Ofsted:“Brookvale is an outstanding school”
Bloors planning application to be ‘redetermined’ Update from Norman Griffiths If planning applications were decided like some football matches both the builders and the people of Groby would have been put out of their misery by now with a penalty shoot out.
rookvale High School has become the first secondary school in Leicestershire to be judged by Ofsted to be Outstanding in every area since the introduction of the new, more rigorous inspection framework last year. Scrutiny of the Ofsted website shows just how few schools are now achieving this top grade across the country. Headteacher, Katie Rush, said, “The whole school community is delighted with the outcome of the inspection. Since our last inspection we have secured outstanding practice in all areas of our work. The success of our school is down to the hard work and commitment of the school community. We have a highly dedicated staff and governor team, wonderful students and very supportive parents and carers.” The lead inspector reported, “Students’ achievement is outstanding because they make excellent progress during their time at the school and attain exceptionally high standards by the end of Year 9”. “We are particularly proud of our students”, said Headteacher Katie Rush. “The inspectors were incredibly impressed with their courtesy, their attitudes to learning, and their pride in their school.” The lead inspector reported, “The school is led and managed exceptionally well. The Headteacher, senior leaders and governors have overseen significant improvements in the quality of teaching and students’ achievement over the last two years. All staff are clearly dedicated to the further improvement and continued success of the school.” Co Chairs of Governors, Gill Okuniewski and Anthony Whitfield, are extremely proud of the school. “Our role is to support and challenge, and we are delighted that the exceptional school we know is recognised in the inspection report, as is the dedication of the Brookvale governors.” Headteacher, Katie Rush, commented that, “In an era of school age range change in Leicestershire, Brookvale High School is fortunate in having no need to change age range as we share an 11-19 campus with Groby Community College. Together we form the Brookvale Groby Learning Campus, and because of the strength of our partnership, we exemplify all that can work well in the Leicestershire High and Upper school system. As a consequence we are able focus all our energies towards creating an outstanding 11-19 learning environment.”
But planning isn’t football. A request by Bloors to the High Court to examine how the planning inspector had arrived at his conclusions and whether he correctly applied all the rules has now resulted in a judgement. Some may read it and decide that they have discovered their vocation and they want to be a judge. But most will find it hard to wade through the 43 pages of legal detail and discussion of the arguments. The document is too long and too detailed to summarise in the Spotlight. Readers who have been following the application over the last few years will be aware that under the new planning rules it is important for Planning Authorities to be able to demonstrate that they have a five year housing supply of deliverable housing sites. The outcome of the Review is that Bloors found a weakness in the decision of the Planning Inspector in this respect. It is now subject to further review or “redetermination”. So the company hasn’t got the permission needed in order to build on their land next to the cemetery but neither is the refusal of planning permission final. It isn’t yet clear what will happen next. “The decision has been referred back to the Secretary of State and we are waiting to hear what action he proposes to take,” said a spokesperson for the Borough Council. Based on the precedent set by similar cases elsewhere the final outcome may well be one the people of Groby do not want to hear.
New social group to launch in Groby A NEW and exciting afternoon social group is set to launch at the Groby Community Centre next month. Groby residents, Barbara and John Flynn, are the driving force behind this new venture and will be supported by volunteers from the community as well as Groby, Markfield and Ratby Tenants Association and Age UK Leicester Shire and Rutland. Further support and financial assistance will be provided through the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council’s ‘Active Together’ initiative. The weekly group, which will meet for the first time on Tuesday 6th May from 1pm to 2.30pm, will aim to offer a diverse range of activities each week, from ping pong to beetle drives, arts, crafts and everything in between. For further information, please contact either Emma Hopkins, Physical Activity Co-ordinator at the Borough Council, on 01455 619519 or 01455 255875. Or Kate Webb, Development Worker at Age UKLS&R, on 01455 619519.
NEXT ISSUE OUT: Saturday 17th May - Advert/Articles needed by 3rd May
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
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The friendly team at Progress Windows can offer you free advice and a design service. Remember your measurements for your no obligation quote. PLUS
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by presenting this leaflet on the day.
To place an advert in The Spotlight, contact Mike Wilkinson on 01530 244069 or email: info@ grobyspotlight. co.uk Thanks!
I’ve been waiting for the bus so long, someone just stapled a lost cat flyer to my chest.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Groby & Field Head Spotlight PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT
Week Betty Bee authorHoly visits and Easter CATCH in Groby Special services across the Benefice Experience the old story in a new way this Holy Week and Easter
Email us at: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk
Tuesday 15th April 7.30 pm St Peter’s, Copt Oak
Visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk
‘Tenebrae’ means shadow; lighted candles are extinguished in this ancient reminder of the Passion of Jesus from the shadow of the Betrayal to the darkness of the Cross through Bible readings, hymns and silences.
3,500 copies distributed 11 times a year (no issue in July) to homes and businesses in Groby, Field Head and The Brantings.
Fish and Chip Supper and Holy Communion
Printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press.
Sat 12th April
Advert/Copy Deadline: Saturday 29th March
TO ADVERTISE: Call 01530 244069
Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk
Good Friday 18th April 2-3pm at St Michael’s, Markfield An hour reflecting on the story of Good Friday and Easter, with hymns, readings, prayers and silence.
7.30pm at St Mary’s, Stanton under Bardon An opportunity to listen to the Passion narratives from the Bible in the context of Evening Prayer.
Easter Day Services Sunrise Service
An evening of fellowship over supper, followed by sharing together in an informal service of Holy Communion.
Jesus’ resurrection; with singing of Easter hymns and sharing the Easter acclamation Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia!
Family Stations of the Cross
Other Easter Day Services
Good Friday 18th April 10.00am at St Peter’s, Thornton
The Spotlight is a monthly compilation of articles, press releases, events, general items of interest and news items submitted to us by local residents, groups, associations, sports clubs and local authorities.
Easter Day, Sunday 20th April 5.45am at Hill Hole, Markfield Maundy Thursday 17th April 6.30pm at St Mary's, Stanton uB Greet with joy the day when we celebrate
Compiled and published in the Parish of Groby & Field Head.
The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Spotlight Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. Groby & Field Head Spotlight cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. Groby & Field Head Spotlight reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Groby & Field Head Spotlight. None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from Groby & Field Head Spotlight.
Share in recalling the story of Good Friday and Easter in a journey round the church with pictures, songs, readings and prayers. About 30-40 minutes followed drinks and Hot Cross Buns. Suitable for all ages.
Informal Worship We had an exciting morning at CATCH Playgroup in Come and worship God in an informal setting, Bee March when Linda Marston, the author of the Betty with contemporary books, which teaches children good morals, camesongs, to read sharing. a drink Betty Bee Sorry to the children whileprayer theyand enjoyed and a biscuit. Friday 2nd May -
The children made their own Betty Bees after listening to the story. 7.30pm I have attached a photo of the children with their bees and the author, The Rectory, Linda standing behind. Markfield Visit the website if you want to find out more - www.bettybeebooks.co.uk
Christine Fowler On behalf of CATCH
All welcome
9.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Thornton 10.30am Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Markfield 10.30am Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Stanton u B 6.00pm Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Copt Oak
St Michael’s Church, St Michael’s Church Markfield
May Fayre with Raffle, Tombola Plant Stall Refreshments
Saturday 10th May Markfield Congregational Congregational Church Hall Church Hallnoon from 10.00 am - 12.00 From 10am - 12 noon
Patient Participation Group
News From Groby Surgery Dr Gajebasia and his team at Groby Surgery recently asked for volunteers to form a “Patient Participation Group” (frequently abbreviated to PPG). Eight patients offered their services to the group and, so far, two meetings have been held. At the second meeting, the group appointed Ernie Broadhurst as Chair. The initial aim of the group will be to act as a link between patients and Dr Gajebasia’s team. As the Groby Surgery PPG continues to meet, we will bring more information to tell you about our work. If the concept of PPGs is totally new to you, the website www. napp.org.uk gives good background information. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, the group can be contacted through the surgery, by addressing an envelope to “Groby Surgery PPG”, or by email to GrobySurgeryPPG@btconnect.com. All correspondence will be treated as confidential.
Why doesn’t someone invent a clear toaster so you can see how toasted your toast is while it’s toasting?
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Lady Jane Grey School News
Celebrating World Book Day On the 6th March 2014 children from Lady Jane Grey Primary School took part in World Book Day. To join in the celebration for the love of reading, children and staff dressed as their favourite book characters and took part in a parade. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed characters, including Mary Poppins and an Umpa Lumpa! As a way to celebrate and maintain the children’s interest towards reading, the children designed a reading mascot for the library as part of a whole school competition. The overall winner of the competition, William Scowen, designed the mascot Jimmy the giraffe and will have his design made and placed within the library. A lucky runner up winner was chosen from each class and received book related prizes. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the children received a book token to continue their love of reading at home.
