Henry Buhl Library Newsletter
February 2018
Happy New Year! New Books Find these books on our New Book Display!
Happy New Year from all of us at Buhl Library. Our first issue of 2018 features some of the recent changes and additions we’ve made to the library in the new year! Read more on page 3 about our new permanent display space in the library lobby for fiction books and popular works. This month we’re featuring our favorites and we would love to hear what your favorite books are for a faculty/staff book display next month. Let us know your picks here. We also added a third DVD display to the large reference room. You can now browse over 500 movies more easily from our collection. Keep reading to learn more about what’s new in 2018!
Stockings for Soldiers Thank you to everyone who donated items for Stockings for Soldiers this year. We delivered 108 stockings filled with needed items to Huff Funeral Home in Franklin, Pa. They distributed the stockings to local veterans organizations including those helping homeless military members in Erie and Pittsburgh, Pa.
Faculty Book Orders Due March 14th! Help us add books to our collection by submitting book order requests for your department. To submit a purchase request or if you have any questions about ordering, please contact Jill Forsythe.
Tips & Tricks Features of the NEW Nexis Uni Roman Holiday / February – the month when snowflakes and romance are in the air. So, if you’d like to get away from the cold and snow this winter, why not stay in and have a Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. This classic film is the story of a princess nearing the end of a goodwill tour across Europe. When she arrives in Rome, her staff are ready to begin the next round of engagements and public appearances. But the princess has another idea – to see the city as other tourists do. Sneaking out of the embassy late one evening, the princess crosses paths with Joe Bradley, a local reporter. Determined to give the princess a holiday she’ll never forget (and get himself a once-in-a-lifetime story in the process), Bradley and his photographer take her on an exciting tour of the city. Filmed entirely in Rome, this 1953 comedy delights with just a dash of romance. Grab the popcorn (and maybe some hot cocoa) and enjoy! – Kim Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch / Sally Bedell Smith After a trip to London last summer where I toured Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, I came home fascinated and wanted to learn more about the British Monarchy. I found the perfect book. Smith’s biography detailing the life of Queen Elizabeth II provides a compelling look into the life of the woman who became queen at such a young age. Go within the palace walls and tag along on royal tours abroad with her as she navigates the demands of her new role and that of her role as a wife, mother, and friend against the backdrop of constant scrutiny from the press. If you’re a fan of the Netflix series The Crown (It’s based on this biography) you’re going to love it! Curl up with a cup of tea and enjoy! - Megan
Lexis Nexis
Nexis Uni
The database Lexis Nexis recently had an interface change and has a whole new look along with a new name. It is now called Nexis Uni. Here are some of the new features— Single Search Feature— allows for broad searching across all content types. Use Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT for searching multiple terms. Post-Search Filters— after searching you can narrow your results by publication type, geographical location, industry, subject and many more. Easy Organization & Annotating— Add notes and highlight documents, add articles to folders, share folders and set alerts. These are just a few of the new features of Nexis Uni learn more here. To try out Nexis Uni, click here!
The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods covers all communication research methods, from data collection to data analysis, from qualitative to quantitative, and from classical to modern approaches (such as psychophysiological measures, implicit association tests, and the analysis of big data). It introduces new and advanced methods and measurement tools that have been developed in other fields but which may be useful to communication scholars. This work features content from authors all over the world and presents all of its information in three comprehensive parts: Foundations of Empirical Research, Methods of Data Collection, and Methods of Data Analysis.
NEW Leisure Reading & Movie Display
New eBooks! Check-out the newest eBooks from our Collection!
We’ve added some new collections out on display this semester for you to more easily browse. We added a third DVD display to our collection. You can now browse over 500 movies and TV shows in the reference room. New in the library lobby is our leisure reading display. If you’ve ever come to the library just to browse popular fiction titles this is the space for you! These titles will rotate monthly and will feature a small sampling of what’s available in our larger collection. This month we’re featuring Buhl Librarians’ favorite books. Here are just a few of the great titles you’ll find.
Featured Display Find resources on current events and hot topics in the news on this month’s featured display in the library lobby.