April 2021 Groby Spotlight Magazine

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Spotlight Groby & Field Head MID-APRIL 2021

The Monthly News & Information Magazine For Groby, Field Head & The Brantings


Farewell to Groby AFTER 47 YEARS in Groby we have moved to Virginia Water, Surrey, to be near to our youngest daughter Kirsten, her partner Jamie and grandchildren Rocky and Summer.

Unfortunately , because of Covid 19, we were unable to say goodbye to all our friends. We have many happy memories of our time in Groby , which is almost unrecognisable to when we moved into the village in 1974 , first to Fieldcourt Road and then to Bedford Drive in 1998. We arrived with children , Caroline and Kirsten and in 1982 twins Robert and Andrew were born. They all attended Elizabeth Woodville, Brookvale High and Groby John and Jane Offord, College. pictured at Stapleford Hall John worked at County Hall for 33 years and Jane at Bell’s Nursery School initially for 15 years, Leicester Royal Infirmary and Glenfield General for 5 years, Brookvale High School for 5 years , before returning to Bell’s for another 5 years. We retired in 2007. We both were members of the Walking Group for nine years and Jane enjoyed her time with the Church Choir and Groby Sings. You will no longer see John running around the village in his fluorescent kit. During the 80s he represented Great Britain in marathon races around the world and is still Leicestershire’s record holder for the marathon with a time of 2 hours 13 mins and 52 secs. Must have been the Groby air ! We wish you all the best for the future,

Jane and John Offord

Face to face scouting returns! FACE TO FACE Scouting returns this month after stopping and moving back on-line late last year. Although we will be meeting outdoors and in smaller groups, we can’t wait to get back.

Meeting online hasn’t stopped us though; we’ve been busy Beavers (& Cubs, Scouts & Explorers!). Activities have included • Games nights including Cluedo, Battleships & Escape rooms; • Cooking - Mug cakes, Ready Steady Cook challenge & home Cooking on a home-made stove made stoves; • Virtually map reading a 3 Peaks challenge and a Google Map trail round the village; • Building and construction challenges – strawberry laces hammocks; perpetual motion machines (think marble runs meet Honda adverts); Bricktopia; plasticine modelling and birdfeeders • To finish the term off there was an Easter Trail round the village. I’m sad to day Akela, aka Jamie Flude, has decided to step down from Cubs. We can’t thank him enough for the past 9 years and the energy and entertainment he has brought to the section. From cooking pancakes at the entrance to Bradgate Park at midnight to Dippy the Dinosaur, every child that has been through cubs under his leadership will have a story to tell! If you’d like to follow in Jamie’s footsteps please get in touch. All we ask for is a couple of hours a week and buckets full of enthusiasm; full training, guidance and support will be provided. Some impressive plasticine We have continued to update the HQ with True models were made Roots Ltd installing new windows and DH Flat Roofing successfully finding and fixing the leak in the roof. We continue to be frustrated by damage to the building from anti-social behaviour, but we are working with our Community Police Officer to keep this to a minimum. In more positive news we have recently received a letter from a past member and I’d like to share a small section showing what an impact Scouting can have on a young person’s life. I have many fond memories of my time with the Group, the skills I learnt and the wonderful experiences afforded. Without doubt these experiences have had a profound positive effect on my life. I made life-long friends and we have all gone on to live successful lives, without doubt aided by the life lessons learned through Scouting. I would like to echo the letter’s author and offer a heartfelt thank you to all the adult volunteers at Groby Scouts.

So in summary WE’RE BACK having fun, learning new skills and enjoying as many opportunities as possible.

Rebecca Chick

Groby Scout Group - email gsl@grobyscouts.org.uk

Next Issue Out On 15th May • Advert & Article Deadline Is 1st May


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For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk


Positive Thoughts

Groby & Field Head Spotlight


“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” Stephen Leacock (1869-1944) English-born Canadian economist and humorist

PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT


01530-244069 Email us at: info@ grobyspotlight.co.uk Visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk 3,500 copies distributed 11 times a year (no issue in July) to homes and businesses in Groby, Field Head and The Brantings. Printed in Ellistown by Norwood Press.

The Spotlight is a monthly compilation of articles, press releases, events, general items of interest and news items submitted to us by local residents, groups, associations, sports clubs and local authorities. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Spotlight Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies. Groby & Field Head Spotlight cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. Groby & Field Head Spotlight reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/ or advertisements submitted for publication. All contents © Groby & Field Head Spotlight. None of the articles contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from Groby & Field Head Spotlight.

NEXT ISSUE OUT ON: 15th May 2021 DEADLINE: 1st May 2021

Groby Parish Neighbourhood Plan – Make your voice heard! THE GROBY PARISH Neighbourhood Plan will help to protect nature, preserve history, and steer the future development of everything from your route to work to where new homes will be built. The plan will guide where you can park; the bus routes, footpaths, and cycleways you use; where your children will go to school and play; your allotment; and the shops you use. As a “community-led” initiative, the plan will be researched, written, and voted on by the people of Groby – that’s you, your family and your neighbours!

Now is your chance to have your say! Thanks to the support of the people of Groby, the full extent of Groby Parish has now been determined by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council as the “neighbourhood area”. This means the development of the Neighbourhood Plan itself can finally begin by giving everyone the chance to express their views – starting with three simple questions: Q1. What do you think is good about Groby Parish? Q2. What do you think is bad about Groby Parish? Q3. What changes would you like to see in Groby Parish? To answer these questions and help shape the future of Groby visit http://www.groby.org.uk/ neighbourhood-plan Alternatively, you can submit your answers by post to: Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ using the reference “Have your say” at the top of your letter.

Your answers will be published in August 2021 and help guide the development of the Neighbourhood Plan scheduled for completion by Autumn 2023.

Community Engagement

BEYOND this first step, the process of community engagement will be continuous – adapting and evolving as the plan develops over four main stages:

STAGE 1 – will run for six months and will be creative and open. The Neighbourhood Plan is a blank sheet, and we would like to begin to identify the themes most important to people in the parish. Stage 2 – will also run for six months and will centre on special interest group workshops exploring some of the themes identified in stage one. Stage 3 – will be parish-wide questionnaires identifying views on issues faced by the parish, again taking place over a period of six months. Stage 4 – will be a formal sixweek consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

What can the neighbourhood plan achieve?

ONCE DEVELOPED and agreed by the people of Groby, the Neighbourhood Plan will be used to guide and support planning decisions for those areas of development identified in the Hinckley and Bosworth

Borough Council’s Local Plan.

It will provide policies and guidance on how new development should be designed, orientated, and located with local planning authorities and inspectors being required by law to make their decisions using the policies set out in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Help Shape the Future of Groby Parish

To find out more and see how you can help, visit us online at http://www.groby.org.uk/ neighbourhood-plan or write to Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ or call 0116 287 6985 for further information.

Groby Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

My wife – it’s difficult to say what she does. She sells seashells on the seashore.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Groby Surgery Patients Group

Another good reason for getting the Covid vaccination A STUDY, reported by the BBC and published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal, has found that people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the previous six months were more likely to develop depression, dementia, psychosis and stroke.

A third of those with a previous Covid infection went on to develop or have a relapse of a psychological or neurological condition, whilst those admitted to hospital or in intensive care had an even higher risk. The study authors pointed to both the effects of stress, and the virus having a direct impact on the brain. The electronic medical records of more than half a million patients in the US were examined, and considered their chances of developing one of 14 common psychological or neurological conditions, including: Anxiety and mood disorders, which were the most common diagnosis among those with Covid. These were more likely to be down to the stress of the experience of being very ill or taken to hospital, the researchers explained. Conditions like stroke and dementia, which were more likely to be down to the biological impacts of the virus itself, or of the body’s reaction to infection in general. The researchers couldn’t say whether Covid had caused any of the diagnoses - and some people would have had a stroke or depression in the next six months regardless. But by comparing a group of people who had had Covid-19 with two groups - with flu and with other respiratory infections respectively - the researchers at the University of Oxford concluded Covid was associated with more subsequent brain conditions than other respiratory illnesses. The participants were matched by age, sex, ethnicity and health conditions, to make them as comparable as possible. The more severely ill with Covid the patient had been, the more likely they were to receive a subsequent mental health or brain disorder diagnosis. There is evidence the virus does enter the brain and cause direct damage, neurology professor Masud Husain at the University of Oxford, explained. It can have other indirect effects, for example by affecting blood clotting which can lead to strokes. And the general inflammation which happens in the body as it responds to infection can affect the brain. For just over a third of people developing one or more of these conditions, it was their first diagnosis. But even where it was a recurrence of a preexisting problem, researchers said this did not rule out the possibility that Covid had caused the episode of illness. Prof Dame Til Wykes, at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, said: “The study confirms our suspicions that a Covid-19 diagnosis is not just related to respiratory symptoms, it is also related to psychiatric and neurological problems. Looking over six months after diagnosis has demonstrated that the “aftereffects” can appear much later than expected - something that is no surprise to those suffering from Long Covid. Although as expected, the outcomes are more serious in those admitted to hospital, the study does point out that serious effects are also evident in those who had not been admitted to hospital.” The high level of take up of the Covid vaccination has been a major contributor to the fall in the rate of new infections, hospital admissions and deaths. Experience to date has indicated that the risks are small and most certainly better than the alternative – the possibility of infection, serious illness and, in some cases, unpleasant symptoms which endure for months. For those who are eligible for the vaccine the advice is to roll up your sleeve and get it done.

Don’t forget your follow up jab Patients who have had their first vaccination tend to keep one eye on the calendar, counting the weeks to their second jab. Some get concerned that they might get left behind, but there is no need to worry. Just wait for the call, make an appointment, and soon your Covid resistance will receive a welcome boost.

Norman Griffiths

foe Groby Surgery Patients Group

Lessons of Lockdown

THIS PAST YEAR may have altered your perspective on life. Some of the following statements may be worth thinking about ... • Life is precarious • A nurse is worth more than a professional footballer • Spare time isn’t a waste of time • A smile is precious • Being alone isn’t the same as loneliness • Hard work doesn’t guarantee employment • I’m spending more on food & drink and less on church & charity • Silence opens us to creative ideas • Social media are a mixed blessing • Shopping needn’t be addictive • Driving less and walking more is good for humanity • Isolation teaches us we need each other to generate energy • Getting back to ‘normal’ isn’t God’s plan for the human race • When everything else is shut, God is open

I lost my job as a cricket commentator for saying: ‘I don’t want to bore you with the details’.


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Retirement is wonderful. It’s doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Beware of the dog

Lloyds Pharmacy to launch UK’s first ever Covid-19 nasal spray

BE CAREFUL if you are looking to buy a puppy. Make sure you know where it really came from.

LLOYDS PHARMACY is set to launch what it calls the UK’s first ever nasal spray specifically designed to fight Covid-19.

A spokesman for the RSPCA warns of a spike in the number illicit dog breeders and dealers who are conning the public. The number of dogs imported from the EU increased by 52% from 2019 to 2020 until last year it stood at over 60,0000. More than half of these puppies came from Romania and were brought in by criminal gangs. Dogs that were worth £50 in Romania have been sold for 10 times that amount in the UK, according to the Animal and Plant Health Agency.

Do you love a bargain?