Sporting Success A selection of Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of athletic competitions at Hinckley Leisure Centre. They competed in all events with immense amount of enthusiasm and energy and were wonderful role models for Lady Jane Grey Primary School. Special mentions go to the girl’s Hollie Gamble, Sadie Moore and Katie Parker who won their sprinting events. Jacob Fairhurst, Marlea Edwards, Luke Jackson, Jake Foreman, Ben Phipps and Alex Sorrell who also won their sprinting events. We must also say a massive well done to Ryan Williams for his superb javelin throw ( throwing so far it hit the other wall of the leisure centre!). Well done to Jacob Fairhurst for his very lengthy standing long jump, Katie Parker for her top quality chest push and Emily Chambers’ incredible javelin throw! It was a fantastic sporting afternoon for LJG.
Police News for Groby The next beat surgery will be held on 6th May at the library between 3pm and 4pm, it will be held by PCSO Ed Green. Parking still remains an issue on certain streets in Groby, so I would encourage everyone to be mindful about where they park ensuring there is enough room for emergency services, and passers by. All parking obstructions should be reported to the Police on 101. A report of Graffiti was made to police last month at the bus stop at the bottom of Laundon Way. You will be pleased to know the perpetrators were caught and made to clean the mess. If anyone witnesses anti social behaviour, especially graffiti where tags are used, please report to the police.
PC 4675 Katie Harris
St. George’s Day Celebrations in Thornton IT IS “ENGLAND” Day on the 23rd April and the”Ringing for England” campaign is encouraging all church bells to be rung at approx 6.00pm to celebrate this special day. St Paul’s and many churches will participate. To celebrate locally there will be an open evening at St. Peter’s Church, Thornton between 6.15pm-7.45pm when you are invited to watch the ringers “rise” and “fall” and ring various methods on the bells. There will be an opportunity for you to participate by way of “chiming” or indeed ringing a bell, under supervision. (no age limits apply). The celebrations will follow on with an evening at the Bricklayers Arms with music by way of ”Last night at the Proms” with a sing-a-long to such favourites as ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, ‘Jerusalem’, etc. There will be plenty of flags and hats on display.
Eric Roberts (Tower Captain, St. Peter’s Church, Thornton)
I’m the kind of guy who stops the microwave at 1 second just to feel like a bomb defuser.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Girl Power at the King Power
GROBY JUNIORS under 10 Girls at King Power Stadium On Saturday 22nd Feb the Groby Juniors under 10 girls team went to the Leicester City King Power stadium. This was the first ever game some of the girls had been to. One of the players Heather Cunningham escorted Marcin Wasilewski. At half time all three of the Groby Juniors Girls teams walked around the pitch which was a great experience for them. The following week they all won their league cup quarter finals to send them to the Semi Final Day at Rugby on the 6th April - The U10s won 1-0 away at Syston, the u11 beat local rivals Anstey 2-1 and the U12s knocked out the current league leaders Cosby in a 3-0 penalty shootout after the game finished 1-1 after extra time.
More Beaver Scouts for Groby For many years the 73rd Leicester (Groby) Scouts Group has had a long waiting list of children wanting to join. The youngest members within scouting are called Beaver Scouts and their age range is between 6 and 8 years old. The current Groby Beavers Colony ‘Great Lake’ is at capacity and always has more children wanting to join than it can manage. Over 75 children appear on the current waiting list to join the Groby scouts group and almost all of those that are of scouting age, are waiting to join the beavers. Towards the end of 2013 a meeting was arranged with parents of children who appeared on the waiting list to see if any of them were interested in becoming leaders and helpers. This was in attempts to enable the expansion of the beavers section by way of forming an additional Colony to the existing ‘Great Lake’. There were enough expressions of interest and so work began in setting up the new ‘Woodlands’ Beaver Colony and its team of leaders. The first meeting was held on the 24th February 2014 and saw an intake of 15 Children who were at the top of the waiting list. The size of the Colony will be reviewed after a couple of months at which point there may be an opportunity to expand it to the same size as the Great Lake Colony (25) who meet on a Wednesday night. The opening of the new Colony gives the opportunity for young children to join the section who may not have otherwise reached the top of the list. It also offers a degree of choice as to which night they wish attend. If you would like to find out more about either of the Beaver Colonies, please contact; • Mark (Woodlands Colony – Monday nights) at Woodlandsbeavers@grobyscouts.org.uk or • Nalini (Great Lake Colony – Wednesday nights) at beavers@grobyscouts.org.uk Or for any other enquiries about the 73rd Leicester (Groby) Scouts Group visit us at; http://www.grobyscouts.org.uk/contact-us/
My wife and I laugh about how competitive we are, but I laugh more.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Spotlight Successful Slimmers! Bradgate Slimming World Drama Small Ads Local consultant Hazel Hickson has kindly dropped us a line Society to sing the praises of some of
• Mobility Scooter (Celebrity X) four wheel type, including shopping basket and parcel bag. Price: £225.00 ono Tel :0116 287 6128. • DOG CRATE - 105cm x 75cm x 85cm high. Folds flat. Buyer collects. Price: £50.00 o.n.o. Tel: 0116 287 6724. • GARDEN POND EQUIPMENT - A Stingray 7000 PUMP and a Filterclear pressure filter. Price: £50.00. Tel: 0116 287 7870. • Bowls - Almark Sterling SlimLine, Size 3HM, Suitable for indoors and outdoors Price: £40.00 • Four Bowls carrier - Drakes Pride nearly new Price: £5.00 • XL Cathedral White nylon waterproofs Price: £5.00 Tel: 01530 243418
• PIANO STOOL - excellent condition, lots of sheet music included Price: £20.00 • Old fashioned leaded glass flat fronted display unit, excellent condition Price: £15.00 • ORIENTAL ROOM SCREEN - fantastic detail, Mother of Pearl marble plus various other minerals, beautiful scenes Price: Cost £950 in London. Bargain at £400 Tel 01530 244396
her members who have been shedding weight over the past few months. Pictured here are some of the groups’ Greatest Losers. Hazel says: “Congratulations to them all on their transformations - a massive well done ladies!” Gillian Townsend (right) lost 3 stones 10lbs
• Swift baby to 15kg STROLLER with 4-position reclining seat. Very good condition. Price: £45.00 Tel: 0116 287 2865 • GARDEN HOSE on REEL Price: £10.00 Tel: 0116 287 5654 If you have any household items which you’d like to advertise FREE in the Spotlight, please SEND DETAILS by post or email - sorry, we can’t take them over the phone. Our postal address is Spotlight Small Ads, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or you can email details to: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk
Performances are on Friday 16th. and Saturday 17th. May beginning at 7.30p.m. in Newtown Linford Village Hall. If you’d like to join us for an extremely spooky night out tickets, price £7, are available from Lesley Baker (01509 890771) or Toby Manning (01530 245298) or by email at bradgatedrama@gmail.com
I’m organising The Buddy Gask Charity Day to be held at the Markfield community centre on 7th June 2014. Sue Shaw (above) lost 6 stones
• TABLE LAMP - brass candlestick style, 22”, with cream silk shade. Price: £7.00 • GARDEN HOSE - Hoselock reel hose, approx. 120 yards Price: £8.00 • CUSHIONED LAP TRAY - 17” x 13”, never used. Price: £5.00 Tel: 0116 287 6896 • WHEELCHAIR - very good condition Price: £45.00 Tel: 0116 231 2865
The Society’s Spring production is Alan Ayckbourn’s ‘Snake in the Grass’, a ghostly thriller which will have you on the edge of your seat.
Joanna Benbow- Collins lost 5½ stones
Buddy Gask was a founding member of the Leicester band Showaddywaddy who passed away in 2011. The event is to go ahead with the consent of his family and all money raised is to go to local cancer and Alzheimer charities. I am organising this event because as a child I was a huge Showaddywaddy fan and Buddy was my hero. Now at 42 I am honoured to host this event. Living in Doncaster I was informed that Buddy used to play as part of a duo ‘Double Bill’ at The Red Lion Markfield in 2000/01 on a regular basis which is why I chose this venue. The daytime event is free with activities all day and the night time event is ticket only with three live acts and much more. Any kind of publicity for this event would be greatly appreciated.
Simon Thrower
Don’t forget to send us your news! Email: info@ grobyspotlight. co.uk
Heat makes things expand, so I’m not overweight - I’m just a little too warm.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
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No, I don’t want to come to your cat’s birthday party ... you freak. My dog’s getting married that weekend.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
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I always mean what I say ... I just don’t mean to say it out loud.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Groby Goes Bananas for Fairtrade Fortnight On Saturday 1st March members of the Fair Trade Group from Groby United Reformed Church and St Philip & St James Church were prepared to go bananas by donning banana outfits at the Co-op and Budgens super markets to help spread the message and encourage people to engage in a free quiz on fairly traded bananas. Both stores donated a basket of fairly traded goods as the prizes for the most correct answers. The church folk made sure there were no banana skins to trip up their campaign to raise awareness by focusing on the most popular fruit in the UK and the fourth most important food crop in the world. Fairtrade bananas arrived in the UK 13 years ago, and 1.2 billion of the Fairtrade fruits are now sold here each year – that’s one in three bananas.
Quiz winners: Members of the Stockill Family being presented with their prize hamper by Stephan, the Budgens Store Manager.
