sequence toward the end of the third quarter, and her heads-up play couldn’t have come at a better time. The Redwings, who fell behind 26-24 at halftime, took a 30-29 third-quarter lead on Emily Schramek’s basket inside, and upped it to 31-29 on a free throw from Jenna Martin. But Benet went into a scoring drought the remainder of the quarter and trailed 3631 following a hoop from the Huskies’ Kayla Sharples (gamehigh 19 points) with less than a minute remaining. However, Jaseckas was fouled after her putback basket made it

36-33. She then missed the free throw attempt for a three-point play, but grabbed the rebound and put it in, enabling Benet to cut the Huskies’ lead to 36-35 by the end of the period. “I was hoping for a threepoint play,” Jaseckas said. “I wasn’t expecting the ball to come right back at me and I just went up (with it).” Guard Kathleen Doyle mused afterward that Jaseckas was the Redwings’ secret weapon. “I told her, ‘I want you to get every rebound that’s even remotely close to your area,’ and she did that,” Doyle said with a smile. “She was being aggressive and she just really pulled through for us.” Doyle pulled through for Benet, too. The sophomore, who finished with 17 points, went to the hoop twice to lift Benet to leads of 39-38 and 43-41in the fourth. Sharples tied the contest momentarily at 43, but Benet went on a 6-0 run, highlighted by a trey from Schramek (team-high 18 points) that essentially put the game out of reach. Doyle then sank six free throws during the final 2:03. “We knew that we didn’t want our season to end tonight,” Doyle said. “We kept saying, ‘We’re practicing tomorrow (Saturday); we’re going to practice tomorrow.’ I feel like adrenaline kicked in and we just knew we had to strap it on and get a stop after stop. It was really fun.” The fun continued, as well, for Paul, who’s retiring after this, his 29th and final year at

the helm. Last Friday’s regional crown was Benet’s fifth in the past six years. Asked if he’s thought about this postseason being his last, Paul said, “No, I really haven’t.” “I told them that I want to practice tomorrow and that’s all I said to them,” said Paul, who also posted his 600th career victory this season. “I think in general I always tease, and the string (of regional championships) was broken last year. (Benet lost to Naperville Central last February, snapping a streak of four straight regional titles.) But once they’re a Mom and their kids are at Benet, they can point up and say, ‘I helped win that one.’ ” “We want to do it for him,” Doyle said. “Obviously we want to do it for our team, but especially for Mr. Paul because he’s such a special coach. After the game you could see how emotional he was because he was so proud of us, and we’re so proud of him.” The Redwings (21-9), who also got eight points from Emily Eshoo last Friday, clashed with top seeded Neuqua Valley in the semifinals of the Joliet Sectional Monday night. Neuqua Valley (26-5) toppled Oswego East, 63-37, to win the Plainfield South Regional. Benet vs. Lockport: The Redwings had little difficulty eliminating Lockport in their regional semifinal game, winning 63-29. Schramek again led the way with 18 points while Jaseckas and Eden Olson each scored eight.

Mike Sandrolini/Bugle Staff

Benet freshman Katie Jaseckas had eight points and eight rebounds in the Redwings’ 57-46 regional championship win over Naperville North Friday in the East Aurora Regional final.





Public gets a look at preferred Illiana corridor Proposal preffered by planners include 128 instances of splitting one farm tract into two, including 82 in Will County By Nick Reiher Managing Editor

When the Illiana Tollway corridor was first proposed, the 2,000-foot-wide path looked pretty straight as it headed east from Interstate 55

in Wilmington to Interstate 65 in Lowell, Ind. Following a bunch of public hearings where residents and other landowners in the path gave their two cents, the path got a little less straight. As corridor planners from

both states figured out a way to dance around farm roads, protected bats, snails, preserves and historic sites, the preferred 47-mile corridor cutting a 400-foot-wide swath through southern Will County into western Indiana got even less straight. Yet Steve Schilke, the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Illiana project manager, knows there still will be stakeholders who are not happy. “I wish I could have avoided everything,” Schilke said before facing a crowd Feb. 19 at an Illiana open house/ public hearing at the Local 150 Training Facility in Wilmington. A similar hearing was held the night before at Lowell Middle School in Indiana. But even with the rejiggering, the preferred proposal preffered by the planners includes 128 such instances of splitting one farm tract into two, including 82 in Will County. Also, there still are 119 landlocked parcels totaling more than 1,000 acres in the preferred route. Those are parcels where, due to construction of the Tollway, farmers will not be able to access the fields at all. Will County Farm Bureau Manager Mark Schneidewind has been working with corridor officials to reduce that number. And some 42 homes, 31 in Will County, still would have to be moved or razed for construction.

>> questions, from page 7 department. So it hasn’t been a big deal to local health officials, whom I have great confidence in, by the way.Yet County Board members still are talking about changing the ordinance to limit burning – not really distinguishing leaves in all this, by the way – to certain times of the year and up to 1,000 feet from a structure or from anyone who has a chronic


Corridor officials work with residents at a Feb. 19 public hearing in Wilmington to see if and how their properties could be affected by the proposed Illiana Tollway.