The spray, called Viraleze, claims to be made from “a specifically designed antiviral active that irreversibly inactivates greater than 99.9 per cent of coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2 within one minute”. LloydsPharmacy said the active ingredient, astrodimer sodium, was “a potent virucidal agent that forms a barrier and irreversibly blocks coronavirus/SARS-CoV-2 ‘spike’ proteins from binding to nasal mucosal cells required for infection”. The spray claims to have a number of “unique advantages, including its virucidal action, its rapid onset and its ability to inactivate viruses either before or after exposure”. The high street pharmacy retailer also said claims that the spray “provides a moisture layer to help keep nasal tissue hydrated, protecting it from dryness and damage”. It should be used once in each nostril up to four times a day. Lloyds Pharmacy added that the spray would work against a “broad spectrum” of other viruses such as the flu, SARS, MERS and HIV. “As we ease out of lockdown, taking precautions to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus needs to remain a key focus,” Lloyds Pharmacy superintendent pharmacist Victoria Steele said. “The spray can be used alongside conventional PPE (masks) and in addition to customers receiving their vaccine and does not remove the need for these other protective measures”. Each bottle contains 80 sprays. Viraleze has just been launched online, ahead of an in-store rollout from April 21, and will be priced at £15.

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SOME PEOPLE adore bargains, promotions, and cut-price items.

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Positive Thoughts TALK

“To talk is our chief business in this world, and talk is by far the moost accessible pleasure. It costs nothing in money, it is all profit, it completes education, founds and fosters friendships, and can be enjoyed at any age and in almost any state of health.” Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Scottish novelist, poet and essayist.

TIME “It is familiarity with life that makes time speed quickly. When every day is a step into the unknown, as for children, the days are long with the gathering of experience.” George Robert Gissing (1857-1903) English novelist.

The pollen count, now that’s a difficult job. Especially if you’ve got hay fever.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Chocolate – food of the gods! THE BOTANICAL name for the cocoa bean is Theobroma – which means ‘food of the gods.’ Millions of us obviously agree – half a million tons of it are consumed in Britain each year alone. Chocolate makes us feel better. The chemicals it contains trigger the release of endorphins similar to those we naturally produce when we fall in love. But nutritionists warn against using chocolate as a pick-me-up, especially in the evening. Chocolate eaten before bedtime can cause blood glucose levels to plummet during the night, which will disrupt your sleep. Chocolate eaten in quantity every day can lead to mood and energy swings, weight gain and poor immunity. If you have mad cravings for it, you could have a problem with blood sugar, or a deficiency in magnesium, copper, zinc or iron. But occasional consumption of cocoa can provide medical benefits. Chocolate containing 60 per cent or more cocoa solids is rich in essential trace elements and nutrients such as iron, calcium and potassium, and many vitamins. Cocoa is also the highest natural source of magnesium. Good as all this may be – most of us enjoy chocolate simply because of its high sugar and caffeine content. Chocolate simply gives you an instant sugar hit, providing a sudden burst in energy, unfortunately followed by a slump and the desire for another sugar-fix.


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Old ladies in wheelchairs with blankets over their legs? I don’t think so… retired mermaids.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

County Councillor’s Report from Ozzy O’shea Email ozzy.o’shea@leics.gov.uk or ozzyoshea@hotmail.com

Consultation on Parking Restrictions Ratby Road, Groby FOR THE PAST three or so years, Leicestershire County Council has received numerous complaints regarding obstructive parking, and parking over the footway, along Ratby Road in Groby. In an effort to improve highway safety and traffic flow along this busy road, a formal consultation will take place, commencing 10th May 2021, for a period of 21 days. Letters will be sent to all properties immediately affected by these proposals. Notices will be placed on site for those who may visit the area, the scheme will also be advertised in local press. I would urge residents to respond to the consultation. You can also take part via the County Council’s web site. https://www.leicestershire. gov.uk/roads-and-travel/carsand-parking/traffic-managementconsultations

Klondyke Appeal/ Application 20/00068/ FUL. THE BOROUGH Council has received an Appeal from Mr Jason McDonagh for the erection of a replacement dwelling on a site known as Land to the North of Newtown Linford Lane, Groby, Leicestershire, LE6 0FF

The Borough Council have received the official timetable of events from the Planning Inspectorate, which is available to view via the following link:- https:// www.hinckley-bosworth.gov. uk/planningonline, you should use the planning application reference to search for the information.

A Message from Groby and Brookvale School Campus: No Dog Walkers on BGLC site please.

Can we please remind members of our community that dog walkers are not permitted on the school site at any time, but especially during the school day. Our school grounds are private property. PE staff have had to confront several people in the past weeks when lessons have been in action, and this presents a safeguarding concern we have

to address. There have also been occasions where dogs have fouled the pitches which is a health hazard to our students and staff. Please help us keep our students and staff safe.

Vehicle Activated Signs I HAVE been working with the Parish Council as previously reported and managed to secure £10,000 from the County Council to purchase two possibly three vehicle activation signs to use on Sacheverell Way and Leicester Road, Groby due to the speeding concerns raised by residents. I meeting with the Parish Council and Highways officers to move this forward. The signs will incorporate data loggers so details can be shared with both the Police and Highways.

Fly Tipping Laudon Way, Groby I WAS MADE aware of a fly tipping incident of car tyres on Laundon Way, Groby.

This happened over Friday night 2nd April through to Saturday 3rd April.

If anyone witnessed this or has any information, you can contact me in confidence. I will then pass this on for council officers to follow up. I would like to thank Jason a local man who collected the tyres saving council resources to use in a project.

Telephone Scam Claiming To Be Leicestershire Police THE FORCE is urging people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to remain vigilant and be wary of a telephone scam currently in operation.

Six reports had been received over just one week in which a total of £18,000 has been erroneously handed over. From enquiries carried out so far, many calls follow the below scenario: A cold call is made to a victim by someone claiming to work with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) or National Insurance and



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that information is required to be passed on to the police. The call is then ended. The victim then receives a further call which is shown to be from 0116 222 2222 – which is the main switchboard number for Leicestershire Police. PLEASE NOTE that this number is ‘spoofed’ - ie faked. Numbers shown on a caller ID are NOT confirmation or verification of where a call is coming from - the phone is merely displaying what it has been told to say. A person claiming to be a police officer then speaks to the victim, stating the victim’s details are being used to open a large number of bank accounts. Threatening language may be used and victims have been told they are in trouble and could be arrested or taken to court. The caller then provides a bank account number and asks the victim to transfer money over for ‘safe keeping’. Nicole McIntyre, from the force’s Economic Crime Unit, said: “We will never contact you and ask you to transfer funds. “Should you receive a call from the force phone number where someone asks you to send money, please hang up immediately. “You can contact us on 101 should you need to clarify the information. Always leave more than ten seconds between hanging up and dialling out to ensure the original call has terminated. “Please pass this information on to any friends of family members who may not be aware of this scam or who could be particularly vulnerable to the way these criminals operate. If we work together, we can try and prevent more people from falling victim.” If you are a victim of this scam – or know someone who has been – please contact the police on 101. You can also report incidents online by visiting https://www.leics.police. uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-reporta-crime/ You should also contact your bank immediately. You can also make a report to Action Fraud by visiting www. actionfraud.police.uk

Microsoft Scam Warning NUMEROUS Scam emails purporting to be from Microsoft are Circulating.

The first giveaway from any Scam email is the email address it was sent from. See below:

I went out with this girl the other night, she wore this real slinky number. She looked great going down the stairs.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Mars Bar Cake MAKE ONE!

Tel 0116 2394336 or 07808 585825 Postal Vote HOW TO apply for a postal vote.

travel in either direction. If you have recently moved house and still wish to vote by post, you must apply for a new postal vote. You have the option to request a new postal vote application form when you re-register to vote at your new address.

You must apply in advance, by 5pm 11 working days before an election day. Download the postal vote application form (GOV.UK), print Thank you off, complete and return the form vilma cruz <LOBOSWHIT@hotmail. to us. Alternatively contact the I WOULD like to take com> Electoral Services Team and we will this opportunity to send you a form. Wed 17/03/2021 08:58 thank residents for your To return your completed form, Microsoft warning! continued support over the you can: Dear user, past 8 years. • Return your form by post or in Your email address has been As you know I am standing for reperson to The Hinckley Hub, Rugby included in the blacklist and also election on Thursday May 6th 2021. Road, Hinckley, LE10 0FR been marked as an automatic spam It has been an honour to represent • Alternatively, upload your form sender. you on the County Council. I hope using our contact form It must be updated and verified that I have done enough for the You are strongly advised to otherwise your email account will be community over the past 8 yrs to complete and send in your permanently closed. be given your support for another application early. 4 year term. Remember I am only Update now within 24 hours to show an Email or a phone call away. I Postal votes can be permanent or that you are a human being not a am always here to help in any way just for a particular election. For robot; continue using your account. that I can. example, if you are going away on Update your email address holiday you might want to vote by Kind Regards Warning: failure will cause post just for one election. permanent De-activation if you do Cllr. Ozzy O’shea Although we may send ballot not verify! Working for you papers to addresses outside the Thank you, Tel 0116 2394336 or 07808585825 United Kingdom, electors wishing Account security team Email: Ozzy.O’shea@leics.gov.uk to vote by post should bear in mind Email: ozzyoshea@hotmail.com (c) 2021 the length of time taken for post toPage 1 A5 half page 6 Point Plan:Layout 1 08/03/2021 18:54


THIS QUICK and easy cake is a favourite in many families. We are not saying that it is good for you!

Ingredients: 3 Mars bars; 150g butter;150g rice crispies; 150g chocolate Method: In a pan, slowly melt the Mars bars and butter together. Remove from the heat and add the rice crispies, a little at a time, until they are covered with the mixture. Spread mixture onto a baking sheet and place in the fridge until hard. Melt the chocolate and cover the mixture with it. Return to the fridge for a further half an hour. Cut into pieces.

Commissioner Candidate Conservative Police and Crime www.RupertMatthews.org.uk

My Six Point Plan to Make Leicestershire Safer

1 2 3 4 5 6

Visible Policing to deter crime and improve security; Hi-Tech Policing to give the police the tools they need; Local Policing to empower local police to make the local decisions needed to keep our communities safer; Community Policing to form an integrated team between the public and our police; More Policing to put more police on to our streets to cut crime and catch criminals; Rural Policing to tackle crimes that plague rural areas.

en ts e S afe r fo r Res id ir h rs te es ic Le e Mak ve, Vo te fo r Vo te C on se r v ati




Promoted by Adrian Thompson on behalf of Rupert Matthews, both of LCCA, 8 Pinfold Gate, Loughborough LE11 1BE.

I love face-painting. It’s a lot of fun. Although you do need the person’s permission.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Protect your home from BURGLARY PATIO DOORS can be an attractive feature in any house, but sadly in recent months they have also proved to be an attractive feature for burglars breaking into Groby homes. The area off Pymm Ley Lane has apparently been a focus in recent months for burglaries.

Groby Community Library News

“Whilst at the moment, it isn’t something to be overly concerned or worried about, 4 properties in the last 2 months in that immediate area have been victim of a burglary,” said a spokesperson for Leicestershire Police. “The pattern seems to be overnight offending and rear patio doors are the entry point.” The police suggest fitting a good quality door bell camera system, as CCTV is the favoured option in terms of finding those responsible.. Easy to install, they help build a picture of when offenders are active and where they have been. Officers can then focus patrols and efforts in specific areas at specific times. Those who wish to fit additional security devices directly to the doors have a number of options available.