Quiz winners: Harry Gamble’s mum Kate, receiving Harry’s goodies from Barry the Co-op Store Manager (Harry was watching Leicester City play Charlton Athletic at the time of the presentation!)
When Year 6 went bananas. The three local primary schools were contacted, and happily decorated pennants with fairtrade designs.” Groby Sings” & Urban Saints were also involved, as were the members of both churches after their Sunday morning services.
In all 264 pennants made up the bunting which was displayed on the railings of Groby Village Hall. Many thanks, to the Village Hall Committee for Kindly allowing the bunting to be displayed for the entire Village to view.
Elizabeth Woodville Primary School, year 6 children proudly showing off their fair-trade bunting-design skills.
Martinshaw Primary School year 6 holding a Fairtrade Tea Party after school, where they baked and then sold all the goodies on sale. Fairtrade Easter eggs were awarded to one year 6 pupil from each of the three primary schools for the most creative pennants in the bunting. Well done Ben Shearer, Martinshaw: Jack Foreman, Lady Jane Grey: and Harriet Bishop, Elizabeth Woodville.
One of the Churches Together teams demonstrating their passion for Fair Trade in Groby
I could be a morning person. If morning happened around noon.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
County Councillor’s Report from Ozzy O’shea Night Lighting, Traffic Order, Libraries Consultation and a road closure Part Night Lighting Groby
(Communities and Wellbeing) has a target of saving £1.9 million by 2016.
The County Council is introducing part night lighting to Groby at the beginning of April. Ratby has had part night lighting in operation for the past 2 to 3 years. I must say that I had serious reservations at the time but my concerns have been without any foundation. Crime has not increased and no issues have been forthcoming - in fact in some areas, crime has gone down. Junctions are kept on but in other areas the part night lighting operates from 12 midnight to 05.30am in the morning, give or take 15 minutes either side. During this period the lights are turned off.
Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, Groby I have authorised the above order which will come into operation within the next 2 months. This order relates directly to Stephenson Way, Windmill Rise, Fir Tree Lane, Ratby Road and Leicester Road. This will protect the bus route along Stephenson Way by restricting the current parking on junctions. It is of vital importance to the local community that the bus route around the estate is protected as a number of elderly and vulnerable people use this service. The order will also free up parking on Windmill Rise and Fir Tree Lane. This order will also deal with moving back slightly the parking bays at the junction of Ratby Road and Leicester Road and the parking bays outside the butchers. This will allow buses and other HGV’S to turn more easily out of Ratby Road on to Leicester Road.
Libraries Consultation The service in which Libraries are placed
Of this it is proposed to explore how £800K could be saved across the rural libraries, which collectively account for around 25% of overall library business. At the moment these are proposals only. The Cabinet approved the MTFS in February and are now consulting with residents on the Library service. So what is the county council’s offer on libraries? The County Council is proposing to make savings of £800,000 and we will take into account any changes in behaviour such as a lot of people now accessing books online. The County expect to continue to run its town libraries but will explore community-running of the smaller libraries and possible colocation with other organisations, such as parish councils. The County may have to close libraries if they can’t find partners. Smaller libraries are already not the best used and the County Council reflected that by reducing opening hours. What will be the terms of conditions, will groups have to buy books, etc? The County are still working on the detail but the broad proposal is for the County Council to offer professional support from its libraries service on a tapering basis to help develop the understanding needed. They have been following the work of other local authorities who have been more advanced in this to learn lessons from them. They also have a significant volunteer network working with the service already and hope that they can encourage greater involvement from those experienced volunteers to help. The County is now consulting with the public on its proposed changes to the Libraries. The Consultation Starts on 7th April and ends on 7th July
I would urge all residents to take part in this consultation you can take part on line at the following address; www.leics.gov.uk/haveyoursay/ futurelibraries If you do not have a computer you can use the ones in the Library free. General queries about consultation: tel: 0116 305 7034 or email: futurelibraries@leics.gov.uk Information will be on display at each Library and how to take part. Groby’s Public Meeting is on Tuesday 6th May at 7pm at the Groby Village Hall, the doors open at 6.30pm. Unfortunately I am away and unable to attend this meeting. Library Workshops Planned The County Council have also arranged 3 Community Partnerships Library Workshops planned, where you can get more information and advice on running a local library. All workshops start at 6.15pm and finish at 8.30pm. (Doors open at 6pm) • Wednesday 30th April Bagworth Community Centre • Monday 19th May County Hall • Monday 16th June Shepshed High School To help the Council plan for these workshops I would ask residents to, please register in advance at futurelibraries@leics.gov.uk or by calling 0116 305 7034. I will also be lobbying to keep Groby and Ratby Libraries open through the scrutiny process as your local County Councillor. I am passionate about libraries and I personally believe that the Library service is such an important part of our community as it serves some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Closure Station Road, Ratby I am giving residents who travel along Station Road towards Kirby Muxloe and LFE, a very early
notification that Station Road will be closed from its junction with Taverner Drive to the spot island junction with Desford Road, Kirby Muxloe, from the 24th May to the 7th June 2014 to allow Severn Trent to put a new water main in. Whilst this work is taking place the diversion route will be via Station Road, Desford Lane, Ratby, Desford Lane, Desford Road, Ratby Lane, Kirby Muxloe and vice versa. This work is planned for 3 weeks and I wanted to give residents a very early heads up. I will give a further update next month and include a route map. I would like to thank you all for your continued support and to remind you that I am only a phone call or email away. I would like to end by wishing you all a Very Happy Easter.
Ozzy O’shea Working for you Cllr Ozzy O’shea Tel 0116 2394336 or 07808585825 Email ozzyoshea@hotmail.com
Glenfield Millennium Green
Find those eggs on Sat 19th April! The annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Millennium Green takes place on Saturday April 19th from 10.30am to 12.00 (noon). The cost is £1.50 per child and all children who take part must be accompanied by an adult. All contestants win an Easter Egg, plus other goodies, and refreshments are provided. Adults are admitted free of charge. Some areas of the Green are uneven and after rain can be flooded, so suitable footwear should be worn. Join us on the Green for our first event of 2014 when hopefully the sun will shine.
I knew I was going bald when it was taking longer and longer to wash my face.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Deadline: 31st May 2014
Grants available from The Henry Sacheverell Charity
In 1616 a local Ratby dignitary by the name of Henry Sacheverell (who lived at Old Hays Farm at the end of the track through the Burroughs) wrote a will that included a sum of money that was to be used for the needy in the villages of Ratby and Groby. This money was to be invested through the purchase of some land, and then once rented out, the yearly income was to be distributed to needy people in the then ancient Church Parish of Ratby, which included at that time Groby, Newtown Unthank and Botcheston. When Henry died in 1620 a field was bought in the Burroughs, close to where he used to live, and each year since, the rental income has been used to help the poor and needy across the area described above. This process is managed by a group of Trustees and their activity is governed by the Charity Commissioners where it is registered as the ‘Henry Sacheverell Charity’, registration number 218 603. Following a review of how the annual rental income is distributed, the Trustees have decided to try a different approach. For 2014, we are looking to give gifts of up to £250 to organisations within the geographic area of Ratby, Groby, Newtown Unthank and Botcheston, who have, as part of their remit the goal to work with or to help local residents who may be in need. The Trustees are requesting groups or organisations who may be interested in receiving a grant from the Sacheverell Charity to write a short outline of their activity and what they would like to use the money for. These should be sent to
Revd Peter Hooper The Rectory 23 Ferndale Drive Ratby LE6 0LH Additional information can be obtained from Revd Peter on 0116 239 4606. Applications for grants need to have been received by 31st May.
They say you should test your fire alarm once a month. I try but it’s costing me a fortune in houses.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Jottings News in Brief with Norman Griffiths
Grass cutting costs fixed You may think that cutting the grass on the open spaces in the village is no different from mowing your lawn. And in many ways that is true. You look at the grass and decide what height to set the blades and away you go. But for the Parish council it’s a bit more complicated than that, and in addition to how often, and what height, there are considerations such as the difference between areas which are essentially fields and areas which are used for more formal recreational pursuits such as football. Then there’s the question of whether or not to collect the grass cuttings. With all this in mind it’s not surprising that the Council had to set aside time earlier this month for a meeting with their contractor to discuss the options and agree a plan for the rest of the year. The contractor has worked on a fixed price contract for the last three years and the good news for residents is that this has been extended until early 2015 at the same price.
The Norman Ellis trail
little further. So keep an eye on the Mr Leicester nostalgia page in the paper to see if more information is forthcoming. In the meantime another Ellis work seems to have popped up. “I have recently bought a small picture signed by Norman Ellis. It appears to be pastel / coloured pencil, not paint. It is of a village scene. Did Mr Ellis do pictures with other media than oil/s?” asked GrobyOnline reader Stephen. If anyone knows the answer let us know. The picture no longer decorates a Leicestershire wall – it was bought at a car boot sale in Sunderland and will eventually end up for sale on eBay.
More roadworks No-one likes the delays and inconvenience that roadworks cause but at least we get a new road surface out of it. It’s a couple of months away but there are plans for work on the A50 from Groby to Markfield, probably over two weekends in July. Look out for the warnings closer to the closures confirming the diversions through Ratby.
