Mobile Game Market Is Increasing Magnificently. To Make An Entry In The Market, It Is Imperative To Deliver The Best Quality Products And Hence The Need For Mobile Game Testing Has Increased Over The Years!
Trends & Challenges Mobile Game Testing BugRaptors A CMMi5 Certified Company Emeryville, California, US
MOBILE GAME DEVELOPMENT is one of the thriving fields with a lot of scope in current scenario. With an increasing number of mobile games released and developed all over the world, user expectations also rise. Like Candy Crush Saga & Pokemon Go, they make a cogent impact at the user mind and sway them to play it again & again. Users wish to explore their more phases/stages. How they does that and how their games are working in an elite way. Answer to these questions is they anchor more on the QUALITY. We think it’s competent to deliver the best quality products to make a striking place in the user mind and hence the need for Mobile Game Testing has become a powerful approach!
The Concept Functionality and Usability testing are communal to all types of application testing. With the merger of mobile technology and gaming, a unique and intensive effort is required. Games can be assorted from modest puzzle to enlarged ones. Before outlining the test metrics, the following points must be considered: In What Manner Will The Users Play The Game? What Is The Ideal Duration Of A Game Session? Who Might Be The Targeted Users Of The Game?
Answers to the above question will direct the mobile usability testing in the right direction. Other usability issues that are essential to consider are the devices for which the mobile games are developed.
Trends: Nowadays, the Entertaining Industries are taking huge interest by adding amusing games because of an increase in the number of mobile users’ day-byday and according to the latest technological trends. The popularity of mobile games has been embarked by the growing number of applications. Many new trends have come in the mobile game development. Let’s take a look on these new trends:
3D Real Scenario Games This facility permits the developers to make an interesting game without any restrictions. Interactive Server It is an asset for mobile gaming technology that allows using the Massive Multiplayer Mobile Game with the GPRS connection. Massive Multiple Gaming Technique This technique is developed on the idleness of the third generation games along with AI computer. It helps in adding value to the global multiplier as players get a chance to relish gaming with the other players by connecting through smart device.
Key Challenges:
o Platform Diversity The forever growing diversity of mobiles in shape, size, screen, hardware and operating system requests for mobile testing wise skills and expertise. An application can be broadly tested for its impeccable functionality and compatibility on all stages.
o Rapid Technological Changes The earlier technology used has become obsolete, as new platforms are swiftly introduced by competing manufacturers. Testing experts need to update their skills and knowledge to become an expert video game tester according to changing scenario.
o Cost Vs. Skill Elevating competition in the market sounds for low cost and high quality mobile testing services, that means, harmonizing the cost with technical and skill requirements require smartness on the part of testing companies.
Conclusion: Mobile Games are becoming popular in the world of online entertainment. These games have become an entertainment for players and manufacturers are looking to add spice by introducing games in the device. In that case, it become imperative to render the quality based product in the market.
BugRaptors With 17+ Year of Excellence as Global Leaders in Software Testing & QA Service. We provide effective game testing strategy, which leads to a hassle free and responsive gaming vigor to the end users. Bugraptors ensure your game is fully compatible and is functional in this global market. We also ensure that your title is compatible on all the devices and systems you’re required to support. Expertise in Robust Automation Framework using tools: o o o o o o
Selenium Jenkins Cucumber JMeter Behat QTP
So, if you are looking for Game Testing Services, you can definitely count on Bugraptors, a CMMi5 accredited software testing company with extensive experience in various testing services. For more insight, visit the website, here! You can Call us on + or mail us at