Fit a lock to your sliding door A sliding door lock is installed at the top of your door where the sliding glass door and the stationary glass meet. They can only be opened by an adult or tall child and work in addition to the existing door locks. They make it impossible to force the door open with a metal bar or similar tool, from either the inside or the outside. If you want to choose whether to lock the door completely closed, or with a small opening for ventilation, choose a lock that comes with full and partial locking positions. This is considered a very secure form of locking.

Use a security bar A simple, but less effective, form of security is to place a bar or dowel into the sliding door track. They are easy to put in place but can also be easy to dislodge, so if this is your choice then investing in a fully adjustable telescopic door bar brace is probably worth the extra cost. They cost from around £25. Another variation is known as the “Charley Bar”. Amazon has one for £31.95. This is quick & easy to install and is fitted in the middle of the door, not on the bottom, so you can open your door without bending down to reach the bar. Burglars can see it clearly through the door, so it also acts as a visual deterrent. It lets you leave the door partially open while still being secured.

Electronic options A yet more sophisticated option is to fit some electronic wizardry which warns you or sounds an alarm when the door is tampered with.

Norman Griffiths

SPRING has sprung .Great news we are open once again !

As from Tuesday 13th April we will be opening for three sessions every week:

Opening Times Tuesday 10.00 am -12.00 Noon Friday 2.00 -4.00 pm Saturday 10.00 am -12.00 Noon Don’t hesitate, come and see us . We have lots of new books for you to choose from. We will be happy to see all of you. Those books are just waiting to fly off the shelves. Do checkout our Facebook page, Groby Community Library, for up and coming events .

Dr. Janet Harrison

Trustee, Groby Community Library

I bought the world’s worst thesaurus yesterday. Not only is it terrible, it’s terrible.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk


~ National Trust Leicester Association NEWS ~ IN MAY last year I described how NT properties had been used the previous year as the indoor film locations for the TV drama “Belgravia”. When the coronavirus struck in 2020 film makers suddenly had great difficulty using indoor locations and turned to dramatizing stories with an outdoor bias.

Francis Hodgson Burnett’s novel “The Secret Garden” fitted the bill very well and during the spring of 2020 Sky TV made an adaptation of the novel using a number of National Trust properties as film locations. Bodnant Garden, in the foothills of Snowdonia, was a remote location which had never been used as a film set before. The stream was used for a scene where the children go swimming and a small amount of pruning had to take place. There was nothing major and it was all overseen by the Senior Gardener. Bodnant’s famous Laburnum Arch was also used but filming in that location had to be timed to the two weeks in May when the The Laburnum Arch at Bodnant Garden was featured in blooms were at their best. Sky TV’s ‘The Secret Garden’ Unlike Bodnant, Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire, had actually been used as a film location for a version of the Secret Garden in 1993. However this time the gardens themselves were not used. Also the ancient abbey ruins were transformed into a sunken temple complete with vine covered walls and again not used as before as Misselthwaite Manor itself, the house in the story. While the garden is the main focus of the story, the forbidding “Misselthwaite Manor” also looms large in the life of the main character, Mary. This meant that at Osterley Park, near London, the garden was not used but the old kitchens fitted the story perfectly so a small amount of controlled filming took place inside. Even though Calke Abbey, near Ashby de la Zouch, was not used for filming the, producer and crew found the interiors there an inspiration for the atmosphere they wanted to create of Misselthwaite Manor and made a couple of fact finding visits to the property. The actors, including Colin Firth and Mary Lennox, have all said that working in the gardens, surrounded by nature, was far more sensory than working in a studio and made the story telling far easier. • THE NATIONAL TRUST LEICESTER ASSOCIATION has currently suspended its meetings but continues to issue its monthly email Newsheet and its triannual printed Newsletter to members. It is also organising “Zoom” meetings with a speaker. Please check the Association web site at – www. leicesternt.btck.co.uk for details, including updates regarding Stoneywell Cottage.

Alan Tyler, Publicity Officer NT Leicester Association

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0800 6122 818 enquiries@truebluewills.com www.truebluewills.com Went to the taxi driver reunion. Everyone turned up half an hour late.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

GROBY GARDENING SOCIETY NEWS THERE WAS no meeting in March due to the continuing Covid-19 restrictions.

The easing of restrictions that began in March continues and at the time of writing, small groups can meet outdoors and in private gardens, but groups cannot meet indoors. The mass vaccination program continues, with over 51% of the adult population having now received at least their first jab. According to folklore: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”, suggesting great variability in the first month of Spring. March has certainly shown its range of weather this year. Temperatures in the UK ranging from low single digits to a mini heatwave with 23C just before Easter, with some very strong winds at times. Despite being mostly dry in our region, there has been heavy rainfall in the north of England, Scotland and Wales. I was brushing Saharan dust off the car windscreen on Maundy Thursday, with a prediction of snow and ice over the Easter weekend. That sort of range doesn’t make it easy for gardeners! No doubt many of you will have been sowing seeds already, with many window sills crowded with trays and plant pots full of compost. Outside, Spring has arrived with many trees in blossom (and producing pollen to irritate the hay-fever sufferers). Whilst the snowdrops are now coming to an end, daffodils and tulips are coming into their best, and bluebells won’t be far behind. On one of my internetbrowsing sessions I uncovered the fact that Britain has over 50% of the world’s bluebells, the majority of which are nonnative, being mostly a Spanish variety. The sound of lawnmowers is becoming more prevalent! With the advent of British Summer Time, the evenings are lighter longer, the days are (hopefully) getting warmer, and nature is blooming, with lots of bird activity, and the emergence of bees and butterflies (who seem particularly attracted to the grape hyacinth (muscari) in my garden. The hedgehogs are making almost nightly visits, and this is also the time for fox

cubs to venture out for the first time, hopefully not into your gardens. Swallows and swifts will soon be a familiar Seeds are being planted sight, and the Rutland ospreys have already returned (almost to the day since last year), with eggs already in the nest. The weather is remarkably similar to the start of the lockdown in 2020, when Spring arrived quite suddenly with warm, sunny and dry days but we weren’t allowed to go anywhere or meet anyone, and if you did manage to get to the shops the shelves were often (thankfully temporarily) empty. One year on and the shelves are well stocked, and the country is beginning to emerge from Covid hibernation, and whilst It’s tempting to rush things there is still a long way to go. Patience is, as every gardener knows, a virtue. Seeds must be tended carefully and allowed to grow in order to thrive.

Three day trip 2021 IT WOULD be normal around this time for the Society to be discussing and preparing for the annual three-day trip, which had to be postponed last year due to the lockdown restrictions.

Roberts, our travel partners, wanted to know our plans for this year so that they could finalise their bookings with the hotel and venues we intended to visit. With meetings not able to take place, it was not possible to determine how many members would still want to go on the trip. At the last count, 24 people had expressed a definite interest. Future restrictions on travel and on numbers allowed to gather are still unknown, and there would almost certainly be implications on cost; if a coach is only allowed to run at 50% occupancy, the cost would inevitably have to increase. With this in mind, the committee has, reluctantly, taken the decision to cancel this year’s trip and has notified Roberts accordingly. Refunds will be processed as soon as possible, Enjoy your garden when you can. Stay safe. (If you have any queries about the society, please email Helen Box on helen_box@hotmail.com in the first instance.)

King Edward VII, Coalville School Reunion Next Reunion Saturday 16 October 2021, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Newbridge School, Forest Road, Coalville, LE67 3SJ This event will only take place if it can be held in absolute safety. Entry fee to £5 - Ploughman’s lunch £7.50 (No monies will be taken until it is confirmed that the Reunion will take place) Please email, telephone or write to request Registration Form and Booking Form. Bookings will not be accepted from anyone who has not completed a Registration Form. Both forms can be submitted together. Tel: 0116 2546591 Email: reunion@ oldedwardianscoalville.co.uk

Kathryn Clarke King Edward VII School, Coalville, Reunion Committee

Positive Thoughts CHOICE

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. You can decide how you’re going to live now.” Joan Baez (b.1941- ) American folksinger

Keith Poole

Nectar in your garden OUR HOME gardens are now the largest source of food for insects such as bees and wasps in towns and cities.

They yield 85 per cent of the nectar produced in urban areas, according to a study published in the Journal of Ecology. Three such gardens will generate about a teaspoon a day of the sugar-rich liquid which is found in the flowers that the pollinators drink for energy. A teaspoon of nectar is the equivalent of more than a ton of food for an adult human, and it is enough to fuel A teaspoon of nectar will fuel thousands of bees thousands of flying bees. One ecologist has called home gardens “pivotal” in promoting biodiversity in urban areas across the county. Gardens are thought to cover 29 per cent of the land in urban areas, which is six times the area of parks and 40 times that of allotments. The research was carried out in partnership with the universities of Edinburgh and Reading and the Royal Horticultural Society.

Went to a trendy restaurant and had a pelican curry. Tasted OK but the bill was enormous.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

How to Nordic Walking - try it! keep ground coffee fresh

NORDIC WALKING has been shown not only to burn more calories and fat (as well as tone the body better) than walking but also to be very beneficial to the heart and lungs.


Becoming popular here

What is Biltong?

Due to the use of the poles, less strain is put on knee and hip joints making it a perfect exercise for those suffering from problems in those areas or recovering from sporting injuries. The social nature of the activity also leads. to better brain function, keeps you motivated and provides better mental well-being.

THE BATTLE rages: just where IS the best place to store your ground coffee?

Sainsburys, Morrisons, Asda, Marks & Spencer and Ocado are among the supermarkets that advise you keep fresh ground coffee in a fridge or freezer after opening. But Tesco, Waitrose and Harrods advise that you store ground coffee and beans in a cool, dry place such a kitchen cupboard. Many coffee experts warn that storing your coffee in the fridge is wrong because coffee easily absorbs aroma, moisture and flavours, and can be tainted by fish, meat and cheese. Martin Isark, founder of the Can I Eat It website, laments: “So much coffee is spoilt by poor storage, which makes the coffee producers want to weep…” Paul Rooke of the British Coffee Association adds: “Coffee, like many food and drink products when exposed to air, will deteriorate. Cool and dry are the key words; the ideal storage is in an inert, airtight container stored in a cool place.”

Ministry of Nordic Walks Community Group aims to provide engaging, supportive and fun Nordic walking experiences at a low cost for anyone whatever their fitness level. Most walks are charged between £2.50 to £4 and include the hire of Nordic walking poles. They will be offering some FREE taster sessions as well as Zoom talks on the benefits of Nordic walking during April so please contact the group at ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com to find out more and book your place. Ministry of Nordic Walks Community Group is now looking at establishing a number of local hubs around Leicestershire and are looking for suggestions from people in Glenfield wanting to take part in this as to where and when during the week it would suit them best. We have worked with various local groups in the past such as the Women’s Institute, University of the Third Age, Parkinson’s UK and various young adults with learning difficulties and have the ability to help train and support volunteer Nordic walk leaders for those interested in developing their own mini groups. MoNW Community Group has been providing Nordic walking lessons as well as leading Nordic walks around the Leicester and Leicestershire area over the past four years and, up until the pandemic, provided at least three weekly walks in different places. The group cannot wait to get going again in 2021 and is looking for new recruits to take advantage of early bird discounts on a range of Nordic Walking beginner lessons (aimed at those returning to exercise, those wanting to get fitter and stronger and those wanting to add new skills whilst walking) as well as just coming along on the wonderful local Nordic walks themselves. All you need are a comfortable pair of walking shoes/trainers and suitable outdoor clothing as the special Nordic walking poles will be provided at each session.