Budgens customers cash in As the Spotlight went to the printers Budgens reported that customers have been taking advantage of their offer to pay their bus fare to visit the store. Spend at least £5 and they will pay your bus fare one way up to a maximum of £2. Tobacco products, lottery, stamps and electronic payments will not count towards the minimum spend. The offer runs to the end of April, but don’t forget to save your bus ticket!
MUGA floodlighting The Parish Council has decided that the electricity supply to the floodlighting on the new Multi Use Games Area on Quarry Park will be laid underground. At a meeting of the Council Paul Wren gave a brief introduction to the members of his role within the Scouts at Groby and advised that he had received numerous emails from his members in respect of concerns regarding the location of the armoured cables to facilitate the electricity supply for the floodlighting. He said that the Scouts initial response to the provision of the electricity supply from the Scout HQ was that they would prefer the armoured cable to be underground at the rear of the premises as opposed to recent suggestions of the cable being run over the flat roof of the Scout HQ. The members noted the concerns and agreed to lay the supply underground.
Although Spotlight readers were unable to help identify Norman Ellis, who loved painting in Groby, the Leicester Mercury has agree to spread the appeal for information a
How to get your children to eat vegetables You’ll wonder why you never thought of this yourself: the secret to persuading your young children to eat their vegetables is to serve them with a dip. In a recent study on obesity in children at Penn State University, it was found that children are three times more likely to eat a vegetable if it comes with a low-fat dip, and twice as likely if it came with a plain dip.
A billy goat used to look after me as a baby - we couldn’t afford a nanny.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
HEARTSAFE PROJECT On Friday the 28th February Cameron Oldershaw (Cj) and I (Lucy Armstrong) students of Groby Community College, went to the Leicester Tigers ground to attend the launch for Leicestershire’s Heartsafe project. This project is promoting the importance of CPR/Resuscitation training in schools. Each school in Leicestershire has been given a defibrillator/AED through the project funded by the 2 main charities supporting this project: Dr Skehan’s East Midlands Pacemaker Fund and the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust. (Sadly, Joe Humphries died whilst out running near his home in Rothley in October 2012; this was due to an undiagnosed heart problem.) In the morning we listened to a presentation about the project and were told a few stories about what some of the cardiac arrest survivors had been through. I thought this was very interesting and it demonstrated that CPR is important and it can save lives. One woman performed CPR on a man she found unconscious for around 20 minutes, and the man is now back to work as a GP with no brain damage. After the talk a lady fainted and everyone was escorted out of the room into the area that had all the CPR dummies in. We then watched a short clip and it showed us that you must go through a process called D.R.S.A.B.C. (Danger, Response, Shout for help, Airways, Breathing, CPR). In our groups we went and did different sections. We firstly learnt how to do CPR and had to do 30 chest presses then 2 breaths. It was very hard work! Then we went and learnt how a defibrillator works and where to put the patches. This was surprisingly easy as the defibrillator tells you what to do. After doing this we wandered around the displays and looked at the leaflets and posters to do with different aspects of CPR and cardiac treatment. Once we had a look at the different sections we had our photos taken with Martin Johnson and he signed a few of our posters. “Saving people is my strength” quoted Cj.
Lucy Armstrong
Year 10 student at Groby Community College
My grandfather played the trombone in bed. It upset Gran - chipped the paint off her guitar.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
IDC Home Maintenance
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The popular February holiday club, run by Churches Together in Groby, was packed full of crafts, fun and games, songs and learning too. A total of 85 primary school children came daily throughout half term; some even cancelled other events so that they didn’t miss a morning! Chattabox had a recycling theme: the leaders Eco, Friendly, Ray and Cycle were 4 fabulous friends who explored not only how we can improve and change our environment but that God in his love wants to improve and change things in our lives too. We would like to thank the Hickinbotham Trust, Groby Parish Council and Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council for grants to support this event, Elizabeth Woodville for use of their premises and the 50 volunteers who made Chattabox possible. Chattabox is an Extend event, working in Groby with children, young people and schools.
Revd. Louise Corke
on behalf of the churches in Groby
New detailed map of Charnwood Forest Getting out and exploring Charnwood Forest is about to get a whole lot easier with a new detailed map covering the whole of the area on a single sheet. The colourful 1:25,000 Ordnance Survey based map, designed by award-winning Northamptonshire-based map publisher Global Mapping, shows additional footpaths, bridleways and permissive paths. It also shows public access land and includes information on places to visit etc. It only costs £4.99 and is available to buy locally and online. Publication has been made possible by funding from Leicestershire County Council, Charnwood Borough Council, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, North West Leicestershire District Council and the Ramblers Association. Roy Denney, Chairman of the Ramblers, Leicestershire & Rutland Area is also Chairman of the Leicestershire Local Access Forum. In that role he instigated the map and says, ‘As so often seems to be the case wherever you are, if you want to explore Charnwood Forest you find yourself walking off the edge of the OS map. Parts of the Forest are already well-loved by many Leicestershire people, but we hope that this locally centred map will encourage them to explore some of its lesser known corners and bring people in from further afield, boosting the local economy’ The map is currently available from Bradgate Park, with other outlets to follow shortly, or online from www.mapstop.co.uk
My shoelaces keep falling out. Why can’t they just get along?
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
GrobyOnline with Norman Griffiths
Shopping online can give cash to Groby Scouts which will cost you nothing If someone stopped you on Granby Street and asked you whether you thought the Scouts was a worthwhile organisation you would probably say ‘yes’. If they then asked you to make a pledge to make regular contributions to the Scouts you may say ‘of course’ or you may do an on the spot review of all the other help you give to good causes. You may still say yes, but on the other hand you may explain that you felt you were already fully committed to helping worthwhile causes. But if they asked if you would mind if part of what you spent buying goods and services on the internet could go to the Scouts you may say ‘why not?’ And there is a way you can make this happen. You won’t pay any more for the things you buy so the Scouts get some money and your ‘donation’ costs you nothing. It may sound too good to be true but it takes advantage of how businesses selling things find their customers. It’s a concept which is sometimes called ‘click through.’ When you use a search engine or a price comparison site to find a company online selling something you want you are often provided with a link to click on. The link then transfers you to the seller’s website. The seller is grateful for the trade that the link has brought them. In fact they are so grateful that they will often pay a commission to the firm that provided the link you clicked on. It’s the way cashback sites work and the process can also work to the advantage of good causes like the Scouts.
So how can you help the Scouts?
Next time you have decided to buy something on the internet go to the Scouts website at www.grobyscouts. org.uk. Under the Welcome banner on the Home Page you’ll find a link to click asking you to help raise money by using their webshop. You will then be able to check whether the company you want to buy from participates in the scheme. The list is huge and includes some companies that only give cashback to good causes. You’ll be surprised how much the Scouts can benefit without it costing you a penny. Going on holiday with Cosmos? If it costs a couple £1000 the Scouts will earn £20. A £1000 holiday with Easyjet will bring in the same amount and so will Jet2.com and Monarch. When you arrive at your resort you can earn money for the Scouts if you book your airport transfer with Resorthopper.com. If your travel insurance with Columbus Direct costs you £50 that’s another £5.50 the Scouts will receive. Book your airport parking with Holiday Extras and 1.5% will go to the Scouts. There’s also donations available from LateRooms and Last Minute.com and many other hotel and leisure groups. You’ll want to make sure that your home is insured whilst you’re away and the RAC will donate nearly £40 if you take out buildings and contents cover through the Scouts website. Don’t get stranded on the way to the airport - adding RAC breakdown cover will give the Scouts up to £26.50. The AA offers similar donations. Perhaps a holiday isn’t on the cards as you have some big household bills coming up. If it’s a new bed from Dreams you’re planning they’ll donate £3.50 for every £100 you
spend. Furniture Village will match that. And whatever else you need there’s a strong chance you’ll find that the company will give money to the Scouts when you buy online through their website. The list of companies that you can buy from is huge and includes you favourite stores like Marks and Spencer, Debenhams, John Lewis and Clarks Shoes. The Scouts have raised about 40% of their modest income target of £500. With such a range of donations available from retailers any larger purchases through their website will help propel them to their target much more quickly. But every little helps, as one retailer is anxious to remind us, so a lot of small donations will also help. So remember when you next make a purchase on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone, that doing it through grobyscouts.org.uk will cost you no more. But it will put cash in the coffers of a worthwhile organisation that helps the young people of Groby.
I thought growing my own lettuce would be difficult but was quite easy in the end. It’s not rocket science.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Groby Parish Council Truck (This letter received from Cllr Peter Batty expresses his views about an article which appeared in last month’s Spotlight. At the time of printing this month’s edition the Council members were still discussing the various options available to them to meet their future transport needs and had not reached a final decision. Ed.)
