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Worrying times 15 minute neighbourhood plan

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This plan is a controlled system to restrict us driving freely through and around cities. You will have to register your car (one car per person) to get permission, your quota being 100 days in any one year, you will be fined if you travel outside these days or certain times, of course there will be a registration charge.


I can only imagine the effect on the city centre’s trade for shops, pubs. restaurants, events, cinemas, and theatres I would think that would be enormous. There would be no ‘off the cuff’ outings such as visits to attractions and museums. One must not forget that they could increase the registration charges whenever they liked. Also there would be the responsibility to notify them of change of car - or would that be the responsibility of the DVLA to automatically send out new permits?

Digital ID – Facial Recognition

The second thing that I have become aware of is ‘Digital ID’. Although I believe in the first instance, it would not be compulsory, again this could gather legs and I feel sure it would not take them long to make it compulsory. This is the information that you need to provide them with to enable them to use facial ID software:

• Name

• Date of Birth

• Passport number

• Photo

• Transaction – Bank accounts

Of course, all this information would have to be kept up to date, this would then have a cost attached to it. Then there is the possibility of hackers, all this information together in one place, the hackers would think all their Christmases had come at once. Talk about big brother watching you! I find all this very intrusive and frightening, the government could even use this to blackmail us into agreeing to provide the information by saying if we do not provide the information, we will not be able to have access to services and benefits in the future.

At present I believe that the government is taking the view that ‘silence is consent’. I am unsure why and where all this is coming from.

HAVE JUST become aware from a friend who attended a peaceful gathering of approximately 15,000 people in Oxford, although there was no mention of it in the media (BBC), so I thought I would take this opportunity to bring it to people’s attention. I also believe that there are number of cities that are looking to bring this about. They are calling this plan ‘The 15 minute neighbourhood plan’. This ‘15 minute neighbourhood plan’ I found so unbelievable that I felt the need to ensure that more people also became aware of it. I am fearful that it will gather even more legs in the future, and we could end up losing our freedom and rights to travel where we like, when we like, how we like without having to ask for permission first.Perhaps our MP Dr. Luke Evans would be able to provide / reassure us with his views on the subject and with more information.

This might be a good forum for everyone to start talking about how they feel on both subjects, bringing out the positives and negatives about how people feel. Maybe it could help to alleviate people’s worries and concerns about loss of freedom and big brother watching.

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Don’t forget: Tell them you saw their advert

When I was born, I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half.

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