Please contact the group either at ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com or on 07502 576764 for further information or to register your interest.

BILTONG is a form of dried, cured meat that originated in Southern African countries (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia). Various types of meat are used to produce it, ranging from beef to game meats such as ostrich or kudu. The cut may also vary, either fillets of meat cut into strips following the grain of the muscle, or flat pieces sliced across the grain. It is related to beef jerky in that they are both spiced, dried meats; however, the typical ingredients, taste and production processes may differ. The word biltong is from the Dutch bil (“buttock”) and tong (“strip” or “tongue”).

Didn’t like being a bus driver. I was convinced people were talking behind my back.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Could an open-plan house damage your marriage? THINK TWICE before you knock down internal walls in your house and move over to open-plan living. If you are married, it does not lead to happiness. So says Sarah Beeney, the TV property presenter. She points out that open-plan living means that “you cannot shut a door” after rowing with your partner. The star, who is married with four children, admits she has no plans to knock down walls in their new house. Speaking recently to Prima magazine, she said that people are too often “fooled into thinking that open-plan living is the solution to happiness.” She went on: “I’m not convinced that taking down every wall and living in an aircraft hangar is actually that great. Sometimes it’s nice to not have to see the other’s face or hear them.”

Observations on daily life ... • You know you’re into middle age when you realise that caution is the only thing you care to exercise. • Some people you’re glad to see coming; some people you’re glad to see going. • You do not need a parachute to skydive – you need a parachute to skydive twice. • The only thing to fear is fear itself… and spiders. • How do you start a fairy tale in the modern age? “If elected, I promise…”

Discount compost bins available

Compost with the county council

RESIDENTS across the county are encouraged to take up composting this spring with cut-price compost bins, thanks to a Leicestershire County Council scheme Although it remains cold at the moment, many people will soon be starting to think about cutting their grass and pruning plants ready for new growth – and the best way to dispose of garden waste is to compost it at home. Composting reduces the amount of food and garden waste sent to landfill, which cannot decompose properly without air and, instead, produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Rod Weston is a volunteer Master Composter, who promotes composting to residents in partnership with the council. Rob Weston, Master Composter, said: “Composting kitchen and garden waste is an excellent way that individuals can reduce the waste sent to landfill and pollution from bonfires. Substituting homemade compost for shop bought peat-based compost not only saves money but also reduces environmental damage caused by digging peat. “Anyone can compost if they have an outdoor space and you do not need a large garden. Support and advice is available from the county council’s Master Composters and there are local demonstration sites which will be opening with advice and practical training once restrictions are lifted.” Compostable items include fruit and vegetable peelings, grass cuttings, coffee grounds, newspaper and cardboard which will all decompose in around a year. The resulting compost can then be dug back into the garden next spring to provide nutrient rich food for the garden. Residents can buy a discounted compost bin from as little as £12, with a second one offered at half price. The bins are made from 100% recycled plastic and are available in two different sizes and colours to suit individual needs.

Is there life without the BBC? COULD YOU live happily without the BBC? Just try it for two weeks.

That was the recent challenge of the corporation’s outgoing chairman, Sir David Clementi, to a group of critics who said they resented the licence fee. Apparently, nine days later, two thirds of the critics had changed their mind and said that the licence was worth every penny. Sir David observed that when “things that they took for granted are removed from them, they realise how valuable the BBC is.” So he encourages anyone else who thinks that the license is not worth £3 a week, to try life without the BBC. “I think that most people would find it very hard to cope.”

Positive Thoughts GENIUS

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English writer.

Sky-diving for LOROS!

ON SUNDAY 9th May 2021, I am joining LOROS’s Skydive Sunday. You get into a small plane, tie yourself to a total stranger, then jump out of the plane at something like 16,000 feet up! And then the fun begins…

LOROS is a wonderful organisation. They help people with terminal illnesses and their families and friends. They make life a bit easier in terrible times. They stand by the people who turn to them, even through the awful difficulties of the last year and the constant pressure of needs. But last year their income from fundraising (like many charities) fell drastically – a £2.3million loss in raised income across the year. At the same time, NHS treatments for health issues other than Covid-19 had to be sharply reduced. So, need for LOROS services is likely to go up. I would like to think that LOROS will always be there for people who need them in future. It could be me; it could be any of us or our loved ones. But they need money to keep providing those services. Please, will you help support LOROS by sponsoring me on my sky-dive JustGiving page? Any and every contribution will make a difference and will be very gratefully received. Thank you! https://www.justgiving.com/Claire-Higman

“Three strikes and you’re out!” My bowling team doesn’t like show-offs.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Leicestershire County Council

Election 2021 information

ON THURSDAY 6 May 2021 residents in Leicestershire will go to the polls to have their say on who represents them at Leicestershire County Council.

Groby & Ratby Division (ONE County Councillor to be elected) Name of Candidate



Liberal Democrat Focus Team


The Conservative Party Candidate

Rebecca Louise PAWLEY

Labour Party


The Green Party

Glenfields, Kirby Muxloe & Leicester Forests Division (TWO County Councillors to be elected) Name of Candidate


Bettina Jane ATKINSON

Green Party

Lee Martin BRECKON

Conservative Party Candidate


Conservative Party Candidate


Green Party

Malcolm Francis FOX

Labour and Co-operative Party


Liberal Democrats


Liberal Democrats


Cook’s Farm Shop & Country Supplies Markfield Lane, Newtown Linford, Leics. LE6 0AB

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Give Your Plants a Boost!




Most with puncture-proof wheels

GRASS RING MATS for on-grass parking, wet ground & muddy gateways

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Groby and Ratby NS 2021




Working hard all year round, not just at election time Working all year round to make our area cleaner and greener and safer. Fighting against Boris’s plans to “Build Build Build” over our countryside. Fiercely opposing the Tory push towards a unitary authority.

Ted Hollick

Thursday 6th May

For more information visit: www.BosworthLibDems.org.uk

Printed by Groby & Field Head Spotlight, PO Box 8, Markfield, LE67 9ZT, Published and Promoted by S Bray (Lib Dems), 26 Netherley Court, Hinckley. LE10 0RN

Need to get a smaller watch strap. Just tried to hail a taxi and a hawk landed on my wrist.


Produced at NO COST to the taxpayer

April 2021

Actions Not Words: The Local Man Who Dear Residents,

I hope you and your families are keeping well during these difficult times. For the last eight years it has been a privilege and honour to have served as your County Councillor for Groby, Ratby and Field Head.

I have a reputation for getting straight back to residents and taking their issues forward. I also pride myself on putting local issues before party politics. During my time as your County Councillor I have represented residents at over 100 Parish Council meetings, and fought for local residents on a range of issues including: inappropriate development, street lighting, flooding, speeding, parking enforcement, school placements, noise nuisance, air quality and the Arriva bus service to name a few!

What We Have Achieved Working Together In My 8 Years As Your Elected County Councillor

9 I successfully campaigned with my

late wife Jenny and organised a residents petition for a second time to have the street lighting replaced on Sacheverell Way. Replaced in April 2020.

Before Feb 2019

9 Arranged for the Safety

Camera Speed Enforcement Van to monitor Sacheverell Way and Leicester Road as Community Concern sites.

9 Secured Double Yellow lines on

Stephenson’s Way Groby to stop dangerous parking on junctions and to protect the bus route for residents.

Groby and Field Head from additional HGV movements. The Appeal Was Dismissed Jan 2021.

After Apr 2020

9 Campaigned for and secured the bringing forward of

Traffic Light control on the A46/A50 traffic island easing traffic exiting Groby.

9 Secured funding and started Cooking and Craft sessions in both Groby and Ratby with my late wife Jenny to help people feeling lonely or living alone. They will resume after lockdown.

9 Successfully campaigned with residents of Field Head to have a Weight Restriction placed on Ratby Lane, Field Head.

9 Working with Highways successfully stopped farm

vehicles travelling around Lena Drive and Wallace Drive, Groby as a short cut after resident’s complaints.

9 Post Office I successfully campaigned with retired

postman Ernie Twells and Union official Mark Greenhill and local residents to keep the post office in the Centre of the Groby

9 Proud to have supported £1.7m investment to deliver 9 new disabled friendly Bungalows to Groby by the then Conservative lead Borough Council in 2019.

9 Klondyke. I supported the change of use to a sporting

centre after Groby voted for action in the Parish Poll, The Borough Councils Liberal Democrat Administration have still not taken any enforcement action to date.

9 Gave evidence at the Appeal Hearing against extra HGV movements from Crown Crest Protecting Ratby and

9 Secured £10,000 grant

funding for Speed Activation Signs for Sacheverell Way/ Leicester Road, Groby to help reduce speeding.

9 Successfully campaigned with residents and Ed Argar

MP to have the speed limit on the A50 Bradgate Hill reduced to 40mph after several accidents including two fatal accidents.

9 Successfully campaigned and secured the Average Speed Cameras on the A50 Bradgate Hill Groby.

9 Field Head worked with Groby and Markfield Parish Councils and local residents to refuse unnecessary housing off Ratby Lane.

9 Fought to Save the Green Wedge. Successfully

campaigned against the Bloor application to put houses on the separation boundary between Ratby and Groby. Appeared and gave evidence at 3 appeal hearings.

9 I have supported and secured the following grants during Covid through the County Council.

9 Working with the Rev Ed Bampton and Chris Boothby

we set up Ratby and Groby Response Team to protect the vulnerable and make sure food and essential supplies were taken/provided to vulnerable people and families. I managed to secure £22,432 grant from the County Council Communities Fund.

9 Groby Community Library Group £500 9 Groby Allotment Society £1000 9 The Stamford Arms, Groby £1000 Pub Grant

Your Local Voice. Your Local Choice.

Promoted by Richard Allen on behalf of Ozzy O'Shea both of the BCA office 10a Priory Walk, Hinckley, LE10 1HU. Printed by Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU


Vote Ozzy O'Shea on Thursday 6TH May 2021

Actually Gets Things Done! Over the past 8 years I have written a regular monthly article in the Spotlight magazine keeping residents updated on both Council and Police matters including current scams from our Trading Standards Department. Over the past year I have written updates on the Covid Pandemic from our public health director

and government to keep residents updated. Best Wishes Ozzy Ozzy O’shea Prospective Conservative Party Candidate for Groby, Ratby & Field Head

“I have known Ozzy for over 20 years. At all times I have found him to be dependable, reliable, hard-working and honest. Over the years, Ozzy has proved to be a very conscientious councillor and has always endeavoured to make himself available to residents and businesses for help and advice. In fact, even when he is away on vacation, Oz will attend to his council work by phone and email - I consider that well above and beyond the call of duty. The man is a true gentleman with unrivalled commitment and dedication towards his responsibilities and I have no hesitation in commending him to continue his good work as a County Councillor." Atul B Jobanputra JP

Ozzy’s pledges

9 Defend our villages from unsustainable development. 9 To continue to work with the flood Authorities to alleviate flooding in Groby.

9 Campaign for Extra £10m to our Highways Budget to roll out more anti speeding measures and improvement to highways across our villages.