I very firmly believe that all Councils have an absolute duty to provide value for money to hard pressed Council Tax payers when delivering local services and that can only be done if fixed overheads are kept to an absolute minimum. Therefore, purchasing unnecessary plant or equipment such as Groby Parish Council’s apparent determination to purchase a truck when there is no credible evidence of need can only be described as poor judgement. The Spotlight correspondent makes reference to the Parish Council budget as justification for this ill conceived ambition but what he does not mention is how much of that budget already goes on fixed overheads such as staff wages, office costs and the delivery of local services such as the grass cutting in the village and the cost of managing the Parish Council cemetery. The size of the budget which is collected from Council Tax payers is irrelevant when delivering value for money at all times should be the prime objective. In 2007, the newly elected leadership of Groby Parish Council inherited the highest Council tax precept in the Borough and was faced with a potential increase of 35% just to maintain the status quo of its’ then high fixed overheads which coincidentally included a pick up truck and very expensive grass cutting equipment which were both due for replacement. The Parish Council instead decided to carry out a best value revue which identified a number of significant efficiency savings including dispensing with a pick-up truck which did not pay its’ way. These changes allowed the Council to actually pass on a REDUCTION in the Council Tax precept rather than a potential 35% increase. Groby’s Council Tax precept is now only the 7th highest (out of 24) in the Borough and despite years of rising costs and inflation and
residents are still paying on average 9.8% less Parish precept on a band D property for their local services than in 2007. How was this managed? Improved efficiency which required outsourcing of some services, tight financial controls and successful grant applications, resulting in no increase to the financial burden on local residents based on the 2007 figure. This approach has also led to more projects being delivered in our village than ever before - all without the need for a van! The Spotlight correspondent suggests that staff have been “put upon” and that “hard working people are having to move Council materials in the boot of their cars”. Absolute nonsense! Council staff employed for general maintenance/ handyman duties were employed on the basis that they had to have a vehicle to assist them in performing routine maintenance tasks for which they are compensated with a generous mileage allowance to help address ALL the running costs of their vehicle including insurance. Since 2007, apart from routine maintenance tools and easily transportable small scale materials, the Parish Council has hired vehicles and other plant as and when needed. If properly managed, materials for anything other than small routine tasks can always be delivered to the site of the job, as everyone knows. This cost efficient system was worked extremely well without problem since 2007 so what is the real need for change now? With the sensible and efficient seasonal working brought in by Groby Parish Council in 2007, a van owned by the Parish Council would be largely standing around unattended in Winter for 6 months of the year, apart from gate locking duties which are currently carried out without problem by employees using their own vehicles. Even in the peak Summer period there would only be occasional real need for a van/pick-up and records since 2007 confirm this. Surely, hiring in a van when there is an actual evidenced, need as has been the case since 2007, is a far more efficient use of the money collected from hard pressed families who have no choice but to keep a tight control on their household budgets. The closer you look for real reasons for this apparent obsession by certain individuals on the Parish Council to purchase a completely unnecessary vehicle, you may begin to wonder how much confidence local residents can have in the current management of their Parish Council.
The fall and rise of the convenience store Norman Griffiths rediscovers the shops that have gone For the last few decades the big supermarkets have been busy putting the traditional corner store out of business.
Peter Batty
Love them or hate them customers voted with their feet, or more specifically their motorcars, freezers and refrigerators able to accommodate a week’s shopping from the out of town superstores. The last few years have seen a reversal of the process and convenience stores have made a comeback, though more often than not they are also part of the big supermarket chains. Those who have lived in the village for a few years will have seen some changes. The Co-operative has moved to its new store on Leicester Road vacating what is now Pricegate. The successful Budgens store has survived despite its brief flirtation as the Pennymarket discount store with inadequate lighting and shelves full of boxed products. Those with longer memories will remember the small grocery shops in the Martinshaw Lane parade, and the Co-op occupying the Cathy Stephens premises. We then come to the long standing Groby residents. They will tell you not only about the old Co-op near the corner of what is now Fir Tree Lane but also other branches including the one on Markfield Road opposite Wallace Drive. Mrs Iris Ball (Bott before she married) had her first job at the age of 14. She worked at the Markfield Co-op with manager Don Plant. In her early twenties she was transferred to the Co-op at Wallace Drive, Groby as First Assistant to the Manager Mr Tom Mee. Her first 19 years of working life was with the Co-op. “My working full days were Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 6 pm with one hour break for lunch and on Saturday I only worked half a day and finished at 12.30 pm,” explained Iris to the Markfield Herald. “Every Monday and Tuesday morning my first job of the day was the ‘order round’ which involved collecting customers orders from their homes. This task I did on my bicycle in all weathers cycling further afield than Copt Oak. The orders were then made up by myself and other staff. These were then delivered by a Co-op lorry every Thursday.” It sounds very much like the internet ordering and delivery service that has gained ground over the last few years, without the technology but with a friendly face from the Co-op. Joan Bates of Markfield also remembers the service. “As a child I lived at Shaw Lane and every Tuesday morning - rain or fine - we had a visit from Miss Betty Kelham, who also lived at Shaw Lane,” Joan recalled. “She used to come on her bike to collect our Co- op order book, with the goods being delivered the following Friday. At the same time she collected payment for the previous week’s order. This procedure carried on for some years. (My Mum’s divi number was 5261!)” Joan also remembers Markfield manager Don Plant, who she says used to weigh out the sugar in blue bags. Iris Ball used to spend half a day weighing out sugar and then bagging it into one and two pound bags. “Some of my other jobs included cutting lard and wrapping into half pounds and pounds, skinning cheeses and taking bones out of bacon.” Mrs Joan Chapman, who still lives on Wallace Drive remembers the Co-op store on the main road. “It was a lovely shop,” she said. “Nothing was too much trouble for Ken the manager. He would even go out delivering weekly orders himself with a wheelbarrow.” Joan recalls other Co-op local shops – one further up the hill at Field Head and another on the corner near the Brant.”
Groby Parish Councillor & Borough Councillor for Groby
What memories do you have of Groby’s shops and the staff who worked there? Let us know.
I always thought that by 2014 we would have flying cars. Instead, we have blankets with sleeves.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
• • • • • • • •
Groby WI Programme
17th April ‘You can’t be serious!’ Tales of a Wimbledon Umpire 1988 – 2012 15th May Resolutions 19th June Tai Chi theory & having a go 17th July Stilton Cheese 21st August Stammering Toastmaster 18th September Talk Singing 16th October Farmhouse Cookery Christmas 20th November AGM 11th December History of Sausages
It is with great delight that I am able to announce the start of the Brookvale-Groby Band. This is the coming together of musicians across the campus led by our teachers Miss White and Ms Bridge. We look forward to their first joint cross campus public performance in the Summer term.
Mr Coles, Principal Groby Community College
0116 2879715 / 07814224630
Trying to get tickets to see an Elvis tribute band, but when I phone it keeps saying press 1 for the money, 2 for the show ...
