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General Knowledge

Planning Apps

Two storey side and single storey rear extensions - at 5 Clovelly Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8AD


Erection of one dwelling with associated landscaping, parking and fencing - at 126 Dominion Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8JA

Erection of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension with balcony to rear, and alterations to roof to provide a gable to the rear - at 15 Leicester Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8HE

Single storey side, two and a half storey rear, side and front extension and raising of ridge of height to accommodate loft rooms - at 192 Station Road, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8GT

Two and first floor extension - at 14 Gardeners Close, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8HY


1. Nymph who fell in love with Narcissus and faded away, leaving just her voice (4)

3. Written account of ownership or obligation (8)

9. Burnt sugar used to colour and flavour food (7)

10. Laundering appliance that removes moisture (5)

11. Edible product of the Passiflora plant (7,5)

13. External forms (6)

15. Word uttered by Archimedes (6)

17. Writer of verse officially appointed to the royal household (4,8)

Single and two storey extensions and raising the height of the roof to create a new first floor - 8 Gallimore Close, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8HA

USB C card reader

Fantastic for copying photos from your camera’s memory cards to your computer.

It’s the Swiss Army knife of camera connectors.

£5.43, Amazon

20. Mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated (5)

21. Persistently or morbidly thoughtful (7)

22. Government department responsible for economic strategy (8)

23. Head honcho (4) Down

1. Tendency to seek distraction or relief from reality (8)

2. Fast-running, long-eared mammals (5)

4. Two-dimensional figure (6)

5. Movement of water below the surface flowing in a different direction from that above it (12)

6. Large imposing building (7)

Hard disks are slower than SSDs, but they’re often a lot cheaper too. This is a really good and affordable option for backing up photos from your computer.

£48, Amazon

7. Weedy annual grass used for forage (4)

8. Able to use both hands equally well (12)

12. Without foundation in reason or fact (8)

14. Original disciple (7)

16. Covered picnic basket (6)

18. Mexican comrade (5)

19. Entrance passage into a mine (4)

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