9 Campaigned for average speed cameras on Sacheverell Way

9 To work with authorities including the police to reduce speeding.

9 To work with the police to stop unauthorised HGVs

Groby Pool

I continue to work closely with the police and the Borough Council’s ASB and Endeavour Teams to tackle the lewd behaviour around Groby Pool and I will continue to do that to allow families to enjoy the area. I have recently introduced the new police sergeant to the ongoing issues at Groby Pool. I also arranged for the Borough Council to secure the front of Groby Pool car park by having it fenced to stop any possible encroachment after being alerted by residents. “Over several years I have come to know Ozzy as a man of the highest integrity and dedication to both the community and his family. He is always ready to listen to anyone and will engage and help wherever possible, often at any time of day. His contribution to local government as an elected Ward Councillor has proved of enormous help in addressing the needs of the community. I am absolutely sure that if re-elected to this post, Ozzy will again prove to be not only a dedicated team member but make an excellent contribution to the achievement of all objectives on behalf of the community.” Barry White

breaking the weight limits in our villages.

9 To work closely with *fingers crossed* a new

Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure areas like ours receive a fair share of policing time and attention.


Email: ozzy@yourlocalcandidate.co.uk Web: ozzy.yourlocalcandidate.co.uk Tel: 0116 2394336 Scan with Mob: 07808585825 mobile

“Dear Ozzy I am writing to thank you for your commitment and dedication to our village. When you went through personal tragedy you carried on caring for the community and did everything in your power to be available for local residents and sort out problems which were and continue to be almost insurmountable. Thank you for being present always, speaking up for us and defending the well-being of your village residents. With kind regards” Ruth Pitsillides

Vote Ozzy O'Shea on Thursday 6TH May 2021



Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Spotlight Small Ads

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The Grey Lady for sale for £2m

As reported in the Leicester Mercury, The Grey Lady in Sharpley Hill, Newtown Linford, which has been run by the same family for more than three decades, is on the market for offers of more £2m.

Selling agents Bentons said that it is expected that the restaurant and wedding venue, which has three large restaurant areas and 125 covers together with a separate function room, will be sold as an ongoing business. And above the popular venue the buyer will also be getting a five bedroom first floor living quarters.

• Exercise bike and rowing machine for sale £50 each. Tel. 0116 287 6119 (Groby)

• V-Fit Gravity Strider, hardly used, £25. Tel: 0116 291 9119 (Groby).

• Brown/beige 3 drawer metal filing cabinet, with 2 keys. Excellent condition. £50. • Portable satellite dish with receiver, cable and tuner in case. As new £80 o.n.o. • Caravan steps, dark grey, new £3. • Water carrier on wheels, suitable for caravan or camping, new £10. Tel: 01530 831128

• 1000 pieces jigsaw of nice country landscape scene including cottage and river. Great to do. £5.00 Tel: 07790 734858 (Groby)

• Electric lawn raker and scarifier. Good condition. £15. Tel: 07867 806474 (Markfield) • Exercise Sit Up Chair/ Machine. AB Lounge Ultra Sport folds for easy storage. Great piece of kit takes stress off the rest of your body whilst focusing on the stomach and side muscles. £30 • Electric Guitar Amplifier. BB Blaster BB10, 10 watt portable/ practice amp. Good condition. Ideal for beginners. £18 • Mountain Bike. Brand is Saracen. 21 Shimano gears, 26”x2.2” quick release wheels. Recently replaced seat and fitted new mudguards. Good used condition. £35 • Electric Plunge Router machine. Power Craft 1050 watt motor, 2 collets 6 & 8mm, variable speed 9000-30000/ min. Parallel & Template Guide, Ergonomic handles. Complete with Router Bit set and user guide. Boxed. £35 • Camping Chairs x 4, collapsible with carry cases and inbuilt cup holders. 3 blue, 1 green. Good quality and clean condition. £4 each or £15 for all. • Camp Bed, Adventuridge. Blue, collapsible aluminium frame folds away for easy storage and convenient size for transportation. Complete with carry case. £15 • Chrome Steering Wheel Lock. 4Stress Pro Chrome, Thatcham approved. Good condition and very secure. 2 keys. £15 Tel: 0116 287 0375 (Groby)

• Lec Fridge Freezer in silver. H150. W54. D57 cm. In good working order. £55 O.n.o. Tel: 0116 287 8987 or 07999 768521 (Groby) • Vaporello 2400 Steam Cleaner. Hardly used, v. good condition, all attachments & instruction manual included. £95. • Panasonic Viera 37” wide screen TV. Gun metal, full HD, model no. TXL37V20BA, instruction manual included. 10 years old, but great condition. £95. Tel: 07990 708478 (Groby) • Single folding bed, metal frame, very good condition. £30. Tel: 07934 761637 (Markfield) • Ladies cycle £30. • Pair of wading boots, as new. £30. Tel: 01530 245337 (Markfield) • Fishing rods - 3 carp. £60. • Fishing box. £10. • Two reels. £20. • Planter. £5. Tel: 01530 245754 (Markfield) • 6 new foam seat fillings unused, 50x 60cm. £30 Tel: 01162 876762 or Mob 07771 971 773 (Groby) • Alba flat screen 19 inch LED Tv (little used). £20 • Epson Stylus SX200 printer plus 6 new inks. £25 • Mens L/XL lightweightcycle jacket. £5 • Car mats, 1 large, 2 small, black. £4 Tel: 07779 552320 (Groby) • Canon EOS 110D camera body and Canon EFS 18-55mm lens. Complete with battery charger, all leads,Instruction booklet,4GB Memory card and Canon Camera bag. Velbon PHD-31Q Tripod also included. Absolutely excellent condition. Hardly used. £170.00. Tel: 07952 327442 (Leicester) • The Handy 3.5hp Petrol Garden Tiller. In good working order. £150. Tel No 01530 243986 or Mobile 07539 037482 (Markfield)

SEND DETAILS by post or email - sorry, we can’t take them over the phone. Maximum EIGHT items please. Our postal address is: Spotlight Small Ads, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or you can email details to: info@ grobyspotlight.co.uk PLEASE ENSURE that you put ‘SMALL ADS’ in the subject line, and INCLUDE YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS (not for publication, just to know where you are).

I often get a 180 when I play with the local darts team. It’s the bus that takes me to the pub.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk


The 1851 Census for Groby THE TERM 'census' is used to refer to the decennial surveys of population taken in England and Wales since 1801.

They were originally taken to monitor the increase and migration of population brought about by the Industrial Revolution and the first four surveys (1801 to 1831 inclusive) only record numbers. From 1841 names and other information are recorded, but these returns are limited in their usefulness. They only record the name, age (to the nearest five years), occupation and whether or not the person was born in the same county as he or she was then living. The entries were frequently written in pencil, which has faded with the years, and does not copy very well when microfilmed, and often the entries were incomplete. From 1851 the census returns are much more useful; additional information includes relationship to the head of the family, marital status and 'where born'. The census has been described as 'a snapshot in time' as it records where people were living on one particular day; because of this you will often find distant relatives or visitors listed in a household and search for them in vain at their usual address. Sometimes mistakes occur - the enumerator mis-heard the reply to a question or inaccurate information was given. The original returns are at the Public Record Office but microfilm copies are available locally — for Leicestershire and Rutland at the Leicestershire Record Office. Figures are given in volume III of the Victoria County History for 1801 to 1951 inclusive and for Groby they are as follows: 1801 299 1861 461 1811 322

1871 515 1821 324 1881 Figures not given 1831 335 1891 Figures not given 1841 42* 1901 928 1851 441 *This figure must be a mistake but is given as such. Details of the first 20 families listed in 1851 are as follows: Joseph Freeman, aged 57, farmer of 190 acres employing 7 agricultural labourers, born Groby, and wife, nephew (also called Joseph Freeman) and 5 servants. John Branson, aged 34, gamekeeper, born Ratby and wife, 5 daughters, 1 son. William Thorneloe, aged 33, farmer of 52 acres, from Groby, and wife, 1 son, 2 daughters, father, 2 servants. Joseph Heward, aged 24, labourer, born Glenfield, and wife, daughter, 2 sons. Joseph Grimes, aged 40, labourer, born Groby, and wife, 1 daughter, 3 sons, mother. John Grimes, aged 49, labourer, born Groby, and wife. Hannah Walker, widow, aged 34, seamstress, born Newtown Linford, and 1 son, 2 daughters. John Jordan, aged 29, labourer, born Groby, and wife, 2 daughters, 1 son. Isaac Boyer, aged 42, labourer, born Groby, and wife, 2 daughters. Joseph Thompson, aged 38, farmer of 160 acres employing 6 agricultural labourers, born Newtown Linford, and wife, 2 daughters, 3 sons, 3 servants. Thomas Jordan, aged 50, labourer, born Groby, and wife, grandson. Martha Boyer, widow, aged 66, on parish relief, born Southam, Warwickshire, and grand-daughter. James Rouse, widower, aged 40,

blacksmith, born Leicester, and 1 son, 1 daughter. John Collier, unmarried, aged 45, wheelwright, born Groby, and sister, nephew. Read Wykes, aged 31, boot and shoe maker, born Groby, and wife, 2 daughters. Thomas Sutton, aged 55, framesmith, born Groby, and wife, 1 daughter, 1 son, 2 servants. Thomas Wykes, aged 53, farm labourer, born Groby, and wife, 1 daughter.

Elizabeth Neal, widow, aged 81, grocer, born Groby, and daughter, servant. Ann Collier, widow, aged 58, baker and flour seller, born Worthington, and 2 daughters. William Wykes, aged 51, farm labourer, born Groby, and wife, 1 daughter.

Kathryn M. Thompson County Archivist, 11 Nov. 1981 (Originally published in the Groby Flyer, and sent in by Cllr Ted Hollick.)

I’m writing a song about getting my door lock replaced. There’s a key change at the end.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Groby and Markfield grow closer following latest planning approval THE TREND for County villages to grow closer to one another continues following the approval of a planning application by Jelsons Ltd to build 252 homes south of Markfield.

To the north of Groby the village of Markfield will be a few fields closer to Groby, in the same way that the development on Groby Lane in Anstey narrowed the green wedge between the two villages. Access to the new homes, which will probably be be visible from Ratby Lane, will off London Road and Dr Wright Close. Residents who attended the Borough Council planning meeting raised concerns about additional traffic and pollution, but Field Head resident Matthew Lay, who represents Markfield, Stanton and Field Head on Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, acknowledged the inevitability that the development would be approved. He said that that if it was turned down the application would be granted on appeal. He also said that refusing the scheme would compromise the draft Markfield Neighbourhood Plan, which designates the site where the homes are to be built as appropriate for development. The locally developed plan considered 24 potential housing sites put forward by landowners and developers, and of the 24 sites, this site south of London Road was considered best for development. “To oppose this application tonight would be the shallowest of shallow gestures on my part, knowing full well that any appeal is certain to allow it as it did before,” he said. “But it would also open the door to much more unplanned development as we cast aside a well thought through neighbourhood plan, that is proportional to our community, has plans for growth and has been supported by that community.” The application was approved with one member abstaining. Groby is currently in the first stages of developing a Neighbourhood Plan.

Norman Griffiths

Bugs and Boo are looking for retirement homes A LOCAL RESCUE and rehoming charity are looking for two very special retirement homes for two gorgeous girls.

The dashing duo came into Leicester Animal Aid in Huncote when their owner sadly couldn’t care for them due to ill health. Although they previously lived together, they are much happier with the single life so are looking for separate homes. The girls, both 12, have been indoor cats and are looking for homes where they can be spoilt rotten. They both love plenty of fuss and attention and although getting on in years are both full of the joys of spring. They each need a home with no other pets and children would need to be aged ten plus.