Schilke said the public will have until March 10 to comment on the entire Tier 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (available at www., as well as many area public libraries. He said they hope to have an official Record of Decision by the end of May. Then, he said, they will begin land acquisition in earnest. Dozens of landowners scoured new maps with the preferred route at the Feb. 19 hearing to see if it would affect them. Many others worked with corridor staff on computers to take a closer look. If all goes well, officials hope to start the $1.3 billion project in 2015 with completion in 2018. But officials also are bracing for additional lawsuits from environmental groups. Already on July 10, a lawsuit was filed by Openlands, the Midewin Heritage Association, and Sierra Club in the U.S.District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Administrator of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),and the Illinois Division Administrator of FHWA. The complaint reads that that

the Defendants violated the National Environmental Policy Act in the FHWA’s approval of the Tier 1 Final EIS and Record of Decision for the proposed facility. Landowners in the preferred path also can contact Illiana project ombudsman, Michael Hansen, 815-744-9500, or mikehansen@mikehansenlaw. com.

breathing disorder. Seriously. I know, right? As Board Member Don Gould said, you could be legal one day and illegal the next, depending who moved in next door. If the County Board feels as though they have to do something at this point (and a number are starting to say leave the ordinance as it is), change the limit to 100 feet and move on. Otherwise, as Mattke told the

committee,encourage mulching leaves instead of burning. She has leaves from 50 trees, she said, and her husband uses a lawn mower to cross cut them into mulch that can be left on the grass. Or, my suggestion: Let ‘em blow in the wind. But please just move on. This has burned up too much valuable time as it is. Nick Reiher Managing Editor

Corridor officials noted they have listened at the other hearings and made adjustments accordingly. Some of those included: Planning a conventional diamondshaped interchange at Riley Road instead of at Route 53. There is no interchange planned at Route 53. Shifting alternatives away from the John P. Lynott Summer House near the Midewin Tallgrass Prairie. Considering alignment locations that follow or parallel existing parcel lines to reduce the number of farm severances (separation of a single farmland tract into two parcels).

Business & Real Estate


dave says


Should I invest now or pay off past debt? The more mailing lists you get on, the more your mailbox will fill up with junk mail Dear Dave, I went to medical school, and now I have $70,000 in debt. I just started a three-year residency making about $50,000 a year, while my wife makes $40,000. The student loans represent our only debt. Do you think we should be paying this off or investing in a Roth IRA? David Dear David, If I were in your shoes, I’d work on paying down the student loans. That means you may never be in a Roth, but there are other things you can invest in and grow wealth. I realize this may not seem right mathematically, but I don’t always make financial decisions based exclusively on math. Many times I do things based on changing money behaviors—stuff like paying off

>> manhattan, from page 8 Hoang and the woman hung Christmas lights and holiday decorations. On Halloween, they stepped away from the house into the front yard to pass out candy,

debts from smallest to largest because it actually works. Personal finance is 80 percent behavior, and only 20 percent head knowledge. So sometimes you have to go with what actually works best overall, in spite of what the technical math shows. In your case, I think it’s going to be very valuable to have no student loans by the time you complete your residency. With three years to go, and living on a $90,000 a year income, you can do it. Then, when you come through the other side as a full-fledge doctor, you’ll have the great income and be sitting there debt-free. Not a bad place to be, right? I understand the Roth seems like a pretty good idea right now, but my advice is to stick

another neighbor said. About a year ago, Brookstone residents said they noticed a skunk smell. Many thought it could have been from the local pond. Hydroponic gardening has a distinct odor. About that time,

with becoming debt-free as quickly as possible. Once that’s done, you and your wife will be able to invest, save, and build wealth like crazy!

I understand the Roth seems like a pretty good idea right now, but my advice is to stick with becoming debt-free as quickly as possible.


Dear Dave, My wife started working at a pharmaceutical company that gave her a few thousand dollars’ worth of stock. In the last year that stock has doubled in value. We’ve considered buying more just to see how it does. What do you think about this? Robert Dear Robert, I understand why you guys would be excited, but you’re still looking at a very risky proposition. Any stock that doubles its value in just one year is highly volatile. It’s very unusual when things like that happen, and the fact is, it could go down in value just a

quickly. I think you should be completely debt-free, except for your house, and have an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses in place before you start any outside investing. You should also make sure that 15 percent of your income is already going toward retirement. I don’t mind you dabbling a little bit as long as all the other stuff is taken care of first. But I’d advise you to never put more than 10 percent of your nest egg into single stocks. If you’ve got $50,000 in a 401(k) right now, limit yourself to $5,000 in this area. That way, if the stock tanks and you lose it all, it’s only a small blip on the radar. You’ll still be financially intact and able to retire with dignity.