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
All the latest news from Groby WI Our March meeting was very different, no Speaker, all homespun. The idea came from Janet Rose, a relatively newcomer to Groby W.I. The plan was that a few volunteers would bring along a favourite pudding of theirs, of a quantity sufficient for fellow members to sample. In all, 12 tempting puddings were laid out on a central table. When the display was complete the effect was mouthwatering. A dietician would have been horrified at the calories on offer. Nine of the exhibits contained cream and/or cream cheese. Every dessert, except the diabetic one, contained sugar in some form. All were extremely naughty but so, so nice! We sat at numbered tables for six and were given precise instructions when we could take our turn at the tasting table and that only spoons with the dish were to be used for serving. A saucer was placed at each pudding; the idea being that small change would be donated according to the taster’s choice of scrumptiousness. The monies collected were given to the Charity Associated County Women of the World. Perhaps this would be a good time to say a few words about this good cause. I am sure quite a few members, myself included, are not fully aware of what this charity is all about. So, to get the facts correct I consulted my friend ‘Google’. ‘ACWW is a nonsectarian, non-political organisation which links 9 million members worldwide, through 250 member societies in over 60 countries. Members pledge to improve living conditions in a practical way and support basic education and local development projects to fight hunger and disease’. At all our meetings we have a ‘Pennies For Friendship’ collecting box for small change. This money is used to help under-privileged women in third world countries. Our pudding night raised £36.01 for this worthy cause. The sweets raising most money were -1st. Lemon Roulade; 2nd Apple Pie; 3rd. Eton Mess. Congratulations to the members concerned. I wonder how many Groby ladies had to resort to a swig of ‘Gaviscon’ before retiring for the night, I certainly did. The AGM Groby was well represented at the AGM at All Nations Centre, six of us attended as members. We were most proud that Anne Allison was Federation Chairlady and Diane Brown was the Federation Treasurer and Fran Wilson did her
bit on the WI Sales Section. Of course we began with good old Jerusalem, it was very rousing as the Hall was packed. Anne then introduced the Deputy Lord Mayor as our first speaker, Councillor John Thomas. The Lord Mayor was unable to attend so John kindly stepped into the gap and gave a brief speech empathizing that the fact that this year’s Lord Mayor’s Charity was for Macmillan Cancer Support. He was rather embarrassed that, after a plea by Anne for all phones to be turned off, his rang. The next speaker, Clair Evans of the RAF Association. This Association which has 63,500 members, supports families where ever the need. It has welfare officers, case workers and volunteers. It covers a whole gamut of services for ex-service people, dependant families and serving personnel. For example it arranges videos to be made for parents and families to keep in touch with those abroad. Clair played briefly a video of a father reading a story to his daughter, she said that the lady who edited these was fed up with the Gruffalo stories. They had family houses, even a couple of holiday retreats. Some veterans are only 20 years old but have suffered both mentally and physically. The main morning speaker was Peter Lien WI of the Cookery School at Denman. A young, good looking chap and an excellent speaker. He covered an extensive range of related subjects but the actual title of his talk was ‘Are modern mothers better cooks than their mothers”. “Private lessons?” In a recent survey it seems 21% modern women know more recipes by heart than their mothers who knew only 17%. He put this down to how much more is available to us now than in our mother’s day. Afterwards he took questions and as well as sensible ones, one member asked if he gave private lessons, he was very dishy, I can quite understand why she asked it. We had a speaker from Loddington who gave an excellent talk on the Great Food Debate. She really had us thinking. After lunch we had the presentation of Certificates and Trophies. Unfortunately we had no winners not surprisingly as yours truly had entered the writing competition, a conversation with an historic person. After reading the three winners I quite see why mine was such rubbish, still it was an entry. I think mine was rather
too light hearted, not really the sort of conversation to have with Queen Victoria. We then had Bill Tidy the cartoonist, writer and television personality and a great entertaining speaker. He said he would be speaking on famous women in history and those who were just plain misses. He began with Moses on the mount, in a storm with, he said, 144 tablets which he wanted to get down the mountain. Unfortunately he slipped and the tablets got smashed, all except for 10 of them. So he put them in his pinny and went down the mountain, worried what the Elders would say about the smashed tablets. He decided to consult his wife Zipporah. After he consulted ‘Zip’, he went to the Elders and said that the ten remaining tablets were to be the law. As to the smashed ones, they were to be used for scrabble. This was how Bill continued bringing in such women as Helen of Troy. It seems the siege lasted ten years, inside the City the people were starving yet history wants us to believe that after all that time, they were only too happy to go out and bring in a wooden horse. All the time he
Bill Tidy was speaking he kept drawing, a most entertaining and lovely man. After speaking he presented the competition winners with their trophies etc and each received a big kiss and a hug. At the end of the meeting we raised the roof with the National Anthem, a lovely end to an excellent meeting. Next month’s meeting on Thursday l7th April is a talk by a Wimbledon Umpire, Alan Grey M.B.E., entitled, ‘You can’t be serious’, it sounds fun. Visitors are always at our meetings and I am sure you will be made very welcome.
Evelyn and Margaret
I’m good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet ... I don’t know why.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Phone: 0116 262 3202 email@henstocks.co.uk
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Success for Groby Community College’s Enterprise Team
Congratulations to all the members of Groby Community College’s Year 12 Young Enterprise Team ‘Eunoia’ on winning the award for the ‘Best Trade Stand Performance’ at the Young Enterprise Trade Fair held at Leicester Highcross on Sunday 9 March. Eunoia produce and sell a number of different products made from old vinyl records. At the trade fair they competed for customers against 17 other Young Enterprise Companies from across Leicestershire. Business was brisk and the team exceeded their sales target well before close of business.
Have your say
Don’t miss the chance to have your say Over the next few months the council will be sharing detailed plans to change the way it works. Many of these proposals will be published so that you can help shape the decisions. To contribute to any of our consultations visit www.leics.gov/haveyoursay Other ways to stay involved: • Register for regular updates at www.leics.gov.uk/future • Follow us @leicscountyhall • Like us www.facebook.com/leicsdemocracy • Call 0116 305 0002
Pictured above is Joe Boden, being presented with the ’Best Trade Stand Performance’ winning award! Joe Boden - Managing Director for Eunoia, said: “I would like to say a greatly deserved well done to all members of Eunoia for their commitment, hard work and reliability. “Together we have achieved success in the early stages of the Young Enterprise competition and I am very proud of everyone’s achievement. “Hopefully we will have continued success over the coming months. “
I’ve owned 3 Golden Retrievers and not once has one of them brought me any gold.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Bowls is for everyone in Bagworth The Bricklayer’s Arms 213 Main Street Thornton T: 01530 230 808 QUIZ Nite: Thursdays We now have SKY and ESPN Ask about our new menus! www.bricklayersarms.net The Club, Thornton Main Street. T: 01530 230251 Open To Non-members Fri 11th April: Children’s end of term Easter Party Sat 19th April: Eddie’s Classic Sounds + Young band called The Platform Sat 26th April: Boneyard Blues Band - rock & blues band May Bank Holiday weekend (2nd 3rd & 4th May): beer festival accompanied by some very good music & BBQ! All welcome Sat 10th May: Mojo hand rhythm & blues rock band Sat 17th May: Thornton’s own punk band Punk & Disorderly Sun 18th May: Sunday afternoon with Georgie - band Sat 24th May: Leyton Merrell - singing motown soul reggae pop and rock covers FREE ROOM HIRE AVAILABLE. Sky Sports In Both Rooms, Bingo Every Tuesday Evening. www.facebook.com/ thethorntonclub The Queen’s Head Ashby Road, Markfield. T: 01530 242 496 Pub Quiz - last Thursday of the month. ALL SKY SPORTS & BT SPORTS Bagworth Working Men’s Club, Station Road, Bagworth. Tel. 01530 230205 Find us on FACEBOOK search Bagworth WMC New members welcome. Sat 19th April: SOCIAL SEQUENCE DANCE - 8pm £2 on the door, Bingo & Raffle. Sat 26th April: STEVE COOPER - free live entertainment. Live entertainment – last Saturday of the month Andy’s Charity Quiz £1.50 each - last Friday of the month - and RAFFLE - with excellent prizes. Sequence dances Sunday Nights.
£2.00 admission 8 pm Tea Dance Wednesday afternoon 2 – 4 pm. £1 admission. Ask about our free room hire for those special family occasions. The Field Head Hotel Markfield Lane, Markfield Tel: 01530 245454 Tribute Nights/£2 Entry after 7pm. See advert on page 26. The Bulls Head Forest Road, Markfield T: 01530 242541 Saturday 3rd May: MICK KNIGHT All FREE Entry! Garden & Pub Games etc. POKER NIGHT - Tuesdays starts at 8pm The Coach & Horses Leicester Road, Field Head Tel: 01530 242 312 KARAOKE Nights Every Fortnight:- Next two are Saturday 12th April and Saturday 26th April with ‘King of the Road’. Groby Ex-Servicemen’s Club, Leicester Road, Groby Tel: 0116 287 1809 www.grobyclub.co.uk Saturday 12th April: TBA - Be Assured Of A Quality Act Sunday 13th April: Super Sunday ‘50’ Bingo And Quiz Friday 18th April: Adam James Wilford - Songs From The Past Saturday 19th April: Boogie Street - Quality 4 Piece Band Sunday 20th April: We Will Be Having An Easter Bonnet Parade At Lunchtime Super Sunday’50’ Bingo And Quiz Friday 25th April: Tba Saturday 26th April: Pop + Idol - Excellent Father And Son Duo Sunday 27th April: Super Sunday ‘50’ Bingo And Quiz Friday 2nd May: Tba Saturday 3rd May: Soul Providers - Quality Duo Sunday 5th May: Super Sunday ‘50’ Bingo And Quiz Friday 9th May: Tba Saturday 10th May: Tba Sunday 11th May: Super Sunday ‘50’ Bingo And Quiz
Were you aware that there is a flourishing bowls club in Bagworth? Situated at the back of the Community Centre, Bagworth Bowls Club has been in existence for over 80 years. The friendly atmosphere of the club is warm and welcoming, and the teas served at our Saturday afternoon matches are good enough to earn the highest praise from our visiting opponents! The game of bowls is not arduous in any way but it does provide exercise that can be beneficial to players whatever their level of fitness - just ask your doctor. It is one of very few sports where individuals across the full range of abilities can compete against one another on, quite literally, a level playing field! In case you are of the stereotypical opinion that bowls is only for rather elderly ladies and gentlemen, let me point out that we have members of all ages, from teenagers to ‘recycled’ teenagers in their eighties! We have families represented over 3 generations, married couples who actually talk to each other and the odd merry widow; it really is a game for everyone!
Try bowls for free on 21st April If you have ever thought you might like to try this wonderful game of bowls, you would be more than welcome to come along to our club. And it will cost you nothing at all, as we shall provide all the kit you need whilst you decide if it’s for you. We have certificated coaches among our ranks who would be delighted to give you all the necessary pointers to get you started and other club members are always willing to give advice and assistance to make you feel at home. Hopefully we shall see you on the 21st April from 5pm to 7.45pm and if you want any other information please contact me, John Sinfield on 01530 231273 or email me at Sinfield@talktalk.net
Tribute The newly-arrived minister was asked to take a funeral at short notice. At one point in the service she said: “As I did not know the deceased, is there anyone here who would like to say a few words of tribute?” There was silence for several minutes and then a voice at the back was heard to say: “His brother was far worse.”