If you think you can offer them a home visit LAA’s website www.leicesteranimalaid. org.uk or call the Centre on 01455 888257.

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Bought a new plane the other day. Disappointed that they wouldn’t let me keep the hangar.


For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Last Night

By Mhairi McFarlane EVE, JUSTIN, SUSIE AND ED have been friends since they were eighteen.

Now in their 30s, the four are still as close as ever, Thursday pub quiz night is still sacred, and Eve is still secretly in love with Ed. Maybe Eve should have moved on by now, but she can’t stop thinking about what could have been. And she knows Ed sometimes thinks about it too. Then one night, in an instant, all their lives change forever. And, as Eve learns she didn’t know her friends as well as she thought, she also discovers she isn’t the only person keeping secrets…

Anaesthetic AS THE manager of our hospital’s cricket team, I was responsible for sorting out the equipment for the games.

One day as I walked through the surgery department carrying a bat that belonged to one of the surgeons, I passed several patients and their families in a waiting area. I heard one man say to his wife, “Look, darling, here comes your anaesthetist.”

Groby cat, vole and duck news from Lindy I’M WRITING this on the 6th April and it’s snowing.

A few days ago I was sunbathing in the garden enjoying the sight of bees and butterflies emerging from hibernation. My windowsills are crowded with vegetable and flowers clamouring to be planted in the garden and allotment. They – and I – will just have to be patient. The frogs and newts have returned to the pond and a steady procession of blackbirds come for their springtime bath. They also vandalise my straw-lined hanging baskets for nesting materials. A couple of months ago we were seriously considering rehoming our senior cat, Olaf. He is a lovely, affectionate creature, he just doesn’t like cats. He drove his sister Ava into exile some years ago. She was afraid to come into the house and we were worried that she might disappear for good. Fortunately, my daughter Jenny and her family had just moved from an upstairs flat to a cat-friendly house with a garden, close to open countryside in Skipton and Ava is blissfully happy being spoilt rotten there. A subtle shift in the balance of power between Olaf and our young cat, Sammy has persuaded us to at least postpone exiling the bully. Sammy is still wary of Olaf but the occasional hiss and spit when their paths cross hasn’t led to any injury. The cats are happy to join us for breakfast in bed and at the dinner table – as long as there is plenty of chicken to go round. • AFTER DECADES of visits to Groby Pool I didn’t think anything could surprise me but an encounter with a vole at the top of the steps was a first for me. I know him so well as Ratty from Wind in the Willows it was like meeting an old friend. Disappointingly, he wasn’t wearing his blue velvet smoking jacket, but as he promptly dived into the Pool. I can only assume he left it on STOP PRESS: This family of mum the bank.

Lindy Hardcastle

and 13 ducklings was spotted at Groby Pool on Monday 12th April

Anstey Anstey






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They say football is a game of two halves. My mate Dave can get through about seven pints during a match.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

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Act quickly to secure a free MOT IF YOU HAVE an MOT due on your car within the next 6 months the bad news is that you face the prospect of a testing bill even if you car has hardly moved through the pandemic lockdowns.

The good news is that, as long as you are flexible on who carries out your MOT, you can have an MOT for next to nothing at Halfords Autocentres, as long as you are able to make a booking online. The nearest Autocentre is at 1-3 Littleton Street, Woodgate LE4 0BP, near the Aldi supermarket. It sounds too good to be true, but it is a genuine offer and is similar to previous MOT promotions. The immediate reaction is that, though the MOT is free, they will make sure that some work needs doing on your car to pass the test. If your car did fail and you are sceptical about the reason you can, of course, let them fail the vehicle and take the car to another centre and pay for the test in the hope that it might pass. “I decided to take advantage of the offer,” said one local reader, “and I was completely satisfied with the outcome and the level of customer service. I wouldn’t hesitate to take up the offer again.” In order to qualify for a free MOT you need to make a purchase either online or instore by 19th April 2021, so you’ll have to act quickly. There is no minimum purchase value, so you could have a car wash sponge and an MOT for as little as £1. Purchase any retail item at Halfords online or in-store (including click and collect) to qualify for your FREE MOT. If you buy online for delivery, an email voucher code will be sent to your email inbox within 7 days after completing your purchase. If you visit a store, you’ll be given a voucher at the till containing a unique code for your free MOT. The one disadvantage is that the MOT voucher code has to be used online. You have until 21st May 2021 to make your online booking, and you can choose any suitable date up to 21st November 2021. Just enter your unique code during the checkout process. If you have two cars needing an MOT before November, make two separate purchases as you’ll need two unique codes. Don’t forget that if your vehicle has a dangerous fault the MOT rules mean you won’t be allowed to drive it away and will have to have it repaired at Halfords, or towed to another garage.

Norman Griffiths

SPRING By Megan Carter Spring has arrived with armfuls of blossom, Petals of every colour and hue, Rain and sun caressing the earth Inspiring spring bulbs to come into view Now is the time of new beginnings Giving us pleasure all season through.

If you enjoy reading the Spotlight, please pass the magazine onto a friend or relative when you’ve finished with it. It’s good to share! Thanks. Heard a voice singing ‘Downtown’ when I was in the kitchen the other day. Opened a drawer and it was Spatula Clark.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Planning Apps Single storey rear extension and front porch - at 12 Larchwood Avenue, Groby, Leicester LE6 0ER


Enrich Your Child’s Learning Experiences

Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, hardstanding and render - at 5 Castell Drive, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DE

Loft conversion with rear dormer and Hip to Gable extension - at 16 Forest Rise, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BB First floor extension at side of house - at 29 Marina Drive, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DX Garage Extension - at 38 Crane Ley Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0FD Single storey rear extension - at 9 Parkside, Groby, Leicester LE6 0EB


Dormer extensions at front and rear of house - at 271 Leicester Road, Field Head, Markfield Leicestershire LE67 9RH

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Alteration to form residential one bed flat in loft area (Flat 5) - Grace Court, 53 Markfield Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0FL Conversion and external alteration to former agricultural barn to create dwelling - at Barn At Groby Lodge Farm, Slate Pit Lane, Groby, Leicester LE6 0GN Conversion of residential dwelling to four 1 bedroom flats and side extension, first floor extension, dormer windows to the front and rear and external alterations - at 73 Markfield Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0FL Two storey rear extension, with single storey side and rear extensions, and garage - at 20 Chapel Hill, Groby, Leicester LE6 0FE Single storey rear extension with alterations to fenestration - at 6 Overdale Close, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8GR

Positive Thoughts REGRETS “I have no regrets. I wouldn’t have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say.” Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982) Swedish-born American actress.

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One hundred years of the British Legion ONE HUNDRED years ago, on 15th May 1921, the British Legion was founded in the aftermath of the First World War, to provide support to veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependants.

It was created at a time when two million people were unemployed. More than six million had served in the war: of those who came back, 1.75 million had suffered some kind of disability, and half of those were disabled permanently. Four organisations came together at the instigation of Lancastrian Lance Bombardier Tom Lister, who was angered at the Government’s unwillingness to help, and Field Marshal Earl Haig, who had been Commander in Chief of the British Forces. The Legion campaigned for fair treatment of those who given everything for their country, and it continues this work today. In 1922, the Legion’s poppy factory opened in the Old Kent Road, London, with 40 disabled men manufacturing 1000 poppies a week. The first Poppy Day was held that same year. The Festival of Remembrance began in 1927, and the Legion became ‘Royal’ in 1971 – 50 years ago – on its golden anniversary. At first membership of the Legion was confined to ex-Service personnel, but it was expanded to include serving members of the Forces in 1981.

Made a small gesture of appreciation towards my oven the other day. It was a micro wave.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

Millennium Green News THE DAFFODILS are making a good show on the Millennium Green and soon there will be plenty of blossom to raise our spirits even more. We can now meet with up to six people out of doors and in gardens. It is likely that by the time you read this other facilities will be open ( ie after April 12th) and I can stop wearing a hair band which makes me look like my grandma! Amid all this good news we have disturbing reports of anti-social behaviour on the Green, which has stayed open, with some restrictions, throughout the pandemic. Please read the following report by two longtime supporters and volunteers of our charity. We are both avid walkers around the green and started to notice that the rubbish and dog excrement was beginning to accumulate . We decided we would use our spare time to remove the rubbish and collected between 10 -12 bags. This is a lot of rubbish!! May I add –not in one go – it has taken a few attempts to remove this detritus. IT IS EXTREMELY CONCERNING that there seems to be a small minority that don’t care about this green space and abuse it. During the last two weeks we have noted :• Vandalism to the brick edging around the raised garden plots, foot prints over the beds, both human and four-legged. • Young people (too young to be consuming alcohol) drinking and then throwing the empty bottle so that it smashes. They then ordered a taxi to take them home!!! • Some dog walkers who really can’t be bothered to clean up after their dogs. • Litter strewn around the picnic tables. • Youths, and some adults, climbing trees and breaking off branches. • Personal garden waste being dumped into compost heaps. In order for everyone to enjoy this green space we ask all who visit it to take a little more care so everyone can appreciate this little area of beauty. Thank you for reading out thoughts. I don’t think I need to say any more.

Christine Tordoff

Rev Ed to walk 300,000 steps to help tackle global threats of Covid-19 and climate crisis GROBY & RATBY minister the Rev Ed Bampton is stepping out in May to help some of the world’s poorest communities protect themselves from the twin threats of Covid-19 and the climate crisis.

In the year when world leaders will meet in the UK to thrash out plans to tackle both global crises, the Churches Together in Groby team of Rev Ed, Rev Noel Colley, Julie Punter and Mary and Trevor Pringle have pledged to walk 300,000 steps EACH in May in solidarity with all those forced to walk long distances to collect water for their families. Hand washing in our homes, a key line of defence against coronavirus, is not an option for the world’s 3 billion people who do not have access to soap and water at home. Across the globe, water shortages triggered by erratic weather are pushing families into extreme poverty as crops fail. The sponsored walking challenge will form part of the events for Christian Aid Week (10-16 May). Rev Ed and the team see Christian Aid Week as an opportunity to make a difference and to walk in solidarity with those who are suffering, so they can build resilient futures for their families. By building water dams or rock catchments near their homes, women and children can be spared the long and often hazardous walk to collect water and give their families an accessible water supply for their crops and livestock. Trevor, team member from Groby URC, says ‘I like to walk, but reaching the 300,000 mark is going to be a real challenge. We’re aiming to raise £3,000 so hopefully that will keep me going – all donations will be welcome, however small. To support Rev Ed and the team visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ctgchristianaidweek2021

Let’s take more care of Groby, Ratby and Field Head

Leicestershire County Council Elections, Thursday 6 May 2021 Rebecca Pawley is our local Labour Party candidate. Having worked in the charitable sector, she knows only too well that government cuts have left Leicestershire in a bad way. Poor leadership locally has made things far worse. You can change this by sending Rebecca to County Hall.

Rebecca Pawley will:

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Work to overcome the inequalities that have been laid bare by COVID and ensure that everyone is helped to get back on their feet, Stand firm against the Conservative obsession with build, build, build, Press for sustainable travel links to help people access local services, whilst protecting our environment and air quality, and Be available to listen to local concerns and act where possible.