It would be fantastic if this stock went through the roof and you two made a ton of money. That would be awesome! But make sure you limit the potential for damage by limiting your exposure. Don’t risk the family farm, as they say, to make this play.

black mold could be seen on the outside of the house, one neighbor said. “I honestly think they have been doing this for a very long time,” one neighbor said. The sheriff’s office said the raid was the result of a

six-month investigation that remains ongoing. They issued a statement saying the basement was divided into growing rooms with elaborate electrical, venting and irrigation systems. In addition to the plants, police confiscated a digital scale,

a heat sealer, numerous boxes of heat-seal bags and a 2005 Acura sport utility vehicle, the statement said. Hoang is being held at Will County Adult Detention Center. Bail is set at $50,000.

Don’t risk the family farm

—Dave *Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored four New York Times bestselling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on more than 500 radio stations. Follow Ramsey on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at








use your rice cooker to make perfect



1/2 pound assorted fresh organic mushrooms, such as shiitakes, chanterelles, portobellos, cremini, or regular cultivated mushrooms 1-1/2 cups Arborio rice, rinsed in a strainer and drained well 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2-1/2 to 3 cups organic chicken broth or vegetable broth

By Wolfgang Puck Tribune Content Agency

“I love risotto, and I know it’s pretty simple to make,” people tell me all the time when they eat it in one of my restaurants. “But I just don’t like to stand there at the stove stirring for such a long time.” They’re referring, of course, to one of the critical steps in preparing a classic risotto: the act of stirring the rice almost nonstop for half an hour or so as it simmers, while adding warm stock to the pot a little bit at a time as the rice absorbs it. This process helps to dissolve the generous amount of surface starch on the plump, short grains of rice used in risotto - Arborio, the most common variety, widely available in wellstocked supermarkets, as well as Carnaroli and Vialone Nano. The result is the creamy sauce that gradually forms around the al dente, tender but still slightly chewy, grains, a signature of a perfectly made risotto. That’s the way we cook risotto in my professional kitchens - the way it’s been done for centuries in Italy. But in recent years, while working with one of the convenient countertop appliances I’ve developed for home cooks, I’ve also discovered another way to make perfectly delicious, if not absolutely classic, risotto that requires almost none of the traditional activity that


leaves nonprofessional cooks with tired arms, legs, and feet. All you need is an automatic IF YoU’re one oF tHose people wHo order rIsotto wHeneVer YoU see It on tHe MenU, bUt neVer MAKe It At HoMe, It’s wortH bUYIng An eleCtrIC rICe CooKer For rIsotto-MAKIng Alone. electric rice cooker. Now, it may seem counterintuitive that a pot of rice you leave alone, unattended, would develop a similar saucy consistency to what’s usually achieved from constant stirring. But a rice cooker does a good job of safeguarding the moisture of risotto rice. So when you add a little more broth at the end of cooking, along with some juicy

mushrooms that you’ve sauteed with chopped onion and minced garlic, and then stir the rice for a minute or so, you can still achieve risotto’s familiar creamy sauce. It won’t be exactly like a painstakingly stirred risotto; but it’s still so good that you’ll marvel at it. If you’re one of those people who order risotto whenever you see it on the menu, but never make it at home, it’s worth buying an electric rice cooker for risottomaking alone. (You might even find one of my own.) They’re reasonably priced, and you can also use them to steam perfect regular rice whenever you want. Then, rice cooker at the ready, give my recipe here a try. Once you’ve made it, start coming up with your own variations, adding different vegetables, other kinds of cheese, and even pieces of sauteed meat, poultry, or seafood. Your friends and family will thank you - and so will your arms, legs, and feet!

1/2 cup dry white wine Kosher salt 1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion 1 large garlic clove, minced Freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving

with a damp towel, wipe the mushrooms clean. with a small, sharp knife, trim off tough or dirty stems. then, cut the mushrooms into thick, uniform slices. put the rinsed and drained rice in a bowl. drizzle with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil and stir well to coat the rice evenly. put the rice in the rice cooker. Add 2 cups of the broth along with the wine, and 1-1/2 teaspoons of the salt. stir well. Close the lid of the rice cooker and press the “Cook” button. Cook for 20 minutes, and then switch the control to the “Keep warm” setting. while the rice is cooking, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large, heavy skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring frequently, until tender, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and saute, stirring continuously, for 1 minute. Add the mushrooms, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. raise the heat to medium-high and cook, stirring continuously, until the mushrooms are juicy and tender, 5 to 8 minutes. remove the skillet from the heat. taste and, if necessary, adjust the seasonings with more salt and pepper. set aside. Carefully open the lid of the rice cooker. stir in the sauteed mushrooms, 1/2 cup of the broth, the butter, parsley, and parmesan. the mixture should have a creamy consistency; but, if it does not, stir in up to another 1/2 cup of the broth. Continue stirring for about 1 minute longer; then, taste and adjust the seasonings again, if necessary. spoon the risotto into heated wide, shallow bowls or soup plates. serve immediately, passing additional parmesan at the table for anyone who would like more.





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