I did a sponsored walk once. In the end I managed to raise so much money, I could afford a taxi.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
I don’t understand people who say life is a mystery, because what is it they want to know?
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Cadets Field Craft Weekend March 2014
National Trust Leicester Association NEWS
On the weekend of the 15th and 16th March, the 2070 (Glenfield) Squadron had a weekend at John Lee’s Wood Scout Campsite, which offers a forest environment to carry out all elements of field-craft activities.
For a number of years the National Trust has arranged special activities over the Easter weekend at most of its properties and this year will be no different. Many activities are sponsored by Cadbury and hundreds of their eggs will be given away as prizes.
For a lot of the cadets this was their first taste of camping with the squadron and it gave them a chance to learn a number of skills that they will put to use for their Duke of Edinburgh Award and future Adventure training with the Squadron. The weekend was made up of the following activities and lessons: •
An initial march to the campsite • Camp craft and Cooking Skills • Camouflage and Concealment • Field Model making • Observation Skills • Orienteering For extra development of the older Cadets, All the lessons were conducted by the Cadet Sergeants and overseen by the Adult Staff members, with Flt Lt RAFVRT Mayoh-Smith, FS (ATC) Gibson, CI’s Anderson, Clarke and Womersley taking the lead in the
organization of the weekend, all went very well. Over the weekend the cadets, tested their technical skills in all the elements of Field Craft as well as pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. The new Cadets were said they very much enjoyed the experience and look forward to future Cmaps
Flight Sergeant (ATC) M Parker For more information visit www.2070sqn.co.uk
Fair Cuppa:
an opportunity to meet with friends at the village hall. Every Thursday, 10.30-12.00
Calke Abbey has an Easter Trail from Fri 18 to Sun 20 April from 11am to 3.30pm. From Fri 18 to Mon 21 April Sudbury Hall has an Easter Egg Hunt and Kedleston Hall, Hardwick Hall and Woolsthorpe Manor have Easter Trails all from 11am to 4pm. Easter is also the traditional time for many families to commence days out to places of interest. To celebrate its 40th anniversary the NT Museum of Childhood at Sudbury Hall will be displaying items from the collection that have never been seen before. Mr Straw’s House, near Worksop, will be revealing the hidden treasures discovered under beds and inside the drawers of this extraordinary home as well as opening up the archive store, costume store, cellar and washroom. The Workhouse at Southwell will be looking at the roles of the staff of the 1840’s as well as hosting a new exhibition of Workhouse clothing, “Paupers, Petticoats and Pinafores”. The NT Leicester Association has now moved on to its summer programme which includes a coach holiday, coach outings to NT properties and half day visits to local places of interest. Afternoon and evening meetings with a speaker will begin again in September. After five years as Chairman of the Leicester Association of National Trust members I have stood down as Chairman but will remain in the non committee post of Publicity Officer. For details of the NT Leicester Association and its Talks Service for other organisations please call 0116 2229133.
- Need a space where you can step aside for a while? - Got things you would like to say a prayer for? - Like the chance to think without interruptions? - Facing something that daunts you? The churches in Groby will be open at the following times to give you that space. You can be alone, write and leave a prayer request, speak with someone or just use some of the prayers and readings available. URC Tuesdays 6.00-8.00pm St. P&J Saturdays 10.00-12noon
Urban Saints is held during term time, at the URC chapel: there are games, friends, crafts and a Christian basis to discussions. - for 5’s to 14’s on Mon evenings at 3.45pm, 6.30pm or 7.45pm - for 15-18’s on Wed evenings at 7.30pm - for 15-18’s o Fri at 7.30pm More details on the church websites
Youth Worker Ruth O’Connell 07759 087804
meets for play, craft, story & chat for pre-school children with a parent or carer. Catch meets every Friday in term time, 9.30-11.30am, at the URC. For further information please see websites and church magazines St. Philip and St. James www.bradgateteam.org.uk Revd. Louise Corke 231 3090 United Reformed Church www.grobyurc.com Revd Sue McKenzie 232 1733 Youth Worker Ruth Cross 07759 087804
There is no time like the present for postponing what you ought to be doing.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
A Golden day out at St James Palace
Groby teenager receives her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award I was very excited and honoured to attend as a guest to see my daughter, Moyo presented with her Duke of Edinburgh Gold award at St James Palace in London on the 5th of March 2014 .
Jazz in May THORNTON Community Centre will be welcoming back The Brian Humpherson Quintet on Saturday 17th May 2014 - 7.30pm start. This return visit is in response to several requests from previous audience members. Tickets - priced at £7.00 - will be available nearer the date. For early booking, contact Iris Gleeson on 01530 230453.
There were approximately 800 young people from all over the country in attendance. Moyo Mosaku, aged 19, attended the ceremony with five of her former classmates from Ratcliffe College Leicestershire. It was really a glorious day, the weather being extremely kind to us. AWARD WINNER: Moyo Mosaku Seated in the Entree room, (right) with her mum, Ade, the ceremony began with awards of recognition for long serving Duke of Edinburgh leaders who had served from between 12 to 40 years helping young people achieve their awards, including one of Moyo’s former teacher’s from school. HRH Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip then graced us with his presence, taking his time to speak with members in the room about their various experiences and encouraged them to motivate others to partake in the scheme. Listening to the various activities and volunteering schemes the teenagers had to undertake in order to achieve the award was very humbling. These included the not so glamorous hiking expeditions for which, in the main the weather was abysmal. Some of Moyo’s activities included serving on the Army Cadet force and playing hockey for her school. The award ceremony was performed by Professor Susan Smith, Mistress at Girton College Cambridge, who herself is a Leicestershire Gold Duke of Edinburgh holder. She gave an inspiring speech, reminding the award winners of the importance of teamwork, friendship and skills which they have gained and how they are a vital skills for their development in the future. All in all a superb day out to St James’s Palace. Photos can be viewed by clicking on the following link www.DofE.org/go/halloffame Congratulations Moyo on your well deserved achievement!
Ade Mosaku
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.
Groby Village Society
Preservation ~ Conservation Communal Interests
Forthcoming Events Thursday April 24
Samuel Deacon World Famous Clockmaker Born Ratby 1748 Mr John Thornton Thursday May 22
Malaysia and my Chinese Family Mrs Sally Leong
Thursday June 26 Bess of Hardwick’ Mrs Sally Henshaw Thursday July 24
My Life as a Submariner Mr John Deeth
Thursday August 28
Made in Leicester
Mr Brian Johnson Thursday September 25
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf Mrs Denise Taylor
Meetings are held at Groby Village Hall Starting at 7.30pm. For Further Details Contact Hon. Secretary Mr. P. Castell Tel. 0116 287 9842 e-mail:- groby. villagesociety@tiscali. co.uk Non Members are Welcome
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Groby Gardening Society News
Meeting held on March 13th 2014 Growing for Showing Clive Bevan has a long experience with of helping others with gardening, and a special interest in growing monster vegetables and helping with demonstration gardens, particularly for charity events. He commenced his talk with a number of general tips: 1. Always water with warm water never cold water straight from the tap. Fill up your watering can in the morning and leave it to reach the ambient temperature. Water in the evening. 2. Rhubarb. He is a great fan of rhubarb. Cut the leaves off and don’t even compost them, put them in the general waste bin! Boil the stalks, strain off the fibrous material, dilute and spray everything. Nothing likes rhubarb! Spraying will keep all the bugs off your crops. Next, chop rhubarb stalks into chunks and put a piece under each potato tuber or plant you are about to transplant. Nothing likes rhubarb! Creatures in the soil will not attack your plant roots. No slugs! No Club root infection! 3. Tomatoes. He grows his on the greenhouse staging with canes at an angle of 45 degrees towards the centre of the greenhouse, up to towards the apex and then down the other side at 45 degrees, forming an arch. Many more trusses, less strain on the truss/stem joint, longer fruiting period. 4. Sow your leeks in November from your save seed. 5. Plant potato tubers in new mown grass cuttings to get clean potatoes. 6. For large onions he grows them with 2ft spacing.