To help with the campaign or find out more, please get in touch

Rebecca Pawley

t: 07925427059 e: rebeccapawley@gmail.com

Promoted by Andrew Furlong at 29 Hawthorne Drive, Thornton, LE67 1AW, on behalf of Rebecca Pawley at 36 Linford Crescent, Markfield, LE67 9SP

Friend of mine always gets a pain in his spine when he listens to classical music. Think it’s Bach-ache.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Revenge by video


HEN YOU SHARE what you think is a hilarious clip on social media, or in an e-mail, etc, at what stage do you think of the person who is being humiliated ? Probably never. It seems far too easy these days for people just to think “Am I having a good time right now ? YES ! Then all is right with the world”.

I do not know quite what has to be done to give people who enjoy such clips some maturity, a conscience, and some grasp of the consequences for the person being humiliated in the clip. Currently it is illegal to do ‘revenge porn’: not just to make it in the first place, but also to pass it on. But it’s not just revenge porn that causes damage: YouTube and social media are full of clips of people caught in particular situations. At no stage have those people been asked if they want that clip presented out of context to make them look an idiot, nor have they been asked if they want that clip to be on the internet, potentially forever, and for the rest of the world to demean them, forever. It’s also worth pointing out that ‘revenge’ isn’t ‘justice’: this is a very complicated issue, and not for discussion here, but in essence one can argue that justice seeks restitution and is proportional, revenge seeks to harm the other for short-term gratification and a feeling of superiority. As I have not met anyone who has actually done this, and so can’t ask them; I can but assume there is a dangerous level of arrogance, smug superiority, and hypocrisy going on here. It’s hypocritical because those sharing the humiliating clip wouldn’t want it done to them, but they’re happy to create a double-standard where in their arrogant opinion they wouldn’t be that daft in the first place. Anyone can be filmed without knowing it these days, as cameras are now so small and unobtrusive, and video-editing software is cheap, easy, and can be used to manipulate images to a specific end. So often this has been done with no thought for the person filmed, or their family, relatives, etc being humiliated. A second level of hypocrisy is the way those who do their revenge by social media / video think they are sufficiently moral to sit in judgment of their fellow humans while both still being capable of such life-destroying spitefulness and resenting that anyone should judge them. Spiteful, narcissistic social media/internet revenge has deep consequences for those who have been humiliated, and can end in suicide. This is disproportionate for what may have been a minor slight, and where the more dangerous problem lies with the person who thinks public, longlasting, world-wide humiliation that can end in death is a suitable response to what has been done to them. So, the next time you have a good laugh at what you think is a funny clip of an idiot, consider how they feel, how you wouldn’t like it done to you, and then either delete it or mark it as abusive, which it is. Out there, somewhere in the world, now, another family is suffering the immense shock, long-lasting hurt, and destroyed family life caused by suicide because someone else thought it was funny, appropriate, and morally right to destroy a person by social media / internet revenge.

Roger Lincoln

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07961 418770 nickyhelpinghands@gmail.com A friend asked me if I had seen the film ‘Tractor’. ‘No’ I replied ‘but I’ve seen the trailer’.



Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk


Councillor Ted Hollick reports Groby Neighbourhood Plan THE GOVERNMENT’S Build Build Build policy is now having a major impact on the villages of both Markfield and Ratby.

Markfield does already have a plan in existence and Ratby does not have one which leaves it even more vulnerable to speculative development. The Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council has now formally recognised and agreed to the designation of the whole of Groby Parish including Field Head as the Designated area, ie. everywhere within the Parish Boundary. This is the point at which the NDP steering Group Committee can now begin formally to work on a plan to shape how it sees the village in the future. Groby has since the 1970s already seen significant development around the village, which means that there are only 2 or 3 areas left that could possibly be developed, so the main emphasis will be to protect what we have such as our parks, natural woodland, and heritage assets whilst retaining our identity as a quarrying village.




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1949 aerial view of Groby first featured in the Groby Flyer with permission of R S Warner engineering . Ratby Road runs from the centre of the picture to top right

Polling Day IN A LITTLE over a fortnight (Thursday 6th May) Polling Day will be here.

This is the day that once in every four years gives us the democratic opportunity to cast our vote and elect a PCC (Police and Crime Commissioner )for the County and to also vote for a Councillor to represent the villages of Groby and Ratby for the next four years. I feel fairly sure that many of us will be voting using the Postal Voting system, however if you are one of many who still prefer to vote in person at the Village Hall Polling Station then can I ask that you continue to observe the Social distancing guidelines in order to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Ted Hollick

Councillor Ted Hollick Call: 0116 287 5955 Mobile: 07962 373983 E-mail: ted.hollick@outlook.com Write: 7 Shaw Wood Close, Groby, LE6 0FY

Having a curry with another friend who can’t eat rice. He’s basmatic.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk


What you need to know about Groby Parish Council’s Tree Policy WITH THE widespread use of Zoom it has never been easier for most people to attend Parish Council meetings. But the number of parishioners attending hasn’t increased. Members of the public who do attend usually have a specific interest, and there has been one area of controversy which has probably been top of the list for years – trees.

Trees are a much loved and valued part of the local environment, provided they are the right tree in the right location. But those delightful saplings, if they survive the recurring bouts of vandalism, often lose their appeal for those who live closest to them. The roots can spread and the canopy may block the light and shed leaves or twigs. The statistics indicate that properly managed they are unlikely to pose a safety hazard. Often the trees that some residents find a problem are owned by the Parish Council, which this year has spent around £16000 on tree management. This sum would be much larger if the Council acceded to all the requests it receives from unhappy residents. In order to ensure that all requests for tree work are dealt with fairly the Council has a Tree Policy. The majority of trees within the Parish of Groby are in a conservation area or have a tree preservation order on them (TPO). Trees which are covered by preservation orders, or are in the conservation area, have special protection by law. It is an offence to cut down, uproot, prune (roots as well as branches), damage or destroy any protected tree without firstly obtaining planning permission. Failure to obtain prior planning permission could result in prosecution and a fine. If someone removes or destroys a tree they may also be required to plant replacements, at their expense. The Parish Council has a duty of care to visitors to Parish Council land, and will: • Remove dead, dying and dangerous trees. • Remove dangerous and damaged limbs. • Where possible, replant new trees to replace those that have been removed. But a perceived risk of injury when on Parish Council land is not the usual reason for raising concerns with the Council. More often than not, it is the impact of trees on the neighbouring properties which leads residents to ask for tree work to be undertaken. The Tree Policy says that the Parish Council has no obligation to: • Cut back branches overhanging private property unless it is within 2 metres of a building. • ‘Top’ trees or remove branches to increase daylight or decrease height in relation to property. • Remove branches or trees affecting views or interfering with TV reception. • Remove branches or trees to prevent falling leaves, honeydew from aphids or other minor debris. • Remove roots from drains or repair root damage to structures, where the tree has not been clearly demonstrated to be the principal cause. • Remove branches or trees to prevent potential root damage to structures. • Remove branches or trees to prevent access to squirrels or birds.

The Council appreciates that for an affected householder this presents a frustrating situation, and so it contracts an expert Arboriculturist to carry out a yearly inspection on a 3-year rolling scheme to identify required tree works on an urgent, Priority 1, 2 and 3 basis. Normal tree maintenance works will be carried out in the period of late autumn/early winter and in accordance with the recommendations. For trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order, Groby Parish Council will seek planning permission prior to any work being carried out on these trees. There are, of course circumstances where a householder can take remedial work themselves, but it is advisable to contact Groby Parish Council in advance of any works on Parish Council owned trees being carried out. For their own protection members of the public are advised to obtain advice from a qualified tree surgeon who will ensure that any permitted work is carried out to an acceptable standard, and in accordance with the British Standard Recommendations. Overhanging branches can cut back to the property boundary, and the Parish Council would usually have no objection to property owners carrying out permissible tree work or engaging a contractor at their own expense, provided that the tree is not situated in a Conservation area or protected by a Tree Preservation Order. Reading the Tree Policy and then raising individual concerns with the Parish Council is the best way forward, as the current expert inspection reports can be checked. If the current expert inspection report is that no action is required, Groby Parish Council can be asked to commission an individual tree inspection from an independent arboriculturist. But this is where the cost starts to rise - the arboriculturist fee must be met in full by the resident, though this will be refunded if works are subsequently found to be required. If you are affected by this issue, reading the Tree Policy is your best starting point. You can ask the Parish Clerk for a copy or you can read it online. Googling “groby.com” policy documents is the quickest way to find it.

Norman Griffiths

Lady Gaga is so famous, even babies know her name.


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk


Councillor Martin Cartwright reports

COVID Pandemic TWELVE MONTHS on from the start of the pandemic a great number of people have lost their lives, with the lives of everyone else having been very different.

Condolences to those who have lost family and friends irrespective of the cause. Community spirit has been amazing; a great deal of gratitude is owed to everyone who has done their bit however large or small in order to help a friend, relative or stranger during these unprecedented times. It really has brought out the best in most people. As the success of the vaccination continues I would like to thank the Doctors, Nurses and volunteers that have all pulled together to make this happen quickly and successfully. Personally I have had my first vaccination and shortly after publication of this article will have received my second dose. In contrast to this time last year the future is looking brighter as more and more people receive the vaccinations and restrictions begin to be relaxed. The pandemic is far from over; the future does however look somewhat brighter than it did.

Non Essential Shops NON ESSENTIAL shops will be permitted to reopen on Monday 12th April 2021.

Many have been located in our villages and town centres for years and do not have the corporate web site services. These small business who have served us well needs your support more than ever as they reopen into the new world and the uncertain times that they face a great many do not have an online presence. All have spent resources on making the premises safe for you to visit.

Election Time MY APRIL Spotlight Article falls during an election period whereby Purdah applies.

This affects all Councils and Councillors irrespective of if they or their Council are holding elections or not. Purdah for the forthcoming elections started on 29th March 2021 and Ends on 7th May 2021 Counting for the elections takes place over two days 7th May and 8th May. Some COVID vaccination centres will not be dispensing Jabs as

they will be used to carry out the election count.

County Council & Police & Crime Commissioner Elections The Police and Crime Commissioner elections were due to take place in May 2020 just inside the outbreak of the COVID pandemic. The government suspended this election for a year resulting in the Police & Crime Commissioner election taking place alongside the County Council elections in May 2021. Traditionally there has been a very low turn out for the Police & Crime Commissioner elections; it will be interesting to see the result when combined with other elections.

County Council Elections THE COUNTY Council hold elections every four years the next of which takes place on 6th May 2021. Good luck to all the candidates standing for selection in this election. The next Borough Council Elections are due to take place during May 2023.

Groby Parish Council – Parish Councillor Resignation WITH THE resignation of Cllr Rick Gunn and the advert being placed advising of this vacancy at the time of writing it was unclear if the required number of names (10) had been submitted to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council calling for an election to fill the vacancy.

There could well be a second election process taking place in Groby following the County Council elections in order to fill the vacancy on Groby Parish Council. Should this happen you will be notified of the election date and separate ballot papers at the time.

Hello Homes Despite the homes on Highway Close, Groby built by Hello Homes being completed and residents moved into, the large site signs at the entrance still remained in place at the beginning of February 2021.

I contacted Hello Homes who despite issues in respect of the Pandemic had contractors fairly swiftly remove them. The site now looks as it should do without the large advertising boards to the front of the development. I would like to thank Hello Homes for acting swiftly once I brought to their attention that the site signs had not been removed. Had you noticed them being removed?

Shopping & Banking Online MORE BANK closures have been announced across Leicestershire recently.

Groby, like many other places, does not now have a high street bank or building society presence. As more and more people shop online, scammers copy well known brands. It is not just bank customers that should be on the look out for deception online. Scammers have recreated well known brands and legitimate looking websites to dupe customers into believing the fake website is the real deal. The top 10 brands most likely to be impersonated in phishing e-mails are: 1: Paypal 2: Amazon 3: DPD 4: DVLA 5: Apple 6: Royal Mail 7: Banks and Building Societies 8: Virgin Media 9: Gov.uk websites 10: Boots

Bank Safely When you use your bank account you need to stay safe and secure. Learn how to spot a scam, what to do if you are contacted unexpectedly and get advice on how to stay safe.

Scam calls FRAUDSTERS can phone people and pretend to be from anyone, including the Banks you bank with, the police, or other well-known companies that you may or may not have accounts with. Scam calls can sound real and professional. But stop and think - is this call genuine? What to look out for: • Unexpected calls - If you didn’t

expect the call from your bank then it could be a scam, more likely than not to be a scam. If you’re not sure, you can call your bank back at a time to suit you, not straight way pause for five minutes before doing so, or check you have a dial tone on your phone before dialling the number. • Pressure calls - Fraudsters want to hurry you into making a quick decision. They may also ask you to ‘keep it quiet’ and not tell anyone about the call a sure sign of a scam call. Don’t trust anyone who does this no matter how genuine they sound. • A need to transfer money - Scam calls can try to get you to transfer money for security purposes or to a safe/secure/holding account. Do not do this. No Bank would ever ask you to move money to a ‘safe’ account. • Refunds - If a caller offers you a refund, it’s a scam. Your bank would never call you about a refund. They would write to you and inform you of when the money was being paid in. In every event your bank already has your bank details so would not be asking for them again. • Test transactions - If a call asks you to do a test transaction then it’s a scam. Your Bank would never ask you to do this. • Calls from the police - It’s very rare for the police or Scotland Yard to call anyone in respect of bank transactions. If they do call, they’ll always follow up with a visit from an Officer with photo ID and a warrant number. • You’re asked to log on to your computer - A scam call may tell you there’s something wrong with your computer or ask you to download something so they can help you. They could pretend to be from your broadband provider or trusted Software Company. But if you didn’t ask for this call and help in the first pace, it’s a scam, don’t do it What you can do: If you get a cold call then you can stay safe by: • Hang up the phone - If you’re not sure who’s calling, simply hang up the phone. • Tell them you’ll call back - But use a number you trust, not the number they use or give you. If they say it’s the police you can call back on 101. • Contact us - If you’re not sure about a call Scam calls can come from a number that looks genuine. Call your bank or financial institution from the number on the back of your bank card.

My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.

For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk


Tel: 0116 287 4500 Mob: 07850 707050 E-Mail: hbbc@appliancehome.co.uk • Do not transfer any money Your bank or the Police will never call and ask you to move money from your account. • Do not log onto your computer - Unless you called for help in the first place, do not log on to your computer for any unexpected call or allow them remotely access your computer. • Do not let anyone take control of your computer - Unless you called for help, do not let anyone take remote control of your computer. • Follow the code of conduct within the new scam code - This code will help to protect you from scams. Remember; if you’re not sure about a call hang up the phone. Your bank will not be offended. Wait five minutes before picking up the phone again not straight away the scammer could still be on the end of the telephone line. Always check that you have a dial tone on your landline telephone before dialling a number.

Your Bank will never ask you to: • Share your account details like user ID, password and memorable information. • Tell them your Personal Security Number (PSN) for Telephone Banking. • Tell them your PIN code, expiry date, CVV number which is the last 3 digits of the security code on the back of your card. • Move money to a so-called secure, safe or holding account. • Move your money or ask you to transfer funds to a new sort code and account number.


I am here to help you Should you have any comments or problems you would like me to mention in my article please get in touch. Please remember if I can ever be of help to you or your family please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact details are listed above. Keep safe, take care.


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Cllr Martin Cartwright Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council – Groby Ward. Executive member for: Licensing, Environmental, Climate Change, Rural Issues & Klondyke Community Hub

Are your double glazed windows STEAMED UP

Call: 0116 287 4500 Mobile: 07850 707050

E-Mail: hbbc@appliancehome.co.uk Write : Maverick House,10 Pine Tree Avenue, Groby, LE6 0EQ

Cllr Martin Cartwright





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0116 287 5395 Two dogs walk over to a parking meter. One said to the other: ‘How do you like that? Pay toilets!’


Groby & Field Head Spotlight • MID-APRIL 2021 • Tel: 01530 244069 • Email: info@grobyspotlight.co.uk

GROBY ALLOTMENTS NEWS from Carol Lincoln The end of an era SOME OF you may be aware of the existence of a building on the Ratby Road allotments which has been around for a very long time.

Exactly how long we are not sure, but it has definitely been around since the beginning of WWII, possibly back to WW1. It is of course the Pig Shed, or rather it was the Pig Shed because in the very gusty winds of 10th and 11th March, it sadly blew down. Here is an excellent photo of it in better days, taken by Mike Pratt. My thanks to him for his kind permission to reproduce it in the Spotlight. The second photo was taken just after the gusty winds had done their worst, and it does look in a sorry state now doesn’t it? It was originally a pig stye of course, built of bricks to about waist height and housed one pig. I imagine that the allotment tenant for that plot fed it on the scraps of vegetables he grew there and also on any leftovers from the kitchen table. I used to think that people only had pigs to fatten up for the meat, as this was very scarce during the war, and that it was more of a family or a collection of neighbours affair, where people would club together to feed and look after the pig and then share in the cuts of meat after it had been slaughtered. Not this pig! The allotment tenant walked it to the cattle market on Freemans Common to sell! He had to work out exactly how much to fatten it up by and how much weight it would lose on the walk into town to make sure he got the best price for it at the market! We are no longer allowed to keep pigs on allotment land, only hens or rabbits (for domestic consumption only – no don’t go there!). Thankfully, we only have hens on-site these days. However, after the plot was taken over by a new tenant some years ago, they

added to the height of the pig stye to build a pig shed – in essence a single thickness brick garden shed. It had big windows facing the sun and so doubled as a greenhouse too and was one of the endearing variety of the quirky sheds that we have on our allotments but sadly, it is no more. It has looked more and more rickety over the years but had a definite character all of its own. As an estate agent would say, small compact and bijou with plenty of heritage value! The current owner of the plot has examined what remains of it and unfortunately it is beyond repair, so it is in the process of being demolished. However, we must send out an urgent message to all pigs – no longer can you believe the nursery rhyme – this brick house, after lots of huffs and puffs, really did blow down as well as those houses made of straw and logs!! No hiding place from the big bad wolf! Spring has really sprung now The allotment plots on both sites are beginning to wake up to Spring and we have had a flurry of applications to erect sheds and greenhouses on the plots so we will soon have a new generation of buildings full of character! Everyone is also getting the ground ready for all the little seedlings that are either growing on windowsills


at home or in greenhouses. Quite a few plot holders have started planting out their young vegetable plants already. I’ve planted my potatoes, which were chitting nicely and have some peas to plant out fairly soon. They have been growing in the greenhouse and just need to harden off for a few days before planting out. You can plant peas straight into the ground but to my cost I have found that in the past, my peas, which I planted in neat rows mysteriously failed to grow and when I investigated, there were no peas left in the ground at all, just very small holes where the peas should have been. They had been eaten, by I suspect, mice, which have a very welldeveloped sense of smell. Hence my waiting to plant pea shoots

If you think Special K is boring, wait till you try Normal K.

these days, which are less attractive to mice, I hope. The birds have been busy too, inspecting all my onion and garlic sets that I planted recently to compliment the ones I’ve been growing since last autumn. Unfortunately inspecting them means that the birds think they might be something tasty to eat and hoick them out of the ground but when they find out they are just onions or garlic, then leave them on the soil surface. I am all for sharing my plot with wildlife, but it falls short of sharing all of my produce with them as well. I have decided to cover my onions and garlic with netting until they start to sprout to stop them being pulled out and it seems to be working. The birds are very welcome to help themselves to a few worms, but they can leave my onions and garlic alone! I’ve even seen a fair few bees and other pollinators buzzing about on the plot over the last few days, even butterflies, so I hope that this sudden cold spell won’t cause too much damage. I still have quite a few hiding places for them on my plot against those chilly winds and I still have several early spring flowers (weeds) for them to get a meal, so here’s hoping they survive to pollinate all my vegetables in a few week’s time.


For publication dates and details of advertising rates, visit the website at www.grobyspotlight.co.uk

Stamford Arms

AT THE HEART OF GROBY SINCE 1921 Our lockdown 3 takeaway menu will be available online 4th Jan www.stamfordarms.co.uk featuring Pizzas, Pastas and plenty of our traditional main meals for collection, or free delivery to Groby.

TEAM TAKEAWAY SUCCESS Thank you for your support in lockdown 2 giving us the ability to


This is your Word Search! WORDSEARCH

We are pleased to announce thatChatty our Takeaway Project support many charities, especially our Shelter to help has now secured funding for our Chatty Shelter. support mental health in our community. the Christmas Lockdowns heretoatthe the Stamford Arms WThroughout e have provided Dinners Groby and Ratby we recognise that many are finding isolation a struggle, Community Response Team, delivering a bit of Christmas Spirit. in the winter Promoting youthespecially sports at Newtown Linfordmonths. Cricket Club, by This Chatty Shelter will provide a place chat supporting the annual Boxing Day Duck Race for andinformal raising £300. when normality returns; a location is now being reviewed. Raising over £8000 with our Bradgate Rotary Club in 2020 Working our charities Bradgate Club and in supportwith of local andRotary the Bradgate Parkvolunteers, Calendar. we have delivered over 200 free meals to Key Workers or those We celebrated our traditional Christmas Carols for Churches isolated in January; this being recognised by the BBC East Together here at the Stamford Arms on 17th December 2020, Midlands Today.

spreading the message of Christmas to local families in Groby.

Our Takeaway Menu is now available on our website:

New Takeaway Menu Starting 7th January

www.stamfordarms.co.uk SCAN ME / MICROCHIPPED



IF YOU can find the titles of 18 WELL-KNOWN TAUREANS in the Wordsearch grid above, you could win yourself a meal for two and a bottle of house wine at The Stamford Arms in ADELE ANDYMURRA Groby.

BARBRASTREISAND All you have to do to go into the draw is find - and markCHER a line through - 18 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE WITH THE STARGEORGECLO SIGN ELLAFITZGERALD TAURUS. These can run vertically, horizontally or diagonally (and JACKNICHOLSON JOANNALUM backwards!). Send your marked entry forms to: BULL IN A CHINA SHOP, ORSONWELLES RENEEZELLW Groby Spotlight, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT to arrive THEQUEEN by Saturday 1st May 2021. Please remember to fill in TONYBLAIR your name and address. (Some people don’t!) The sender of the first correct entry drawn out of the hat will win the voucher for a Meal for Two and a Bottle of House Wine at The Stamford Arms, Groby - thanks to the generous sponsorship of Brian Rigby - owner of The Stamford Arms. (Redeemable when restrictions allow.)

Find the word in the puzzle.

Words can go in any direction. Here can are the 18 FAMOUS TAUREANS youover haveeach to find: Words share letters as they cross other.




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EDITABLE TEXT I do backing vocals. It’s me who says: ‘This vehicle is reversing.’




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