He described the occasion of preparing a display garden for a Prince Charles charity event. This included four monster cabbage plants in very large pots in his back garden. A helicopter was used to lift these over the house roof and onto a lorry. Obviously, a spectacle for the neighbours and the TV cameras. He has a business of selling seeds for growing monster vegetables. He donated two packets of seeds for growing long runner beans. These were placed in the subsequent raffle and the gauntlet was really thrown down
as Eric and Ernie (no, not that pair!) won a packet each. These stalwart gardeners will be head to head, or bean to bean, at The Village Show! An enjoyable meeting, whether you want to try any of his recommendation or not. You can view some of his monster vegetable photographs at www. gardening –answers.co.uk/ shop/Clive Bevan
Snowdrops Last month our trip to Hodsock was an eye opener to many. The sheer variety and number of different snowdrops is truly amazing. The plant was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Its name “Galanthus” is derived from two Greek words. “Gala” refers to milk and the “Anthus” bit to a flower. Linnaeus added the “nivalis” to indicate the snowy appearance of the flower. It has become very popular in cultivation and is commonly planted in gardens and parks. It is now a familiar sight even in the British Isles and northern France, where it is not native. The common snowdrop occurs throughout Europe, from the Pyrenees eastward to the Ukraine, and from Germany and Poland southwards to southern Italy, Albania and northern Greece. One of the joys of snowdrops is their early flowering, but this poses problems for the plant. Very few pollinating insects are around when in flower, bulb division is the more common method of reproduction. Galanthus nivalis is admired for its delicate beauty; millions of plants are sold each year by the horticultural trade. It is one of the most popular of all cultivated bulbous plants and is widely enjoyed as an outdoor, early spring flower. The bulbs are collected on a small scale from privatelyowned estates in the UK for sale to wholesalers for the horticultural market. Lifting the bulbs on a four- to five-year rotation helps ensure sustainable production. The common snowdrop also has medicinal uses. For example, it contains a chemical compound which has been approved for use in the management of Alzheimer’s disease in a number of countries. This same compound is also used in the treatment of traumatic injuries to the nervous system. The plant also can stimulate or increase menstrual flow and so can induce an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. There is another compound which is also being studied with regard to its potential activity against HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Snowdrop extracts are also an effective insecticide, and can be used against beetles, moths, aphids and leafhoppers. Some research has suggested that snowdrop lectin could be a candidate for introduction into genetically-engineered crops, such as tobacco and tomatoes, to increase their resistance to insect pests.
The Village Show (Saturday August 16th) Schedules are now available from the village Library as well as on the Spotlight website (www.grobyspotlight.co.uk). Amongst the interesting changes is one to the D.A.Colledge Shield. Instead of being awarded to a home-made drink, this year’s award will be for a home-made packed lunch for 1 adult. A home-made drink may accompany the packed lunch. It is to be packed/displayed for effect.
The Plant Sale This is on Saturday morning 17th May at the village hall. As usual there will be a great range of home-grown flowering and vegetable plants. Prices will again be very competitive as many are donated by Society members and friends. Indeed, if any reader is about to divide perennial plants, or has too many of a variety grown perhaps from seed, their donation to the Society’s sale would be most welcome.
Future Meetings Our monthly meetings are held at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of the month, usually in the United Reformed Church rooms on Chapel Hill. Details about membership and the events programme can be obtained from Alvar Johnson. (Tel. No. 01162877870) or E mail anjjmj1@outlook. com
Alvar Johnson My divorce came as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in 18 years.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
Libraries public consultation meeting: Tuesday 6th May at Groby Village Hall Norman Griffiths has the latest information A public meeting at Groby Village Hall on May 6th could be critical in determining whether or not Groby will have a village library or will have to rely on a mobile service. Hosted by Leicestershire County Council doors will open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. The consultation process with the communities affected by the planned library budget cuts will continue over the next few months and a decision will be taken in September on what course of action can be taken. If communities do not step forward to get involved in the running of libraries the County Council will have to consider any alternative strategies to discharge their statutory responsibility, and this could include an enhanced mobile library service. Between September 2014 and January 2015 affected communities that decide not to let their libraries close will have time to put put together a business case to be presented to the Council. There would then be a few months to put the new arrangements in place before implementation from April 2015.
Working Party meeting In March the Parish Council’s Library Working Party had a liaison meeting with the County Council to learn more about the proposals and the options. Although it has been estimated that as many as 30 community volunteers would be needed to maintain current opening hours there were alternative strategies outlined. One small parish is looking at combining a part time Parish Clerk (currently a vacancy) with part time library duties in order to run the library at Parish Council expense. Another option is that the existing library staff could carry on running the library and their salaries recharged to the local community group. In this case library staff would remain employees of the County Council. Currently the income of the library is fairly limited. After the first five years the local organisation would need to be largely self financing with regard to such things as building rental charges, utility bills, public liability and book insurance. Income from fines, for example, would make a contribution but other sources of income would need to be sought. The library premises are currently available to outside organisations for rental when the library is closed but few take advantage of the facility at the moment. As long as there are no Health and Safety issues alternative uses could be encouraged to generate income.
Public transport issues The issue of access to public libraries is one which the County Council is aware of, particularly considering the lack of inter- village public transport links.
The nearest library on the list to definitely stay open is Glenfield, but both Coalville and Leicester City libraries are easier to access by bus. Though with a single Arriva fare into Leicester recently increasing to £2.70 for some using an e-reader or buying a book from Amazon may seem a more cost effective option. Merging the City and County library services would reduce overheads but this is not currently under consideration. So there is a lot for anyone who values a local library service to consider, and if you are in that group you may wish to hear what is said at the meeting on May 6th. This is a big job for a community to take on but already volunteers are stepping forward to offer to help. The County Council is offering the use of existing premises but will probably expect the community organisation to agree to a 10 year lease and to pay a market rent after the first five years. If an organisation finds that it cannot raise sufficient money to meet the running costs there is likely to be an option to terminate at the end of 5 years.
The future? What we don’t know as this radical change in the delivery of library services approaches is what the service will look like and need to offer its customers in 5 or10 years time. A few years ago there were probably pundits forecasting that e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle would make books redundant. It’s true that sales of ebooks went through the roof initially but perhaps the situation is now stabilizing. eBooks accounted for about 25% of book purchases last year, a rise of a fifth, but they also represented a small part of the market. One estimate puts UK ebook market at £300 million in 2013, compared to £2.2 billion spent on paper books. So a crystal ball is something that would help communities who can’t contemplate closure to focus their efforts on providing a library service designed to meet both current and future needs.
I had a cat called Minton who swallowed a shuttlecock. I said ‘Bad Minton’.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069
ord Search Puzzle
Largest Islands Wordsearch
Subscriber L Find the world’s 12 LARGEST ISLANDS in this month’s Wordsearch puzzle and you could win yourself a meal and a drink. This month we are offering a tasty prize of: A Main Course for Two, plus A Bottle of House Wine at The Fieldhead Hotel. To go into the draw, all you have to do is find - and mark a line through - the names of the 12 largest islands in the world (according to Wikipedia). These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and backwards!).
Baffin Island
Send your entry to: SURROUNDED BY SEA, Groby & Field Head Spotlight, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive by Tuesday 6th May 2014. Remember to include your name and address. The first all-correct entry drawn out of the Editor’s waders will win the Meal for Two at The Fieldhead Hotel. Good luck! Here are the 12 ISLANDS you have to find:
BAFFIN ISLAND • BORNEO • ELLESMERE ISLAND GREAT BRITAIN • GREENLAND • HONSHU MADAGASCAR • NEW GUINEA • SOUTH ISLAND SULAWESI • SUMATRA • VICTORIA ISLAND Name: ................................................................................................. Address: ................................................................................................ .................................................................Postcode: .............................
Last Month’s Wordsearch Winner The winner of last issue’s Wordsearch competition was: SHANE WELCH of Poppy Close, Groby Your prize - a Voucher for a Main Course for Two plus a Bottle of House Wine at The Fieldhead Hotel will be sent to you within 21 days.
Newtown Linford Gardening Club
Unless something dramatic happens, it looks as though we will have been totally free of snow for the entire winter. I must admit I cannot remember that happening before. All the spring flowers are out and the display of colour this year is quite stunning. It reminds us that this is one of the reasons we become gardeners in the first place. Our speaker in March was David Thornton, secretary of the National Vegetable Society who told us all about the new findings on the adage of ‘ five-a-day’ for healthy living. The thought of this increasing to seven or even nine was a revelation and we were even more surprised to see the things we had learnt on the Tuesday splashed all over the news two days later! Our activities in April are all centred around our plant fair on Saturday April 26th in the Sunday School rooms alongside the entrance to Bradgate Park in Newtown Linford. We shall start at 10.00am and be selling, not only a range of plants, but also home-made cakes and other delicacies. We hope that many of the gardeners who read this magazine will come along and seek out interesting plants to stock their gardens for the summer (and also choose a cake to go with the afternoon cup of tea!!) April 22nd is the date of our AGM and also a visit from Mike Darch whose expertise is geraniums. Tickets are now available for our celebrity event in the autumn. On November 4th Adam Frost will be coming to Newtown Linford. He has already won gold medals at Chelsea for garden design on four occasions (perhaps five by the time he comes to speak to us!!!) and is now one of the newly established experts in this subject. He appears on our screens at regular intervals and has a reputation as a fascinating speaker with an innovative gardening brain. As last time, when Christine Walkden came to our village, we will invite members of other gardening clubs and interested visitors to join us. Tickets will cost £10 and are available from the secretary (see below for contact numbers). We will also be offering special group rates and details of these can be obtained from the secretary. We have welcomed a large number of new members this year and will be pleased if others want to join us. If you are interested in our activities just contact the secretary (tel. 242452 or e-mail 01530242452@talktalk.net) , or come to one of our meetings to see how you like it before making a commitment (£2 for visitors). Alternatively give us a ring and ask for a copy of our programme for the coming year and we will be pleased to send one to you.
Created by Puzzlemaker at DiscoveryEducation.com
Anne and David Couling For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, press 3.
Groby & Field Head Spotlight • APRIL 2014 • Tel: 01530 244069 01162 879760
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